2012-02-19 14:38:22 +00:00

783 lines
18 KiB

#include <qse/net/httpd.h>
#include <qse/cmn/stdio.h>
#include <qse/cmn/main.h>
#include <qse/cmn/str.h>
#include <qse/cmn/mem.h>
#include <qse/cmn/mbwc.h>
#include <qse/cmn/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# include <windows.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/engine.h>
// TODO: remove this and export structured needed like qse_httpd_client_t
#include "../../lib/net/httpd.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define MAX_SEND_SIZE 4096
#if defined(HAVE_SYS_SENDFILE_H)
# include <sys/sendfile.h>
/* TODO: WIN32 TransmitFile */
#if defined(HAVE_SENDFILE) && defined(HAVE_SENDFILE64)
# if !defined(_LP64) && (QSE_SIZEOF_VOID_P<8) && defined(HAVE_SENDFILE64)
# define xsendfile sendfile64
# else
# define xsendfile sendfile
# endif
#elif defined(HAVE_SENDFILE)
# define xsendfile sendfile
#elif defined(HAVE_SENDFILE64)
# define xsendfile sendfile64
#elif defined(HAVE_SENDFILEV) || defined(HAVE_SENDFILEV64)
static qse_ssize_t xsendfile (
int out_fd, int in_fd, qse_foff_t* offset, qse_size_t count)
#if !defined(_LP64) && (QSE_SIZEOF_VOID_P<8) && defined(HAVE_SENDFILE64)
struct sendfilevec64 vec;
struct sendfilevec vec;
size_t xfer;
ssize_t n;
vec.sfv_fd = in_fd;
vec.sfv_flag = 0;
if (offset)
vec.sfv_off = *offset;
vec.sfv_off = lseek (in_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); /* TODO: lseek64 or llseek.. */
if (vec.sfv_off == (off_t)-1) return (qse_ssize_t)-1;
vec.sfv_len = count;
#if !defined(_LP64) && (QSE_SIZEOF_VOID_P<8) && defined(HAVE_SENDFILE64)
n = sendfilev64 (out_fd, &vec, 1, &xfer);
n = sendfilev (out_fd, &vec, 1, &xfer);
if (offset) *offset = *offset + xfer;
/* TODO: xfer contains number of byte written even on failure
on success xfer == n.
on failure xfer != n.
return n;
static qse_ssize_t xsendfile (
int out_fd, int in_fd, qse_foff_t* offset, qse_size_t count)
qse_mchar_t buf[MAX_SEND_SIZE];
qse_ssize_t n;
if (offset && lseek (in_fd, *offset, SEEK_SET) != *offset) //* 64bit version of lseek...
return (qse_ssize_t)-1;
if (count > QSE_COUNTOF(buf)) count = QSE_COUNTOF(buf);
n = read (in_fd, buf, count);
if (n == (qse_ssize_t)-1 || n == 0) return n;
n = send (out_fd, buf, n, 0);
if (n > 0 && offset) *offset = *offset + n;
return n;
static qse_ssize_t xsendfile_ssl (
SSL* out, int in_fd, qse_foff_t* offset, qse_size_t count)
qse_mchar_t buf[MAX_SEND_SIZE];
qse_ssize_t n;
if (offset && lseek (in_fd, *offset, SEEK_SET) != *offset) //* 64bit version of lseek...
