ada experiments. tagged array in a generic package

This commit is contained in:
hyung-hwan 2021-10-06 03:56:30 +00:00
parent 2e729db43e
commit 86eaaae026
6 changed files with 454 additions and 415 deletions

lib2/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
gnat make -gnata hello && valgrind ./hello
gnat make -gnata hello2 && valgrind ./hello2

lib2/h3-arrays.adb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
package body H3.Arrays is
BUFFER_ALIGN: constant := 128; -- TODO: change it to a reasonably large value.
type Shift_Direction is (SHIFT_LEFT, SHIFT_RIGHT);
function To_Item_Array (Str: in Elastic_Array) return Item_Array is
return Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Slot'First .. Str.Buffer.Last);
end To_Item_Array;
-- return the buffer capacity excluding the terminator
function Get_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size is
return Str.Buffer.Slot'Length - Terminator_Length;
end Get_Capacity;
-- private. return the buffer capacity including the terminator
function Get_Hard_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size is
return Str.Buffer.Slot'Length;
end Get_Hard_Capacity;
pragma Inline (Get_Hard_Capacity);
function Get_Length (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size is
return 1 + Str.Buffer.Last - Str.Buffer.Slot'First;
end Get_Length;
function Get_First_Index (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size is
return Str.Buffer.Slot'First;
end Get_First_Index;
function Get_Last_Index (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size is
return Str.Buffer.Last;
end Get_Last_Index;
function Get_Item (Str: in Elastic_Array; Pos: in System_Index) return Item_Type is
return Str.Buffer.Slot(Pos);
end Get_Item;
-- unsafe as it exposes the internal buffer which can go away.
-- assume the system address is equal to the thin pointer in size.
function Get_Slot_Pointer (Str: in Elastic_Array) return Thin_Item_Array_Pointer is
A: System.Address := Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Slot'First)'Address;
P: Thin_Item_Array_Pointer;
for P'Address use A'Address;
pragma Import (Ada, P);
return P;
end Get_Slot_Pointer;
function Is_Shared(Str: in Elastic_Array) return Standard.Boolean is
return Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access and then Str.Buffer.Refs > 1;
end Is_Shared;
procedure Free_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_Array) is
if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access then
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Buffer_Record, Buffer_Pointer);
Free (Str.Buffer);
end if;
end Free_Buffer;
procedure Ref_Buffer (Buf: in out Buffer_Pointer) is
if Buf /= Empty_Buffer'Access then
Buf.Refs := Buf.Refs + 1;
end if;
end Ref_Buffer;
procedure Unref_Buffer (Buf: in out Buffer_Pointer) is
if Buf /= Empty_Buffer'Access then
if Buf.Refs = 1 then
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Buffer_Record, Buffer_Pointer);
Free (Buf);
Buf := Empty_Buffer'Access;
Buf.Refs := Buf.Refs - 1;
end if;
end if;
end Unref_Buffer;
function New_Buffer_Container (Hard_Capa: in System_Size) return Elastic_Array is
Tmp: Elastic_Array;
Tmp.Buffer := new Buffer_Record(Hard_Capa);
Tmp.Buffer.Refs := 1;
return Tmp;
end New_Buffer_Container;
-- prepare the buffer for writing
procedure Prepare_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_Array) is
Tmp: Elastic_Array;
if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access then
if Is_Shared(Str) then
-- The code like this doesn't work correctly in terms of finalization.
-- The buffer pointer held inside a finalization controlled record must be
-- manipluated through the record itself. otherwise, the Adjust and Finalize
-- calls goes incompatible with the reference counting implementation.
-- It is because finalization is set on the record rather than the buffer pointer.
