added the Fcgi.moo file
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
###include 'Moo.moo'.
#include 'Socket.moo'.
(* -------------------------------------------
typedef struct {
unsigned char version;
unsigned char type;
unsigned char requestIdB1;
unsigned char requestIdB0;
unsigned char contentLengthB1;
unsigned char contentLengthB0;
unsigned char paddingLength;
unsigned char reserved;
} FCGI_Header;
----------------------------------------------- *)
class Fcgi(Object)
pooldic Fcgi.Type
PARAMS := 4.
STDIN := 5.
STDOUT := 6.
STDERR := 7.
DATA := 8.
class FcgiConnReg(Object)
var connections.
var first_free_slot.
var last_free_slot.
method initialize
| i size |
self.connections := Array new: 32. ## TODO: make it dynamic
i := self.connections size.
if (i <= 0)
self.first_free_slot := -1.
self.last_free_slot := -1.
i := (self.first_free_slot := i - 1).
while (i >= 0)
self.connections at: i put: (i - 1).
i := i - 1.
self.last_free_slot := 0.
method add: elem
| index |
if (self.first_free_slot < 0) { Exception signal: 'no free slot' }.
index := self.first_free_slot.
self.first_free_slot := (self.connections at: index).
self.connections at: index put: elem.
if (self.first_free_slot < 0) { self.last_free_slot = -1 }.
method remove: index
if (self.last_free_slot >= 0)
self.connections at: self.last_free_slot put: index.
self.first_free_slot := self.last_free_slot.
self.connections at: index put: -1.
self.last_free_slot := index.
method do: block
| index size conn |
## the following loop won't evaluate the given block for an element added after
## resizing of self.connections at present, there is no self.connections resizing
## impelemented. so no worry on this.
size := self.connections size.
index := 0.
while (index < size)
conn := self.connections at: index.
if ((conn isKindOf: Integer) not)
block value: (self.connections at: index).
index := index + 1.
class FcgiSocket(SyncSocket)
var(#get) server := nil.
var(#get) rid := -1.
var bs.
method initialize
super initialize.
|||| := ByteStreamAdapter on: self.
method close
('Fcgi Connection closing.......... handle ' & self.handle asString) dump.
if (self.server notNil)
('Fcgi Connection ' & self.rid asString & ' removing from server ..........') dump.
self.server removeConnection: self.
^super close.
method server: server rid: rid
self.server := server.
self.rid := rid.
method getLine
method getBytes: size
method _run_service
| buf k i |
self timeout: 10.
(*while (true)
req := self readRequest.
}. *)
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
'IM RUNNING SERVICE...............' dump.
(*** next dump.
|||| next dump.
|||| next dump.***)
i := 0.
while (i < 3)
k := next: 7 into: buf startingAt: 10.
(buf copyFrom: 10 count: k) dump.
i := i + 1.
|||| nextPut: k from: buf startingAt: 10.
|||| flush.
self close.
method runService
[ self _run_service ] on: Exception do: [:ex |
self close.
('EXCEPTION IN FcgiSocket ---> ' & ex messageText) dump
class FcgiListener(AsyncServerSocket)
var(#get) server := nil.
var(#get) rid := nil.
method initialize
super initialize.
method close
if (self.server notNil) { self.server removeListener: self }.
^super close.
method onSocketAccepted: clisck from: cliaddr
| rid |
'CLIENT accepted ..............' dump.
clisck dump.
cliaddr dump.
if (self.server notNil)
server addConnection: clisck.
if (clisck isKindOf: SyncSocket)
[clisck runService] fork.
on: Exception do: [:ex |
clisck close.
Exception signal: ('unable to handle a new connection - ' & ex messageText).
method acceptedSocketClass
##^if (self currentAddress port == 80) { FcgiSocket } else { FcgiSocket }.
method server: server rid: rid
self.server := server.
self.rid := rid.
class FcgiServer(Object)
var listeners.
var connreg.
method initialize
super initialize.
self.listeners := FcgiConnReg new.
self.connreg := FcgiConnReg new.
method __add_listener: listener
| rid |
rid := self.listeners add: listener.
('ADD NEW LISTENER ' & rid asString) dump.
listener server: self rid: rid.
method removeListener: listener
| rid |
rid := listener rid.
if (rid notNil)
('REALLY REMOVE LISTENER ' & rid asString) dump.
self.listeners remove: (listener rid).
listener server: nil rid: nil.
method __add_new_listener: addr
| listener |
listener := FcgiListener family: (addr family) type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
self __add_listener: listener.
listener bind: addr.
listener listen: 128.
