hyung-hwan 010b5fb9c0 fixed a wrong data type of a parameter passed to ioctl.
fixed the segfault when no host configuration is in the configuration file
2013-04-02 14:28:33 +00:00

1694 lines
41 KiB

#include <qse/http/stdhttpd.h>
#include <qse/xli/stdxli.h>
#include <qse/cmn/stdio.h>
#include <qse/cmn/main.h>
#include <qse/cmn/str.h>
#include <qse/cmn/mem.h>
#include <qse/cmn/mbwc.h>
#include <qse/cmn/time.h>
#include <qse/cmn/path.h>
#include <qse/cmn/opt.h>
#include <qse/cmn/htb.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# include <winsock2.h>
# include <windows.h>
# include <tchar.h>
# include <process.h>
#elif defined(__OS2__)
# define INCL_ERRORS
# include <os2.h>
#elif defined(__DOS__)
# include <dos.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
# include <openssl/ssl.h>
# include <openssl/err.h>
# include <openssl/engine.h>
#if defined(HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H)
# include <sys/prctl.h>
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static qse_httpd_t* g_httpd = QSE_NULL;
static const qse_char_t* g_cfgfile = QSE_NULL;
static int g_daemon = 0;
static int g_debug = 0;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct cgi_t
enum {
} type;
qse_mchar_t* spec;
int nph;
qse_mchar_t* shebang;
struct cgi_t* next;
struct mime_t
enum {
} type;
qse_mchar_t* spec;
qse_mchar_t* value;
struct mime_t* next;
struct access_t
/* TODO: support more types like ACCESS_GLOB
not-only the base name, find a way to use query path or xpath */
enum {
} type;
qse_mchar_t* spec;
int value;
struct access_t* next;
typedef struct loccfg_t loccfg_t;
struct loccfg_t
qse_mxstr_t locname;
qse_mchar_t* xcfg[XCFG_MAX];
int root_is_nwad;
qse_nwad_t root_nwad;
qse_size_t count;
qse_mchar_t* files;
} index;
struct cgi_t* head;
struct cgi_t* tail;
} cgi[CGI_MAX];
struct mime_t* head;
struct mime_t* tail;
} mime[MIME_MAX];
struct access_t* head;
struct access_t* tail;
} access[2][ACCESS_MAX];
loccfg_t* next;
typedef struct server_hostcfg_t server_hostcfg_t;
struct server_hostcfg_t
qse_mchar_t* hostname;
loccfg_t* loccfg;
server_hostcfg_t* next;
typedef struct server_xtn_t server_xtn_t;
struct server_xtn_t
int tproxy;
int nodir; /* no directory listing */
int num;
qse_nwad_t bind;
int secure;
qse_mchar_t* scfg[SCFG_MAX];
qse_httpd_serverstd_makersrc_t orgmakersrc;
qse_httpd_serverstd_freersrc_t orgfreersrc;
qse_httpd_serverstd_query_t orgquery;
qse_htb_t* cfgtab;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct httpd_xtn_t httpd_xtn_t;
struct httpd_xtn_t
const qse_char_t* cfgfile;
qse_xli_t* xli;
qse_httpd_impede_t orgimpede;
int impede_code;
loccfg_t dflcfg;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void sig_stop (int sig)
if (g_httpd) qse_httpd_stop (g_httpd);
static void sig_reconf (int sig)
if (g_httpd)
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (g_httpd);
httpd_xtn->impede_code = sig;
qse_httpd_impede (g_httpd);
static void setup_signal_handler (int signum, void(*handler)(int))
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
struct sigaction act;
qse_memset (&act, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(act));
act.sa_handler = handler;
sigaction (signum, &act, QSE_NULL);
signal (signum, handler);
static void setup_signal_handlers ()
#if defined(SIGINT)
setup_signal_handler (SIGINT, sig_stop);
#if defined(SIGTERM)
setup_signal_handler (SIGTERM, sig_stop);
#if defined(SIGHUP)
setup_signal_handler (SIGHUP, sig_reconf);
#if defined(SIGUSR1)
setup_signal_handler (SIGUSR1, sig_reconf);
#if defined(SIGPIPE)
setup_signal_handler (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
static void restore_signal_handlers ()
#if defined(SIGINT)
setup_signal_handler (SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
#if defined(SIGTERM)
setup_signal_handler (SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
#if defined(SIGHUP)
setup_signal_handler (SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
#if defined(SIGUSR1)
setup_signal_handler (SIGUSR1, SIG_DFL);
#if defined(SIGPIPE)
setup_signal_handler (SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
static int daemonize (int devnull)
#if defined(HAVE_FORK)
switch (fork())
case -1: return -1;
case 0: break; /* child */
default: _exit (0); /* parent */
if (setsid () <= -1) return -1;
/*umask (0);*/
chdir ("/");
if (devnull)
/* redirect stdin/out/err to /dev/null */
int fd = open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
if (fd >= 0)
dup2 (fd, 0);
dup2 (fd, 1);
dup2 (fd, 2);
close (fd);
return 0;
return -1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int make_resource (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client,
qse_htre_t* req, qse_httpd_rsrc_t* rsrc)
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverstdxtn (httpd, client->server);
if (server_xtn->tproxy)
if (qse_nwadequal(&client->orgdst_addr, &client->local_addr)) /* both equal and error */
/* TODO: implement a better check that the
* destination is not one of the local addresses */
rsrc->type = QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_ERR;
rsrc->u.err.code = 500;