--Tmp: Buffer_Pointer;
--Tmp := new Buffer_Record(Get_Hard_Capacity(Str));
--Tmp.Slot := Str.Buffer.Slot;
--Tmp.Last := Str.Buffer.Last;
--Tmp.Refs := 1;
--Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer);
--Str.Buffer := Tmp;
Tmp := Str;
Str := New_Buffer_Container(Get_Hard_Capacity(Str));
Str.Buffer.Slot := Tmp.Buffer.Slot;
Str.Buffer.Last := Tmp.Buffer.Last;
end if;
end if;
end Prepare_Buffer;
-- prepare the buffer for writing
procedure Prepare_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_Array; Req_Hard_Capa: in System_Size; Shift_Pos: in System_Size := 0; Shift_Size: in System_Size := 0; Shift_Dir: in Shift_Direction := Shift_Right) is
Tmp: Elastic_Array;
First, Last: System_Size;
Hard_Capa: System_Size;
First := Get_First_Index(Str);
Last := Get_Last_Index(Str);
if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access and then Is_Shared(Str) then
if Req_Hard_Capa < Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then
Hard_Capa := Get_Hard_Capacity(Str);
Hard_Capa := Req_Hard_Capa;
end if;
Tmp := Str;
Str := New_Buffer_Container(Hard_Capa);
if Req_Hard_Capa > Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then
Tmp := Str;
Str := New_Buffer_Container(Req_Hard_Capa);
elsif Shift_Pos > 0 then
Tmp := Str;
-- no shift, no change in the buffer
end if;
end if;
if Shift_Pos <= 0 then
-- no shift is required. copy the entire Array including th
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + Terminator_Length) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + Terminator_Length);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last;
end if;
-- it is an internal function. perform no sanity check.
-- if Shift_Pos or Shift_Size is beyond the allocated capacity,
-- it will end up in an exception.
if Shift_Dir = SHIFT_LEFT then
Mid: System_Size := Shift_Pos - Shift_Size;
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Mid) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Mid);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Mid + 1 .. Last - Shift_Size + Terminator_Length) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos + 1 .. Last + Terminator_Length);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last - Shift_Size;
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Shift_Pos - 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Shift_Pos - 1);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos + Shift_Size .. Last + Shift_Size + Terminator_Length) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos .. Last + Terminator_Length);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last + Shift_Size;
end if;
end Prepare_Buffer;
procedure Clear (Str: in out Elastic_Array) is
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str));
Str.Buffer.Last := Get_First_Index(Str) - 1;
Str.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str) .. Get_First_Index(Str) + Terminator_Length - 1) := (others => Terminator_Value);
end Clear;
procedure Purge (Str: in out Elastic_Array) is
Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer);
Str.Buffer := Empty_Buffer'Access;
end Purge;
function Calc_Inc_Capa (Str: in Elastic_Array; Inc: in System_Size) return System_Size is
return H3.Align(Get_Length(Str) + Inc + Terminator_Length, BUFFER_ALIGN);
end Calc_Inc_Capa;
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_Array; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Act_Pos: System_Index := Pos;
Act_Inc: System_Size := Repeat;
if Act_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last + 1;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str), Calc_Inc_Capa(Str, Act_Inc), Act_Pos, Act_Inc);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Act_Pos .. Act_Pos + Act_Inc - 1) := (others => V);
end Insert;
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_Array; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Item_Array) is
Act_Pos: System_Index := Pos;
if Act_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last + 1;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str), Calc_Inc_Capa(Str, V'Length), Act_Pos, V'Length);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Act_Pos .. Act_Pos + V'Length - 1) := V;
end Insert;
-- TODO: operator "&" that returns a new Elastic_Array
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_Array; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Insert (Str, Get_Last_Index(Str) + 1, V, Repeat);
end Append;
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_Array; V: in Item_Array) is
Insert (Str, Get_Last_Index(Str) + 1, V);
end Append;
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_Array; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Insert (Str, Get_First_Index(Str), V, Repeat);
end Prepend;
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_Array; V: in Item_Array) is
Insert (Str, Get_First_Index(Str), V);
end Prepend;
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_Array; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
Repl_Len := Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1;
if Repeat < Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str), Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len - Repeat, SHIFT_LEFT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + Repeat - 1;
elsif Repeat > Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str), Calc_Inc_Capa(Str, Repeat - Repl_Len), From_Pos, Repeat - Repl_Len, SHIFT_RIGHT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + Repeat - 1;
