1546 lines
45 KiB
1546 lines
45 KiB
* $Id$
Copyright 2006-2012 Chung, Hyung-Hwan.
This file is part of QSE.
QSE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
QSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with QSE. If not, see <htrd://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "httpd.h"
#include "../cmn/mem.h"
#include <qse/cmn/str.h>
#include <qse/cmn/fmt.h>
typedef struct task_proxy_arg_t task_proxy_arg_t;
struct task_proxy_arg_t
const qse_nwad_t* peer_nwad;
const qse_nwad_t* peer_local;
qse_htre_t* req;
typedef struct task_proxy_t task_proxy_t;
struct task_proxy_t
int init_failed;
qse_httpd_t* httpd;
const qse_mchar_t* host;
qse_http_version_t version;
int keepalive; /* taken from the request */
qse_htrd_t* peer_htrd;
qse_httpd_peer_t peer;
#define PROXY_PEER_OPEN (1 << 0)
#define PROXY_PEER_CONNECTED (1 << 1)
int peer_status;
#define PROXY_REQ_FWDERR (1 << 0)
#define PROXY_REQ_FWDCHUNKED (1 << 1)
int reqflags;
qse_htre_t* req; /* original client request associated with this */
qse_mbs_t* reqfwdbuf; /* content from the request */
qse_mbs_t* res;
qse_size_t res_consumed;
qse_size_t res_pending;
#define PROXY_RES_CLIENT_DISCON (1 << 0) /* disconnect client after task */
#define PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK (1 << 1) /* chunk chunked output to client */
#define PROXY_RES_PEER_CLOSE (1 << 2) /* read peer until close.
* no chunk nor no size specified */
#define PROXY_RES_PEER_CHUNK (1 << 4) /* peer's output is chunked */
#define PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH (1 << 5) /* peer's output is set with
* the content-length */
#define PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH_FAKE (1 << 6) /* peer_output_length is fake */
#define PROXY_RES_EVER_SENTBACK (1 << 7) /* any single byte sent back to a client */
#define PROXY_RES_AWAIT_100 (1 << 10) /* waiting for 100 continue */
#define PROXY_RES_AWAIT_RESHDR (1 << 11) /* waiting for response header */
#define PROXY_RES_AWAIT_RESCON (1 << 12) /* waiting for response content.
* is on */
#define PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_100 (1 << 13) /* got 100 continue */
#define PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_RESHDR (1 << 14) /* got response header at least */
#define PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_RESCON (1 << 15) /* finished getting the response
* content fully. used iif
int resflags;
qse_size_t peer_output_length;
qse_size_t peer_output_received;
qse_mchar_t buf[MAX_SEND_SIZE];
qse_size_t buflen;
typedef struct proxy_peer_htrd_xtn_t proxy_peer_htrd_xtn_t;
struct proxy_peer_htrd_xtn_t
task_proxy_t* proxy;
qse_httpd_client_t* client;
qse_httpd_task_t* task;
static void log_proxy_error (task_proxy_t* proxy, const qse_mchar_t* shortmsg)
qse_httpd_act_t msg;
qse_size_t pos = 0;
pos += qse_mbsxcpy (&msg.u.merrmsg[pos], QSE_COUNTOF(msg.u.merrmsg) - pos, shortmsg);
pos += qse_nwadtombs (&proxy->peer.nwad, &msg.u.merrmsg[pos], QSE_COUNTOF(msg.u.merrmsg) - pos, QSE_NWADTOMBS_ALL);
proxy->httpd->opt.rcb.logact (proxy->httpd, &msg);
static int proxy_add_header_to_buffer (
task_proxy_t* proxy, qse_mbs_t* buf, const qse_mchar_t* key, const qse_htre_hdrval_t* val)
if (qse_mbs_cat (buf, key) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (buf, QSE_MT(": ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (buf, val->ptr) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (buf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
val = val->next;
while (val);
return 0;
static int proxy_capture_peer_header (qse_htre_t* req, const qse_mchar_t* key, const qse_htre_hdrval_t* val, void* ctx)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)ctx;
if (qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Connection")) != 0 &&
qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Transfer-Encoding")) != 0)
return proxy_add_header_to_buffer (proxy, proxy->res, key, val);
return 0;
static int proxy_capture_peer_trailer (qse_htre_t* req, const qse_mchar_t* key, const qse_htre_hdrval_t* val, void* ctx)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)ctx;
if (qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Transfer-Encoding")) != 0 &&
qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Content-Length")) != 0 &&
qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Connection")) != 0)
return proxy_add_header_to_buffer (proxy, proxy->res, key, val);
return 0;
static int proxy_capture_client_header (qse_htre_t* req, const qse_mchar_t* key, const qse_htre_hdrval_t* val, void* ctx)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)ctx;
if (qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Transfer-Encoding")) != 0 &&
qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Content-Length")) != 0)
return proxy_add_header_to_buffer (proxy, proxy->reqfwdbuf, key, val);
return 0;
static int proxy_capture_client_trailer (qse_htre_t* req, const qse_mchar_t* key, const qse_htre_hdrval_t* val, void* ctx)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)ctx;
