
This commit is contained in:
hyunghwan.chung 2016-12-31 17:22:57 +00:00
parent 65b230da24
commit c8f97832c5

stix/kernel/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
#class Point(Object)
#dcl x y.
#method(#class) new
^self basicNew x: 0 y: 0.
#method(#class) x: x y: y
^self basicNew x: x y: y.
#method x
#method y
#method x: x
self.x := x
#method y: y
self.y := y
#method x: x y: y
self.x := x.
self.y := y
#extend SmallInteger
#method @ y
^Point x: self y: y
#class Console(Object)
#dcl handle.
#method finalize
handle notNil ifTrue: [
self _close: handle.
## #method(#class) input
## {
## ^self new _open: filename mode: mode
## }
#method(#class) output
| c |
c := self new.
c handle: (c _open).
## #method(#class) error
## {
## }
#method handle: v
self.handle := v.
#method close
self _close: self.handle.
self.handle := nil.
#method write: text
^self _writeOn: self.handle text: text.
#method clear
^self _clear: self.handle
#method setCursor: point
^self _setCursor: self.handle point: point.
#method _open: filename mode: mode
self.handle := self __open: filename mode: mode.
#method __open: filename mode: mode
##StdioException signal: ('cannot open ' & filename).
#method _open
#method _close: handle
<primitive: #console.close>
self primitiveFailed.
#method _clear: handle
<primitive: #console.clear>
self primitiveFailed.
#method _writeOn: handle text: text
<primitive: #console.write>
self primitiveFailed.
#method _setCursor: handle point: point
<primitive: #console.setcursor>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) open
self primitiveFailed.
#method close
<primitive: #console.close>
self primitiveFailed.
#method setCursorTo: point
<primitive: #console.setcursor>
self primitiveFailed.
##x := Colsole new.
##x := Console open.
##(x isError) ifTrue: [
## handle error...
## ]
## ifFalse: [
## x setCursor (1, 2).
## x clear.
## x close.
## ]
##x := File open: 'abc.def'
##t := x read: 1000.
##x close.
Stix define: 'console_write'
forClass: Console
method: 'write: aString upto: length'
returns: 'size_t'
arguments: 'void* size_t'
---> produces a method like this internally...
#class Console
#method write: aString upto: length
<ffi: int console_write (int*, char*, [int, int, char]* )> <== parse the string, create a descriptor table, key is console_write, value is resolved to a function pointer.