
1394 lines
33 KiB

* $Id$
Copyright 2006-2014 Chung, Hyung-Hwan.
This file is part of QSE.
QSE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
QSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with QSE. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _QSE_AWK_AWK_HPP_
#define _QSE_AWK_AWK_HPP_
#include <qse/awk/awk.h>
#include <qse/cmn/htb.h>
#include <qse/cmn/chr.h>
#include <qse/cmn/Mmged.hpp>
#include <stdarg.h>
/// @file
/// AWK Interpreter
/// The Awk class implements an AWK interpreter by wrapping around
/// #qse_awk_t and #qse_awk_rtx_t.
class QSE_EXPORT Awk: public Mmged
typedef qse_htb_t htb_t;
typedef qse_htb_pair_t pair_t;
// define a primitive handle
typedef qse_awk_t awk_t;
// redefine flt_t. To access Types::flt_t, use the fully qualified
// name as it's overriding Types::flt_t.
typedef qse_awk_flt_t flt_t;
typedef qse_awk_int_t int_t;
typedef qse_awk_uint_t uint_t;
typedef qse_awk_loc_t loc_t;
typedef qse_awk_errnum_t errnum_t;
typedef qse_awk_errstr_t errstr_t;
typedef qse_awk_errinf_t errinf_t;
enum depth_t
/// The gbl_id_t type redefines #qse_awk_gbl_id_t.
typedef qse_awk_gbl_id_t gbl_id_t;
/** Represents an internal awk value */
typedef qse_awk_val_t val_t;
/** Represents a runtime context */
typedef qse_awk_rtx_t rtx_t;
/** Represents an runtime I/O data */
typedef qse_awk_rio_arg_t rio_arg_t;
typedef qse_awk_rio_cmd_t rio_cmd_t;
typedef qse_awk_sio_arg_t sio_arg_t;
typedef qse_awk_sio_cmd_t sio_cmd_t;
typedef qse_awk_fnc_spec_t fnc_spec_t;
typedef qse_awk_fnc_info_t fnc_info_t;
typedef qse_awk_mod_spec_t mod_spec_t;
class Run;
friend class Run;
/// @name Error Handling
/// @{
/// The getErrorString() function returns a formatting string
/// for an error code @a num. You can override this function
/// to customize an error message. You must include the same numbers
/// of ${X}'s as the orginal formatting string. Their order may be
/// different. The example below changes the formatting string for
/// @code
/// const MyAwk::char_t* MyAwk::getErrorString (errnum_t num) const
/// {
/// if (num == QSE_AWK_ENOENT) return QSE_T("cannot find '${0}'");
/// return Awk::getErrorString (num);
/// }
/// @endcode
virtual const char_t* getErrorString (
errnum_t num
) const;
/// The getErrorNumber() function returns the number of the last
/// error occurred.
errnum_t getErrorNumber () const;
/// The getErrorLocation() function returns the location of the
/// last error occurred.
loc_t getErrorLocation () const;
/// The Awk::getErrorMessage() function returns a message describing
/// the last error occurred.
const char_t* getErrorMessage () const;
/// The setError() function sets error information.
void setError (
errnum_t code, ///< error code
const cstr_t* args = QSE_NULL, ///< message formatting
/// argument array
const loc_t* loc = QSE_NULL ///< error location
/// The setErrorWithMessage() functions sets error information
/// with a customized error message.
void setErrorWithMessage (
errnum_t code, ///< error code
const char_t* msg, ///< error message
const loc_t* loc ///< error location
/// The clearError() function clears error information
void clearError ();
//protected: can't make it protected for borland
void retrieveError ();
void retrieveError (Run* run);
/// @}
class NoSource;
/// The Source class is an abstract class to encapsulate
/// source script I/O. The Awk::parse function requires a concrete
/// object instantiated from its child class.
class QSE_EXPORT Source
/// The Mode type defines opening mode.
enum Mode
READ, ///< open for read
WRITE ///< open for write
/// The Data class encapsulates information passed in and out
/// for source script I/O.