if (qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Transfer-Encoding")) != 0 &&
qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Content-Length")) != 0 &&
qse_mbscasecmp (key, QSE_MT("Connection")) != 0)
return proxy_add_header_to_buffer (proxy, proxy->reqfwdbuf, key, val);
return 0;
static int proxy_snatch_client_input (
qse_htre_t* req, const qse_mchar_t* ptr, qse_size_t len, void* ctx)
qse_httpd_task_t* task;
task_proxy_t* proxy;
task = (qse_httpd_task_t*)ctx;
proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
#if 0
if (ptr) qse_printf (QSE_T("!!!PROXY SNATCHING [%.*hs]\n"), len, ptr);
else qse_printf (QSE_T("!!!PROXY SNATCHING DONE\n"));
if (ptr == QSE_NULL)
* this callback is called with ptr of QSE_NULL
* when the request is completed or discarded.
* and this indicates that there's nothing more to read
* from the client side. this can happen when the end of
* a request is seen or when an error occurs
QSE_ASSERT (len == 0);
if (proxy->reqflags & PROXY_REQ_FWDCHUNKED)
/* add the 0-sized chunk and trailers */
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("0\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_htre_walktrailers (req, proxy_capture_client_trailer, proxy) <= -1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
/* mark the there's nothing to read form the client side */
qse_htre_unsetconcb (proxy->req);
proxy->req = QSE_NULL;
/* since there is no more to read from the client side.
* the relay trigger is not needed any more. */
task->trigger[2].mask = 0;
if (QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->reqfwdbuf) > 0 &&
(proxy->peer_status & PROXY_PEER_CONNECTED) &&
!(task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE))
/* there's nothing more to read from the client side.
* there's something to forward in the forwarding buffer.
* but no write trigger is set. add the write trigger
* for task invocation. */
task->trigger[0].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
else if (!(proxy->reqflags & PROXY_REQ_FWDERR))
/* we can write to the peer if a forwarding error
* didn't occur previously. we store data from the client side
* to the forwaring buffer only if there's no such previous
* error. if an error occurred, we simply drop the data. */
if (proxy->reqflags & PROXY_REQ_FWDCHUNKED)
qse_mchar_t buf[64];
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (
buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), len,
-1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, buf) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_ncat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, ptr, len) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (qse_mbs_ncat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, ptr, len) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
task->trigger[0].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("!!!PROXY SNATCHED [%.*hs]\n"), len, ptr);
return 0;
static int proxy_snatch_peer_output (
qse_htre_t* req, const qse_mchar_t* ptr, qse_size_t len, void* ctx)
/* this is a content callback function called by the peer
* response reader (proxy->peer_htrd). */
qse_httpd_task_t* task;
task_proxy_t* proxy;
task = (qse_httpd_task_t*)ctx;
proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
/* this callback is enabled if and only if the output back to
* the client should be chunked */
/* TODO: better condition for compaction??? */
if (proxy->res_pending > 0 && proxy->res_consumed > 0)
qse_mbs_del (proxy->res, 0, proxy->res_consumed);
proxy->res_consumed = 0;
if (ptr == QSE_NULL)
/* content completed */
QSE_ASSERT (len == 0);
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("PROXY GOT ALL RESPONSE>>>>>>>\n"));
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("0\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_htre_walktrailers (req, proxy_capture_peer_trailer, proxy) <= -1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
proxy->resflags &= ~PROXY_RES_AWAIT_RESCON;
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_RESCON;
/* append the peer response content to the response buffer */
qse_mchar_t buf[64];
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (
buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), len,
-1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, buf) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_ncat (proxy->res, ptr, len) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
proxy->res_pending = QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->res) - proxy->res_consumed;
return 0;
static int proxy_htrd_peek_peer_output (qse_htrd_t* htrd, qse_htre_t* res)
proxy_peer_htrd_xtn_t* xtn;
task_proxy_t* proxy;
xtn = (proxy_peer_htrd_xtn_t*) qse_htrd_getxtn (htrd);
proxy = xtn->proxy;
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_RESHDR)
/* this peek handler is being called again.
