added Apex>>hash

added Symbol>>asString
revised String>>&
added some methods to Dictionary
This commit is contained in:
hyunghwan.chung 2017-01-05 10:16:04 +00:00
parent c8f97832c5
commit af9c144a1c
12 changed files with 446 additions and 139 deletions

View File

@ -121,29 +121,41 @@
self primitiveFailed.
#method basicAt: anInteger
#method basicAt: index
<primitive: #_basic_at>
## TODO: chagne it to 'self outOfRangeError' or something.
self error: 'out of range'.
self index: index outOfRange: (self basicSize).
#method basicAt: anInteger put: anObject
#method basicAt: index put: anObject
<primitive: #_basic_at_put>
self error: 'out of range'.
self index: index outOfRange: (self basicSize).
#method(#class) basicAt: anInteger
#method(#class) basicAt: index
<primitive: #_basic_at>
self error: 'out of range'.
self index: index outOfRange: (self basicSize).
#method(#class) basicAt: anInteger put: anObject
#method(#class) basicAt: index put: anObject
<primitive: #_basic_at_put>
self error: 'out of range'.
self index: index outOfRange: (self basicSize).
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method(#class) hash
<primitive: #_hash>
self subclassResponsibility: #hash
#method hash
<primitive: #_hash>
self subclassResponsibility: #hash
## -------------------------------------------------------
@ -270,7 +282,6 @@
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
## method(#class) primitiveFailed
@ -300,10 +311,31 @@
self class error: aString.
#method index: index outOfRange: ubound
self class index: index outOfRange: ubound.
#method cannotInstantiate
self class cannotInstantiate
#method subclassResponsibility: message_name
self class subclassResponsibility: message_name
#method cannotExceptionizeError
self class cannotExceptionizeError
#method exceptionizeError: trueOrFalse
<primitive: #_exceptionize_error>
self class cannotExceptionizeError
#class Object(Apex)
@ -332,14 +364,14 @@
(* --------------------
#pooldic Error
#pooldic ErrorCode
(* migrate it into Error class *)
#NONE := error(0).
#GENERIC := error(1).
#NOENT := error(2).
------------------- *)
#class Error(Apex)

View File

@ -51,28 +51,47 @@
#class(#character) String(Array)
#method & aString
#method & string
## concatenate two strings.
## TOOD: make this a primitive for performance.
| newsize newstr self_ubound |
(* TOOD: make this a primitive for performance. *)
newsize := self basicSize + aString basicSize.
##newstr := self class basicNew: newsize.
newstr := String basicNew: newsize. ## TODO: redefine , for symbol... it's a work arouind... symbols are not concatenated to a symbol at this moment.
self_ubound := self ubound.
(* concatenate two strings. *)
| newsize newstr cursize appsize |
0 to: self_ubound do: [:i | newstr at: i put: (self at: i) ].
0 to: (aString ubound) do: [:i | newstr at: (i + self_ubound + 1) put: (aString at: i) ].
cursize := self basicSize.
appsize := string basicSize.
newsize := cursize + appsize.
(*newstr := self class basicNew: newsize.*)
newstr := String basicNew: newsize.
0 priorTo: cursize do: [:i | newstr at: i put: (self at: i) ].
0 priorTo: appsize do: [:i | newstr at: (i + cursize) put: (string at: i) ].
#method asString
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#class(#character) Symbol(String)
#method asString
(* TODO: make this a primitive for performance *)
(* convert a symbol to a string *)
| size str |
size := self basicSize.
str := String basicNew: size.
0 priorTo: size do: [:i | str at: i put: (self at: i) ].
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -95,6 +114,94 @@
#class Set(Collection)
#dcl tally bucket.
#method initialize
self.tally := 0.
self.bucket := Array new: 100.
#method size
#method at: key
| ass |
ass := self __find: key or_upsert: false with: nil.
(ass notNil) ifTrue: [^ass value].
#method at: key ifAbsent: error_block
| ass |
ass := self __find: key or_upsert: false with: nil.
(ass notNil) ifTrue: [^ass value].
^error_block value.
#method at: key put: value
self __find: key or_upsert: true with: value.
#method __find: key or_upsert: upsert with: value
| hv ass bs index ntally |
bs := self.bucket size.
hv := key hash.
index := hv rem: bs.
[(ass := self.bucket at: index) notNil]
whileTrue: [
[key == ass key] ifTrue: [
(* found *)
upsert ifTrue: [ass value: value].
index := (index + 1) rem: bs.
upsert ifFalse: [^nil].
ntally := self.tally + 1.
(ntally >= bs) ifTrue: [
(* expand the bucket *)
ass := Association key: key value: value.
self.tally := ntally.
self.bucket at: index put: ass.
#method do: block
| bs |
bs := self.bucket size.
0 priorTo: bs by: 1 do: [:i |
| ass |
(ass := self.bucket at: i) notNil ifTrue: [block value: ass value]
#method keysAndValuesDo: block
| bs |
bs := self.bucket size.
0 priorTo: bs by: 1 do: [:i |
| ass |
(ass := self.bucket at: i) notNil ifTrue: [block value: ass key value: ass value]
#class SymbolSet(Set)