] on: Exception do: [:ex |
listener close.
## ex pass.
Exception signal: ('unable to add new listener - ' & ex messageText).
method addConnection: conn
| rid |
rid := self.connreg add: conn.
('ADD NEW CONNECTION ' & rid asString) dump.
conn server: self rid: rid.
method removeConnection: conn
| rid |
rid := conn rid.
if (rid notNil)
('REMOVE CONNECTION ' & rid asString) dump.
self.connreg remove: (conn rid).
conn server: nil rid: nil.
method start: laddr
| listener |
if (laddr class == Array)
##if (laddr respondsTo: #do:) ## can i check if the message receives a block and the block accepts 1 argument?
laddr do: [:addr | self __add_new_listener: addr ].
self __add_new_listener: laddr.
method close
self.listeners do: [:listener |
listener close.
self.connreg do: [:conn |
conn close.
class MyObject(Object)
method(#class) start_server_socket
| s2 buf |
s2 := AsyncServerSocket family: Socket.Family.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
s2 onEvent: #accepted do: [ :sck :clisck :cliaddr |
'SERVER ACCEPTED new client' dump.
clisck onEvent: #data_in do: [ :csck |
| nbytes |
while (true)
nbytes := csck readBytesInto: buf.
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (nbytes == 0) { csck close }.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
csck writeBytesFrom: buf offset: 0 length: nbytes.
clisck onEvent: #data_out do: [ :csck |
##csck writeBytesFrom: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ].
clisck onEvent: #closed do: [ :csck |
'Socket CLOSED....' dump.
s2 bind: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
s2 listen: 10.
method(#class) start_client_socket
| s buf count |
s := AsyncClientSocket family: Socket.Family.INET type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
buf := ByteArray new: 128.
count := 0.
s onEvent: #connected do: [ :sck :state |
if (state)
s writeBytesFrom: #[ $a, $b, $c ].
s writeBytesFrom: #[ $d, $e, $f ].
s onEvent: #data_in do: [ :sck |
| nbytes |
while (true)
nbytes := sck readBytesInto: buf.
if (nbytes <= 0)
if (nbytes == 0) { sck close }.
('Got ' & (nbytes asString)) dump.
buf dump.
s onEvent: #data_out do: [ :sck |
if (count < 10) { sck writeBytesFrom: #[ $a, $b, C'\n' ]. count := count + 1. }.
s connect: (SocketAddress fromString: '').
method(#class) mainxx
| s s2 ss |
s := self start_client_socket.
s2 := self start_server_socket.
while (true)
ss := thisProcess handleAsyncEvent.
if (ss isError) { break }.
###if (ss == st) { thisProcess removeAsyncSemaphore: st }.
if (s notNil) { s close }.
if (s2 notNil) { s2 close }.
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump ].
'----- END OF MAIN ------' dump.
method(#class) another_proc: base_port
| fcgi |
thisProcess initAsync.
fcgi := FcgiServer new.
| ss |
fcgi start: %(
SocketAddress fromString: ('[::]:' & base_port asString),
SocketAddress fromString: ('' & (base_port + 1) asString)
while (true)
ss := thisProcess handleAsyncEvent.
if (ss isError) { break }.
] ensure: [
if (fcgi notNil) { fcgi close }
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump].
'----- END OF ANOTHER PROC ------' dump.
method(#class) main
| fcgi addr |
addr := SocketAddress fromString: ''.
##addr := SocketAddress fromString: ''.
fcgi := SyncSocket family: (addr family) type: Socket.Type.STREAM.
fcgi timeout: 5.
fcgi connect: addr.
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ].
[ self another_proc: 5000 ] fork.
[ self another_proc: 5100 ] fork.
[ self another_proc: 5200 ] fork.
thisProcess initAsync.
fcgi := FcgiServer new.
| ss |
fcgi start: %(
SocketAddress fromString: '[::]:7777',
SocketAddress fromString: ''
while (true)
ss := thisProcess handleAsyncEvent.
if (ss isError) { break }.
] ensure: [
if (fcgi notNil) { fcgi close }
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump].
'----- END OF MAIN ------' dump.
method(#class) mainqq
| fcgi addr sg ss |
sg := SemaphoreGroup new.
fcgi := FcgiServer new.
fcgi start: %(
SocketAddress fromString: '[::]:7777',
SocketAddress fromString: ''
while (true)
ss := sg wait.
if (ss isError) { break }.
] ensure: [
if (fcgi notNil) { fcgi close }
] on: Exception do: [:ex | ('Exception - ' & ex messageText) dump].
'----- END OF MAIN ------' dump.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user