* this can happen if qse_htrd_feed() is fed with
* multiple responses in task_main_proxy_2 (). */
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_EINVAL;
return -1;
if ((proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_AWAIT_100) && qse_htre_getscodeval(res) == 100)
/* TODO: check if the request contained Expect... */
/* 100 continue */
proxy->resflags &= ~PROXY_RES_AWAIT_100;
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_100;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, qse_htre_getverstr(res)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT(" ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, qse_htre_getscodestr(res)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT(" ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, qse_htre_getsmesg(res)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
/* i don't relay any headers and contents in '100 continue'
* back to the client */
qse_htre_discardcontent (res);
int keepalive;
/* add initial line and headers to proxy->res */
proxy->resflags &= ~PROXY_RES_AWAIT_100;
proxy->resflags &= ~PROXY_RES_AWAIT_RESHDR;
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_RESHDR;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("NORMAL REPLY 222222222222222222222 NORMAL REPLY\n"));
keepalive = proxy->keepalive;
if (res->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_LENGTH)
/* the response from the peer is length based */
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH;
proxy->peer_output_length = res->attr.content_length;
else if (res->state & QSE_HTRE_COMPLETED)
/* the response from the peer is chunked or
* should be read until disconnection.
* but the whold response has already been
* received. so i dont' have to do complex
* chunking or something when returning the
* response back to the client. */
proxy->peer_output_length = qse_htre_getcontentlen(res);
if (qse_comparehttpversions (&proxy->version, &qse_http_v11) >= 0)
/* client supports chunking */
/* chunk response when writing back to client */
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK;
if (res->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_CHUNKED)
/* mark the peer output is chunked */
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_PEER_CHUNK;
/* no chunk, no size. i should read
* the peer's output until it closes connection */
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_PEER_CLOSE;
/* client doesn't support chunking */
keepalive = 0;
/* mark that the connection to client should be closed */
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_CLIENT_DISCON;
/* and push the actual disconnection task */
if (qse_httpd_entaskdisconnect (proxy->httpd, xtn->client, xtn->task) == QSE_NULL) return -1;
if (res->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_CHUNKED)
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_PEER_CHUNK;
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_PEER_CLOSE;
/* begin initial line */
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK &&
qse_comparehttpversions (&res->version, &qse_http_v11) < 0)
qse_mchar_t major[32], minor[32];
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (major, QSE_COUNTOF(major), proxy->version.major, 10, -1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (minor, QSE_COUNTOF(minor), proxy->version.minor, 10, -1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("HTTP/")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, major) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT(".")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, minor) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, qse_htre_getverstr(res)) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT(" ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, qse_htre_getscodestr(res)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT(" ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, qse_htre_getsmesg(res)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
/* end initial line */
if (!(proxy->httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_PROXYNOVIA) && qse_htre_getscodeval(res) != 100)
/* add the Via: header into the response if it is not 100. */
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("Via: ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, qse_httpd_getname (proxy->httpd)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH_FAKE)
qse_mchar_t buf[64];
/* length should be added by force.