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str));
end if;
Str.Buffer.Slot(From_Pos .. Act_To_Pos) := (others => V);
end if;
end Replace;
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_Array; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Item_Array) is
Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
Repl_Len := Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1;
if V'Length < Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str), Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len - V'Length, SHIFT_LEFT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + V'Length - 1;
elsif V'Length > Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str), Calc_Inc_Capa(Str, V'Length - Repl_Len), From_Pos, V'Length - Repl_Len, SHIFT_RIGHT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + V'Length - 1;
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str));
end if;
Str.Buffer.Slot(From_Pos .. Act_To_Pos) := V;
end if;
end Replace;
procedure Delete (Str: in out Elastic_Array; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size) is
Act_To_Pos: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Elastic_Array(Str), Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1, SHIFT_LEFT);
end if;
end Delete;
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_Array; Str2: in Elastic_Array) return Standard.Boolean is
return Str.Buffer = Str2.Buffer or else Str.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str) .. Get_Last_Index(Str)) = Str2.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str2) .. Get_Last_Index(Str2));
end "=";
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_Array; Str2: in Item_Array) return Standard.Boolean is
return Str.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str) .. Get_Last_Index(Str)) = Str2;
end "=";
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Controlled Management
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure Initialize (Str: in out Elastic_Array) is
-- the Array is initialized to the empty buffer all the time.
-- there is no need to reference the buffer.
end Initialize;
procedure Adjust (Str: in out Elastic_Array) is
Ref_Buffer (Str.Buffer);
end Adjust;
procedure Finalize (Str: in out Elastic_Array) is
Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer);
end Finalize;
end H3.Arrays;

lib2/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
with Ada.Finalization;
--type Item_Type is private;
type Item_Type is (<>);
G_Terminator_Length: System_Zero_Or_One;
G_Terminator_Value: Item_Type;
package H3.Arrays is
Terminator_Length: constant System_Zero_Or_One := G_Terminator_Length;
Terminator_Value: constant Item_Type := G_Terminator_Value;
type Elastic_Array is tagged private;
type Item_Array is array(System_Index range <>) of Item_Type;
--type Item_Array_Pointer is access all Item_Array;
subtype Thin_Item_Array is Item_Array(System_Index'Range);
type Thin_Item_Array_Pointer is access Thin_Item_Array;
function To_Item_Array (Str: in Elastic_Array) return Item_Array;
function Get_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size;
pragma Inline (Get_Capacity);
function Get_Length (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size;
pragma Inline (Get_Length);
-- the return type is System_Size for consistency with Get_Last_Index.
function Get_First_Index (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size;
pragma Inline (Get_First_Index);
-- the return type is System_Size because the Last index is -1 off the System_Index'First for an empty array
function Get_Last_Index (Str: in Elastic_Array) return System_Size;
pragma Inline (Get_Last_index);
function Get_Item (Str: in Elastic_Array; Pos: in System_Index) return Item_Type;
pragma Inline (Get_Item);
-- unsafe
function Get_Slot_Pointer (Str: in Elastic_Array) return Thin_Item_Array_Pointer;
pragma Inline (Get_Slot_Pointer);
function Is_Shared(Str: in Elastic_Array) return Standard.Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Shared);
procedure Clear (Str: in out Elastic_Array);
procedure Purge (Str: in out Elastic_Array); -- clear and reset the buffer to Empty_Buffer.
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_Array; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_Array; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Item_Array);
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_Array; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_Array; V: in Item_Array);
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_Array; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_Array; V: in Item_Array);
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_Array; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_Array; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Item_Array);
procedure Delete (Str: in out Elastic_Array; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size);
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_Array; Str2: in Elastic_Array) return Standard.Boolean;
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_Array; Str2: in Item_Array) return Standard.Boolean;
type Buffer_Record(Capa: System_Size) is limited record
Refs: System_Size := 1;
Slot: Item_Array(1 .. Capa) := (others => Terminator_Value);
Last: System_Size := 0;
end record;
type Buffer_Pointer is access all Buffer_Record;
--Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record(1);
-- Use 1 slot to hold the terminator value regardless of th terminator length in Empty_Buffer.
Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record := (Capa => 1, Refs => 0, Slot => (1 => Terminator_Value), Last => 0);
type Elastic_Array is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
Buffer: Buffer_Pointer := Empty_Buffer'Access;
end record;
overriding procedure Initialize (Str: in out Elastic_Array);
overriding procedure Adjust (Str: in out Elastic_Array);
overriding procedure Finalize (Str: in out Elastic_Array);
end H3.Arrays;

View File

@ -1,340 +1,8 @@
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
package body H3.Strings is
BUFFER_ALIGN: constant := 128; -- TODO: change it to a reasonably large value.
type Shift_Direction is (SHIFT_LEFT, SHIFT_RIGHT);
function To_Item_Array (Str: in Elastic_String) return Item_Array is
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array) is
return Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Slot'First .. Str.Buffer.Last);
end To_Item_Array;
-- return the buffer capacity excluding the terminator
function Get_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is
return Str.Buffer.Slot'Length - Terminator_Length;
end Get_Capacity;
-- private. return the buffer capacity including the terminator
function Get_Hard_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is
return Str.Buffer.Slot'Length;
end Get_Hard_Capacity;
pragma Inline (Get_Hard_Capacity);
function Get_Length (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is
return 1 + Str.Buffer.Last - Str.Buffer.Slot'First;
end Get_Length;
function Get_First_Index (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is
return Str.Buffer.Slot'First;
end Get_First_Index;
function Get_Last_Index (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size is
return Str.Buffer.Last;
end Get_Last_Index;
function Get_Item (Str: in Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index) return Item_Type is
return Str.Buffer.Slot(Pos);
end Get_Item;
-- unsafe as it exposes the internal buffer which can go away.
-- assume the system address is equal to the thin pointer in size.
function Get_Slot_Pointer (Str: in Elastic_String) return Thin_Item_Array_Pointer is
A: System.Address := Str.Buffer.Slot(Str.Buffer.Slot'First)'Address;
P: Thin_Item_Array_Pointer;
for P'Address use A'Address;
pragma Import (Ada, P);
return P;
end Get_Slot_Pointer;
function Is_Shared(Str: in Elastic_String) return Standard.Boolean is
return Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access and then Str.Buffer.Refs > 1;
end Is_Shared;
procedure Free_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_String) is
if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access then
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Buffer_Record, Buffer_Pointer);
Free (Str.Buffer);
end if;
end Free_Buffer;
procedure Ref_Buffer (Buf: in out Buffer_Pointer) is
if Buf /= Empty_Buffer'Access then
Buf.Refs := Buf.Refs + 1;
end if;
end Ref_Buffer;
procedure Unref_Buffer (Buf: in out Buffer_Pointer) is
if Buf /= Empty_Buffer'Access then
if Buf.Refs = 1 then
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Buffer_Record, Buffer_Pointer);
Free (Buf);
Buf := Empty_Buffer'Access;
Buf.Refs := Buf.Refs - 1;
end if;
end if;
end Unref_Buffer;
function New_Buffer_Container (Hard_Capa: in System_Size) return Elastic_String is
Tmp: Elastic_String;
Tmp.Buffer := new Buffer_Record(Hard_Capa);
Tmp.Buffer.Refs := 1;
return Tmp;
end New_Buffer_Container;
-- prepare the buffer for writing
procedure Prepare_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_String) is
Tmp: Elastic_String;
if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access then
if Is_Shared(Str) then
-- The code like this doesn't work correctly in terms of finalization.
-- The buffer pointer held inside a finalization controlled record must be
-- manipluated through the record itself. otherwise, the Adjust and Finalize
-- calls goes incompatible with the reference counting implementation.
-- It is because finalization is set on the record rather than the buffer pointer.