class QSE_EXPORT Data
friend class Awk;
Data (Awk* awk, Mode mode, sio_arg_t* arg):
awk (awk), mode (mode), arg (arg)
Mode getMode() const
return this->mode;
bool isMaster() const
return this->arg->prev == QSE_NULL;
const char_t* getName() const
return this->arg->name;
// since it doesn't copy the contents,
// it should point to something that outlives this object.
void setName (const char_t* name)
this->arg->name = name;
const char_t* getPrevName() const
return this->arg->prev->name;
const void* getPrevHandle() const
return this->arg->prev->handle;
void* getHandle () const
return this->arg->handle;
void setHandle (void* handle)
this->arg->handle = handle;
operator Awk* () const
return this->awk;
operator awk_t* () const
return this->awk->getHandle();
Awk* awk;
Mode mode;
sio_arg_t* arg;
Source () {}
virtual ~Source () {}
virtual int open (Data& io) = 0;
virtual int close (Data& io) = 0;
virtual ssize_t read (Data& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) = 0;
virtual ssize_t write (Data& io, const char_t* buf, size_t len) = 0;
/// The NONE object indicates no source.
static NoSource NONE;
Source (const Source&);
Source& operator= (const Source&);
class QSE_EXPORT NoSource: public Source
int open (Data& io) { return -1; }
int close (Data& io) { return 0; }
ssize_t read (Data& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { return 0; }
ssize_t write (Data& io, const char_t* buf, size_t len) { return 0; }
/// The RIOBase class is a base class to represent runtime I/O
/// operations. The Console, File, Pipe classes implement more specific
/// I/O operations by inheriting this class.
RIOBase (Run* run, rio_arg_t* riod);
const char_t* getName() const;
const void* getHandle () const;
void setHandle (void* handle);
int getUflags () const;
void setUflags (int uflags);
operator Awk* () const;
operator awk_t* () const;
operator rio_arg_t* () const;
operator Run* () const;
operator rtx_t* () const;
Run* run;
rio_arg_t* riod;
RIOBase (const RIOBase&);
RIOBase& operator= (const RIOBase&);
/// The Pipe class encapsulates the pipe operations indicated by
/// the | and || operators.
class QSE_EXPORT Pipe: public RIOBase
friend class Awk;
/// The Mode type defines the opening mode.
enum Mode
/// open for read-only access
/// open for write-only access
/// open for read and write
/// The CloseMode type defines the closing mode for a pipe
/// opened in the #RW mode.
enum CloseMode
/// close both read and write ends
/// close the read end only
/// close the write end only
class QSE_EXPORT Handler
virtual int open (Pipe& io) = 0;
virtual int close (Pipe& io) = 0;
virtual ssize_t read (Pipe& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) = 0;
virtual ssize_t write (Pipe& io, const char_t* buf, size_t len) = 0;
virtual int flush (Pipe& io) = 0;
Pipe (Run* run, rio_arg_t* riod);
/// The getMode() function returns the opening mode requested.
/// You can inspect the opening mode, typically in the
/// openPipe() function, to create a pipe with proper
/// access mode. It is harmless to call this function from
/// other pipe handling functions.
Mode getMode () const;
/// The getCloseMode() function returns the closing mode
/// requested. The returned value is valid if getMode()
/// returns #RW.
CloseMode getCloseMode () const;
/// The File class encapsulates file operations by inheriting RIOBase.
class QSE_EXPORT File: public RIOBase
friend class Awk;
enum Mode
class QSE_EXPORT Handler
virtual int open (File& io) = 0;
virtual int close (File& io) = 0;
virtual ssize_t read (File& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) = 0;
virtual ssize_t write (File& io, const char_t* buf, size_t len) = 0;
virtual int flush (File& io) = 0;
File (Run* run, rio_arg_t* riod);
Mode getMode () const;
/// The Console class encapsulates the console operations by
/// inheriting RIOBase.
class QSE_EXPORT Console: public RIOBase
friend class Awk;
/// Console mode enumerators
enum Mode
READ = QSE_AWK_RIO_CONSOLE_READ, ///< open for input
WRITE = QSE_AWK_RIO_CONSOLE_WRITE ///< open for output
/// The Handler class is an abstract class that can be
/// implemented for customized I/O handling.
class QSE_EXPORT Handler
/// The open() function is called before the initial
/// access to the console for input and output.
