experimenting include handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ OPTS := -gnata -gnatW8 -gnatwa -gnatya -gnatyb -gnatyk -gnatyn -gnatyp ##-gnatyt
all: hello hello2 hello3
hello: hello.adb
gnat make $(OPTS) hello && valgrind ./hello
gnat make $(OPTS) hello
hello2: hello2.adb
gnat make $(OPTS) hello2 && valgrind ./hello2
gnat make $(OPTS) hello2
hello3: hello3.adb
gnat make $(OPTS) hello3 && valgrind ./hello3
gnat make $(OPTS) hello3
rm -rf *.o *.ali hello hello2 hello3
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
with H3.Utf8;
with ada.text_io;
package body H3.Compilers is
type Char_Array is array(System_Index range<>) of Standard.Character;
@ -93,13 +92,54 @@ package body H3.Compilers is
Set_Lexer_State (C, LX_START);
end End_Token;
procedure Dump_Token (Tk: in Token) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Tk.Id'Img);
Ada.Text_IO.Put (": ");
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Standard.String(Utf8.From_Unicode_String(Tk.Buf.To_Rune_Array)));
end Dump_Token;
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure Set_Parser_State (C: in out Compiler; State: in Parser_State) is
C.Ps.Prev_State := C.Ps.State;
C.Ps.State := State;
end Set_Parser_State;
procedure Start_Inclusion (C: in out Compiler; Name: in S.Rune_Array) is
Top: System_Index;
if C.Inc.Top = C.Inc.Streams'Last then
raise Syntax_Error with "inclusion depth too deep";
end if;
Top := C.Inc.Top + 1;
St: Stream renames C.Inc.Streams(Top);
Ada.Text_IO.Open (St.Handle, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Standard.String(Utf8.From_Unicode_String(Name)));
St.Initial_Level := C.Ps.Level;
St.Initial_Parser_State := C.Ps.Prev_State;
St.Next_Parser_State := PS_INCLUDE_TERMINATOR;
C.Inc.Top := Top;
-- the parser should resume at the state when the include directive is seen
Set_Parser_State (C, C.Ps.Prev_State); -- the state when the include directive is seen
end Start_Inclusion;
procedure End_Inclusion (C: in out Compiler) is
Top: constant System_Index := C.Inc.Top;
if C.Ps.State /= C.Inc.Streams(Top).Initial_Parser_State or else C.Ps.Level /= C.Inc.Streams(Top).Initial_Level then
raise Syntax_Error with "unexpected end of inclusion";
end if;
Ada.Text_IO.Close (C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Handle);
Set_Parser_State (C, C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Next_Parser_State);
C.Inc.Top := C.Inc.Top - 1;
end End_Inclusion;
procedure Parse_Start (C: in out Compiler) is
case C.Tk.Id is
@ -113,12 +153,17 @@ package body H3.Compilers is
if C.Tk.Buf.Equals(LB_XINCLUDE) then
Set_Parser_State (C, PS_INCLUDE);
Set_Parser_State (C, PS_INCLUDE_TARGET);
raise Syntax_Error with "unknown directive name";
end if;
when TK_EOF =>
if C.Inc.Top > 0 then
End_Inclusion (C);
-- end of really the input??
end if;
when TK_EOL =>
when TK_GE =>
@ -136,65 +181,48 @@ package body H3.Compilers is
end case;
end Parse_Start;
procedure Start_Inclusion (C: in out Compiler; Name: in S.Rune_Array) is
Top: System_Index;
if C.St.Top = C.St.Items'Last then
raise Syntax_Error with "inclusion depth too deep";
end if;
Top := C.St.Top + 1;
Ada.Text_IO.Open (C.St.Items(Top).Handle, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, Standard.String(Utf8.From_Unicode_String(Name)));
C.St.Top := Top;
end Start_Inclusion;
procedure End_Inclusion (C: in out Compiler) is
Ada.Text_IO.Close (C.St.Items(C.St.Top).Handle);
C.St.Top := C.St.Top - 1;
end End_Inclusion;
procedure Parse_Include (C: in out Compiler) is
procedure Parse_Include_Target (C: in out Compiler) is
if C.Tk.Id = TK_CSTR then
-- arrange to feed more data from the included file.
Start_Inclusion (C, S.To_Rune_Array(C.Tk.Buf));
-- the target is not a string.
