added SocketAddress>>family
added Socket>>readBytes:offset:length: started writing Http.moo
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
###include 'Moo.moo'.
#include 'Socket.moo'.
class HttpServerSocket(ServerSocket)
class HttpServer(Object)
var server_sockets.
method initialize
server_sockets := LinkedList new.
method start: laddr
| sck |
if (laddr class == Array)
laddr do: [:addr |
sck := ServerSocket family: (addr family) type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
self.server_sockets addLast: sck.
sck bind: addr.
sck := ServerSocket family: (laddr family) type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
self.server_sockets addLast: sck.
sck bind: laddr.
self.server_sockets do: [:ssck |
ssck listen: 128.
method close
self.server_sockets do: [:sck |
sck close.
while (self.server_sockets size > 0)
self.server_sockets removeLastLink.
class MyObject(Object)
method(#class) start_server_socket
| s2 buf |
s2 := ServerSocket family: Socket.Family.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
s2 onEvent: #accepted do: [ :sck :clisck :cliaddr |
'SERVER ACCEPTED new client' dump.
clisck onEvent: #data_in do: [ :csck |
| nbytes |
while (true)
nbytes := csck readBytes: buf.
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (nbytes == 0) { csck close }.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
csck writeBytes: buf offset: 0 length: nbytes.
clisck onEvent: #data_out do: [ :csck |
##csck writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ].
clisck onEvent: #closed do: [ :csck |
'Socket CLOSED....' dump.
s2 bind: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
s2 listen: 10.
method(#class) start_client_socket
| s buf count |
s := ClientSocket family: Socket.Family.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
count := 0.
s onEvent: #connected do: [ :sck :state |
if (state)
s writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, $c ].
s writeBytes: #[ $d, $e, $f ].
s onEvent: #data_in do: [ :sck |
| nbytes |
while (true)
nbytes := sck readBytes: buf.
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (nbytes == 0) { sck close }.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
s onEvent: #data_out do: [ :sck |
if (count < 10) { sck writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ]. count := count + 1. }.
s connect: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
method(#class) mainxx
| s s2 ss |
s := self start_client_socket.
s2 := self start_server_socket.
while (true)
ss := System handleAsyncEvent.
if (ss isError) { break }.
###if (ss == st) { System removeAsyncSemaphore: st }.
if (s notNil) { s close }.
if (s2 notNil) { s2 close }.
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump ].
'----- END OF MAIN ------' dump.
method(#class) main
| httpd |
httpd := HttpServer new.
| ss |
httpd start: %(
SocketAddress fromString: '[::]:7777',
SocketAddress fromString: ''
while (true) {
ss := System handleAsyncEvent.
if (ss isError) { break }.
] ensure: [
if (httpd notNil) { httpd close }
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump].
'----- END OF MAIN ------' dump.
@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ class(#byte(16)) IP6Address(IP4Address)
class(#byte) SocketAddress(Object) from 'sck.addr'
##method(#primitive) family.
method(#primitive) family.
method(#primitive) fromString: str.
method(#class) fromString: str
^self new fromString: str
@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ class AsyncHandle(Object)
## the handle must be the first field in this object to match
## the internal representation used by various modules. (e.g. sck)
var(#get) handle := -1.
var(#get) closedEventAction := nil.
##method initialize
@ -242,9 +243,25 @@ class AsyncHandle(Object)
self _close.
self.handle := -1.
if (self.closedEventAction notNil)
self.closedEventAction value: self.
method onEvent: event_type do: action_block
if (event_type == #closed)
self.closedEventAction := action_block.
Exception signal: 'unknown event type ' & event_type asString.
method writeBytes: bytes offset: offset length: length
^self writeBytes: bytes offset: offset length: length.
@ -264,7 +281,7 @@ class Socket(AsyncHandle) from 'sck'
var pending_bytes, pending_offset, pending_length.
var outreadysem, outdonesem, inreadysem.
method(#primitive) open(domain, type, proto).
method(#primitive) open(family, type, proto).
method(#primitive) _close.
method(#primitive) bind: addr.
method(#primitive) _listen: backlog.
