-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-001.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 275 Canada 25 China 1032 USA 237 Brazil 134 India 746 Mexico 78 France 55 Japan 120 Germany 61 England 56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-002.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY AREA POP CONTINENT USSR 8649 275 Asia Canada 3852 25 North America China 3705 1032 Asia USA 3615 237 North America Brazil 3286 134 South America India 1267 746 Asia Mexico 762 78 North America France 211 55 Europe Japan 144 120 Asia Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe TOTAL 25681 2819 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-003.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- India 1267 746 Asia Japan 144 120 Asia Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-004.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia USA 3615 237 North America Mexico 762 78 North America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-005.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada 3852 25 North America Brazil 3286 134 South America Mexico 762 78 North America England 94 56 Europe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-006.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-007.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia China 3705 1032 Asia India 1267 746 Asia Japan 144 120 Asia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-008.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia China 3705 1032 Asia India 1267 746 Asia Japan 144 120 Asia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-009.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada 3852 25 North America USA 3615 237 North America Brazil 3286 134 South America Mexico 762 78 North America France 211 55 Europe Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-010.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia China 3705 1032 Asia India 1267 746 Asia Japan 144 120 Asia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-011.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-012.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- China 3705 1032 Asia India 1267 746 Asia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-013.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia China 3705 1032 Asia India 1267 746 Asia France 211 55 Europe Japan 144 120 Asia Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-014.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia China 3705 1032 Asia India 1267 746 Asia France 211 55 Europe Japan 144 120 Asia Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-015.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia China 3705 1032 Asia India 1267 746 Asia France 211 55 Europe Japan 144 120 Asia Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-016.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia China 3705 1032 Asia India 1267 746 Asia France 211 55 Europe Japan 144 120 Asia Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-017.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada 3852 25 North America China 3705 1032 Asia USA 3615 237 North America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-018.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-019.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cou.dat: USSR 8649 275 Asia cou.dat: Canada 3852 25 North America cou.dat: China 3705 1032 Asia cou.dat: USA 3615 237 North America cou.dat: Brazil 3286 134 South America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-020.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cou.dat: USSR 8649 275 Asia cou.dat: Canada 3852 25 North America cou.dat: China 3705 1032 Asia cou.dat: USA 3615 237 North America cou.dat: Brazil 3286 134 South America -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-021.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649000 China 3705000 India 1267000 Japan 144000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-022.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia Canada 3852 25 NA China 3705 1032 Asia USA 3615 237 NA Brazil 3286 134 SA India 1267 746 Asia Mexico 762 78 NA France 211 55 Europe Japan 144 120 Asia Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-023.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USSR 8649 275 Asia 31.7956 Canada 3852 25 North America 6.49013 China 3705 1032 Asia 278.543 USA 3615 237 North America 65.5602 Brazil 3286 134 South America 40.7791 India 1267 746 Asia 588.792 Mexico 762 78 North America 102.362 France 211 55 Europe 260.664 Japan 144 120 Asia 833.333 Germany 96 61 Europe 635.417 England 94 56 Europe 595.745 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-024.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total population of the 4 Asian countries is 2173 million. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-025.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asian population is 2173 million. European population is 172 million. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-026.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asia 2173 Europe 172 North America 340 South America 134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f cou-027.awk cou.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asia 2173 North America 340 Europe 172 South America 134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-001.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kathy 40 Mark 100 Mary 121 Susie 76.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-002.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Dan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-003.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Beth 0 3 Dan 0 3 Kathy 10 3 Mark 20 3 Mary 22 3 Susie 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-004.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Beth 4.00 0 2 Dan 3.74 0 3 Kathy 4.00 10 4 Mark 5.00 20 5 Mary 5.50 22 6 Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-005.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- total pay for Beth is 0 total pay for Dan is 0 total pay for Kathy is 40 total pay for Mark is 100 total pay for Mary is 121 total pay for Susie is 76.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-006.