1433 lines
34 KiB
1433 lines
34 KiB
* $Id$
Copyright 2006-2012 Chung, Hyung-Hwan.
This file is part of QSE.
QSE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
QSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with QSE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "httpd.h"
#include "../cmn/mem.h"
#include <qse/cmn/chr.h>
#include <qse/cmn/str.h>
#include <qse/cmn/mbwc.h>
#include <qse/cmn/sio.h>
typedef struct htrd_xtn_t htrd_xtn_t;
struct htrd_xtn_t
qse_httpd_t* httpd;
qse_httpd_client_t* client;
static void free_server_list (qse_httpd_t* httpd);
static int perform_client_task (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, void* mux, qse_ubi_t handle, int mask, void* cbarg);
qse_http_version_t qse_http_v11 = { 1, 1 };
qse_httpd_t* qse_httpd_open (qse_mmgr_t* mmgr, qse_size_t xtnsize)
qse_httpd_t* httpd;
httpd = (qse_httpd_t*) QSE_MMGR_ALLOC (
mmgr, QSE_SIZEOF(*httpd) + xtnsize
if (httpd == QSE_NULL) return QSE_NULL;
if (qse_httpd_init (httpd, mmgr) <= -1)
QSE_MMGR_FREE (httpd->mmgr, httpd);
return QSE_NULL;
QSE_MEMSET (httpd + 1, 0, xtnsize);
return httpd;
void qse_httpd_close (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
qse_httpd_ecb_t* ecb;
for (ecb = httpd->ecb; ecb; ecb = ecb->next)
if (ecb->close) ecb->close (httpd);
qse_httpd_fini (httpd);
QSE_MMGR_FREE (httpd->mmgr, httpd);
int qse_httpd_init (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_mmgr_t* mmgr)
QSE_MEMSET (httpd, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*httpd));
httpd->mmgr = mmgr;
qse_mbscpy (httpd->sname, QSE_MT("QSE-HTTPD " QSE_PACKAGE_VERSION));
httpd->opt.tmout.sec = 3;
httpd->opt.idle_limit.sec = 30;
return 0;
void qse_httpd_fini (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
free_server_list (httpd);
void qse_httpd_stop (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
httpd->stopreq = 1;
void qse_httpd_impede (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
httpd->impedereq = 1;
qse_httpd_errnum_t qse_httpd_geterrnum (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
return httpd->errnum;
void qse_httpd_seterrnum (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_errnum_t errnum)
httpd->errnum = errnum;
qse_mmgr_t* qse_httpd_getmmgr (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
return httpd->mmgr;
void* qse_httpd_getxtn (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
return QSE_XTN (httpd);
int qse_httpd_getopt (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_opt_t id, void* value)
switch (id)
*(int*)value = httpd->opt.trait;
return 0;
*(qse_httpd_scb_t*)value = httpd->opt.scb;
return 0;
*(qse_httpd_rcb_t*)value = httpd->opt.rcb;
return 0;
*(qse_ntime_t*)value = httpd->opt.tmout;
return 0;
*(qse_ntime_t*)value = httpd->opt.idle_limit;
return 0;
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_EINVAL;
return -1;
int qse_httpd_setopt (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_opt_t id, const void* value)
switch (id)
httpd->opt.trait = *(const int*)value;
return 0;
httpd->opt.scb = *(qse_httpd_scb_t*)value;
return 0;
httpd->opt.rcb = *(qse_httpd_rcb_t*)value;
return 0;
httpd->opt.tmout = *(qse_ntime_t*)value;
return 0;
httpd->opt.idle_limit = *(qse_ntime_t*)value;
return 0;
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_EINVAL;
return -1;
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
qse_httpd_ecb_t* qse_httpd_popecb (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
qse_httpd_ecb_t* top = httpd->ecb;
if (top) httpd->ecb = top->next;
return top;
void qse_httpd_pushecb (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_ecb_t* ecb)
ecb->next = httpd->ecb;
httpd->ecb = ecb;
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
QSE_INLINE void* qse_httpd_allocmem (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_size_t size)
void* ptr = QSE_MMGR_ALLOC (httpd->mmgr, size);
if (ptr == QSE_NULL) httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return ptr;
QSE_INLINE void* qse_httpd_callocmem (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_size_t size)
void* ptr = QSE_MMGR_ALLOC (httpd->mmgr, size);
if (ptr == QSE_NULL) httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
else QSE_MEMSET (ptr, 0, size);
return ptr;
QSE_INLINE void* qse_httpd_reallocmem (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, void* ptr, qse_size_t size)