/// It must return 0 for success and -1 for failure.
/// Upon successful opening, it can store information
/// required using setHandle() and setUflags().
/// The information set here is available in subsequent
/// calls to other methods and are accessible with
/// getHandle() and getUflags().
virtual int open (Console& io) = 0;
/// The close() function is called when the console
/// is not needed any more. It must return 0 for success
/// and -1 for failure.
virtual int close (Console& io) = 0;
/// The read() function is called when the console
/// is read for input. It must fill the buffer \a buf with
/// data not more than \a len characters and return the
/// number of characters filled into the buufer. It can
/// return 0 to indicate EOF and -1 for failure.
virtual ssize_t read (Console& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) = 0;
/// The write() function is called when the console
/// is written for output. It can write upto \a len characters
/// available in the buffer \a buf and return the number of
/// characters written. It can return 0 to indicate EOF and -1
/// for failure.
virtual ssize_t write (Console& io, const char_t* buf, size_t len) = 0;
/// You may choose to buffer the data passed to the write()
/// function and perform actual writing when flush() is called.
/// It must return 0 for success and -1 for failure.
virtual int flush (Console& io) = 0;
/// The next() function is called when \b nextfile or
/// \b nextofile is executed. It must return 0 for success
/// and -1 for failure.
virtual int next (Console& io) = 0;
Console (Run* run, rio_arg_t* riod);
~Console ();
/// The getMode() function returns if the console is
/// opened for reading or writing.
Mode getMode () const;
int setFileName (const char_t* name);
int setFNR (int_t fnr);
char_t* filename;
/// The Value class wraps around #qse_awk_val_t to provide a more
/// comprehensive interface.
class QSE_EXPORT Value
friend class Awk;
// initialization
void* operator new (size_t n, Run* run) throw ();
void* operator new[] (size_t n, Run* run) throw ();
#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__WATCOMC__)
// deletion when initialization fails
void operator delete (void* p, Run* run);
void operator delete[] (void* p, Run* run);
// normal deletion
void operator delete (void* p);
void operator delete[] (void* p);
/// The Index class encapsulates an index of an arrayed value.
class QSE_EXPORT Index: protected qse_cstr_t
friend class Value;
/// The Index() function creates an empty array index.
Index ()
this->ptr = Value::getEmptyStr();
this->len = 0;
/// The Index() function creates a string array index.
Index (const char_t* ptr, size_t len)
this->ptr = ptr;
this->len = len;
void set (const qse_cstr_t* x)
this->ptr = x->ptr;
this->len = x->len;
void set (const qse_xstr_t* x)
this->ptr = x->ptr;
this->len = x->len;
Index& operator= (const qse_cstr_t* x)
this->set (x);
return *this;
Index& operator= (const qse_xstr_t* x)
this->set (x);
return *this;
const char_t* pointer () const
return this->ptr;
size_t length () const
return this->len;
/// Represents a numeric index of an arrayed value
class QSE_EXPORT IntIndex: public Index
IntIndex (int_t num);
// 2^32: 4294967296
// 2^64: 18446744073709551616
// 2^128: 340282366920938463463374607431768211456
// -(2^32/2): -2147483648
// -(2^64/2): -9223372036854775808
// -(2^128/2): -170141183460469231731687303715884105728
# error SIZEOF(int_t) TOO LARGE.
#elif QSE_SIZEOF_LONG_T == 16
char_t buf[41];
#elif QSE_SIZEOF_LONG_T == 8
char_t buf[21];
char_t buf[12];
/// The IndexIterator class is a helper class to make simple
/// iteration over array elements.
class QSE_EXPORT IndexIterator: public qse_awk_val_map_itr_t
friend class Value;
/// The END variable is a special variable to
/// represent the end of iteration.
static IndexIterator END;
/// The IndexIterator() function creates an iterator
/// for an arrayed value.