Dump_Token (C.Tk);
raise Syntax_Error with "string literal required";
end if;
end Parse_Include;
end Parse_Include_Target;
procedure Parse_Include_End (C: in out Compiler) is
procedure Parse_Include_Terminator (C: in out Compiler) is
if C.Tk.Id /= TK_SEMICOLON then
raise Syntax_Error with "semicolon required";
end if;
-- TODO: put the state back to START???
end Parse_Include_End;
-- it is not safe to access information at the previous stack top.
-- no problem in doing that becuase the current implementation uses
-- a static array.
Set_Parser_State (C, C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top + 1).Initial_Parser_State);
end Parse_Include_Terminator;
procedure Got_Token (C: in out Compiler) is
--case C.P.State IS
-- when START =>
-- null;
--end case;
ada.text_io.put (C.Tk.Id'Img);
ada.text_io.put (" ");
for i in C.Tk.Buf.Get_First_Index .. C.Tk.Buf.Get_Last_Index loop
ada.text_io.put (standard.character'val(S.Rune'Pos(C.Tk.Buf.Get_Item(i))));
ada.text_io.put (Standard.Character'val(S.Rune'Pos(C.Tk.Buf.Get_Item(i))));
end loop;
case C.Ps.State is
when PS_START =>
when PS_START =>
Parse_Start (C);
when PS_INCLUDE =>
Parse_Include (C);
Parse_Include_Target (C);
Parse_Include_Terminator (C);
when others =>
raise Syntax_Error; -- TODO: change this...
raise Syntax_Error with "unknown parser state"; -- TODO: change this...
end case;
end Got_Token;
@ -290,21 +318,42 @@ end if;
end case;
end Feed_Char_Code;
procedure Feed_Inc (C: in out Compiler) is
Entry_Top: constant System_Index := C.Inc.Top;
while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File(C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Handle) loop
Ch: Standard.Character;
Ada.Text_IO.Get (C.Inc.Streams(C.Inc.Top).Handle, Ch);
Feed_Char_Code (C, Standard.Character'Pos(Ch));
-- After each feed, C.Inc.Top may get incremented if an inclusion
-- directive is found. so the while loop iterates over the streams
-- of all inner included levels. End_Feed() below drops C.Inc.Top
-- and the outer loop will resume the inner while loop at the outer
-- inclusion level until all entered inclusion levels are exited.
end loop;
End_Feed (C);
if C.Inc.Top < Entry_Top then
-- End_Inclusion() is called on EOF which is fed by End_Feed().
-- It also decrements the stack pointer. The current inclusion
-- stack pointer will get less that First_Top if the first inclusion
-- level entered is exited.
end if;
end loop;
end Feed_Inc;
procedure Feed (C: in out Compiler; Data: in S.Rune_Array) is
for i in Data'Range loop
Feed_Char_Code (C, R.To_Code(Data(i)));
if C.St.Top > 0 then
Ch: Standard.Character;
while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File(C.St.Items(C.St.Top).Handle) loop
Ada.Text_IO.Get (C.St.Items(C.St.Top).Handle, Ch);
Feed_Char_Code (C, Standard.Character'Pos(Ch));
--if inclusion stack is not Empty???
end loop;
if C.Inc.Top > 0 then
Feed_Inc (C);
end if;
end loop;
end Feed;
@ -31,17 +31,6 @@ private
State: Lexer_State := LX_START;
end record;
type Stream is record
Handle: Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
--Handle: System_Size;
end record;
type Stream_Array is array(System_Index range <>) of Stream;
type Stream_Stack(Capa: System_Index) is record
Items: Stream_Array(System_Index'First .. Capa);
Top: System_Size := 0;
end record;
type Token_Id is (
@ -64,16 +53,35 @@ private
type Parser_State is (
type Parser is record
State: Parser_State := PS_START;
Prev_State: Parser_State := PS_START;
Level: System_Index := 1;
end record;
type Stream is record
Handle: Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
--Handle: System_Size;
Initial_Level: System_Index; -- the block level where this inclusion is entered
Initial_Parser_State: Parser_State; -- the parser state before the #include has been seen?
Next_Parser_State: Parser_State;
end record;
type Stream_Array is array(System_Index range <>) of Stream;
type Include_Stack(Capa: System_Index) is record
Streams: Stream_Array(System_Index'First .. Capa);
Top: System_Size := 0;
end record;
type Compiler is tagged limited record
Lx: Lexer;
Tk: Token;
Ps: Parser;
St: Stream_Stack(32);
Inc: Include_Stack(32);
end record;
end H3.Compilers;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- any discrete type accepted.
-- can't ada limit type to one of Character, Wide_Character, Wide_Wide_Character?
type Rune_Type is (<>);
type Rune_Type is (<>);
package H3.Runes is
-- <ctype.h>-like character classification plus other features.
