added more code for process scheduling
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
#method(#class) dump
<primitive: #dump>
<primitive: #_dump>
#method dump
<primitive: #dump>
<primitive: #_dump>
## -------------------------------------------------------
@ -31,16 +31,39 @@
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method(#class) basicNew
<primitive: #_basic_new>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) basicNew: anInteger
<primitive: #_basic_new_with_size>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) new
<primitive: #new>
self primitiveFailed.
| x |
x := self basicNew.
x initialize. "TODO: assess if it's good to call 'initialize' from new."
#method(#class) new: anInteger
<primitive: #newWithSize>
self primitiveFailed.
| x |
x := self basicNew: anInteger.
x initialize. "TODO: assess if it's good to call 'initialize' from new."
#method initialize
"a subclass may override this method."
## -------------------------------------------------------
@ -48,12 +71,12 @@
#method class
<primitive: #class>
<primitive: #_class>
#method(#class) class
<primitive: #class>
<primitive: #_class>
@ -62,37 +85,38 @@
#method basicSize
<primitive: #basicSize>
<primitive: #_basic_size>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) basicSize
<primitive: #_basic_size>
self primitiveFailed.
#method basicAt: anInteger
<primitive: #basicAt>
<primitive: #_basic_at>
self error: 'out of range'.
#method basicAt: anInteger put: anObject
<primitive: #basicAtPut>
<primitive: #_basic_at_put>
self error: 'out of range'.
#method(#class) basicSize
<primitive: #basicSize>
#method(#class) basicAt: anInteger
<primitive: #basicAt>
<primitive: #_basic_at>
self error: 'out of range'.
#method(#class) basicAt: anInteger put: anObject
<primitive: #basicAtPut>
<primitive: #_basic_at_put>
self error: 'out of range'.
@ -103,12 +127,12 @@
"check if the receiver is identical to anObject.
this doesn't compare the contents"
<primitive: #identical>
<primitive: #_identical>
#method ~~ anObject
<primitive: #notIdentical>
<primitive: #_not_identical>
^(self == anObject) not.
@ -116,12 +140,12 @@
"check if the receiver is identical to anObject.
this doesn't compare the contents"
<primitive: #identical>
<primitive: #_identical>
#method(#class) ~~ anObject
<primitive: #notIdentical>
<primitive: #_not_identical>
^(self == anObject) not.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
#class(#pointer) Context(Apex)
#class(#pointer) MethodContext(Context)
#dcl sender ip sp ntmprs method receiver home origin.
#method pc
#method pc: anInteger
ip := anInteger.
"sp := sp - 1." "whould this always work??? "
#method sp
#method sp: anInteger
sp := anInteger.
#method pc: aPC sp: aSP
ip := aPC.
sp := aSP.
##sp := sp - 1.
#class(#pointer) BlockContext(Context)
#dcl caller ip sp ntmprs nargs source home origin.
#method fork
"crate a new process in the runnable state"
#method newProcess
"create a new process in the suspended state"
#method newProcessWith: anArray
"create a new process in the suspended state passing the elements
of anArray as block arguments"
#method value
<primitive: #_block_value>
#method value: a
<primitive: #_block_value>
#method value: a value: b
<primitive: #_block_value>
#method value: a value: b value: c
<primitive: #_block_value>
#method ifTrue: aBlock
^(self value) ifTrue: aBlock.
#method ifFalse: aBlock
^(self value) ifFalse: aBlock.
#method ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
^(self value) ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
#method whileTrue: aBlock
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ^(self value) ifTrue: [aBlock value. self whileTrue: aBlock].
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## less block context before whileTrue: is recursively sent.
## whileTrue: is sent in a method context.
## (self value) ifFalse: [^nil].
## aBlock value.
## self whileTrue: aBlock.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| pc sp xsp |
sp := thisContext sp.
sp := sp - 1. "decrement sp by 1 becuase thisContext pushed above affects the sp method"
pc := thisContext pc.
self value ifFalse: [ ^nil "^self" ].
aBlock value.
##thisContext pc: pc - 3 sp: sp.
##thisContext pc: pc + 2 sp: sp.
thisContext pc: pc + 1 sp: sp.