return (qse_ssize_t)-1;
if (count > QSE_COUNTOF(buf)) count = QSE_COUNTOF(buf);
n = read (in_fd, buf, count);
if (n == (qse_ssize_t)-1 || n == 0) return n;
n = SSL_write (out, buf, count);
if (n > 0 && offset) *offset = *offset + n;
return n;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct httpd_xtn_t httpd_xtn_t;
struct httpd_xtn_t
SSL_CTX* ssl_ctx;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int init_xtn_ssl (
httpd_xtn_t* xtn,
const qse_mchar_t* pemfile,
const qse_mchar_t* keyfile/*,
const qse_mchar_t* chainfile*/)
SSL_CTX* ctx;
SSL_library_init ();
SSL_load_error_strings ();
ctx = SSL_CTX_new (SSLv23_server_method());
if (ctx == QSE_NULL) return -1;
if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file (ctx, pemfile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0 ||
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file (ctx, keyfile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) == 0 ||
SSL_CTX_check_private_key (ctx) == 0 /*||
SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file (ctx, chainfile) == 0*/)
qse_mchar_t buf[128];
ERR_error_string_n(ERR_get_error(), buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf));
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Error: %hs\n"), buf);
SSL_CTX_free (ctx);
return -1;
// TODO: CRYPTO_set_id_callback ();
// TODO: CRYPTO_set_locking_callback ();
xtn->ssl_ctx = ctx;
return 0;
static void fini_xtn_ssl (httpd_xtn_t* xtn)
// TODO: CRYPTO_set_id_callback (QSE_NULL);
// TODO: CRYPTO_set_locking_callback (QSE_NULL);
SSL_CTX_free (xtn->ssl_ctx);
// ERR_remove_state ();
ENGINE_cleanup ();
ERR_free_strings ();
EVP_cleanup ();
CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data ();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int mux_readable (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_ubi_t handle, qse_ntoff_t msec)
fd_set r;
struct timeval tv, * tvp;
if (msec >= 0)
tv.tv_sec = (msec / 1000);
tv.tv_usec = ((msec % 1000) * 1000);
tvp = &tv;
else tvp = QSE_NULL;
FD_ZERO (&r);
FD_SET (handle.i, &r);
return select (handle.i + 1, &r, QSE_NULL, QSE_NULL, tvp);
static int mux_writable (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_ubi_t handle, qse_ntoff_t msec)
fd_set w;
struct timeval tv, * tvp;
if (msec >= 0)
tv.tv_sec = (msec / 1000);
tv.tv_usec = ((msec % 1000) * 1000);
tvp = &tv;
else tvp = QSE_NULL;
FD_ZERO (&w);
FD_SET (handle.i, &w);
return select (handle.i + 1, QSE_NULL, &w, QSE_NULL, tvp);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int file_executable (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_mchar_t* path)
if (access (path, X_OK) == -1)
return (errno == EACCES)? 0 /*no*/: -1 /*error*/;
return 1; /* yes */
static int file_stat (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_mchar_t* path, qse_httpd_stat_t* hst)
struct stat st;
/* TODO: lstat? or stat? */
if (stat (path, &st) <= -1)
qse_httpd_seterrnum (httpd,
return -1;
/* stating for a file. it should be a regular file.
* i don't allow other file types. */
if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
qse_httpd_seterrnum (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_EACCES);
return -1;
memset (hst, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*hst));
hst->size = st.st_size;
hst->mtime = QSE_SECNSEC_TO_MSEC(st.st_mtim.tv_sec,st.st_mtim.tv_nsec);
hst->mtime = QSE_SECNSEC_TO_MSEC(st.st_mtimespec.tv_sec,st.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec);
hst->mtime = st.st_mtime * QSE_MSECS_PER_SEC;
hst->mime = qse_mbsend (path, QSE_MT(".html"))? QSE_MT("text/html"):
qse_mbsend (path, QSE_MT(".txt"))? QSE_MT("text/plain"):
qse_mbsend (path, QSE_MT(".jpg"))? QSE_MT("image/jpeg"):
qse_mbsend (path, QSE_MT(".mp4"))? QSE_MT("video/mp4"):
qse_mbsend (path, QSE_MT(".mp3"))? QSE_MT("audio/mpeg"): QSE_NULL;
return 0;
static int file_ropen (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_mchar_t* path, qse_ubi_t* handle)
int fd;
int flags;
flags = O_RDONLY;
#if defined(O_LARGEFILE)
flags |= O_LARGEFILE;
qse_printf (QSE_T("opening file [%hs] for reading\n"), path);
fd = open (path, flags, 0);
if (fd <= -1)
qse_httpd_seterrnum (httpd,
return -1;
flags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFD);
if (flags >= 0) fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC);
handle->i = fd;
qse_printf (QSE_T("opened file %hs\n"), path);
return 0;
static int file_wopen (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_mchar_t* path,
qse_ubi_t* handle)
int fd;
int flags;
#if defined(O_LARGEFILE)
flags |= O_LARGEFILE;
qse_printf (QSE_T("opening file [%hs] for writing\n"), path);
fd = open (path, flags, 0644);
if (fd <= -1)
qse_httpd_seterrnum (httpd,
return -1;
handle->i = fd;
return 0;