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- total pay for Beth is $0.00 total pay for Dan is $0.00 total pay for Kathy is $40.00 total pay for Mark is $100.00 total pay for Mary is $121.00 total pay for Susie is $76.50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-007.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth $ 0.00 Dan $ 0.00 Kathy $ 40.00 Mark $100.00 Mary $121.00 Susie $ 76.50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-008.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark 5.00 20 Mary 5.50 22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-009.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $100.00 for Mark $121.00 for Mary $76.50 for Susie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-010.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-011.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-012.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth 4.00 0 Kathy 4.00 10 Mark 5.00 20 Mary 5.50 22 Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-013.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth 4.00 0 Kathy 4.00 10 Mark 5.00 20 Mark 5.00 20 Mary 5.50 22 Mary 5.50 22 Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-014.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth 4.00 0 Kathy 4.00 10 Mark 5.00 20 Mary 5.50 22 Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-015.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-016.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME RATE HOURS Beth 4.00 0 Dan 3.74 0 Kathy 4.00 10 Mark 5.00 20 Mary 5.50 22 Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-017.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 employees worked more than 15 hours -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-018.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 employees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-019.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 employees total pay is 337.5 average pay is 56.25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-020.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- highest hourly rage: 5.50 for Mary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-021.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Dan Kathy Mark Mary Susie -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-022.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-023.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth 4 Dan 3 Kathy 5 Mark 4 Mary 4 Susie 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-024.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 lines, 18 words, 77 characters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-025.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- no employees are paid more than $6/hour -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-026.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Susie 4.25 18 Mary 5.50 22 Mark 5.00 20 Kathy 4.00 10 Dan 3.74 0 Beth 4.00 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f emp-027.awk emp.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Susie 4.25 18 Mary 5.50 22 Mark 5.00 20 Kathy 4.00 10 Dan 3.74 0 Beth 4.00 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f adr-001.awk adr.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James Brown 012-345-678 Richie Ren 02-3473-9192 Toh WeeKung 9102-1203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f adr-002.awk adr.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James Brown Somewhere over the rainbow 012-345-678 Toh WeeKung Singapore 9102-1203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f unr-001.awk unr.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth 4 0 Dan 3.74 0 0 4.00 10 Mark 5.00 20 Mary 5.5 22 Susie 4.25 18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --strictnaming=off --newline=on -d- -f lang-001.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function f (__p0) { print __p0; } BEGIN { f("hello"); } hello -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-002.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function f (__p0) { print __p0; f("my hello"); } BEGIN { f(10); } 10 my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello my hello ERROR: CODE 17 LINE 6 COLUMN 1 FILE lang-002.awk - block nested too deeply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-003.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fn (__p0) { __p0 = 20; } BEGIN { f = 50; fn(100); print f; } 50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-004.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 44 LINE 3 COLUMN 9 FILE lang-004.awk - function 'a' redefined -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --implicit=off --newline=on -d- -f lang-005.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function a (__p0) { print __p0; } BEGIN { @local __l0, __l1; { __l0 = 50; { __l1 = 30; print __l1; } print __l0; } a(100); } 30 50 100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --implicit=off --newline=on -d- -f lang-006.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 45 LINE 5 COLUMN 10 FILE lang-006.awk - global variable 'a' redefined -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --implicit=on --newline=on -d- -f lang-007.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @global __g18; function fn () { a = 20; return a; } BEGIN { __g18 = 30; print fn(); print __g18; } 20 30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --implicit=off --newline=on -d- -f lang-008.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @global x; BEGIN { @local __l0, __l1; x = 1; { __l0 = 2; { __l1 = 3; print __l1; } print __l0; } print x; } 3 2 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --implicit=off --newline=on --strictnaming=off -d- -f lang-009.awk lang-009.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function a (__p0) { print __p0; } BEGIN { @local __l0; __l0 = 20; } END { a(1000); } 1000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-010.awk this is just a test &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print "ARGC=",ARGC; for (i in ARGV) { print (("ARGV[" i) "]"),ARGV[i]; } print "----------------------"; print "ARGC=",ARGC; split("111 22 333 555 666 777",ARGV); for (i in ARGV) { print (("ARGV[" i) "]"),ARGV[i]; } if ((ARGC >= 0)) printf ("ARGC [%++#10.10i] is positive\n",10); if ((ARGC >= 0)) printf ("ARGC [%++#10.10f] is positive\n",10); if ((ARGC >= 0)) printf ("ARGC [%++#10.10E] is positive\n",10124.1123); if ((ARGC >= 0)) printf ("ARGC [%++#10.10G] is positive\n",10124.1123); if ((ARGC >= 0)) printf ("ARGC [%++#10.10g] is positive\n",10124.1123); if ((ARGC >= 0)) printf ("ARGC [%++#10.10f] is positive\n",10124.1123); printf ("[%d], [%f], [%s]\n",10124.1123,10124.1123,10124.1123); printf ("[%-10c] [% 0*.