## this +2 or - 3 above is dependent on the byte code instruction size used for 'store'
## +2 to skip STORE_INTO_TEMP(pc) and POP_STACKTOP.
## TODO: make it independent of the byte code size
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## #<label>:
## thisContext pc: #<label> sp: sp.
## | pc |
## pc := thisContext pc.
## ^self value ifTrue: [aBlock value. thisContext pc: pc]
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## self value ifTrue: [ aBlock value. thisContext restart. ].
#method pc
#method pc: anInteger
ip := anInteger.
#method sp
#method sp: anInteger
sp := anInteger.
#method restart
ip := source pc.
"------ TODO: -------------------------------------"
#method on: anError do: anExceptionBlock
"TODO: handle if anError is an ErrorSet .."
#method ensure: aBlock
#method ifCurtailed: aBlock
"------ TODO: -------------------------------------"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#class(#pointer) Process(Object)
#dcl sp state prev next.
#method prev
#method next
#method next: aProcess
|||| := aProcess.
#method prev: aProcess
self.prev := aProcess.
#class ProcessScheduler(Object)
#dcl tally head tail active.
#method new
"instantiation is not allowed"
^nil. "TODO: raise an exception"
#method activeProcess
#method add: aProcess
<primitive: #_scheduler_add>
(self.tally = 0)
ifTrue: [
self.head := aProcess.
self.tail := aProcess.
self.tally := 1.
ifFalse: [
aProcess next: self.head.
self.head prev: aProcess.
self.head := aProcess.
self.tally := self.tally + 1.
#method remove: aProcess
"<primitive: #_scheduler_remove>"
"TODO: "
#method yield
<primitive: #processYield>
self primitiveFailed
#method enter: aContext
<primitive: #processEnter>
self primitiveFailed
@ -29,41 +29,61 @@
#class Number(Magnitude)
#method add: aNumber
<primitive: #integerAdd>
#method + aNumber
<primitive: #integerAdd>
<primitive: #_integer_add>
self primitiveFailed.
#method - aNumber
<primitive: #integerSub>
<primitive: #_integer_sub>
self primitiveFailed.
#method * aNumber
<primitive: #integerMul>
<primitive: #_integer_mul>
self primitiveFailed.
#method = aNumber
<primitive: #integerEQ>
<primitive: #_integer_eq>
self primitiveFailed.
#method ~= aNumber
<primitive: #_integer_ne>
self primitiveFailed.
#method < aNumber
<primitive: #integerLT>
<primitive: #_integer_lt>
self primitiveFailed.
#method > aNumber
<primitive: #integerGT>
<primitive: #_integer_gt>
self primitiveFailed.
#method <= aNumber
<primitive: #_integer_le>
self primitiveFailed.
#method >= aNumber
<primitive: #_integer_ge>
self primitiveFailed.
#method to: end by: step do: aBlock
@ -100,169 +120,13 @@
#include ''.
#include ''.
#class(#pointer) Context(Apex)
#class(#pointer) MethodContext(Context)
#dcl sender ip sp ntmprs method receiver home origin.
#method pc
#method pc: anInteger
ip := anInteger.
"sp := sp - 1." "whould this always work??? "
#method sp
#method sp: anInteger
sp := anInteger.
#method pc: aPC sp: aSP
ip := aPC.
sp := aSP.
##sp := sp - 1.
#class(#pointer) BlockContext(Context)
#dcl caller ip sp ntmprs nargs source home origin.
#method value
<primitive: #blockValue>
#method value: a
<primitive: #blockValue>
#method value: a value: b
<primitive: #blockValue>
#method value: a value: b value: c
<primitive: #blockValue>
#method whileTrue: aBlock
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ^(self value) ifTrue: [aBlock value. self whileTrue: aBlock].
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## less block context before whileTrue: is recursively sent.
## whileTrue: is sent in a method context.
## (self value) ifFalse: [^nil].
## aBlock value.
## self whileTrue: aBlock.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| pc sp xsp |
sp := thisContext sp.
sp := sp - 1. "decrement sp by 1 becuase thisContext pushed above affects the sp method"
pc := thisContext pc.
self value ifFalse: [ ^nil "^self" ].
aBlock value.
##thisContext pc: pc - 3 sp: sp.