IndexIterator ()
this->pair = QSE_NULL;
this->buckno = 0;
IndexIterator (pair_t* pair, size_t buckno)
this->pair = pair;
this->buckno = buckno;
bool operator== (const IndexIterator& ii) const
return this->pair == ii.pair && this->buckno == ii.buckno;
bool operator!= (const IndexIterator& ii) const
return !operator== (ii);
/// The Value() function creates an empty value associated
/// with no runtime context. To set an actual inner value,
/// you must specify a context when calling setXXX() functions.
/// i.e., use setInt(run,10) instead of setInt(10).
Value ();
/// The Value() function creates an empty value associated
/// with a runtime context.
Value (Run& run);
/// The Value() function creates an empty value associated
/// with a runtime context.
Value (Run* run);
Value (const Value& v);
~Value ();
Value& operator= (const Value& v);
void clear ();
operator val_t* () const { return val; }
operator int_t () const;
operator flt_t () const;
operator const char_t* () const;
val_t* toVal () const
return operator val_t* ();
int_t toInt () const
return operator int_t ();
flt_t toFlt () const
return operator flt_t ();
const char_t* toStr (size_t* len) const
const char_t* p;
size_t l;
if (getStr (&p, &l) == -1)
p = getEmptyStr();
l = 0;
if (len != QSE_NULL) *len = l;
return p;
int getInt (int_t* v) const;
int getFlt (flt_t* v) const;
int getNum (int_t* lv, flt_t* fv) const;
int getStr (const char_t** str, size_t* len) const;
int setVal (val_t* v);
int setVal (Run* r, val_t* v);
int setInt (int_t v);
int setInt (Run* r, int_t v);
int setFlt (flt_t v);
int setFlt (Run* r, flt_t v);
int setStr (const char_t* str, size_t len, bool numeric = false);
int setStr (Run* r, const char_t* str, size_t len, bool numeric = false);
int setStr (const char_t* str, bool numeric = false);
int setStr (Run* r, const char_t* str, bool numeric = false);
int setIndexedVal (
const Index& idx,
val_t* v
int setIndexedVal (
Run* r,
const Index& idx,
val_t* v
int setIndexedInt (
const Index& idx,
int_t v
int setIndexedInt (
Run* r,
const Index& idx,
int_t v);
int setIndexedFlt (
const Index& idx,
flt_t v
int setIndexedFlt (
Run* r,
const Index& idx,
flt_t v
int setIndexedStr (
const Index& idx,
const char_t* str,
size_t len,
bool numeric = false
int setIndexedStr (
Run* r,
const Index& idx,
const char_t* str,
size_t len,
bool numeric = false
int setIndexedStr (
const Index& idx,
const char_t* str,
bool numeric = false
int setIndexedStr (
Run* r,
const Index& idx,
const char_t* str,
bool numeric = false
/// The isIndexed() function determines if a value is arrayed.
/// @return true if indexed, false if not.
bool isIndexed () const;
/// The getIndexed() function gets a value at the given
/// index @a idx and sets it to @a val.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int getIndexed (
const Index& idx, ///< array index
Value* val ///< value holder
) const;
/// The getFirstIndex() function stores the first index of
/// an arrayed value into @a idx.
/// @return IndexIterator::END if the arrayed value is empty,
/// iterator that can be passed to getNextIndex() if not
IndexIterator getFirstIndex (
Index* idx ///< index holder
) const;
/// The getNextIndex() function stores into @a idx the next
/// index of an array value from the position indicated by
/// @a iter.
/// @return IndexIterator::END if the arrayed value is empty,
/// iterator that can be passed to getNextIndex() if not
IndexIterator getNextIndex (
Index* idx, ///< index holder
const IndexIterator& curitr ///< current position
) const;
Run* run;
val_t* val;
mutable struct
qse_xstr_t str;
} cached;
static const char_t* getEmptyStr();
/// The Run class wraps around #qse_awk_rtx_t to represent the
/// runtime context.