--Tmp: Buffer_Pointer;
--Tmp := new Buffer_Record(Get_Hard_Capacity(Str));
--Tmp.Slot := Str.Buffer.Slot;
--Tmp.Last := Str.Buffer.Last;
--Tmp.Refs := 1;
--Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer);
--Str.Buffer := Tmp;
Tmp := Str;
Str := New_Buffer_Container(Get_Hard_Capacity(Str));
Str.Buffer.Slot := Tmp.Buffer.Slot;
Str.Buffer.Last := Tmp.Buffer.Last;
end if;
end if;
end Prepare_Buffer;
-- prepare the buffer for writing
procedure Prepare_Buffer (Str: in out Elastic_String; Req_Hard_Capa: in System_Size; Shift_Pos: in System_Size := 0; Shift_Size: in System_Size := 0; Shift_Dir: in Shift_Direction := Shift_Right) is
Tmp: Elastic_String;
First, Last: System_Size;
Hard_Capa: System_Size;
First := Get_First_Index(Str);
Last := Get_Last_Index(Str);
if Str.Buffer /= Empty_Buffer'Access and then Is_Shared(Str) then
if Req_Hard_Capa < Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then
Hard_Capa := Get_Hard_Capacity(Str);
Hard_Capa := Req_Hard_Capa;
end if;
Tmp := Str;
Str := New_Buffer_Container(Hard_Capa);
if Req_Hard_Capa > Get_Hard_Capacity(Str) then
Tmp := Str;
Str := New_Buffer_Container(Req_Hard_Capa);
elsif Shift_Pos > 0 then
Tmp := Str;
-- no shift, no change in the buffer
end if;
end if;
if Shift_Pos <= 0 then
-- no shift is required. copy the entire string including th
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + Terminator_Length) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Last + Terminator_Length);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last;
end if;
-- it is an internal function. perform no sanity check.
-- if Shift_Pos or Shift_Size is beyond the allocated capacity,
-- it will end up in an exception.
if Shift_Dir = SHIFT_LEFT then
Mid: System_Size := Shift_Pos - Shift_Size;
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Mid) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Mid);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Mid + 1 .. Last - Shift_Size + Terminator_Length) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos + 1 .. Last + Terminator_Length);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last - Shift_Size;
Str.Buffer.Slot(First .. Shift_Pos - 1) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(First .. Shift_Pos - 1);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos + Shift_Size .. Last + Shift_Size + Terminator_Length) := Tmp.Buffer.Slot(Shift_Pos .. Last + Terminator_Length);
Str.Buffer.Last := Last + Shift_Size;
end if;
end Prepare_Buffer;
procedure Clear (Str: in out Elastic_String) is
Prepare_Buffer (Str);
Str.Buffer.Last := Get_First_Index(Str) - 1;
end Clear;
procedure Purge (Str: in out Elastic_String) is
Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer);
Str.Buffer := Empty_Buffer'Access;
end Purge;
function Calc_Inc_Capa (Str: in Elastic_String; Inc: in System_Size) return System_Size is
return H3.Align(Get_Length(Str) + Inc + Terminator_Length, BUFFER_ALIGN);
end Calc_Inc_Capa;
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Act_Pos: System_Index := Pos;
Act_Inc: System_Size := Repeat;
if Act_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last + 1;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Calc_Inc_Capa(Str, Act_Inc), Act_Pos, Act_Inc);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Act_Pos .. Act_Pos + Act_Inc - 1) := (others => V);
end Insert;
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Item_Array) is
Act_Pos: System_Index := Pos;
if Act_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last + 1;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Calc_Inc_Capa(Str, V'Length), Act_Pos, V'Length);
Str.Buffer.Slot(Act_Pos .. Act_Pos + V'Length - 1) := V;
end Insert;
-- TODO: operator "&" that returns a new Elastic_String
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Insert (Str, Get_Last_Index(Str) + 1, V, Repeat);
end Append;
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Item_Array) is
Insert (Str, Get_Last_Index(Str) + 1, V);
end Append;
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Insert (Str, Get_First_Index(Str), V, Repeat);
end Prepend;
