6586 lines
154 KiB
6586 lines
154 KiB
* $Id: run.c,v 1.303 2006-12-16 16:22:05 bacon Exp $
#include <ase/awk/awk_i.h>
#define CMP_ERROR -99
#define DEF_BUF_CAPA 256
#define STACK_AT(run,n) ((run)->stack[(run)->stack_base+(n)])
#define STACK_NARGS(run) (STACK_AT(run,3))
#define STACK_ARG(run,n) STACK_AT(run,3+1+(n))
#define STACK_LOCAL(run,n) STACK_AT(run,3+(ase_size_t)STACK_NARGS(run)+1+(n))
#define STACK_RETVAL(run) STACK_AT(run,2)
#define STACK_GLOBAL(run,n) ((run)->stack[(n)])
#define STACK_RETVAL_GLOBAL(run) ((run)->stack[(run)->awk->tree.nglobals+2])
enum exit_level_t
#define PANIC(run,code) \
do { (run)->errnum = (code); return ASE_NULL; } while (0)
#define PANIC_I(run,code) \
do { (run)->errnum = (code); return -1; } while (0)
#define DEFAULT_CONVFMT ASE_T("%.6g")
#define DEFAULT_OFMT ASE_T("%.6g")
#define DEFAULT_OFS ASE_T(" ")
#define DEFAULT_ORS ASE_T("\n")
#define DEFAULT_SUBSEP ASE_T("\034")
/* the index of a positional variable should be a positive interger
* equal to or less than the maximum value of the type by which
* the index is represented. but it has an extra check against the
* maximum value of ase_size_t as the reference is represented
* in a pointer variable of ase_awk_val_ref_t and sizeof(void*) is
* equal to sizeof(ase_size_t). */
#define IS_VALID_POSIDX(idx) \
((idx) >= 0 && \
(idx) < ASE_TYPE_MAX(ase_long_t) && \
(idx) < ASE_TYPE_MAX(ase_size_t))
static void __add_run (ase_awk_t* awk, ase_awk_run_t* run);
static void __del_run (ase_awk_t* awk, ase_awk_run_t* run);
static int __init_run (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_t* awk,
ase_awk_runios_t* runios, void* custom_data, int* errnum);
static void __deinit_run (ase_awk_run_t* run);
static int __build_runarg (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_runarg_t* runarg, ase_size_t* nargs);
static void __cleanup_globals (ase_awk_run_t* run);
static int __set_globals_to_default (ase_awk_run_t* run);
static int __run_main (
ase_awk_run_t* run, const ase_char_t* main, ase_awk_runarg_t* runarg);
static int __run_pattern_blocks (ase_awk_run_t* run);
static int __run_pattern_block_chain (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_chain_t* chain);
static int __run_pattern_block (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_chain_t* chain, ase_size_t block_no);
static int __run_block (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_blk_t* nde);
static int __run_block0 (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_blk_t* nde);
static int __run_statement (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static int __run_if (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_if_t* nde);
static int __run_while (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_while_t* nde);
static int __run_for (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_for_t* nde);
static int __run_foreach (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_foreach_t* nde);
static int __run_break (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_break_t* nde);
static int __run_continue (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_continue_t* nde);
static int __run_return (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_return_t* nde);
static int __run_exit (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_exit_t* nde);
static int __run_next (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_next_t* nde);
static int __run_nextfile (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_nextfile_t* nde);
static int __run_delete (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_delete_t* nde);
static int __run_print (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_print_t* nde);
static int __run_printf (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_print_t* nde);
static int __formatted_output (
ase_awk_run_t* run, int out_type, const ase_char_t* dst,
const ase_char_t* fmt, ase_size_t fmt_len, ase_awk_nde_t* args);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_expression (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_expression0 (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_group (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_assignment (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __do_assignment (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* var, ase_awk_val_t* val);
static ase_awk_val_t* __do_assignment_scalar (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_var_t* var, ase_awk_val_t* val);
static ase_awk_val_t* __do_assignment_map (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_var_t* var, ase_awk_val_t* val);
static ase_awk_val_t* __do_assignment_pos (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_pos_t* pos, ase_awk_val_t* val);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binary (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_lor (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_land (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_in (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_bor (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_bxor (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_band (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_eq (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_ne (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_gt (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_ge (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_lt (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_le (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_lshift (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_rshift (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_plus (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_minus (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_mul (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_div (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_idiv (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_mod (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_exp (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_concat (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_ma (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_nm (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_match0 (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right, int ret);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_unary (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_incpre (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_incpst (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_cnd (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_bfn (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_afn (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_call (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde,
const ase_char_t* bfn_arg_spec, ase_awk_afn_t* afn);
static int __get_reference (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde, ase_awk_val_t*** ref);
static ase_awk_val_t** __get_reference_indexed (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_var_t* nde, ase_awk_val_t** val);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_int (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_real (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_str (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_rex (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_named (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_global (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_local (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_arg (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_namedidx (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_globalidx (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_localidx (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_argidx (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_pos (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_getline (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
static int __raw_push (ase_awk_run_t* run, void* val);
#define __raw_pop(run) \
do { \
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, (run)->stack_top > (run)->stack_base); \
(run)->stack_top--; \
} while (0)
static void __raw_pop_times (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_size_t times);
static int __read_record (ase_awk_run_t* run);
static int __shorten_record (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_size_t nflds);
static ase_char_t* __idxnde_to_str (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde, ase_size_t* len);
typedef ase_awk_val_t* (*binop_func_t) (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right);
typedef ase_awk_val_t* (*eval_expr_t) (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde);
#ifdef _DEBUG
static int __printval (ase_awk_pair_t* pair, void* arg)
ase_awk_run_t* run = (ase_awk_run_t*)arg;
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("%s = "), (const ase_char_t*)pair->key);
ase_awk_dprintval (run, (ase_awk_val_t*)pair->val);
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("\n"));
return 0;
ase_size_t ase_awk_getnargs (ase_awk_run_t* run)
return (ase_size_t) STACK_NARGS (run);
ase_awk_val_t* ase_awk_getarg (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_size_t idx)
return STACK_ARG (run, idx);
ase_awk_val_t* ase_awk_getglobal (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_size_t idx)
return STACK_GLOBAL (run, idx);
int ase_awk_setglobal (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_size_t idx, ase_awk_val_t* val)
ase_awk_val_t* old = STACK_GLOBAL (run, idx);
if (old->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
/* once a variable becomes an array,
* it cannot be changed to a scalar variable */
/* TODO: is this correct?? */
if (val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP &&
/* TODO: better error code */
ase_char_t* convfmt_ptr;
ase_size_t convfmt_len, i;
convfmt_ptr = ase_awk_valtostr (run,
val, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &convfmt_len);
if (convfmt_ptr == ASE_NULL) return -1;
for (i = 0; i < convfmt_len; i++)
if (convfmt_ptr[i] == ASE_T('\0'))
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, convfmt_ptr);
return -1;
if (run->global.convfmt.ptr != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.convfmt.ptr);
run->global.convfmt.ptr = convfmt_ptr;
run->global.convfmt.len = convfmt_len;
else if (idx == ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_FS)
ase_char_t* fs_ptr;
ase_size_t fs_len;
if (val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
fs_ptr = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)val)->buf;
fs_len = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)val)->len;
/* due to the expression evaluation rule, the
* regular expression can not be an assigned value */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_REX);
fs_ptr = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, val, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &fs_len);
if (fs_ptr == ASE_NULL) return -1;
if (fs_len > 1)
void* rex;
/* compile the regular expression */
/* TODO: use safebuild */
rex = ase_awk_buildrex (
run->awk, fs_ptr, fs_len, &run->errnum);
if (rex == ASE_NULL)
if (val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, fs_ptr);
return -1;
if (run->global.fs != ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_freerex (run->awk, run->global.fs);
run->global.fs = rex;
if (val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_STR) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, fs_ptr);
if ((val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_INT &&
((ase_awk_val_int_t*)val)->val == 0) ||
(val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_REAL &&
((ase_awk_val_real_t*)val)->val == 0.0) ||
(val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR &&
((ase_awk_val_str_t*)val)->len == 0))
run->global.ignorecase = 0;
run->global.ignorecase = 1;
else if (idx == ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_NF)
int n;
ase_long_t lv;
ase_real_t rv;
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, val, &lv, &rv);
if (n == -1) return -1;
if (n == 1) lv = (ase_long_t)rv;
if (lv < run->inrec.nflds)
if (__shorten_record (run, (ase_size_t)lv) == -1) return -1;
else if (idx == ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_OFMT)
ase_char_t* ofmt_ptr;
ase_size_t ofmt_len, i;
ofmt_ptr = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, val, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &ofmt_len);
if (ofmt_ptr == ASE_NULL) return -1;
for (i = 0; i < ofmt_len; i++)
if (ofmt_ptr[i] == ASE_T('\0'))
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, ofmt_ptr);
return -1;
if (run->global.ofmt.ptr != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.ofmt.ptr);
run->global.ofmt.ptr = ofmt_ptr;
run->global.ofmt.len = ofmt_len;
else if (idx == ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_OFS)
ase_char_t* ofs_ptr;
ase_size_t ofs_len;
ofs_ptr = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, val, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &ofs_len);
if (ofs_ptr == ASE_NULL) return -1;
if (run->global.ofs.ptr != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.ofs.ptr);
run->global.ofs.ptr = ofs_ptr;
run->global.ofs.len = ofs_len;
else if (idx == ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ORS)
ase_char_t* ors_ptr;
ase_size_t ors_len;
ors_ptr = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, val, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &ors_len);
if (ors_ptr == ASE_NULL) return -1;
if (run->global.ors.ptr != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.ors.ptr);
run->global.ors.ptr = ors_ptr;
run->global.ors.len = ors_len;
else if (idx == ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_RS)
ase_char_t* rs_ptr;
ase_size_t rs_len;
if (val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
rs_ptr = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)val)->buf;
rs_len = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)val)->len;
/* due to the expression evaluation rule, the
* regular expression can not be an assigned value */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_REX);
rs_ptr = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, val, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &rs_len);
if (rs_ptr == ASE_NULL) return -1;
if (rs_len > 1)
void* rex;
/* compile the regular expression */
/* TODO: use safebuild */
rex = ase_awk_buildrex (
run->awk, rs_ptr, rs_len, &run->errnum);
if (rex == ASE_NULL)
if (val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, rs_ptr);
return -1;
if (run->global.rs != ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_freerex (run->awk, run->global.rs);
run->global.rs = rex;
if (val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_STR) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, rs_ptr);
else if (idx == ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_SUBSEP)
ase_char_t* subsep_ptr;
ase_size_t subsep_len;
subsep_ptr = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, val, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &subsep_len);
if (subsep_ptr == ASE_NULL) return -1;
if (run->global.subsep.ptr != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.subsep.ptr);
run->global.subsep.ptr = subsep_ptr;
run->global.subsep.len = subsep_len;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, old);
STACK_GLOBAL(run,idx) = val;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
return 0;
void ase_awk_setretval (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* val)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_RETVAL(run));
STACK_RETVAL(run) = val;
/* should use the same trick as __run_return_statement */
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
int ase_awk_setfilename (
ase_awk_run_t* run, const ase_char_t* name, ase_size_t len)
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
int n;
if (len == 0) tmp = ase_awk_val_zls;
tmp = ase_awk_makestrval (run, name, len);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
n = ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_FILENAME, tmp);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
return n;
int ase_awk_setofilename (
ase_awk_run_t* run, const ase_char_t* name, ase_size_t len)
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
int n;
if (run->awk->option & ASE_AWK_NEXTOFILE)
if (len == 0) tmp = ase_awk_val_zls;
tmp = ase_awk_makestrval (run, name, len);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
n = ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_OFILENAME, tmp);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
else n = 0;
return n;
ase_awk_t* ase_awk_getrunawk (ase_awk_run_t* run)
return run->awk;
void* ase_awk_getruncustomdata (ase_awk_run_t* run)
return run->custom_data;
int ase_awk_getrunerrnum (ase_awk_run_t* run)
return run->errnum;
const ase_char_t* ase_awk_getrunerrmsg (ase_awk_run_t* run)
if (run->errmsg[0] == ASE_T('\0'))
return ase_awk_geterrstr (run->errnum);
return run->errmsg;
void ase_awk_setrunerrnum (ase_awk_run_t* run, int errnum)
run->errnum = errnum;
run->errmsg[0] = ASE_T('\0');
void ase_awk_setrunerrmsg (ase_awk_run_t* run, const ase_char_t* msg)
ase_awk_strxcpy (run->errmsg, ASE_COUNTOF(run->errmsg), msg);
int ase_awk_run (ase_awk_t* awk,
const ase_char_t* main,
ase_awk_runios_t* runios,
ase_awk_runcbs_t* runcbs,
ase_awk_runarg_t* runarg,
void* custom_data)
ase_awk_run_t* run;
int n, errnum;
/* clear the awk error code */
awk->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOERR;
/* check if the code has ever been parsed */
if (awk->tree.nglobals == 0 &&
awk->tree.begin == ASE_NULL &&
awk->tree.end == ASE_NULL &&
awk->tree.chain_size == 0 &&
ase_awk_map_getsize(&awk->tree.afns) == 0)
/* if not, deny the run */
awk->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOPER;
return -1;
/* allocate the storage for the run object */
run = (ase_awk_run_t*) ASE_AWK_MALLOC (awk, ASE_SIZEOF(ase_awk_run_t));
if (run == ASE_NULL)
/* if it fails, the failure is reported thru
* the awk object */
awk->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
/* clear the run object space */
ASE_AWK_MEMSET (awk, run, 0, ASE_SIZEOF(ase_awk_run_t));
/* add the run object to the awk object */
__add_run (awk, run);
/* initialize the run object */
if (__init_run (run, awk, runios, custom_data, &errnum) == -1)
/* if it fails, the failure is still reported thru
* the awk object */
awk->errnum = errnum;
__del_run (awk, run);
ASE_AWK_FREE (awk, run);
return -1;
/* clear the run error code */
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOERR;
/* execute the start callback if it exists */
if (runcbs != ASE_NULL && runcbs->on_start != ASE_NULL)
runcbs->on_start (awk, run, runcbs->custom_data);
/* enter the main run loop */
n = __run_main (run, main, runarg);
if (n == -1)
/* if no callback is specified, awk's error number
* is updated with the run's error number */
awk->errnum = (runcbs == ASE_NULL)?
