2011-08-14 10:04:14 +00:00

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/** @mainpage QSE
@section qse_intro INTRODUCTION
The QSE library implements functionality of various Unix commands in an
embeddable form and defines data types, functions, and classes that you can
use when you embed such functionality into an application. The interface has
been designed to be flexible enough to access various aspects of embedding
application and an embedded object from each other.
Currently the library contains the following components:
- @subpage awk "AWK Interpreter"
- @subpage cut "CUT Text Cutter"
- @subpage sed "SED Stream Editor"
As the library grows, more components will be added.
The library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3:
The project webpage: http://code.abiyo.net/@qse
For further information, contact:
Chung, Hyung-Hwan <hyunghwan.chung@gmail.com>
@section installation INSTALLATION
@subsection build_from_source BUILINDG FROM A SOURCE PACKAGE
The package uses the standard autoconf build systems. Briefly, you can run
@b configure and @b make to compile and install it. Here is the simple
Unpack the latest source package downloaded from:
- http://code.google.com/p/qse/downloads/list
Alternatively, you can check out the lastest source code from the subversion
repository by executing the following command:
- svn checkout http://qse.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/qse/
Run @b configure and @b make to compile and install it:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
For additional command line options to @b configure, run @b configure @b --help.
@subsection crosscompile_win32 CROSS-COMPILING FOR WIN32
While the package does not provide any build files for native WIN32 compilers,
you can cross-compile it for WIN32 with a cross-compiler. Get a cross-compiler
installed first and run @b configure with a host and a target.
With MINGW32, you may run @b configure as shown below:
$ ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --target=i586-mingw32msvc
$ make
$ make install
The actual host and target names may vary depending on the cross-compiler
@subsection mchar_mode MULTI-BYTE CHARACTER MODE
By default, the package is compiled for wide character mode. However,
you can compile it for multi-byte character mode by running @b configure
@b --disable-wchar.
$ ./configure --disable-wchar
$ make
$ make install
Under the multi-byte character mode:
- #QSE_CHAR_IS_MCHAR is defined.
- #qse_char_t maps to #qse_mchar_t.
Under the wide character mode:
- #QSE_CHAR_IS_WCHAR is defined.
- #qse_char_t maps to #qse_wchar_t.
#qse_mchar_t maps to @b char and #qse_wchar_t maps to @b wchar_t or equivalent.
@section library_modules LIBRARY MODULES
@b QSE contains a set of APIs. Each set is organized into a library module
and its interface is exported via header files. Commonly used functions and
data structures are organized into a common functions library and forms the
foundation for other modules. Specialized functions and data structures are
organized to dedicated modules. See relevant subpages for more information
on each module.
- @subpage mem "Memory Management"
- @subpage io "I/O Handling"
- @subpage awk "AWK Interpreter"
- @subpage cut "CUT Text Cutter"
- @subpage sed "SED Stream Editor"