more xcb implementation code

This commit is contained in:
hyunghwan.chung 2017-04-07 15:50:05 +00:00
parent db3cdd057d
commit 88b2a0787f
5 changed files with 448 additions and 229 deletions

View File

@ -4,8 +4,12 @@
class X11(Object) from 'x11'
dcl(#class) connection.
dcl id.
(* The X11 class represents a X11 display *)
dcl(#class) default_display.
dcl cid.
dcl windows. ## all windows registered
dcl event_loop_sem event_loop_proc.
dcl ll_event_blocks.
@ -15,20 +19,52 @@ class X11(Object) from 'x11'
dcl mouse_event.
dcl mouse_wheel_event.
dcl frames.
method(#primitive) _connect.
method(#primitive) _disconnect.
method(#primitive) _get_fd.
method(#primitive) _get_event.
method id { ^ }
method cid { ^self.cid }
method wid { ^nil }
method display { ^self }
class X11.Exception(System.Exception)
class X11.Rectangle(Object)
dcl x y width height.
method initialize
self.x := 0.
self.y := 0.
self.width := 0.
self.height := 0.
method x { ^self.x }
method y { ^self.y }
method width { ^self.width }
method height { ^self.height }
method x: x { self.x := x }
method y: y { self.y := y }
method width: width { self.width := width }
method height: height { self.height := height }
method x: x y: y width: width height: height
self.x := x.
self.y := y.
self.width := width.
self.height := height.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Event
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -43,6 +79,7 @@ pooldic X11.LLEvent
EXPOSE := 12.
@ -118,16 +155,26 @@ class X11.FrameEvent(X11.Event)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Graphics Context
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pooldic X11.GCAttr
(* see xcb/xproto.h *)
GC_FONT := 16384.
class X11.GC(Object) from 'x11.gc'
dcl window id.
method(#primitive) _make (connection, window).
method(#primitive) _make (display, window).
method(#primitive) _kill.
method(#primitive) _drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2).
method(#primitive) _drawRect(x, y, width, height).
method(#primitive) _fillRect(x, y, width, height).
method(#primitive) _foreground: color.
method(#primitive) _change(gcattr, value).
method(#class) new: window
@ -136,7 +183,7 @@ class X11.GC(Object) from 'x11.gc'
method __open_on: window
if ((id := self _make(window connection id, window id)) isError)
if ((id := self _make(window display cid, window wid)) isError)
X11.Exception signal: 'cannot make a graphic context'
@ -147,20 +194,45 @@ class X11.GC(Object) from 'x11.gc'
method close
if (self.window notNil)
if ( notNil)
self _kill. := nil.
self.window := nil.
method foreground: value
^self _change (X11.GCAttr.GC_FOREGROUND, value)
method background: value
^self _change (X11.GCAttr.GC_BACKGROUND, value)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class X11.Component(Object)
dcl parent.
method new
## you must call new: parent instead.
self cannotInstantiate
method new: parent
## you must call new: parent instead.
self cannotInstantiate
method parent
@ -170,6 +242,19 @@ class X11.Component(Object)
self.parent := parent.
method display
| p pp |
p := self.
while ((pp := p parent) notNil) { p := pp }.
^p display.
method display: display
## do nothing
class X11.Canvas(Component)
@ -185,54 +270,19 @@ class X11.Canvas(Component)
class X11.Container(Component)
class X11.WindowedComponent(Component) from ''
dcl components capacity size.
dcl(#class) geom.
dcl wid.
method initialize
self.size := 0.
self.capacity := 128.
## TODO: change System.Array to Danamically resized array.
self.components := System.Array new: self.capacity.
method(#primitive) _get_window_dwatom.
method(#primitive) _get_window_id.
method(#primitive) _make_window (display, x, y, width, height, parent).
method(#primitive) _kill_window.
method(#primitive) _get_window_geometry (geom).
method(#primitive) _set_window_geometry (geom).
method addComponent: component
| tmp |
component parent: self.
if (self.size >= self.capacity)
tmp := System.Array new: (self.capacity + 128).
tmp copy: self.components.
self.capacity := self.capacity + 128.
self.components := tmp.
self.components at: self.size put: component.
self.size := self.size + 1.
class X11.Window(Container) from ''
dcl id.
method(#primitive) _get_dwatom.
method(#primitive) _get_id.
method(#primitive) _make (connection, x, y, width, height, parent).
method(#primitive) _kill.
method id { ^ }
method connection
| p pp |
p := self.
while ((pp := p parent) notNil) { p := pp }.