*d]\n",65,45,48,-1); print sprintf("abc%d %*.*d %c %s %c",10,20,30,40,"good","good",75.34); } ARGC= 6 ARGV[0] qseawk ARGV[1] this ARGV[2] is ARGV[3] just ARGV[4] a ARGV[5] test ---------------------- ARGC= 6 ARGV[1] 111 ARGV[2] 22 ARGV[3] 333 ARGV[4] 555 ARGV[5] 666 ARGV[6] 777 ARGC [+0000000010] is positive ARGC [+10.0000000000] is positive ARGC [+1.0124112300E+04] is positive ARGC [+10124.11230] is positive ARGC [+10124.11230] is positive ARGC [+10124.1123000000] is positive [10124], [10124.112300], [10124.1] [A ] [-000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001] abc10 000000000000000000000000000040 g good K -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-011.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { a[1,2,3] = 20; a[4,5,6] = 30; for (i in a) { n = split(i,k,SUBSEP); for (j = 1; (j <= n); (j)++) { print k[j]; } print "-------------------"; } if (((1,2,3) in a)) { print ("(1,2,3) in a ==> " a[1,2,3]); } else { print "(1,2,3) not in a"; } if (((4,5) in a)) { print ("(4,5) in a ==> " a[4,5]); } else { print "(4,5) not in a"; } } 4 5 6 ------------------- 1 2 3 ------------------- (1,2,3) in a ==> 20 (4,5) not in a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-012.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { OFS = "\t\t"; print "1==1 :",(1 == 1); print "1==0 :",(1 == 0); print "1.0==1 :",(1.0 == 1); print "1.1==1 :",(1.1 == 1); print "1.0!=1 :",(1.0 != 1); print "1.1!=1 :",(1.1 != 1); print "\"abc\" == \"abc\"",("abc" == "abc"); print "\"abc\" != \"abc\"",("abc" != "abc"); print "--------------------------"; print "a == \"\" :",(a == ""); print "a >= \"\" :",(a >= ""); print "a <= \"\" :",(a <= ""); print "a > \"\" :",(a > ""); print "a < \"\" :",(a < ""); print "--------------------------"; print "a == \" \" :",(a == " "); print "a >= \" \" :",(a >= " "); print "a <= \" \" :",(a <= " "); print "a > \" \" :",(a > " "); print "a < \" \" :",(a < " "); print "--------------------------"; print "\"\" == a :",("" == a); print "\"\" >= a:",("" >= a); print "\"\" <= a:",("" <= a); print "\"\" > a:",("" > a); print "\"\" < a:",("" < a); print "--------------------------"; print "\" \" == a :",(" " == a); print "\" \" >= a:",(" " >= a); print "\" \" <= a:",(" " <= a); print "\" \" > a:",(" " > a); print "\" \" < a:",(" " < a); print "--------------------------"; print "10 == \"10\"",(10 == "10"); print "10 != \"10\"",(10 != "10"); print "10 >= \"10\"",(10 >= "10"); print "10 <= \"10\"",(10 <= "10"); print "10 > \"10\"",(10 > "10"); print "10 < \"10\"",(10 < "10"); print "--------------------------"; print "10 == \"11\"",(10 == "11"); print "10 != \"11\"",(10 != "11"); print "10 >= \"11\"",(10 >= "11"); print "10 <= \"11\"",(10 <= "11"); print "10 > \"11\"",(10 > "11"); print "10 < \"11\"",(10 < "11"); print "--------------------------"; print "11 == \"10\"",(11 == "10"); print "11 != \"10\"",(11 != "10"); print "11 >= \"10\"",(11 >= "10"); print "11 <= \"10\"",(11 <= "10"); print "11 > \"10\"",(11 > "10"); print "11 < \"10\"",(11 < "10"); print "--------------------------"; print "010 == \"8\"",(010 == "8"); print "010 != \"8\"",(010 != "8"); print "010 >= \"8\"",(010 >= "8"); print "010 <= \"8\"",(010 <= "8"); print "010 > \"8\"",(010 > "8"); print "010 < \"8\"",(010 < "8"); print "--------------------------"; print "10 == \"10.0\"",(10 == "10.0"); print "10 != \"10.0\"",(10 != "10.0"); print "10 >= \"10.0\"",(10 >= "10.0"); print "10 <= \"10.0\"",(10 <= "10.0"); print "10 > \"10.0\"",(10 > "10.0"); print "10 < \"10.0\"",(10 < "10.0"); print "--------------------------"; print "10.0 == \"10\"",(10.0 == "10"); print "10.0 != \"10\"",(10.0 != "10"); print "10.0 >= \"10\"",(10.0 >= "10"); print "10.0 <= \"10\"",(10.0 <= "10"); print "10.0 > \"10\"",(10.0 > "10"); print "10.0 < \"10\"",(10.0 < "10"); print "--------------------------"; print "\"10\" == 10.0",("10" == 10.0); print "\"10\" != 10.0",("10" != 10.0); print "\"10\" >= 10.0",("10" >= 10.0); print "\"10\" <= 10.0",("10" <= 10.0); print "\"10\" > 10.0",("10" > 10.0); print "\"10\" < 10.0",("10" < 10.0); print "--------------------------"; print "\"10\" == 10.1",("10" == 10.1); print "\"10\" != 10.1",("10" != 10.1); print "\"10\" >= 10.1",("10" >= 10.1); print "\"10\" <= 10.1",("10" <= 10.1); print "\"10\" > 10.1",("10" > 10.1); print "\"10\" < 10.1",("10" < 10.1); print 1.245230; print 12345678901234567890E20; print .123; print 0.123000; print -0.123000; print .123E-; print 0.123000; print -0.123000; print (-0.123000 + "123"); } 1==1 : 1 1==0 : 0 1.0==1 : 1 1.1==1 : 0 1.0!=1 : 0 1.1!=1 : 1 "abc" == "abc" 1 "abc" != "abc" 0 -------------------------- a == "" : 1 a >= "" : 1 a <= "" : 1 a > "" : 0 a < "" : 0 -------------------------- a == " " : 0 a >= " " : 0 a <= " " : 1 a > " " : 0 a < " " : 1 -------------------------- "" == a : 1 "" >= a: 1 "" <= a: 1 "" > a: 0 "" < a: 0 -------------------------- " " == a : 0 " " >= a: 1 " " <= a: 0 " " > a: 1 " " < a: 0 -------------------------- 10 == "10" 1 10 != "10" 0 10 >= "10" 1 10 <= "10" 1 10 > "10" 0 10 < "10" 0 -------------------------- 10 == "11" 0 10 != "11" 1 10 >= "11" 0 10 <= "11" 1 10 > "11" 0 10 < "11" 1 -------------------------- 11 == "10" 0 11 != "10" 1 11 >= "10" 1 11 <= "10" 0 11 > "10" 1 11 < "10" 0 -------------------------- 010 == "8" 1 010 != "8" 0 010 >= "8" 1 010 <= "8" 1 010 > "8" 0 010 < "8" 0 -------------------------- 10 == "10.0" 0 10 != "10.0" 1 10 >= "10.0" 0 10 <= "10.0" 1 10 > "10.0" 0 10 < "10.0" 1 -------------------------- 10.0 == "10" 1 10.0 != "10" 0 10.0 >= "10" 1 10.0 <= "10" 1 10.0 > "10" 0 10.0 < "10" 0 -------------------------- "10" == 10.0 1 "10" != 10.0 0 "10" >= 10.0 1 "10" <= 10.0 1 "10" > 10.0 0 "10" < 10.0 0 -------------------------- "10" == 10.1 0 "10" != 10.1 1 "10" >= 10.1 0 "10" <= 10.1 1 "10" > 10.1 0 "10" < 10.1 1 1.24523 1.23457e+39 0.123 0.123 -0.123 0.123 0.123 -0.123 122.877 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-013.