deleted QSE_AWK_EXTRAOPS and enabled all new operators by default added === and !==. fixed a bug in printing the explicit concatenation operator(%%, %%=) improved @include handling
352 lines
7.3 KiB
352 lines
7.3 KiB
#include <qse/awk/std.h>
#include <qse/cmn/str.h>
#include <qse/cmn/rbt.h>
#include "../../lib/cmn/mem.h"
#if defined(HAVE_UCI_H)
# include <uci.h>
# error this module needs uci.h
typedef struct uctx_list_t uctx_list_t;
typedef struct uctx_node_t uctx_node_t;
struct uctx_node_t
int id;
struct uci_context* ctx;
uctx_node_t* prev;
uctx_node_t* next;
struct uctx_list_t
uctx_node_t* head;
uctx_node_t* tail;
uctx_node_t* free;
/* mapping table to map 'id' to 'node' */
uctx_node_t** tab;
int capa;
int high;
} map;
static uctx_node_t* new_uctx_node (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, uctx_list_t* list)
/* create a new context node and append it to the list tail */
uctx_node_t* node;
qse_mmgr_t* mmgr;
node = QSE_NULL;
mmgr = qse_awk_rtx_getmmgr(rtx);
if (list->free) node = list->free;
node = QSE_MMGR_ALLOC (mmgr, QSE_SIZEOF(*node));
if (!node) goto oops;
node->ctx = uci_alloc_context();
if (!node->ctx) goto oops;
if (node == list->free) list->free = node->next;
if (list->map.high <= list->map.capa)
int newcapa;
uctx_node_t** tmp;
newcapa = list->map.capa + 64;
if (newcapa < list->map.capa) goto oops; /* overflow */
tmp = (uctx_node_t**) QSE_MMGR_REALLOC (
mmgr, list->, QSE_SIZEOF(*tmp) * newcapa);
if (!tmp) goto oops;
QSE_MEMSET (&tmp[list->map.capa], 0,
QSE_SIZEOF(*tmp) * (newcapa - list->map.capa));
list-> = tmp;
list->map.capa = newcapa;
node->id = list->map.high;
QSE_ASSERT (list->[node->id] == QSE_NULL);
list->[node->id] = node;
/* append it to the tail */
node->next = QSE_NULL;
node->prev = list->tail;
if (list->tail) list->tail->next = node;
else list->head = node;
list->tail = node;
return node;
if (node) QSE_MMGR_FREE (mmgr, node);
qse_awk_rtx_seterrnum (rtx, QSE_AWK_ENOMEM, QSE_NULL);
return QSE_NULL;
static void free_uctx_node (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, uctx_list_t* list, uctx_node_t* node)
if (node->prev) node->prev->next = node->next;
if (node->next) node->next->prev = node->prev;
if (list->head == node) list->head = node->next;
if (list->tail == node) list->tail = node->prev;
list->[node->id] = QSE_NULL;
if (node->ctx) uci_free_context (node->ctx);
if (list->map.high == node->id + 1)
/* destroy the actual node if the node to be freed has the
* highest id */
QSE_MMGR_FREE (qse_awk_rtx_getmmgr(rtx), node);
/* otherwise, chain the node to the free list */
node->ctx = QSE_NULL;
node->next = list->free;
list->free = node;
/* however, i destroy the whole free list when all the nodes are
* chanined to the free list */
if (list->head == QSE_NULL)
qse_mmgr_t* mmgr;
uctx_node_t* curnode;
mmgr = qse_awk_rtx_getmmgr(rtx);
while (list->free)
curnode = list->free;
list->free = list->free->next;
QSE_ASSERT (curnode->ctx == QSE_NULL);
QSE_MMGR_FREE (mmgr, curnode);
qse_printf (QSE_T("freeing map...\n"));
QSE_MMGR_FREE (mmgr, list->;
list->map.high = 0;
list->map.capa = 0;
list-> = QSE_NULL;
static int free_uctx_node_byid (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, uctx_list_t* list, qse_long_t id)
if (id >= 0 && id < list->map.high && list->[id])
free_uctx_node (rtx, list, list->[id]);
return 0;
return -1;
static QSE_INLINE uctx_list_t* rtx_to_list (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
qse_rbt_pair_t* pair;
pair = qse_rbt_search ((qse_rbt_t*)fi->mod->ctx, &rtx, QSE_SIZEOF(rtx));
return (uctx_list_t*)QSE_RBT_VPTR(pair);