##thisContext pc: pc + 2 sp: sp.
thisContext pc: pc + 1 sp: sp.
## this +2 or - 3 above is dependent on the byte code instruction size used for 'store'
## +2 to skip STORE_INTO_TEMP(pc) and POP_STACKTOP.
## TODO: make it independent of the byte code size
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## #<label>:
## thisContext pc: #<label> sp: sp.
## | pc |
## pc := thisContext pc.
## ^self value ifTrue: [aBlock value. thisContext pc: pc]
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## self value ifTrue: [ aBlock value. thisContext restart. ].
#method pc
#method pc: anInteger
ip := anInteger.
#method sp
#method sp: anInteger
sp := anInteger.
#method restart
ip := source pc.
"------ TODO: -------------------------------------"
#method on: anError do: anExceptionBlock
"TODO: handle if anError is an ErrorSet .."
#method ensure: aBlock
#method ifCurtailed: aBlock
"------ TODO: -------------------------------------"
#class(#pointer) CompiledMethod(Object)
#dcl owner preamble preamble_data_1 preamble_data_2 ntmprs nargs code source.
#class(#pointer) Process(Object)
#dcl state.
#include ''.
#include ''.
#class FFI(Object)
@ -313,23 +177,23 @@ f isNil ifTrue: [ self error: 'No such function' ].
#method privateOpen: aString
<primitive: #ffiOpen>
<primitive: #_ffi_open>
^nil. ## TODO: Error signal: 'can not open'
#method privateClose: aHandle
<primitive: #ffiClose>
<primitive: #_ffi_close>
#method privateCall: aSymbol withSig: aString withArgs: anArray
<primitive: #ffiCall>
<primitive: #_ffi_call>
#method privateGetSymbol: aString in: aHandle
<primitive: #ffiGetSym>
<primitive: #_ffi_getsym>
@ -240,9 +240,11 @@
## ffi call: #puts withSig: 'i|s' withArgs: #('hello world').
ffi close.
self abc.
self abc.
self abc.
FFI isNil dump.
FFI notNil dump.
@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ static int activate_initial_context (stix_t* stix, const stix_ucs_t* objname, co
* push Stix
* send #main
stix_oop_context_t ctx;
stix_oop_association_t ass;
stix_oop_method_t mth;
@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ TODO: overcome this problem
/* the initial context starts the life of the entire VM
* and is not really worked on except that it is used to call the
* initial method. so it doesn't really require any extra stack space.
* TODO: verify my theory above is true */
* TODO: verify this theory of mine. */
stix->ip = 0;
stix->sp = -1;
@ -385,7 +384,7 @@ TODO: overcome this problem
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int primitive_dump (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_dump (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_ooi_t i;
@ -406,7 +405,7 @@ static int primitive_dump (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1; /* success */
static int primitive_identical (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_identical (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg, b;
@ -422,7 +421,7 @@ static int primitive_identical (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int primitive_not_identical (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_not_identical (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg, b;
@ -438,7 +437,7 @@ static int primitive_not_identical (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int primitive_class (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_class (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, c;
@ -449,7 +448,7 @@ static int primitive_class (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1; /* success */
static int primitive_new (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_basic_new (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, obj;
@ -471,7 +470,7 @@ static int primitive_new (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1; /* success */
static int primitive_new_with_size (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_basic_new_with_size (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, szoop, obj;
stix_oow_t size;
@ -515,7 +514,7 @@ static int primitive_new_with_size (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1; /* success */
static int primitive_basic_size (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_basic_size (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv;
STIX_ASSERT (nargs == 0);
@ -526,7 +525,7 @@ static int primitive_basic_size (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int primitive_basic_at (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_basic_at (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, pos, v;
stix_ooi_t idx;
@ -587,7 +586,7 @@ static int primitive_basic_at (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int primitive_basic_at_put (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_basic_at_put (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, pos, val;