* let me add Content-Length event if it's 0
* for less code */
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (
buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf),
10, -1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("Content-Length: ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, buf) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
else if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK)
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, (keepalive? QSE_MT("Connection: keep-alive\r\n"): QSE_MT("Connection: close\r\n"))) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (qse_htre_walkheaders (res, proxy_capture_peer_header, proxy) <= -1) return -1;
/* end of headers */
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1) return -1;
/* content body begins here */
proxy->peer_output_received = qse_htre_getcontentlen(res);
if ((proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH) &&
proxy->peer_output_received > proxy->peer_output_length)
if (proxy->httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy redundant output - ");
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_EINVAL; /* TODO: change it to a better error code */
return -1;
if (proxy->peer_output_received > 0)
/* the initial part of the content body has been received
* along with the header. it needs to be added to the result
* buffer. */
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK)
qse_mchar_t buf[64];
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (
buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf),
-1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, buf) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_ncat (proxy->res, qse_htre_getcontentptr(res), qse_htre_getcontentlen(res)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->res, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (qse_mbs_ncat (proxy->res, qse_htre_getcontentptr(res), qse_htre_getcontentlen(res)) == (qse_size_t)-1)
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK)
/* arrange to store further contents received to proxy->res */
qse_htre_setconcb (res, proxy_snatch_peer_output, xtn->task);
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("NORMAL REPLY 222222222222222222222 NORMAL REPLY OK\n"));
proxy->res_pending = QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->res) - proxy->res_consumed;
return 0;
static int proxy_htrd_handle_peer_output (qse_htrd_t* htrd, qse_htre_t* req)
/* finished reading response from the peer */
return 0;
static qse_htrd_recbs_t proxy_peer_htrd_cbs =
static void proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_task_t* task, int writable)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
QSE_ASSERT (proxy->reqfwdbuf != QSE_NULL);
if (QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->reqfwdbuf) > 0)
/* there is something to forward in the forwarding buffer. */
if (proxy->reqflags & PROXY_REQ_FWDERR)
/* a forwarding error has occurred previously.
* clear the forwarding buffer */
qse_mbs_clear (proxy->reqfwdbuf);
/* normal forwarding */
qse_ssize_t n;
if (writable) goto forward;
n = httpd->opt.scb.mux.writable (httpd, proxy->peer.handle, 0);
#if 0
if (n == 0) qse_printf (QSE_T("PROXY FORWARD: @@@@@@@@@NOT WRITABLE\n"));
if (n >= 1)
/* writable */
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("PROXY FORWARD: @@@@@@@@@@WRITING[%.*hs]\n"),
n = httpd->opt.scb.peer.send (
httpd, &proxy->peer,
/* TODO: improve performance.. instead of copying the remaing part
to the head all the time.. grow the buffer to a certain limit. */
if (n > 0)
qse_mbs_del (proxy->reqfwdbuf, 0, n);
if (QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->reqfwdbuf) <= 0)
if (proxy->req == QSE_NULL) goto done;
else task->trigger[0].mask &= ~QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
if (n <= -1)
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy send-to-peer error - ");
proxy->reqflags |= PROXY_REQ_FWDERR;
qse_mbs_clear (proxy->reqfwdbuf);
if (proxy->req)
qse_htre_discardcontent (proxy->req);
/* NOTE: proxy->req may be set to QSE_NULL
* in proxy_snatch_client_input() triggered by
* qse_htre_discardcontent() */
task->trigger[0].mask &= ~QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE; /* peer */
else if (proxy->req == QSE_NULL)
/* there is nothing to read from the client side and
* there is nothing more to forward in the forwarding buffer.
* clear the read and write triggers.
task->trigger[0].mask &= ~QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE; /* peer */
task->trigger[2].mask = 0; /* client-side */
static int task_init_proxy (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
task_proxy_t* proxy;
task_proxy_arg_t* arg;
qse_size_t len;
const qse_mchar_t* ptr;
int snatch_needed;
proxy = (task_proxy_t*)qse_httpd_gettaskxtn (httpd, task);
arg = (task_proxy_arg_t*)task->ctx;
QSE_MEMSET (proxy, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*proxy));
proxy->httpd = httpd;
proxy->version = *qse_htre_getversion(arg->req);
proxy->keepalive = (arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_KEEPALIVE);
proxy->peer.nwad = *arg->peer_nwad;
if (arg->peer_local) proxy->peer.local = *arg->peer_local;
else proxy->peer.local.type = arg->peer_nwad->type;
proxy->req = QSE_NULL;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* TODO: compose headers to send to peer and push them to fwdbuf...
* TODO: also change the content length check logic below...