View File

@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
#method asString
^(self class name) & ' - ' & self.messageText.
#method __signal
self.signalContext := thisContext.
@ -36,24 +41,24 @@
#method signal
| excctx excblk retval actpos |
| exctx exblk retval actpos |
self.signalContext := thisContext.
excctx := (thisContext sender) findExceptionContext.
[excctx notNil] whileTrue: [
excblk := excctx findExceptionHandlerFor: (self class).
(excblk notNil and:
[actpos := excctx basicSize - 1. excctx basicAt: actpos]) ifTrue: [
self.handlerContext := excctx.
excctx basicAt: actpos put: false.
[ retval := excblk value: self ] ensure: [
excctx basicAt: actpos put: true
exctx := (thisContext sender) findExceptionContext.
[exctx notNil] whileTrue: [
exblk := exctx findExceptionHandlerFor: (self class).
(exblk notNil and:
[actpos := exctx basicSize - 1. exctx basicAt: actpos]) ifTrue: [
self.handlerContext := exctx.
exctx basicAt: actpos put: false.
[ retval := exblk value: self ] ensure: [
exctx basicAt: actpos put: true
thisContext unwindTo: (excctx sender) return: nil.
Processor return: retval to: (excctx sender).
thisContext unwindTo: (exctx sender) return: nil.
Processor return: retval to: (exctx sender).
excctx := (excctx sender) findExceptionContext.
exctx := (exctx sender) findExceptionContext.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -195,6 +200,14 @@
#method ensureBlock
## TODO: change 8 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition
(* [ value-block ] ensure: [ ensure-block ]
* assuming ensure block is a parameter the ensure: method to a
* block context, the first parameter is placed after the fixed
* instance variables of the method context. As MethodContex has
* 8 instance variables, the ensure block must be at the 9th position
* which translates to index 8 *)
(self.method preambleCode == 11) ifFalse: [^nil].
^self basicAt: 8.
@ -202,21 +215,26 @@
#method findExceptionHandlerFor: exception_class
## find an exception handler block for a given exception class.
## for this to work, self must be an exception handler context.
## For a single on:do: call,
## self class specNumInstVars must return 8.
## basicAt: 8 must be the on: argument.
## basicAt: 9 must be the do: argument
(* find an exception handler block for a given exception class.
* for this to work, self must be an exception handler context.
* For a single on:do: call,
* self class specNumInstVars must return 8.(i.e.MethodContext has 8 instance variables.)
* basicAt: 8 must be the on: argument.
* basicAt: 9 must be the do: argument *)
(self isExceptionContext) ifTrue: [
| bound exc |
## NOTE: if on:do: has a temporary varible, bound must be adjusted to reflect it.
bound := self basicSize - 1.
## TODO: change 8 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition
## or calcuate the minimum size using the class information.
8 to: bound by: 2 do: [ :i |
(self isExceptionContext) ifTrue: [
| size exc |
(* NOTE: the following loop scans all parameters to the on:do: method.
* if the on:do: method contains local temporary variables,
* those must be skipped from scanning. *)
size := self basicSize.
8 priorTo: size by: 2 do: [ :i |
exc := self basicAt: i.
((exception_class == exc) or: [exception_class inheritsFrom: exc]) ifTrue: [^self basicAt: (i + 1)].
@ -226,20 +244,20 @@
#method handleException: exception
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## <<private>>
## called by Exception>>signal.
## this method only exists in the MethodContext and UndefinedObject.
## the caller must make sure that the receiver object is
## a method context or nil. Exception>>signal invokes this method
## only for an exception context which is a method context. it
## invokes it for nil when no exception context is found.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
(* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* <<private>>
* called by Exception>>signal.
* this method only exists in the MethodContext and UndefinedObject.
* the caller must make sure that the receiver object is