void* nptr = QSE_MMGR_REALLOC (httpd->mmgr, ptr, size);
if (nptr == QSE_NULL) httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return nptr;
QSE_INLINE void qse_httpd_freemem (qse_httpd_t* httpd, void* ptr)
QSE_MMGR_FREE (httpd->mmgr, ptr);
qse_mchar_t* qse_httpd_strtombsdup (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_char_t* str)
qse_mchar_t* mptr;
#if defined(QSE_CHAR_IS_MCHAR)
mptr = qse_mbsdup (str, httpd->mmgr);
mptr = qse_wcstombsdup (str, QSE_NULL, httpd->mmgr);
if (mptr == QSE_NULL) httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return mptr;
qse_mchar_t* qse_httpd_strntombsdup (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_char_t* str, qse_size_t len)
qse_mchar_t* mptr;
#if defined(QSE_CHAR_IS_MCHAR)
mptr = qse_mbsxdup (str, len, httpd->mmgr);
mptr = qse_wcsntombsdup (str, len, QSE_NULL, httpd->mmgr);
if (mptr == QSE_NULL) httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return mptr;
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
static qse_httpd_real_task_t* enqueue_task (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client,
qse_httpd_task_t* pred, const qse_httpd_task_t* task,
qse_size_t xtnsize)
qse_httpd_real_task_t* new_task;
qse_httpd_real_task_t* real_pred;
/* TODO: limit check
if (client->task.count >= httpd->limit.client_task_queue)
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ETASK;
return -1;
new_task = (qse_httpd_real_task_t*)
qse_httpd_allocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*new_task) + xtnsize);
if (new_task == QSE_NULL) return QSE_NULL;
QSE_MEMSET (new_task, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*new_task) + xtnsize);
new_task->core = *task;
if (new_task->core.init)
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR;
if (new_task->core.init (httpd, client, (qse_httpd_task_t*)new_task) <= -1)
if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR)
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ETASK;
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, new_task);
return QSE_NULL;
real_pred = (qse_httpd_real_task_t*)pred;
if (pred)
new_task->next = real_pred->next;
new_task->prev = real_pred;
if (real_pred->next) real_pred->next->prev = new_task;
else client->task.tail = (qse_httpd_task_t*)new_task;
real_pred->next = new_task;
new_task->next = QSE_NULL;
new_task->prev = (qse_httpd_real_task_t*)client->task.tail;
if (client->task.tail)
((qse_httpd_real_task_t*)client->task.tail)->next = new_task;
client->task.head = (qse_httpd_task_t*)new_task;
client->task.tail = (qse_httpd_task_t*)new_task;
return new_task;
static QSE_INLINE int dequeue_task (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client)
qse_httpd_real_task_t* task;
qse_size_t i;
if (client->task.count <= 0) return -1;
task = client->task.head;
/* clear task triggers from mux if they are registered */
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(task->core.trigger); i++)
if (client->status & CLIENT_TASK_TRIGGER_IN_MUX(i))
httpd->opt.scb.mux.delhnd (httpd, httpd->mux, task->core.trigger[i].handle);
client->status &= ~CLIENT_TASK_TRIGGER_IN_MUX(i);
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
if (task == client->task.tail)
client->task.head = QSE_NULL;
client->task.tail = QSE_NULL;
task->next->prev = QSE_NULL;
client->task.head = (qse_httpd_task_t*)task->next;
if (task->core.fini) task->core.fini (httpd, client, task);
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, task);
return 0;
static QSE_INLINE void purge_tasks (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client)
while (dequeue_task (httpd, client) == 0);
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
static int htrd_peek_request (qse_htrd_t* htrd, qse_htre_t* req)
htrd_xtn_t* xtn = (htrd_xtn_t*) qse_htrd_getxtn (htrd);
return xtn->httpd->opt.rcb.peekreq (xtn->httpd, xtn->client, req);
static int htrd_poke_request (qse_htrd_t* htrd, qse_htre_t* req)
htrd_xtn_t* xtn = (htrd_xtn_t*) qse_htrd_getxtn (htrd);
return xtn->httpd->opt.rcb.pokereq (xtn->httpd, xtn->client, req);
static qse_htrd_recbs_t htrd_recbs =
QSE_STRUCT_FIELD (peek, htrd_peek_request),
QSE_STRUCT_FIELD (poke, htrd_poke_request)
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
static qse_httpd_client_t* new_client (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* tmpl)
qse_httpd_client_t* client;
