/* * $Id: sa.c,v 1.28 2006-07-17 04:17:40 bacon Exp $ */ #include #ifdef XP_AWK_STAND_ALONE static xp_char_t* __adjust_format (const xp_char_t* format); xp_size_t xp_strlen (const xp_char_t* str) { const xp_char_t* p = str; while (*p != XP_T('\0')) p++; return p - str; } xp_char_t* xp_strdup (const xp_char_t* str) { xp_char_t* tmp; tmp = (xp_char_t*) xp_malloc ( (xp_strlen(str) + 1) * xp_sizeof(xp_char_t)); if (tmp == XP_NULL) return XP_NULL; xp_strcpy (tmp, str); return tmp; } xp_char_t* xp_strxdup (const xp_char_t* str, xp_size_t len) { xp_char_t* tmp; tmp = (xp_char_t*) xp_malloc ((len + 1) * xp_sizeof(xp_char_t)); if (tmp == XP_NULL) return XP_NULL; xp_strncpy (tmp, str, len); return tmp; } xp_char_t* xp_strxdup2 ( const xp_char_t* str1, xp_size_t len1, const xp_char_t* str2, xp_size_t len2) { xp_char_t* tmp; tmp = (xp_char_t*) xp_malloc ( (len1 + len2 + 1) * xp_sizeof(xp_char_t)); if (tmp == XP_NULL) return XP_NULL; xp_strncpy (tmp, str1, len1); xp_strncpy (tmp + len1, str2, len2); return tmp; } xp_size_t xp_strcpy (xp_char_t* buf, const xp_char_t* str) { xp_char_t* org = buf; while ((*buf++ = *str++) != XP_T('\0')); return buf - org - 1; } xp_size_t xp_strncpy (xp_char_t* buf, const xp_char_t* str, xp_size_t len) { const xp_char_t* end = str + len; while (str < end) *buf++ = *str++; *buf = XP_T('\0'); return len; } int xp_strcmp (const xp_char_t* s1, const xp_char_t* s2) { while (*s1 == *s2) { if (*s1 == XP_C('\0')) return 0; s1++, s2++; } return (*s1 > *s2)? 1: -1; } int xp_strxncmp ( const xp_char_t* s1, xp_size_t len1, const xp_char_t* s2, xp_size_t len2) { const xp_char_t* end1 = s1 + len1; const xp_char_t* end2 = s2 + len2; while (s1 < end1 && s2 < end2 && *s1 == *s2) s1++, s2++; if (s1 == end1 && s2 == end2) return 0; if (*s1 == *s2) return (s1 < end1)? 1: -1; return (*s1 > *s2)? 1: -1; } xp_char_t* xp_strtok (const xp_char_t* s, const xp_char_t* delim, xp_char_t** tok, xp_size_t* tok_len) { const xp_char_t* p = s, *d; const xp_char_t* sp = XP_NULL, * ep = XP_NULL; xp_char_t c; int delim_mode; /* skip preceding space xp_char_tacters */ while (/* *p != XP_T('\0') && */ xp_isspace(*p)) p++; if (delim == XP_NULL) delim_mode = 0; else { delim_mode = 1; for (d = delim; *d != XP_T('\0'); d++) if (!xp_isspace(*d)) delim_mode = 2; } if (delim_mode == 0) { /* when XP_NULL is given as "delim", it has an effect of cutting preceding and trailing space characters off "s". */ while ((c = *p) != XP_T('\0')) { if (!xp_isspace(c)) { if (sp == XP_NULL) sp = p; ep = p; } p++; } } else if (delim_mode == 1) { while ((c = *p) != XP_T('\0')) { if (xp_isspace(c)) break; if (sp == XP_NULL) sp = p; ep = p++; } } else /* if (delim_mode == 2) */ { while ((c = *p) != XP_T('\0')) { if (xp_isspace(c)) { p++; continue; } for (d = delim; *d; d++) { if (c == *d) { goto exit_loop; } } if (sp == XP_NULL) sp = p; ep = p++; } } exit_loop: if (sp == XP_NULL) { *tok = XP_NULL; *tok_len = (xp_size_t)0; } else { *tok = (xp_char_t*)sp; *tok_len = ep - sp + 1; } return (c == XP_T('\0'))? XP_NULL: ((xp_char_t*)++p); } xp_char_t* xp_strxtok (const xp_char_t* s, xp_size_t len, const xp_char_t* delim, xp_char_t** tok, xp_size_t* tok_len) { const xp_char_t* p = s, *d; const xp_char_t* end = s + len; const xp_char_t* sp = XP_NULL, * ep = XP_NULL; xp_char_t c; int delim_mode; /* skip preceding space xp_char_tacters */ while (p < end && xp_isspace(*p)) p++; if (delim == XP_NULL) delim_mode = 0; else { delim_mode = 1; for (d = delim; *d != XP_T('\0'); d++) if (!xp_isspace(*d)) delim_mode = 2; } if (delim_mode == 0) { /* when XP_NULL is given as "delim", it has an effect of cutting preceding and trailing space xp_char_tacters off "s". */ while (p < end) { c = *p; if (!xp_isspace(c)) { if (sp == XP_NULL) sp = p; ep = p; } p++; } } else if (delim_mode == 1) { while (p < end) { c = *p; if (xp_isspace(c)) break; if (sp == XP_NULL) sp = p; ep = p++; } } else /* if (delim_mode == 2) */ { while (p < end) { c = *p; if (xp_isspace(c)) { p++; continue; } for (d = delim; *d != XP_T('\0'); d++) { if (c == *d) goto exit_loop; } if (sp == XP_NULL) sp = p; ep = p++; } } exit_loop: if (sp == XP_NULL) { *tok = XP_NULL; *tok_len = (xp_size_t)0; } else { *tok = (xp_char_t*)sp; *tok_len = ep - sp + 1; } return (p >= end)? XP_NULL: ((xp_char_t*)++p); } int xp_printf (const xp_char_t* fmt, ...) { int n; xp_va_list ap; xp_va_start (ap, fmt); n = xp_vprintf (fmt, ap); xp_va_end (ap); return n; } int xp_vprintf (const xp_char_t* fmt, xp_va_list ap) { int n; xp_char_t* nf = __adjust_format (fmt); if (nf == XP_NULL) return -1; #ifdef XP_CHAR_IS_MCHAR n = vprintf (nf, ap); #else n = vwprintf (nf, ap); #endif xp_free (nf); return n; } int xp_sprintf (xp_char_t* buf, xp_size_t size, const xp_char_t* fmt, ...) { int n; xp_va_list ap; xp_va_start (ap, fmt); n = xp_vsprintf (buf, size, fmt, ap); xp_va_end (ap); return n; } int xp_vsprintf (xp_char_t* buf, xp_size_t size, const xp_char_t* fmt, xp_va_list ap) { int n; xp_char_t* nf = __adjust_format (fmt); if (nf == XP_NULL) return -1; #if defined(dos) || defined(__dos) n = vsprintf (buf, nf, ap); /* TODO: write your own vsnprintf */ #elif defined(XP_CHAR_IS_MCHAR) n = vsnprintf (buf, size, nf, ap); #elif defined(_WIN32) n = _vsnwprintf (buf, size, nf, ap); #else n = vswprintf (buf, size, nf, ap); #endif xp_free (nf); return n; } xp_str_t* xp_str_open (xp_str_t* str, xp_size_t capa) { if (str == XP_NULL) { str = (xp_str_t*) xp_malloc (sizeof(xp_str_t)); if (str == XP_NULL) return XP_NULL; str->__dynamic = xp_true; } else str->__dynamic = xp_false; str->buf = (xp_char_t*) xp_malloc (xp_sizeof(xp_char_t) * (capa + 1)); if (str->buf == XP_NULL) { if (str->__dynamic) xp_free (str); return XP_NULL; } str->size = 0; str->capa = capa; str->buf[0] = XP_T('\0'); return str; } void xp_str_close (xp_str_t* str) { xp_free (str->buf); if (str->__dynamic) xp_free (str); } void xp_str_forfeit (xp_str_t* str) { if (str->__dynamic) xp_free (str); } xp_size_t xp_str_cpy (xp_str_t* str, const xp_char_t* s) { /* TODO: improve it */ return xp_str_ncpy (str, s, xp_strlen(s)); } xp_size_t xp_str_ncpy (xp_str_t* str, const xp_char_t* s, xp_size_t len) { xp_char_t* buf; if (len > str->capa) { buf = (xp_char_t*) xp_malloc (xp_sizeof(xp_char_t) * (len + 1)); if (buf == XP_NULL) return (xp_size_t)-1; xp_free (str->buf); str->capa = len; str->buf = buf; } str->size = xp_strncpy (str->buf, s, len); str->buf[str->size] = XP_T('\0'); return str->size; } xp_size_t xp_str_cat (xp_str_t* str, const xp_char_t* s) { /* TODO: improve it */ return xp_str_ncat (str, s, xp_strlen(s)); } xp_size_t xp_str_ncat (xp_str_t* str, const xp_char_t* s, xp_size_t len) { xp_char_t* buf; xp_size_t capa; if (len > str->capa - str->size) { capa = str->size + len; /* double the capa if necessary for concatenation */ if (capa < str->capa * 2) capa = str->capa * 2; buf = (xp_char_t*) xp_realloc ( str->buf, xp_sizeof(xp_char_t) * (capa + 1)); if (buf == XP_NULL) return (xp_size_t)-1; str->capa = capa; str->buf = buf; } str->size += xp_strncpy (&str->buf[str->size], s, len); str->buf[str->size] = XP_T('\0'); return str->size; } xp_size_t xp_str_ccat (xp_str_t* str, xp_char_t c) { return xp_str_ncat (str, &c, 1); } xp_size_t xp_str_nccat (xp_str_t* str, xp_char_t c, xp_size_t len) { while (len > 0) { if (xp_str_ncat (str, &c, 1) == (xp_size_t)-1) { return (xp_size_t)-1; } len--; } return str->size; } void xp_str_clear (xp_str_t* str) { str->size = 0; str->buf[0] = XP_T('\0'); } #define MOD_SHORT 1 #define MOD_LONG 2 #define MOD_LONGLONG 3 #define ADDC(str,c) \ do { \ if (xp_str_ccat(&str, c) == (xp_size_t)-1) { \ xp_str_close (&str); \ return XP_NULL; \ } \ } while (0) static xp_char_t* __adjust_format (const xp_char_t* format) { const xp_char_t* fp = format; xp_char_t* tmp; xp_str_t str; xp_char_t ch; int modifier; if (xp_str_open (&str, 256) == XP_NULL) return XP_NULL; while (*fp != XP_T('\0')) { while (*fp != XP_T('\0') && *fp != XP_T('%')) { ADDC (str, *fp++); } if (*fp == XP_T('\0')) break; xp_assert (*fp == XP_T('%')); ch = *fp++; ADDC (str, ch); /* add % */ ch = *fp++; /* flags */ for (;;) { if (ch == XP_T(' ') || ch == XP_T('+') || ch == XP_T('-') || ch == XP_T('#')) { ADDC (str, ch); } else if (ch == XP_T('0')) { ADDC (str, ch); ch = *fp++; break; } else break; ch = *fp++; } /* check the width */ if (ch == XP_T('*')) ADDC (str, ch); else { while (xp_isdigit(ch)) { ADDC (str, ch); ch = *fp++; } } /* precision */ if (ch == XP_T('.')) { ADDC (str, ch); ch = *fp++; if (ch == XP_T('*')) ADDC (str, ch); else { while (xp_isdigit(ch)) { ADDC (str, ch); ch = *fp++; } } } /* modifier */ for (modifier = 0;;) { if (ch == XP_T('h')) modifier = MOD_SHORT; else if (ch == XP_T('l')) { modifier = (modifier == MOD_LONG)? MOD_LONGLONG: MOD_LONG; } else break; ch = *fp++; } /* type */ if (ch == XP_T('%')) ADDC (str, ch); else if (ch == XP_T('c') || ch == XP_T('s')) { #if !defined(XP_CHAR_IS_MCHAR) && !defined(_WIN32) ADDC (str, 'l'); #endif ADDC (str, ch); } else if (ch == XP_T('C') || ch == XP_T('S')) { #ifdef _WIN32 ADDC (str, ch); #else #ifdef XP_CHAR_IS_MCHAR ADDC (str, 'l'); #endif ADDC (str, xp_tolower(ch)); #endif } else if (ch == XP_T('d') || ch == XP_T('i') || ch == XP_T('o') || ch == XP_T('u') || ch == XP_T('x') || ch == XP_T('X')) { if (modifier == MOD_SHORT) { ADDC (str, 'h'); } else if (modifier == MOD_LONG) { ADDC (str, 'l'); } else if (modifier == MOD_LONGLONG) { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__LCC__) ADDC (str, 'I'); ADDC (str, '6'); ADDC (str, '4'); #else ADDC (str, 'l'); ADDC (str, 'l'); #endif } ADDC (str, ch); } else if (ch == XP_T('\0')) break; else ADDC (str, ch); } tmp = XP_STR_BUF(&str); xp_str_forfeit (&str); return tmp; } #endif