* a method context or nil. Exception>>signal invokes this method
* only for an exception context which is a method context. it
* invokes it for nil when no exception context is found.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
| excblk retval actpos |
## position of the temporary variable 'active' in MethodContext>>on:do.
## for this code to work, it must be the last temporary variable in the method.
(* position of the temporary variable 'active' in MethodContext>>on:do.
* for this code to work, it must be the last temporary variable in the method. *)
actpos := (self basicSize) - 1.
excblk := self findExceptionHandlerFor: (exception class).
@ -252,13 +270,13 @@
exception handlerContext: self.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## if an exception occurs within an exception handler block,
## the search will reach this context again as the exception block
## is evaluated before actual unwinding. set the temporary variable
## in the exception context to mask out this context from the search
## list.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
(* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* if an exception occurs within an exception handler block,
* the search will reach this context again as the exception block
* is evaluated before actual unwinding. set the temporary variable
* in the exception context to mask out this context from the search
* list.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
self basicAt: actpos put: false.
[ retval := excblk value: exception ] ensure: [
self basicAt: actpos put: true
@ -266,13 +284,11 @@
##(self.sender isNil) ifTrue: [ "TODO: CANNOT RETURN" ].
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## return to self.sender which is a caller of the exception context (on:do:)
## pass the first ensure context between thisContext and self.sender.
## [ [Exception signal: 'xxx'] ensure: [20] ] on: Exception do: [:ex | ...]
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
(* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* return to self.sender which is a caller of the exception context (on:do:)
* pass the first ensure context between thisContext and self.sender.
* [ [Exception signal: 'xxx'] ensure: [20] ] on: Exception do: [:ex | ...]
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
thisContext unwindTo: self.sender return: nil.
Processor return: retval to: self.sender.
@ -286,13 +302,14 @@
| exception_active |
"thisContext isExceptionContext dump.
(* -------------------------------
thisContext isExceptionContext dump.
(thisContext basicSize) dump.
(thisContext basicAt: 8) dump. ## this should be anException
(thisContext basicAt: 9) dump. ## this should be anExceptionBlock
(thisContext basicAt: 10) dump. ## this should be handlerActive
---------------------------------- *)
exception_active := true.
^self value.
@ -334,6 +351,10 @@
#class InstantiationFailureException(Exception)
#class NoSuchMessageException(Exception)
@ -342,6 +363,18 @@
#class IndexOutOfRangeException(Exception)
#class SubclassResponsibilityException(Exception)
#class ErrorExceptionizationFailureException(Exception)
#extend Apex
#method(#class) primitiveFailed
@ -362,14 +395,29 @@ ctx := thisContext.
#method(#class) cannotInstantiate
Exception signal: 'Cannot instantiate'.
## TOOD: accept a class
InstantiationFailureException signal: 'Cannot instantiate'.
#method(#class) doesNotUnderstand: messageSymbol
#method(#class) doesNotUnderstand: message_name
## TODO: implement this properly
NoSuchMessageException signal: (messageSymbol & ' not understood by ' & (self name)).
NoSuchMessageException signal: (message_name & ' not understood by ' & (self name)).
#method(#class) index: index outOfRange: ubound
IndexOutOfRangeException signal: 'Out of range'.
#method(#class) subclassResponsibility: message_name
SubclassResponsibilityException signal: ('Subclass must implment ' & message_name).
#method(#class) cannotExceptionizeError
## todo: accept the object
ErrorExceptionizationFailureException signal: 'Cannot exceptionize an error'