htrd_xtn_t* xtn;
client = qse_httpd_allocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*client));
if (client == QSE_NULL) return QSE_NULL;
QSE_MEMSET (client, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*client));
client->type = QSE_HTTPD_CLIENT;
client->htrd = qse_htrd_open (httpd->mmgr, QSE_SIZEOF(*xtn));
if (client->htrd == QSE_NULL)
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, client);
return QSE_NULL;
qse_htrd_setoption (client->htrd, QSE_HTRD_REQUEST | QSE_HTRD_TRAILERS | QSE_HTRD_CANONQPATH);
/* copy the public fields,
* keep the private fields initialized at 0 */
client->status = tmpl->status;
if (httpd->opt.scb.client.accepted == QSE_NULL)
client->status |= CLIENT_READY;
client->handle = tmpl->handle;
client->handle2 = tmpl->handle2;
client->remote_addr = tmpl->remote_addr;
client->local_addr = tmpl->local_addr;
client->orgdst_addr = tmpl->orgdst_addr;
client->server = tmpl->server;
client->initial_ifindex = tmpl->initial_ifindex;
xtn = (htrd_xtn_t*)qse_htrd_getxtn (client->htrd);
xtn->httpd = httpd;
xtn->client = client;
qse_htrd_setrecbs (client->htrd, &htrd_recbs);
return client;
static void free_client (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client)
QSE_ASSERT (client->htrd != QSE_NULL);
purge_tasks (httpd, client);
qse_htrd_close (client->htrd);
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("Debug: CLOSING SOCKET %d\n"), client->handle.i);
if (client->status & CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX)
httpd->opt.scb.mux.delhnd (httpd, httpd->mux, client->handle);
client->status &= ~CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX;
/* note that client.closed is not a counterpart to client.accepted.
* so it is called even if client.close() failed. */
if (httpd->opt.scb.client.closed)
httpd->opt.scb.client.closed (httpd, client);
httpd->opt.scb.client.close (httpd, client);
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, client);
static void purge_client (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client)
qse_httpd_client_t* prev;
qse_httpd_client_t* next;
prev = client->prev;
next = client->next;
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
qse_httpd_act_t msg;
msg.u.client = client;
httpd->opt.rcb.logact (httpd, &msg);
free_client (httpd, client);
if (prev) prev->next = next;
else httpd->client.list.head = next;
if (next) next->prev = prev;
else httpd->client.list.tail = prev;
static void purge_client_list (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
while (httpd->client.list.tail)
purge_client (httpd, httpd->client.list.tail);
static void move_client_to_tail (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client)
if (httpd->client.list.tail != client)
qse_httpd_client_t* prev;
qse_httpd_client_t* next;
prev = client->prev;
next = client->next;
if (prev) prev->next = next;
else httpd->client.list.head = next;
if (next) next->prev = prev;
else httpd->client.list.tail = prev;
client->next = QSE_NULL;
client->prev = httpd->client.list.tail;
httpd->client.list.tail->next = client;
httpd->client.list.tail = client;
static int accept_client (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, void* mux, qse_ubi_t handle, int mask, void* cbarg)
qse_httpd_server_t* server;
qse_httpd_client_t clibuf;
qse_httpd_client_t* client;
if (mask & QSE_HTTPD_MUX_READ)
server = (qse_httpd_server_t*)cbarg;
/*QSE_ASSERT (handle == server->handle);*/
QSE_MEMSET (&clibuf, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(clibuf));
if (httpd->opt.scb.server.accept (httpd, server, &clibuf) <= -1)
#if 0
/* TODO: proper logging */
qse_char_t tmp[128];
qse_nwadtostr (&server->dope.nwad, tmp, QSE_COUNTOF(tmp), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL);
qse_printf (QSE_T("failed to accept from server [%s] [%d]\n"), tmp, server->handle.i);
return -1;
/* TODO: check maximum number of client. if exceed call client.close */
if (server->dope.flags & QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_SECURE) clibuf.status |= CLIENT_SECURE;
clibuf.server = server;
client = new_client (httpd, &clibuf);
if (client == QSE_NULL)
httpd->opt.scb.client.close (httpd, &clibuf);
return -1;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("MUX ADDHND CLIENT READ %d\n"), client->handle.i);
if (httpd->opt.scb.mux.addhnd (
httpd, mux, client->handle, QSE_HTTPD_MUX_READ, client) <= -1)
