2008-10-10 05:45:49 +00:00

578 lines
14 KiB

* $Id: map.h 413 2008-10-09 11:45:49Z baconevi $
* {License}
#ifndef _ASE_CMN_MAP_H_
#define _ASE_CMN_MAP_H_
#include <ase/types.h>
#include <ase/macros.h>
/****o* ase.cmn.map/hash map
* A hash map maintains buckets for key/value pairs with the same key hash
* chained under the same bucket.
* #include <ase/cmn/map.h>
* void f (void)
* {
* }
/* values that can be returned by ase_map_walker_t */
enum ase_map_walk_t
enum ase_map_id_t
typedef struct ase_map_t ase_map_t;
typedef struct ase_map_pair_t ase_map_pair_t;
typedef enum ase_map_walk_t ase_map_walk_t;
typedef enum ase_map_id_t ase_map_id_t;
/****b* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_copier_t
* ase_map_copier_t - define a pair contruction callback
typedef void* (*ase_map_copier_t) (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
void* dptr /* the pointer to a key or a value */,
ase_size_t dlen /* the length of a key or a value */
/****b* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_freeer_t
* ase_map_freeer_t - define a key/value destruction callback
typedef void (*ase_map_freeer_t) (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
void* dptr /* the pointer to a key or a value */,
ase_size_t dlen /* the length of a key or a value */
/* key hasher */
typedef ase_size_t (*ase_map_hasher_t) (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
const void* kptr /* the pointer to a key */,
ase_size_t klen /* the length of a key in bytes */
/****t* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_comper_t
* ase_map_comper_t - define a key comparator
* The ase_map_comper_t type defines a key comparator that is called when
* the map needs to compare keys. A map is created with a default comparator
* which performs bitwise comparison between two keys.
* The comparator should return 0 if the keys are the same and a non-zero
* integer otherwise.
typedef int (*ase_map_comper_t) (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
const void* kptr1 /* the pointer to a key */,
ase_size_t klen1 /* the length of a key */,
const void* kptr2 /* the pointer to a key */,
ase_size_t klen2 /* the length of a key */
/****t* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_keeper_t
* ase_map_keeper_t - define a value keeper
* The ase_map_keeper_t type defines a value keeper that is called when
* a value is retained in the context that it should be destroyed because
* it is identical to a new value. Two values are identical if their beginning
* pointers and their lengths are equal.
typedef void (*ase_map_keeper_t) (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
void* vptr /* the pointer to a value */,
ase_size_t vlen /* the length of a value */
/****t* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_sizer_t
* ase_map_sizer_t - define a bucket size calculator
* The ase_map_sizer_T type defines a bucket size claculator that is called
* when a map should resize the bucket. The current bucket size +1 is passed
* as the hint.
typedef ase_size_t (*ase_map_sizer_t) (
ase_map_t* map, /* a map */
ase_size_t hint /* a sizing hint */
/****t* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_walker_t
* ase_map_walker_t - define a pair visitor
typedef ase_map_walk_t (*ase_map_walker_t) (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_pair_t* pair /* the pointer to a key/value pair */,
void* arg /* the pointer to user-defined data */
/****s* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_pair_t
* ase_map_pair_t - define a pair
* A pair is composed of a key and a value. It maintains pointers to the
* beginning of a key and a value plus their length. The length is scaled
* down with the scale factor specified in an owning map. Use macros defined
* in the SEE ALSO section below to access individual fields.
struct ase_map_pair_t
void* kptr; /* the pointer to a key */
ase_size_t klen; /* the length of a key */
void* vptr; /* the pointer to a value */
ase_size_t vlen; /* the length of a value */
ase_map_pair_t* next; /* the next pair under the same slot */
/****s* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_t
* ase_map_t - define a hash map
struct ase_map_t
ase_mmgr_t* mmgr;
ase_map_copier_t copier[2];
ase_map_freeer_t freeer[2];
ase_map_hasher_t hasher; /* key hasher */
ase_map_comper_t comper; /* key comparator */
ase_map_keeper_t keeper; /* value keeper */
ase_map_sizer_t sizer; /* bucket capacity recalculator */
ase_byte_t scale[2]; /* length scale */
ase_byte_t factor; /* load factor */
ase_byte_t filler0;
ase_size_t size;
ase_size_t capa;
ase_size_t threshold;
ase_map_pair_t** bucket;
#define ASE_MAP_COPIER_SIMPLE ase_map_copysimple
#define ASE_MAP_COPIER_INLINE ase_map_copyinline
/****d* ase.cmn.map/ASE_MAP_SIZE
* ASE_MAP_SIZE - get the number of pairs
* The ASE_MAP_SIZE() macro returns the number of pairs in a map.