^p connection.
method wid { ^self.wid }
method(#class) new: parent
@ -241,22 +291,73 @@ class X11.Window(Container) from ''
method __open_on_window: parent
| id |
id := self _make (parent connection id, 5, 5, 100, 100, parent id).
if (id isError) { X11.Exception signal: ('cannot make a window - ' & id asString) }.
| id disp | := id.
disp := parent display.
wid := self _make_window (disp cid, 5, 5, 300, 300, parent wid).
if (wid isError) { X11.Exception signal: ('cannot make a window - ' & wid asString) }.
self.wid := wid.
self display: disp.
if (disp ~= parent)
self.parent := parent.
parent addComponent: self.
parent connection addFrame: self.
disp addWindow: self.
self windowOpened.
method close
if (self.wid notNil)
self windowClosing.
self display removeWindow: self.
if (self.parent notNil) { self.parent removeComponent: self }.
self _kill_window.
self windowClosed. ## you can't make a primitive call any more
self.wid := nil.
self.parent := nil.
method bounds
| rect |
rect := X11.Rectangle new.
self _get_window_geometry (rect).
method bounds: rect
self _set_window_geometry (rect).
method windowOpened
method windowClosing
method windowClosed
method windowResized
method expose: event
('EXPOSE IN WINDOWS....' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString) & ' ' & (event width asString) & ' ' & (event height asString)) dump.
## ('EXPOSE IN WINDOWS....' & (self.wid asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString) & ' ' & (event width asString) & ' ' & (event height asString)) dump.
(* TODO: take the followings out to a seperate mouse listener??? *)
@ -271,71 +372,62 @@ class X11.Window(Container) from ''
method mousePressed: event
('MOUSE PRESSED' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString)) dump.
('MOUSE PRESSED' & (self.wid asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString)) dump.
method mouseReleased: event
('MOUSE RELEASED' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString)) dump.
('MOUSE RELEASED' & (self.wid asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString)) dump.
method mouseWheelMoved: event
('MOUSE WHEEL MOVED' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString) & ' ' & (event amount asString)) dump.
('MOUSE WHEEL MOVED' & (self.wid asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString) & ' ' & (event amount asString)) dump.
method windowOpened
method windowClosing
method windowClosed
class X11.Frame(Window)
class X11.Container(WindowedComponent)
dcl connection.
dcl components.
## method connection: connection { self.connection := connection }
method connection { ^self.connection }
method(#class) new
method initialize
##^(super new) __open_on: X11 connection.
^(super new) __open_on: X11 connect. ## connect if X11 is not connected.
super initialize.
self.components := System.Dictionary new: 128.
method __open_on: connection
method addComponent: component
| id |
## TODO: the key is component's wid. it's only supported for WindowedCompoennt.
## what is a better key to support Component that's not linked to any window?
^self.components at: (component wid) put: component
id := self _make(connection id, 10, 20, 500, 600, nil).
if (id isError) { X11.Exception signal: ('cannot make a frame - ' & id asString) }. := id.
self.connection := connection.
connection addFrame: self.
self windowOpened.
method removeComponent: component
^self.components removeKey: (component wid)
method close
if (self.connection notNil)
self windowClosing.
self _kill.
(* TODO: remove all subcomponents... *)
self.connection removeFrame: self.
self windowClosed. := 0.
self.connection := nil.
self.components do: [:c | c close ].
^super close
class X11.FrameWindow(Container)
dcl display.
method display { ^self.display }
method display: display { self.display := display }
method(#class) new
super new: X11 defaultDisplay. ## connect if X11 is not connected.
method(#class) new: display
^super new: display.
##method show: flag
@ -357,49 +449,68 @@ class X11.Frame(Window)
class X11.Button(Component)
class X11.Button(WindowedComponent)
extend X11
method(#class) connect
method(#class) new
| c |
if (self.connection isNil)
c := self new.
if (c connect isError) { X11.Exception signal: 'cannot connect' }.
self.connection := c.