run->errnum: ASE_AWK_ERUNTIME;
/* the run loop ended. execute the end callback if it exists */
if (runcbs != ASE_NULL && runcbs->on_end != ASE_NULL)
runcbs->on_end (awk, run,
((n == -1)? run->errnum: ASE_AWK_ENOERR),
/* when using callbacks, this function always returns 0
* after the start callbacks has been triggered */
n = 0;
/* uninitialize the run object */
__deinit_run (run);
__del_run (awk, run);
ASE_AWK_FREE (awk, run);
return n;
int ase_awk_stop (ase_awk_t* awk, ase_awk_run_t* run)
ase_awk_run_t* r;
int n = 0;
/* check if the run handle given is valid */
for (r = awk->run.ptr; r != ASE_NULL; r = r->next)
if (r == run)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, r->awk == awk);
r->exit_level = EXIT_ABORT;
if (r == ASE_NULL)
/* if it is not found in the awk's run list,
* it is not a valid handle */
awk->errnum = ASE_AWK_EINVAL;
n = -1;
return n;
void ase_awk_stopall (ase_awk_t* awk)
ase_awk_run_t* r;
for (r = awk->run.ptr; r != ASE_NULL; r = r->next)
r->exit_level = EXIT_ABORT;
static void __free_namedval (void* run, void* val)
ase_awk_refdownval ((ase_awk_run_t*)run, val);
static void __add_run (ase_awk_t* awk, ase_awk_run_t* run)
run->awk = awk;
run->prev = ASE_NULL;
run->next = awk->run.ptr;
if (run->next != ASE_NULL) run->next->prev = run;
awk->run.ptr = run;
static void __del_run (ase_awk_t* awk, ase_awk_run_t* run)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, awk->run.ptr != ASE_NULL);
if (run->prev == ASE_NULL)
awk->run.ptr = run->next;
if (run->next != ASE_NULL) run->next->prev = ASE_NULL;
run->prev->next = run->next;
if (run->next != ASE_NULL) run->next->prev = run->prev;
run->awk = ASE_NULL;
static int __init_run (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_t* awk,
ase_awk_runios_t* runios, void* custom_data, int* errnum)
run->custom_data = custom_data;
run->stack = ASE_NULL;
run->stack_top = 0;
run->stack_base = 0;
run->stack_limit = 0;
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
run->icache_count = 0;
run->rcache_count = 0;
run->fcache_count = 0;
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOERR;
run->inrec.buf_pos = 0;
run->inrec.buf_len = 0;
run->inrec.flds = ASE_NULL;
run->inrec.nflds = 0;
run->inrec.maxflds = 0;
run->inrec.d0 = ase_awk_val_nil;
if (ase_awk_str_open (
&run->inrec.line, DEF_BUF_CAPA, run->awk) == ASE_NULL)
*errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (ase_awk_str_open (&run->format.out, 256, run->awk) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_str_close (&run->inrec.line);
*errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (ase_awk_str_open (&run->format.fmt, 256, run->awk) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.out);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->inrec.line);
*errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (ase_awk_map_open (&run->named,
run, DEF_BUF_CAPA, __free_namedval, run->awk) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.fmt);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.out);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->inrec.line);
*errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
run->format.tmp.ptr = (ase_char_t*)
ASE_AWK_MALLOC (run->awk, 4096*ASE_SIZEOF(ase_char_t*));
if (run->format.tmp.ptr == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_map_close (&run->named);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.fmt);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.out);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->inrec.line);
*errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
run->format.tmp.len = 4096;
run->format.tmp.inc = 40960;
if (run->awk->tree.chain_size > 0)
run->pattern_range_state = (ase_byte_t*) ASE_AWK_MALLOC (
run->awk, run->awk->tree.chain_size*ASE_SIZEOF(ase_byte_t));
if (run->pattern_range_state == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->format.tmp.ptr);
ase_awk_map_close (&run->named);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.fmt);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.out);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->inrec.line);
*errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ASE_AWK_MEMSET (run->awk, run->pattern_range_state, 0,
run->awk->tree.chain_size * ASE_SIZEOF(ase_byte_t));
else run->pattern_range_state = ASE_NULL;
if (runios != ASE_NULL)
run->extio.handler[ASE_AWK_EXTIO_PIPE] = runios->pipe;
run->extio.handler[ASE_AWK_EXTIO_COPROC] = runios->coproc;
run->extio.handler[ASE_AWK_EXTIO_FILE] = runios->file;
run->extio.handler[ASE_AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE] = runios->console;
run->extio.custom_data = runios->custom_data;
run->extio.chain = ASE_NULL;
run->global.rs = ASE_NULL;
run->global.fs = ASE_NULL;
run->global.ignorecase = 0;
run->depth.max.block = awk->run.depth.max.block;
run->depth.max.expr = awk->run.depth.max.expr;
run->depth.cur.block = 0;
run->depth.cur.expr = 0;
return 0;
static void __deinit_run (ase_awk_run_t* run)
if (run->pattern_range_state != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->pattern_range_state);
/* close all pending eio's */
/* TODO: what if this operation fails? */
ase_awk_clearextio (run);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, run->extio.chain == ASE_NULL);
if (run->global.rs != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.rs);
run->global.rs = ASE_NULL;
if (run->global.fs != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.fs);
run->global.fs = ASE_NULL;
if (run->global.convfmt.ptr != ASE_NULL &&
run->global.convfmt.ptr != DEFAULT_CONVFMT)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.convfmt.ptr);
run->global.convfmt.ptr = ASE_NULL;
run->global.convfmt.len = 0;
if (run->global.ofmt.ptr != ASE_NULL &&
run->global.ofmt.ptr != DEFAULT_OFMT)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.ofmt.ptr);
run->global.ofmt.ptr = ASE_NULL;
run->global.ofmt.len = 0;
if (run->global.ofs.ptr != ASE_NULL &&
run->global.ofs.ptr != DEFAULT_OFS)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.ofs.ptr);
run->global.ofs.ptr = ASE_NULL;
run->global.ofs.len = 0;
if (run->global.ors.ptr != ASE_NULL &&
run->global.ors.ptr != DEFAULT_ORS)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.ors.ptr);
run->global.ors.ptr = ASE_NULL;
run->global.ors.len = 0;
if (run->global.subsep.ptr != ASE_NULL &&
run->global.subsep.ptr != DEFAULT_SUBSEP)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->global.subsep.ptr);
run->global.subsep.ptr = ASE_NULL;
run->global.subsep.len = 0;
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->format.tmp.ptr);
run->format.tmp.ptr = ASE_NULL;
run->format.tmp.len = 0;
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.fmt);
ase_awk_str_close (&run->format.out);
/* destroy input record. ase_awk_clrrec should be called
* before the run stack has been destroyed because it may try
* to change the value to ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_NF. */
ase_awk_clrrec (run, ase_false);
if (run->inrec.flds != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->inrec.flds);
run->inrec.flds = ASE_NULL;
run->inrec.maxflds = 0;
ase_awk_str_close (&run->inrec.line);
/* destroy run stack */
if (run->stack != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, run->stack_top == 0);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->stack);
run->stack = ASE_NULL;
run->stack_top = 0;
run->stack_base = 0;
run->stack_limit = 0;
/* destroy named variables */
ase_awk_map_close (&run->named);
/* destroy values in free list */
while (run->icache_count > 0)
ase_awk_val_int_t* tmp = run->icache[--run->icache_count];
ase_awk_freeval (run, (ase_awk_val_t*)tmp, ase_false);
while (run->rcache_count > 0)
ase_awk_val_real_t* tmp = run->rcache[--run->rcache_count];
ase_awk_freeval (run, (ase_awk_val_t*)tmp, ase_false);
while (run->fcache_count > 0)
ase_awk_val_ref_t* tmp = run->fcache[--run->fcache_count];
ase_awk_freeval (run, (ase_awk_val_t*)tmp, ase_false);
static int __build_runarg (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_runarg_t* runarg, ase_size_t* nargs)
ase_awk_runarg_t* p;
ase_size_t argc;
ase_awk_val_t* v_argc;
ase_awk_val_t* v_argv;
ase_awk_val_t* v_tmp;
ase_char_t key[ASE_SIZEOF(ase_long_t)*8+2];
ase_size_t key_len;
v_argv = ase_awk_makemapval (run);
if (v_argv == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v_argv);
if (runarg == ASE_NULL) argc = 0;
for (argc = 0, p = runarg; p->ptr != ASE_NULL; argc++, p++)
v_tmp = ase_awk_makestrval (run, p->ptr, p->len);
if (v_tmp == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argv);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
key_len = ase_awk_longtostr (
argc, 10, ASE_NULL, key, ASE_COUNTOF(key));
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, key_len != (ase_size_t)-1);
/* increment reference count of v_tmp in advance as if
* it has successfully been assigned into ARGV. */
ase_awk_refupval (run, v_tmp);
if (ase_awk_map_putx (
key, key_len, v_tmp, ASE_NULL) == -1)
/* if the assignment operation fails, decrements
* the reference of v_tmp to free it */
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_tmp);
/* the values previously assigned into the
* map will be freeed when v_argv is freed */
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argv);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
v_argc = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (ase_long_t)argc);
if (v_argc == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argv);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v_argc);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
STACK_GLOBAL(run,ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ARGC) == ase_awk_val_nil);
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ARGC, v_argc) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argc);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argv);
return -1;
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ARGV, v_argv) == -1)
/* ARGC is assigned nil when ARGV assignment has failed.
* However, this requires preconditions, as follows:
* 1. __build_runarg should be called in a proper place
* as it is not a generic-purpose routine.
* 2. ARGC should be nil before __build_runarg is called
* If the restoration fails, nothing can salvage it. */
ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ARGC, ase_awk_val_nil);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argc);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argv);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argc);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v_argv);
*nargs = argc;
return 0;
static void __cleanup_globals (ase_awk_run_t* run)
ase_size_t nglobals = run->awk->tree.nglobals;
while (nglobals > 0)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_GLOBAL(run,nglobals));
STACK_GLOBAL (run, nglobals) = ase_awk_val_nil;
static int __update_fnr (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_size_t fnr)
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
tmp = ase_awk_makeintval (run, fnr);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_FNR, tmp) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
run->global.fnr = fnr;
return 0;
static int __set_globals_to_default (ase_awk_run_t* run)
struct __gtab_t
int idx;
const ase_char_t* str;
static struct __gtab_t gtab[] =
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
ase_size_t i, j;
for (i = 0; i < ASE_COUNTOF(gtab); i++)
if (gtab[i].str == ASE_NULL || gtab[i].str[0] == ASE_T('\0'))
tmp = ase_awk_val_zls;
tmp = ase_awk_makestrval0 (run, gtab[i].str);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
STACK_GLOBAL(run,gtab[i].idx) == ase_awk_val_nil);
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, gtab[i].idx, tmp) == -1)
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
ase_awk_setglobal (
run, gtab[i].idx, ase_awk_val_nil);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
return 0;
static int __run_main (
ase_awk_run_t* run, const ase_char_t* main, ase_awk_runarg_t* runarg)
ase_size_t nglobals, nargs, nrunargs, i;
ase_size_t saved_stack_top;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
int n;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, run->stack_base == 0 && run->stack_top == 0);
/* secure space for global variables */
saved_stack_top = run->stack_top;
nglobals = run->awk->tree.nglobals;
while (nglobals > 0)
if (__raw_push(run,ase_awk_val_nil) == -1)
/* restore the stack_top with the saved value
* instead of calling __raw_pop as many times as
* the successful __raw_push. it is ok because
* the values pushed so far are all ase_awk_val_nil */
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_NR, ase_awk_val_zero) == -1)
/* it can simply restore the top of the stack this way
* because the values pused onto the stack so far are
* all ase_awk_val_nils */
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
return -1;
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_NF, ase_awk_val_zero) == -1)
/* it can simply restore the top of the stack this way
* because the values pused onto the stack so far are
* all ase_awk_val_nils and ase_awk_val_zeros */
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
return -1;
if (runarg == ASE_NULL) nrunargs = 0;
else if (__build_runarg (run, runarg, &nrunargs) == -1)
/* it can simply restore the top of the stack this way
* because the values pused onto the stack so far are
* all ase_awk_val_nils and ase_awk_val_zeros and
* __build_runarg doesn't push other values than them
* when it has failed */
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
return -1;
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
n = __update_fnr (run, 0);
if (n == 0) n = __set_globals_to_default (run);
if (n == 0 && main != ASE_NULL)
/* run the given function */
ase_awk_nde_call_t nde;
nde.type = ASE_AWK_NDE_AFN;
nde.next = ASE_NULL;
nde.what.afn.name.ptr = (ase_char_t*)main;
nde.what.afn.name.len = ase_awk_strlen(main);
nde.args = ASE_NULL;
nde.nargs = 0;
if (runarg != ASE_NULL)
/* prepare to pass the arguments to the main function */
for (i = nrunargs; i > 0; )
ase_awk_nde_str_t* tmp, * tmp2;
tmp = (ase_awk_nde_str_t*) ASE_AWK_MALLOC (
run->awk, ASE_SIZEOF(*tmp));
if (tmp == ASE_NULL)
tmp = (ase_awk_nde_str_t*)nde.args;
while (tmp != ASE_NULL)
tmp2 = (ase_awk_nde_str_t*)tmp->next;
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, tmp->buf);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, tmp);
tmp = tmp2;
__cleanup_globals (run);
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
tmp->type = ASE_AWK_NDE_STR;
tmp->buf = ase_awk_strxdup (run->awk,
runarg[i].ptr, runarg[i].len);
if (tmp->buf == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, tmp);
tmp = (ase_awk_nde_str_t*)nde.args;
while (tmp != ASE_NULL)
tmp2 = (ase_awk_nde_str_t*)tmp->next;
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, tmp->buf);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, tmp);
tmp = tmp2;
__cleanup_globals (run);
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
tmp->len = runarg[i].len;
tmp->next = nde.args;
nde.args = (ase_awk_nde_t*)tmp;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nrunargs == nde.nargs);
v = __eval_afn (run, (ase_awk_nde_t*)&nde);
if (v == ASE_NULL) n = -1;
#ifdef _DEBUG
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("[RETURN] - "));
ase_awk_dprintval (run, v);
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("\n"));
/* destroy the return value if necessary */
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (nde.args != ASE_NULL) ase_awk_clrpt (run->awk, nde.args);
else if (n == 0)
/* no main function is specified.