#define ASE_MAP_SIZE(m) ((m)->size)
/****d* ase.cmn.map/ASE_MAP_CAPA
* ASE_MAP_CAPA - get the capacity of a map
* The ASE_MAP_CAPA() macro returns the maximum number of pairs a map can hold.
#define ASE_MAP_CAPA(m) ((m)->capa)
#define ASE_MAP_MMGR(m) ((m)->mmgr)
#define ASE_MAP_KCOPIER(m) ((m)->copier[ASE_MAP_KEY])
#define ASE_MAP_VCOPIER(m) ((m)->copier[ASE_MAP_VAL])
#define ASE_MAP_KFREEER(m) ((m)->freeer[ASE_MAP_KEY])
#define ASE_MAP_VFREEER(m) ((m)->freeer[ASE_MAP_VAL])
#define ASE_MAP_HASHER(m) ((m)->hasher)
#define ASE_MAP_COMPER(m) ((m)->comper)
#define ASE_MAP_KEEPER(m) ((m)->keeper)
#define ASE_MAP_SIZER(m) ((m)->sizer)
#define ASE_MAP_EXTENSION(m) ((void*)(((ase_map_t*)m) + 1))
#define ASE_MAP_FACTOR(m) ((m)->factor)
#define ASE_MAP_KSCALE(m) ((m)->scale[ASE_MAP_KEY])
#define ASE_MAP_VSCALE(m) ((m)->scale[ASE_MAP_VAL])
#define ASE_MAP_KPTR(p) ((p)->kptr)
#define ASE_MAP_KLEN(p) ((p)->klen)
#define ASE_MAP_VPTR(p) ((p)->vptr)
#define ASE_MAP_VLEN(p) ((p)->vlen)
#define ASE_MAP_NEXT(p) ((p)->next)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/****f* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_open
* ase_map_open - creates a hash map
* The ase_map_open() function creates a hash map with a dynamic array
* bucket and a list of values chained. The initial capacity should be larger
* than 0. The load factor should be between 0 and 100 inclusive and the load
* factor of 0 disables bucket resizing. If you need extra space associated
* with a map, you may pass a non-zero value as the second parameter.
* The ASE_MAP_EXTENSION() macro and the ase_map_getextension() function
* return the pointer to the beginning of the extension.
* The ase_map_open() function returns an ase_map_t pointer on success and
* ASE_NULL on failure.
* ASE_MAP_EXTENSION, ase_map_getextension
ase_map_t* ase_map_open (
ase_mmgr_t* mmgr /* a memory manager */,
ase_size_t ext /* extension size in bytes */,
ase_size_t capa /* initial capacity */,
int factor /* load factor */
/****f* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_close
* ase_map_close - destroy a hash map
* The ase_map_close() function destroys a hash map.
void ase_map_close (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */
ase_map_t* ase_map_init (
ase_map_t* map,
ase_mmgr_t* mmgr,
ase_size_t capa,
int factor
void ase_map_fini (
ase_map_t* map
void* ase_map_getextension (
ase_map_t* map
ase_mmgr_t* ase_map_getmmgr (
ase_map_t* map
void ase_map_setmmgr (
ase_map_t* map,
ase_mmgr_t* mmgr
/* get the number of key/value pairs in a map */
ase_size_t ase_map_getsize (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */
ase_size_t ase_map_getcapa (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */
int ase_map_getscale (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_id_t id /* ASE_MAP_KEY or ASE_MAP_VAL */
/****f* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_setscale
* ase_map_setscale - set the scale factor
* The ase_map_setscale() function sets the scale factor of the length
* of a key and a value. A scale factor determines the actual length of
* a key and a value in bytes. A map is created with a scale factor of 1.
* The scale factor should be larger than 0 and less than 256.
* It is a bad idea to change the scale factor when a map is not empty.
void ase_map_setscale (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_id_t id /* ASE_MAP_KEY or ASE_MAP_VAL */,
int scale /* a scale factor */
ase_map_copier_t ase_map_getcopier (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_id_t id /* ASE_MAP_KEY or ASE_MAP_VAL */
/****f* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_setcopier
* ase_map_setcopier - specify how to clone an element
* A special copier ASE_MAP_COPIER_INLINE is provided. This copier enables
* you to copy the data inline to the internal node. No freeer is invoked
* when the node is freeed.