rsrc->type = QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY;
rsrc->u.proxy.dst = client->orgdst_addr;
rsrc->u.proxy.src = client->remote_addr;
if (rsrc->u.proxy.src.type == QSE_NWAD_IN4)
rsrc->u.proxy.src.u.in4.port = 0; /* reset the port to 0. */
else if (rsrc->u.proxy.src.type == QSE_NWAD_IN6)
rsrc->u.proxy.src.u.in6.port = 0; /* reset the port to 0. */
return 0;
if (server_xtn->orgmakersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc) <= -1) return -1;
if (server_xtn->nodir && rsrc->type == QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_DIR)
/* prohibit no directory listing */
server_xtn->orgfreersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc);
rsrc->type = QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_ERR;
rsrc->u.err.code = 403;
return 0;
static void free_resource (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client,
qse_htre_t* req, qse_httpd_rsrc_t* rsrc)
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverstdxtn (httpd, client->server);
if (server_xtn->tproxy)
/* nothing to do */
server_xtn->orgfreersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static loccfg_t* find_loccfg (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_htb_t* cfgtab,
const qse_mchar_t* host, qse_size_t hostlen, const qse_mchar_t* qpath)
qse_htb_pair_t* pair;
server_hostcfg_t* hostcfg;
loccfg_t* loccfg;
pair = qse_htb_search (cfgtab, host, hostlen);
if (pair)
hostcfg = (server_hostcfg_t*)QSE_HTB_VPTR(pair);
/* the location names are inspected in the order as shown
* in the configuration. */
for (loccfg = hostcfg->loccfg; loccfg; loccfg = loccfg->next)
QSE_ASSERT (loccfg->locname.len > 0);
if (qse_mbsbeg (qpath, loccfg->locname.ptr) &&
(loccfg->locname.ptr[loccfg->locname.len - 1] == QSE_MT('/') ||
qpath[loccfg->locname.len] == QSE_MT('/') ||
qpath[loccfg->locname.len] == QSE_MT('\0')))
return loccfg;
return QSE_NULL;
static int query_server (
qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server,
qse_htre_t* req, const qse_mchar_t* xpath,
qse_httpd_serverstd_query_code_t code, void* result)
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
loccfg_t* loccfg = QSE_NULL;
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverstdxtn (httpd, server);
/* SSL is a server-wide configuration item.
* handle this without inspecting the host and the query path. */
qse_httpd_serverstd_ssl_t* ssl;
ssl = (qse_httpd_serverstd_ssl_t*)result;
ssl->certfile = server_xtn->scfg[SCFG_SSLCERTFILE];
ssl->keyfile = server_xtn->scfg[SCFG_SSLKEYFILE];
return 0;
if (server_xtn->cfgtab)
if (req && server_xtn->cfgtab)
const qse_htre_hdrval_t* hosthdr;
const qse_mchar_t* host;
const qse_mchar_t* qpath;
qpath = qse_htre_getqpath (req);
hosthdr = qse_htre_getheaderval (req, QSE_MT("Host"));
if (hosthdr)
const qse_mchar_t* colon;
qse_size_t hostlen;
/*while (hosthdr->next) hosthdr = hosthdr->next; */
host = hosthdr->ptr;
/* remove :port-number if the host name contains it */
colon = qse_mbsrchr(host, QSE_MT(':'));
if (colon) hostlen = colon - host;
else hostlen = qse_mbslen(host);
loccfg = find_loccfg (httpd, server_xtn->cfgtab, host, hostlen, qpath);
if (loccfg == QSE_NULL) loccfg = find_loccfg (httpd, server_xtn->cfgtab, QSE_MT("*"), 1, qpath);
if (loccfg == QSE_NULL) loccfg = find_loccfg (httpd, server_xtn->cfgtab, QSE_MT("*"), 1, QSE_MT("/"));
if (loccfg == QSE_NULL) loccfg = &httpd_xtn->dflcfg;
switch (code)
*(const qse_mchar_t**)result = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_NAME];
return 0;
#if 0
if (qse_mbscmp (qse_htre_getqpath(req), QSE_MT("/version")) == 0)
/* return static text without inspecting further */
((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_TEXT;
((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->u.text.ptr = QSE_MT(QSE_PACKAGE_NAME " " QSE_PACKAGE_VERSION);
((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->u.text.mime = QSE_MT("text/plain");
if (loccfg->root_is_nwad)
((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_NWAD;
((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->u.nwad = loccfg->root_nwad;
((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_PATH;
((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->u.path.val = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_ROOT];
((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->u.path.rpl = loccfg->locname.len;
return 0;
((qse_httpd_serverstd_realm_t*)result)->name = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_REALM];
((qse_httpd_serverstd_realm_t*)result)->authreq = (loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_REALM] != QSE_NULL);
return 0;
qse_httpd_serverstd_auth_t* auth;
auth = (qse_httpd_serverstd_auth_t*)result;
auth->authok = 0;
if (loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_AUTH])
if (qse_mbsxcmp (auth->key.ptr, auth->key.len, loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_AUTH]) == 0)
auth->authok = 1;
return 0;
*(const qse_mchar_t**)result = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_DIRCSS];
return 0;
*(const qse_mchar_t**)result = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_ERRCSS];
return 0;
