added some asycn socket code
This commit is contained in:
@ -258,7 +258,9 @@ class AsyncHandle(Object)
class Socket(AsyncHandle) from 'sck'
class Socket(AsyncHandle) from 'sck'
var(#get) eventActions.
var(#get) dataInEventAction.
var(#get) dataOutEventAction.
var pending_bytes, pending_offset, pending_length.
var pending_bytes, pending_offset, pending_length.
var outreadysem, outdonesem, inreadysem.
var outreadysem, outdonesem, inreadysem.
@ -288,13 +290,6 @@ pooldic Socket.Type
DGRAM := 2.
DGRAM := 2.
pooldic Socket.EventType
DATA_IN := 1.
DATA_OUT := 2.
extend Socket
extend Socket
method(#class) new { self messageProhibited: #new }
method(#class) new { self messageProhibited: #new }
@ -308,31 +303,43 @@ extend Socket
method initialize
method initialize
super initialize.
super initialize.
self.eventActions := %(nil, nil, nil).
self.outdonesem := Semaphore new.
self.outdonesem := Semaphore new.
self.outreadysem := Semaphore new.
self.outreadysem := Semaphore new.
self.inreadysem := Semaphore new.
self.inreadysem := Semaphore new.
self.outdonesem signalAction: [ :sem |
self.outdonesem signalAction: [ :sem |
(self.eventActions at: Socket.EventType.DATA_OUT) value: self.
self.dataOutEventAction value: self.
##(self.eventActions at: Socket.EventType.DATA_OUT) value: self.
System unsignal: self.outreadysem.
System unsignal: self.outreadysem.
self.outreadysem signalAction: [ :sem |
self.outreadysem signalAction: [ :sem |
| nwritten |
| nbytes pos rem |
nwritten := self _writeBytes: self.pending_bytes offset: self.pending_offset length: self.pending_length.
if (nwritten >= 0)
pos := self.pending_offset.
rem := self.pending_length.
while (rem > 0)
nbytes := self _writeBytes: self.pending_bytes offset: pos length: rem.
if (nbytes <= -1) { break }.
pos := pos + nbytes.
rem := rem - nbytes.
if (rem <= 0)
self.pending_bytes := nil.
self.pending_bytes := nil.
self.pending_offset := 0.
self.pending_offset := 0.
self.pending_length := 0.
self.pending_length := 0.
self.outdonesem signal.
self.outdonesem signal.
self.inreadysem signalAction: [ :sem |
self.inreadysem signalAction: [ :sem |
(self.eventActions at: Socket.EventType.DATA_IN) value: self.
##(self.eventActions at: Socket.EventType.DATA_IN) value: self.
self.dataInEventAction value: self.
@ -370,14 +377,26 @@ extend Socket
^super close.
^super close.
method onEvent: event_type do: action_block
method onEvent: event_type do: action_block
self.eventActions at: event_type put: action_block.
if (event_type == #data_in)
self.dataInEventAction := action_block.
elsif (event_type == #data_out)
self.dataOutEventAction := action_block.
Exception signal: 'unknown event type ' & event_type asString.
method writeBytes: bytes offset: offset length: length
method writeBytes: bytes offset: offset length: length
| n |
| n pos rem |
if (self.outreadysem _group notNil)
if (self.outreadysem _group notNil)
@ -387,40 +406,43 @@ extend Socket
## n >= 0: written
## n >= 0: written
## n <= -1: tolerable error (e.g. EAGAIN)
## n <= -1: tolerable error (e.g. EAGAIN)
## exception: fatal error
## exception: fatal error
##while (true) ## TODO: loop to write as much as possible
n := self _writeBytes: bytes offset: offset length: length.
if (n >= 0)
self.outdonesem signal.
## TODO: adjust offset and length
pos := offset.
rem := length.
while (rem > 0) ## TODO: loop to write as much as possible
n := self _writeBytes: bytes offset: pos length: rem.
if (n <= -1) { break }.
rem := rem - n.
pos := pos + n.
if (rem <= 0)
self.outdonesem signal.
self.pending_bytes := bytes.
self.pending_bytes := bytes.
self.pending_offset := offset.
self.pending_offset := pos.
self.pending_length := length.
self.pending_length := rem
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.outreadysem.
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.outreadysem.
System signal: self.outreadysem onOutput: self.handle.
System signal: self.outreadysem onOutput: self.handle.
method beWatched
method beWatched
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.inreadysem.
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.inreadysem.
System signal: self.inreadysem onInput: self.handle.
System signal: self.inreadysem onInput: self.handle.
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.outdonesem.
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.outdonesem.
method beUnwatched
class ClientSocket(Socket)
class ClientSocket(Socket)
var(#get) connectedEventAction.
var connsem.
var connsem.
method initialize
method initialize
@ -438,13 +460,8 @@ class ClientSocket(Socket)
System unsignal: sem.
System unsignal: sem.
System removeAsyncSemaphore: sem.
System removeAsyncSemaphore: sem.
self.connectedEventAction value: self value: (soerr == 0).