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
len = 2048;
proxy->reqfwdbuf = qse_mbs_open (httpd->mmgr, 0, (len < 512? 512: len));
if (proxy->reqfwdbuf == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, qse_htre_getqmethodname(arg->req)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT(" ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, qse_htre_getqpath(arg->req)) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
if (qse_htre_getqparam(arg->req))
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("?")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, qse_htre_getqparam(arg->req)) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT(" ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, qse_htre_getverstr(arg->req)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_htre_walkheaders (arg->req, proxy_capture_client_header, proxy) <= -1) goto oops;
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_AWAIT_RESHDR;
if ((arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_EXPECT100) &&
(arg->req->version.major > 1 ||
(arg->req->version.major == 1 && arg->req->version.minor >= 1)))
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_AWAIT_100;
snatch_needed = 0;
if (!(httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_PROXYNOVIA))
/* add the Via: header into the request */
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("Via: ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, qse_httpd_getname (httpd)) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
if (arg->req->state & QSE_HTRE_DISCARDED)
/* no content to add */
if ((arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_LENGTH) ||
(arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_CHUNKED))
/* i don't add chunk traiers if the
* request content has been discarded */
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
else if (arg->req->state & QSE_HTRE_COMPLETED)
if (arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_CHUNKED)
/* add trailers if any */
if (qse_htre_walktrailers (
arg->req, proxy_capture_client_trailer, proxy) <= -1) goto oops;
len = qse_htre_getcontentlen(arg->req);
if (len > 0 || (arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_LENGTH) ||
(arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_CHUNKED))
qse_mchar_t buf[64];
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (
buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), len,
10, -1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
/* force-insert content-length. content-length is added
* even if the original request dones't contain it */
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("Content-Length: ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, buf) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
if (len > 0)
/* content */
ptr = qse_htre_getcontentptr(arg->req);
if (qse_mbs_ncat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, ptr, len) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
else if (arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_LENGTH)
/* the Content-Length header field is contained in the request. */
qse_mchar_t buf[64];
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (
buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf),
10, -1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("Content-Length: ")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, buf) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
len = qse_htre_getcontentlen(arg->req);
if (len > 0)
/* content received so far */
ptr = qse_htre_getcontentptr(arg->req);
if (qse_mbs_ncat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, ptr, len) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
snatch_needed = 1;
/* if this request is not chunked nor not length based,
* the state should be QSE_HTRE_COMPLETED. so only a
* chunked request should reach here */
QSE_ASSERT (arg->req->attr.flags & QSE_HTRE_ATTR_CHUNKED);
proxy->reqflags |= PROXY_REQ_FWDCHUNKED;
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 /* end of header */) goto oops;
len = qse_htre_getcontentlen(arg->req);
if (len > 0)
qse_mchar_t buf[64];
qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (
buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), len,
-1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_NULL);
ptr = qse_htre_getcontentptr(arg->req);
/* chunk length and chunk content */
if (qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, buf) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_ncat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, ptr, len) == (qse_size_t)-1 ||
qse_mbs_cat (proxy->reqfwdbuf, QSE_MT("\r\n")) == (qse_size_t)-1) goto oops;
snatch_needed = 1;
if (snatch_needed)
/* set up a callback to be called when the request content
* is fed to the htrd reader. qse_htre_addcontent() that
* htrd calls invokes this callback. */
proxy->req = arg->req;
qse_htre_setconcb (proxy->req, proxy_snatch_client_input, task);
/* no triggers yet since the main loop doesn't allow me to set
* triggers in the task initializer. however the main task handler
* will be invoked so long as the client handle is writable by
* the main loop. */
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("GOING TO PROXY [%hs]\n"), QSE_MBS_PTR(proxy->reqfwdbuf));
task->ctx = proxy;
return 0;
/* since a new task can't be added in the initializer,
* i mark that initialization failed and let task_main_proxy()
* add an error task */
if (proxy->reqfwdbuf)
qse_mbs_close (proxy->reqfwdbuf);
proxy->reqfwdbuf = QSE_NULL;
proxy->init_failed = 1;
task->ctx = proxy;
proxy->httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOMEM;
return 0;
static void task_fini_proxy (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
if (proxy->peer_status & PROXY_PEER_OPEN)
httpd->opt.scb.peer.close (httpd, &proxy->peer);
if (proxy->res) qse_mbs_close (proxy->res);
if (proxy->peer_htrd) qse_htrd_close (proxy->peer_htrd);
if (proxy->reqfwdbuf) qse_mbs_close (proxy->reqfwdbuf);
if (proxy->req) qse_htre_unsetconcb (proxy->req);
static int task_main_proxy_5 (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
qse_ssize_t n;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("task_main_proxy_5 trigger[0].mask=%d trigger[1].mask=%d trigger[2].mask=%d\n"),
task->trigger[0].mask, task->trigger[1].mask, task->trigger[2].mask);
if (task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE)
/* if the client side is readable */
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 0);
else if (task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE)
/* if the peer side is writable */
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 1);
if (!(task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE) ||
(task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE))
if (proxy->buflen > 0)
/* TODO: check if proxy outputs more than content-length if it is set... */
n = httpd->opt.scb.client.send (httpd, client, proxy->buf, proxy->buflen);
if (n <= -1)
/* can't return internal server error any more... */
if (proxy->httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy send-to-client error - ");
return -1;
QSE_MEMCPY (&proxy->buf[0], &proxy->buf[n], proxy->buflen - n);
proxy->buflen -= n;
/* if forwarding didn't finish, something is not really right...