@ -273,12 +290,13 @@ class Socket(AsyncHandle) from 'sck'
method(#primitive) _socketError.
method(#primitive) readBytes: bytes.
method(#primitive) readBytes: bytes offset: offset length: length.
method(#primitive) _writeBytes: bytes.
method(#primitive) _writeBytes: bytes offset: offset length: length.
(* TODO: generate these domain and type from the C header *)
pooldic Socket.Domain
(* TODO: generate these family and type from the C header *)
pooldic Socket.Family
INET := 2.
INET6 := 10.
@ -295,9 +313,9 @@ extend Socket
method(#class) new { self messageProhibited: #new }
method(#class) new: size { self messageProhibited: #new: }
method(#class) domain: domain type: type
method(#class) family: family type: type
^(super new) open(domain, type, 0)
^(super new) open(family, type, 0)
method initialize
@ -351,8 +369,6 @@ extend Socket
method close
'Socket close' dump.
if (self.outdonesem notNil)
System unsignal: self.outdonesem.
@ -390,7 +406,7 @@ extend Socket
Exception signal: 'unknown event type ' & event_type asString.
^super onEvent: event_type do: action_block.
@ -569,109 +585,3 @@ class ServerSocket(Socket)
^self _listen: backlog.
class MyObject(Object)
method(#class) start_server_socket
| s2 buf |
s2 := ServerSocket domain: Socket.Domain.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
s2 onEvent: #accepted do: [ :sck :clisck :cliaddr |
'SERVER ACCEPTED new client' dump.
clisck onEvent: #data_in do: [ :csck |
| nbytes |
while (true)
nbytes := csck readBytes: buf.
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (nbytes == 0) { csck close }.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
csck writeBytes: buf offset: 0 length: nbytes.
clisck onEvent: #data_out do: [ :csck |
##csck writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ].
s2 bind: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
s2 listen: 10.
method(#class) start_client_socket
| s buf count |
s := ClientSocket domain: Socket.Domain.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
count := 0.
s onEvent: #connected do: [ :sck :state |
if (state)
s writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, $c ].
s writeBytes: #[ $d, $e, $f ].
s onEvent: #data_in do: [ :sck |
| nbytes |
while (true)
nbytes := sck readBytes: buf.
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (nbytes == 0) { sck close }.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
s onEvent: #data_out do: [ :sck |
if (count < 10) { sck writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ]. count := count + 1. }.
s connect: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
method(#class) main
| s s2 ss |
s := self start_client_socket.
s2 := self start_server_socket.
while (true)
ss := System handleAsyncEvent.
if (ss isError) { break }.
###if (ss == st) { System removeAsyncSemaphore: st }.
if (s notNil) { s close }.
if (s2 notNil) { s2 close }.
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump ].
'----- END OF MAIN ------' dump.
