272 lines
6.1 KiB
272 lines
6.1 KiB
#include <qse/net/httpd.h>
#include <qse/cmn/stdio.h>
#include <qse/cmn/main.h>
#include <qse/cmn/str.h>
#include <qse/cmn/mem.h>
#include <qse/cmn/mbwc.h>
#include <qse/cmn/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <locale.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# include <windows.h>
# include <tchar.h>
# include <process.h>
#elif defined(__OS2__)
# define INCL_ERRORS
# include <os2.h>
#elif defined(__DOS__)
# include <dos.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <errno.h>
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
# include <openssl/ssl.h>
# include <openssl/err.h>
# include <openssl/engine.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static qse_httpd_t* g_httpd = QSE_NULL;
static void sigint (int sig)
if (g_httpd) qse_httpd_stop (g_httpd);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct server_xtn_t server_xtn_t;
struct server_xtn_t
int tproxy;
qse_httpd_server_cbstd_t* orgcbstd;
static int makersrc (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_htre_t* req, qse_httpd_rsrc_t* rsrc)
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtnstd (httpd, client->server);
if (server_xtn->tproxy)
if (qse_nwadequal(&client->orgdst_addr, &client->local_addr)) /* both equal and error */
/* TODO: implement a better check that the
* destination is not one of the local addresses */
rsrc->type = QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_ERROR;
rsrc->u.error.code = 500;
rsrc->type = QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY;
rsrc->u.proxy.dst = client->orgdst_addr;
rsrc->u.proxy.src = client->remote_addr;
if (rsrc->u.proxy.src.type == QSE_NWAD_IN4)
rsrc->u.proxy.src.u.in4.port = 0; /* reset the port to 0. */
else if (rsrc->u.proxy.src.type == QSE_NWAD_IN6)
rsrc->u.proxy.src.u.in6.port = 0; /* reset the port to 0. */
return 0;
#if 0
if (server_xtn->orgcbstd->makersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc) <= -1) return -1;
if (rsrc->type == QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_DIR)
/* no directory listing - */
if (server_xtn->orgcbstd->freersrc)
server_xtn->orgcbstd->freersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc);
rsrc->type = QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_ERROR;
rsrc->u.error.code = 403;
return 0;
return server_xtn->orgcbstd->makersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc);
static void freersrc (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_htre_t* req, qse_httpd_rsrc_t* rsrc)
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtnstd (httpd, client->server);
if (server_xtn->tproxy)
/* nothing to do */
if (server_xtn->orgcbstd->freersrc)
server_xtn->orgcbstd->freersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static qse_httpd_server_t* attach_server (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_char_t* uri, qse_httpd_server_cbstd_t* cbstd)
qse_httpd_server_t* server;
qse_httpd_server_xtn_t* server_xtn_inner;
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
int tproxy = 0;
static qse_httpd_server_idxstd_t idxstd[] =
{ QSE_MT("index.cgi") },
{ QSE_MT("index.html") },
if (qse_strzcasecmp (uri, QSE_T("http-tproxy://"), 14) == 0)
tproxy = 1;
qse_strcpy (&uri[4], &uri[11]);
server = qse_httpd_attachserverstd (
httpd, uri, QSE_NULL, QSE_SIZEOF(server_xtn_t));
if (server == QSE_NULL) return QSE_NULL;
/* qse_httpd_getserverxtnstd() returns the pointer to
* the extension space requested above, of the size
* QSE_SIZEOF(server_xtn_t) */
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtnstd (httpd, server);
server_xtn->tproxy = tproxy;
/* qse_httpd_getserverxtn() returns the pointer to the
* extension space created by qse_httpd_attachserverstd()
* internally.
server_xtn_inner = qse_httpd_getserverxtn (httpd, server);
/* remember the callback set in qse_httpd_attachserverstd() */
server_xtn->orgcbstd = server_xtn_inner->cbstd;
/* override it with a new callback for chaining */
server_xtn_inner->cbstd = cbstd;
server_xtn_inner->idxstd = idxstd; /* override index file list */
return server;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int httpd_main (int argc, qse_char_t* argv[])
qse_httpd_t* httpd = QSE_NULL;
int ret = -1, i;
static qse_httpd_server_cbstd_t cbstd = { makersrc, freersrc };
if (argc <= 1)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Usage: %s <listener_uri> ...\n"), argv[0]);
goto oops;
httpd = qse_httpd_openstd (QSE_SIZEOF(server_xtn_t));
if (httpd == QSE_NULL)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot open httpd\n"));
goto oops;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (attach_server (httpd, argv[i], &cbstd) == QSE_NULL)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR,
QSE_T("Failed to add httpd listener - %s\n"), argv[i]);
goto oops;
g_httpd = httpd;
signal (SIGINT, sigint);
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
qse_httpd_setname (httpd, QSE_MT("httpd02/qse 1.0"));
qse_httpd_setoption (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_CGIERRTONUL);
ret = qse_httpd_loopstd (httpd, 10000);
signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
g_httpd = QSE_NULL;
if (ret <= -1) qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Httpd error\n"));
if (httpd) qse_httpd_close (httpd);
return ret;
int qse_main (int argc, qse_achar_t* argv[])
int ret;
#if defined(_WIN32)
char locale[100];
UINT codepage;
WSADATA wsadata;
codepage = GetConsoleOutputCP();
if (codepage == CP_UTF8)
/*SetConsoleOUtputCP (CP_UTF8);*/
qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_UTF8);
sprintf (locale, ".%u", (unsigned int)codepage);
setlocale (LC_ALL, locale);
qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_SLMB);
if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsadata) != 0)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Failed to start up winsock\n"));
return -1;
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_SLMB);
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
SSL_load_error_strings ();
SSL_library_init ();
ret = qse_runmain (argc, argv, httpd_main);
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
/*ERR_remove_state ();*/
ENGINE_cleanup ();
ERR_free_strings ();
EVP_cleanup ();
CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data ();
#if defined(_WIN32)
WSACleanup ();
return ret;