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { CONVFMT = "%s"; printf ("%s\n",10.34); } ERROR: CODE 110 LINE 3 COLUMN 2 FILE lang-013.awk - recursion detected in format conversion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-014.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { a = 30; b = 30; c = 30; print a,b,c; } 30 30 30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-015.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 17 LINE 3 COLUMN 50 FILE lang-015.awk - block nested too deeply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-016.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { printf "[[[[[%s]]]]\n",sprintf("abc %s abc",sprintf("def %s %s",sprintf("%s %s %s","xyz",1.2342,"xyz"),sprintf("ttt %s tttt",123.12))); printf "[[[[%s]]]]\n",sprintf("ttt %s tttt",123.12); } [[[[[abc def xyz 1.2342 xyz ttt 123.12 tttt abc]]]] [[[[ttt 123.12 tttt]]]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-017.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gety () { return (y)++; } function getx () { if ((x == 2)) error(); return (x)++; } function main () { x = 0; y = 0; print (getx() + gety()); print (getx() + gety()); print (getx() + gety()); print (getx() + gety()); return 999; } function error () { exit 200; } BEGIN { main(); } END { print "END OF PROGRAM"; return 10; } END { print "END OF PROGRAM 2"; exit 100; } END { print "END OF PROGRAM 3"; exit 900; } 0 2 END OF PROGRAM END OF PROGRAM 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --call main --newline=on -d- -f lang-017.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function gety () { return (y)++; } function getx () { if ((x == 2)) error(); return (x)++; } function main () { x = 0; y = 0; print (getx() + gety()); print (getx() + gety()); print (getx() + gety()); print (getx() + gety()); return 999; } function error () { exit 200; } BEGIN { main(); } END { print "END OF PROGRAM"; return 10; } END { print "END OF PROGRAM 2"; exit 100; } END { print "END OF PROGRAM 3"; exit 900; } 0 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-018.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 49 LINE 1 COLUMN 9 FILE lang-018.awk - duplicate global variable 'ARGV' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-019.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 51 LINE 1 COLUMN 15 FILE lang-019.awk - '+' not a valid parameter name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-020.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 52 LINE 1 COLUMN 9 FILE lang-020.awk - '+' not a valid variable name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-021.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 52 LINE 3 COLUMN 9 FILE lang-021.awk - '+' not a valid variable name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-022.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 25 LINE 2 COLUMN 9 FILE lang-022.awk - left parenthesis expected in place of '=' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-023.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 30 LINE 5 COLUMN 20 FILE lang-023.awk - colon expected in place of ';' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-024.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { @local __l0; __l0 = 21; print ((__l0 > 20))?1:2; c = ((__l0)++ ++(b)); print __l0; print b; print c; print (99 ++(c)); x = (("he" "ll") "o"); x %%= " world"; print x; } 1 22 1 211 99212 hello world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-025.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix = 20; delete iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix; } ERROR: CODE 81 LINE 3 COLUMN 9 FILE lang-025.awk - 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix' not deletable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-026.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { abc[20] = "abc"; print abc[20]; abc = 10; print abc; } abc 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-027.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 19 LINE 2 COLUMN 1 FILE lang-027.awk - invalid character '' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-028.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 43 LINE 2 COLUMN 10 FILE lang-028.awk - intrinsic function 'substr' redefined -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-029.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 44 LINE 9 COLUMN 10 FILE lang-029.awk - function 'abc' redefined -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-030.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print 1; print 255; print 10; print 16; print 2; print 0; print 0; print "-----------------------"; print 1; print 255; print 10; print 16; print 2; print 0; print 0; print "-----------------------"; print -1; print -255; print -10; print -16; print -2; print 0; print 0; } 1 255 10 16 2 0 0 ----------------------- 1 255 10 16 2 0 0 ----------------------- -1 -255 -10 -16 -2 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-031.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print match("hhhheeeo",/e+/); print RSTART,RLENGTH; print match("heeeo",/e/); print RSTART,RLENGTH; print match("heeeo",/t/); print RSTART,RLENGTH; print "--------------------------"; print match("hhhheeeo","e+"); print RSTART,RLENGTH; print match("heeeo","e"); print RSTART,RLENGTH; print match("heeeo","t"); print RSTART,RLENGTH; print "--------------------------"; } 5 5 3 2 2 1 0 0 -1 -------------------------- 5 5 3 2 2 1 0 0 -1 -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-032.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { a = 91; print ((a)++ 10); print ((a)++ 10); print ((a)++ 10); print ((a)++ 10); print ((a)++ 10); print "---------------------"; a = 91; print (++(a) 10); } 9110 9210 9310 9410 9510 --------------------- 9210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -vdatadir=awk -vdatafile=passwd.dat -f lang-033.