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Item_Array) is
Insert (Str, Get_First_Index(Str), V);
end Prepend;
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1) is
Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
Repl_Len := Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1;
if Repeat < Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len - Repeat, SHIFT_LEFT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + Repeat - 1;
elsif Repeat > Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Calc_Inc_Capa(Str, Repeat - Repl_Len), From_Pos, Repeat - Repl_Len, SHIFT_RIGHT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + Repeat - 1;
Prepare_Buffer (Str);
end if;
Str.Buffer.Slot(From_Pos .. Act_To_Pos) := (others => V);
end if;
end Replace;
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Item_Array) is
Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
Repl_Len := Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1;
if V'Length < Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Repl_Len - V'Length, SHIFT_LEFT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + V'Length - 1;
elsif V'Length > Repl_Len then
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Calc_Inc_Capa(Str, V'Length - Repl_Len), From_Pos, V'Length - Repl_Len, SHIFT_RIGHT);
Act_To_Pos := From_Pos + V'Length - 1;
Prepare_Buffer (Str);
end if;
Str.Buffer.Slot(From_Pos .. Act_To_Pos) := V;
end if;
end Replace;
procedure Delete (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size) is
Act_To_Pos: System_Size;
if From_Pos <= To_Pos and then From_Pos <= Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := To_Pos;
if Act_To_Pos > Str.Buffer.Last then
Act_To_Pos := Str.Buffer.Last;
end if;
Prepare_Buffer (Str, Get_Hard_Capacity(Str), Act_To_Pos, Act_To_Pos - From_Pos + 1, SHIFT_LEFT);
end if;
end Delete;
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_String; Str2: in Elastic_String) return Standard.Boolean is
return Str.Buffer = Str2.Buffer or else Str.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str) .. Get_Last_Index(Str)) = Str2.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str2) .. Get_Last_Index(Str2));
end "=";
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_String; Str2: in Item_Array) return Standard.Boolean is
return Str.Buffer.Slot(Get_First_Index(Str) .. Get_Last_Index(Str)) = Str2;
end "=";
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Controlled Management
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure Initialize (Str: in out Elastic_String) is
-- the string is initialized to the empty buffer all the time.
-- there is no need to reference the buffer.
end Initialize;
procedure Adjust (Str: in out Elastic_String) is
Ref_Buffer (Str.Buffer);
end Adjust;
procedure Finalize (Str: in out Elastic_String) is
Unref_Buffer (Str.Buffer);
end Finalize;
P.Append (P.Elastic_Array(Str), V);
end H3.Strings;

View File

@ -1,87 +1,23 @@
with Ada.Finalization;
with H3.Arrays;
--type Item_Type is private;
type Item_Type is (<>);
G_Terminator_Length: System_Zero_Or_One;
G_Terminator_Value: Item_Type;
package H3.Strings is
Terminator_Length: constant System_Zero_Or_One := G_Terminator_Length;
Terminator_Value: constant Item_Type := G_Terminator_Value;
package P is new H3.Arrays(Item_Type, 1, G_Terminator_Value);
type Elastic_String is private;
type Item_Array is array(System_Index range <>) of Item_Type;
--type Item_Array_Pointer is access all Item_Array;
Terminator_Length: System_Zero_Or_One renames P.Terminator_Length;
Terminator_Value: Item_Type renames P.Terminator_Value;
subtype Thin_Item_Array is Item_Array(System_Index'Range);
type Thin_Item_Array_Pointer is access Thin_Item_Array;
subtype Character_Array is P.Item_Array;
subtype Thin_Character_Array_Pointer is P.Thin_Item_Array_Pointer;
function To_Item_Array (Str: in Elastic_String) return Item_Array;
function Get_Capacity (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size;
pragma Inline (Get_Capacity);
function Get_Length (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size;
pragma Inline (Get_Length);
-- the return type is System_Size for consistency with Get_Last_Index.