static int fnc_uci_open (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
uctx_list_t* list;
uctx_node_t* node;
qse_long_t ret = -1;
qse_awk_val_t* retv;
list = rtx_to_list (rtx, fi);
node = new_uctx_node (rtx, list);
if (node) ret = node->id;
retv = qse_awk_rtx_makeintval (rtx, ret);
if (retv == QSE_NULL) return -1;
qse_awk_rtx_setretval (rtx, retv);
return 0;
static int fnc_uci_close (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
uctx_list_t* list;
qse_awk_val_t* retv;
qse_long_t id;
int n;
list = rtx_to_list (rtx, fi);
n = qse_awk_rtx_valtolong (
rtx, qse_awk_rtx_getarg (rtx, 0), &id);
if (n <= -1) return -1;
retv = qse_awk_rtx_makeintval (
rtx, free_uctx_node_byid (rtx, list, id));
if (retv == QSE_NULL) return -1;
qse_awk_rtx_setretval (rtx, retv);
return 0;
static int fnc_uci_load (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
return 0 ;
static int fnc_uci_save (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
return 0 ;
static int fnc_uci_commit (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
//uci_commit ();
return 0 ;
static int fnc_uci_revert (qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx, const qse_awk_fnc_info_t* fi)
//uci_revert ();
return 0;
typedef struct fnctab_t fnctab_t;
struct fnctab_t
const qse_char_t* name;
qse_awk_mod_sym_fnc_t info;
static fnctab_t fnctab[] =
{ QSE_T("close"), { { 1, 1 }, fnc_uci_close } },
{ QSE_T("commit"), { { 0, 0 }, fnc_uci_commit } },
{ QSE_T("load"), { { 1, 1 }, fnc_uci_load } },
{ QSE_T("open"), { { 0, 0 }, fnc_uci_open } },
{ QSE_T("revert"), { { 0, 0 }, fnc_uci_revert } },
{ QSE_T("save"), { { 0, 0 }, fnc_uci_save } }
static int query (qse_awk_mod_t* mod, qse_awk_t* awk, const qse_char_t* name, qse_awk_mod_sym_t* sym)
qse_cstr_t ea;
int i;
/* TODO: binary search */
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(fnctab); i++)
if (qse_strcmp (fnctab[i].name, name) == 0)
sym->type = QSE_AWK_MOD_FNC;
sym->u.fnc = fnctab[i].info;
return 0;
ea.ptr = name;
ea.len = qse_strlen(name);
qse_awk_seterror (awk, QSE_AWK_ENOENT, &ea, QSE_NULL);
return -1;
static int init (qse_awk_mod_t* mod, qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx)
qse_rbt_t* rbt;
uctx_list_t list;
rbt = (qse_rbt_t*)mod->ctx;
QSE_MEMSET (&list, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(list));
if (qse_rbt_insert (rbt, &rtx, QSE_SIZEOF(rtx), &list, QSE_SIZEOF(list)) == QSE_NULL)
qse_awk_rtx_seterrnum (rtx, QSE_AWK_ENOMEM, QSE_NULL);
return -1;
qse_printf (QSE_T("initialized ... module... %p %p\n"), mod, mod->ctx);
return 0;
static void fini (qse_awk_mod_t* mod, qse_awk_rtx_t* rtx)
qse_rbt_t* rbt;
qse_rbt_pair_t* pair;
qse_printf (QSE_T("fini ... module...%p\n"), mod);
rbt = (qse_rbt_t*)mod->ctx;
/* garbage clean-up */
pair = qse_rbt_search (rbt, &rtx, QSE_SIZEOF(rtx));
if (pair)
uctx_list_t* list;
uctx_node_t* node, * next;
list = QSE_RBT_VPTR(pair);
node = list->head;
while (node)
next = node->next;
free_uctx_node (rtx, list, node);
node = next;
qse_rbt_delete (rbt, &rtx, QSE_SIZEOF(rtx));
static void unload (qse_awk_mod_t* mod, qse_awk_t* awk)
qse_rbt_t* rbt;
rbt = (qse_rbt_t*)mod->ctx;
qse_printf (QSE_T("unloaded ... module...%p\n"), mod);
qse_rbt_close (rbt);
int load (qse_awk_mod_t* mod, qse_awk_t* awk)
qse_rbt_t* rbt;
mod->query = query;
mod->unload = unload;
mod->init = init;
mod->fini = fini;
rbt = qse_rbt_open (qse_awk_getmmgr(awk), 0, 1, 1);
if (rbt == QSE_NULL)
qse_awk_seterrnum (awk, QSE_AWK_ENOMEM, QSE_NULL);
return -1;
qse_rbt_setmancbs (rbt, qse_getrbtmancbs(QSE_RBT_MANCBS_INLINE_COPIERS));
qse_printf (QSE_T("loaded ... module...%p\n"), mod);
mod->ctx = rbt;
return 0;