free_client (httpd, client);
return -1;
client->status |= CLIENT_HANDLE_READ_IN_MUX;
qse_gettime (&client->last_active); /* TODO: error check */
/* link the new client to the tail of the client list. */
if (httpd->client.list.tail)
QSE_ASSERT (httpd->client.list.head);
client->prev = httpd->client.list.tail;
httpd->client.list.tail->next = client;
httpd->client.list.tail = client;
httpd->client.list.head = client;
httpd->client.list.tail = client;
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
qse_httpd_act_t msg;
msg.u.client = client;
httpd->opt.rcb.logact (httpd, &msg);
return 0;
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
static void deactivate_servers (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
qse_httpd_server_t* server;
for (server = httpd->server.list.head; server; server = server->next)
if (server->dope.flags & QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_ACTIVE)
httpd->opt.scb.mux.delhnd (httpd, httpd->mux, server->handle);
httpd->opt.scb.server.close (httpd, server);
server->dope.flags &= ~QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_ACTIVE;
static int activate_servers (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
qse_httpd_server_t* server;
for (server = httpd->server.list.head; server; server = server->next)
if (httpd->opt.scb.server.open (httpd, server) <= -1)
qse_char_t buf[64];
qse_nwadtostr (&server->dope.nwad, buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL);
httpd->opt.rcb.log (httpd, 0, QSE_T("cannot activate %s"), buf);
#if 0
qse_printf(QSE_T("cannot activate [%s]\n"), buf);
if (httpd->opt.scb.mux.addhnd (
httpd, httpd->mux, server->handle, QSE_HTTPD_MUX_READ, server) <= -1)
qse_char_t buf[64];
qse_nwadtostr (&server->dope.nwad, buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL);
httpd->opt.rcb.log (httpd, 0, QSE_T("cannot activate %s - "), buf);
#if 0
qse_printf(QSE_T("cannot add handle [%s]\n"), buf);
httpd->opt.scb.server.close (httpd, server);
server->dope.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_ACTIVE;
return 0;
static void free_server_list (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
qse_httpd_server_t* server;
server = httpd->server.list.head;
while (server)
qse_httpd_server_t* next = server->next;
qse_httpd_detachserver (httpd, server);
server = next;
QSE_ASSERT (httpd->server.navail == 0);
QSE_ASSERT (httpd->server.list.head == QSE_NULL);
QSE_ASSERT (httpd->server.list.tail == QSE_NULL);
qse_httpd_server_t* qse_httpd_attachserver (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_httpd_server_dope_t* dope, qse_size_t xtnsize)
qse_httpd_server_t* server;
server = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*server) + xtnsize);
if (server == QSE_NULL) return QSE_NULL;
server->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVER;
/* copy the server dope */
server->dope = *dope;
/* and correct some fields in case the dope contains invalid stuffs */
server->dope.flags &= ~QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_ACTIVE;
/* chain the server to the tail of the list */
server->prev = httpd->server.list.tail;
server->next = QSE_NULL;
if (httpd->server.list.tail)
httpd->server.list.tail->next = server;
httpd->server.list.head = server;
httpd->server.list.tail = server;
return server;
void qse_httpd_detachserver (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server)
qse_httpd_server_t* prev, * next;
prev = server->prev;
next = server->next;
QSE_ASSERT (!(server->dope.flags & QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_ACTIVE));
if (server->dope.detach) server->dope.detach (httpd, server);
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, server);
if (prev) prev->next = next;
else httpd->server.list.head = next;
if (next) next->prev = prev;
else httpd->server.list.tail = prev;
qse_httpd_server_t* qse_httpd_getfirstserver (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
return httpd->server.list.head;
qse_httpd_server_t* qse_httpd_getlastserver (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
return httpd->server.list.tail;
qse_httpd_server_t* qse_httpd_getnextserver (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server)
return server->next;
qse_httpd_server_t* qse_httpd_getprevserver (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server)
return server->prev;