^(super new) __connect_to_display: nil.
method(#class) disconnect
method __connect_to_display: name
if (self.connection notNil)
self.connection disconnect.
self.connection := nil.
## TODO: make use of name to connect to a non-default display.
| cid |
cid := self _connect.
if (cid isError) { X11.Exception signal: 'cannot connect to display' }.
self.cid := cid.
method(#class) connection
method close
if (self.cid notNil)
self _disconnect.
self.cid := nil.
method(#class) defaultDisplay
| conn |
if (self.default_display isNil)
conn := X11 new.
##if (conn isError) { X11.Exception signal: 'cannot connect to default display' }.
self.default_display := conn.
method(#class) closeDefaultDisplay
if (self.default_display notNil)
self.default_display close.
self.default_display := nil.
method(#class) enterEventLoop
^self connect enterEventLoop
^self defaultDisplay enterEventLoop
method initialize
super initialize. := System.Dictionary new: 100.
self.expose_event := X11.ExposeEvent new.
self.key_event := X11.KeyEvent new.
self.mouse_event := X11.MouseEvent new.
@ -415,56 +526,41 @@ extend X11
at: X11.LLEvent.ENTER_NOTIFY put: #__handle_notify:;
at: X11.LLEvent.LEAVE_NOTIFY put: #__handle_notify:;
at: X11.LLEvent.EXPOSE put: #__handle_expose:;
at: X11.LLEvent.CONFIGURE_NOTIFY put: #__handle_configure_notify;
at: X11.LLEvent.CLIENT_MESSAGE put: #__handle_client_message:.
method connect
| t |
if (self.frames isNil)
| cid |
if ( isNil)
if ((t := self _connect) isError) { ^t }. := t.
self.frames := System.Dictionary new.
if ((cid := self _connect) isError) { ^cid }.
self.cid := cid. := System.Dictionary new.
method disconnect
if (self.frames notNil)
if ( notNil)
self.frames do: [ :frame | do: [ :frame |
frame close.
self.frames := nil. := nil.
self _disconnect.
method addFrame: frame
method addWindow: window
if (frame connection ~= self)
X11.Exception signal: 'Invalid connection in frame to add'.
('ADDING NE FRAME ID' & frame id asString) dump.
self.frames at: (frame id) put: frame.
^ at: (window wid) put: window.
method removeFrame: frame
method removeWindow: window
if (frame connection ~= self)
X11.Exception signal: 'Invalid connection in frame to remove'.
(*self.frames removeLink: frame backlink.
frame connection: nil.
frame backlink: nil.*)
('REMOVING NE FRAME ID' & frame id asString) dump.
(self.frames removeKey: (frame id)) dump.
^ removeKey: (window wid)
method enterEventLoop
@ -477,7 +573,7 @@ extend X11
| event ongoing |
ongoing := true.
while (self.frames size > 0)
while ( size > 0)
'Waiting for X11 event...' dump.
self.event_loop_sem wait.
@ -568,13 +664,13 @@ extend X11
} xcb_expose_event_t;
| wid frame |
| wid window |
##wid := System _getUint32(event, 4). ## window
wid := event getUint32(4).
frame := self.frames at: wid.
window := at: wid.
if (frame notError)
if (window notError)
@ -589,7 +685,7 @@ extend X11
width: event getUint16(12) ## width
height: event getUint16(14). ## height
frame expose: self.expose_event.
window expose: self.expose_event.
@ -619,15 +715,15 @@ extend X11
typedef xcb_button_press_event_t xcb_button_release_event_t;
| type wid frame detail |
| type wid window detail |
type := System _getUint8(event, 0) bitAnd: 16r7F. ## lower 7 bits of response_type
wid := System _getUint32(event, 12). ## event
##type := event getUint8(0) bitAnd: 16r7F. ## lower 7 bits of response_type
##wid := event getUint32(12). ## event
frame := self.frames at: wid.
window := at: wid.
if (frame notError)
if (window notError)
##detail := System _getUint8(event, 1).
detail := event getUint8(1).
