405 lines
13 KiB

* $Id$
Copyright 2006-2014 Chung, Hyung-Hwan.
This file is part of QSE.
QSE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
QSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with QSE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _QSE_CMN_PIO_H_
#define _QSE_CMN_PIO_H_
#include <qse/types.h>
#include <qse/macros.h>
#include <qse/cmn/tio.h>
#include <qse/cmn/env.h>
/** @file
* This file defines a piped interface to a child process. You can execute
* a child process, read and write to its stdin, stdout, stderr, and terminate
* it. It provides more advanced interface than popen() and pclose().
* The qse_pio_flag_t defines enumerators to compose flags to qse_pio_open().
enum qse_pio_flag_t
/** enable text based I/O. */
QSE_PIO_TEXT = (1 << 0),
/** execute the command via a system shell
* (/bin/sh on unix/linux, cmd.exe on windows and os2) */
QSE_PIO_SHELL = (1 << 3),
/** indicate that the command to qse_pio_open() is a multi-byte string.
* it is useful if #QSE_CHAR_IS_WCHAR is defined. */
QSE_PIO_MBSCMD = (1 << 4),
/** don't attempt to close open file descriptors unknown to pio.
* it is useful only on a unix-like systems where file descriptors
* not set with FD_CLOEXEC are inherited by a child process.
* you're advised to set this option if all normal file descriptors
* in your application are open with FD_CLOEXEC set. it can skip
* checking a bunch of file descriptors and arranging to close
* them to prevent inheritance. */
/** write to stdin of a child process */
QSE_PIO_WRITEIN = (1 << 8),
/** read stdout of a child process */
QSE_PIO_READOUT = (1 << 9),
/** read stderr of a child process */
QSE_PIO_READERR = (1 << 10),
/** redirect stderr to stdout (2>&1, require #QSE_PIO_READOUT) */
QSE_PIO_ERRTOOUT = (1 << 11),
/** redirect stdout to stderr (1>&2, require #QSE_PIO_READERR) */
QSE_PIO_OUTTOERR = (1 << 12),
/** redirect stdin to the null device (</dev/null, <NUL) */
QSE_PIO_INTONUL = (1 << 13),
/** redirect stdin to the null device (>/dev/null, >NUL) */
QSE_PIO_ERRTONUL = (1 << 14),
/** redirect stderr to the null device (2>/dev/null, 2>NUL) */
QSE_PIO_OUTTONUL = (1 << 15),
/** drop stdin */
QSE_PIO_DROPIN = (1 << 16),
/** drop stdout */
QSE_PIO_DROPOUT = (1 << 17),
/** drop stderr */
QSE_PIO_DROPERR = (1 << 18),
/** do not reread if read has been interrupted */
/** do not rewrite if write has been interrupted */
/** return immediately from qse_pio_wait() if a child has not exited */
/** do not wait again if waitpid has been interrupted */
/** put stdin to non-blocking mode (only on supported platforms) */
QSE_PIO_INNOBLOCK = (1 << 25),
/** put stdout to non-blocking mode (only on supported platforms)*/
/** put stderr to non-blocking mode (only on supported platforms) */
* The qse_pio_hid_t type defines pipe IDs established to a child process.
enum qse_pio_hid_t
QSE_PIO_IN = 0, /**< stdin of a child process */
QSE_PIO_OUT = 1, /**< stdout of a child process */
QSE_PIO_ERR = 2 /**< stderr of a child process */
typedef enum qse_pio_hid_t qse_pio_hid_t;
* The qse_pio_errnum_t type defines error numbers.