* run the normal patter blocks including BEGIN and END */
saved_stack_top = run->stack_top;
if (__raw_push(run,(void*)run->stack_base) == -1)
/* restore the stack top in a cheesy(?) way */
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
/* pops off global variables in a decent way */
__cleanup_globals (run);
__raw_pop_times (run, run->awk->tree.nglobals);
if (__raw_push(run,(void*)saved_stack_top) == -1)
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
__cleanup_globals (run);
__raw_pop_times (run, run->awk->tree.nglobals);
/* secure space for a return value */
if (__raw_push(run,ase_awk_val_nil) == -1)
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
__cleanup_globals (run);
__raw_pop_times (run, run->awk->tree.nglobals);
/* secure space for nargs */
if (__raw_push(run,ase_awk_val_nil) == -1)
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
__cleanup_globals (run);
__raw_pop_times (run, run->awk->tree.nglobals);
run->stack_base = saved_stack_top;
/* set nargs to zero */
nargs = 0;
STACK_NARGS(run) = (void*)nargs;
/* stack set up properly. ready to exeucte statement blocks */
if (n == 0 &&
run->awk->tree.begin != ASE_NULL &&
run->exit_level != EXIT_ABORT)
ase_awk_nde_blk_t* blk;
blk = (ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)run->awk->tree.begin;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, blk->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_BLK);
run->active_block = blk;
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
if (__run_block (run, blk) == -1) n = -1;
if (n == 0 &&
(run->awk->tree.chain != ASE_NULL ||
run->awk->tree.end != ASE_NULL) &&
run->exit_level != EXIT_ABORT)
if (__run_pattern_blocks (run) == -1) n = -1;
if (n == 0 &&
run->awk->tree.end != ASE_NULL &&
run->exit_level != EXIT_ABORT)
ase_awk_nde_blk_t* blk;
blk = (ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)run->awk->tree.end;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, blk->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_BLK);
run->active_block = blk;
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
if (__run_block (run, blk) == -1) n = -1;
/* restore stack */
nargs = (ase_size_t)STACK_NARGS(run);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nargs == 0);
for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_ARG(run,i));
v = STACK_RETVAL(run);
#ifdef _DEBUG
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("[RETURN] - "));
ase_awk_dprintval (run, v);
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("\n"));
/* the life of the global return value is over here
* unlike the return value of each function */
/*ase_awk_refdownval_nofree (awk, v);*/
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->stack_top =
run->stack_base =
/* pops off the global variables */
nglobals = run->awk->tree.nglobals;
while (nglobals > 0)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_GLOBAL(run,nglobals));
__raw_pop (run);
/* just reset the exit level */
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
#ifdef _DEBUG
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("[VARIABLES]\n"));
ase_awk_map_walk (&run->named, __printval, run);
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("[END VARIABLES]\n"));
return n;
static int __run_pattern_blocks (ase_awk_run_t* run)
// ase_ssize_t n;
ase_bool_t need_to_close = ase_false;
run->inrec.buf_pos = 0;
run->inrec.buf_len = 0;
run->inrec.eof = ase_false;
/* run each pattern block */
while (run->exit_level != EXIT_GLOBAL &&
run->exit_level != EXIT_ABORT)
int x;
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
x = __read_record (run);
if (x == -1)
int saved = run->errnum;
/* don't care about the result of input close */
// ase_awk_closeextio_read (
// run, ASE_AWK_IN_CONSOLE, ASE_T(""));
run->errnum = saved;
return -1;
need_to_close = ase_true;
if (x == 0) break; /* end of input */
__update_fnr (run, run->global.fnr + 1);
if (run->awk->tree.chain != ASE_NULL)
if (__run_pattern_block_chain (
run, run->awk->tree.chain) == -1)
int saved = run->errnum;
// ase_awk_closeextio_read (
// run, ASE_AWK_IN_CONSOLE, ASE_T(""));
run->errnum = saved;
return -1;
/* In case of getline, the code would make getline return -1,
* set ERRNO, make this function return 0 after having checked
* if closextio has returned -1 and errnum has been set to
* ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER. But this part of the code ends the input for
* the implicit pattern-block loop, which is totally different
* from getline. so it returns -1 as long as closeextio returns
* -1 regardless of the value of errnum. */
if (need_to_close)
/* TODO: do i have to close exito here...
n = ase_awk_closeextio_read (
if (n == -1)
if (run->errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
else return -1;
return 0;
static int __run_pattern_block_chain (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_chain_t* chain)
ase_size_t block_no = 0;
while (run->exit_level != EXIT_GLOBAL &&
run->exit_level != EXIT_ABORT && chain != ASE_NULL)
if (run->exit_level == EXIT_NEXT)
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
if (__run_pattern_block (run, chain, block_no) == -1) return -1;
chain = chain->next;
return 0;
static int __run_pattern_block (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_chain_t* chain, ase_size_t block_no)
ase_awk_nde_t* ptn;
ase_awk_nde_blk_t* blk;
ptn = chain->pattern;
blk = (ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)chain->action;
if (ptn == ASE_NULL)
/* just execute the block */
run->active_block = blk;
if (__run_block (run, blk) == -1) return -1;
if (ptn->next == ASE_NULL)
/* pattern { ... } */
ase_awk_val_t* v1;
v1 = __eval_expression (run, ptn);
if (v1 == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v1);
if (ase_awk_valtobool (run, v1))
run->active_block = blk;
if (__run_block (run, blk) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v1);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v1);
/* pattern, pattern { ... } */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ptn->next->next == ASE_NULL);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, run->pattern_range_state != ASE_NULL);
if (run->pattern_range_state[block_no] == 0)
ase_awk_val_t* v1;
v1 = __eval_expression (run, ptn);
if (v1 == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v1);
if (ase_awk_valtobool (run, v1))
run->active_block = blk;
if (__run_block (run, blk) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v1);
return -1;
run->pattern_range_state[block_no] = 1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v1);
else if (run->pattern_range_state[block_no] == 1)
ase_awk_val_t* v2;
v2 = __eval_expression (run, ptn->next);
if (v2 == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v2);
run->active_block = blk;
if (__run_block (run, blk) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v2);
return -1;
if (ase_awk_valtobool (run, v2))
run->pattern_range_state[block_no] = 0;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v2);
return 0;
static int __run_block (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_blk_t* nde)
int n;
if (run->depth.max.block > 0 &&
run->depth.cur.block >= run->depth.max.block)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ERECURSION;
return -1;;
n = __run_block0 (run, nde);
return n;
static int __run_block0 (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_blk_t* nde)
ase_awk_nde_t* p;
ase_size_t nlocals;
ase_size_t saved_stack_top;
int n = 0;
if (nde == ASE_NULL)
/* blockless pattern - execute print $0*/
ase_awk_refupval (run, run->inrec.d0);
/*n = ase_awk_writeextio_val (run,
ASE_AWK_OUT_CONSOLE, ASE_T(""), run->inrec.d0);*/
n = ase_awk_writeextio_str (run,
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, run->inrec.d0);
if (run->errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
else return -1;
n = ase_awk_writeextio_str (
run->global.ors.ptr, run->global.ors.len);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, run->inrec.d0);
if (run->errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
else return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, run->inrec.d0);
return 0;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_BLK);
p = nde->body;
nlocals = nde->nlocals;
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("securing space for local variables nlocals = %d\n"), (int)nlocals);*/
saved_stack_top = run->stack_top;
/* secure space for local variables */
while (nlocals > 0)
if (__raw_push(run,ase_awk_val_nil) == -1)
/* restore stack top */
run->stack_top = saved_stack_top;
return -1;
/* refupval is not required for ase_awk_val_nil */
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("executing block statements\n"));*/
while (p != ASE_NULL && run->exit_level == EXIT_NONE)
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("running a statement\n"));*/
if (__run_statement(run,p) == -1)
n = -1;
p = p->next;
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("popping off local variables\n"));*/
/* pop off local variables */
nlocals = nde->nlocals;
while (nlocals > 0)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_LOCAL(run,nlocals));
__raw_pop (run);
return n;
static int __run_statement (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
switch (nde->type)
/* do nothing */
if (__run_block (run,
(ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_if (run,
(ase_awk_nde_if_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_while (run,
(ase_awk_nde_while_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_for (run,
(ase_awk_nde_for_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_foreach (run,
(ase_awk_nde_foreach_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_break (run,
(ase_awk_nde_break_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_continue (run,
(ase_awk_nde_continue_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_return (run,
(ase_awk_nde_return_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_exit (run,
(ase_awk_nde_exit_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_next (run,
(ase_awk_nde_next_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_nextfile (run,
(ase_awk_nde_nextfile_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_delete (run,
(ase_awk_nde_delete_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_print (run,
(ase_awk_nde_print_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
if (__run_printf (run,
(ase_awk_nde_print_t*)nde) == -1) return -1;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
v = __eval_expression(run,nde);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
return 0;
static int __run_if (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_if_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* test;
int n = 0;
/* the test expression for the if statement cannot have
* chained expressions. this should not be allowed by the
* parser first of all */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->test->next == ASE_NULL);
test = __eval_expression (run, nde->test);
if (test == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, test);
if (ase_awk_valtobool (run, test))
n = __run_statement (run, nde->then_part);
else if (nde->else_part != ASE_NULL)
n = __run_statement (run, nde->else_part);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test); /* TODO: is this correct?*/
return n;
static int __run_while (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_while_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* test;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_WHILE)
/* no chained expressions are allowed for the test
* expression of the while statement */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->test->next == ASE_NULL);
/* TODO: handle run-time abortion... */
while (1)
test = __eval_expression (run, nde->test);
if (test == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, test);
if (ase_awk_valtobool (run, test))
if (__run_statement(run,nde->body) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test);
if (run->exit_level == EXIT_BREAK)
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
else if (run->exit_level == EXIT_CONTINUE)
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
else if (run->exit_level != EXIT_NONE) break;
else if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_DOWHILE)
/* no chained expressions are allowed for the test
* expression of the while statement */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->test->next == ASE_NULL);
/* TODO: handle run-time abortion... */
if (__run_statement(run,nde->body) == -1) return -1;
if (run->exit_level == EXIT_BREAK)
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
else if (run->exit_level == EXIT_CONTINUE)
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
else if (run->exit_level != EXIT_NONE) break;
test = __eval_expression (run, nde->test);
if (test == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, test);
if (!ase_awk_valtobool (run, test))
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test);
while (1);
return 0;
static int __run_for (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_for_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* val;
if (nde->init != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->init->next == ASE_NULL);
val = __eval_expression(run,nde->init);
if (val == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, val);
while (1)
if (nde->test != ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_val_t* test;
/* no chained expressions for the test expression of
* the for statement are allowed */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->test->next == ASE_NULL);
test = __eval_expression (run, nde->test);
if (test == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, test);
if (ase_awk_valtobool (run, test))
if (__run_statement(run,nde->body) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, test);
if (__run_statement(run,nde->body) == -1) return -1;
if (run->exit_level == EXIT_BREAK)
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
else if (run->exit_level == EXIT_CONTINUE)
run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
else if (run->exit_level != EXIT_NONE) break;
if (nde->incr != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->incr->next == ASE_NULL);
val = __eval_expression(run,nde->incr);
if (val == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, val);
return 0;
struct __foreach_walker_t
ase_awk_run_t* run;
ase_awk_nde_t* var;
ase_awk_nde_t* body;
static int __walk_foreach (ase_awk_pair_t* pair, void* arg)
struct __foreach_walker_t* w = (struct __foreach_walker_t*)arg;
ase_awk_val_t* str;
str = (ase_awk_val_t*) ase_awk_makestrval (
w->run, pair->key, ase_awk_strlen(pair->key));
if (str == ASE_NULL) PANIC_I (w->run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
ase_awk_refupval (w->run, str);
if (__do_assignment (w->run, w->var, str) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (w->run, str);
return -1;
if (__run_statement (w->run, w->body) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (w->run, str);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (w->run, str);
return 0;
static int __run_foreach (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_foreach_t* nde)
int n;
ase_awk_nde_exp_t* test;
ase_awk_val_t* rv;
ase_awk_map_t* map;
struct __foreach_walker_t walker;
test = (ase_awk_nde_exp_t*)nde->test;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, test->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_EXP_BIN &&
test->opcode == ASE_AWK_BINOP_IN);
/* chained expressions should not be allowed
* by the parser first of all */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, test->right->next == ASE_NULL);
rv = __eval_expression (run, test->right);
if (rv == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, rv);
if (rv->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
map = ((ase_awk_val_map_t*)rv)->map;
walker.run = run;
walker.var = test->left;
walker.body = nde->body;
n = ase_awk_map_walk (map, __walk_foreach, &walker);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
return n;
static int __run_break (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_break_t* nde)
run->exit_level = EXIT_BREAK;
return 0;
static int __run_continue (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_continue_t* nde)
run->exit_level = EXIT_CONTINUE;
return 0;
static int __run_return (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_return_t* nde)
if (nde->val != ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_val_t* val;
/* chained expressions should not be allowed
* by the parser first of all */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->val->next == ASE_NULL);
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("returning....\n"));*/
val = __eval_expression (run, nde->val);
if (val == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_RETVAL(run));
STACK_RETVAL(run) = val;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val); /* see __eval_call for the trick */
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("set return value....\n"));*/
run->exit_level = EXIT_FUNCTION;
return 0;
static int __run_exit (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_exit_t* nde)
if (nde->val != ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_val_t* val;
/* chained expressions should not be allowed
* by the parser first of all */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->val->next == ASE_NULL);
val = __eval_expression (run, nde->val);
if (val == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_RETVAL_GLOBAL(run));
STACK_RETVAL_GLOBAL(run) = val; /* global return value */
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
run->exit_level = EXIT_GLOBAL;
return 0;
static int __run_next (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_next_t* nde)
/* the parser checks if next has been called in the begin/end
* block or whereever inappropriate. so the runtime doesn't
* check that explicitly */
if (run->active_block == (ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)run->awk->tree.begin ||
run->active_block == (ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)run->awk->tree.end)
run->exit_level = EXIT_NEXT;
return 0;
static int __run_nextinfile (ase_awk_run_t* run)
int n;
/* normal nextfile statement */
if (run->active_block == (ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)run->awk->tree.begin ||
run->active_block == (ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)run->awk->tree.end)
return -1;
n = ase_awk_nextextio_read (run, ASE_AWK_IN_CONSOLE, ASE_T(""));
if (n == -1)
if (run->errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ECONINNEXT;
return -1;
if (n == 0)
/* no more input console */
run->exit_level = EXIT_GLOBAL;
return 0;
if (__update_fnr (run, 0) == -1) return -1;
run->exit_level = EXIT_NEXT;
return 0;
static int __run_nextoutfile (ase_awk_run_t* run)
int n;
n = ase_awk_nextextio_write (run, ASE_AWK_OUT_CONSOLE, ASE_T(""));
if (n == -1)
if (run->errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ECONOUTNEXT;
return -1;
if (n == 0)
/* TODO: should it terminate the program
* when there is no more output console? */
/*run->exit_level = EXIT_GLOBAL;*/
return 0;
return 0;
static int __run_nextfile (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_nextfile_t* nde)
return (nde->out)? __run_nextoutfile (run): __run_nextinfile (run);
static int __run_delete (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_delete_t* nde)
ase_awk_nde_var_t* var;
var = (ase_awk_nde_var_t*) nde->var;
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMEDIDX)
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
ASE_AWK_ASSERTX (run->awk,
(var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED && var->idx == ASE_NULL) ||
(var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMEDIDX && var->idx != ASE_NULL),
"if a named variable has an index part and a named indexed variable doesn't have an index part, the program is definitely wrong");
pair = ase_awk_map_get (
&run->named, var->id.name, var->id.name_len);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
/* value not set for the named variable.