((qse_httpd_serverstd_index_t*)result)->count = loccfg->index.count;
((qse_httpd_serverstd_index_t*)result)->files = loccfg->index.files;
return 0;
qse_size_t i;
qse_httpd_serverstd_cgi_t* scgi;
const qse_mchar_t* xpath_base;
xpath_base = qse_mbsbasename (xpath);
scgi = (qse_httpd_serverstd_cgi_t*)result;
qse_memset (scgi, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*scgi));
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->cgi); i++)
struct cgi_t* cgi;
for (cgi = loccfg->cgi[i].head; cgi; cgi = cgi->next)
if ((cgi->type == CGI_PREFIX && qse_mbsbeg (xpath_base, cgi->spec)) ||
(cgi->type == CGI_SUFFIX && qse_mbsend (xpath_base, cgi->spec)) ||
(cgi->type == CGI_NAME && qse_mbscmp (xpath_base, cgi->spec) == 0))
scgi->cgi = 1;
scgi->nph = cgi->nph;
scgi->shebang = cgi->shebang;
return 0;
return 0;
qse_size_t i;
const qse_mchar_t* xpath_base;
xpath_base = qse_mbsbasename (xpath);
*(const qse_mchar_t**)result = QSE_NULL;
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->mime); i++)
struct mime_t* mime;
for (mime = loccfg->mime[i].head; mime; mime = mime->next)
if ((mime->type == MIME_PREFIX && qse_mbsbeg (xpath_base, mime->spec)) ||
(mime->type == MIME_SUFFIX && qse_mbsend (xpath_base, mime->spec)) ||
(mime->type == MIME_NAME && qse_mbscmp (xpath_base, mime->spec) == 0) ||
mime->type == MIME_OTHER)
*(const qse_mchar_t**)result = mime->value;
return 0;
return 0;
switch (qse_htre_getqmethodtype(req))
qse_size_t i;
const qse_mchar_t* xpath_base;
int id;
id = (code == QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_DIRACC)? 0: 1;
xpath_base = qse_mbsbasename (xpath);
*(int*)result = 200;
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->access[id]); i++)
struct access_t* access;
for (access = loccfg->access[id][i].head; access; access = access->next)
if ((access->type == ACCESS_PREFIX && qse_mbsbeg (xpath_base, access->spec)) ||
(access->type == ACCESS_SUFFIX && qse_mbsend (xpath_base, access->spec)) ||
(access->type == ACCESS_NAME && qse_mbscmp (xpath_base, access->spec) == 0) ||
access->type == ACCESS_OTHER)
*(int*)result = access->value;
return 0;
*(int*)result = 405; /* method not allowed */
return 0;
return server_xtn->orgquery (httpd, server, req, xpath, code, result);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static struct
const qse_char_t* x;
const qse_char_t* y;
} scfg_items[] =
{ QSE_T("ssl-cert-file"), QSE_T("default.ssl-cert-file") },
{ QSE_T("ssl-key-file"), QSE_T("default.ssl-key-file") }
static struct
const qse_char_t* x;
const qse_char_t* y;
} loc_xcfg_items[] =
{ QSE_T("name"), QSE_T("default.name") },
{ QSE_T("root"), QSE_T("default.root") },
{ QSE_T("realm"), QSE_T("default.realm") },
{ QSE_T("auth"), QSE_T("default.auth") },
{ QSE_T("dir-css"), QSE_T("default.dir-css") },
{ QSE_T("error-css"), QSE_T("default.error-css") }
static struct
const qse_char_t* x;
const qse_char_t* y;
} loc_acc_items[] =
{ QSE_T("dir-access"), QSE_T("default.dir-access") },
{ QSE_T("file-access"), QSE_T("default.file-access") }
static void free_loccfg_contents (qse_httpd_t* httpd, loccfg_t* loccfg)
qse_size_t i, j;
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->xcfg); i++)
if (loccfg->xcfg[i])
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, loccfg->xcfg[i]);
loccfg->xcfg[i] = QSE_NULL;
if (loccfg->index.files)
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, loccfg->index.files);
loccfg->index.files = QSE_NULL;
loccfg->index.count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->cgi); i++)
struct cgi_t* cgi = loccfg->cgi[i].head;
while (cgi)
struct cgi_t* x = cgi;
cgi = x->next;
if (x->shebang) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->shebang);
if (x->spec) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->spec);
if (x) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x);
loccfg->cgi[i].head = QSE_NULL;
loccfg->cgi[i].tail = QSE_NULL;
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->mime); i++)
struct mime_t* mime = loccfg->mime[i].head;
while (mime)
struct mime_t* x = mime;
mime = x->next;
if (x->spec) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->spec);
if (x->value) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->value);
if (x) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x);
loccfg->mime[i].head = QSE_NULL;
loccfg->mime[i].tail = QSE_NULL;
for (j = 0; j < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->access); j++)
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->access[j]); i++)
struct access_t* access = loccfg->access[j][i].head;
while (access)
struct access_t* x = access;
access = x->next;
if (x->spec) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->spec);
if (x) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x);
loccfg->access[j][i].head = QSE_NULL;
loccfg->access[j][i].tail = QSE_NULL;
if (loccfg->locname.ptr) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, loccfg->locname.ptr);
static int load_loccfg (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg)
qse_size_t i;
qse_xli_pair_t* pair;
qse_xli_atom_t* atom;
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loc_xcfg_items); i++)