class QSE_EXPORT Run
friend class Awk;
friend class Value;
friend class RIOBase;
friend class Console;
Run (Awk* awk);
Run (Awk* awk, rtx_t* run);
~Run ();
operator Awk* () const;
operator rtx_t* () const;
void stop () const;
bool isStop () const;
errnum_t getErrorNumber () const;
loc_t getErrorLocation () const;
const char_t* getErrorMessage () const;
void setError (
errnum_t code,
const cstr_t* args = QSE_NULL,
const loc_t* loc = QSE_NULL
void setErrorWithMessage (
errnum_t code,
const char_t* msg,
const loc_t* loc
/// The setGlobal() function sets the value of a global
/// variable identified by @a id
/// to @a v.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int setGlobal (int id, int_t v);
/// The setGlobal() function sets the value of a global
/// variable identified by @a id
/// to @a v.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int setGlobal (int id, flt_t v);
/// The setGlobal() function sets the value of a global
/// variable identified by @a id
/// to a string as long as @a len characters pointed to by
/// @a ptr.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int setGlobal (int id, const char_t* ptr, size_t len);
/// The setGlobal() function sets a global variable
/// identified by @a id to a value @a v.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int setGlobal (int id, const Value& v);
/// The getGlobal() function gets the value of a global
/// variable identified by @a id and stores it in @a v.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int getGlobal (int id, Value& v) const;
Awk* awk;
rtx_t* rtx;
/// Returns the primitive handle
operator awk_t* () const;
/// @name Basic Functions
/// @{
/// The Awk() function creates an interpreter without fully
/// initializing it. You must call open() for full initialization
/// before calling other functions.
Awk (Mmgr* mmgr);
/// The ~Awk() function destroys an interpreter. Make sure to have
/// called close() for finalization before the destructor is executed.
virtual ~Awk () {}
/// The open() function initializes an interpreter.
/// You must call this function before doing anything meaningful.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int open ();
/// The close() function closes the interpreter.
void close ();
/// The parse() function parses the source code read from the input
/// stream @a in and writes the parse tree to the output stream @a out.
/// To disable deparsing, you may set @a out to Awk::Source::NONE.
/// However, it is not allowed to specify Awk::Source::NONE for @a in.
/// @return Run object on success, #QSE_NULL on failure
Awk::Run* parse (
Source& in, ///< script to parse
Source& out ///< deparsing target
/// The getRunContext() funciton returns the execution context
/// returned by the parse() function. The returned context
/// is valid if parse() has been called. You may call this
/// function to get the context if you forgot to store it
/// in a call to parse().
const Awk::Run* getRunContext () const
return &runctx;
/// The getRunContext() funciton returns the execution context
/// returned by the parse() function. The returned context
/// is valid if parse() has been called. You may call this
/// function to get the context if you forgot to store it
/// in a call to parse().
Awk::Run* getRunContext ()
return &runctx;
/// The resetRunContext() function closes an existing
/// execution context and creates a new execution context.
/// You may want to call this function if you want to
/// reset it without calling the parse() function again
/// after the first call to it.
Awk::Run* resetRunContext ();
/// The loop() function executes the BEGIN block, pattern-action blocks,
/// and the END block. The return value is stored into @a ret.
/// @return 0 on succes, -1 on failure
int loop (
Value* ret ///< return value holder
/// The call() function invokes a function named @a name.
int call (
const char_t* name, ///< function name
Value* ret, ///< return value holder
const Value* args, ///< argument array
size_t nargs ///< number of arguments
/// The stop() function makes request to abort execution
void stop ();
/// @}
/// @name Configuration
/// @{
/// The getTrait() function gets the current options.
/// @return current traits
int getTrait () const;
/// The setTrait() function changes the current traits.
void setTrait (
int trait
/// The setMaxDepth() function sets the maximum processing depth
/// for operations identified by @a ids.
void setMaxDepth (
depth_t id, ///< depth identifier
size_t depth ///< new depth
/// The getMaxDepth() function gets the maximum depth for an operation
/// type identified by @a id.
size_t getMaxDepth (
depth_t id ///< depth identifier
) const;
/// The addArgument() function adds an ARGV string as long as @a len
/// characters pointed to
/// by @a arg. loop() and call() make a string added available
/// to a script through ARGV.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int addArgument (
const char_t* arg, ///< string pointer
size_t len ///< string length
/// The addArgument() function adds a null-terminated string @a arg.