stix_ooi_t idx;
@ -670,7 +669,7 @@ static int primitive_basic_at_put (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int primitive_block_value (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_block_value (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_context_t blkctx, org_blkctx;
stix_ooi_t local_ntmprs, i;
@ -772,7 +771,7 @@ printf ("<<ENTERING BLOCK>>\n");
return 1;
static int primitive_integer_add (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_add (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_ooi_t tmp;
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -796,7 +795,7 @@ static int primitive_integer_add (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int primitive_integer_sub (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_sub (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_ooi_t tmp;
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -820,7 +819,7 @@ static int primitive_integer_sub (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int primitive_integer_mul (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_mul (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_ooi_t tmp;
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -844,7 +843,7 @@ static int primitive_integer_mul (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int primitive_integer_eq (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_eq (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -872,7 +871,7 @@ static int primitive_integer_eq (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int primitive_integer_ne (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_ne (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -899,7 +898,7 @@ static int primitive_integer_ne (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
/* TODO: handle LargeInteger */
return 0;
static int primitive_integer_lt (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_lt (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -927,7 +926,7 @@ static int primitive_integer_lt (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int primitive_integer_gt (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_gt (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -955,7 +954,7 @@ static int primitive_integer_gt (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int primitive_integer_le (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_le (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -983,7 +982,7 @@ static int primitive_integer_le (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int primitive_integer_ge (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_integer_ge (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -1011,7 +1010,18 @@ static int primitive_integer_ge (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int primitive_ffi_open (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_scheduler_add (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int prim_scheduler_remove (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 0;
static int prim_ffi_open (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
void* handle;
@ -1049,7 +1059,7 @@ static int primitive_ffi_open (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int primitive_ffi_close (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_ffi_close (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
void* handle;
@ -1074,7 +1084,7 @@ static int primitive_ffi_close (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int primitive_ffi_call (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_ffi_call (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, fun, sig, args;
@ -1243,7 +1253,7 @@ printf ("CALL ERROR %d %d\n", dcGetError (dc), DC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_MODE);
return 1;
static int primitive_ffi_getsym (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
static int prim_ffi_getsym (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, hnd, fun;
void* sym;
@ -1286,43 +1296,47 @@ printf ("wrong function name...\n");
struct primitive_t
struct prim_t
stix_ooi_t nargs; /* expected number of arguments */
stix_ooi_t nargs; /* expected number of arguments */
stix_prim_impl_t handler;
const char* name; /* the name is supposed to be 7-bit ascii only */
const char* name; /* the name is supposed to be 7-bit ascii only */
typedef struct primitive_t primitive_t;
typedef struct prim_t prim_t;
static primitive_t primitives[] =
static prim_t primitives[] =
{ -1, primitive_dump, "dump" },
{ 1, primitive_identical, "identical" },
{ 1, primitive_not_identical, "notIdentical" },
{ 0, primitive_class, "class" },
{ -1, prim_dump, "_dump" },
{ 1, prim_identical, "_identical" },