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, loc_xcfg_items[i].x);
if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, loc_xcfg_items[i].y);
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR)
cfg->xcfg[i] = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr);
if (cfg->xcfg[i] == QSE_NULL)
/*qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR in copying - %s\n"), qse_httpd_geterrmsg (httpd));*/
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR in copying\n"));
return -1;
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("index"));
if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("default.index"));
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR)
const qse_char_t* tmpptr, * tmpend;
qse_size_t count;
tmpptr = ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr;
tmpend = tmpptr + ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len;
for (count = 0; tmpptr < tmpend; count++) tmpptr += qse_strlen (tmpptr) + 1;
cfg->index.count = count;
cfg->index.files = qse_httpd_strntombsdup (
httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len);
if (cfg->index.files == QSE_NULL)
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: in copying index\n"));
return -1;
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("cgi"));
if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("default.cgi"));
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST)
/* TODO: more sanity check... this can be done with xli schema... if supported */
qse_xli_list_t* cgilist = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val;
for (atom = cgilist->head; atom; atom = atom->next)
if (atom->type != QSE_XLI_PAIR) continue;
pair = (qse_xli_pair_t*)atom;
if (pair->key && pair->name &&
(pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_NIL || pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR))
struct cgi_t* cgi;
int type;
if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("prefix")) == 0) type = CGI_PREFIX;
else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("suffix")) == 0) type = CGI_SUFFIX;
else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("name")) == 0) type = CGI_NAME;
else continue;
cgi = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*cgi));
if (cgi == QSE_NULL)
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying cgi\n"));
return -1;
cgi->type = type;
cgi->spec = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, pair->name);
if (!cgi->spec)
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, cgi);
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying cgi\n"));
return -1;
if (pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR)
const qse_char_t* tmpptr, * tmpend;
qse_size_t count;
tmpptr = ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr;
tmpend = tmpptr + ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len;
for (count = 0; tmpptr < tmpend; count++)
if (count == 0)
if (qse_strcmp (tmpptr, QSE_T("nph")) == 0) cgi->nph = 1;
else if (count == 1)
cgi->shebang = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, tmpptr);
if (!cgi->shebang)
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, cgi->spec);
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, cgi);
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying cgi\n"));
return -1;
tmpptr += qse_strlen (tmpptr) + 1;
/* TODO: more sanity check */
if (cfg->cgi[type].tail)
cfg->cgi[type].tail->next = cgi;
cfg->cgi[type].head = cgi;
cfg->cgi[type].tail = cgi;
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("mime"));
if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("default.mime"));
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST)
qse_xli_list_t* mimelist = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val;
for (atom = mimelist->head; atom; atom = atom->next)
if (atom->type != QSE_XLI_PAIR) continue;
pair = (qse_xli_pair_t*)atom;
if (pair->key && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR)
struct mime_t* mime;
int type;
if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("prefix")) == 0 && pair->name) type = MIME_PREFIX;
else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("suffix")) == 0 && pair->name) type = MIME_SUFFIX;
else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("name")) == 0 && pair->name) type = MIME_NAME;
else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("other")) == 0 && !pair->name) type = MIME_OTHER;
else continue;
mime = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*mime));
if (mime == QSE_NULL)
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying mime\n"));
return -1;
mime->type = type;
mime->spec = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, pair->name);
if (!mime->spec)
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, mime);
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying mime\n"));
return -1;
mime->value = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr);
if (!mime->value)
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, mime->spec);
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, mime);