/// loop() and call() make a string added available to a script
/// through ARGV.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int addArgument (
const char_t* arg ///< string pointer
/// The clearArguments() function deletes all ARGV strings.
void clearArguments ();
/// The addGlobal() function registers an intrinsic global variable.
/// @return integer >= 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int addGlobal (
const char_t* name ///< variable name
/// The deleteGlobal() function unregisters an intrinsic global
/// variable by name.
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int deleteGlobal (
const char_t* name ///< variable name
/// The addGlobal() function returns the numeric ID of an intrinsic
// global variable.
/// @return integer >= 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int findGlobal (
const char_t* name ///> variable name
/// The setGlobal() function sets the value of a global variable
/// identified by @a id. The @a id is either a value returned by
/// addGlobal() or one of the #gbl_id_t enumerators. It is not allowed
/// to call this function prior to parse().
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int setGlobal (
int id, ///< numeric identifier
const Value& v ///< value
/// The getGlobal() function gets the value of a global variable
/// identified by @a id. The @a id is either a value returned by
/// addGlobal() or one of the #gbl_id_t enumerators. It is not allowed
/// to call this function before parse().
/// @return 0 on success, -1 on failure
int getGlobal (
int id, ///< numeric identifier
Value& v ///< value store
/// The FunctionHandler type defines a intrinsic function handler.
typedef int (Awk::*FunctionHandler) (
Run& run,
Value& ret,
Value* args,
size_t nargs,
const fnc_info_t* fi
/// The addFunction() function adds a new user-defined intrinsic
/// function.
int addFunction (
const char_t* name, ///< function name
size_t minArgs, ///< minimum numbers of arguments
size_t maxArgs, ///< maximum numbers of arguments
const char_t* argSpec, ///< argument specification
FunctionHandler handler, ///< function handler
int validOpts = 0 ///< valid if these options are set
/// The deleteFunction() function deletes a user-defined intrinsic
/// function by name.
int deleteFunction (
const char_t* name ///< function name
/// @}
Pipe::Handler* getPipeHandler ()
return this->pipe_handler;
const Pipe::Handler* getPipeHandler () const
return this->pipe_handler;
/// The setPipeHandler() function registers an external pipe
/// handler object. An external pipe handler can be implemented
/// outside this class without overriding various pipe functions.
/// Note that an external pipe handler must outlive an outer
/// awk object.
void setPipeHandler (Pipe::Handler* handler)
this->pipe_handler = handler;
File::Handler* getFileHandler ()
return this->file_handler;
const File::Handler* getFileHandler () const
return this->file_handler;
/// The setFileHandler() function registers an external file
/// handler object. An external file handler can be implemented
/// outside this class without overriding various file functions.
/// Note that an external file handler must outlive an outer
/// awk object.
void setFileHandler (File::Handler* handler)
this->file_handler = handler;
Console::Handler* getConsoleHandler ()
return this->console_handler;
const Console::Handler* getConsoleHandler () const
return this->console_handler;
/// The setConsoleHandler() function registers an external console
/// handler object. An external file handler can be implemented
/// outside this class without overriding various console functions.
/// Note that an external console handler must outlive an outer
/// awk object.
void setConsoleHandler (Console::Handler* handler)
this->console_handler = handler;
/// @name Pipe I/O handlers
/// Pipe operations are achieved through the following functions
/// if no external pipe handler is set with setPipeHandler().
/// @{
/// The openPipe() function is a pure virtual function that must be
/// overridden by a child class to open a pipe. It must return 1
/// on success, 0 on end of a pipe, and -1 on failure.
virtual int openPipe (Pipe& io);
/// The closePipe() function is a pure virtual function that must be
/// overridden by a child class to close a pipe. It must return 0
/// on success and -1 on failure.
virtual int closePipe (Pipe& io);
virtual ssize_t readPipe (Pipe& io, char_t* buf, size_t len);
virtual ssize_t writePipe (Pipe& io, const char_t* buf, size_t len);
virtual int flushPipe (Pipe& io);
/// @}
/// @name File I/O handlers
/// File operations are achieved through the following functions
/// if no external file handler is set with setFileHandler().