enum qse_pio_errnum_t
QSE_PIO_ENOERR = 0, /**< no error */
QSE_PIO_EOTHER, /**< unknown error */
QSE_PIO_ENOIMPL, /**< not implemented */
QSE_PIO_ESYSERR, /**< subsystem error */
QSE_PIO_EINTERN, /**< internal error */
QSE_PIO_ENOMEM, /**< out of memory */
QSE_PIO_EINVAL, /**< invalid parameter */
QSE_PIO_EACCES, /**< access denied */
QSE_PIO_ENOENT, /**< no such file */
QSE_PIO_EEXIST, /**< already exist */
QSE_PIO_EINTR, /**< interrupted */
QSE_PIO_EPIPE, /**< broken pipe */
QSE_PIO_EAGAIN, /**< resource not available temporarily */
QSE_PIO_ENOHND, /**< no handle available */
QSE_PIO_ECHILD, /**< the child is not valid */
QSE_PIO_EILSEQ, /**< illegal sequence */
QSE_PIO_EICSEQ, /**< incomplete sequence */
QSE_PIO_EILCHR /**< illegal character */
typedef enum qse_pio_errnum_t qse_pio_errnum_t;
#if defined(_WIN32)
/* <winnt.h> => typedef PVOID HANDLE; */
typedef void* qse_pio_hnd_t; /**< defines a pipe handle type */
typedef void* qse_pio_pid_t; /**< defines a process handle type */
# define QSE_PIO_HND_NIL ((qse_pio_hnd_t)QSE_NULL)
# define QSE_PIO_PID_NIL ((qse_pio_pid_t)QSE_NULL)
#elif defined(__OS2__)
/* <os2def.h> => typedef LHANDLE HFILE;
typedef LHANDLE PID;
typedef unsigned long LHANDLE; */
typedef unsigned long qse_pio_hnd_t; /**< defines a pipe handle type */
typedef unsigned long qse_pio_pid_t; /**< defined a process handle type */
# define QSE_PIO_HND_NIL ((qse_pio_hnd_t)-1)
# define QSE_PIO_PID_NIL ((qse_pio_pid_t)-1)
#elif defined(__DOS__)
typedef int qse_pio_hnd_t; /**< defines a pipe handle type */
typedef int qse_pio_pid_t; /**< defines a process handle type */
# define QSE_PIO_HND_NIL ((qse_pio_hnd_t)-1)
# define QSE_PIO_PID_NIL ((qse_pio_pid_t)-1)
typedef int qse_pio_hnd_t; /**< defines a pipe handle type */
typedef int qse_pio_pid_t; /**< defines a process handle type */
# define QSE_PIO_HND_NIL ((qse_pio_hnd_t)-1)
# define QSE_PIO_PID_NIL ((qse_pio_pid_t)-1)
typedef struct qse_pio_t qse_pio_t;
typedef struct qse_pio_pin_t qse_pio_pin_t;
struct qse_pio_pin_t
qse_pio_hnd_t handle;
qse_tio_t* tio;
qse_pio_t* self;
* The qse_pio_t type defines a structure to store status for piped I/O
* to a child process. The qse_pio_xxx() funtions are written around this
* type. Do not change the value of each field directly.
struct qse_pio_t
qse_mmgr_t* mmgr;
int flags; /**< options */
qse_pio_errnum_t errnum; /**< error number */
qse_pio_pid_t child; /**< handle to a child process */
qse_pio_pin_t pin[3];
/** access the @a errnum field of the #qse_pio_t structure */
#define QSE_PIO_ERRNUM(pio) ((pio)->errnum)
/** access the @a child field of the #qse_pio_t structure */
#define QSE_PIO_CHILD(pio) ((pio)->child)
/** get the native handle from the #qse_pio_t structure */
#define QSE_PIO_HANDLE(pio,hid) ((pio)->pin[hid].handle)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* The qse_pio_open() function executes a command @a cmd and establishes
* pipes to it. #QSE_PIO_SHELL causes the function to execute @a cmd via
* the default shell of an underlying system: /bin/sh on *nix, cmd.exe on win32.
* On *nix systems, a full path to the command is needed if it is not specified.
* If @a env is #QSE_NULL, the environment of @a cmd inherits that of the
* calling process. If you want to pass an empty environment, you can pass
* an empty @a env object with no items inserted. If #QSE_PIO_MBSCMD is
* specified in @a flags, @a cmd is treated as a multi-byte string whose
* character type is #qse_mchar_t.
* @return #qse_pio_t object on success, #QSE_NULL on failure
QSE_EXPORT qse_pio_t* qse_pio_open (
qse_mmgr_t* mmgr, /**< memory manager */
qse_size_t ext, /**< extension size */
const qse_char_t* cmd, /**< command to execute */
qse_env_t* env, /**< environment */
int flags /**< 0 or a number OR'ed of the
#qse_pio_flag_t enumerators*/
* The qse_pio_close() function closes pipes to a child process and waits for
* the child process to exit.
QSE_EXPORT void qse_pio_close (
qse_pio_t* pio /**< pio object */
* The qse_pio_init() functions performs the same task as the qse_pio_open()
* except that you need to allocate a #qse_pio_t structure and pass it to the
* function.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
QSE_EXPORT int qse_pio_init (
qse_pio_t* pio, /**< pio object */
qse_mmgr_t* mmgr, /**< memory manager */
const qse_char_t* cmd, /**< command to execute */
qse_env_t* env, /**< environment */
int flags /**< 0 or a number OR'ed of the
#qse_pio_flag_t enumerators*/
* The qse_pio_fini() function performs the same task as qse_pio_close()
* except that it does not destroy a #qse_pio_t structure pointed to by @a pio.