{ 1, prim_not_identical, "_not_identical" },
{ 0, prim_class, "_class" },
{ 0, primitive_new, "new" },
{ 1, primitive_new_with_size, "newWithSize" },
{ 0, primitive_basic_size, "basicSize" },
{ 0, prim_basic_new, "_basic_new" },
{ 1, prim_basic_new_with_size, "_basic_new_with_size" },
{ 0, prim_basic_size, "_basic_size" },
{ 1, primitive_basic_at, "basicAt" },
{ 2, primitive_basic_at_put, "basicAtPut" },
{ 1, prim_basic_at, "_basic_at" },
{ 2, prim_basic_at_put, "_basic_at_put" },
{ -1, primitive_block_value, "blockValue" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_add, "integerAdd" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_sub, "integerSub" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_mul, "integerMul" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_eq, "integerEQ" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_ne, "integerNE" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_lt, "integerLT" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_gt, "integerGT" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_le, "integerLE" },
{ 1, primitive_integer_ge, "integerGE" },
{ -1, prim_block_value, "_block_value" },
{ 1, primitive_ffi_open, "ffiOpen" },
{ 1, primitive_ffi_close, "ffiClose" },
{ 2, primitive_ffi_getsym, "ffiGetSym" },
{ 3, primitive_ffi_call, "ffiCall" }
{ 1, prim_integer_add, "_integer_add" },
{ 1, prim_integer_sub, "_integer_sub" },
{ 1, prim_integer_mul, "_integer_mul" },
{ 1, prim_integer_eq, "_integer_eq" },
{ 1, prim_integer_ne, "_integer_ne" },
{ 1, prim_integer_lt, "_integer_lt" },
{ 1, prim_integer_gt, "_integer_gt" },
{ 1, prim_integer_le, "_integer_le" },
{ 1, prim_integer_ge, "_integer_ge" },
{ 1, prim_scheduler_add, "_scheduler_add" },
{ 1, prim_scheduler_remove, "_scheduler_remove" },
{ 1, prim_ffi_open, "_ffi_open" },
{ 1, prim_ffi_close, "_ffi_close" },
{ 2, prim_ffi_getsym, "_ffi_getsym" },
{ 3, prim_ffi_call, "_ffi_call" }
@ -1342,14 +1356,7 @@ int stix_getprimno (stix_t* stix, const stix_ucs_t* name)
return -1;
struct stix_prim_mod_data_t
void* handle;
stix_prim_mod_t mod;
typedef struct stix_prim_mod_data_t stix_prim_mod_data_t;
static stix_prim_impl_t query_primitive_module (stix_t* stix, const stix_uch_t* name, stix_oow_t len)
static stix_prim_impl_t query_prim_module (stix_t* stix, const stix_uch_t* name, stix_oow_t len)
stix_rbt_pair_t* pair;
stix_prim_mod_data_t* mdp;
@ -1396,6 +1403,8 @@ static stix_prim_impl_t query_primitive_module (stix_t* stix, const stix_uch_t*
/* attempt to find a statically linked module */
/* TODO: binary search ... */
for (n = 0; n < STIX_COUNTOF(static_modtab); n++)
@ -1474,18 +1483,14 @@ static stix_prim_impl_t query_primitive_module (stix_t* stix, const stix_uch_t*
mdp = (stix_prim_mod_data_t*)STIX_RBT_VPTR(pair);
if (load (stix, &mdp->mod) <= -1)
/* stix->errnum = STIX_ENOENT; TODO: proper error code and handling */
stix->errnum = STIX_ENOENT; /* TODO: proper error code and handling */
stix_rbt_delete (&stix->pmtable, name, mod_name_len);
stix->vmprim.mod_close (stix, mdp->handle);
return STIX_NULL;
if (!mdp->mod.query)
/* the module must be at fault */
stix->errnum = STIX_EINVAL; /* TODO: proper error code and handling */
return STIX_NULL;
/* the module loader must ensure to set a proper query handler */
STIX_ASSERT (mdp->mod.query != STIX_NULL);
@ -2133,7 +2138,7 @@ printf ("]\n");
/* merge two SmallIntegers to get a full pointer */
handler = (stix_oow_t)STIX_OOP_TO_SMINT(newmth->preamble_data[0]) << (STIX_OOW_BITS / 2) |
if (!handler) handler = query_primitive_module (stix, ((stix_oop_char_t)name)->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(name));
if (!handler) handler = query_prim_module (stix, ((stix_oop_char_t)name)->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(name));
if (handler)
@ -2344,7 +2349,7 @@ printf ("<<<RETURNIGN TO THE INITIAL CONTEXT>>>\n");
/* the block context object created here is used
* as a base object for block context activation.
* primitive_block_value() clones a block
* prim_block_value() clones a block
* context and activates the cloned context.
* this base block context is created with no
* stack for this reason. */
@ -2397,7 +2402,7 @@ printf ("<<<RETURNIGN TO THE INITIAL CONTEXT>>>\n");
/* the block context object created here is used
* as a base object for block context activation.
* primitive_block_value() clones a block
* prim_block_value() clones a block
* context and activates the cloned context.
* this base block context is created with no
* stack for this reason. */
@ -2412,7 +2417,7 @@ printf ("<<<RETURNIGN TO THE INITIAL CONTEXT>>>\n");
/* [NOTE]
* blkctx->caller is left to nil. it is set to the
* active context before it gets activated. see
* primitive_block_value().
* prim_block_value().
* blkctx->home is set here to the active context.
