 * $Id: StdAwk.cpp 117 2008-03-03 11:20:05Z baconevi $
 * {License}

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "misc.h"

#include <ase/net/StdAwk.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <vcclr.h>
#include <time.h>

#pragma warning(disable:4996)


StdAwk::StdAwk ()
	random_seed = (gcnew System::Random)->Next (System::Int32::MinValue, System::Int32::MaxValue);
	random = gcnew System::Random (random_seed);

	// TODO: exception/error handling....
	AddFunction ("sin", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Sin));
	AddFunction ("cos", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Cos));
	AddFunction ("tan", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Tan));
	AddFunction ("atan", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Atan));
	AddFunction ("atan2", 2, 2, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Atan2));
	AddFunction ("log", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Log));
	AddFunction ("exp", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Exp));
	AddFunction ("sqrt", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Sqrt));
	AddFunction ("int", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Int));
	AddFunction ("rand", 0, 0, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Rand));
	AddFunction ("srand", 1, 1, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Srand));
	AddFunction ("systime", 0, 0, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Systime));
	AddFunction ("strftime", 0, 2, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Strftime));
	AddFunction ("strfgmtime", 0, 2, gcnew FunctionHandler (this, &StdAwk::Strfgmtime));

StdAwk::~StdAwk ()

bool StdAwk::Sin (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((real_t)System::Math::Sin (args[0]->RealValue));

bool StdAwk::Cos (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((real_t)System::Math::Cos (args[0]->RealValue));

bool StdAwk::Tan (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((real_t)System::Math::Tan (args[0]->RealValue));

bool StdAwk::Atan (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((real_t)System::Math::Atan (args[0]->RealValue));

bool StdAwk::Atan2 (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((real_t)System::Math::Atan2 (args[0]->RealValue, args[1]->RealValue));

bool StdAwk::Log (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((real_t)System::Math::Log (args[0]->RealValue));

bool StdAwk::Exp (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((real_t)System::Math::Exp (args[0]->RealValue));

bool StdAwk::Sqrt (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((real_t)System::Math::Sqrt (args[0]->RealValue));

bool StdAwk::Int (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set (args[0]->LongValue);

bool StdAwk::Rand (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((long_t)random->Next ());

bool StdAwk::Srand (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	int seed = (int)args[0]->LongValue;
	System::Random^ tmp = gcnew System::Random (seed);

	if (!ret->Set((long_t)tmp->Next())) return false;

	this->random_seed = seed;
	this->random = tmp;
	return true;

#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER>=1400)
	#define time_t __time64_t
	#define time _time64
	#define localtime _localtime64
	#define gmtime _gmtime64

bool StdAwk::Systime (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	return ret->Set ((long_t)::time(NULL));

bool StdAwk::Strftime (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	wchar_t buf[128]; 
	struct tm* tm;
	size_t len;
	if (args->Length < 1) 
		const wchar_t* fmt = L"%c";
		time_t t = (args->Length < 2)? ::time(NULL): (time_t)args[1]->LongValue;

		tm = ::localtime (&t);
		len = ::wcsftime (buf, ASE_COUNTOF(buf), fmt, tm);
		cli::pin_ptr<const ASE::Awk::char_t> fmt = PtrToStringChars(args[0]->StringValue);

		time_t t = (args->Length < 2)? ::time(NULL): (time_t)args[1]->LongValue;

		tm = ::localtime (&t);
		len = ::wcsftime (buf, ASE_COUNTOF(buf), fmt, tm);

	return ret->Set (gcnew System::String (buf, 0, len));

bool StdAwk::Strfgmtime (Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, array<Argument^>^ args, Return^ ret)
	wchar_t buf[128]; 
	struct tm* tm;
	size_t len;
	if (args->Length < 1) 
		const wchar_t* fmt = L"%c";
		time_t t = (args->Length < 2)? ::time(NULL): (time_t)args[1]->LongValue;

		tm = ::gmtime (&t);
		len = ::wcsftime (buf, ASE_COUNTOF(buf), fmt, tm);
		cli::pin_ptr<const ASE::Awk::char_t> fmt = PtrToStringChars(args[0]->StringValue);

		time_t t = (args->Length < 2)? ::time(NULL): (time_t)args[1]->LongValue;

		tm = ::gmtime (&t);
		len = ::wcsftime (buf, ASE_COUNTOF(buf), fmt, tm);

	return ret->Set (gcnew System::String (buf, 0, len));

int StdAwk::OpenFile (File^ file)
	System::IO::FileMode mode;
	System::IO::FileAccess access;
	System::IO::FileStream^ fs;

	if (file->Mode->Equals(File::MODE::READ))
		mode = System::IO::FileMode::Open;
		access = System::IO::FileAccess::Read;