View File

@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
#dcl key value.
#method(#class) key: key value: value
^self new key: key value: value
#method key: key value: value
self.key := key.
@ -154,6 +158,9 @@
#method bitShift: aNumber
(* positive number for left shift.
* negative number for right shift *)
<primitive: #_integer_bitshift>
self primitiveFailed.
@ -303,7 +310,7 @@
#method preambleCode
^self.preamble bitAnd: 16rFF.
^(self.preamble bitAnd: 16rFF) bitShift: -2.
#method owner

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ static stix_oop_oop_t expand_bucket (stix_t* stix, stix_oop_oop_t oldbuc)
key = (stix_oop_char_t)ass->key;
STIX_ASSERT (stix, STIX_CLASSOF(stix,key) == (stix_oop_t)stix->_symbol);
index = stix_hashchars(key->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(key)) % newsz;
index = stix_hashoochars(key->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(key)) % newsz;
while (newbuc->slot[index] != stix->_nil) index = (index + 1) % newsz;
newbuc->slot[index] = (stix_oop_t)ass;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ static stix_oop_association_t find_or_upsert (stix_t* stix, stix_oop_set_t dic,
STIX_ASSERT (stix, STIX_CLASSOF(stix,dic->tally) == stix->_small_integer);
STIX_ASSERT (stix, STIX_CLASSOF(stix,dic->bucket) == stix->_array);
index = stix_hashchars(key->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(key)) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(dic->bucket);
index = stix_hashoochars(key->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(key)) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(dic->bucket);
/* find */
while (dic->bucket->slot[index] != stix->_nil)
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ static stix_oop_association_t find_or_upsert (stix_t* stix, stix_oop_set_t dic,
dic->bucket = bucket;
/* recalculate the index for the expanded bucket */
index = stix_hashchars(key->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(key)) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(dic->bucket);
index = stix_hashoochars(key->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(key)) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(dic->bucket);
while (dic->bucket->slot[index] != stix->_nil)
index = (index + 1) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(dic->bucket);
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ static stix_oop_association_t lookup (stix_t* stix, stix_oop_set_t dic, const st
STIX_ASSERT (stix, STIX_CLASSOF(stix,dic->tally) == stix->_small_integer);
STIX_ASSERT (stix, STIX_CLASSOF(stix,dic->bucket) == stix->_array);
index = stix_hashchars(name->ptr, name->len) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(dic->bucket);
index = stix_hashoochars(name->ptr, name->len) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(dic->bucket);
while (dic->bucket->slot[index] != stix->_nil)

View File

@ -1613,6 +1613,87 @@ static int pf_basic_at_put (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int pf_hash (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv;
stix_oow_t hv;
STIX_ASSERT (stix, nargs == 0);
rcv = STIX_STACK_GETRCV(stix, nargs);
switch (STIX_OOP_GET_TAG(rcv))
hv = STIX_OOP_TO_CHAR(rcv);
hv = STIX_OOP_TO_CHAR(rcv);
hv = STIX_OOP_TO_ERROR(rcv);
int type;
switch (type)
hv = stix_hashbytes(((stix_oop_byte_t)rcv)->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(rcv));
hv = stix_hashoochars (((stix_oop_char_t)rcv)->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(rcv));
hv = stix_hashhalfwords(((stix_oop_halfword_t)rcv)->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(rcv));
hv = stix_hashwords(((stix_oop_word_t)rcv)->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(rcv));
/* STIX_OBJ_TYPE_OOP, ... */
STIX_DEBUG1 (stix, "<pf_hash> Cannot hash an object of type %d\n", type);
return 0;
return 1;
static int pf_exceptionize_error (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv;
STIX_ASSERT (stix, nargs == 1);
rcv = STIX_STACK_GETRCV(stix, nargs);
/* the receiver is a special numeric object, not a normal pointer.
* excceptionization is not supported for small integers, characters, and errors.
* first of all, methods of these classes must not return errors */
return 0;
// TODO: .......
return 1;
static int pf_context_goto (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv;
@ -2496,7 +2577,6 @@ static int pf_error_as_string (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
return 1;
static int pf_ffi_open (stix_t* stix, stix_ooi_t nargs)
stix_oop_t rcv, arg;
@ -2809,6 +2889,9 @@ static pf_t pftab[] =
{ 1, 1, pf_basic_at, "_basic_at" },
{ 2, 2, pf_basic_at_put, "_basic_at_put" },
{ 0, 0, pf_hash, "_hash" },
{ 1, 1, pf_exceptionize_error, "_exceptionize_error" },
{ 1, 1, pf_context_goto, "_context_goto" },
{ 0, MAX_NARGS, pf_block_value, "_block_value" },
@ -2855,7 +2938,6 @@ static pf_t pftab[] =
{ 0, 0, pf_error_as_integer, "_error_as_integer" },
{ 0, 0, pf_error_as_string, "_error_as_string" },
{ 1, 1, pf_ffi_open, "_ffi_open" },
{ 1, 1, pf_ffi_close, "_ffi_close" },
{ 2, 2, pf_ffi_getsym, "_ffi_getsym" },