(self.eventActions at: Socket.EventType.CONNECTED) value: self value: (soerr == 0).
if (soerr == 0) { self beWatched }.
if (soerr == 0)
self beWatched
@ -461,6 +478,16 @@ class ClientSocket(Socket)
^super close
^super close
method onEvent: event_type do: action_block
if (event_type == #connected)
self.connectedEventAction := action_block.
^super onEvent: event_type do: action_block
method connect: target
method connect: target
| sem |
| sem |
@ -473,7 +500,7 @@ class ClientSocket(Socket)
## connected immediately
## connected immediately
(self.eventActions at: Socket.EventType.CONNECTED) value: self value: true.
self.connectedEventAction value: self value: true.
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.inreadysem.
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.inreadysem.
System signal: self.inreadysem onInput: self.handle.
System signal: self.inreadysem onInput: self.handle.
@ -484,6 +511,8 @@ class ClientSocket(Socket)
class ServerSocket(Socket)
class ServerSocket(Socket)
var(#get) acceptedEventAction.
method initialize
method initialize
'Server Socket initialize...........' dump.
'Server Socket initialize...........' dump.
@ -499,10 +528,9 @@ class ServerSocket(Socket)
## i should invoke it manually here.
## i should invoke it manually here.
clisck initialize.
clisck initialize.
cliact := self.eventActions at: Socket.EventType.CONNECTED.
if (self.acceptedEventAction notNil)
if (cliact notNil)
cliact value: self value: clisck (* value: cliaddr *).
self.acceptedEventAction value: self value: clisck value: cliaddr.
clisck beWatched.
clisck beWatched.
else { clisck close }.
else { clisck close }.
@ -523,6 +551,17 @@ class ServerSocket(Socket)
^super close.
^super close.
method onEvent: event_type do: action_block
if (event_type == #accepted)
self.acceptedEventAction := action_block.
^super onEvent: event_type do: action_block
method listen: backlog
method listen: backlog
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.inreadysem.
System addAsyncSemaphore: self.inreadysem.
@ -533,72 +572,90 @@ class ServerSocket(Socket)
class MyObject(Object)
class MyObject(Object)
method(#class) start_server_socket
| s2 buf |
s2 := ServerSocket domain: Socket.Domain.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
s2 onEvent: #accepted do: [ :sck :clisck :cliaddr |
'SERVER ACCEPTED new client' dump.
clisck onEvent: #data_in do: [ :csck |
| nbytes |
while (true)
nbytes := csck readBytes: buf.
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (nbytes == 0) { csck close }.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
csck writeBytes: buf offset: 0 length: nbytes.
clisck onEvent: #data_out do: [ :csck |
##csck writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ].
s2 bind: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
s2 listen: 10.
method(#class) start_client_socket
| s buf count |
s := ClientSocket domain: Socket.Domain.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
count := 0.
s onEvent: #connected do: [ :sck :state |
if (state)
s writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, $c ].
s writeBytes: #[ $d, $e, $f ].
s onEvent: #data_in do: [ :sck |
| nbytes |
while (true)
nbytes := sck readBytes: buf.
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (nbytes == 0) { sck close }.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
s onEvent: #data_out do: [ :sck |
if (count < 10) { sck writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ]. count := count + 1. }.
s connect: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
method(#class) main
method(#class) main
| s s2 st sg ss buf count |
| s s2 ss |
count := 0.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
s := self start_client_socket.
s := ClientSocket domain: Socket.Domain.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
s2 := self start_server_socket.
s2 := ServerSocket domain: Socket.Domain.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
s2 onEvent: Socket.EventType.CONNECTED do: [ :sck :clisck |
'SERVER ACCEPTED new client' dump.
clisck onEvent: Socket.EventType.DATA_IN do: [ :csck |
| nbytes |
nbytes := csck readBytes: buf.
if (nbytes == 0)
csck close.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
if (nbytes > 0)
buf dump.
csck writeBytes: buf offset: 0 length: nbytes.
clisck onEvent: Socket.EventType.DATA_OUT do: [ :csck |
##csck writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ].
###clisck close.
s2 bind: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
s2 listen: 10.
s onEvent: Socket.EventType.CONNECTED do: [ :sck :state |
if (state)
s writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, $c ].
s writeBytes: #[ $d, $e, $f ].
s onEvent: Socket.EventType.DATA_IN do: [ :sck |
| nbytes |
nbytes := sck readBytes: buf.
if (nbytes == 0)
sck close.
s := nil.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
s onEvent: Socket.EventType.DATA_OUT do: [ :sck |
if (count < 10) { sck writeBytes: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ]. count := count + 1. }.
s connect: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
while (true)
while (true)
ss := System handleAsyncEvent.
ss := System handleAsyncEvent.
@ -609,6 +666,7 @@ class MyObject(Object)
if (s notNil) { s close }.
if (s notNil) { s close }.
if (s2 notNil) { s2 close }.
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump ].
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump ].
Reference in New Issue
Block a user