@ -55,36 +55,9 @@
#define MA MOO_TYPE_MAX(moo_oow_t)
typedef struct sck_addr_trailer_t sck_addr_trailer_t;
struct sck_addr_trailer_t
int family;
moo_uint16_t port;
moo_uint32_t addr;
} in4;
moo_uint16_t port;
moo_uint8_t addr[16];
moo_uint32_t scope;
} in6;
moo_ooch_t path[100];
} local; */
} u;
union sockaddr_t
struct sockaddr sa;
struct sockaddr_in in4;
@ -104,7 +77,7 @@ static int str_to_ipv4 (const moo_ooch_t* str, moo_oow_t len, struct in_addr* in
const moo_ooch_t* end;
int dots = 0, digits = 0;
moo_uint32_t acc = 0, addr = 0;
moo_uint32_t acc = 0, addr = 0;
moo_ooch_t c;
end = str + len;
@ -482,6 +455,21 @@ no_rbrack:
return -1;
static moo_pfrc_t pf_get_family (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod, moo_ooi_t nargs)
moo_oop_t rcv;
moo_oop_t v;
struct sockaddr* sa;
rcv = (moo_oop_t)MOO_STACK_GETRCV(moo, nargs);
sa = (struct sockaddr*)MOO_OBJ_GET_BYTE_SLOT(rcv);
v = MOO_SMOOI_TO_OOP(sa->sa_family);
MOO_STACK_SETRET (moo, nargs, v);
static moo_pfrc_t pf_from_string (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod, moo_ooi_t nargs)
@ -506,7 +494,8 @@ static moo_pfrc_t pf_from_string (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod, moo_ooi_t nargs)
static moo_pfinfo_t pfinfos[] =
{ I, { 'f','r','o','m','S','t','r','i','n','g',':','\0' }, 0, { pf_from_string, 1, 1 } },
{ I, { 'f','a','m','i','l','y' }, 0, { pf_get_family, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { 'f','r','o','m','S','t','r','i','n','g',':','\0' }, 0, { pf_from_string, 1, 1 } }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
@ -514,7 +503,6 @@ static moo_pfinfo_t pfinfos[] =
static int import (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod, moo_oop_class_t _class)
moo_ooi_t spec;
/*if (moo_setclasstrsize (moo, _class, MOO_SIZEOF(sck_addr_trailer_t), MOO_NULL) <= -1) return -1;*/
spec = MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(_class->spec);
@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ static moo_pfrc_t pf_read_socket (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod, moo_ooi_t nargs)
oop_sck_t sck;
moo_oop_byte_t buf;
moo_oow_t offset, length, maxlen;
int fd;
ssize_t n;
@ -428,7 +429,36 @@ static moo_pfrc_t pf_read_socket (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod, moo_ooi_t nargs)
n = recv(fd, MOO_OBJ_GET_BYTE_SLOT(buf), MOO_OBJ_GET_SIZE(buf), 0);
offset = 0;
maxlen = MOO_OBJ_GET_SIZE(buf);
length = maxlen;
if (nargs >= 2)
moo_oop_t tmp;
tmp = MOO_STACK_GETARG(moo, nargs, 1);
if (moo_inttooow (moo, tmp, &offset) <= 0)
moo_seterrbfmt (moo, MOO_EINVAL, "invalid offset - %O", tmp);
if (nargs >= 3)
tmp = MOO_STACK_GETARG(moo, nargs, 2);
if (moo_inttooow(moo, tmp, &length) <= 0)
moo_seterrbfmt (moo, MOO_EINVAL, "invalid length - %O", tmp);
if (offset >= maxlen) offset = maxlen - 1;
if (length > maxlen - offset) length = maxlen - offset;
n = recv(fd, &MOO_OBJ_GET_BYTE_SLOT(buf)[offset], length, 0);
if (n <= -1 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN)
moo_seterrwithsyserr (moo, errno);
@ -540,6 +570,7 @@ static moo_pfinfo_t pfinfos[] =
{ I, { 'l','i','s','t','e','n',':','\0' }, 0, { pf_listen_socket, 1, 1 } },
{ I, { 'o','p','e','n','\0' }, 0, { pf_open_socket, 3, 3 } },
{ I, { 'r','e','a','d','B','y','t','e','s',':','\0' }, 0, { pf_read_socket, 1, 1 } },
{ I, { 'r','e','a','d','B','y','t','e','s',':','o','f','f','s','e','t',':','l','e','n','g','t','h',':','\0' }, 0, { pf_read_socket, 3, 3 } },
{ I, { 's','o','c','k','e','t','E','r','r','o','r','\0' }, 0, { pf_get_socket_error, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { 'w','r','i','t','e','B','y','t','e','s',':','\0' }, 0, { pf_write_socket, 1, 1 } },
{ I, { 'w','r','i','t','e','B','y','t','e','s',':','o','f','f','s','e','t',':','l','e','n','g','t','h',':','\0' }, 0, { pf_write_socket, 3, 3 } }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user