@ -646,11 +742,11 @@ extend X11
if (type == X11.LLEvent.BUTTON_PRESS)
frame mousePressed: self.mouse_event
window mousePressed: self.mouse_event
frame mouseReleased: self.mouse_event
window mouseReleased: self.mouse_event
elsif (detail == 4 or: [detail == 5])
@ -667,7 +763,7 @@ extend X11
x: event getUint16(24) ## event_x
y: event getUint16(26) ## event_y
amount: (if (detail == 4) { -1 } else { 1 }).
frame mouseWheelMoved: self.mouse_wheel_event
window mouseWheelMoved: self.mouse_wheel_event
@ -677,6 +773,29 @@ extend X11
method __handle_configure_notify: event
typedef struct xcb_configure_notify_event_t {
uint8_t response_type;
uint8_t pad0;
uint16_t sequence;
xcb_window_t event;
xcb_window_t window;
xcb_window_t above_sibling;
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
uint16_t border_width;
uint8_t override_redirect;
uint8_t pad1;
} xcb_configure_notify_event_t;
method __handle_client_message: event
@ -695,20 +814,20 @@ extend X11
xcb_client_message_data_t data;
} xcb_client_message_event_t;
| type wid frame dw |
| type wid window dw |
##wid := System _getUint32(event, 4). ## window
wid := event getUint32(4). ## window
frame := self.frames at: wid.
window := at: wid.
if (frame notError)
if (window notError)
##dw := System _getUint32(event, 12). ## data.data32[0]
dw := event getUint32(12). ## data.data32[0]
if (dw == frame _get_dwatom)
if (dw == window _get_window_dwatom)
## TODO: call close query callback???
frame close.
window close.
## TODO: handle other client messages
@ -751,24 +870,22 @@ extend X11
class MyButton(X11.Window)
class MyButton(X11.Button)
method expose: event
super expose: event.
gc := X11.GC new: self.
gc _foreground: 2.
gc foreground: 16rFF8877.
gc _fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50).
gc close.
class MyFrame(X11.Frame)
class MyFrame(X11.FrameWindow)
dcl gc.
dcl b1.
@ -776,18 +893,20 @@ class MyFrame(X11.Frame)
method windowOpened
super windowOpened.
if (self.gc isNil)
self.gc := X11.GC new: self.
self.gc _foreground: 10.
self.gc foreground: 10.
self.gc _drawLine(10, 20, 30, 40).
self.gc _drawRect(10, 20, 30, 40).
self.gc _foreground: 20.
self.gc foreground: 20.
self.gc _drawRect(100, 100, 200, 200).
b1 := MyButton new: self.
self.b1 := MyButton new: self.
method windowClosing
@ -802,17 +921,24 @@ self.gc _drawRect(100, 100, 200, 200).
method expose: event
| rect |
super expose: event.
('EXPOSE....' & ( asString) & ' ' & (event x asString) & ' ' & (event y asString) & ' ' & (event width asString) & ' ' & (event height asString)) dump.
self.gc _foreground: 2.
self.gc foreground: 2.
##self.gc drawLine: (10@20) to: (30@40).
self.gc _drawLine(10, 20, 300, 400).
self.gc _drawRect(10, 20, 30, 40).
self.gc _foreground: 20.
self.gc foreground: 20.
self.gc _drawRect(100, 100, 200, 200).*)
rect := self bounds.
rect x: 0; y: 0; height: ((rect height) quo: 2); width: ((rect width) - 2).
self.b1 bounds: rect;
@ -827,7 +953,7 @@ class MyObject(Object)
method(#class) main
| f q |
| f q x11 |
f := 20.
(q:=:{ 10 -> 20, 20 -> 30, f + 40 -> self abc, (Association key: 10 value: 49), f -> f })dump.
@ -845,12 +971,11 @@ class MyObject(Object)
f addLastLink: q.
(f findLink: 30) prev value dump.
f do: [:v | v dump ].
(f size asString & ' elements in list') dump.
##X11 connect.
## f := MyFrame new.
## f := MyFrame new: d.
q := MyFrame new.
## MyButton new: q.
@ -873,5 +998,7 @@ class MyObject(Object)
## [ while (true) { '111' dump. Processor sleepFor: 1. } ] fork.
##X11 disconnect.