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying mime\n"));
return -1;
if (cfg->mime[type].tail)
cfg->mime[type].tail->next = mime;
cfg->mime[type].head = mime;
cfg->mime[type].tail = mime;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, loc_acc_items[i].x);
if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, loc_acc_items[i].y);
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST)
qse_xli_list_t* acclist = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val;
for (atom = acclist->head; atom; atom = atom->next)
if (atom->type != QSE_XLI_PAIR) continue;
pair = (qse_xli_pair_t*)atom;
if (pair->key && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR)
struct access_t* acc;
const qse_char_t* tmp;
int type, value;
if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("prefix")) == 0 && pair->name) type = ACCESS_PREFIX;
else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("suffix")) == 0 && pair->name) type = ACCESS_SUFFIX;
else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("name")) == 0 && pair->name) type = ACCESS_NAME;
else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("other")) == 0 && !pair->name) type = ACCESS_OTHER;
else continue;
tmp = ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr;
if (qse_strcmp (tmp, QSE_T("noent")) == 0) value = 404;
else if (qse_strcmp (tmp, QSE_T("forbid")) == 0) value = 403;
else if (qse_strcmp (tmp, QSE_T("ok")) == 0) value = 200;
else continue;
/* TODO: more sanity check */
acc = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*acc));
if (acc == QSE_NULL)
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying acc\n"));
return -1;
acc->type = type;
if (pair->name)
acc->spec = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, pair->name);
if (!acc->spec)
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, acc);
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying access\n"));
return -1;
acc->value = value;
if (cfg->access[i][type].tail)
cfg->access[i][type].tail->next = acc;
cfg->access[i][type].head = acc;
cfg->access[i][type].tail = acc;
/* TODO: support multiple auth entries here and above */
#if 0
/* TODO: perform more sanity check */
if (qse_mbschr (cfg->xcfg[XCFG_AUTH], QSE_MT(':')) == QSE_NULL)
qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: no colon in the auth string - [%hs]\n"), cfg->xcfg[XCFG_AUTH]);
if (cfg->xcfg[XCFG_ROOT] && qse_mbstonwad (cfg->xcfg[XCFG_ROOT], &cfg->root_nwad) >= 0)
cfg->root_is_nwad = 1;
return 0;
static void free_server_hostcfg (qse_httpd_t* httpd, server_hostcfg_t* hostcfg)
loccfg_t* lc, * cur;
lc = hostcfg->loccfg;
while (lc)
cur = lc;
lc = lc->next;
free_loccfg_contents (httpd, cur);
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, cur);
if (hostcfg->hostname) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, hostcfg->hostname);
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, hostcfg);
static void free_cfgtab_value (qse_htb_t* htb, void* vptr, qse_size_t vlen)
qse_httpd_t* httpd;
httpd = *(qse_httpd_t**) qse_htb_getxtn(htb);
free_server_hostcfg (httpd, (server_hostcfg_t*)vptr);
static int load_server_config (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server, qse_xli_list_t* list)
qse_size_t i, j, host_count, loc_count;
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
server_hostcfg_t* hostcfg;
loccfg_t* loccfg;
static qse_htb_style_t cfgtab_style =
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverstdxtn (httpd, server);
/* load the server-wide configuration not specific to host/location */
for (i = 0; i < SCFG_MAX; i++)
qse_xli_pair_t* pair;
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, scfg_items[i].x);
if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, scfg_items[i].y);
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR)
server_xtn->scfg[i] = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr);
if (server_xtn->scfg[i] == QSE_NULL)
/*qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR in copying - %s\n"), qse_httpd_geterrmsg (httpd));*/
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR in copying\n"));
return -1;
/* load host/location specific configuration */
host_count = qse_xli_getnumpairsbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("host"));
if (host_count <= 0) return 0; /* nothing to load */
QSE_ASSERT (server_xtn->cfgtab == QSE_NULL);
server_xtn->cfgtab = qse_htb_open (
qse_httpd_getmmgr (httpd), QSE_SIZEOF(httpd),
host_count + (host_count / 3) + 1, 70, QSE_SIZEOF(qse_mchar_t), 0);
if (server_xtn->cfgtab == QSE_NULL)
/* TOOD: print error */
return -1;
/* store the back reference into the configuration table */
*(qse_httpd_t**)qse_htb_getxtn (server_xtn->cfgtab) = httpd;
qse_htb_setstyle (server_xtn->cfgtab, &cfgtab_style);
for (i = 0; i < host_count; i++)
qse_xli_pair_t* host;
qse_char_t buf[32];
qse_sprintf (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("host[%d]"), i);
host = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, buf);
if (!host) break;
if (host->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST && host->name)