View File

@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ static void compact_symbol_table (stix_t* stix, stix_oop_t _nil)
STIX_ASSERT (stix, STIX_CLASSOF(stix,symbol) == stix->_symbol);
z = stix_hashchars(symbol->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(symbol)) % bucket_size;
z = stix_hashoochars(symbol->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(symbol)) % bucket_size;
/* move an element if necessary */
if ((y > x && (z <= x || z > y)) ||

View File

@ -33,48 +33,50 @@
extern "C" {
#if defined(STIX_OOCH_IS_UCH)
# define stix_hashchars(ptr,len) stix_hashuchars(ptr,len)
# define stix_equaloochars(str1,str2,len) stix_equaluchars(str1,str2,len)
# define stix_compoocbcstr(str1,str2) stix_compucbcstr(str1,str2)
# define stix_compoocharsbcstr(str1,len1,str2) stix_compucharsbcstr(str1,len1,str2)
# define stix_compoocstr(str1,str2) stix_compucstr(str1,str2)
# define stix_copyoochars(dst,src,len) stix_copyuchars(dst,src,len)
# define stix_copybctooochars(dst,src,len) stix_copybtouchars(dst,src,len)
# define stix_copyoocstr(dst,len,src) stix_copyucstr(dst,len,src)
# define stix_findoochar(ptr,len,c) stix_finduchar(ptr,len,c)
# define stix_rfindoochar(ptr,len,c) stix_rfinduchar(ptr,len,c)
# define stix_countoocstr(str) stix_countucstr(str)
# define stix_hashchars(ptr,len) stix_hashbchars(ptr,len)
# define stix_equaloochars(str1,str2,len) stix_equalbchars(str1,str2,len)
# define stix_compoocbcstr(str1,str2) stix_compbcstr(str1,str2)
# define stix_compoocharsbcstr(str1,len1,str2) stix_compbcharsbcstr(str1,len1,str2)
# define stix_compoocstr(str1,str2) stix_compbcstr(str1,str2)
# define stix_copyoochars(dst,src,len) stix_copybchars(dst,src,len)
# define stix_copybctooochars(dst,src,len) stix_copybchars(dst,src,len)
# define stix_copyoocstr(dst,len,src) stix_copybcstr(dst,len,src)
# define stix_findoochar(ptr,len,c) stix_findbchar(ptr,len,c)
# define stix_rfindoochar(ptr,len,c) stix_rfindbchar(ptr,len,c)
# define stix_countoocstr(str) stix_countbcstr(str)
/* ========================================================================= */
/* utl.c */
/* ========================================================================= */
STIX_EXPORT stix_oow_t stix_hashbytes (
const stix_oob_t* ptr,
stix_oow_t len
STIX_EXPORT stix_oow_t stix_hashuchars (
const stix_uch_t* ptr,
#if defined(STIX_HAVE_INLINE)
static STIX_INLINE stix_oow_t stix_hashbchars (const stix_bch_t* ptr, stix_oow_t len)
return stix_hashbytes((const stix_oob_t*)ptr,len * STIX_SIZEOF(stix_bch_t));
static STIX_INLINE stix_oow_t stix_hashuchars (const stix_uch_t* ptr, stix_oow_t len)
return stix_hashbytes((const stix_oob_t*)ptr,len * STIX_SIZEOF(stix_uch_t));
static STIX_INLINE stix_oow_t stix_hashwords (const stix_oow_t* ptr, stix_oow_t len)
return stix_hashbytes((const stix_oob_t*)ptr, len * STIX_SIZEOF(stix_oow_t));
