added the used field to hcl_server_wid_map_data_t

started implementing .SHOW-WORKERS and .KILL-WORKER
This commit is contained in:
hyung-hwan 2018-03-16 17:27:24 +00:00
parent 36ee74f0ec
commit b3cef9ec5c
3 changed files with 161 additions and 43 deletions

@ -1006,20 +1006,6 @@ int hcl_addbuiltinprims (
/* ========================================================================= */
/* logfmt.c */
/* ========================================================================= */
hcl_ooi_t hcl_proutbfmt (
hcl_t* hcl,
int mask,
const hcl_bch_t* fmt,
hcl_ooi_t hcl_proutufmt (
hcl_t* hcl,
int mask,
const hcl_uch_t* fmt,
int hcl_outfmtobj (
hcl_t* hcl,
int mask,

@ -166,7 +166,8 @@ enum hcl_server_proto_token_type_t
typedef enum hcl_server_proto_token_type_t hcl_server_proto_token_type_t;
@ -242,12 +243,16 @@ struct hcl_server_worker_t
hcl_server_worker_t* next_worker;
union hcl_server_wid_map_data_t
struct hcl_server_wid_map_data_t
hcl_server_worker_t* worker;
hcl_oow_t next;
int used;
hcl_server_worker_t* worker;
hcl_oow_t next;
} u;
typedef union hcl_server_wid_map_data_t hcl_server_wid_map_data_t;
typedef struct hcl_server_wid_map_data_t hcl_server_wid_map_data_t;
struct hcl_server_t
@ -1084,7 +1089,7 @@ static int write_reply_chunk (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
/* error occurred inside the worker thread shouldn't affect the error information
* in the server object. so here, i just log a message */
HCL_LOG2 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "sendmsg failure on %d - %hs\n", proto->worker->sck, strerror(errno));
HCL_LOG2 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "Unable to sendmsg on %d - %hs\n", proto->worker->sck, strerror(errno));
return -1;
@ -1266,7 +1271,6 @@ static HCL_INLINE int unread_last_char (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
if (unread_last_char(proto) <= -1) return -1; \
} while (0)
#define CLEAR_TOKEN_NAME(proto) ((proto)-> = 0)
#define SET_TOKEN_TYPE(proto,tv) ((proto)->tok.type = (tv))
#define ADD_TOKEN_CHAR(proto,c) \
do { if (add_token_char(proto, c) <= -1) return -1; } while (0)
@ -1283,7 +1287,7 @@ static HCL_INLINE int add_token_char (hcl_server_proto_t* proto, hcl_ooch_t c)
tmp = (hcl_ooch_t*)HCL_MMGR_REALLOC(proto->worker->server->mmgr, proto->tok.ptr, capa * HCL_SIZEOF(*tmp));
if (!tmp)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "out of memory in allocating a token buffer\n");
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "Out of memory in allocating a token buffer\n");
return -1;
@ -1301,6 +1305,12 @@ static HCL_INLINE int is_alphachar (hcl_ooci_t c)
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
static HCL_INLINE int is_digitchar (hcl_ooci_t c)
/* TODO: support full unicode */
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
static void classify_current_ident_token (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
static struct cmd_t
@ -1360,7 +1370,7 @@ static int get_token (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
GET_CHAR_TO(proto, c);
if (!is_alphachar(c))
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "alphabetic character expected after a period\n");
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "Alphabetic character expected after a period\n");
return -1;
@ -1377,7 +1387,22 @@ static int get_token (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
HCL_LOG1 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "unrecognized character - [%jc]\n", c);
if (is_digitchar(c))
ADD_TOKEN_CHAR(proto, c);
GET_CHAR_TO(proto, c);
while (is_digitchar(c));
HCL_LOG1 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "Unrecognized character - [%jc]\n", c);
return -1;
return 0;
@ -1502,6 +1527,62 @@ static int execute_script (hcl_server_proto_t* proto, const hcl_bch_t* trigger)
return 0;
static void show_server_workers (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
hcl_server_t* server;
hcl_server_worker_t* w;
server = proto->worker->server;
pthread_mutex_lock (&server->worker_mutex);
for (w = server->worker_list[HCL_SERVER_WORKER_STATE_ALIVE].head; w; w = w->next_worker)
/* TODO: implement this better... */
hcl_proutbfmt (proto->hcl, 0, "%zu %d %d\n", w->wid, w->sck, 1000);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&server->worker_mutex);
static int kill_server_worker (hcl_server_proto_t* proto, hcl_oow_t wid)
hcl_server_t* server;
int xret = 0;
server = proto->worker->server;
pthread_mutex_lock (&server->worker_mutex);
if (wid >= server->wid_map.capa)
hcl_server_seterrnum (server, HCL_ENOENT);
xret = -1;
hcl_server_worker_t* worker;
if (!server->wid_map.ptr[wid].used)
hcl_server_seterrnum (server, HCL_ENOENT);
xret = -1;
worker = server->wid_map.ptr[wid].u.worker;
if (!worker)
hcl_server_seterrnum (server, HCL_ENOENT);
xret = -1;
if (worker->sck) shutdown (worker->sck, SHUT_RDWR);
if (worker->proto) hcl_abort (worker->proto->hcl);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&server->worker_mutex);
return xret;