* it's redundant to have them pushed to the stack
@ -2496,6 +2501,8 @@ oops:
int stix_invoke (stix_t* stix, const stix_ucs_t* objname, const stix_ucs_t* mthname)
/*stix_oop_process_t proc;*/
if (activate_initial_context (stix, objname, mthname) <= -1) return -1;
return stix_execute (stix);
@ -285,12 +285,14 @@ void stix_gc (stix_t* stix)
stix->_method_context = stix_moveoop (stix, stix->_method_context);
stix->_block_context = stix_moveoop (stix, stix->_block_context);
stix->_process = stix_moveoop (stix, stix->_process);
stix->_process_scheduler = stix_moveoop (stix, stix->_process_scheduler);
stix->_true_class = stix_moveoop (stix, stix->_true_class);
stix->_false_class = stix_moveoop (stix, stix->_false_class);
stix->_character = stix_moveoop (stix, stix->_character);
stix->_small_integer = stix_moveoop (stix, stix->_small_integer);
stix->sysdic = (stix_oop_set_t) stix_moveoop (stix, (stix_oop_t)stix->sysdic);
stix->scheduler = (stix_oop_process_scheduler_t) stix_moveoop (stix, (stix_oop_t)stix->scheduler);
for (i = 0; i < stix->tmp_count; i++)
@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ static int ignite_1 (stix_t* stix)
stix->_method_context = alloc_kernel_class (stix, 0, STIX_CLASS_SPEC_MAKE(STIX_CONTEXT_NAMED_INSTVARS, 1, STIX_OBJ_TYPE_OOP));
stix->_block_context = alloc_kernel_class (stix, 0, STIX_CLASS_SPEC_MAKE(STIX_CONTEXT_NAMED_INSTVARS, 1, STIX_OBJ_TYPE_OOP));
stix->_process = alloc_kernel_class (stix, 0, STIX_CLASS_SPEC_MAKE(STIX_PROCESS_NAMED_INSTVARS, 1, STIX_OBJ_TYPE_OOP));
stix->_process_scheduler = alloc_kernel_class (stix, 0, STIX_CLASS_SPEC_MAKE(STIX_PROCESS_SCHEDULER_NAMED_INSTVARS, 0, STIX_OBJ_TYPE_OOP));
stix->_true_class = alloc_kernel_class (stix, 0, STIX_CLASS_SPEC_MAKE(0, 0, STIX_OBJ_TYPE_OOP));
stix->_false_class = alloc_kernel_class (stix, 0, STIX_CLASS_SPEC_MAKE(0, 0, STIX_OBJ_TYPE_OOP));
/* TOOD: what is a proper spec for Character and SmallInteger?
@ -152,7 +153,9 @@ static int ignite_1 (stix_t* stix)
!stix->_namespace || !stix->_pool_dictionary ||
!stix->_method_dictionary || !stix->_method || !stix->_association ||
!stix->_method_context || !stix->_block_context || !stix->_process ||
!stix->_method_context || !stix->_block_context ||
!stix->_process || !stix->_process_scheduler ||
!stix->_true_class || !stix->_false_class ||
!stix->_character || !stix->_small_integer) return -1;
@ -189,6 +192,10 @@ static int ignite_2 (stix_t* stix)
if (!tmp) return -1;
stix->sysdic = (stix_oop_set_t)tmp;
tmp = (stix_oop_t)stix_instantiate (stix, stix->_process_scheduler, STIX_NULL, 0);
if (!tmp) return -1;
stix->scheduler = (stix_oop_process_scheduler_t)tmp;
/* Export the system dictionary via the first class variable of the Stix class */
((stix_oop_class_t)stix->_apex)->slot[0] = (stix_oop_t)stix->sysdic;
@ -225,6 +232,7 @@ static int ignite_3 (stix_t* stix)
{ 13, { 'M','e','t','h','o','d','C','o','n','t','e','x','t' } },
{ 12, { 'B','l','o','c','k','C','o','n','t','e','x','t' } },
{ 7, { 'P','r','o','c','e','s','s' } },
{ 16, { 'P','r','o','c','e','s','s','S','c','h','e','d','u','l','e','r' } },
{ 4, { 'T','r','u','e' } },
{ 5, { 'F','a','l','s','e' } },
{ 9, { 'C','h','a','r','a','c','t','e','r' } },
@ -232,6 +240,7 @@ static int ignite_3 (stix_t* stix)
static stix_uch_t str_stix[] = { 'S','t','i','x' };
static stix_uch_t str_scheduler[] = { 'S', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'd', 'u', 'l', 'e', 'r' };
stix_oow_t i;