* create a map and assign it to the variable */
tmp = ase_awk_makemapval (run);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (ase_awk_map_put (&run->named,
var->id.name, var->id.name_len, tmp) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
/* as this is the assignment, it needs to update
* the reference count of the target value */
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
ase_awk_val_t* val;
ase_awk_map_t* map;
val = (ase_awk_val_t*)pair->val;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, val != ASE_NULL);
if (val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
return -1;
map = ((ase_awk_val_map_t*)val)->map;
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMEDIDX)
ase_char_t* key;
ase_size_t key_len;
ase_awk_val_t* idx;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, var->idx != ASE_NULL);
idx = __eval_expression (run, var->idx);
if (idx == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, idx);
key = ase_awk_valtostr (
ASE_NULL, &key_len);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, idx);
if (key == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_map_remove (map, key, key_len);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, key);
ase_awk_map_clear (map);
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBAL ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCAL ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARG ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBALIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARGIDX)
ase_awk_val_t* val;
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBAL ||
val = STACK_GLOBAL (run,var->id.idxa);
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCAL ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX)
val = STACK_LOCAL (run,var->id.idxa);
else val = STACK_ARG (run,var->id.idxa);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, val != ASE_NULL);
if (val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
/* value not set for the named variable.
* create a map and assign it to the variable */
tmp = ase_awk_makemapval (run);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
/* no need to reduce the reference count of
* the previous value because it was nil. */
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBAL ||
if (ase_awk_setglobal (
run, var->id.idxa, tmp) == -1)
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
return -1;
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCAL ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX)
STACK_LOCAL(run,var->id.idxa) = tmp;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
STACK_ARG(run,var->id.idxa) = tmp;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
ase_awk_map_t* map;
if (val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
return -1;
map = ((ase_awk_val_map_t*)val)->map;
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBALIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARGIDX)
ase_char_t* key;
ase_size_t key_len;
ase_awk_val_t* idx;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, var->idx != ASE_NULL);
idx = __eval_expression (run, var->idx);
if (idx == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, idx);
key = ase_awk_valtostr (
ASE_NULL, &key_len);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, idx);
if (key == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_map_remove (map, key, key_len);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, key);
ase_awk_map_clear (map);
ASE_AWK_ASSERTX (run->awk,
!"should never happen - wrong variable type for delete",
"the delete statement cannot be called with other nodes than the variables such as a named variable, a named indexed variable, etc");
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EINTERNAL;
return -1;
return 0;
static int __run_print (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_print_t* nde)
ase_char_t* out = ASE_NULL;
const ase_char_t* dst;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
int n;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_PIPE && nde->out != ASE_NULL) ||
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_COPROC && nde->out != ASE_NULL) ||
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_FILE && nde->out != ASE_NULL) ||
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_FILE_APPEND && nde->out != ASE_NULL) ||
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_CONSOLE && nde->out == ASE_NULL));
/* check if destination has been specified. */
if (nde->out != ASE_NULL)
ase_size_t len;
/* if so, resolve the destination name */
v = __eval_expression (run, nde->out);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
out = ase_awk_valtostr (
if (out == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
//ase_awk_setrunerrline (nde->line);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (len <= 0)
/* if the destination name is empty, it skips the
* writing and flags an error and ERRNO */
ase_awk_val_t* no;
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
no = ase_awk_makeintval (run, ASE_AWK_ENOENT);
if (no == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, no);
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ERRNO, no) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, no);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, no);
goto skip_write;
/* it needs to check if the destination name contains
* any invalid characters to the underlying system */
while (len > 0)
if (out[--len] == ASE_T('\0'))
/* if so, the error is flagged thru ERRNO */
ase_awk_val_t* no;
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
no = ase_awk_makeintval (run, ASE_AWK_ENOENT);
if (no == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, no);
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ERRNO, no) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, no);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, no);
goto skip_write;
/* transforms the destination to suit the usage with extio */
dst = (out == ASE_NULL)? ASE_T(""): out;
/* check if print is followed by any arguments */
if (nde->args == ASE_NULL)
/* if it doesn't have any arguments, print the entire
* input record */
n = ase_awk_writeextio_str (
run, nde->out_type, dst,
if (n < 0 && run->errnum != ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
//ase_awk_setrunerrline (nde->line);
return -1;
/* TODO: how to handle n == -1 && errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER.
* that is the user handler returned an error... */
/* if it has any arguments, print the arguments separated by
* the value OFS */
ase_awk_nde_t* head, * np;
if (nde->args->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GRP)
/* parenthesized print */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->args->next == ASE_NULL);
head = ((ase_awk_nde_grp_t*)nde->args)->body;
else head = nde->args;
for (np = head; np != ASE_NULL; np = np->next)
if (np != head)
n = ase_awk_writeextio_str (
run, nde->out_type, dst,
if (n < 0 && run->errnum != ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
//ase_awk_setrunerrline (nde->line);
return -1;
v = __eval_expression (run, np);
if (v == ASE_NULL)
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
//ase_awk_setrunerrline (nde->line);
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
n = ase_awk_writeextio_val (run, nde->out_type, dst, v);
if (n < 0 && run->errnum != ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
//ase_awk_setrunerrline (nde->line);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
/* TODO: how to handle n == -1 && run->errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER.
* that is the user handler returned an error... */
/* print the value ORS to terminate the operation */
n = ase_awk_writeextio_str (
run, nde->out_type, dst,
run->global.ors.ptr, run->global.ors.len);
if (n < 0 && run->errnum != ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
//ase_awk_setrunerrline (nde->line);
return -1;
/* TODO: how to handle n == -1 && errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER.
* that is the user handler returned an error... */
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ERRNO, ase_awk_val_zero);
return 0;
static int __run_printf (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_print_t* nde)
ase_char_t* out = ASE_NULL;
const ase_char_t* dst;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
ase_awk_nde_t* head;
int n;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_PIPE && nde->out != ASE_NULL) ||
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_COPROC && nde->out != ASE_NULL) ||
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_FILE && nde->out != ASE_NULL) ||
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_FILE_APPEND && nde->out != ASE_NULL) ||
(nde->out_type == ASE_AWK_OUT_CONSOLE && nde->out == ASE_NULL));
if (nde->out != ASE_NULL)
ase_size_t len;
v = __eval_expression (run, nde->out);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
out = ase_awk_valtostr (
if (out == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (len <= 0)
/* the output destination name is empty. */
ase_awk_val_t* no;
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
no = ase_awk_makeintval (run, ASE_AWK_ENOENT);
if (no == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, no);
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ERRNO, no) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, no);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, no);
goto skip_write;
while (len > 0)
if (out[--len] == ASE_T('\0'))
/* the output destination name contains a null
* character. */
ase_awk_val_t* no;
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
no = ase_awk_makeintval (run, ASE_AWK_ENOENT);
if (no == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, no);
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, ASE_AWK_GLOBAL_ERRNO, no) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, no);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, no);
goto skip_write;
dst = (out == ASE_NULL)? ASE_T(""): out;
ASE_AWK_ASSERTX (run->awk, nde->args != ASE_NULL,
"a valid printf statement should have at least one argument. the parser must ensure this.");
if (nde->args->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GRP)
/* parenthesized print */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->args->next == ASE_NULL);
head = ((ase_awk_nde_grp_t*)nde->args)->body;
else head = nde->args;
ASE_AWK_ASSERTX (run->awk, head != ASE_NULL,
"a valid printf statement should have at least one argument. the parser must ensure this.");
v = __eval_expression (run, head);
if (v == ASE_NULL)
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
if (v->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
/* the remaining arguments are ignored as the format cannot
* contain any % characters */
n = ase_awk_writeextio_val (run, nde->out_type, dst, v);
if (n < 0 && run->errnum != ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
return -1;
/* perform the formatted output */
if (__formatted_output (
run, nde->out_type, dst,
head->next) == -1)
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (out != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, out);
return 0;
static int __formatted_output (
ase_awk_run_t* run, int out_type, const ase_char_t* dst,
const ase_char_t* fmt, ase_size_t fmt_len, ase_awk_nde_t* args)
ase_char_t* ptr;
ase_size_t len;
int n;
ptr = ase_awk_format (run,
ASE_NULL, ASE_NULL, fmt, fmt_len, 0, args, &len);
if (ptr == ASE_NULL) return -1;
n = ase_awk_writeextio_str (run, out_type, dst, ptr, len);
if (n < 0 && run->errnum != ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER) return -1;
return 0;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_expression (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* v;
int n, errnum;
v = __eval_expression0 (run, nde);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_REX)
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
if (run->inrec.d0->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
/* the record has never been read.
* probably, this functions has been triggered
* by the statements in the BEGIN block */
n = ase_awk_isemptyrex (run->awk, ((ase_awk_val_rex_t*)v)->code)? 1: 0;
ASE_AWK_ASSERTX (run->awk,
run->inrec.d0->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR,
"the internal value representing $0 should always be of the string type once it has been set/updated. it is nil initially.");
n = ase_awk_matchrex (
((((ase_awk_run_t*)run)->global.ignorecase)? ASE_AWK_REX_IGNORECASE: 0),
ASE_NULL, ASE_NULL, &errnum);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
PANIC (run, errnum);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
v = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (n != 0));
return v;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_expression0 (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
static eval_expr_t __eval_func[] =
/* the order of functions here should match the order
* of node types declared in tree.h */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->type >= ASE_AWK_NDE_GRP &&
(nde->type - ASE_AWK_NDE_GRP) < ASE_COUNTOF(__eval_func));
return __eval_func[nde->type-ASE_AWK_NDE_GRP] (run, nde);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_group (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
/* __eval_binop_in evaluates the ASE_AWK_NDE_GRP specially.
* so this function should never be reached. */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, !"should never happen - NDE_GRP only for in");
return ASE_NULL;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_assignment (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* val, * ret;
ase_awk_nde_ass_t* ass = (ase_awk_nde_ass_t*)nde;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ass->left != ASE_NULL);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ass->right != ASE_NULL);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ass->right->next == ASE_NULL);
val = __eval_expression (run, ass->right);
if (val == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
if (ass->opcode != ASE_AWK_ASSOP_NONE)
ase_awk_val_t* val2, * tmp;
static binop_func_t __binop_func[] =
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ass->left->next == ASE_NULL);
val2 = __eval_expression (run, ass->left);
if (val2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, val);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val2);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ass->opcode >= 0);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ass->opcode < ASE_COUNTOF(__binop_func));
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, __binop_func[ass->opcode] != ASE_NULL);
tmp = __binop_func[ass->opcode] (run, val2, val);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, val2);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, val);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, val2);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, val);
val = tmp;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
ret = __do_assignment (run, ass->left, val);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, val);
return ret;
static ase_awk_val_t* __do_assignment (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* var, ase_awk_val_t* val)
ase_awk_val_t* ret;
if (val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
/* a map cannot be assigned to a variable */
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBAL ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCAL ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARG)
ret = __do_assignment_scalar (run, (ase_awk_nde_var_t*)var, val);
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMEDIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBALIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARGIDX)
ret = __do_assignment_map (run, (ase_awk_nde_var_t*)var, val);
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_POS)
ret = __do_assignment_pos (run, (ase_awk_nde_pos_t*)var, val);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, !"should never happen - invalid variable type");
return ret;
static ase_awk_val_t* __do_assignment_scalar (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_var_t* var, ase_awk_val_t* val)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
(var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBAL ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCAL ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARG) && var->idx == ASE_NULL);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP);
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED)
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
int n;
pair = ase_awk_map_get (
&run->named, var->id.name, var->id.name_len);
if (pair != ASE_NULL &&
((ase_awk_val_t*)pair->val)->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
/* once a variable becomes an array,
* it cannot be changed to a scalar variable */
n = ase_awk_map_putx (&run->named,
var->id.name, var->id.name_len, val, ASE_NULL);
if (n < 0) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBAL)
if (ase_awk_setglobal (
run, var->id.idxa, val) == -1) return ASE_NULL;
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCAL)
ase_awk_val_t* old = STACK_LOCAL(run,var->id.idxa);
if (old->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
/* once the variable becomes an array,
* it cannot be changed to a scalar variable */
ase_awk_refdownval (run, old);
STACK_LOCAL(run,var->id.idxa) = val;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
else /* if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARG) */
ase_awk_val_t* old = STACK_ARG(run,var->id.idxa);
if (old->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
/* once the variable becomes an array,
* it cannot be changed to a scalar variable */
ase_awk_refdownval (run, old);
STACK_ARG(run,var->id.idxa) = val;
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
return val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __do_assignment_map (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_var_t* var, ase_awk_val_t* val)
ase_awk_val_map_t* map;
ase_char_t* str;
ase_size_t len;
int n;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
(var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMEDIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBALIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX ||
var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARGIDX) && var->idx != ASE_NULL);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP);
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMEDIDX)
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
pair = ase_awk_map_get (
&run->named, var->id.name, var->id.name_len);
map = (pair == ASE_NULL)?
map = (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBALIDX)?