static STIX_INLINE stix_oow_t stix_hashhalfwords (const stix_oohw_t* ptr, stix_oow_t len)
return stix_hashbytes((const stix_oob_t*)ptr, len * STIX_SIZEOF(stix_oohw_t));
# define stix_hashbchars(ptr,len) stix_hashbytes((const stix_oob_t*)ptr,len * STIX_SIZEOF(stix_bch_t))
# define stix_hashuchars(ptr,len) stix_hashbytes((const stix_oob_t*)ptr,len * STIX_SIZEOF(stix_uch_t))
# define stix_hashwords(ptr,len) stix_hashbytes((const stix_oob_t*)ptr, len * STIX_SIZEOF(stix_oow_t))
# define stix_hashhalfwords(ptr,len) stix_hashbytes((const stix_oob_t*)ptr, len * STIX_SIZEOF(stix_oohw_t))
#if defined(STIX_OOCH_IS_UCH)
# define stix_hashoochars(ptr,len) stix_hashuchars(ptr,len)
# define stix_hashoochars(ptr,len) stix_hashbchars(ptr,len)
STIX_EXPORT stix_oow_t stix_hashwords (
const stix_oow_t* ptr,
stix_oow_t len
#define stix_hashbchars(ptr,len) stix_hashbytes(ptr,len)
* The stix_equaluchars() function determines equality of two strings
* of the same length \a len.
@ -181,6 +183,33 @@ STIX_EXPORT stix_oow_t stix_countbcstr (
const stix_bch_t* str
#if defined(STIX_OOCH_IS_UCH)
# define stix_equaloochars(str1,str2,len) stix_equaluchars(str1,str2,len)
# define stix_compoocbcstr(str1,str2) stix_compucbcstr(str1,str2)
# define stix_compoocharsbcstr(str1,len1,str2) stix_compucharsbcstr(str1,len1,str2)
# define stix_compoocstr(str1,str2) stix_compucstr(str1,str2)
# define stix_copyoochars(dst,src,len) stix_copyuchars(dst,src,len)
# define stix_copybctooochars(dst,src,len) stix_copybtouchars(dst,src,len)
# define stix_copyoocstr(dst,len,src) stix_copyucstr(dst,len,src)
# define stix_findoochar(ptr,len,c) stix_finduchar(ptr,len,c)
# define stix_rfindoochar(ptr,len,c) stix_rfinduchar(ptr,len,c)
# define stix_countoocstr(str) stix_countucstr(str)
# define stix_equaloochars(str1,str2,len) stix_equalbchars(str1,str2,len)
# define stix_compoocbcstr(str1,str2) stix_compbcstr(str1,str2)
# define stix_compoocharsbcstr(str1,len1,str2) stix_compbcharsbcstr(str1,len1,str2)
# define stix_compoocstr(str1,str2) stix_compbcstr(str1,str2)
# define stix_copyoochars(dst,src,len) stix_copybchars(dst,src,len)
# define stix_copybctooochars(dst,src,len) stix_copybchars(dst,src,len)
# define stix_copyoocstr(dst,len,src) stix_copybcstr(dst,len,src)
# define stix_findoochar(ptr,len,c) stix_findbchar(ptr,len,c)
# define stix_rfindoochar(ptr,len,c) stix_rfindbchar(ptr,len,c)
# define stix_countoocstr(str) stix_countbcstr(str)
STIX_EXPORT int stix_copyoocstrtosbuf (
stix_t* stix,
const stix_ooch_t* str,
@ -279,9 +308,8 @@ STIX_EXPORT int stix_convutf8toucstr (
stix_oow_t* ucslen
/* ========================================================================= */
/* utf8.c */
/* ========================================================================= */
STIX_EXPORT stix_oow_t stix_uctoutf8 (
stix_uch_t uc,
stix_bch_t* utf8,
@ -294,6 +322,7 @@ STIX_EXPORT stix_oow_t stix_utf8touc (
stix_uch_t* uc
#if defined(__cplusplus)

