added X11.moo
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
#include 'Moo.moo'.
###var xxxx. ## global variables.
class X11(Object) from 'x11'
dcl(#class) connection.
dcl id.
dcl event_loop_sem event_loop_proc.
dcl ll_event_blocks.
dcl expose_event.
dcl key_event.
dcl mouse_event.
dcl mouse_wheel_event.
dcl frames.
method(#primitive) _connect.
method(#primitive) _disconnect.
method(#primitive) _get_fd.
method(#primitive) _get_event.
method id { ^ }
class X11.Exception(System.Exception)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Event
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pooldic X11.LLEvent
EXPOSE := 12.
class X11.Event(Object)
class X11.InputEvent(X11.Event)
class X11.KeyEvent(X11.InputEvent)
class X11.MouseEvent(X11.InputEvent)
dcl x y.
method x { ^self.x }
method y { ^self.y }
method x: x y: y
self.x := x.
self.y := y.
class X11.MouseWheelEvent(X11.InputEvent)
dcl x y amount.
method x { ^self.x }
method y { ^self.y }
method amount { ^self.amount }
method x: x y: y amount: amount
self.x := x.
self.y := y.
self.amount := amount.
class X11.ExposeEvent(X11.Event)
dcl x y width height.
method x { ^self.x }
method y { ^self.y }
method width { ^self.width }
method height { ^self.height }
method x: x y: y width: width height: height
self.x := x.
self.y := y.
self.width := width.
self.height := height.
class X11.WindowEvent(X11.Event)
class X11.FrameEvent(X11.Event)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Graphics Context
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class X11.GC(Object) from 'x11.gc'
dcl window id.
method(#primitive) _make (connection, window).
method(#primitive) _kill.
method(#primitive) _drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2).
method(#primitive) _drawRect(x, y, width, height).
method(#primitive) _fillRect(x, y, width, height).
method(#primitive) _foreground: color.
method(#class) new: window
^(super new) __open_on: window
method __open_on: window
if ((id := self _make(window connection id, window id)) isError)
X11.Exception signal: 'cannot make a graphic context'
self.window := window.
|||| := id.
method close
if (self.window notNil)
self _kill.
self.window := nil.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class X11.Component(Object)
dcl parent.
method parent
method parent: parent
self.parent := parent.
class X11.Canvas(Component)
method paint: gr
self subclassResponsibility: #paint
method update: gr
self subclassResponsibility: #paint
class X11.Container(Component)
dcl components capacity size.
method initialize
self.size := 0.
self.capacity := 128.
## TODO: change System.Array to Danamically resized array.
self.components := System.Array new: self.capacity.
method addComponent: component
| tmp |
component parent: self.
if (self.size >= self.capacity)
tmp := System.Array new: (self.capacity + 128).
tmp copy: self.components.
self.capacity := self.capacity + 128.
self.components := tmp.
self.components at: self.size put: component.
self.size := self.size + 1.
class X11.Window(Container) from ''
dcl id.
method(#primitive) _get_dwatom.
method(#primitive) _get_id.
method(#primitive) _make (connection, x, y, width, height, parent).
method(#primitive) _kill.
method id { ^ }
method connection
| p pp |
p := self.
while ((pp := p parent) notNil) { p := pp }.
^p connection.
method(#class) new: parent
^(super new) __open_on_window: parent
method __open_on_window: parent
| id |
id := self _make (parent connection id, 5, 5, 100, 100, parent id).
if (id isError) { X11.Exception signal: ('cannot make a window - ' & id asString) }.
|||| := id.
self.parent := parent.
parent addComponent: self.
parent connection addFrame: self.
self windowOpened.
method expose: event
('EXPOSE IN WINDOWS....' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString) & ' ' & (event width asString) & ' ' & (event height asString)) dump.
