
188 lines
4.6 KiB

#include <qse/awk/StdAwk.hpp>
#include <qse/cmn/sio.h>
#include <string>
#if defined(QSE_CHAR_IS_WCHAR)
typedef std::wstring String;
typedef std::string String;
typedef QSE::StdAwk StdAwk;
typedef QSE::StdAwk::Run Run;
typedef QSE::StdAwk::Value Value;
class MyAwk: public StdAwk
// this class overrides console methods to use
// string buffers for console input and output.
MyAwk () { }
~MyAwk () { close (); }
void setInput (const char_t* instr)
this->input = instr;
this->inptr = this->input.c_str();
this->inend = inptr + this->input.length();
const char_t* getOutput () { return this->output.c_str(); }
String input; // console input buffer
const char_t* inptr;
const char_t* inend;
String output; // console output buffer
int openConsole (Console& io)
if (io.getMode() == Console::READ)
this->inptr = this->input.c_str();
this->inend = inptr + this->input.length();
this->output.clear ();
return 1; // return open-success
int closeConsole (Console& io)
return 0; // return success
int flushConsole (Console& io)
// there is nothing to flush since a string buffer
// is used for a console output. just return success.
return 0;
int nextConsole (Console& io)
// this stripped-down awk doesn't honor the nextfile statement
// or the nextofile statement. just return failure.
return -1;
ssize_t readConsole (Console& io, char_t* data, size_t size)
if (this->inptr >= this->inend) return 0; // EOF
size_t x = qse_strxncpy (data, size, inptr, inend - inptr);
this->inptr += x;
return x;
ssize_t writeConsole (Console& io, const char_t* data, size_t size)
try { this->output.append (data, size); }
catch (...)
((Run*)io)->setError (QSE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return -1;
return size;
static void print_error (
const MyAwk::loc_t& loc, const MyAwk::char_t* msg)
if (loc.line > 0 || loc.colm > 0)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: %s at LINE %lu COLUMN %lu\n"), msg, loc.line, loc.colm);
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: %s\n"), msg);
static int run_awk (MyAwk& awk)
// sample input string
const qse_char_t* instr = QSE_T(
"aardvark 555-5553 1200/300 B\n"
"alpo-net 555-3412 2400/1200/300 A\n"
"barfly 555-7685 1200/300 A\n"
"bites 555-1675 2400/1200/300 A\n"
"camelot 555-0542 300 C\n"
"core 555-2912 1200/300 C\n"
"fooey 555-1234 2400/1200/300 B\n"
"foot 555-6699 1200/300 B\n"
"macfoo 555-6480 1200/300 A\n"
"sdace 555-3430 2400/1200/300 A\n"
"sabafoo 555-2127 1200/300 C\n");
const qse_char_t* instr2 = QSE_T(
"aardvark 555-5553 1200/300 A\n"
"alpo-net 555-3412 2400/1200/300 B\n"
"barfly 555-7685 1200/300 C\n"
"bites 555-1675 2400/1200/300 A\n"
"camelot 555-0542 300 C\n"
"core 555-2912 1200/300 B\n"
"fooey 555-1234 2400/1200/300 A\n"
"foot 555-6699 1200/300 A\n"
"macfoo 555-6480 1200/300 B\n"
"sdace 555-3430 2400/1200/300 B\n"
"sabafoo 555-2127 1200/300 A\n");
// ARGV[0]
if (awk.addArgument (QSE_T("awk23")) <= -1) return -1;
// prepare a string to print lines with A in the fourth column
MyAwk::SourceString in (QSE_T("$4 == \"A\" { print $2, $1, $3; }"));
// parse the script.
if (awk.parse (in, MyAwk::Source::NONE) == QSE_NULL) return -1;
MyAwk::Value r;
awk.setInput (instr); // locate the input string
int x = awk.loop (&r); // execute the BEGIN, pattern-action, END blocks.
if (x >= 0)
qse_printf (QSE_T("%s"), awk.getOutput()); // print the console output
qse_printf (QSE_T("-----------------------------\n"));
awk.setInput (instr2);
// reset the runtime context so that the next loop() method
// is performed over a new console stream.
if (awk.resetRunContext() == QSE_NULL) return -1;
int x = awk.loop (&r);
if (x >= 0)
qse_printf (QSE_T("%s"), awk.getOutput());
qse_printf (QSE_T("-----------------------------\n"));
return x;
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
MyAwk awk;
qse_openstdsios ();
int ret = awk.open ();
if (ret >= 0) ret = run_awk (awk);
if (ret <= -1)
MyAwk::loc_t loc = awk.getErrorLocation();
print_error (loc, awk.getErrorMessage());
awk.close ();
qse_closestdsios ();
return ret;