function Get_First_Index (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size;
pragma Inline (Get_First_Index);
-- the return type is System_Size because the Last index is -1 off the System_Index'First for an empty string
function Get_Last_Index (Str: in Elastic_String) return System_Size;
pragma Inline (Get_Last_index);
function Get_Item (Str: in Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index) return Item_Type;
pragma Inline (Get_Item);
-- unsafe
function Get_Slot_Pointer (Str: in Elastic_String) return Thin_Item_Array_Pointer;
pragma Inline (Get_Slot_Pointer);
function Is_Shared(Str: in Elastic_String) return Standard.Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_Shared);
procedure Clear (Str: in out Elastic_String);
procedure Purge (Str: in out Elastic_String); -- clear and reset the buffer to Empty_Buffer.
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Insert (Str: in out Elastic_String; Pos: in System_Index; V: in Item_Array);
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Item_Array);
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Prepend (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Item_Array);
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Item_Type; Repeat: in System_Size := 1);
procedure Replace (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size; V: in Item_Array);
procedure Delete (Str: in out Elastic_String; From_Pos: in System_Index; To_Pos: in System_Size);
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_String; Str2: in Elastic_String) return Standard.Boolean;
function "=" (Str: in Elastic_String; Str2: in Item_Array) return Standard.Boolean;
type Buffer_Record(Capa: System_Size) is limited record
Refs: System_Size := 1;
Slot: Item_Array(1 .. Capa) := (others => Terminator_Value);
Last: System_Size := 0;
type Elastic_String is new P.Elastic_Array with record
--A: standard.integer := 999;
end record;
type Buffer_Pointer is access all Buffer_Record;
--Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record(1);
-- Use 1 slot to hold the terminator value regardless of th terminator length in Empty_Buffer.
Empty_Buffer: aliased Buffer_Record := (Capa => 1, Refs => 0, Slot => (1 => Terminator_Value), Last => 0);
type Elastic_String is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
Buffer: Buffer_Pointer := Empty_Buffer'Access;
end record;
overriding procedure Initialize (Str: in out Elastic_String);
overriding procedure Adjust (Str: in out Elastic_String);
overriding procedure Finalize (Str: in out Elastic_String);
overriding procedure Append (Str: in out Elastic_String; V: in Character_Array);
end H3.Strings;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
with H3.Pool;
with H3.Limited_Pool;
with H3.Arrays;
with H3.Strings;
with H3.Storage_Pools;
with H3.MM;
@ -14,8 +15,8 @@ with Ada.Assertions;
use type H3.System_Size;
procedure hello is
package S is new H3.Strings(Standard.Wide_Character, 1, Wide_Character'Val(0));
package S_I is new H3.Strings(Integer, 1, 16#FF#);
package S is new H3.Strings(Standard.Wide_Character, Wide_Character'Val(0));
package S_I is new H3.Arrays(Integer, 1, 16#FF#);
--type Global_Pool is new System.Storage_Pools.Root_Storage_Pool with null record;
P1: aliased System.Pool_Global.Unbounded_No_Reclaim_Pool;
@ -174,7 +175,8 @@ begin
-- unsafe way to access the internal buffer.
arr: constant S.Item_Array := S.To_Item_Array(Str);
--arr: constant S.P.Item_Array := S.To_Item_Array(Str);
arr: constant S.Character_Array := S.To_Item_Array(Str);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put ("STR[1] => [");
for i in arr'Range loop
@ -353,8 +355,10 @@ begin
arr: constant S.Thin_Item_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str);
arr2: constant S.Thin_Item_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str2);
--arr: constant S.P.Thin_Item_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str);
--arr2: constant S.P.Thin_Item_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str2);
arr: constant S.Thin_Character_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str);
arr2: constant S.Thin_Character_Array_Pointer := S.Get_Slot_Pointer(Str2);
use type H3.System_Word;
print_string_info (Str, "Str");
@ -415,7 +419,7 @@ begin
t1: S_I.Elastic_String;
t1: S_I.Elastic_Array;
S_I.Append (t1, 20, 5);
S_I.Prepend (t1, 30, 2);