(* TODO: take the followings out to a seperate mouse listener??? *)
method mouseEntered: event
method mouseExited: event
method mouseClicked: event
method mousePressed: event
('MOUSE PRESSED' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString)) dump.
method mouseReleased: event
('MOUSE RELEASED' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString)) dump.
method mouseWheelMoved: event
('MOUSE WHEEL MOVED' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString) & ' ' & (event amount asString)) dump.
method windowOpened
method windowClosing
method windowClosed
class X11.Frame(Window)
dcl connection.
## method connection: connection { self.connection := connection }
method connection { ^self.connection }
method(#class) new
##^(super new) __open_on: X11 connection.
^(super new) __open_on: X11 connect. ## connect if X11 is not connected.
method __open_on: connection
| id |
id := self _make(connection id, 10, 20, 500, 600, nil).
if (id isError) { X11.Exception signal: ('cannot make a frame - ' & id asString) }.
|||| := id.
self.connection := connection.
connection addFrame: self.
self windowOpened.
method close
if (self.connection notNil)
self windowClosing.
self _kill.
(* TODO: remove all subcomponents... *)
self.connection removeFrame: self.
self windowClosed.
|||| := 0.
self.connection := nil.
##method show: flag
method windowActivated: event
method windowDeactivated: event
method windowIconified: event
method windowDeiconified: event
class X11.Button(Component)
extend X11
method(#class) connect
| c |
if (self.connection isNil)
c := self new.
if (c connect isError) { X11.Exception signal: 'cannot connect' }.
self.connection := c.
method(#class) disconnect
if (self.connection notNil)
self.connection disconnect.
self.connection := nil.
method(#class) connection
method(#class) enterEventLoop
^self connect enterEventLoop
method initialize
super initialize.
self.expose_event := X11.ExposeEvent new.
self.key_event := X11.KeyEvent new.
self.mouse_event := X11.MouseEvent new.
self.mouse_wheel_event := X11.MouseWheelEvent new.
self.ll_event_blocks := System.Dictionary new.
at: X11.LLEvent.KEY_PRESS put: #__handle_key_event:;
at: X11.LLEvent.KEY_RELEASE put: #__handle_key_event:;
at: X11.LLEvent.BUTTON_PRESS put: #__handle_button_event:;
at: X11.LLEvent.BUTTON_RELEASE put: #__handle_button_event:;
at: X11.LLEvent.MOTION_NOTIFY put: #__handle_notify:;
at: X11.LLEvent.ENTER_NOTIFY put: #__handle_notify:;
at: X11.LLEvent.LEAVE_NOTIFY put: #__handle_notify:;
at: X11.LLEvent.EXPOSE put: #__handle_expose:;
at: X11.LLEvent.CLIENT_MESSAGE put: #__handle_client_message:.
method connect
| t |
if (self.frames isNil)
if ((t := self _connect) isError) { ^t }.
|||| := t.
self.frames := System.Dictionary new.
method disconnect
if (self.frames notNil)
self.frames do: [ :frame |
frame close.
self.frames := nil.
self _disconnect.
method addFrame: frame
if (frame connection ~= self)
X11.Exception signal: 'Invalid connection in frame to add'.
('ADDING NE FRAME ID' & frame id asString) dump.
self.frames at: (frame id) put: frame.
method removeFrame: frame
if (frame connection ~= self)
X11.Exception signal: 'Invalid connection in frame to remove'.
(*self.frames removeLink: frame backlink.
frame connection: nil.
frame backlink: nil.*)
('REMOVING NE FRAME ID' & frame id asString) dump.
(self.frames removeKey: (frame id)) dump.
method enterEventLoop
if (self.event_loop_sem isNil)
self.event_loop_sem := Semaphore new.
Processor signal: self.event_loop_sem onInput: (self _get_fd).
self.event_loop_proc := [
| event ongoing |
ongoing := true.
while (self.frames size > 0)
'Waiting for X11 event...' dump.
self.event_loop_sem wait.
if (ongoing not) { break }.
while ((event := self _get_event) notNil)
('EVENT================>' & event asString) dump.
if (event isError)
'Error has occurred in ....' dump.
ongoing := false.
self __dispatch_event: event.