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
static int read_from_client (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client)
qse_mchar_t buf[4096]; /* TODO: adjust this buffer size */
qse_ssize_t m;
QSE_ASSERT (httpd->opt.scb.client.recv != QSE_NULL);
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR;
m = httpd->opt.scb.client.recv (httpd, client, buf, QSE_SIZEOF(buf));
if (m <= -1)
if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_EAGAIN)
/* nothing to read yet. */
return 0; /* return ok */
else if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_EINTR)
goto reread;
/* TOOD: if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR) httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ECALLBACK; */
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
qse_httpd_act_t msg;
msg.u.client = client;
httpd->opt.rcb.logact (httpd, &msg);
/* TODO: find a way to disconnect */
return -1;
else if (m == 0)
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("Debug: connection closed %d\n"), client->handle.i);
/* reading from the client returned 0. this typically
* happens when the client closes the connection or
* shutdown the writing half of the socket. it's
* not really easy to determine one from the other.
* if QSE_HTTPD_MUTECLIENT is on, attempt to handle
* it as a half-close under a certain condition. */
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_MUTECLIENT &&
client->task.head && client->htrd->clean)
/* there is still more tasks to finish and
* http reader is not waiting for any more feeds. */
client->status |= CLIENT_MUTE;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T(">>>>> Marking client %d as MUTE\n"), client->handle.i);
return 0;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T(">>>>> Returning failure for client %d\n"), client->handle.i);
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_EDISCON;
return -1;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("!!!!!FEEDING %d from %d ["), (int)m, (int)client->handle.i);
#if !defined(__WATCOMC__)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) qse_printf (QSE_T("%hc"), buf[i]);
qse_printf (QSE_T("]\n"));
/* qse_htrd_feed() may call the request callback
* multiple times. that's because we don't know
* how many valid requests are included in 'buf'. */
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR;
if (qse_htrd_feed (client->htrd, buf, m) <= -1)
if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR)
if (client->htrd->errnum == QSE_HTRD_EBADRE ||
client->htrd->errnum == QSE_HTRD_EBADHDR)
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_EBADREQ;
else httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM; /* TODO: better translate error code */
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("Error: http error while processing %d ["), (int)client->handle.i);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) qse_printf (QSE_T("%hc"), buf[i]);
qse_printf (QSE_T("]\n"));
return -1;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("!!!!!FEEDING OK OK OK OK %d from %d\n"), (int)m, (int)client->handle.i);
if (client->status & CLIENT_PENDING)
/* this CLIENT_PENDING thing is a dirty hack for SSL.
* In SSL, data is transmitted in a record. a record can be
* as large as 16K bytes since its length field is 2 bytes.
* If SSL_read() has record a record but it's given a
* smaller buffer than the actuaal record, the next call
* to select() won't return. there is no data to read
* at the socket layer. SSL_pending() can tell you the
* amount of data in the SSL buffer. I try to consume
* the pending data if the client.recv handler set CLIENT_PENDING.
* TODO: Investigate if there is any starvation issues.
* What if a single client never stops sending?
goto reread;
return 0;
static int invoke_client_task (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client,
qse_ubi_t handle, int mask)
qse_httpd_task_t* task;
qse_size_t i;
int n, trigger_fired, client_handle_writable;
/* TODO: handle comparison callback ... */
if (handle.i == client->handle.i && (mask & QSE_HTTPD_MUX_READ)) /* TODO: no direct comparision */
if (!(client->status & CLIENT_MUTE) &&
read_from_client (httpd, client) <= -1)
/* return failure on disconnection also in order to
* purge the client in perform_client_task().
* thus the following line isn't necessary.