int hcl_server_proto_handle_request (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
if (get_token(proto) <= -1) return -1;
@ -1608,7 +1689,7 @@ int hcl_server_proto_handle_request (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
if (get_token(proto) <= -1) return -1;
if (proto->tok.type != HCL_SERVER_PROTO_TOKEN_NL)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "No new line after .SCRIPT contest\n");
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "No new line after .SCRIPT contents\n");
return -1;
@ -1626,12 +1707,21 @@ int hcl_server_proto_handle_request (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
if (proto->req.state != HCL_SERVER_PROTO_REQ_IN_TOP_LEVEL)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, ".SHOW-WORKERS not allowed to be nested\n");
return -1;
if (get_token(proto) <= -1) return -1;
if (proto->tok.type != HCL_SERVER_PROTO_TOKEN_NL)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "No new line after .SHOW-WORKERS\n");
return -1;
hcl_server_proto_start_reply (proto);
pthread_mutex_lock (&proto->worker->server->worker_mutex);
//print_hcl_server_workers (proto);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&proto->worker->server->worker_mutex);
show_server_workers (proto);
if (hcl_server_proto_end_reply(proto, HCL_NULL) <= -1)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "Unable to finalize reply for .SHOW-WORKERS\n");
@ -1641,18 +1731,43 @@ int hcl_server_proto_handle_request (hcl_server_proto_t* proto)
int n;
hcl_oow_t wid, wp;
static hcl_ooch_t failmsg[] = { 'U','n','a','b','l','e',' ','t','o',' ','k','i','l','l','\0' };
if (proto->req.state != HCL_SERVER_PROTO_REQ_IN_TOP_LEVEL)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, ".KILL-WORKER not allowed to be nested\n");
return -1;
if (get_token(proto) <= -1) return -1;
if (proto->tok.type != HCL_SERVER_PROTO_TOKEN_NUMBER)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "No worker ID after .KILL-WORKER\n");
return -1;
for (wid = 0, wp = 0; wp < proto->tok.len; wp++) wid = wid * 10 + (proto->tok.ptr[wp] - '0');
if (get_token(proto) <= -1) return -1;
if (proto->tok.type != HCL_SERVER_PROTO_TOKEN_NL)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "No new line after worker ID of .KILL-WORKER\n");
return -1;
hcl_server_proto_start_reply (proto);
pthread_mutex_lock (&proto->worker->server->worker_mutex);
//kill_hcl_server_worker (proto);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&proto->worker->server->worker_mutex);
if (hcl_server_proto_end_reply(proto, HCL_NULL) <= -1)
n = kill_server_worker(proto, wid);
if (hcl_server_proto_end_reply(proto, (n <= -1? failmsg: HCL_NULL)) <= -1)
HCL_LOG0 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "Unable to finalize reply for .KILL-WORKER\n");
return -1;
HCL_LOG3 (proto->hcl, SERVER_LOGMASK_ERROR, "Unknown token - %d - %.*js\n", (int)proto->tok.type, proto->tok.len, proto->tok.ptr);
@ -1820,9 +1935,11 @@ static HCL_INLINE int prepare_to_acquire_wid (hcl_server_t* server)
server->wid_map.free_first = server->wid_map.capa;
for (i = server->wid_map.capa, j = server->wid_map.capa + 1; j < new_capa; i++, j++)
tmp[i].next = j;
tmp[i].used = 0;
tmp[i] = j;
tmp[i].used = 0;
server->wid_map.free_last = i;
server->wid_map.ptr = tmp;
@ -1838,10 +1955,11 @@ static HCL_INLINE void acquire_wid (hcl_server_t* server, hcl_server_worker_t* w
wid = server->wid_map.free_first;
worker->wid = wid;
server->wid_map.free_first = server->wid_map.ptr[wid].next;
server->wid_map.free_first = server->wid_map.ptr[wid];
if (server->wid_map.free_first == HCL_SERVER_WID_INVALID) server->wid_map.free_last = HCL_SERVER_WID_INVALID;
server->wid_map.ptr[wid].worker = worker;
server->wid_map.ptr[wid].used = 1;
server->wid_map.ptr[wid].u.worker = worker;
static HCL_INLINE void release_wid (hcl_server_t* server, hcl_server_worker_t* worker)
@ -1851,7 +1969,8 @@ static HCL_INLINE void release_wid (hcl_server_t* server, hcl_server_worker_t* w
wid = worker->wid;
HCL_ASSERT (server->dummy_hcl, wid < server->wid_map.capa && wid != HCL_SERVER_WID_INVALID);
server->wid_map.ptr[wid].next = HCL_SERVER_WID_INVALID;
server->wid_map.ptr[wid].used = 0;
server->wid_map.ptr[wid] = HCL_SERVER_WID_INVALID;
if (server->wid_map.free_last == HCL_SERVER_WID_INVALID)
HCL_ASSERT (server->dummy_hcl, server->wid_map.free_first <= HCL_SERVER_WID_INVALID);
@ -1859,13 +1978,12 @@ static HCL_INLINE void release_wid (hcl_server_t* server, hcl_server_worker_t* w
server->wid_map.ptr[server->wid_map.free_last].next = wid;
server->wid_map.ptr[server->wid_map.free_last] = wid;
server->wid_map.free_last = wid;
static hcl_server_worker_t* alloc_worker (hcl_server_t* server, int cli_sck)
hcl_server_worker_t* worker;

@ -1620,6 +1620,20 @@ HCL_EXPORT int hcl_print (
hcl_oop_t obj
HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_proutbfmt (
hcl_t* hcl,
int mask,
const hcl_bch_t* fmt,
HCL_EXPORT hcl_ooi_t hcl_proutufmt (
hcl_t* hcl,
int mask,
const hcl_uch_t* fmt,
HCL_EXPORT int hcl_compile (
hcl_t* hcl,
hcl_oop_t obj