/// @{
virtual int openFile (File& io);
virtual int closeFile (File& io);
virtual ssize_t readFile (File& io, char_t* buf, size_t len);
virtual ssize_t writeFile (File& io, const char_t* buf, size_t len);
virtual int flushFile (File& io);
/// @}
/// @name Console I/O handlers
/// Console operations are achieved through the following functions.
/// if no external console handler is set with setConsoleHandler().
/// @{
virtual int openConsole (Console& io);
virtual int closeConsole (Console& io);
virtual ssize_t readConsole (Console& io, char_t* buf, size_t len);
virtual ssize_t writeConsole (Console& io, const char_t* buf, size_t len);
virtual int flushConsole (Console& io);
virtual int nextConsole (Console& io);
/// @}
// primitive handlers
virtual flt_t pow (flt_t x, flt_t y) = 0;
virtual flt_t mod (flt_t x, flt_t y) = 0;
virtual flt_t sin (flt_t x) = 0;
virtual flt_t cos (flt_t x) = 0;
virtual flt_t tan (flt_t x) = 0;
virtual flt_t atan (flt_t x) = 0;
virtual flt_t atan2 (flt_t x, flt_t y) = 0;
virtual flt_t log (flt_t x) = 0;
virtual flt_t log10 (flt_t x) = 0;
virtual flt_t exp (flt_t x) = 0;
virtual flt_t sqrt (flt_t x) = 0;
virtual void* modopen (const mod_spec_t* spec) = 0;
virtual void modclose (void* handle) = 0;
virtual void* modsym (void* handle, const char_t* name) = 0;
// static glue members for various handlers
static ssize_t readSource (
awk_t* awk, sio_cmd_t cmd, sio_arg_t* arg,
char_t* data, size_t count);
static ssize_t writeSource (
awk_t* awk, sio_cmd_t cmd, sio_arg_t* arg,
char_t* data, size_t count);
static ssize_t pipeHandler (
rtx_t* rtx, rio_cmd_t cmd, rio_arg_t* riod,
char_t* data, size_t count);
static ssize_t fileHandler (
rtx_t* rtx, rio_cmd_t cmd, rio_arg_t* riod,
char_t* data, size_t count);
static ssize_t consoleHandler (
rtx_t* rtx, rio_cmd_t cmd, rio_arg_t* riod,
char_t* data, size_t count);
static int functionHandler (rtx_t* rtx, const fnc_info_t* fi);
static flt_t pow (awk_t* awk, flt_t x, flt_t y);
static flt_t mod (awk_t* awk, flt_t x, flt_t y);
static flt_t sin (awk_t* awk, flt_t x);
static flt_t cos (awk_t* awk, flt_t x);
static flt_t tan (awk_t* awk, flt_t x);
static flt_t atan (awk_t* awk, flt_t x);
static flt_t atan2 (awk_t* awk, flt_t x, flt_t y);
static flt_t log (awk_t* awk, flt_t x);
static flt_t log10 (awk_t* awk, flt_t x);
static flt_t exp (awk_t* awk, flt_t x);
static flt_t sqrt (awk_t* awk, flt_t x);
static void* modopen (awk_t* awk, const mod_spec_t* spec);
static void modclose (awk_t* awk, void* handle);
static void* modsym (awk_t* awk, void* handle, const char_t* name);
// use this with care
awk_t* getHandle() const { return this->awk; }
awk_t* awk;
errstr_t dflerrstr;
errinf_t errinf;
htb_t* functionMap;
Source* source_reader;
Source* source_writer;
Pipe::Handler* pipe_handler;
File::Handler* file_handler;
Console::Handler* console_handler;
struct xstrs_t
xstrs_t (): ptr (QSE_NULL), len (0), capa (0) {}
int add (awk_t* awk, const char_t* arg, size_t len);
void clear (awk_t* awk);
qse_xstr_t* ptr;
size_t len;
size_t capa;
xstrs_t runarg;
Run runctx;
int init_runctx ();
void fini_runctx ();
int dispatch_function (Run* run, const fnc_info_t* fi);
static const char_t* xerrstr (const awk_t* a, errnum_t num);
Awk (const Awk&);
Awk& operator= (const Awk&);