* so long as the output from CGI is finished, no more forwarding
* is performed */
return (proxy->buflen > 0 || proxy->req ||
(proxy->reqfwdbuf && QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->reqfwdbuf) > 0))? 1: 0;
static int task_main_proxy_4 (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("task_main_proxy_4 trigger[0].mask=%d trigger[1].mask=%d trigger[2].mask=%d\n"),
task->trigger[0].mask, task->trigger[1].mask, task->trigger[2].mask);
if (task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE)
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 0);
else if (task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE)
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 1);
if (task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE)
qse_ssize_t n;
if (proxy->buflen < QSE_SIZEOF(proxy->buf))
/* reading from the peer */
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR;
n = httpd->opt.scb.peer.recv (
httpd, &proxy->peer,
QSE_SIZEOF(proxy->buf) - proxy->buflen
if (n <= -1)
/* can't return internal server error any more... */
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy recv-from-peer error - ");
return -1;
if (n == 0)
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH)
if (proxy->peer_output_received < proxy->peer_output_length)
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy premature eof - ");
return -1;
task->main = task_main_proxy_5;
task->trigger[0].mask = 0;
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
return 1;
proxy->buflen += n;
proxy->peer_output_received += n;
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH)
if (proxy->peer_output_received > proxy->peer_output_length)
/* proxy returning too much data... something is wrong in PROXY */
if (proxy->httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy redundant output - ");
return -1;
else if (proxy->peer_output_received == proxy->peer_output_length)
/* proxy has finished reading all */
task->main = task_main_proxy_5;
task->trigger[0].mask = 0;
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
return 1;
/* the main loop invokes the task function only if the client
* side is writable. it should be safe to write whenever
* this task function is called. */
n = httpd->opt.scb.client.send (httpd, client, proxy->buf, proxy->buflen);
if (n <= -1)
/* can't return internal server error any more... */
if (proxy->httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy send-to-client error - ");
return -1;
QSE_MEMCPY (&proxy->buf[0], &proxy->buf[n], proxy->buflen - n);
proxy->buflen -= n;
return 1;
static int task_main_proxy_3 (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
/* let's send up the http initial line and headers before
* attempting to read the reset of content. it may already
* include some contents as well received together with
* the header. */
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("task_main_proxy_3 trigger[0].mask=%d trigger[1].mask=%d trigger[2].mask=%d\n"),
task->trigger[0].mask, task->trigger[1].mask, task->trigger[2].mask);
if (task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE)
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 0);
else if (task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE)
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 1);
if (!(task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE) ||
(task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE))
qse_ssize_t n;
qse_size_t count;
count = proxy->res_pending;
if (count > MAX_SEND_SIZE) count = MAX_SEND_SIZE;
if (count > 0)
n = httpd->opt.scb.client.send (
httpd, client,
if (n <= -1)
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy send-to-client error - ");
return -1;
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_EVER_SENTBACK;
proxy->res_consumed += n;
proxy->res_pending -= n;
if (proxy->res_pending <= 0)
qse_mbs_clear (proxy->res);
proxy->res_consumed = 0;
if ((proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK) ||
((proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH) && proxy->peer_output_received >= proxy->peer_output_length))
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("SWITINCG TO 55555555555555555555555555 %d %d %d %d\n"),
(proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK), (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_PEER_LENGTH),
(int)proxy->peer_output_received, (int)proxy->peer_output_length);
task->main = task_main_proxy_5;
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("SWITICHING TO 4444444444444444444444444444\n"));
task->main = task_main_proxy_4;
task->trigger[2].mask &= ~QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
return 1;
return 1; /* more work to do */
static int task_main_proxy_2 (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
int http_errnum = 500;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("task_main_proxy_2 trigger[0].mask=%d trigger[1].mask=%d trigger[2].mask=%d\n"),