* You may set the copier to ASE_NULL to perform no special operation
* when the data pointer is rememebered.
void ase_map_setcopier (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_id_t id /* ASE_MAP_KEY or ASE_MAP_VAL */,
ase_map_copier_t copier /* an element copier */
ase_map_freeer_t ase_map_getfreeer (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_id_t id /* ASE_MAP_KEY or ASE_MAP_VAL */
/****f* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_setfreeer
* ase_map_setfreeer - specify how to destroy an element
* The freeer is called when a node containing the element is destroyed.
void ase_map_setfreeer (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_id_t id /* ASE_MAP_KEY or ASE_MAP_VAL */,
ase_map_freeer_t freeer /* an element freeer */
ase_map_hasher_t ase_map_gethasher (
ase_map_t* map
void ase_map_sethasher (
ase_map_t* map,
ase_map_hasher_t hasher
ase_map_comper_t ase_map_getcomper (
ase_map_t* map
void ase_map_setcomper (
ase_map_t* map,
ase_map_comper_t comper
ase_map_keeper_t ase_map_getkeeper (
ase_map_t* map
void ase_map_setkeeper (
ase_map_t* map,
ase_map_keeper_t keeper
ase_map_sizer_t ase_map_getsizer (
ase_map_t* map
/* the sizer function is passed a map object and map->capa + 1 */
void ase_map_setsizer (
ase_map_t* map,
ase_map_sizer_t sizer
int ase_map_put (
ase_map_t* map,
void* kptr,
ase_size_t klen,
void* vptr,
ase_size_t vlen,
ase_map_pair_t** px
/****f* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_search
* ase_map_search - find a pair with a matching key
* The ase_map_search() function searches a map to find a pair with a
* matching key. It returns the pointer to the pair found. If it fails
* to find one, it returns ASE_NULL.
* The ase_map_search() function returns the pointer to the pair with a
* maching key, and ASE_NULL if no match is found.
ase_map_pair_t* ase_map_search (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
const void* kptr /* the pointer to a key */,
ase_size_t klen /* the size of the key in bytes */
/****f* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_upsert
* ase_map_upsert - update an existing pair or inesrt a new pair
* The ase_map_upsert() function searches a map for the pair with a matching
* key. If one is found, it updates the pair. Otherwise, it inserts a new
* pair with a key and a value. It returns the pointer to the pair updated
* or inserted.
* The ase_map_upsert() function returns a pointer to the updated or inserted
* pair on success, and ASE_NULL on failure.
ase_map_pair_t* ase_map_upsert (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
void* kptr /* the pointer to a key */,
ase_size_t klen /* the length of the key in bytes */,
void* vptr /* the pointer to a value */,
ase_size_t vlen /* the length of the value in bytes */
/****f* ase.cmn.map/ase_map_insert
* ase_map_insert - insert a new pair with a key and a value
* The ase_map_insert() function inserts a new pair with the key and the value
* given. If there exists a pair with the key given, the function returns
* ASE_NULL without channging the value.
* The ase_map_insert() function returns a pointer to the pair created on
* success, and ASE_NULL on failure.
ase_map_pair_t* ase_map_insert (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
void* kptr /* the pointer to a key */,
ase_size_t klen /* the length of the key in bytes */,
void* vptr /* the pointer to a value */,
ase_size_t vlen /* the length of the value in bytes */
/* update the value of a existing pair with a matching key */
ase_map_pair_t* ase_map_update (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
void* kptr /* the pointer to a key */,
ase_size_t klen /* the length of the key in bytes */,
void* vptr /* the pointer to a value */,
ase_size_t vlen /* the length of the value in bytes */
/* delete a pair with a matching key */
int ase_map_delete (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
const void* kptr /* the pointer to a key */,
ase_size_t klen /* the size of the key in bytes */
/* clear a map */
void ase_map_clear (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */
/* traverse a map */
void ase_map_walk (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_walker_t walker /* the pointer to the function for each pair */,
void* arg /* a pointer to user-specific data */
/* get the pointer to the first pair in the map. */
ase_map_pair_t* ase_map_getfirstpair (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_size_t* buckno
/* get the pointer to the next pair in the map. */
ase_map_pair_t* ase_map_getnextpair (
ase_map_t* map /* a map */,
ase_map_pair_t* pair,
ase_size_t* buckno
void* ase_map_copysimple (
ase_map_t* map /* a linear dynamic array */,
void* data /* the pointer to data */,
ase_size_t len /* the length of data */
void* ase_map_copyinline (
ase_map_t* map /* a linear dynamic array */,
void* data /* the pointer to data */,
ase_size_t len /* the length of data */
#ifdef __cplusplus