(var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX)?
if (map->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
/* the map is not initialized yet */
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
tmp = ase_awk_makemapval (run);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMEDIDX)
/* doesn't have to decrease the reference count
* of the previous value here as it is done by
* ase_awk_map_put */
if (ase_awk_map_put (&run->named,
var->id.name, var->id.name_len, tmp) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBALIDX)
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
if (ase_awk_setglobal (run, var->id.idxa, tmp) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tmp);
else if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, (ase_awk_val_t*)map);
STACK_LOCAL(run,var->id.idxa) = tmp;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
else /* if (var->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARGIDX) */
ase_awk_refdownval (run, (ase_awk_val_t*)map);
STACK_ARG(run,var->id.idxa) = tmp;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tmp);
map = (ase_awk_val_map_t*) tmp;
else if (map->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
str = __idxnde_to_str (run, var->idx, &len);
if (str == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("**** index str=>%s, map->ref=%d, map->type=%d\n"), str, (int)map->ref, (int)map->type);*/
n = ase_awk_map_putx (map->map, str, len, val, ASE_NULL);
if (n < 0)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
ase_awk_refupval (run, val);
return val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __do_assignment_pos (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_pos_t* pos, ase_awk_val_t* val)
ase_awk_val_t* v;
ase_long_t lv;
ase_real_t rv;
ase_char_t* str;
ase_size_t len;
int n;
v = __eval_expression (run, pos->val);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, v, &lv, &rv);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (n == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EPOSIDX);
if (n == 1) lv = (ase_long_t)rv;
if (val->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
str = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)val)->buf;
len = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)val)->len;
str = ase_awk_valtostr (run, val, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &len);
if (str == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
n = ase_awk_setrec (run, (ase_size_t)lv, str, len);
if (val->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_STR) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
if (n == -1) return ASE_NULL;
return (lv == 0)? run->inrec.d0: run->inrec.flds[lv-1].val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binary (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
static binop_func_t __binop_func[] =
/* the order of the functions should be inline with
* the operator declaration in run.h */
ASE_NULL, /* __eval_binop_lor */
ASE_NULL, /* __eval_binop_land */
ASE_NULL, /* __eval_binop_in */
ASE_NULL, /* __eval_binop_ma */
ASE_NULL /* __eval_binop_nm */
ase_awk_nde_exp_t* exp = (ase_awk_nde_exp_t*)nde;
ase_awk_val_t* left, * right, * res;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_EXP_BIN);
if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_BINOP_LAND)
res = __eval_binop_land (run, exp->left, exp->right);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_BINOP_LOR)
res = __eval_binop_lor (run, exp->left, exp->right);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_BINOP_IN)
/* treat the in operator specially */
res = __eval_binop_in (run, exp->left, exp->right);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_BINOP_NM)
res = __eval_binop_nm (run, exp->left, exp->right);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_BINOP_MA)
res = __eval_binop_ma (run, exp->left, exp->right);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->left->next == ASE_NULL);
left = __eval_expression (run, exp->left);
if (left == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, left);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->right->next == ASE_NULL);
right = __eval_expression (run, exp->right);
if (right == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, right);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->opcode >= 0 &&
exp->opcode < ASE_COUNTOF(__binop_func));
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, __binop_func[exp->opcode] != ASE_NULL);
res = __binop_func[exp->opcode] (run, left, right);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, right);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_lor (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right)
ase_awk_val_t* res = ASE_NULL;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run,
ase_awk_valtobool(run left) || ase_awk_valtobool(run,right));
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
/* short-circuit evaluation required special treatment */
ase_awk_val_t* lv, * rv, * res;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, left->next == ASE_NULL);
lv = __eval_expression (run, left);
if (lv == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, lv);
if (ase_awk_valtobool (run, lv))
/*res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, 1);*/
res = ase_awk_val_one;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, right->next == ASE_NULL);
rv = __eval_expression (run, right);
if (rv == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, lv);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, rv);
/*res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (ase_awk_valtobool(run,rv)? 1: 0));*/
res = ase_awk_valtobool(run,rv)? ase_awk_val_one: ase_awk_val_zero;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, lv);
/*if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);*/
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_land (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right)
ase_awk_val_t* res = ASE_NULL;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run,
ase_awk_valtobool(run,left) && ase_awk_valtobool(run,right));
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
/* short-circuit evaluation required special treatment */
ase_awk_val_t* lv, * rv, * res;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, left->next == ASE_NULL);
lv = __eval_expression (run, left);
if (lv == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, lv);
if (!ase_awk_valtobool (run, lv))
/*res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, 0);*/
res = ase_awk_val_zero;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, right->next == ASE_NULL);
rv = __eval_expression (run, right);
if (rv == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, lv);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, rv);
/*res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (ase_awk_valtobool(run,rv)? 1: 0));*/
res = ase_awk_valtobool(run,rv)? ase_awk_val_one: ase_awk_val_zero;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, lv);
/*if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);*/
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_in (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right)
ase_awk_val_t* rv;
ase_char_t* str;
ase_size_t len;
if (right->type != ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBAL &&
right->type != ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCAL &&
right->type != ASE_AWK_NDE_ARG &&
right->type != ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED)
/* the compiler should have handled this case */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, !"should never happen - in needs a plain variable");
return ASE_NULL;
/* evaluate the left-hand side of the operator */
str = (left->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GRP)?
__idxnde_to_str (run, ((ase_awk_nde_grp_t*)left)->body, &len):
__idxnde_to_str (run, left, &len);
if (str == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
/* evaluate the right-hand side of the operator */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, right->next == ASE_NULL);
rv = __eval_expression (run, right);
if (rv == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, rv);
if (rv->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
return ase_awk_val_zero;
else if (rv->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
ase_awk_val_t* res;
ase_awk_map_t* map;
map = ((ase_awk_val_map_t*)rv)->map;
/*r = (ase_long_t)(ase_awk_map_get (map, str, len) != ASE_NULL);
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, r);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
res = (ase_awk_map_get (map, str, len) == ASE_NULL)?
ase_awk_val_zero: ase_awk_val_one;
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
return res;
/* need an array */
/* TODO: change the error code to make it clearer */
return ASE_NULL;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_bor (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 >= 0 && n3 <= 3);
res = (n3 == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1|(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 1)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)r1|(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 2)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1|(ase_long_t)r2):
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_bxor (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 >= 0 && n3 <= 3);
res = (n3 == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1^(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 1)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)r1^(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 2)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1^(ase_long_t)r2):
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_band (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 >= 0 && n3 <= 3);
res = (n3 == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1&(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 1)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)r1&(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 2)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1&(ase_long_t)r2):
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static int __cmp_nil_nil (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
return 0;
static int __cmp_nil_int (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)right)->val < 0) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)right)->val > 0) return -1;
return 0;
static int __cmp_nil_real (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)right)->val < 0) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)right)->val > 0) return -1;
return 0;
static int __cmp_nil_str (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
return (((ase_awk_val_str_t*)right)->len == 0)? 0: -1;
static int __cmp_int_nil (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val > 0) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val < 0) return -1;
return 0;
static int __cmp_int_int (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val >
((ase_awk_val_int_t*)right)->val) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val <
((ase_awk_val_int_t*)right)->val) return -1;
return 0;
static int __cmp_int_real (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val >
((ase_awk_val_real_t*)right)->val) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val <
((ase_awk_val_real_t*)right)->val) return -1;
return 0;
static int __cmp_int_str (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
ase_char_t* str;
ase_size_t len;
ase_long_t r;
ase_real_t rr;
int n;
r = ase_awk_strxtolong (run->awk,
((ase_awk_val_str_t*)right)->len, 0, (const ase_char_t**)&str);
if (str == ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)right)->buf +
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val > r) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val < r) return -1;
return 0;
/* TODO: should i do this??? conversion to real and comparision... */
else if (*str == ASE_T('.') || *str == ASE_T('E') || *str == ASE_T('e'))
rr = ase_awk_strxtoreal (run->awk,
(const ase_char_t**)&str);
if (str == ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)right)->buf +
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val > rr) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val < rr) return -1;
return 0;
str = ase_awk_valtostr (run, left, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &len);
if (str == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return CMP_ERROR;
if (run->global.ignorecase)
n = ase_awk_strxncasecmp (
run->awk, str, len,
n = ase_awk_strxncmp (
str, len,
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
return n;
static int __cmp_real_nil (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val > 0) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val < 0) return -1;
return 0;
static int __cmp_real_int (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val >
((ase_awk_val_int_t*)right)->val) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val <
((ase_awk_val_int_t*)right)->val) return -1;
return 0;
static int __cmp_real_real (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val >
((ase_awk_val_real_t*)right)->val) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val <
((ase_awk_val_real_t*)right)->val) return -1;
return 0;
static int __cmp_real_str (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
ase_char_t* str;
ase_size_t len;
ase_real_t rr;
int n;
rr = ase_awk_strxtoreal (run->awk,
(const ase_char_t**)&str);
if (str == ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)right)->buf +
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val > rr) return 1;
if (((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val < rr) return -1;
return 0;
str = ase_awk_valtostr (run, left, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &len);
if (str == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return CMP_ERROR;
if (run->global.ignorecase)
n = ase_awk_strxncasecmp (
run->awk, str, len,
n = ase_awk_strxncmp (
str, len,
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
return n;
static int __cmp_str_nil (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
return (((ase_awk_val_str_t*)left)->len == 0)? 0: 1;
static int __cmp_str_int (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
return -__cmp_int_str (run, right, left);
static int __cmp_str_real (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
return -__cmp_real_str (run, right, left);
static int __cmp_str_str (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n;
ase_awk_val_str_t* ls, * rs;
ls = (ase_awk_val_str_t*)left;
rs = (ase_awk_val_str_t*)right;
if (run->global.ignorecase)
n = ase_awk_strxncasecmp (run->awk,
ls->buf, ls->len, rs->buf, rs->len);
n = ase_awk_strxncmp (
ls->buf, ls->len, rs->buf, rs->len);
return n;
static int __cmp_val (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
typedef int (*cmp_val_t) (ase_awk_run_t*, ase_awk_val_t*, ase_awk_val_t*);
static cmp_val_t func[] =
/* this table must be synchronized with
* the ASE_AWK_VAL_XXX values in val.h */
__cmp_nil_nil, __cmp_nil_int, __cmp_nil_real, __cmp_nil_str,
__cmp_int_nil, __cmp_int_int, __cmp_int_real, __cmp_int_str,
__cmp_real_nil, __cmp_real_int, __cmp_real_real, __cmp_real_str,
__cmp_str_nil, __cmp_str_int, __cmp_str_real, __cmp_str_str,
if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP || right->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
/* a map can't be compared againt other values */
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EOPERAND;
return CMP_ERROR;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
left->type >= ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL &&
left->type <= ASE_AWK_VAL_STR);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
right->type >= ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL &&
right->type <= ASE_AWK_VAL_STR);
return func[left->type*4+right->type] (run, left, right);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_eq (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n = __cmp_val (run, left, right);
if (n == CMP_ERROR) return ASE_NULL;
return (n == 0)? ase_awk_val_one: ase_awk_val_zero;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_ne (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n = __cmp_val (run, left, right);
if (n == CMP_ERROR) return ASE_NULL;
return (n != 0)? ase_awk_val_one: ase_awk_val_zero;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_gt (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n = __cmp_val (run, left, right);
if (n == CMP_ERROR) return ASE_NULL;
return (n > 0)? ase_awk_val_one: ase_awk_val_zero;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_ge (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n = __cmp_val (run, left, right);
if (n == CMP_ERROR) return ASE_NULL;
return (n >= 0)? ase_awk_val_one: ase_awk_val_zero;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_lt (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n = __cmp_val (run, left, right);
if (n == CMP_ERROR) return ASE_NULL;
return (n < 0)? ase_awk_val_one: ase_awk_val_zero;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_le (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n = __cmp_val (run, left, right);
if (n == CMP_ERROR) return ASE_NULL;
return (n <= 0)? ase_awk_val_one: ase_awk_val_zero;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_lshift (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
if (n3 == 0)
res = ase_awk_makeintval (
run, (ase_long_t)l1<<(ase_long_t)l2);
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_rshift (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
if (n3 == 0)
res = ase_awk_makeintval (
run, (ase_long_t)l1>>(ase_long_t)l2);
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_plus (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n1 n2 n3
0 0 = 0
1 0 = 1
0 1 = 2
1 1 = 3
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 >= 0 && n3 <= 3);
res = (n3 == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1+(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 1)? ase_awk_makerealval(run,(ase_real_t)r1+(ase_real_t)l2):
(n3 == 2)? ase_awk_makerealval(run,(ase_real_t)l1+(ase_real_t)r2):
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_minus (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 >= 0 && n3 <= 3);
res = (n3 == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1-(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 1)? ase_awk_makerealval(run,(ase_real_t)r1-(ase_real_t)l2):
(n3 == 2)? ase_awk_makerealval(run,(ase_real_t)l1-(ase_real_t)r2):
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_mul (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 >= 0 && n3 <= 3);
res = (n3 == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval(run,(ase_long_t)l1*(ase_long_t)l2):
(n3 == 1)? ase_awk_makerealval(run,(ase_real_t)r1*(ase_real_t)l2):
(n3 == 2)? ase_awk_makerealval(run,(ase_real_t)l1*(ase_real_t)r2):
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_div (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
if (n3 == 0)
if (l2 == 0) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EDIVBYZERO);
if (((ase_long_t)l1 % (ase_long_t)l2) == 0)
res = ase_awk_makeintval (
run, (ase_long_t)l1 / (ase_long_t)l2);
res = ase_awk_makerealval (
run, (ase_real_t)l1 / (ase_real_t)l2);
else if (n3 == 1)
res = ase_awk_makerealval (
run, (ase_real_t)r1 / (ase_real_t)l2);
else if (n3 == 2)
res = ase_awk_makerealval (
run, (ase_real_t)l1 / (ase_real_t)r2);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 == 3);
res = ase_awk_makerealval (
run, (ase_real_t)r1 / (ase_real_t)r2);
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_idiv (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2, quo;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