static void file_close (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_ubi_t handle)
qse_printf (QSE_T("closing file %d\n"), handle.i);
close (handle.i);
static qse_ssize_t file_read (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_ubi_t handle,
qse_mchar_t* buf, qse_size_t len)
return read (handle.i, buf, len);
static qse_ssize_t file_write (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_ubi_t handle,
const qse_mchar_t* buf, qse_size_t len)
return write (handle.i, buf, len);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static qse_ssize_t client_recv (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client,
qse_mchar_t* buf, qse_size_t bufsize)
if (client->secure)
return SSL_read (client->handle2.ptr, buf, bufsize);
return read (client->handle.i, buf, bufsize);
static qse_ssize_t client_send (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client,
const qse_mchar_t* buf, qse_size_t bufsize)
if (client->secure)
return SSL_write (client->handle2.ptr, buf, bufsize);
return write (client->handle.i, buf, bufsize);
static qse_ssize_t client_sendfile (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client,
qse_ubi_t handle, qse_foff_t* offset, qse_size_t count)
if (client->secure)
return xsendfile_ssl (client->handle2.ptr, handle.i, offset, count);
return xsendfile (client->handle.i, handle.i, offset, count);
static int client_accepted (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client)
httpd_xtn_t* xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*) qse_httpd_getxtn (httpd);
if (client->secure)
int ret;
SSL* ssl;
if (client->handle2.ptr)
ssl = client->handle2.ptr;
ssl = SSL_new (xtn->ssl_ctx);
if (ssl == QSE_NULL) return -1;
client->handle2.ptr = ssl;
qse_printf (QSE_T("SSL ACCEPTING %d\n"), client->handle.i);
qse_fflush (QSE_STDOUT);
if (SSL_set_fd (ssl, client->handle.i) == 0)
/* don't free ssl here since client_closed()
* will be closed */
return -1;
ret = SSL_accept (ssl);
if (ret <= 0)
if (SSL_get_error(ssl,ret) == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)
/* handshaking isn't complete. */
return 0;
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Error: SSL ACCEPT ERROR\n"));
/* SSL_free (ssl); */
return -1;
return 1; /* accept completed */
static void client_closed (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client)
if (client->secure)
if (client->handle2.ptr)
SSL_shutdown ((SSL*)client->handle2.ptr); /* is this needed? */
SSL_free ((SSL*)client->handle2.ptr);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static qse_htb_walk_t walk (qse_htb_t* htb, qse_htb_pair_t* pair, void* ctx)
qse_printf (QSE_T("HEADER OK %d[%hs] %d[%hs]\n"), (int)QSE_HTB_KLEN(pair), QSE_HTB_KPTR(pair), (int)QSE_HTB_VLEN(pair), QSE_HTB_VPTR(pair));
static int process_request (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_htre_t* req, int peek)
int method;
qse_httpd_task_t* task;
int content_received;
method = qse_htre_getqmethod(req);
content_received = (qse_htre_getcontentlen(req) > 0);
qse_printf (QSE_T("================================\n"));
qse_printf (QSE_T("[%lu] %hs REQUEST ==> [%hs] version[%d.%d] method[%hs]\n"),
(unsigned long)time(NULL),
(peek? QSE_MT("PEEK"): QSE_MT("HANDLE")),
if (qse_htre_getqparamlen(req) > 0) qse_printf (QSE_T("PARAMS ==> [%hs]\n"), qse_htre_getqparamptr(req));
qse_htb_walk (&req->hdrtab, walk, QSE_NULL);
if (qse_htre_getcontentlen(req) > 0)
qse_printf (QSE_T("CONTENT before discard = [%.*S]\n"), (int)qse_htre_getcontentlen(req), qse_htre_getcontentptr(req));
if (peek)
if (method != QSE_HTTP_POST && method != QSE_HTTP_PUT)
/* i'll discard request contents if the method is none of
* post and put */
qse_httpd_discardcontent (httpd, req);
if (req->attr.expect &&
(req->version.major > 1 ||
(req->version.major == 1 && req->version.minor >= 1)) &&
/* TODO: check method.... */
/* "expect" in the header, version 1.1 or higher,
* and no content received yet */
if (qse_mbscasecmp(req->attr.expect, QSE_MT("100-continue")) != 0)
if (qse_httpd_entaskerror (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, 417, req) == QSE_NULL) return -1;
if (qse_httpd_entaskdisconnect (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL) == QSE_NULL) return -1;
/* TODO: determine if to return 100-continue or other errors */
if (qse_httpd_entaskcontinue (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, req) == QSE_NULL) return -1;
if (qse_htre_getcontentlen(req) > 0)
qse_printf (QSE_T("CONTENT after discard = [%.*S]\n"), (int)qse_htre_getcontentlen(req), qse_htre_getcontentptr(req));
if (method == QSE_HTTP_GET || method == QSE_HTTP_POST)
const qse_mchar_t* qpath = qse_htre_getqpathptr(req);
const qse_mchar_t* dot = qse_mbsrchr (qpath, QSE_MT('.'));