-- unicode-based. no system locale honored.
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ package H3.Runes is
GS : constant Code := 29;
RS : constant Code := 30;
US : constant Code := 31;
Space : constant Code := 32; --
Space : constant Code := 32;
Exclamation : constant Code := 33; -- !
Quotation : constant Code := 34; -- "
Number_Sign : constant Code := 35; -- #
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ package H3.Runes is
function Is_Xdigit (V: in Rune) return Boolean;
function Is_Lower (V: in Rune) return Boolean;
function Is_Upper (V: in Rune) return Boolean;
function To_Lower (V: in Rune) return Rune;
function To_Upper (V: in Rune) return Rune;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ package body H3.Utf8 is
Lower: Uint32;
Upper: Uint32;
Fbyte: Uint8;
Fbyte: Uint8;
Mask: Uint8; -- Mask for getting the fixed bits in the first byte.
-- (First-Byte and Mask) = Fbyte
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ package body H3.Utf8 is
Tmp := 0;
for I in Str'Range loop
Utf8: Utf8_String := From_Unicode_Character(Chr => Str(I));
Utf8: constant Utf8_String := From_Unicode_Character(Chr => Str(I));
Tmp := Tmp + Utf8'Length;
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ package body H3.Utf8 is
Tmp := Result'First;
for I in Str'Range loop
Utf8: Utf8_String := From_Unicode_Character(Str(I));
Utf8: constant Utf8_String := From_Unicode_Character(Str(I));
Result(Tmp .. Tmp + Utf8'Length - 1) := Utf8;
Tmp := Tmp + Utf8'Length;
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ package body H3.Utf8 is
return System_Size'First;
end Sequence_Length;
procedure To_Unicode_Character (Seq: in Utf8_String;
procedure To_Unicode_Character (Seq: in Utf8_String;
Seq_Len: out System_Size;
Chr: out Unicode_Character) is
W: Uint32;
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ package body H3.Utf8 is
-- Check if the first byte matches the desired bit patterns.
if (Utf8_Character'Pos(Seq(Seq'First)) and Conv_Table(I).Mask) = Conv_Table(I).Fbyte then
if Seq'Length < Conv_Table(I).Length then
raise Insufficient_Utf8_Sequence;
end if;
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ package body H3.Utf8 is
-- Each UTF8 byte except the first must be set with 2#1000_0000.
raise Invalid_Utf8_Sequence;
end if;
W := Interfaces.Shift_Left(W, 6) or (Utf8_Character'Pos(Seq(Seq'First + J)) and Uint32'(2#0011_1111#));
W := Interfaces.Shift_Left(W, 6) or (Utf8_Character'Pos(Seq(Seq'First + J)) and Uint32'(2#0011_1111#));
end loop;
-- Return the character matching the word
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ package body H3.Utf8 is
end if;
end loop;
raise Invalid_Utf8_Sequence;
end To_Unicode_Character;
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ package body H3.Utf8 is
return Chr;
end To_Unicode_Character;
procedure To_Unicode_String (Seq: in Utf8_String;
procedure To_Unicode_String (Seq: in Utf8_String;
Seq_Len: out System_Size;
Str: out Unicode_String;
Str_Len: out System_Size) is
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
type Slim_Character is (<>);
type Wide_Character is (<>);
type Slim_String is array(System_Index range<>) of Slim_Character;
@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ package H3.Utf8 is
function From_Unicode_Character (Chr: in Unicode_Character) return Utf8_String;
function From_Unicode_String (Str: in Unicode_String) return Utf8_String;
--| The Sequence_Length function returns the length of a full UTF8
--| The Sequence_Length function returns the length of a full UTF8
--| sequence representing a single Unicode character given the first
--| sequence byte. It returns 0 if the first byte is invalid.
function Sequence_Length (Seq: in Utf8_Character) return System_Size;
procedure To_Unicode_Character (Seq: in Utf8_String;
procedure To_Unicode_Character (Seq: in Utf8_String;
Seq_Len: out System_Size;
Chr: out Unicode_Character);
procedure To_Unicode_String (Seq: in Utf8_String;
procedure To_Unicode_String (Seq: in Utf8_String;
Seq_Len: out System_Size;
Str: out Unicode_String;
Str_Len: out System_Size);
@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ procedure hello3 is
Compiler: C.Compiler;
Compiler.Feed ("#include ""abc.txt""");
Compiler.Feed ("#include ""abc.txt""; donkey");
end hello3;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user