if (n3 == 0)
if (l2 == 0) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EDIVBYZERO);
res = ase_awk_makeintval (
run, (ase_long_t)l1 / (ase_long_t)l2);
else if (n3 == 1)
quo = (ase_real_t)r1 / (ase_real_t)l2;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (ase_long_t)quo);
else if (n3 == 2)
quo = (ase_real_t)l1 / (ase_real_t)r2;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (ase_long_t)quo);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 == 3);
quo = (ase_real_t)r1 / (ase_real_t)r2;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (ase_long_t)quo);
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_mod (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
if (n3 == 0)
if (l2 == 0) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EDIVBYZERO);
res = ase_awk_makeintval (
run, (ase_long_t)l1 % (ase_long_t)l2);
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_exp (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
int n1, n2, n3;
ase_long_t l1, l2;
ase_real_t r1, r2;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
ASE_AWK_ASSERTX (run->awk, run->awk->sysfns.pow != ASE_NULL,
"the pow function should be provided when the awk object is created to make the exponentiation work properly.");
n1 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l1, &r1);
n2 = ase_awk_valtonum (run, right, &l2, &r2);
if (n1 == -1 || n2 == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EOPERAND);
n3 = n1 + (n2 << 1);
if (n3 == 0)
/* left - int, right - int */
if (l2 >= 0)
ase_long_t v = 1;
while (l2-- > 0) v *= l1;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, v);
else if (l1 == 0)
ase_real_t v = 1.0;
l2 *= -1;
while (l2-- > 0) v /= l1;
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v);
else if (n3 == 1)
/* left - real, right - int */
if (l2 >= 0)
ase_real_t v = 1.0;
while (l2-- > 0) v *= r1;
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v);
else if (r1 == 0.0)
ase_real_t v = 1.0;
l2 *= -1;
while (l2-- > 0) v /= r1;
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v);
else if (n3 == 2)
/* left - int, right - real */
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run,
/* left - real, right - real */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n3 == 3);
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run,
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_concat (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right)
ase_char_t* strl, * strr;
ase_size_t strl_len, strr_len;
ase_awk_val_t* res;
strl = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, left, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &strl_len);
if (strl == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
strr = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, right, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &strr_len);
if (strr == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, strl);
return ASE_NULL;
res = ase_awk_makestrval2 (run, strl, strl_len, strr, strr_len);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, strl);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, strr);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, strl);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, strr);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_ma (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right)
ase_awk_val_t* lv, * rv, * res;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, left->next == ASE_NULL);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, right->next == ASE_NULL);
lv = __eval_expression (run, left);
if (lv == ASE_NULL)
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, lv);
rv = __eval_expression0 (run, right);
if (rv == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, lv);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, rv);
res = __eval_binop_match0 (run, lv, rv, 1);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, lv);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_nm (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* left, ase_awk_nde_t* right)
ase_awk_val_t* lv, * rv, * res;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, left->next == ASE_NULL);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, right->next == ASE_NULL);
lv = __eval_expression (run, left);
if (lv == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, lv);
rv = __eval_expression0 (run, right);
if (rv == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, lv);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, rv);
res = __eval_binop_match0 (run, lv, rv, 0);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, lv);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, rv);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_binop_match0 (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_val_t* left, ase_awk_val_t* right, int ret)
ase_awk_val_t* res;
int n, errnum;
ase_char_t* str;
ase_size_t len;
void* rex_code;
if (right->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_REX)
rex_code = ((ase_awk_val_rex_t*)right)->code;
else if (right->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
rex_code = ase_awk_buildrex (
((ase_awk_val_str_t*)right)->len, &errnum);
if (rex_code == ASE_NULL)
PANIC (run, errnum);
str = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, right, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &len);
if (str == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
rex_code = ase_awk_buildrex (run->awk, str, len, &errnum);
if (rex_code == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
PANIC (run, errnum);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
n = ase_awk_matchrex (
run->awk, rex_code,
((run->global.ignorecase)? ASE_AWK_REX_IGNORECASE: 0),
ASE_NULL, ASE_NULL, &errnum);
if (n == -1)
if (right->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_REX)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, rex_code);
PANIC (run, errnum);
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (n == ret));
if (res == ASE_NULL)
if (right->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_REX)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, rex_code);
str = ase_awk_valtostr (
if (str == ASE_NULL)
if (right->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_REX)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, rex_code);
return ASE_NULL;
n = ase_awk_matchrex (
run->awk, rex_code,
((run->global.ignorecase)? ASE_AWK_REX_IGNORECASE: 0),
str, len, ASE_NULL, ASE_NULL, &errnum);
if (n == -1)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
if (right->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_REX)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, rex_code);
PANIC (run, errnum);
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, (n == ret));
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
if (right->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_REX)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, rex_code);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
if (right->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_REX) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, rex_code);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_unary (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* left, * res = ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_nde_exp_t* exp = (ase_awk_nde_exp_t*)nde;
int n;
ase_long_t l;
ase_real_t r;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_EXP_UNR);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
exp->left != ASE_NULL && exp->right == ASE_NULL);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_UNROP_PLUS ||
exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_UNROP_MINUS ||
exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_UNROP_NOT ||
exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_UNROP_BNOT);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->left->next == ASE_NULL);
left = __eval_expression (run, exp->left);
if (left == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, left);
if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_UNROP_MINUS)
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l, &r);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return ASE_NULL;
res = (n == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval (run, -l):
ase_awk_makerealval (run, -r);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_UNROP_NOT)
if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
res = ase_awk_makeintval (
run, !(((ase_awk_val_str_t*)left)->len > 0));
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l, &r);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return ASE_NULL;
res = (n == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval (run, !l):
ase_awk_makerealval (run, !r);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_UNROP_BNOT)
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l, &r);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return ASE_NULL;
if (n == 1) l = (ase_long_t)r;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, ~l);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_UNROP_PLUS)
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &l, &r);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return ASE_NULL;
res = (n == 0)? ase_awk_makeintval (run, l):
ase_awk_makerealval (run, r);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_incpre (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* left, * res;
ase_awk_nde_exp_t* exp = (ase_awk_nde_exp_t*)nde;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_EXP_INCPRE);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->left != ASE_NULL && exp->right == ASE_NULL);
/* this way of checking if the l-value is assignable is
* ugly as it is dependent of the values defined in tree.h.
* but let's keep going this way for the time being. */
if (exp->left->type < ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED ||
exp->left->type > ASE_AWK_NDE_ARGIDX)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->left->next == ASE_NULL);
left = __eval_expression (run, exp->left);
if (left == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, left);
if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_INCOP_PLUS)
if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_INT)
ase_long_t r = ((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, r + 1);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
else if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_REAL)
ase_real_t r = ((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val;
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, r + 1.0);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_long_t v1;
ase_real_t v2;
int n;
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &v1, &v2);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
if (n == 0)
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, v1 + 1);
else /* if (n == 1) */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n == 1);
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v2 + 1.0);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_INCOP_MINUS)
if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_INT)
ase_long_t r = ((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, r - 1);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
else if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_REAL)
ase_real_t r = ((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val;
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, r - 1.0);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_long_t v1;
ase_real_t v2;
int n;
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &v1, &v2);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
if (n == 0)
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, v1 - 1);
else /* if (n == 1) */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n == 1);
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v2 - 1.0);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, !"should never happen - invalid opcode");
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
if (__do_assignment (run, exp->left, res) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_incpst (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* left, * res, * res2;
ase_awk_nde_exp_t* exp = (ase_awk_nde_exp_t*)nde;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_EXP_INCPST);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->left != ASE_NULL && exp->right == ASE_NULL);
/* this way of checking if the l-value is assignable is
* ugly as it is dependent of the values defined in tree.h.
* but let's keep going this way for the time being. */
if (exp->left->type < ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED ||
exp->left->type > ASE_AWK_NDE_ARGIDX)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, exp->left->next == ASE_NULL);
left = __eval_expression (run, exp->left);
if (left == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, left);
if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_INCOP_PLUS)
if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_INT)
ase_long_t r = ((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, r);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
res2 = ase_awk_makeintval (run, r + 1);
if (res2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_freeval (run, res, ase_true);
else if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_REAL)
ase_real_t r = ((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val;
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, r);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
res2 = ase_awk_makerealval (run, r + 1.0);
if (res2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_freeval (run, res, ase_true);
ase_long_t v1;
ase_real_t v2;
int n;
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &v1, &v2);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
if (n == 0)
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, v1);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
res2 = ase_awk_makeintval (run, v1 + 1);
if (res2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_freeval (run, res, ase_true);
else /* if (n == 1) */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n == 1);
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v2);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
res2 = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v2 + 1.0);
if (res2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_freeval (run, res, ase_true);
else if (exp->opcode == ASE_AWK_INCOP_MINUS)
if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_INT)
ase_long_t r = ((ase_awk_val_int_t*)left)->val;
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, r);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
res2 = ase_awk_makeintval (run, r - 1);
if (res2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_freeval (run, res, ase_true);
else if (left->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_REAL)
ase_real_t r = ((ase_awk_val_real_t*)left)->val;
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, r);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
res2 = ase_awk_makerealval (run, r - 1.0);
if (res2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_freeval (run, res, ase_true);
ase_long_t v1;
ase_real_t v2;
int n;
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, left, &v1, &v2);
if (n == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
if (n == 0)
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, v1);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
res2 = ase_awk_makeintval (run, v1 - 1);
if (res2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_freeval (run, res, ase_true);
else /* if (n == 1) */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, n == 1);
res = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v2);
if (res == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
res2 = ase_awk_makerealval (run, v2 - 1.0);
if (res2 == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
ase_awk_freeval (run, res, ase_true);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, !"should never happen - invalid opcode");
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
if (__do_assignment (run, exp->left, res2) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, left);
return res;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_cnd (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* tv, * v;
ase_awk_nde_cnd_t* cnd = (ase_awk_nde_cnd_t*)nde;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, cnd->test->next == ASE_NULL);
tv = __eval_expression (run, cnd->test);
if (tv == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, tv);
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, cnd->left->next == ASE_NULL &&
cnd->right->next == ASE_NULL);
v = (ase_awk_valtobool (run, tv))?
__eval_expression (run, cnd->left):
__eval_expression (run, cnd->right);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, tv);
return v;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_bfn (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_nde_call_t* call = (ase_awk_nde_call_t*)nde;
/* built-in function */
if (call->nargs < call->what.bfn.arg.min)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ETOOFEWARGS;
return ASE_NULL;
if (call->nargs > call->what.bfn.arg.max)
return ASE_NULL;
return __eval_call (run, nde, call->what.bfn.arg.spec, ASE_NULL);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_afn (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_nde_call_t* call = (ase_awk_nde_call_t*)nde;
ase_awk_afn_t* afn;
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
pair = ase_awk_map_get (&run->awk->tree.afns,
call->what.afn.name.ptr, call->what.afn.name.len);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOSUCHFN;
return ASE_NULL;
afn = (ase_awk_afn_t*)pair->val;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, afn != ASE_NULL);
if (call->nargs > afn->nargs)
/* TODO: is this correct? what if i want to
* allow arbitarary numbers of arguments? */
return ASE_NULL;
return __eval_call (run, nde, ASE_NULL, afn);
/* run->stack_base has not been set for this
* stack frame. so STACK_ARG cannot be used */
/*ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_ARG(run,nargs));*/
#define UNWIND_RUN_STACK(run,nargs) \
do { \
while ((nargs) > 0) \
{ \
--(nargs); \
ase_awk_refdownval ((run), \
(run)->stack[(run)->stack_top-1]); \
__raw_pop (run); \
} \
__raw_pop (run); /* nargs */ \
__raw_pop (run); /* return */ \
__raw_pop (run); /* prev stack top */ \
__raw_pop (run); /* prev stack back */ \
} while (0)
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_call (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde,
const ase_char_t* bfn_arg_spec, ase_awk_afn_t* afn)
ase_awk_nde_call_t* call = (ase_awk_nde_call_t*)nde;
ase_size_t saved_stack_top;
ase_size_t nargs, i;
ase_awk_nde_t* p;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
int n;
* ---------------------
* localn <- stack top
* ---------------------
* ....
* ---------------------
* local0 local variables are pushed by __run_block
* =====================
* argn
* ---------------------
* ....
* ---------------------
* arg1
* ---------------------
* arg0
* ---------------------
* nargs
* ---------------------
* return value
* ---------------------
* previous stack top
* ---------------------
* previous stack base <- stack base
* =====================
* 0 (nargs) <- stack top
* ---------------------
* return value
* ---------------------
* previous stack top
* ---------------------
* previous stack base <- stack base
* =====================
* globaln
* ---------------------
* ....