QSE_EXPORT void qse_pio_fini (
qse_pio_t* pio /**< pio object */
QSE_EXPORT qse_mmgr_t* qse_pio_getmmgr (
qse_pio_t* pio
QSE_EXPORT void* qse_pio_getxtn (
qse_pio_t* pio
* The qse_pio_geterrnum() function returns the number of the last error
* occurred.
* @return error number
QSE_EXPORT qse_pio_errnum_t qse_pio_geterrnum (
const qse_pio_t* pio /**< pio object */
* The qse_pio_getcmgr() function returns the current character manager.
* It returns #QSE_NULL is @a pio is not opened with #QSE_PIO_TEXT.
QSE_EXPORT qse_cmgr_t* qse_pio_getcmgr (
qse_pio_t* pio,
qse_pio_hid_t hid
* The qse_pio_setcmgr() function changes the character manager to @a cmgr.
* The character manager is used only if @a pio is opened with #QSE_PIO_TEXT.
QSE_EXPORT void qse_pio_setcmgr (
qse_pio_t* pio,
qse_pio_hid_t hid,
qse_cmgr_t* cmgr
* The qse_pio_gethandle() function gets a pipe handle.
* @return pipe handle
QSE_EXPORT qse_pio_hnd_t qse_pio_gethandle (
const qse_pio_t* pio, /**< pio object */
qse_pio_hid_t hid /**< handle ID */
* The qse_pio_gethandleasubi() function gets a pipe handle wrapped
* in the #qse_ubi_t type.
* @return pipe handle
QSE_EXPORT qse_ubi_t qse_pio_gethandleasubi (
const qse_pio_t* pio, /**< pio object */
qse_pio_hid_t hid /**< handle ID */
* The qse_pio_getchild() function gets a process handle.
* @return process handle
QSE_EXPORT qse_pio_pid_t qse_pio_getchild (
const qse_pio_t* pio /**< pio object */
* The qse_pio_read() fucntion reads at most @a size bytes/characters
* and stores them to the buffer pointed to by @a buf.
* @return -1 on failure, 0 on EOF, data length read on success
QSE_EXPORT qse_ssize_t qse_pio_read (
qse_pio_t* pio, /**< pio object */
qse_pio_hid_t hid, /**< handle ID */
void* buf, /**< buffer to fill */
qse_size_t size /**< buffer size */
* The qse_pio_write() function writes up @a size bytes/characters
* from the buffer pointed to by @a data. If #QSE_PIO_TEXT is used
* and the @a size parameter is (qse_size_t)-1, the function treats
* the @a data parameter as a pointer to a null-terminated string.
* @return -1 on failure, data length written on success
QSE_EXPORT qse_ssize_t qse_pio_write (
qse_pio_t* pio, /**< pio object */
qse_pio_hid_t hid, /**< handle ID */
const void* data, /**< data to write */
qse_size_t size /**< data size */
* The qse_pio_flush() flushes buffered data if #QSE_PIO_TEXT has been
* specified to qse_pio_open() and qse_pio_init().
QSE_EXPORT qse_ssize_t qse_pio_flush (
qse_pio_t* pio, /**< pio object */
qse_pio_hid_t hid /**< handle ID */
* The qse_pio_drain() drops unflushed input and output data in the
* buffer.
QSE_EXPORT void qse_pio_drain (
qse_pio_t* pio, /**< pio object */
qse_pio_hid_t hid /**< handle ID */
* The qse_pio_end() function closes a pipe to a child process
QSE_EXPORT void qse_pio_end (
qse_pio_t* pio, /**< pio object */
qse_pio_hid_t hid /**< handle ID */
* The qse_pio_wait() function waits for a child process to terminate.
* #QSE_PIO_WAIT_NORETRY causes the function to return an error and set the
* @a pio->errnum field to #QSE_PIO_EINTR if the underlying system call has
* been interrupted. If #QSE_PIO_WAIT_NOBLOCK is used, the return value of 256
* indicates that the child process has not terminated. Otherwise, 256 is never
* returned.
* @return
* -1 on error, 256 if the child is alive and #QSE_PIO_WAIT_NOBLOCK is used,
* a number between 0 and 255 inclusive if the child process ends normally,
* 256 + signal number if the child process is terminated by a signal.
QSE_EXPORT int qse_pio_wait (
qse_pio_t* pio /**< pio object */
* The qse_pio_kill() function terminates a child process by force.
* You should know the danger of calling this function as the function can
* kill a process that is not your child process if it has terminated but
* there is a new process with the same process handle.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
QSE_EXPORT int qse_pio_kill (
qse_pio_t* pio /**< pio object */
#ifdef __cplusplus