*if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_EDISCON) return 0;*/
return -1;
/* this client doesn't have any task */
task = client->task.head;
if (task == QSE_NULL)
if (client->status & CLIENT_MUTE)
/* handle this delayed client disconnection */
return -1;
return 0;
trigger_fired = 0;
client_handle_writable = 0;
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(task->trigger); i++)
task->trigger[i].mask &= ~(QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE |
if (task->trigger[i].handle.i == handle.i) /* TODO: no direct comparision */
if (task->trigger[i].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READ)
trigger_fired = 1;
task->trigger[i].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE;
if (task->trigger[i].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE)
trigger_fired = 1;
task->trigger[i].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE;
if (handle.i == client->handle.i) client_handle_writable = 1; /* TODO: no direct comparison */
if (trigger_fired && !client_handle_writable)
/* the task is invoked for triggers.
* check if the client handle is writable */
qse_ntime_t tmout;
tmout.sec = 0;
tmout.nsec = 0;
if (httpd->opt.scb.mux.writable (httpd, client->handle, &tmout) <= 0)
/* it is not writable yet. so just skip
* performing the actual task */
return 0;
n = task->main (httpd, client, task);
if (n <= -1) return -1;
else if (n == 0)
int mux_mask;
int mux_status;
/* the current task is over. remove the task
* from the queue. dequeue_task() clears task triggers
* from the mux. so i don't clear them explicitly here */
dequeue_task (httpd, client);
mux_mask = QSE_HTTPD_MUX_READ;
if (client->task.head)
/* there is a pending task. arrange to
* trigger it as if it is just entasked */
mux_mask |= QSE_HTTPD_MUX_WRITE;
if (client->status & CLIENT_MUTE)
mux_mask &= ~QSE_HTTPD_MUX_READ;
if (client->status & CLIENT_MUTE)
/* no more task. but this client
* has closed connection previously */
return -1;
if ((client->status & CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX) !=
(mux_status & CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX))
httpd->opt.scb.mux.delhnd (httpd, httpd->mux, client->handle);
client->status &= ~CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX;
if (mux_status)
if (httpd->opt.scb.mux.addhnd (
httpd, httpd->mux, client->handle, mux_mask, client) <= -1)
return -1;
client->status |= mux_status;
QSE_MEMSET (client->trigger, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(client->trigger));
return 0;
/* the code here is pretty fragile. there is a high chance
* that something can go wrong if the task handler plays
* with the trigger field in an unexpected manner.
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(task->trigger); i++)
task->trigger[i].mask &= ~(QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE |
if (QSE_MEMCMP (client->trigger, task->trigger, QSE_SIZEOF(client->trigger)) != 0 ||
((client->status & CLIENT_MUTE) && !(client->status & CLIENT_MUTE_DELETED)))
/* manipulate muxtiplexer settings if there are trigger changes */
int has_trigger;
int trigger_mux_mask;
int client_handle_mux_mask;
int client_handle_mux_status;
/* delete previous trigger handles */
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(task->trigger); i++)
if (client->status & CLIENT_TASK_TRIGGER_IN_MUX(i))
httpd->opt.scb.mux.delhnd (httpd, httpd->mux, client->trigger[i].handle);
client->status &= ~CLIENT_TASK_TRIGGER_IN_MUX(i);
has_trigger = 0;
client_handle_mux_mask = 0;
client_handle_mux_status = 0;
if (client->status & CLIENT_MUTE)
client->status |= CLIENT_MUTE_DELETED;
client_handle_mux_mask |= QSE_HTTPD_MUX_READ;
client_handle_mux_status |= CLIENT_HANDLE_READ_IN_MUX;
/* add new trigger handles */
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(task->trigger); i++)
trigger_mux_mask = 0;
if (task->trigger[i].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READ)
if (task->trigger[i].handle.i != client->handle.i ||
!(client->status & CLIENT_MUTE))
trigger_mux_mask |= QSE_HTTPD_MUX_READ;
if (task->trigger[i].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE)
trigger_mux_mask |= QSE_HTTPD_MUX_WRITE;
if (trigger_mux_mask)
has_trigger = 1;
if (task->trigger[i].handle.i == client->handle.i) /* TODO: no direct comparsion */
/* if the client handle is included in the trigger,
* delay its manipulation until the loop is over.
