hyunghwan.chung af9c144a1c added Apex>>hash
added Symbol>>asString
revised String>>&
added some methods to Dictionary
2017-01-05 10:16:04 +00:00

408 lines
7.0 KiB

#class Apex(nil)
#dcl(#class) sysdic.
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method(#class) dump
<primitive: #_dump>
#method dump
<primitive: #_dump>
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method(#class) yourself
#method yourself
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method(#class) basicNew
<primitive: #_basic_new>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) basicNew: anInteger
<primitive: #_basic_new_with_size>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) ngcNew
<primitive: #_ngc_new>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) ngcNew: anInteger
<primitive: #_ngc_new_with_size>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) new
| x |
x := self basicNew.
x initialize. "TODO: assess if it's good to call 'initialize' from new."
#method(#class) new: anInteger
| x |
## TODO: check if the class is a fixed class.
## if so, raise an exception.
x := self basicNew: anInteger.
x initialize. "TODO: assess if it's good to call 'initialize' from new."
#method initialize
"a subclass may override this method."
#method ngcDispose
<primitive: #_ngc_dispose>
self primitiveFailed.
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method shallowCopy
<primitive: #_shallow_copy>
self primitiveFailed.
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method class
<primitive: #_class>
#method(#class) class
<primitive: #_class>
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method basicSize
<primitive: #_basic_size>
self primitiveFailed.
#method(#class) basicSize
<primitive: #_basic_size>
self primitiveFailed.
#method basicAt: index
<primitive: #_basic_at>
self index: index outOfRange: (self basicSize).
#method basicAt: index put: anObject
<primitive: #_basic_at_put>
self index: index outOfRange: (self basicSize).
#method(#class) basicAt: index
<primitive: #_basic_at>
self index: index outOfRange: (self basicSize).
#method(#class) basicAt: index put: anObject
<primitive: #_basic_at_put>
self index: index outOfRange: (self basicSize).
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method(#class) hash
<primitive: #_hash>
self subclassResponsibility: #hash
#method hash
<primitive: #_hash>
self subclassResponsibility: #hash
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method == anObject
(* check if the receiver is identical to anObject.
* this doesn't compare the contents *)
<primitive: #_identical>
#method ~~ anObject
<primitive: #_not_identical>
^(self == anObject) not.
#method(#class) == anObject
(* check if the receiver is identical to anObject.
* this doesn't compare the contents *)
<primitive: #_identical>
#method(#class) ~~ anObject
<primitive: #_not_identical>
^(self == anObject) not.
## TODO: add = and ~= for equality check.
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method isNil
"^self == nil."
#method notNil
"^(self == nil) not"
"^self ~= nil."
#method(#class) isNil
"^self == nil."
#method(#class) notNil
"^(self == nil) not"
"^self ~= nil."
#method isError
#method(#class) isError
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method(#class) inheritsFrom: aClass
| c |
c := self superclass.
[c notNil] whileTrue: [
[ c == aClass ] ifTrue: [^true].
c := c superclass.
#method(#class) isMemberOf: aClass
(* a class object is an instance of Class
* but Class inherits from Apex. On the other hand,
* most of ordinary classes are under Object again under Apex.
* special consideration is required here. *)
^aClass == Class
#method(#class) isKindOf: aClass
^(self isMemberOf: aClass) or: [self inheritsFrom: aClass].
#method isMemberOf: aClass
^self class == aClass
#method isKindOf: aClass
^(self isMemberOf: aClass) or: [self class inheritsFrom: aClass].
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
#method(#class) respondsTo: selectorSymbol
TODO: find selectorSymbol in the class method dictionary...
#method respondsTo: selectorSymbol
TODO: find selectorSymbol in the method dictionary...
## -------------------------------------------------------
## method(#class) primitiveFailed
## {
## this method will be added after Exception class has been defined.
## }
#method primitiveFailed
self class primitiveFailed.
#method doesNotUnderstand: messageSymbol
self class doesNotUnderstand: messageSymbol
#method(#class) error: msgText
## TODO: implement this
## Error signal: msgText.
msgText dump.
#method error: aString
self class error: aString.
#method index: index outOfRange: ubound
self class index: index outOfRange: ubound.
#method cannotInstantiate
self class cannotInstantiate
#method subclassResponsibility: message_name
self class subclassResponsibility: message_name
#method cannotExceptionizeError
self class cannotExceptionizeError
#method exceptionizeError: trueOrFalse
<primitive: #_exceptionize_error>
self class cannotExceptionizeError
#class Object(Apex)
#class UndefinedObject(Apex)
#method isNil
#method notNil
#method handleException: exception
('### EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED #### ' & exception class name & ' - ' & exception messageText) dump.
## TODO: debug the current process???? "
## TODO: ensure to execute ensure blocks as well....
####Processor activeProcess terminate.
#pooldic ErrorCode
(* migrate it into Error class *)
#NONE := error(0).
#GENERIC := error(1).
#NOENT := error(2).
#class Error(Apex)
(* ----------------------------
TODO: support constant declaration...
#NONE := error(0).
#GENERIC := error(1).
-------------------------------- *)
#method isError
#method asInteger
<primitive: #_error_as_integer>
#method asCharacter
<primitive: #_error_as_character>
#method asString
<primitive: #_error_as_string>