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { while (((((("cat " datadir) "/") datafile) | getline x) > 0)) print x; } root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/bin/sh man:x:6:12:man:/var/cache/man:/bin/sh lp:x:7:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/bin/sh mail:x:8:8:mail:/var/mail:/bin/sh news:x:9:9:news:/var/spool/news:/bin/sh uucp:x:10:10:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/bin/sh proxy:x:13:13:proxy:/bin:/bin/sh www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh backup:x:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/bin/sh list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/bin/sh irc:x:39:39:ircd:/var/run/ircd:/bin/sh gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh libuuid:x:100:101::/var/lib/libuuid:/bin/sh syslog:x:101:102::/home/syslog:/bin/false klog:x:102:103::/home/klog:/bin/false hplip:x:103:7:HPLIP system user,,,:/var/run/hplip:/bin/false avahi-autoipd:x:104:110:Avahi autoip daemon,,,:/var/lib/avahi-autoipd:/bin/false gdm:x:105:111:Gnome Display Manager:/var/lib/gdm:/bin/false saned:x:106:113::/home/saned:/bin/false pulse:x:107:114:PulseAudio daemon,,,:/var/run/pulse:/bin/false messagebus:x:108:117::/var/run/dbus:/bin/false polkituser:x:109:118:PolicyKit,,,:/var/run/PolicyKit:/bin/false avahi:x:110:119:Avahi mDNS daemon,,,:/var/run/avahi-daemon:/bin/false haldaemon:x:111:120:Hardware abstraction layer,,,:/var/run/hald:/bin/false statd:x:112:65534::/var/lib/nfs:/bin/false sshd:x:113:65534::/var/run/sshd:/usr/sbin/nologin speech-dispatcher:x:114:29:Speech Dispatcher,,,:/var/run/speech-dispatcher:/bin/sh couchdb:x:115:116:CouchDB Administrator,,,:/var/lib/couchdb:/bin/bash kernoops:x:116:65534:Kernel Oops Tracking Daemon,,,:/:/bin/false mysql:x:117:124:MySQL Server,,,:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false openldap:x:118:125:OpenLDAP Server Account,,,:/nonexistent:/bin/false postfix:x:119:126::/var/spool/postfix:/bin/false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --rwpipe=on -d- -f lang-034.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print "15" || "sort"; print "14" || "sort"; print "13" || "sort"; print "12" || "sort"; print "11" || "sort"; close("sort","r"); print "-----"; while ((("sort" || getline x) > 0)) print "xx:",x; } ----- xx: 11 xx: 12 xx: 13 xx: 14 xx: 15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -vdatadir=awk -vdatafile=lang-035.dat1 -vgroupname=lang-035 -f lang-035.awk lang-035.dat2 &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { max_cid_vars = 100; datapath = ((datadir "/") datafile); first = 1; while (((getline x < datapath) > 0)) { if (first) { first = 0; continue; } n = split(x,f,","); if ((n < 3)) continue; if ((f[3] == "")) continue; for (suffix = 0; (suffix < max_cid_vars); (suffix)++) { oldval = tab[f[2],suffix]; if ((oldval == "")) { tab[f[2],suffix] = f[3]; break; } } } } /^lease[[:space:]]+.+[[:space:]]*{[[:space:]]*$/ { voice_no = 0; } { if ((($1 == "option") && ($2 == "agent.circuit-id"))) { pos = index($0,"agent.circuit-id "); len = length($0); last = substr($0,len,1); adj = 0; if ((last != ";")) (adj)++; cid = substr($0,(pos + 17),(length($0) - ((pos + 17) + adj))); for (suffix = 0; (suffix < max_cid_vars); (suffix)++) { val = tab[cid,suffix]; if ((val == "")) break; print ((((" info awk.voice-no-" voice_no) " ") val) ";"); (voice_no)++; } } print $0; if ((($1 == "hardware") && ($2 == "ethernet"))) { print ((" info awk.groupname \"" groupname) "\";"); } } # The format of this file is documented in the dhcpd.leases(5) manual page. # This lease file was written by isc-dhcp-V3.1.1 lease { starts 5 2009/08/07 08:33:03; ends 5 2009/08/07 08:38:14; tstp 5 2009/08/07 08:38:14; cltt 5 2009/08/07 08:33:03; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:13:5e:4f:d2:d3; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 09:04:12; ends 2 2009/08/11 09:04:12; cltt 1 2009/08/10 09:04:12; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:13:5e:50:23:6b; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; info awk.voice-no-0 "68599021"; option agent.circuit-id "BLM1500_AR3_ILAB ONT/9/1/1 /0.0"; option agent.unknown-9 0:0:0:c1:8:45:52:49:43:53:53:4f:4e; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 09:04:16; ends 2 2009/08/11 09:04:16; cltt 1 2009/08/10 09:04:16; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:13:5e:50:25:aa; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; info awk.voice-no-0 "68599011"; option agent.circuit-id "BLM1500_AR3_ILAB ONT/9/1/2 /0.0"; option agent.unknown-9 0:0:0:c1:8:45:52:49:43:53:53:4f:4e; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 13:53:08; ends 2 2009/08/11 13:53:08; cltt 1 2009/08/10 13:53:08; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:13:5e:50:20:af; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; info awk.voice-no-0 "68599012"; option agent.circuit-id "BLM1500_AR3_ILAB ONT/9/2/1 /0.0"; option agent.unknown-9 0:0:0:c1:8:45:52:49:43:53:53:4f:4e; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 13:53:42; ends 2 2009/08/11 13:53:42; cltt 1 2009/08/10 13:53:42; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:13:5e:50:20:29; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; info awk.voice-no-0 "68599022"; option agent.circuit-id "BLM1500_AR3_ILAB ONT/9/2/2 /0.0"; option agent.unknown-9 0:0:0:c1:8:45:52:49:43:53:53:4f:4e; } lease { starts 5 2009/08/07 08:18:04; ends 5 2009/08/07 08:28:04; tstp 5 2009/08/07 08:28:04; cltt 5 2009/08/07 08:18:04; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1b:5b:9c:4f:7d; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\033[\234O}"; } lease { starts 5 2009/08/07 08:32:37; ends 5 2009/08/07 08:42:37; tstp 5 2009/08/07 08:42:37; cltt 5 2009/08/07 08:32:37; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1b:5b:9c:1b:35; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\033[\234\0335"; } lease { starts 5 2009/08/07 10:39:01; ends 6 2009/08/08 10:29:45; tstp 6 2009/08/08 10:29:45; cltt 5 2009/08/07 10:39:01; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1f:b3:79:7e:30; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\037\263y~0"; } lease { starts 0 2009/08/09 14:21:00; ends 1 2009/08/10 09:13:42; tstp 1 2009/08/10 09:13:42; cltt 0 2009/08/09 14:21:00; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:19:e4:43:0e:c8; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\031\344C\016\310"; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 09:02:31; ends 2 2009/08/11 09:02:31; cltt 1 2009/08/10 09:02:31; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1b:5b:9c:90:00; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\033[\234\220\000"; info awk.voice-no-0 "68599019"; info awk.voice-no-1 "68599014"; option agent.circuit-id "AR_Remote atm 1/1/03/12:2.100"; option agent.remote-id "22M-fast"; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 09:04:04; ends 2 2009/08/11 09:04:04; cltt 1 2009/08/10 09:04:04; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1b:5b:9c:81:35; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\033[\234\2015"; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 09:06:09; ends 2 2009/08/11 09:06:09; cltt 1 2009/08/10 09:06:09; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1e:c7:fb:29:7d; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\036\307\373)}"; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 09:14:33; ends 2 2009/08/11 09:14:33; cltt 1 2009/08/10 09:14:33; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1e:c7:fb:29:4d; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\036\307\373)M"; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 13:57:24; ends 2 2009/08/11 13:57:24; cltt 1 2009/08/10 13:57:24; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1a:04:f9:e2:90; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\032\004\371\342\220"; info awk.voice-no-0 "68599018"; option agent.circuit-id "AR_Remote atm 1/1/03/02:2.100"; option agent.remote-id "3play"; } lease { starts 1 2009/08/10 17:25:17; ends 2 2009/08/11 17:25:17; cltt 1 2009/08/10 17:25:17; binding state active; next binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1e:c7:fb:29:1d; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\036\307\373)\035"; info awk.voice-no-0 "68599017"; info awk.voice-no-1 "68599013"; option agent.circuit-id "AL_AM3_LAB atm 1/1/01/01:2.100"; option agent.remote-id "Testing DHCP"; } # The format of this file is documented in the dhcpd.leases(5) manual page. # This lease file was written by isc-dhcp-V3.1.1 lease { starts 5 2009/08/07 08:09:38; ends 5 2009/08/07 08:13:59; tstp 5 2009/08/07 08:13:59; cltt 5 2009/08/07 08:09:38; binding state free; hardware ethernet 00:1b:5b:9c:90:00; info awk.groupname "lang-035"; uid "\001\000\033[\234\220\000"; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-036.awk lang-036.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { if (($0 ~ /^-+$/)) { (getline x); printf " %s\n",x; nobar = 0; } else { if (nobar) printf "\n"; printf "%s",$0; nobar = 1; } } ab...c AAA de...f gh...i AAA1 jk...l mn...o pq...r AAA2 kbs ddd dif cccc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-037.awk lang-037.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { RS = "\n-+\n"; first = 1; } { if ((!(first))) printf " "; printf "%s",$0; first = 0; } ab...c AAA de...f gh...i AAA1 jk...l mn...o pq...r AAA2 kbs ddd dif cccc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-038.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { xstr = "abcdefabcdefabcdef"; xsub = "abc"; xlen = length(xsub); i = 1; while ((i = index(xstr,xsub,i) > 0)) { print i,substr(xstr,i,xlen); i += xlen; } print "----------------"; i = 1; while ((match(xstr,xsub,i) > 0)) { print RSTART,substr(xstr,RSTART,RLENGTH); i = (RSTART + RLENGTH); } } 1 abc 7 abc 13 abc ---------------- 1 abc 7 abc 13 abc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-039.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print (length() 11); print length(11); } 011 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-040.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { for (x in y) print x; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-041.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { abc = 20; print (abc 10); } 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-042.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print //; print /=/; print /.*/; a = 5; a /= 10; print a; for (IGNORECASE = 0; (IGNORECASE <= 1); (IGNORECASE)++) { print "IGNORECASE=",IGNORECASE; print ("abc" ~ /^[[:upper:]]+$/); print ("abc" ~ /^[[:lower:]]+$/); print ("ABC" ~ /^[[:upper:]]+$/); print ("ABC" ~ /^[[:lower:]]+$/); print ("AbC" ~ /^[[:upper:]]+$/); print ("aBc" ~ /^[[:lower:]]+$/); } } 1 0 1 0.5 IGNORECASE= 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 IGNORECASE= 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-043.awk lang-043.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { RS = "[\t\n\v\f\r ]*[\r\n]+[\t\n\v\f\r ]*"; } { print $0; } abcd dcba j -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-044.awk lang-044.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { RS = ""; } { print (("[" $0) "]"); } [abc this is the second line] [def vwxyz this is the second second line] [ ttttt killer] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-045.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { for (i = -10.000000; (i < 10.0); (i)++) { print sin(i); print cos(i); print tan(i); print atan(i); print atan2(i,1); print log(i); print exp(i); print sqrt(i); } } 0.544021 -0.839072 -0.648361 -1.47113 -1.47113 nan 4.53999e-05 -nan -0.412118 -0.91113 0.452316 -1.46014 -1.46014 nan 0.00012341 -nan -0.989358 -0.1455 6.79971 -1.44644 -1.44644 nan 0.000335463 -nan -0.656987 0.753902 -0.871448 -1.4289 -1.4289 nan 0.000911882 -nan 0.279415 0.96017 0.291006 -1.40565 -1.40565 nan 0.00247875 -nan 0.958924 0.283662 3.38052 -1.3734 -1.3734 nan 0.00673795 -nan 0.756802 -0.653644 -1.15782 -1.32582 -1.32582 nan 0.0183156 -nan -0.14112 -0.989992 0.142547 -1.24905 -1.24905 nan 0.0497871 -nan -0.909297 -0.416147 2.18504 -1.10715 -1.10715 nan 0.135335 -nan -0.841471 0.540302 -1.55741 -0.785398 -0.785398 nan 0.367879 -nan 0 1 0 0 0 -inf 1 0 0.841471 0.540302 1.55741 0.785398 0.785398 0 2.71828 1 0.909297 -0.416147 -2.18504 1.10715 1.10715 0.693147 7.38906 1.41421 0.14112 -0.989992 -0.142547 1.24905 1.24905 1.09861 20.0855 1.73205 -0.756802 -0.653644 1.15782 1.32582 1.32582 1.38629 54.5982 2 -0.958924 0.283662 -3.38052 1.3734 1.3734 1.60944 148.413 2.23607 -0.279415 0.96017 -0.291006 1.40565 1.40565 1.79176 403.429 2.44949 0.656987 0.753902 0.871448 1.4289 1.4289 1.94591 1096.63 2.64575 0.989358 -0.1455 -6.79971 1.44644 1.44644 2.07944 2980.96 2.82843 0.412118 -0.91113 -0.452316 1.46014 1.46014 2.19722 8103.08 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -vdatadir=awk -vdatafile=lang-046.dat1 -f lang-046.awk lang-046.dat2 &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ((getline < ((datadir "/") datafile)) >= 0) 2 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 2 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 2 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --tolerant=on -d- -f lang-047.