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@ -526,7 +526,10 @@ struct stix_method_t
* 8 - do primitive[index]
* 9 - do named primitive[index]
* 10 - exception handler
* 11 - ensure block
/* NOTE: changing preamble code bit structure requires changes to CompiledMethod>>preambleCode */
#define STIX_METHOD_MAKE_PREAMBLE(code,index,flags) ((((stix_ooi_t)index) << 8) | ((stix_ooi_t)code << 2) | flags)
#define STIX_METHOD_GET_PREAMBLE_CODE(preamble) ((((stix_ooi_t)preamble) & 0xFF) >> 2)
#define STIX_METHOD_GET_PREAMBLE_INDEX(preamble) (((stix_ooi_t)preamble) >> 8)
@ -543,8 +546,9 @@ struct stix_method_t
#define STIX_METHOD_PREAMBLE_NAMED_PRIMITIVE 9 /* index is an index to the symbol table */
#define STIX_METHOD_PREAMBLE_EXCEPTION 10 /* NOTE changing this requires changes in */
#define STIX_METHOD_PREAMBLE_ENSURE 11 /* NOTE changing this requires changes in */
/* the index is an 16-bit unsigned integer. */
@ -554,6 +558,9 @@ struct stix_method_t
/* preamble flags */
/* NOTE: if you change the number of instance variables for stix_context_t,
* you need to change the defintion of BlockContext and MethodContext.
* plus, you need to update various exception handling code in MethodContext */
typedef struct stix_context_t stix_context_t;
typedef struct stix_context_t* stix_oop_context_t;

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ static stix_oop_oop_t expand_bucket (stix_t* stix, stix_oop_oop_t oldbuc)
STIX_ASSERT (stix, STIX_CLASSOF(stix,symbol) == stix->_symbol);
/*STIX_ASSERT (stix, sym->size > 0);*/
index = stix_hashchars(symbol->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(symbol)) % newsz;
index = stix_hashoochars(symbol->slot, STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(symbol)) % newsz;
while (newbuc->slot[index] != stix->_nil) index = (index + 1) % newsz;
newbuc->slot[index] = (stix_oop_t)symbol;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ static stix_oop_t find_or_make_symbol (stix_t* stix, const stix_ooch_t* ptr, sti
STIX_ASSERT (stix, STIX_CLASSOF(stix,stix->symtab->bucket) == stix->_array);
index = stix_hashchars(ptr, len) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(stix->symtab->bucket);
index = stix_hashoochars(ptr, len) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(stix->symtab->bucket);
/* find a matching symbol in the open-addressed symbol table */
while (stix->symtab->bucket->slot[index] != stix->_nil)
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ static stix_oop_t find_or_make_symbol (stix_t* stix, const stix_ooch_t* ptr, sti
stix->symtab->bucket = bucket;
/* recalculate the index for the expanded bucket */
index = stix_hashchars(ptr, len) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(stix->symtab->bucket);
index = stix_hashoochars(ptr, len) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(stix->symtab->bucket);
while (stix->symtab->bucket->slot[index] != stix->_nil)
index = (index + 1) % STIX_OBJ_GET_SIZE(stix->symtab->bucket);

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@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ stix_oow_t stix_hashbytes (const stix_oob_t* ptr, stix_oow_t len)
return h;
stix_oow_t stix_hashuchars (const stix_uch_t* ptr, stix_oow_t len)
return stix_hashbytes ((const stix_oob_t *)ptr, len * STIX_SIZEOF(*ptr));
int stix_equaluchars (const stix_uch_t* str1, const stix_uch_t* str2, stix_oow_t len)
stix_oow_t i;