task->trigger[0].mask, task->trigger[1].mask, task->trigger[2].mask);
if (task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE)
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 0);
else if (task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE)
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 1);
if (!(task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE) ||
(task->trigger[2].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE))
if (proxy->res_pending > 0)
/* the 'if' condition becomes true only if '100 Continue'
* is received without an actual reply in a previous call to
* qse_htrd_feed() below. Since the actual reply is not
* received yet, i just want to read more while realying
* '100 Continue' to the client. this task handler is called
* only if the client side handle is writable. i can safely
* write to the client without a check. */
qse_ssize_t n;
qse_size_t count;
QSE_ASSERT ((proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_AWAIT_RESHDR) ||
(proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK));
count = proxy->res_pending;
if (count > MAX_SEND_SIZE) count = MAX_SEND_SIZE;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("[proxy_2 sending %d bytes (index %d)] ["),
(int)count, (int)proxy->res_consumed);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) qse_printf (QSE_T("%hc"), QSE_MBS_CHAR(proxy->res,proxy->res_consumed+i));
qse_printf (QSE_T("]\n"));
n = httpd->opt.scb.client.send (
httpd, client,
if (n <= -1)
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy send-to-client error - ");
goto oops;
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_EVER_SENTBACK;
proxy->res_consumed += n;
proxy->res_pending -= n;
if (proxy->res_pending <= 0)
/* '100 Continue' and payload received together
* has all been relayed back. no need for writability
* check of the client side */
task->trigger[2].mask &= ~QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
if (task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE)
qse_ssize_t n;
/* there is something to read from peer */
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR;
n = httpd->opt.scb.peer.recv (
httpd, &proxy->peer,
QSE_SIZEOF(proxy->buf) - proxy->buflen
if (n <= -1)
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy recv-from-peer error - ");
goto oops;
if (n == 0)
if (!(proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_RESHDR))
/* end of output from peer before it has seen a header.
* the proxy peer must be crooked. */
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy premature eof - ");
if (!(proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_100)) http_errnum = 502;
goto oops;
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_PEER_CLOSE)
/* i should stop the reader manually since the
* end of content is indicated by close in this
* case. call qse_htrd_halt() for this. */
qse_htrd_halt (proxy->peer_htrd);
task->main = task_main_proxy_3;
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
return 1;
/* premature eof from the peer */
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy premature eof - ");
goto oops;
proxy->buflen += n;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("#####PROXY FEEDING %d [\n"), (int)proxy->buflen);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < proxy->buflen; i++) qse_printf (QSE_T("%hc"), proxy->buf[i]);
qse_printf (QSE_T("]\n"));
if (qse_htrd_feed (proxy->peer_htrd, proxy->buf, proxy->buflen) <= -1)
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy feed error - ");
goto oops;
proxy->buflen = 0;
if (QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->res) > 0)
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_RESCON)
task->main = task_main_proxy_3;
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
else if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_AWAIT_RESCON)
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
else if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_RESHDR)
/* the actual response header has been received
* with or without '100 continue'. you can
* check it with proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_100 */
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_CLIENT_CHUNK)
proxy->resflags |= PROXY_RES_AWAIT_RESCON;
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
#if 0
qse_printf (QSE_T("TRAILING DATA=%d, [%hs]\n"), (int)QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->res), QSE_MBS_CPTR(proxy->res,proxy->res_consumed));
/* switch to the next phase */
task->main = task_main_proxy_3;
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
else if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_RECEIVED_100)
/* 100 continue has been received but
* the actual response has not. */
task->trigger[2].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
/* anything to do? */
/* complete headers not seen yet. i need to be called again */