		fs = gcnew System::IO::FileStream (file->Name, mode, access);
		System::IO::StreamReader^ rd = gcnew System::IO::StreamReader (fs);
		file->Handle = rd;
	else if (file->Mode->Equals(File::MODE::WRITE))
		mode = System::IO::FileMode::Create;
		access = System::IO::FileAccess::Write;

		fs = gcnew System::IO::FileStream (file->Name, mode, access);
		System::IO::StreamWriter^ wr = gcnew System::IO::StreamWriter (fs);
		file->Handle = wr;
	else /* File::MODE::APPEND */
		mode = System::IO::FileMode::Append;
		access = System::IO::FileAccess::Write;

		fs = gcnew System::IO::FileStream (file->Name, mode, access);
		System::IO::StreamWriter^ wr = gcnew System::IO::StreamWriter (fs);
		file->Handle = wr;

	return 1;

int StdAwk::CloseFile (File^ file)
	if (file->Mode->Equals(File::MODE::READ))
		System::IO::StreamReader^ sr = (System::IO::StreamReader^)file->Handle;
		sr->Close ();
		System::IO::StreamWriter^ sw = (System::IO::StreamWriter^)file->Handle;
		sw->Close ();
	return 0;

int StdAwk::ReadFile (File^ file, cli::array<char_t>^ buf, int len)
	System::IO::StreamReader^ sr = (System::IO::StreamReader^)file->Handle;
	return sr->Read (buf, 0, len); 

int StdAwk::WriteFile (File^ file, cli::array<char_t>^ buf, int len)
	System::IO::StreamWriter^ sw = (System::IO::StreamWriter^)file->Handle;
	sw->Write (buf, 0, len);
	return len;

int StdAwk::FlushFile (File^ file)
	System::IO::StreamWriter^ sw = (System::IO::StreamWriter^)file->Handle;
	sw->Flush ();
	return 0;

int StdAwk::OpenPipe (Pipe^ pipe)
	FILE* fp = NULL;

	cli::pin_ptr<const wchar_t> name =

	if (pipe->Mode->Equals(Pipe::MODE::READ))
		fp = _wpopen (name, L"r");
	else // Pipe::MODE::WRITE
		fp = _wpopen (name, L"w");

	if (fp == NULL) return -1;

	pipe->Handle = System::IntPtr ((void*)fp);
	return 1;

int StdAwk::ClosePipe (Pipe^ pipe)
	System::IntPtr ip = (System::IntPtr)pipe->Handle;
	FILE* fp = (FILE*)ip.ToPointer();
	return (::_pclose (fp) == EOF)? -1: 0;

int StdAwk::ReadPipe (Pipe^ pipe, cli::array<char_t>^ buf, int len)
	System::IntPtr ip = (System::IntPtr)pipe->Handle;
	FILE* fp = (FILE*)ip.ToPointer();

	int n = 0;

	while (n < len)
		wint_t c = fgetwc (fp);
		if (c == WEOF) break;

		buf[n++] = c;
		if (c == L'\n') break;

	return n;

int StdAwk::WritePipe (Pipe^ pipe, cli::array<char_t>^ buf, int len)
	System::IntPtr ip = (System::IntPtr)pipe->Handle;
	FILE* fp = (FILE*)ip.ToPointer();
	int left;

	cli::pin_ptr<char_t> bp = &buf[0];

	/* somehow, fwprintf returns 0 when non-ascii 
	 * characters are included in the buffer.
	while (left > 0)
		if (*bp == ASE_T('\0')) 
			if (fputwc (*ptr, fp) == WEOF) 
				return -1;
			left -= 1; bp += 1;
			int n = fwprintf (fp, L"%.*s", left, bp);
			if (n < 0 || n > left) return -1;
			left -= n; bp += n;

	/* so the scheme has been changed to the following */
	char* mbp = unicode_to_multibyte (bp, len, &left);
	if (mbp == NULL) return -1;

	char* ptr = mbp;
	while (left > 0)
		if (*ptr == '\0')
			if (fputwc (*ptr, fp) == WEOF) 
				::free (mbp);
				return -1;
			left -= 1; ptr += 1;
			int n = fprintf (fp, "%.*s", left, ptr);
			if (n < 0 || n > left) 
				::free (mbp);
				return -1;
			left -= n; ptr += n;

	::free (mbp);
	return len;

int StdAwk::FlushPipe (Pipe^ pipe)
	System::IntPtr ip = (System::IntPtr)pipe->Handle;
	FILE* fp = (FILE*)ip.ToPointer();
	return (::fflush (fp) == EOF)? -1: 0;