Processor unsignal: self.event_loop_sem.
self.event_loop_sem := nil.
self disconnect.
] fork.
method exitEventLoop
if (self.event_loop_sem notNil)
###self.even_loop_sem ...
self.event_loop_proc terminate.
self.event_loop_proc := nil.
self.event_loop_sem := nil.
method signal_event_loop_semaphore
self.event_loop_sem signal.
method __dispatch_event: event
| type mthname |
##type := System _getUint8(event, 0).
type := event getUint8(0).
mthname := self.ll_event_blocks at: (type bitAnd: 16r7F).
if (mthname isError)
(* unknown event. ignore it *)
('IGNORING UNKNOWN LL-EVENT TYPE ' & type asString) dump.
('Performing ...' & mthname asString) dump.
^self perform (mthname, event).
##^self perform: mthname with: event.
method __handle_notify: type
method __handle_expose: event
typedef struct xcb_expose_event_t {
uint8_t response_type;
uint8_t pad0;
uint16_t sequence;
xcb_window_t window; // uint32_t
uint16_t x;
uint16_t y;
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
uint16_t count;
uint8_t pad1[2];
} xcb_expose_event_t;
| wid frame |
##wid := System _getUint32(event, 4). ## window
wid := event getUint32(4).
frame := self.frames at: wid.
if (frame notError)
x: System _getUint16(event, 8) ## x
y: System _getUint16(event, 10) ## y
width: System _getUint16(event, 12) ## width
height: System _getUint16(event, 14). ## height
x: event getUint16(8) ## x
y: event getUint16(10) ## y
width: event getUint16(12) ## width
height: event getUint16(14). ## height
frame expose: self.expose_event.
System logNl: ('Expose event on unknown window - ' & wid asString).
method __handle_button_event: event
typedef struct xcb_button_press_event_t {
uint8_t response_type;
xcb_button_t detail; // uint8_t
uint16_t sequence;
xcb_timestamp_t time; // uint32_t
xcb_window_t root; // uint32_t
xcb_window_t event;
xcb_window_t child;
int16_t root_x;
int16_t root_y;
int16_t event_x;
int16_t event_y;
uint16_t state;
uint8_t same_screen;
uint8_t pad0;
} xcb_button_press_event_t;
typedef xcb_button_press_event_t xcb_button_release_event_t;
| type wid frame detail |
type := System _getUint8(event, 0) bitAnd: 16r7F. ## lower 7 bits of response_type
wid := System _getUint32(event, 12). ## event
##type := event getUint8(0) bitAnd: 16r7F. ## lower 7 bits of response_type
##wid := event getUint32(12). ## event
frame := self.frames at: wid.
if (frame notError)
##detail := System _getUint8(event, 1).
detail := event getUint8(1).
if (detail >= 1 and: [detail <= 3])
## TODO: encode detail also..
x: System _getUint16(event, 24) ## event_x
y: System _getUint16(event, 26). ## event_y
## TODO: encode detail also..
x: event getUint16(24) ## event_x
y: event getUint16(26). ## event_y
if (type == X11.LLEvent.BUTTON_PRESS)
frame mousePressed: self.mouse_event
frame mouseReleased: self.mouse_event
elsif (detail == 4 or: [detail == 5])
if (type == X11.LLEvent.BUTTON_RELEASE)
x: System _getUint16(event, 24) ## event_x
y: System _getUint16(event, 26) ## event_y
amount: (if (detail == 4) { -1 } else { 1 }).
x: event getUint16(24) ## event_x
y: event getUint16(26) ## event_y
amount: (if (detail == 4) { -1 } else { 1 }).