* ---------------------
* global0
* ---------------------
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ASE_SIZEOF(void*) >= ASE_SIZEOF(run->stack_top));
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ASE_SIZEOF(void*) >= ASE_SIZEOF(run->stack_base));
saved_stack_top = run->stack_top;
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("setting up function stack frame stack_top = %ld stack_base = %ld\n"), run->stack_top, run->stack_base); */
if (__raw_push(run,(void*)run->stack_base) == -1)
if (__raw_push(run,(void*)saved_stack_top) == -1)
__raw_pop (run);
/* secure space for a return value. */
if (__raw_push(run,ase_awk_val_nil) == -1)
__raw_pop (run);
__raw_pop (run);
/* secure space for nargs */
if (__raw_push(run,ase_awk_val_nil) == -1)
__raw_pop (run);
__raw_pop (run);
__raw_pop (run);
nargs = 0; p = call->args;
while (p != ASE_NULL)
for (p = call->args, nargs = 0; p != ASE_NULL; p = p->next, nargs++)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
bfn_arg_spec == ASE_NULL ||
(bfn_arg_spec != ASE_NULL &&
ase_awk_strlen(bfn_arg_spec) > nargs));
if (bfn_arg_spec != ASE_NULL &&
bfn_arg_spec[nargs] == ASE_T('r'))
ase_awk_val_t** ref;
if (__get_reference (run, p, &ref) == -1)
UNWIND_RUN_STACK (run, nargs);
return ASE_NULL;
/* p->type-ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED assumes that the
* derived value matches ASE_AWK_VAL_REF_XXX */
v = ase_awk_makerefval (
run, p->type-ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED, ref);
else if (bfn_arg_spec != ASE_NULL &&
bfn_arg_spec[nargs] == ASE_T('x'))
/* a regular expression is passed to
* the function as it is */
v = __eval_expression0 (run, p);
v = __eval_expression (run, p);
if (v == ASE_NULL)
UNWIND_RUN_STACK (run, nargs);
return ASE_NULL;
if (__raw_push(run,v) == -1)
/* ugly - v needs to be freed if it doesn't have
* any reference. but its reference has not been
* updated yet as it is carried out after the
* successful stack push. so it adds up a reference
* and dereferences it */
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
UNWIND_RUN_STACK (run, nargs);
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
/*nargs++; p = p->next;*/
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nargs == call->nargs);
if (afn != ASE_NULL)
/* extra step for normal awk functions */
while (nargs < afn->nargs)
/* push as many nils as the number of missing actual arguments */
if (__raw_push(run,ase_awk_val_nil) == -1)
UNWIND_RUN_STACK (run, nargs);
run->stack_base = saved_stack_top;
STACK_NARGS(run) = (void*)nargs;
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("running function body\n")); */
if (afn != ASE_NULL)
/* normal awk function */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, afn->body->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_BLK);
n = __run_block(run,(ase_awk_nde_blk_t*)afn->body);
n = 0;
/* built-in function */
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk,
call->nargs >= call->what.bfn.arg.min &&
call->nargs <= call->what.bfn.arg.max);
if (call->what.bfn.handler != ASE_NULL)
n = call->what.bfn.handler (
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("block run complete\n")); */
/* refdown args in the run.stack */
nargs = (ase_size_t)STACK_NARGS(run);
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("block run complete nargs = %d\n"), (int)nargs); */
for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, STACK_ARG(run,i));
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("got return value\n")); */
/* this trick has been mentioned in __run_return.
* adjust the reference count of the return value.
* the value must not be freed even if the reference count
* is decremented to zero because its reference has been incremented
* in __run_return regardless of its reference count. */
v = STACK_RETVAL(run);
ase_awk_refdownval_nofree (run, v);
run->stack_top = (ase_size_t)run->stack[run->stack_base+1];
run->stack_base = (ase_size_t)run->stack[run->stack_base+0];
if (run->exit_level == EXIT_FUNCTION) run->exit_level = EXIT_NONE;
/*run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("returning from function stack_top=%ld, stack_base=%ld\n"), run->stack_top, run->stack_base); */
return (n == -1)? ASE_NULL: v;
static int __get_reference (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde, ase_awk_val_t*** ref)
ase_awk_nde_var_t* tgt = (ase_awk_nde_var_t*)nde;
ase_awk_val_t** tmp;
/* refer to __eval_indexed for application of a similar concept */
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMED)
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
pair = ase_awk_map_get (
&run->named, tgt->id.name, tgt->id.name_len);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
/* it is bad that the named variable has to be
* created in the function named "__get_refernce".
* would there be any better ways to avoid this? */
pair = ase_awk_map_put (
&run->named, tgt->id.name,
tgt->id.name_len, ase_awk_val_nil);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
*ref = (ase_awk_val_t**)&pair->val;
return 0;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBAL)
*ref = (ase_awk_val_t**)&STACK_GLOBAL(run,tgt->id.idxa);
return 0;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCAL)
*ref = (ase_awk_val_t**)&STACK_LOCAL(run,tgt->id.idxa);
return 0;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARG)
*ref = (ase_awk_val_t**)&STACK_ARG(run,tgt->id.idxa);
return 0;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_NAMEDIDX)
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
pair = ase_awk_map_get (
&run->named, tgt->id.name, tgt->id.name_len);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
pair = ase_awk_map_put (
&run->named, tgt->id.name,
tgt->id.name_len, ase_awk_val_nil);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
tmp = __get_reference_indexed (
run, tgt, (ase_awk_val_t**)&pair->val);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) return -1;
*ref = tmp;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_GLOBALIDX)
tmp = __get_reference_indexed (run, tgt,
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) return -1;
*ref = tmp;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_LOCALIDX)
tmp = __get_reference_indexed (run, tgt,
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) return -1;
*ref = tmp;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_ARGIDX)
tmp = __get_reference_indexed (run, tgt,
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) return -1;
*ref = tmp;
if (nde->type == ASE_AWK_NDE_POS)
int n;
ase_long_t lv;
ase_real_t rv;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
/* the position number is returned for the positional
* variable unlike other reference types. */
v = __eval_expression (run, ((ase_awk_nde_pos_t*)nde)->val);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, v, &lv, &rv);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (n == -1)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EPOSIDX;
return -1;
if (n == 1) lv = (ase_long_t)rv;
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EPOSIDX;
return -1;
*ref = (ase_awk_val_t**)((ase_size_t)lv);
return 0;
return -1;
static ase_awk_val_t** __get_reference_indexed (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_var_t* nde, ase_awk_val_t** val)
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
ase_char_t* str;
ase_size_t len;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, val != ASE_NULL);
if ((*val)->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
tmp = ase_awk_makemapval (run);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, *val);
*val = tmp;
ase_awk_refupval (run, (ase_awk_val_t*)*val);
else if ((*val)->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->idx != ASE_NULL);
str = __idxnde_to_str (run, nde->idx, &len);
if (str == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
pair = ase_awk_map_get ((*(ase_awk_val_map_t**)val)->map, str, len);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
pair = ase_awk_map_put (
str, len, ase_awk_val_nil);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
ase_awk_refupval (run, pair->val);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
return (ase_awk_val_t**)&pair->val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_int (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* val;
val = ase_awk_makeintval (run, ((ase_awk_nde_int_t*)nde)->val);
if (val == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
((ase_awk_val_int_t*)val)->nde = (ase_awk_nde_int_t*)nde;
return val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_real (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* val;
val = ase_awk_makerealval (run, ((ase_awk_nde_real_t*)nde)->val);
if (val == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
((ase_awk_val_real_t*)val)->nde = (ase_awk_nde_real_t*)nde;
return val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_str (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* val;
val = ase_awk_makestrval (run,
if (val == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_rex (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_val_t* val;
val = ase_awk_makerexval (run,
if (val == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_named (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
pair = ase_awk_map_get (&run->named,
return (pair == ASE_NULL)? ase_awk_val_nil: pair->val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_global (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
return STACK_GLOBAL(run,((ase_awk_nde_var_t*)nde)->id.idxa);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_local (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
return STACK_LOCAL(run,((ase_awk_nde_var_t*)nde)->id.idxa);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_arg (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
return STACK_ARG(run,((ase_awk_nde_var_t*)nde)->id.idxa);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_indexed (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_var_t* nde, ase_awk_val_t** val)
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
ase_char_t* str;
ase_size_t len;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, val != ASE_NULL);
if ((*val)->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
ase_awk_val_t* tmp;
tmp = ase_awk_makemapval (run);
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, *val);
*val = tmp;
ase_awk_refupval (run, (ase_awk_val_t*)*val);
else if ((*val)->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_MAP)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde->idx != ASE_NULL);
str = __idxnde_to_str (run, nde->idx, &len);
if (str == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
pair = ase_awk_map_get ((*(ase_awk_val_map_t**)val)->map, str, len);
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str);
return (pair == ASE_NULL)? ase_awk_val_nil: (ase_awk_val_t*)pair->val;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_namedidx (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_nde_var_t* tgt = (ase_awk_nde_var_t*)nde;
ase_awk_pair_t* pair;
pair = ase_awk_map_get (&run->named, tgt->id.name, tgt->id.name_len);
if (pair == ASE_NULL)
pair = ase_awk_map_put (&run->named,
tgt->id.name, tgt->id.name_len, ase_awk_val_nil);
if (pair == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
ase_awk_refupval (run, pair->val);
return __eval_indexed (run, tgt, (ase_awk_val_t**)&pair->val);
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_globalidx (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
return __eval_indexed (run, (ase_awk_nde_var_t*)nde,
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_localidx (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
return __eval_indexed (run, (ase_awk_nde_var_t*)nde,
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_argidx (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
return __eval_indexed (run, (ase_awk_nde_var_t*)nde,
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_pos (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_nde_pos_t* pos = (ase_awk_nde_pos_t*)nde;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
ase_long_t lv;
ase_real_t rv;
int n;
v = __eval_expression (run, pos->val);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, v, &lv, &rv);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (n == -1) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EPOSIDX);
if (n == 1) lv = (ase_long_t)rv;
if (lv < 0) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_EPOSIDX);
if (lv == 0) v = run->inrec.d0;
else if (lv > 0 && lv <= run->inrec.nflds)
v = run->inrec.flds[lv-1].val;
else v = ase_awk_val_zls; /*ase_awk_val_nil;*/
return v;
static ase_awk_val_t* __eval_getline (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde)
ase_awk_nde_getline_t* p;
ase_awk_val_t* v, * res;
ase_char_t* in = ASE_NULL;
const ase_char_t* dst;
ase_awk_str_t buf;
int n;
p = (ase_awk_nde_getline_t*)nde;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, (p->in_type == ASE_AWK_IN_PIPE && p->in != ASE_NULL) ||
(p->in_type == ASE_AWK_IN_COPROC && p->in != ASE_NULL) ||
(p->in_type == ASE_AWK_IN_FILE && p->in != ASE_NULL) ||
(p->in_type == ASE_AWK_IN_CONSOLE && p->in == ASE_NULL));
if (p->in != ASE_NULL)
ase_size_t len;
v = __eval_expression (run, p->in);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
/* TODO: distinction between v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR
* and v->type != ASE_AWK_VAL_STR
* if you use the buffer the v directly when
* v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR, ase_awk_refdownval(v)
* should not be called immediately below */
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
in = ase_awk_valtostr (
if (in == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (len <= 0)
/* the input source name is empty.