* instead, just remember what mask is requested */
client_handle_mux_mask |= trigger_mux_mask;
if (httpd->opt.scb.mux.addhnd (
httpd, httpd->mux, task->trigger[i].handle,
trigger_mux_mask, client) <= -1)
return -1;
client->status |= CLIENT_TASK_TRIGGER_IN_MUX(i);
if (client_handle_mux_mask)
/* if the client handle is included in the trigger
* and writing is requested, arrange writing to be
* enabled */
if (client_handle_mux_mask & QSE_HTTPD_MUX_WRITE)
client_handle_mux_status |= CLIENT_HANDLE_WRITE_IN_MUX;
else if (!has_trigger)
/* if there is no trigger, writing should be enabled */
client_handle_mux_status |= CLIENT_HANDLE_WRITE_IN_MUX;
client_handle_mux_mask |= QSE_HTTPD_MUX_WRITE;
if ((client->status & CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX) !=
(client_handle_mux_status & CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX))
httpd->opt.scb.mux.delhnd (httpd, httpd->mux, client->handle);
client->status &= ~CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX;
if (client_handle_mux_mask)
if (httpd->opt.scb.mux.addhnd (
httpd, httpd->mux, client->handle,
client_handle_mux_mask, client) <= -1)
return -1;
client->status |= client_handle_mux_status;
QSE_MEMCPY (client->trigger, task->trigger, QSE_SIZEOF(client->trigger));
return 0;
static int perform_client_task (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, void* mux, qse_ubi_t handle, int mask, void* cbarg)
qse_httpd_client_t* client;
client = (qse_httpd_client_t*)cbarg;
if (client->status & CLIENT_BAD) return 0;
if (!(client->status & CLIENT_READY))
int x;
x = httpd->opt.scb.client.accepted (httpd, client);
if (x <= -1) goto oops;
if (x >= 1)
client->status |= CLIENT_READY;
qse_gettime (&client->last_active);
move_client_to_tail (httpd, client);
/* locate an active client to the tail of the client list */
qse_gettime (&client->last_active); /* TODO: error check??? */
move_client_to_tail (httpd, client);
if (invoke_client_task (httpd, client, handle, mask) <= -1) goto oops;
return 0;
/*purge_client (httpd, client);*/
client->status |= CLIENT_BAD;
client->bad_next = httpd->client.bad;
httpd->client.bad = client;
return -1;
static void purge_bad_clients (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
qse_httpd_client_t* client;
while (httpd->client.bad)
client = httpd->client.bad;
httpd->client.bad = client->bad_next;
purge_client (httpd, client);
static void purge_idle_clients (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
qse_httpd_client_t* client;
qse_httpd_client_t* next_client;
qse_ntime_t now;
qse_gettime (&now);
client = httpd->client.list.head;
while (client)
next_client = client->next;
/* TODO: check the nsec part */
if (now.sec <= client->last_active.sec) break;
if (now.sec - client->last_active.sec < httpd->opt.idle_limit.sec) break;
purge_client (httpd, client);
client = next_client;
/* TODO: */
void* qse_httpd_gettaskxtn (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
return (void*)((qse_httpd_real_task_t*)task + 1);
qse_httpd_task_t* qse_httpd_entask (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client,
qse_httpd_task_t* pred, const qse_httpd_task_t* task,
qse_size_t xtnsize)
qse_httpd_real_task_t* new_task;
if (client->status & CLIENT_BAD) return QSE_NULL;
new_task = enqueue_task (httpd, client, pred, task, xtnsize);
if (new_task == QSE_NULL)
/*purge_client (httpd, client);*/
client->status |= CLIENT_BAD;
else if (new_task->prev == QSE_NULL)
/* arrange to invokde this task so long as
* the client-side handle is writable. */
httpd->opt.scb.mux.delhnd (httpd, httpd->mux, client->handle);
client->status &= ~CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("MUX ADDHND CLIENT RW(ENTASK) %d\n"), client->handle.i);
if (httpd->opt.scb.mux.addhnd (
httpd, httpd->mux, client->handle,
client) <= -1)
/*purge_client (httpd, client);*/
client->status |= CLIENT_BAD;
new_task = QSE_NULL;
client->status |= CLIENT_HANDLE_IN_MUX; /* READ | WRITE */
return (qse_httpd_task_t*)new_task;
static int dispatch_mux (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, void* mux, qse_ubi_t handle, int mask, void* cbarg)
return ((qse_httpd_mate_t*)cbarg)->type == QSE_HTTPD_SERVER?