loc_count = qse_xli_getnumpairsbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, (qse_xli_list_t*)host->val, QSE_T("location"));
if (((hostcfg = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*hostcfg))) == QSE_NULL) ||
((hostcfg->hostname = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, (host->name[0] == QSE_T('\0')? QSE_T("*"):host->name))) == QSE_NULL)) goto oops;
for (j = loc_count; j > 0; )
qse_xli_pair_t* loc;
qse_sprintf (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("location[%d]"), j);
loc = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, (qse_xli_list_t*)host->val, buf);
if (!loc) break;
if (loc->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST && loc->name)
loccfg = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*loccfg));
if (loccfg == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
/* just chain it before loading the actual data */
loccfg->next = hostcfg->loccfg;
hostcfg->loccfg = loccfg;
/* load the data now */
if (load_loccfg (httpd, (qse_xli_list_t*)loc->val, loccfg) <= -1) goto oops;
/* clone the location name */
loccfg->locname.ptr = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd,
(loc->name[0] == QSE_T('\0')? QSE_T("/"): loc->name));
if (loccfg->locname.ptr == QSE_NULL) goto oops;
loccfg->locname.len = qse_mbslen (loccfg->locname.ptr);
if (qse_htb_upsert (server_xtn->cfgtab, hostcfg->hostname, qse_mbslen(hostcfg->hostname), hostcfg, 0) == QSE_NULL)
/* TODO: print error */
goto oops;
return 0;
if (hostcfg) free_server_hostcfg (httpd, hostcfg);
return -1;
static void free_server_config (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server)
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
qse_size_t i;
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverstdxtn (httpd, server);
for (i = 0; i < SCFG_MAX; i++)
if (server_xtn->scfg[i])
qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, server_xtn->scfg[i]);
server_xtn->scfg[i] = QSE_NULL;
if (server_xtn->cfgtab)
qse_htb_close (server_xtn->cfgtab);
server_xtn->cfgtab = QSE_NULL;
static qse_httpd_server_t* attach_server (qse_httpd_t* httpd, int num, qse_xli_list_t* list)
qse_httpd_server_dope_t dope;
qse_httpd_server_t* xserver;
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
qse_xli_pair_t* pair;
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("bind"));
if (pair == QSE_NULL || pair->val->type != QSE_XLI_STR)
/* TOOD: logging */
qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: no value or invalid value specified for bind\n"));
return QSE_NULL;
qse_memset (&dope, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(dope));
if (qse_strtonwad (((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, &dope.nwad) <= -1)
/* TOOD: logging */
qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: invalid value for bind - %s\n"), ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr);
return QSE_NULL;
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("ssl"));
if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("default.ssl"));
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR) dope.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_SECURE;
dope.detach = free_server_config;
xserver = qse_httpd_attachserverstd (httpd, &dope, QSE_SIZEOF(server_xtn_t));
if (xserver == QSE_NULL)
/* TODO: logging */
qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: failed to attach server\n"));
return QSE_NULL;
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverstdxtn (httpd, xserver);
/* remember original callbacks */
qse_httpd_getserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_QUERY, &server_xtn->orgquery);
qse_httpd_getserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_MAKERSRC, &server_xtn->orgmakersrc);
qse_httpd_getserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_FREERSRC, &server_xtn->orgfreersrc);
/* set changeable callbacks */
qse_httpd_setserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_QUERY, query_server);
qse_httpd_setserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_MAKERSRC, make_resource);
qse_httpd_setserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_FREERSRC, free_resource);
/* remember the binding address used */
server_xtn->num = num;
server_xtn->bind = dope.nwad;
server_xtn->secure = (dope.flags & QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_SECURE);
return xserver;
static int open_config_file (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
qse_xli_iostd_t xli_in;
int trait;
httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*) qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
QSE_ASSERT (httpd_xtn->xli == QSE_NULL);
httpd_xtn->xli = qse_xli_openstd (0);
if (httpd_xtn->xli == QSE_NULL)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot open xli\n"));
return -1;
qse_xli_getopt (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_XLI_TRAIT, &trait);
qse_xli_setopt (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_XLI_TRAIT, &trait);
xli_in.type = QSE_XLI_IOSTD_FILE;
xli_in.u.file.path = httpd_xtn->cfgfile;
xli_in.u.file.cmgr = QSE_NULL;