##X11 closeDefaultDisplay.

View File

@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ struct moo_ntime_t
#define MOO_UCI_EOF ((moo_ooci_t)-1)
#define MOO_SIZEOF(x) (sizeof(x))
#define MOO_COUNTOF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
#define MOO_COUNTOF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
* The MOO_OFFSETOF() macro returns the offset of a field from the beginning

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
/* this is for gc debugging */
#define MOO_DEBUG_GC
/*#define MOO_DEBUG_GC*/
/*#define MOO_DEBUG_VM_EXEC*/

View File

@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ moo_pfbase_t* moo_querymod (moo_t* moo, const moo_ooch_t* pfid, moo_oow_t pfidle
if ((pfbase = mdp->mod.query (moo, &mdp->mod, sep + 1, pfidlen - mod_name_len - 1)) == MOO_NULL)
/* the primitive function is not found. but keep the module open even if it's opened above */
MOO_DEBUG2 (moo, "Cannot find a primitive function [%js] in a module [%js]\n", sep + 1, mdp->;
MOO_DEBUG3 (moo, "Cannot find a primitive function [%.*js] in a module [%js]\n", pfidlen - mod_name_len - 1, sep + 1, mdp->;
moo->errnum = MOO_ENOENT; /* TODO: proper error code and handling */
return MOO_NULL;

View File

@ -318,22 +318,30 @@ static moo_pfrc_t pf_gc_fill_rect (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
static moo_pfrc_t pf_gc_set_foreground (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
static moo_pfrc_t pf_gc_change (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
x11_gc_t* gc;
moo_oop_t t;
moo_oow_t tmpoow;
uint32_t value;
gc = (x11_gc_t*)moo_getobjtrailer(moo, MOO_STACK_GETRCV(moo, nargs), MOO_NULL);
if (moo_inttooow (moo, MOO_STACK_GETARG(moo, nargs, 0), &tmpoow) <= 0)
t = MOO_STACK_GETARG(moo, nargs, 0);
if (moo_inttooow (moo, MOO_STACK_GETARG(moo, nargs, 1), &tmpoow) <= 0) goto einval;
value = tmpoow;
xcb_change_gc (gc->c, gc->id, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, &value);
* this primitive allows only 1 value to be used. you must not specify
* a bitwise-ORed mask of more than 1 XCB_GC_XXX enumerator. */
xcb_change_gc (gc->c, gc->id, MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(t), &value);
xcb_flush (gc->c);
@ -423,12 +431,91 @@ static moo_pfrc_t pf_win_get_dwatom (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
win = (x11_win_t*)moo_getobjtrailer(moo, MOO_STACK_GETRCV(moo, nargs), MOO_NULL);
x = moo_oowtoint (moo, win->dwar->atom);
if (!x) return MOO_PF_HARD_FAILURE;
if (!x)
MOO_STACK_SETRET (moo, nargs, x);
static moo_pfrc_t pf_win_get_geometry (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
x11_win_t* win;
moo_oop_t t;
xcb_get_geometry_cookie_t gc;
xcb_get_geometry_reply_t* geom;
win = (x11_win_t*)moo_getobjtrailer(moo, MOO_STACK_GETRCV(moo, nargs), MOO_NULL);
t = MOO_STACK_GETARG(moo, nargs, 0);
/* expecting an object composed of 4 object pointers */
gc = xcb_get_geometry (win->c, win->id);
geom = xcb_get_geometry_reply (win->c, gc, NULL);
((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[0] = MOO_SMOOI_TO_OOP(geom->x);
((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[1] = MOO_SMOOI_TO_OOP(geom->y);
((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[2] = MOO_SMOOI_TO_OOP(geom->width);
((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[3] = MOO_SMOOI_TO_OOP(geom->height);
free (geom);
MOO_STACK_SETRET (moo, nargs, t);
static moo_pfrc_t pf_win_set_geometry (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
x11_win_t* win;
moo_oop_t t;
uint32_t values[4];
int flags = 0, vcount = 0;