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print (print (print (print 10))); print (print 10 > "/tmp/should/not/be/creatable"); if (((print 10 > "/tmp/should/not/be/creatable") <= -1)) print "FAILURE"; else print "SUCCESS"; print "------------------------------------"; a = (1 (print 10 > "/tmp/should/not/be/creatable")); print a; print "------------------------------------"; b = (++(a) (print 10)); printf "%d\n",b; print "------------------------------------"; printf ("%d\n",(b + ((print (print (print 80))) + 40))); print "------------------------------------"; printf ("%d\n",(b + ((print (print (print (30 50)))) + 40))); print "------------------------------------"; $(print 0 > "/dev/null") = "this is wonderful"; print $0; print "------------------------------------"; $((getline dummy) > "/dev/zero") = "that"; print $0; print "------------------------------------"; x[0] = 20; abc = ((print ("hello","world",(1,abc = 20,abc = 45))) in x); print abc; } 10 0 0 0 -1 FAILURE ------------------------------------ 1-1 ------------------------------------ 10 20 ------------------------------------ 80 0 0 60 ------------------------------------ 3050 0 0 60 ------------------------------------ this is wonderful ------------------------------------ that is wonderful ------------------------------------ hello world 45 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-048.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function int2ip (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p1 = (__p0 & 255); __p0 = (__p0 >> 8); for (; (__p2 < 3); (__p2)++) { __p1 = (((__p0 & 255) ".") __p1); __p0 = (__p0 >> 8); } return __p1; } function ip2int (__p0) { ret = 0; n = split(__p0,a,"."); for (x = 1; (x <= n); (x)++) ret = ((ret << 8) | a[x]); return ret; } BEGIN { print int2ip(ip2int("")); print int2ip(ip2int("")); print int2ip(ip2int("")); print int2ip(ip2int("")); } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -d- -f lang-049.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: CODE 62 LINE 2 COLUMN 9 FILE lang-049.awk - no argument provided -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=off -d- -f lang-050.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { a = 20; a[10] = 30; for (i in a) print i,a[i]; } ERROR: CODE 91 LINE 6 COLUMN 2 FILE lang-050.awk - cannot change a scalar to a map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=on -d- -f lang-050.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { a = 20; a[10] = 30; for (i in a) print i,a[i]; } 10 30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=off -d- -f lang-051.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { split("a b c d e",ARGC); for (i in ARGC) print i,ARGC[i]; } ERROR: CODE 94 LINE 7 COLUMN 2 FILE lang-051.awk - cannot change a scalar 'ARGC' to a map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=on -d- -f lang-051.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { split("a b c d e",ARGC); for (i in ARGC) print i,ARGC[i]; } 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=off -d- -f lang-052.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { split("a b c d e",ARGV); for (i in ARGV) print i,ARGV[i]; } 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=on -d- -f lang-052.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { split("a b c d e",ARGV); for (i in ARGV) print i,ARGV[i]; } 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=off -d- -f lang-053.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { a[1] = 1; a[2] = 2; b[4] = 4; b[5] = 5; a = b; for (i in a) print i,a[i]; } ERROR: CODE 92 LINE 10 COLUMN 2 FILE lang-053.awk - cannot change a map 'a' to another map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=on -d- -f lang-053.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { a[1] = 1; a[2] = 2; b[4] = 4; b[5] = 5; a = b; for (i in a) print i,a[i]; } 4 4 5 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=off -d- -f lang-054.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print getioattr("xxxx","rtimeout",ARGV); print ARGV; } ERROR: CODE 93 LINE 4 COLUMN 8 FILE lang-054.awk - cannot change a map 'ARGV' to a scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on --flexmap=on -d- -f lang-054.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN { print getioattr("xxxx","rtimeout",ARGV); print ARGV; } 0 -999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -F: -f columnate.awk passwd.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- root x 0 0 root /root /bin/bash daemon x 1 1 daemon /usr/sbin /bin/sh bin x 2 2 bin /bin /bin/sh sys x 3 3 sys /dev /bin/sh sync x 4 65534 sync /bin /bin/sync games x 5 60 games /usr/games /bin/sh man x 6 12 man /var/cache/man /bin/sh lp x 7 7 lp /var/spool/lpd /bin/sh mail x 8 8 mail /var/mail /bin/sh news x 9 9 news /var/spool/news /bin/sh uucp x 10 10 uucp /var/spool/uucp /bin/sh proxy x 13 13 proxy /bin /bin/sh www-data x 33 33 www-data /var/www /bin/sh backup x 34 34 backup /var/backups /bin/sh list x 38 38 Mailing List Manager /var/list /bin/sh irc x 39 39 ircd /var/run/ircd /bin/sh gnats x 41 41 Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin) /var/lib/gnats /bin/sh nobody x 65534 65534 nobody /nonexistent /bin/sh libuuid x 100 101 /var/lib/libuuid /bin/sh syslog x 101 102 /home/syslog /bin/false klog x 102 103 /home/klog /bin/false hplip x 103 7 HPLIP system user,,, /var/run/hplip /bin/false avahi-autoipd x 104 110 Avahi autoip daemon,,, /var/lib/avahi-autoipd /bin/false gdm x 105 111 Gnome Display Manager /var/lib/gdm /bin/false saned x 106 113 /home/saned /bin/false pulse x 107 114 PulseAudio daemon,,, /var/run/pulse /bin/false messagebus x 108 117 /var/run/dbus /bin/false polkituser x 109 118 PolicyKit,,, /var/run/PolicyKit /bin/false avahi x 110 119 Avahi mDNS daemon,,, /var/run/avahi-daemon /bin/false haldaemon x 111 120 Hardware abstraction layer,,, /var/run/hald /bin/false statd x 112 65534 /var/lib/nfs /bin/false sshd x 113 65534 /var/run/sshd /usr/sbin/nologin speech-dispatcher x 114 29 Speech Dispatcher,,, /var/run/speech-dispatcher /bin/sh couchdb x 115 116 CouchDB Administrator,,, /var/lib/couchdb /bin/bash kernoops x 116 65534 Kernel Oops Tracking Daemon,,, / /bin/false mysql x 117 124 MySQL Server,,, /var/lib/mysql /bin/false openldap x 118 125 OpenLDAP Server Account,,, /nonexistent /bin/false postfix x 119 126 /var/spool/postfix /bin/false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -f levenshtein-utests.