if (qse_xli_readstd (httpd_xtn->xli, &xli_in) <= -1)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot load %s - %s\n"), xli_in.u.file.path, qse_xli_geterrmsg(httpd_xtn->xli));
qse_xli_close (httpd_xtn->xli);
httpd_xtn->xli = QSE_NULL;
return -1;
return 0;
static int close_config_file (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*) qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
if (httpd_xtn->xli)
qse_xli_close (httpd_xtn->xli);
httpd_xtn->xli = QSE_NULL;
return 0;
static int load_config (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
qse_xli_pair_t* pair;
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
int i;
httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
if (open_config_file (httpd) <= -1) goto oops;
for (i = 0; ; i++)
qse_char_t buf[32];
qse_sprintf (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("server[%d]"), i);
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, buf);
if (pair == QSE_NULL) break;
if (pair->val->type != QSE_XLI_LIST)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("WARNING: non-list value for server\n"));
qse_httpd_server_t* server;
server = attach_server (httpd, i, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val);
if (server)
if (load_server_config (httpd, server, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val) <= -1)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("failed to load configuration from %s\n"), httpd_xtn->cfgfile);
goto oops;
if (i == 0)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("No valid server specified in %s\n"), httpd_xtn->cfgfile);
goto oops;
/* load the global default */
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("default"));
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST)
if (load_loccfg (httpd, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val, &httpd_xtn->dflcfg) <= -1)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("failed to load configuration from %s\n"), httpd_xtn->cfgfile);
goto oops;
if (httpd_xtn->dflcfg.xcfg[XCFG_NAME])
qse_httpd_setname (httpd, httpd_xtn->dflcfg.xcfg[XCFG_NAME]);
close_config_file (httpd);
return 0;
close_config_file (httpd);
return -1;
static void reconf_server (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server)
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
server_xtn_t* server_xtn;
qse_xli_pair_t* pair;
/* reconfigure the server when the server is impeded. */
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverstdxtn (httpd, server);
if (httpd_xtn->xli)
qse_char_t buf[32];
qse_sprintf (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("server[%d]"), server_xtn->num);
pair = qse_xli_findpairbyname (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, buf);
if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST)
free_server_config (httpd, server);
load_server_config (httpd, server, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val);
static void impede_httpd (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
if (open_config_file (httpd) >= 0)
qse_httpd_server_t* server;
server = qse_httpd_getfirstserver (httpd);
while (server)
if (server->dope.flags & QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_ACTIVE)
reconf_server (httpd, server);
server = qse_httpd_getnextserver (httpd, server);
close_config_file (httpd);
/* chain-call the orignal impedence function */
if (httpd_xtn->orgimpede) httpd_xtn->orgimpede (httpd);
static void logact_httpd (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_httpd_act_t* act)
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
qse_char_t tmp[128], tmp2[128], tmp3[128];
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
switch (act->code)
qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: %hs\n"), act->u.merrmsg);
qse_printf (QSE_T("DEBUG: %hs\n"), act->u.mdbgmsg);
qse_nwadtostr (&act->u.client->local_addr, tmp, QSE_COUNTOF(tmp), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL);
qse_nwadtostr (&act->u.client->orgdst_addr, tmp2, QSE_COUNTOF(tmp2), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL);
qse_nwadtostr (&act->u.client->remote_addr, tmp3, QSE_COUNTOF(tmp3), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL);
qse_printf (QSE_T("accepted client %s(%s) from %s\n"), tmp, tmp2, tmp3);
qse_nwadtostr (&act->u.client->remote_addr, tmp, QSE_COUNTOF(tmp), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL);
qse_printf (QSE_T("purged client - %s\n"), tmp);
qse_nwadtostr (&act->u.client->remote_addr, tmp, QSE_COUNTOF(tmp), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL);
qse_printf (QSE_T("failed to read client - %s\n"), tmp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void print_version (void)
qse_printf (QSE_T("QSEHTTPD version %hs\n"), QSE_PACKAGE_VERSION);
static void print_usage (QSE_FILE* out, int argc, qse_char_t* argv[])
const qse_char_t* b = qse_basename (argv[0]);
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T("USAGE: %s [options] -c file\n"), b);
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" %s [options] --config-file file\n"), b);
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T("options as follows:\n"));