if (dot && qse_mbscmp (dot, QSE_MT(".cgi")) == 0)
if (peek)
/* cgi */
if (req->attr.chunked)
qse_printf (QSE_T("chunked cgi... delaying until contents are received\n"));
#if 0
req->attr.keepalive = 0;
task = qse_httpd_entaskerror (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, 411, req);
/* 411 can't keep alive */
if (task) qse_httpd_entaskdisconnect (httpd, client, QSE_NULL);
else if (method == QSE_HTTP_POST &&
req->attr.keepalive = 0;
task = qse_httpd_entaskerror (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, 411, req);
/* 411 can't keep alive */
if (task) qse_httpd_entaskdisconnect (httpd, client, QSE_NULL);
task = qse_httpd_entaskcgi (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, qpath, req);
if (task == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
/* to support the chunked request,
* i need to wait until it's compelted and invoke cgi */
if (req->attr.chunked)
qse_printf (QSE_T("Entasking chunked CGI...\n"));
task = qse_httpd_entaskcgi (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, qpath, req);
if (task == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
return 0;
else if (dot && qse_mbscmp (dot, QSE_MT(".nph")) == 0)
if (peek)
const qse_mchar_t* auth;
int authorized = 0;
auth = qse_htre_getheaderval (req, QSE_MT("Authorization"));
if (auth)
/* TODO: PERFORM authorization... */
/* BASE64 decode... */
authorized = 1;
if (authorized)
/* nph-cgi */
task = qse_httpd_entasknph (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, qpath, req);
task = qse_httpd_entaskauth (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, QSE_MT("Secure Area"), req);
if (task == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
return 0;
if (!peek)
/* file or directory */
task = qse_httpd_entaskfile (
httpd, client, QSE_NULL, qpath, req);
if (task == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
if (!peek)
task = qse_httpd_entaskerror (httpd, client, QSE_NULL, 405, req);
if (task == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
if (!req->attr.keepalive)
if (!peek)
task = qse_httpd_entaskdisconnect (httpd, client, QSE_NULL);
if (task == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
return 0;
/*qse_httpd_markbadclient (httpd, client);*/
return -1;
static int peek_request (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_htre_t* req)
return process_request (httpd, client, req, 1);
static int handle_request (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_htre_t* req)
return process_request (httpd, client, req, 0);
int list_directory (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_mchar_t* path)
return 404;
static qse_httpd_cbs_t httpd_cbs =
/* multiplexer */
{ mux_readable, mux_writable },
/* file operation */
{ file_executable,
/* client connection */
{ client_recv,
client_closed },
/* http request */
static qse_httpd_t* g_httpd = QSE_NULL;
static void sigint (int sig)
if (g_httpd) qse_httpd_stop (g_httpd);
int httpd_main (int argc, qse_char_t* argv[])
qse_httpd_t* httpd = QSE_NULL;
httpd_xtn_t* xtn;
int ret = -1, i;
int ssl_xtn_inited = 0;
if (argc <= 1)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Usage: %s <listener_uri> ...\n"), argv[0]);
goto oops;
httpd = qse_httpd_open (QSE_MMGR_GETDFL(), QSE_SIZEOF(httpd_xtn_t));
if (httpd == QSE_NULL)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot open httpd\n"));
goto oops;
xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn (httpd);
if (init_xtn_ssl (xtn, "http01.pem", "http01.key") <= -1)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot open httpd\n"));
goto oops;
ssl_xtn_inited = 1;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (qse_httpd_addlistener (httpd, argv[i]) <= -1)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR,
QSE_T("Failed to add httpd listener - %s\n"), argv[i]);
goto oops;
g_httpd = httpd;
signal (SIGINT, sigint);
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
qse_httpd_setoption (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_CGIERRTONUL);
ret = qse_httpd_loop (httpd, &httpd_cbs);
signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
g_httpd = QSE_NULL;
if (ret <= -1) qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Httpd error\n"));
if (ssl_xtn_inited) fini_xtn_ssl (xtn);
if (httpd) qse_httpd_close (httpd);
return ret;
int qse_main (int argc, qse_achar_t* argv[])
#if defined(_WIN32)
char locale[100];
UINT codepage = GetConsoleOutputCP();
if (codepage == CP_UTF8)
/*SetConsoleOUtputCP (CP_UTF8);*/
qse_setdflcmgr (qse_utf8cmgr);
sprintf (locale, ".%u", (unsigned int)codepage);
setlocale (LC_ALL, locale);
qse_setdflcmgr (qse_slmbcmgr);
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
qse_setdflcmgr (qse_slmbcmgr);
return qse_runmain (argc, argv, httpd_main);