win = (x11_win_t*)moo_getobjtrailer(moo, MOO_STACK_GETRCV(moo, nargs), MOO_NULL);
t = MOO_STACK_GETARG(moo, nargs, 0);
/* expecting an object composed of 4 object pointers */
if (MOO_OOP_IS_SMOOI(((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[0]))
values[vcount++] = MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[0]);
if (MOO_OOP_IS_SMOOI(((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[1]))
values[vcount++] = MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[1]);
if (MOO_OOP_IS_SMOOI(((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[2]))
values[vcount++] = MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[2]);
if (MOO_OOP_IS_SMOOI(((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[3]))
values[vcount++] = MOO_OOP_TO_SMOOI(((moo_oop_oop_t)t)->slot[3]);
xcb_configure_window (win->c, win->id, flags, values);
static moo_pfrc_t pf_win_get_id (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
x11_win_t* win;
@ -437,7 +524,11 @@ static moo_pfrc_t pf_win_get_id (moo_t* moo, moo_ooi_t nargs)
win = (x11_win_t*)moo_getobjtrailer(moo, MOO_STACK_GETRCV(moo, nargs), MOO_NULL);
x = moo_oowtoint (moo, win->id);
if (!x) return MOO_PF_HARD_FAILURE;
if (!x)
MOO_STACK_SETRET (moo, nargs, x);
@ -643,10 +734,10 @@ int moo_mod_x11 (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod)
static moo_pfinfo_t x11_gc_pfinfo[] =
{ I, { '_','d','r','a','w','L','i','n','e' }, 0, { pf_gc_draw_line, 4, 4 } },
{ I, { '_','d','r','a','w','R','e','c','t' }, 0, { pf_gc_draw_rect, 4, 4 } },
{ I, { '_','c','h','a','n','g','e','\0' }, 0, { pf_gc_change, 2, 2,} },
{ I, { '_','d','r','a','w','L','i','n','e','\0' }, 0, { pf_gc_draw_line, 4, 4 } },
{ I, { '_','d','r','a','w','R','e','c','t','\0' }, 0, { pf_gc_draw_rect, 4, 4 } },
{ I, { '_','f','i','l','l','R','e','c','t' }, 0, { pf_gc_fill_rect, 4, 4 } },
{ I, { '_','f','o','r','e','g','r','o','u','n','d',':','\0' }, 0, { pf_gc_set_foreground, 1, 1 } },
{ I, { '_','g','e','t','_','i','d','\0' }, 0, { pf_gc_get_id, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { '_','k','i','l','l','\0' }, 0, { pf_gc_kill, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { '_','m','a','k','e','\0' }, 0, { pf_gc_make, 2, 2 } }
@ -685,11 +776,12 @@ int moo_mod_x11_gc (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod)
static moo_pfinfo_t x11_win_pfinfo[] =
{ I, { '_','g','e','t','_','d','w','a','t','o','m','\0'}, 0, { pf_win_get_dwatom, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { '_','g','e','t','_','i','d','\0' }, 0, { pf_win_get_id, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { '_','k','i','l','l','\0' }, 0, { pf_win_kill, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { '_','m','a','k','e','\0' }, 0, { pf_win_make, 6, 6 } }
{ I, { '_','g','e','t','_','w','i','n','d','o','w','_','d','w','a','t','o','m','\0'}, 0, { pf_win_get_dwatom, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { '_','g','e','t','_','w','i','n','d','o','w','_','g','e','o','m','e','t','r','y','\0'}, 0, { pf_win_get_geometry, 1, 1 } },
{ I, { '_','g','e','t','_','w','i','n','d','o','w','_','i','d','\0' }, 0, { pf_win_get_id, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { '_','k','i','l','l','_','w','i','n','d','o','w','\0' }, 0, { pf_win_kill, 0, 0 } },
{ I, { '_','m','a','k','e','_','w','i','n','d','o','w','\0' }, 0, { pf_win_make, 6, 6 } },
{ I, { '_','s','e','t','_','w','i','n','d','o','w','_','g','e','o','m','e','t','r','y','\0'}, 0, { pf_win_set_geometry, 1, 1 } }
static int x11_win_import (moo_t* moo, moo_mod_t* mod, moo_oop_class_t _class)