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -h/--help show this message\n"));
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" --version show version\n"));
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -c/--config-file file specify a configuration file\n"));
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -d/--daemon run in the background\n"));
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -n string specify a process name if supported\n"));
qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -x output debugging messages\n"));
static int handle_args (int argc, qse_char_t* argv[])
static qse_opt_lng_t lng[] =
{ QSE_T(":config-file"), QSE_T('c') },
{ QSE_T("daemon"), QSE_T('d') },
{ QSE_T("help"), QSE_T('h') },
{ QSE_T("version"), QSE_T('\0') },
{ QSE_NULL, QSE_T('\0') }
static qse_opt_t opt =
qse_cint_t c;
while ((c = qse_getopt (argc, argv, &opt)) != QSE_CHAR_EOF)
switch (c)
goto wrongusage;
case QSE_T('?'):
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR,
QSE_T("ERROR: bad option - %c\n"),
goto wrongusage;
case QSE_T(':'):
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR,
QSE_T("ERROR: bad parameter for %c\n"),
goto wrongusage;
case QSE_T('c'):
g_cfgfile = opt.arg;
case QSE_T('d'):
g_daemon = 1;
case QSE_T('h'):
print_usage (QSE_STDOUT, argc, argv);
return 0;
case QSE_T('n'):
/* i don't care about failure to set the name */
#if defined(HAVE_PRCTL)
#if !defined(PR_SET_NAME)
# define PR_SET_NAME 15
#if defined(QSE_CHAR_IS_MCHAR)
prctl (PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)opt.arg, 0, 0, 0);
qse_mchar_t* mopt = qse_wcstombsdup (opt.arg, QSE_NULL, QSE_MMGR_GETDFL());
if (mopt)
prctl (PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)mopt, 0, 0, 0);
case QSE_T('x'):
g_debug = 1;
case QSE_T('\0'):
if (qse_strcmp(opt.lngopt, QSE_T("version")) == 0)
print_version ();
return 0;
if (opt.ind < argc || g_cfgfile == QSE_NULL) goto wrongusage;
return 1;
print_usage (QSE_STDERR, argc, argv);
return -1;
static void free_httpd_xtn (qse_httpd_t* httpd)
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
free_loccfg_contents (httpd, &httpd_xtn->dflcfg);
static int httpd_main (int argc, qse_char_t* argv[])
qse_httpd_t* httpd = QSE_NULL;
httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn;
qse_ntime_t tmout;
int trait, ret;
qse_httpd_rcb_t rcb;
qse_httpd_ecb_t ecb;
ret = handle_args (argc, argv);
if (ret <= -1) return -1;
if (ret == 0) return 0;
httpd = qse_httpd_openstd (QSE_SIZEOF(httpd_xtn_t));
if (httpd == QSE_NULL)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: Cannot open httpd\n"));
goto oops;
qse_memset (&ecb, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(ecb));
ecb.close = free_httpd_xtn;
qse_httpd_pushecb (httpd, &ecb);
httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtnstd (httpd);
httpd_xtn->cfgfile = g_cfgfile;
if (load_config (httpd) <= -1) goto oops;
if (g_daemon)
if (daemonize (1) <= -1)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: Cannot daemonize\n"));
goto oops;
g_httpd = httpd;
setup_signal_handlers ();
qse_httpd_getopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_TRAIT, &trait);
qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_TRAIT, &trait);
tmout.sec = 10;
tmout.nsec = 0;
qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_TMOUT, &tmout);
tmout.sec = 30;
tmout.nsec = 0;
qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_IDLELIMIT, &tmout);
qse_httpd_getopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_RCB, &rcb);
httpd_xtn->orgimpede = rcb.impede;
rcb.impede = impede_httpd; /* executed when qse_httpd_impede() is called */
if (g_debug) rcb.logact = logact_httpd; /* i don't remember old logging handler */
qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_RCB, &rcb);
ret = qse_httpd_loopstd (httpd);
restore_signal_handlers ();
g_httpd = QSE_NULL;
if (ret <= -1) qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Httpd error - %d\n"), qse_httpd_geterrnum (httpd));
if (httpd) qse_httpd_close (httpd);
return -1;
int qse_main (int argc, qse_achar_t* argv[])
int ret;
#if defined(_WIN32)
char locale[100];
UINT codepage;
WSADATA wsadata;
codepage = GetConsoleOutputCP();
if (codepage == CP_UTF8)
/*SetConsoleOUtputCP (CP_UTF8);*/
qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_UTF8);
sprintf (locale, ".%u", (unsigned int)codepage);
setlocale (LC_ALL, locale);
qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_SLMB);
if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsadata) != 0)
qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Failed to start up winsock\n"));
return -1;
setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_SLMB);
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
SSL_load_error_strings ();
SSL_library_init ();
ret = qse_runmain (argc, argv, httpd_main);
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
/* ERR_remove_state() should be called for each thread if the application is thread */
ERR_remove_state (0);
ENGINE_cleanup ();
ERR_free_strings ();
EVP_cleanup ();
CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data ();
#if defined(_WIN32)
WSACleanup ();
return ret;