accept_client (httpd, mux, handle, mask, cbarg):
perform_client_task (httpd, mux, handle, mask, cbarg);
int qse_httpd_loop (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
int xret;
QSE_ASSERTX (httpd->server.list.head != QSE_NULL,
"Add listeners before calling qse_httpd_loop()");
QSE_ASSERTX (httpd->client.list.head == QSE_NULL,
"No client should exist when this loop is started");
if (httpd->server.list.head == QSE_NULL)
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_EINVAL;
return -1;
httpd->stopreq = 0;
httpd->impedereq = 0;
/* system callbacks and request callbacks must be set before the call to this function */
QSE_ASSERT (httpd->opt.scb.mux.open && httpd->opt.scb.mux.close && httpd->opt.scb.mux.poll);
QSE_ASSERT (httpd->opt.rcb.peekreq && httpd->opt.rcb.pokereq);
/* a server must be attached before the call to this function */
QSE_ASSERT (httpd->server.navail > 0);
httpd->mux = httpd->opt.scb.mux.open (httpd, dispatch_mux);
if (httpd->mux == QSE_NULL) return -1;
if (activate_servers (httpd) <= -1)
httpd->opt.scb.mux.close (httpd, httpd->mux);
return -1;
if (httpd->server.nactive <= 0)
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOSVR;
httpd->opt.scb.mux.close (httpd, httpd->mux);
return -1;
xret = 0;
while (!httpd->stopreq)
int count;
count = httpd->opt.scb.mux.poll (httpd, httpd->mux, &httpd->opt.tmout);
if (count <= -1)
if (httpd->errnum != QSE_HTTPD_EINTR)
xret = -1;
purge_bad_clients (httpd);
purge_idle_clients (httpd);
if (httpd->impedereq)
httpd->impedereq = 0;
httpd->opt.rcb.impede (httpd);
purge_client_list (httpd);
deactivate_servers (httpd);
httpd->opt.scb.mux.close (httpd, httpd->mux);
return xret;
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
void qse_httpd_discardcontent (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_htre_t* req)
qse_htre_discardcontent (req);
void qse_httpd_completecontent (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_htre_t* req)
qse_htre_completecontent (req);
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
void qse_httpd_setname (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_mchar_t* name)
qse_mbsxcpy (httpd->sname, QSE_COUNTOF(httpd->sname), name);
const qse_mchar_t* qse_httpd_getname (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
return httpd->sname;
const qse_mchar_t* qse_httpd_fmtgmtimetobb (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_ntime_t* nt, int idx)
qse_ntime_t now;
QSE_ASSERT (idx >= 0 && idx < QSE_COUNTOF(httpd->gtbuf));
if (nt == QSE_NULL)
if (qse_gettime(&now) <= -1)
now.sec = 0;
now.nsec = 0;
nt = &now;
qse_fmthttptime (nt, httpd->gtbuf[idx], QSE_COUNTOF(httpd->gtbuf[idx]));
return httpd->gtbuf[idx];
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
qse_mchar_t* qse_httpd_escapehtml (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_mchar_t* str)
qse_mchar_t* ptr, * buf;
qse_size_t reqlen = 0;
for (ptr = str; *ptr != QSE_MT('\0'); ptr++)
switch (*ptr)
case QSE_MT('<'):
case QSE_MT('>'):
reqlen += 4;
case QSE_MT('&'):
reqlen += 5;
if (ptr - str == reqlen) return str; /* no escaping is needed */
buf = qse_httpd_allocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*buf) * (reqlen + 1));
if (buf == QSE_NULL) return QSE_NULL;
ptr = buf;
while (*str != QSE_MT('\0'))
switch (*str)
case QSE_MT('<'):
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('&');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('l');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('t');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT(';');
case QSE_MT('>'):
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('&');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('g');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('t');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT(';');
case QSE_MT('&'):
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('&');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('a');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('m');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT('p');
*ptr++ = QSE_MT(';');
*ptr++ = *str;
*ptr = QSE_MT('\0');
return buf;