frame mouseWheelMoved: self.mouse_wheel_event
System logNl: ('Button event on unknown window - ' & wid asString).
method __handle_client_message: event
typedef union xcb_client_message_data_t {
uint8_t data8[20];
uint16_t data16[10];
uint32_t data32[5];
} xcb_client_message_data_t;
typedef struct xcb_client_message_event_t {
uint8_t response_type;
uint8_t format;
uint16_t sequence;
xcb_window_t window; // uint32_t
xcb_atom_t type; // uint32_t
xcb_client_message_data_t data;
} xcb_client_message_event_t;
| type wid frame dw |
##wid := System _getUint32(event, 4). ## window
wid := event getUint32(4). ## window
frame := self.frames at: wid.
if (frame notError)
##dw := System _getUint32(event, 12). ## data.data32[0]
dw := event getUint32(12). ## data.data32[0]
if (dw == frame _get_dwatom)
## TODO: call close query callback???
frame close.
## TODO: handle other client messages
System logNl: ('Client message on unknown window - ' & wid asString).
method __handle_key_event: type
typedef struct xcb_key_press_event_t {
uint8_t response_type;
xcb_keycode_t detail;
uint16_t sequence;
xcb_timestamp_t time;
xcb_window_t root;
xcb_window_t event;
xcb_window_t child;
int16_t root_x;
int16_t root_y;
int16_t event_x;
int16_t event_y;
uint16_t state;
uint8_t same_screen;
uint8_t pad0;
} xcb_key_press_event_t;
typedef xcb_key_press_event_t xcb_key_release_event_t;
if (type = X11.LLEvent.KEY_PRESS)
class MyButton(X11.Window)
method expose: event
super expose: event.
gc := X11.GC new: self.
gc _foreground: 2.
gc _fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50).
gc close.
class MyFrame(X11.Frame)
dcl gc.
dcl b1.
dcl b2.
method windowOpened
super windowOpened.
if (self.gc isNil)
self.gc := X11.GC new: self.
self.gc _foreground: 10.
self.gc _drawLine(10, 20, 30, 40).
self.gc _drawRect(10, 20, 30, 40).
self.gc _foreground: 20.
self.gc _drawRect(100, 100, 200, 200).
b1 := MyButton new: self.
method windowClosing
super windowClosing.
(*if (self.gc notNil)
self.gc close.
self.gc := nil.
method expose: event
super expose: event.
('EXPOSE....' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString) & ' ' & (event width asString) & ' ' & (event height asString)) dump.
self.gc _foreground: 2.
##self.gc drawLine: (10@20) to: (30@40).
self.gc _drawLine(10, 20, 300, 400).
self.gc _drawRect(10, 20, 30, 40).
self.gc _foreground: 20.
self.gc _drawRect(100, 100, 200, 200).*)
class MyObject(Object)
method(#class) abc
method(#class) main
| f q |
f := 20.
(q:=:{ 10 -> 20, 20 -> 30, f + 40 -> self abc, (Association key: 10 value: 49), f -> f })dump.
(q at: 60) dump.
(q at: 10) dump.
#( #a:y: #b #c) dump.
f := LinkedList new.
f addLast: 10.
f addLast: 20.
q := f addLast: 30.
f addLast: 40.
f removeLink: q.
f addLastLink: q.
(f findLink: 30) prev value dump.
f do: [:v | v dump ].
(f size asString & ' elements in list') dump.
##X11 connect.
## f := MyFrame new.
q := MyFrame new.
## MyButton new: q.
## MyButton new: f.
f add: X11.Button new: 'click me'.
f width: 200 height: 200.
f show.
X11 enterEventLoop. ## this is not a blocking call. it spawns another process.
(*while (true)
'111' dump.
##x signal_event_loop_semaphore.
Processor sleepFor: 5.
## [ while (true) { '111' dump. Processor sleepFor: 1. } ] fork.
##X11 disconnect.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user