stix_oop_t sym;
@ -251,10 +260,16 @@ static int ignite_3 (stix_t* stix)
/* Make the system dictionary available as the global name 'Stix' */
sym = stix_makesymbol (stix, str_stix, 4);
if (!sym) return -1;
if (!stix_putatsysdic(stix, sym, (stix_oop_t)stix->sysdic)) return -1;
/* Make the process scheduler avaialble as the global name 'Scheduler' */
sym = stix_makesymbol (stix, str_scheduler, 4);
if (!sym) return -1;
if (!stix_putatsysdic(stix, sym, (stix_oop_t)stix->scheduler)) return -1;
return 0;
@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
#include "stix-prv.h"
stix_oop_process_t stix_makeproc (stix_t* stix)
stix_oop_process_t stix_addnewproc (stix_t* stix)
stix_oop_process_t proc;
@ -36,6 +35,18 @@ stix_oop_process_t stix_makeproc (stix_t* stix)
if (!proc) return STIX_NULL;
proc->state = STIX_OOP_FROM_SMINT(0);
STIX_ASSERT (STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(proc) == STIX_PROCESS_NAMED_INSTVARS + stix->option.dfl_procstk_size);
return proc;
void stix_schedproc (stix_t* stix, stix_oop_process_t proc)
/* TODO: if scheduled, don't add */
/*proc->next = stix->_active_process;
proc->_active_process = proc;*/
void stix_unschedproc (stix_t* stix, stix_oop_process_t proc)
@ -80,6 +80,18 @@ oops:
return -1;
static stix_rbt_walk_t unload_primitive_module (stix_rbt_t* rbt, stix_rbt_pair_t* pair, void* ctx)
stix_t* stix = (stix_t*)ctx;
stix_prim_mod_data_t* md;
md = STIX_RBT_VPTR(pair);
if (md->mod.unload) md->mod.unload (stix, &md->mod);
if (md->handle) stix->vmprim.mod_close (stix, md->handle);
void stix_fini (stix_t* stix)
stix_cb_t* cb;
@ -89,6 +101,7 @@ void stix_fini (stix_t* stix)
if (cb->fini) cb->fini (stix);
stix_rbt_walk (&stix->pmtable, unload_primitive_module, stix);
stix_rbt_fini (&stix->pmtable);
stix_killheap (stix, stix->newheap);
@ -467,14 +467,28 @@ struct stix_context_t
stix_oop_t slot[1]; /* stack */
typedef struct stix_process_scheduler_t stix_process_scheduler_t;
typedef struct stix_process_scheduler_t* stix_oop_process_scheduler_t;
struct stix_process_scheduler_t
stix_oop_t tally;
stix_oop_t head;
stix_oop_t tail;
stix_oop_t active;
typedef struct stix_process_t stix_process_t;
typedef struct stix_process_t* stix_oop_process_t;
struct stix_process_t
stix_oop_t sp;
stix_oop_t state;
stix_oop_t prev;
stix_oop_t next;
/* == variable indexed part == */
stix_oop_t slot[1]; /* process stack */
@ -586,6 +600,13 @@ struct stix_prim_mod_t
void* ctx;
struct stix_prim_mod_data_t
void* handle;
stix_prim_mod_t mod;
typedef struct stix_prim_mod_data_t stix_prim_mod_data_t;
/* =========================================================================
* ========================================================================= */
@ -644,6 +665,7 @@ struct stix_t
stix_oop_t _method_context; /* MethodContext */
stix_oop_t _block_context; /* BlockContext */
stix_oop_t _process; /* Process */
stix_oop_t _process_scheduler; /* ProcessScheduler */
stix_oop_t _true_class; /* True */
stix_oop_t _false_class; /* False */
stix_oop_t _character; /* Character */
@ -653,6 +675,7 @@ struct stix_t
stix_oop_set_t symtab; /* system-wide symbol table. instance of SymbolSet */
stix_oop_set_t sysdic; /* system dictionary. instance of SystemDictionary */
stix_oop_process_scheduler_t scheduler; /* instance of ProcessScheduler */
stix_oop_t* tmp_stack[256]; /* stack for temporaries */
stix_oow_t tmp_count;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user