* make getline return -1 */
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, in);
n = -1;
goto skip_read;
while (len > 0)
if (in[--len] == ASE_T('\0'))
/* the input source name contains a null
* character. make getline return -1 */
/* TODO: set ERRNO */
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, in);
n = -1;
goto skip_read;
dst = (in == ASE_NULL)? ASE_T(""): in;
/* TODO: optimize the line buffer management */
if (ase_awk_str_open (&buf, DEF_BUF_CAPA, run->awk) == ASE_NULL)
if (in != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, in);
n = ase_awk_readextio (run, p->in_type, dst, &buf);
if (in != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, in);
if (n < 0)
if (run->errnum != ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER)
ase_awk_str_close (&buf);
return ASE_NULL;
/* if run->errnum == ASE_AWK_EIOHANDLER,
* make getline return -1 */
n = -1;
if (n > 0)
if (p->var == ASE_NULL)
/* set $0 with the input value */
if (ase_awk_setrec (run, 0,
ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(&buf)) == -1)
ase_awk_str_close (&buf);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_str_close (&buf);
ase_awk_val_t* v;
v = ase_awk_makestrval (
run, ASE_AWK_STR_BUF(&buf), ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(&buf));
ase_awk_str_close (&buf);
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
if (__do_assignment(run, p->var, v) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
ase_awk_str_close (&buf);
res = ase_awk_makeintval (run, n);
if (res == ASE_NULL) PANIC (run, ASE_AWK_ENOMEM);
return res;
static int __raw_push (ase_awk_run_t* run, void* val)
if (run->stack_top >= run->stack_limit)
void** tmp;
ase_size_t n;
n = run->stack_limit + STACK_INCREMENT;
if (run->awk->sysfns.realloc != ASE_NULL)
tmp = (void**) ASE_AWK_REALLOC (
run->awk, run->stack, n * ASE_SIZEOF(void*));
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) return -1;
tmp = (void**) ASE_AWK_MALLOC (
run->awk, n * ASE_SIZEOF(void*));
if (tmp == ASE_NULL) return -1;
if (run->stack != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_MEMCPY (run->awk, tmp, run->stack,
run->stack_limit * ASE_SIZEOF(void*));
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, run->stack);
run->stack = tmp;
run->stack_limit = n;
run->stack[run->stack_top++] = val;
return 0;
static void __raw_pop_times (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_size_t times)
while (times > 0)
__raw_pop (run);
static int __read_record (ase_awk_run_t* run)
ase_ssize_t n;
if (ase_awk_clrrec (run, ase_false) == -1) return -1;
n = ase_awk_readextio (
run, ASE_AWK_IN_CONSOLE, ASE_T(""), &run->inrec.line);
if (n < 0)
int errnum = run->errnum;
ase_awk_clrrec (run, ase_false);
run->errnum =
return -1;
run->awk->sysfns.dprintf (ASE_T("len = %d str=[%s]\n"),
if (n == 0)
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(&run->inrec.line) == 0);
return 0;
if (ase_awk_setrec (run, 0,
ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(&run->inrec.line)) == -1) return -1;
return 1;
static int __shorten_record (ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_size_t nflds)
ase_awk_val_t* v;
ase_char_t* ofs_free = ASE_NULL, * ofs;
ase_size_t ofs_len, i;
ase_awk_str_t tmp;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nflds <= run->inrec.nflds);
if (nflds > 1)
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
/* OFS not set */
ofs = ASE_T(" ");
ofs_len = 1;
else if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
ofs = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)v)->buf;
ofs_len = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)v)->len;
ofs = ase_awk_valtostr (
run, v, ASE_AWK_VALTOSTR_CLEAR, ASE_NULL, &ofs_len);
if (ofs == ASE_NULL) return -1;
ofs_free = ofs;
if (ase_awk_str_open (&tmp,
ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(&run->inrec.line), run->awk) == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < nflds; i++)
if (i > 0 && ase_awk_str_ncat (&tmp, ofs, ofs_len) == (ase_size_t)-1)
if (ofs_free != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, ofs_free);
if (nflds > 1) ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (ase_awk_str_ncat (&tmp,
run->inrec.flds[i].len) == (ase_size_t)-1)
if (ofs_free != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, ofs_free);
if (nflds > 1) ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (ofs_free != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, ofs_free);
if (nflds > 1) ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
v = (ase_awk_val_t*) ase_awk_makestrval (
run, ASE_AWK_STR_BUF(&tmp), ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(&tmp));
if (v == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return -1;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, run->inrec.d0);
run->inrec.d0 = v;
ase_awk_refupval (run, run->inrec.d0);
ase_awk_str_swap (&tmp, &run->inrec.line);
ase_awk_str_close (&tmp);
for (i = nflds; i < run->inrec.nflds; i++)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, run->inrec.flds[i].val);
run->inrec.nflds = nflds;
return 0;
static ase_char_t* __idxnde_to_str (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_nde_t* nde, ase_size_t* len)
ase_char_t* str;
ase_awk_val_t* idx;
ASE_AWK_ASSERT (run->awk, nde != ASE_NULL);
if (nde->next == ASE_NULL)
/* single node index */
idx = __eval_expression (run, nde);
if (idx == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, idx);
str = ase_awk_valtostr (
if (str == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, idx);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, idx);
/* multidimensional index */
ase_awk_str_t idxstr;
if (ase_awk_str_open (
&idxstr, DEF_BUF_CAPA, run->awk) == ASE_NULL)
while (nde != ASE_NULL)
idx = __eval_expression (run, nde);
if (idx == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_str_close (&idxstr);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, idx);
if (ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(&idxstr) > 0 &&
ase_awk_str_ncat (&idxstr,
run->global.subsep.len) == (ase_size_t)-1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, idx);
ase_awk_str_close (&idxstr);
if (ase_awk_valtostr (
run, idx, 0, &idxstr, ASE_NULL) == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, idx);
ase_awk_str_close (&idxstr);
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, idx);
nde = nde->next;
str = ASE_AWK_STR_BUF(&idxstr);
*len = ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(&idxstr);
ase_awk_str_forfeit (&idxstr);
return str;
ase_char_t* ase_awk_format (
ase_awk_run_t* run, ase_awk_str_t* out, ase_awk_str_t* fbu,
const ase_char_t* fmt, ase_size_t fmt_len,
ase_size_t nargs_on_stack, ase_awk_nde_t* args, ase_size_t* len)
ase_size_t i, j;
ase_size_t stack_arg_idx = 1;
ase_awk_val_t* val;
#define OUT_CHAR(c) \
do { \
if (ase_awk_str_ccat (out, (c)) == -1) \
{ \
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM; \
return ASE_NULL; \
} \
} while (0)
#define FMT_CHAR(c) \
do { \
if (ase_awk_str_ccat (fbu, (c)) == -1) \
{ \
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM; \
return ASE_NULL; \
} \
} while (0)
#define GROW(buf) \
do { \
if ((buf)->ptr != ASE_NULL) \
{ \
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, (buf)->ptr); \
(buf)->ptr = ASE_NULL; \
} \
(buf)->len += (buf)->inc; \
(buf)->ptr = (ase_char_t*)ASE_AWK_MALLOC ( \
run->awk, (buf)->len * ASE_SIZEOF(ase_char_t)); \
if ((buf)->ptr == ASE_NULL) (buf)->len = 0; \
} while (0)
ASE_AWK_ASSERTX (run->awk, run->format.tmp.ptr != ASE_NULL,
"run->format.tmp.ptr should have been assigned a pointer to a block of memory before this function has been called");
if (nargs_on_stack == (ase_size_t)-1)
val = (ase_awk_val_t*)args;
nargs_on_stack = 2;
val = ASE_NULL;
if (out == ASE_NULL) out = &run->format.out;
if (fbu == ASE_NULL) fbu = &run->format.fmt;
ase_awk_str_clear (out);
ase_awk_str_clear (fbu);
for (i = 0; i < fmt_len; i++)
ase_long_t width = -1, prec = -1;
ase_bool_t minus = ase_false;
if (ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(fbu) == 0)
if (fmt[i] == ASE_T('%')) FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]);
else OUT_CHAR (fmt[i]);
while (i < fmt_len &&
(fmt[i] == ASE_T(' ') || fmt[i] == ASE_T('#') ||
fmt[i] == ASE_T('0') || fmt[i] == ASE_T('+') ||
fmt[i] == ASE_T('-')))
if (fmt[i] == ASE_T('-')) minus = ase_true;
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]); i++;
if (i < fmt_len && fmt[i] == ASE_T('*'))
ase_awk_val_t* v;
ase_real_t r;
ase_char_t* p;
int n;
if (args == ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = ase_awk_getarg (run, stack_arg_idx);
if (val != ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = val;
v = __eval_expression (run, args);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, v, &width, &r);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (n == -1) return ASE_NULL;
if (n == 1) width = (ase_long_t)r;
n = run->awk->sysfns.sprintf (
ASE_T("%lld"), (long long)width
#elif ASE_SIZEOF___INT64 > 0
ASE_T("%I64d"), (__int64)width
ASE_T("%ld"), (long)width
#elif ASE_SIZEOF_INT > 0
ASE_T("%d"), (int)width
if (n == -1)
GROW (&run->format.tmp);
if (run->format.tmp.ptr == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
while (1);
p = run->format.tmp.ptr;
while (*p != ASE_T('\0'))
FMT_CHAR (*p);
if (args == ASE_NULL || val != ASE_NULL) stack_arg_idx++;
else args = args->next;
if (i < fmt_len && ASE_AWK_ISDIGIT(run->awk, fmt[i]))
width = 0;
width = width * 10 + fmt[i] - ASE_T('0');
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]); i++;
while (i < fmt_len && ASE_AWK_ISDIGIT(run->awk, fmt[i]));
if (i < fmt_len && fmt[i] == ASE_T('.'))
prec = 0;
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]); i++;
if (i < fmt_len && fmt[i] == ASE_T('*'))
ase_awk_val_t* v;
ase_real_t r;
ase_char_t* p;
int n;
if (args == ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = ase_awk_getarg (run, stack_arg_idx);
if (val != ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = val;
v = __eval_expression (run, args);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, v, &prec, &r);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (n == -1) return ASE_NULL;
if (n == 1) prec = (ase_long_t)r;
n = run->awk->sysfns.sprintf (
ASE_T("%lld"), (long long)prec
#elif ASE_SIZEOF___INT64 > 0
ASE_T("%I64d"), (__int64)prec
ASE_T("%ld"), (long)prec
#elif ASE_SIZEOF_INT > 0
ASE_T("%d"), (int)prec
if (n == -1)
GROW (&run->format.tmp);
if (run->format.tmp.ptr == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
while (1);
p = run->format.tmp.ptr;
while (*p != ASE_T('\0'))
FMT_CHAR (*p);
if (args == ASE_NULL || val != ASE_NULL) stack_arg_idx++;
else args = args->next;
if (i < fmt_len && ASE_AWK_ISDIGIT(run->awk, fmt[i]))
prec = 0;
prec = prec * 10 + fmt[i] - ASE_T('0');
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]); i++;
while (i < fmt_len && ASE_AWK_ISDIGIT(run->awk, fmt[i]));
if (i >= fmt_len) break;
if (fmt[i] == ASE_T('d') || fmt[i] == ASE_T('i') ||
fmt[i] == ASE_T('x') || fmt[i] == ASE_T('X') ||
fmt[i] == ASE_T('o'))
ase_awk_val_t* v;
ase_long_t l;
ase_real_t r;
ase_char_t* p;
int n;
FMT_CHAR (ASE_T('l'));
FMT_CHAR (ASE_T('l'));
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]);
#elif ASE_SIZEOF___INT64 > 0
FMT_CHAR (ASE_T('6'));
FMT_CHAR (ASE_T('4'));
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]);
FMT_CHAR (ASE_T('l'));
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]);
#elif ASE_SIZEOF_INT > 0
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]);
#error unsupported integer size
if (args == ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = ase_awk_getarg (run, stack_arg_idx);
if (val != ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = val;
v = __eval_expression (run, args);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, v, &l, &r);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (n == -1) return ASE_NULL;
if (n == 1) l = (ase_long_t)r;
n = run->awk->sysfns.sprintf (
(long long)l
#elif ASE_SIZEOF___INT64 > 0
#elif ASE_SIZEOF_INT > 0
if (n == -1)
GROW (&run->format.tmp);
if (run->format.tmp.ptr == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
while (1);
p = run->format.tmp.ptr;
while (*p != ASE_T('\0'))
OUT_CHAR (*p);
else if (fmt[i] == ASE_T('e') || fmt[i] == ASE_T('E') ||
fmt[i] == ASE_T('g') || fmt[i] == ASE_T('G') ||
fmt[i] == ASE_T('f'))
ase_awk_val_t* v;
ase_long_t l;
ase_real_t r;
ase_char_t* p;
int n;
FMT_CHAR (fmt[i]);
if (args == ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = ase_awk_getarg (run, stack_arg_idx);
if (val != ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = val;
v = __eval_expression (run, args);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
n = ase_awk_valtonum (run, v, &l, &r);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
if (n == -1) return ASE_NULL;
if (n == 0) r = (ase_real_t)l;
n = run->awk->sysfns.sprintf (
(long double)r);
if (n == -1)
GROW (&run->format.tmp);
if (run->format.tmp.ptr == ASE_NULL)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
while (1);
p = run->format.tmp.ptr;
while (*p != ASE_T('\0'))
OUT_CHAR (*p);
else if (fmt[i] == ASE_T('c'))
ase_char_t ch;
ase_size_t ch_len;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
if (args == ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = ase_awk_getarg (run, stack_arg_idx);
if (val != ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = val;
v = __eval_expression (run, args);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
ch = ASE_T('\0');
ch_len = 0;
else if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_INT)
ch = (ase_char_t)((ase_awk_val_int_t*)v)->val;
ch_len = 1;
else if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_REAL)
ch = (ase_char_t)((ase_awk_val_real_t*)v)->val;
ch_len = 1;
else if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
ch_len = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)v)->len;
if (ch_len > 0)
ch = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)v)->buf[0];
ch_len = 1;
else ch = ASE_T('\0');
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EVALTYPE;
return ASE_NULL;
if (prec == -1 || prec == 0 || prec > ch_len) prec = ch_len;
if (prec > width) width = prec;
if (!minus)
while (width > prec)
if (ase_awk_str_ccat (out, ASE_T(' ')) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
if (prec > 0)
if (ase_awk_str_ccat (out, ch) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
if (minus)
while (width > prec)
if (ase_awk_str_ccat (out, ASE_T(' ')) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
else if (fmt[i] == ASE_T('s'))
ase_char_t* str, * str_free = ASE_NULL;
ase_size_t str_len, k;
ase_awk_val_t* v;
if (args == ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = ase_awk_getarg (run, stack_arg_idx);
if (val != ASE_NULL)
if (stack_arg_idx >= nargs_on_stack)
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTARG;
return ASE_NULL;
v = val;
v = __eval_expression (run, args);
if (v == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refupval (run, v);
if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_NIL)
str = ASE_T("");
str_len = 0;
else if (v->type == ASE_AWK_VAL_STR)
str = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)v)->buf;
str_len = ((ase_awk_val_str_t*)v)->len;
if (v == val)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_EFMTCONV;
return ASE_NULL;
str = ase_awk_valtostr (run, v,
if (str == ASE_NULL)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
return ASE_NULL;
str_free = str;
if (prec == -1 || prec > str_len ) prec = str_len;
if (prec > width) width = prec;
if (!minus)
while (width > prec)
if (ase_awk_str_ccat (out, ASE_T(' ')) == -1)
if (str_free != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str_free);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
for (k = 0; k < prec; k++)
if (ase_awk_str_ccat (out, str[k]) == -1)
if (str_free != ASE_NULL)
ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str_free);
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
if (str_free != ASE_NULL) ASE_AWK_FREE (run->awk, str_free);
if (minus)
while (width > prec)
if (ase_awk_str_ccat (out, ASE_T(' ')) == -1)
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
run->errnum = ASE_AWK_ENOMEM;
return ASE_NULL;
ase_awk_refdownval (run, v);
else /*if (fmt[i] == ASE_T('%'))*/
for (j = 0; j < ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(fbu); j++)
OUT_CHAR (fmt[i]);
if (args == ASE_NULL || val != ASE_NULL) stack_arg_idx++;
else args = args->next;
ase_awk_str_clear (fbu);
/* flush uncompleted formatting sequence */
for (j = 0; j < ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(fbu); j++)
*len = ASE_AWK_STR_LEN(out);
return ASE_AWK_STR_BUF(out);