/* * $Id: awk.c,v 1.60 2006-07-26 05:19:44 bacon Exp $ */ #include #ifndef XP_AWK_STAND_ALONE #include #include #endif static void __free_afn (void* awk, void* afn); xp_awk_t* xp_awk_open (void) { xp_awk_t* awk; xp_size_t i; awk = (xp_awk_t*) xp_malloc (xp_sizeof(xp_awk_t)); if (awk == XP_NULL) return XP_NULL; if (xp_str_open (&awk->token.name, 128) == XP_NULL) { xp_free (awk); return XP_NULL; } /* TODO: initial map size?? */ if (xp_awk_map_open ( &awk->tree.afns, awk, 256, __free_afn) == XP_NULL) { xp_str_close (&awk->token.name); xp_free (awk); return XP_NULL; } if (xp_awk_tab_open (&awk->parse.globals) == XP_NULL) { xp_str_close (&awk->token.name); xp_awk_map_close (&awk->tree.afns); xp_free (awk); return XP_NULL; } if (xp_awk_tab_open (&awk->parse.locals) == XP_NULL) { xp_str_close (&awk->token.name); xp_awk_map_close (&awk->tree.afns); xp_awk_tab_close (&awk->parse.globals); xp_free (awk); return XP_NULL; } if (xp_awk_tab_open (&awk->parse.params) == XP_NULL) { xp_str_close (&awk->token.name); xp_awk_map_close (&awk->tree.afns); xp_awk_tab_close (&awk->parse.globals); xp_awk_tab_close (&awk->parse.locals); xp_free (awk); return XP_NULL; } awk->opt.parse = 0; awk->opt.run = 0; awk->errnum = XP_AWK_ENOERR; awk->srcio = XP_NULL; awk->srcio_arg = XP_NULL; awk->parse.nlocals_max = 0; awk->tree.nglobals = 0; awk->tree.begin = XP_NULL; awk->tree.end = XP_NULL; awk->tree.chain = XP_NULL; awk->tree.chain_tail = XP_NULL; awk->token.prev = 0; awk->token.type = 0; awk->token.line = 1; awk->token.column = 1; awk->lex.curc = XP_CHAR_EOF; awk->lex.ungotc_count = 0; awk->lex.buf_pos = 0; awk->lex.buf_len = 0; awk->lex.line = 1; awk->lex.column = 1; for (i = 0; i < xp_countof(awk->extio); i++) awk->extio[i] = XP_NULL; awk->bfn.sys = XP_NULL; awk->bfn.user = XP_NULL; return awk; } int xp_awk_close (xp_awk_t* awk) { xp_awk_clear (awk); if (xp_awk_detsrc(awk) == -1) return -1; xp_awk_map_close (&awk->tree.afns); xp_awk_tab_close (&awk->parse.globals); xp_awk_tab_close (&awk->parse.locals); xp_awk_tab_close (&awk->parse.params); xp_str_close (&awk->token.name); xp_free (awk); return 0; } /* TODO: write a function to clear awk->parse data structure. this would be need either as a separate function or as a part of xp_awk_clear... do i have to pass an option to xp_awk_clear to do this??? */ void xp_awk_clear (xp_awk_t* awk) { /* TODO: kill all associated run instances... */ xp_awk_tab_clear (&awk->parse.globals); xp_awk_tab_clear (&awk->parse.locals); xp_awk_tab_clear (&awk->parse.params); awk->parse.nlocals_max = 0; /* clear parse trees */ awk->tree.nglobals = 0; xp_awk_map_clear (&awk->tree.afns); if (awk->tree.begin != XP_NULL) { xp_assert (awk->tree.begin->next == XP_NULL); xp_awk_clrpt (awk->tree.begin); awk->tree.begin = XP_NULL; } if (awk->tree.end != XP_NULL) { xp_assert (awk->tree.end->next == XP_NULL); xp_awk_clrpt (awk->tree.end); awk->tree.end = XP_NULL; } while (awk->tree.chain != XP_NULL) { xp_awk_chain_t* next = awk->tree.chain->next; if (awk->tree.chain->pattern != XP_NULL) xp_awk_clrpt (awk->tree.chain->pattern); if (awk->tree.chain->action != XP_NULL) xp_awk_clrpt (awk->tree.chain->action); xp_free (awk->tree.chain); awk->tree.chain = next; } awk->tree.chain_tail = XP_NULL; } void xp_awk_setparseopt (xp_awk_t* awk, int opt) { awk->opt.parse = opt; } void xp_awk_setrunopt (xp_awk_t* awk, int opt) { awk->opt.run = opt; } int xp_awk_attsrc (xp_awk_t* awk, xp_awk_io_t handler, void* arg) { if (xp_awk_detsrc(awk) == -1) return -1; xp_assert (awk->srcio == XP_NULL); if (handler (XP_AWK_IO_OPEN, 0, arg, XP_NULL, 0) == -1) { awk->errnum = XP_AWK_ESRCINOPEN; return -1; } awk->srcio = handler; awk->srcio_arg = arg; awk->lex.curc = XP_CHAR_EOF; awk->lex.ungotc_count = 0; awk->lex.buf_pos = 0; awk->lex.buf_len = 0; awk->lex.line = 1; awk->lex.column = 1; return 0; } int xp_awk_detsrc (xp_awk_t* awk) { if (awk->srcio != XP_NULL) { xp_ssize_t n; n = awk->srcio ( XP_AWK_IO_CLOSE, 0, awk->srcio_arg, XP_NULL, 0); if (n == -1) { awk->errnum = XP_AWK_ESRCINCLOSE; return -1; } awk->srcio = XP_NULL; awk->srcio_arg = XP_NULL; awk->lex.curc = XP_CHAR_EOF; awk->lex.ungotc_count = 0; awk->lex.buf_pos = 0; awk->lex.buf_len = 0; awk->lex.line = 1; awk->lex.column = 1; } return 0; } static void __free_afn (void* owner, void* afn) { xp_awk_afn_t* f = (xp_awk_afn_t*)afn; /* f->name doesn't have to be freed */ /*xp_free (f->name);*/ xp_awk_clrpt (f->body); xp_free (f); } xp_size_t xp_awk_getsrcline (xp_awk_t* awk) { return awk->token.line; } /* TODO: imrove this... should it close io when it is overridden with a new handler??? */ int xp_awk_setextio (xp_awk_t* awk, int id, xp_awk_io_t handler, void* arg) { if (id < 0 || id >= xp_countof(awk->extio)) { awk->errnum = XP_AWK_EINVAL; return -1; } awk->extio[id] = handler; return 0; }