return 1;
if (proxy->resflags & PROXY_RES_EVER_SENTBACK) return -1;
return (qse_httpd_entask_err (httpd, client, task, http_errnum, &proxy->version, proxy->keepalive) == QSE_NULL)? -1: 0;
static int task_main_proxy_1 (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
int http_errnum = 500;
/* wait for peer to get connected */
if (task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READABLE ||
task->trigger[0].mask & QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITABLE)
int n;
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR;
n = httpd->opt.scb.peer.connected (httpd, &proxy->peer);
if (n <= -1)
/* TODO: translate more error codes to http error codes... */
if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_ENOENT) http_errnum = 404;
else if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_EACCES ||
httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_ECONN) http_errnum = 403;
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy connect error - ");
goto oops;
if (n >= 1)
/* connected to the peer now */
proxy->peer_status |= PROXY_PEER_CONNECTED;
if (proxy->req)
task->trigger[2].mask = QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READ;
task->trigger[0].mask &= ~QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
if (QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->reqfwdbuf) > 0)
/* forward the initial part of the input to the peer */
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 0);
if (QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->reqfwdbuf) > 0)
/* there are still more to forward in the buffer
* request the task invocation when the peer
* is writable */
task->trigger[0].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
task->main = task_main_proxy_2;
return 1;
return (qse_httpd_entask_err (httpd, client, task, http_errnum, &proxy->version, proxy->keepalive) == QSE_NULL)? -1: 0;
static int task_main_proxy (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_httpd_task_t* task)
task_proxy_t* proxy = (task_proxy_t*)task->ctx;
proxy_peer_htrd_xtn_t* xtn;
int http_errnum = 500;
int n;
if (proxy->init_failed) goto oops;
/* set up a http reader to read a response from the peer */
proxy->peer_htrd = qse_htrd_open (
httpd->mmgr, QSE_SIZEOF(proxy_peer_htrd_xtn_t));
if (proxy->peer_htrd == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
xtn = (proxy_peer_htrd_xtn_t*) qse_htrd_getxtn (proxy->peer_htrd);
xtn->proxy = proxy;
xtn->client = client;
xtn->task = task;
qse_htrd_setrecbs (proxy->peer_htrd, &proxy_peer_htrd_cbs);
qse_htrd_setoption (proxy->peer_htrd, QSE_HTRD_RESPONSE | QSE_HTRD_TRAILERS);
proxy->res = qse_mbs_open (httpd->mmgr, 0, 256);
if (proxy->res == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
proxy->res_consumed = 0;
proxy->res_pending = 0;
httpd->errnum = QSE_HTTPD_ENOERR;
n = httpd->opt.scb.peer.open (httpd, &proxy->peer);
if (n <= -1)
/* TODO: translate more error codes to http error codes... */
if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_ENOENT) http_errnum = 404;
else if (httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_EACCES ||
httpd->errnum == QSE_HTTPD_ECONN) http_errnum = 403;
if (httpd->opt.trait & QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT)
log_proxy_error (proxy, "proxy connect error - ");
goto oops;
proxy->peer_status |= PROXY_PEER_OPEN;
task->trigger[0].mask = QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READ;
task->trigger[0].handle = proxy->peer.handle;
task->trigger[2].handle = client->handle;
if (n == 0)
/* peer not connected yet */
task->trigger[0].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
task->main = task_main_proxy_1;
/* peer connected already */
proxy->peer_status |= PROXY_PEER_CONNECTED;
if (proxy->req)
task->trigger[2].mask = QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_READ;
if (QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->reqfwdbuf) > 0)
proxy_forward_client_input_to_peer (httpd, task, 0);
if (QSE_MBS_LEN(proxy->reqfwdbuf) > 0)
task->trigger[0].mask |= QSE_HTTPD_TASK_TRIGGER_WRITE;
task->main = task_main_proxy_2;
return 1;
if (proxy->res)
qse_mbs_close (proxy->res);
proxy->res = QSE_NULL;
if (proxy->peer_htrd)
qse_htrd_close (proxy->peer_htrd);
proxy->peer_htrd = QSE_NULL;
return (qse_httpd_entask_err (
httpd, client, task, http_errnum,
&proxy->version, proxy->keepalive) == QSE_NULL)? -1: 0;
qse_httpd_task_t* qse_httpd_entaskproxy (
qse_httpd_t* httpd,
qse_httpd_client_t* client,
qse_httpd_task_t* pred,
const qse_nwad_t* dst,
const qse_nwad_t* src,
qse_htre_t* req)
qse_httpd_task_t task;
task_proxy_arg_t arg;
arg.peer_nwad = dst;
arg.peer_local = src;
arg.req = req;
QSE_MEMSET (&task, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(task));
task.init = task_init_proxy;
task.fini = task_fini_proxy;
task.main = task_main_proxy;
task.ctx = &arg;
return qse_httpd_entask (
httpd, client, pred, &task, QSE_SIZEOF(task_proxy_t)