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Correct distance between 'kitten' and 'sitting' 3: Correct distance between 'Saturday' and 'Sunday' 1: Correct distance between 'acc' and 'ac' 2: Correct distance between 'foo' and 'four' 0: Correct distance between 'foo' and 'foo' 2: Correct distance between 'cow' and 'cat' 5: Correct distance between 'cat' and 'moocow' 5: Correct distance between 'cat' and 'cowmoo' 1: Correct distance between 'sebastian' and 'sebastien' 5: Correct distance between 'more' and 'cowbell' 1: Correct distance between 'freshpack' and 'freshpak' 1: Correct distance between 'freshpak' and 'freshpack' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk --newline=on -v target=89000 -f rcalc.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Result Ra Rb Connect Error 88800.00 82000 6800 series -0.22% 89000.00 56000 33000 series 89000.00 62000 27000 series 89130.43 820000 100000 parallel +0.15% 89137.93 470000 110000 parallel +0.15% 89189.19 220000 150000 parallel +0.21% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f quicksort.awk quicksort.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0000000000 0.11111111111111111111111111111 1 0xA 11.2839091 12 29 0b11111 34 35 92 301 493 19123 1.E12 99X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -vQSEAWK="/home/hyung-hwan/workspace/qse/bld/x86_64-linux-wchar-debug-shared/cmd/awk/.libs/qseawk" -vSCRIPT_PATH="awk" -f quicksort2.awk quicksort2.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0000000000 0.11111111111111111111111111111 1 0xA 11.2839091 12 29 0b11111 34 35 92 301 493 19123 1.E12 99X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f asm.awk asm.s &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 549 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f stripcomment.awk stripcomment.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include int main () { printf ("hello, world\n"); return 0; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f wordfreq.awk wordfreq.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ 2 a 2 print 2 case 1 tolower 1 i 4 freq 3 distinctions 1 frequencies 1 list 1 alnum 2 nf 1 punctuation 1 remove 2 awk 1 end 1 gsub 2 of 1 word 4 wordfreq 1 for 2 in 1 0 3 1 1 blank 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f hanoi.awk &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 54321 1 2 0 5432 1 1 2 0 543 1 1 2 2 0 543 1 2 21 0 54 1 3 2 21 0 541 1 3 2 2 0 541 1 32 2 0 54 1 321 2 0 5 1 321 2 4 0 5 1 32 2 41 0 52 1 3 2 41 0 521 1 3 2 4 0 521 1 2 43 0 52 1 1 2 43 0 5 1 1 2 432 0 5 1 2 4321 0 1 5 2 4321 0 1 1 5 2 432 0 1 1 52 2 43 0 1 521 2 43 0 3 1 521 2 4 0 3 1 52 2 41 0 32 1 5 2 41 0 321 1 5 2 4 0 321 1 54 2 0 32 1 541 2 0 3 1 541 2 2 0 3 1 54 2 21 0 1 543 2 21 0 1 1 543 2 2 0 1 1 5432 2 0 1 54321 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -f indent.awk indent.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 0 ] then echo "not the right usage" exit 1 fi while true do sleep 20 done -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -d- -f lisp/awklisp lisp/startup lisp/fib.lsp &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function eval_rands (__p0) { for (; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) stack[(stack_ptr)++] = eval(car[__p0]); } function def_prim (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p2 = string_to_symbol(__p0); value[__p2] = string_to_symbol(sprintf("#",__p0)); if ((__p1 != "")) num_params[value[__p2]] = __p1; return value[__p2]; } function is_symbol (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 2); } function is_number (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 0); } function read (__p0, __p1) { skip_blanks(); if ((token == eof)) if (__p0) error("Unexpected EOF"); else return THE_EOF_OBJECT; if ((token == "(")) { advance(); __p1 = NIL; for (; ; ) { skip_blanks(); if ((token == ".")) { advance(); after_dot = read(1); skip_blanks(); if ((token != ")")) error("')' expected"); advance(); return nreverse(__p1,after_dot); } else if ((token == ")")) { advance(); return nreverse(__p1,NIL); } else { protect(__p1); __p1 = cons(read(1),__p1); unprotect(); } } } else if ((token == "'")) { advance(); return cons(QUOTE,cons(read(1),NIL)); } else if ((token ~ /^-?[0-9]+$/)) { __p1 = make_number(token); advance(); return __p1; } else { __p1 = string_to_symbol(token); advance(); return __p1; } } function protect (__p0) { protected[++(protected_ptr)] = __p0; } function mark (__p0) { while ((is_pair(__p0) && (!((__p0 in marks))))) { marks[__p0] = 1; mark(car[__p0]); __p0 = cdr[__p0]; } } function write_expr (__p0) { if (is_atom(__p0)) { if ((!(is_symbol(__p0)))) printf ("%d",numeric_value(__p0)); else { if ((!((__p0 in printname)))) error((("BUG: " __p0) " has no printname")); printf ("%s",printname[__p0]); } } else { printf "("; write_expr(car[__p0]); for (__p0 = cdr[__p0]; is_pair(__p0); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { printf " "; write_expr(car[__p0]); } if ((__p0 != NIL)) { printf " . "; write_expr(__p0); } printf ")"; } } function make_number (__p0) { return (__p0 * 4); } function print_expr (__p0) { write_expr(__p0); print ""; } function progn (__p0) { for (; (cdr[__p0] != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) eval(car[__p0]); return eval(car[__p0]); } function string_to_symbol (__p0) { if ((__p0 in intern)) return intern[__p0]; symbol_ptr += 4; intern[__p0] = symbol_ptr; printname[symbol_ptr] = __p0; return symbol_ptr; } function cons (__p0, __p1) { while ((pair_ptr in marks)) { delete marks[pair_ptr]; pair_ptr += 4; } if ((pair_ptr == pair_limit)) gc(__p0,__p1); car[pair_ptr] = __p0; cdr[pair_ptr] = __p1; pair_ptr += 4; return (pair_ptr - 4); } function listify_args (__p0, __p1) { __p1 = NIL; for (__p0 = (stack_ptr - 1); (frame_ptr <= __p0); --(__p0)) __p1 = cons(stack[__p0],__p1); return __p1; } function numeric_value (__p0) { if (((__p0 % 4) != 0)) error("Not a number"); return (__p0 / 4); } function skip_blanks () { while ((token ~ /^[ ]*$/)) advance(); } function apply (__p0) { if (profiling) ++(call_count[__p0]); if ((car[__p0] == LAMBDA)) { extend_env(car[cdr[__p0]]); result = progn(cdr[cdr[__p0]]); unwind_env(car[cdr[__p0]]); return result; } if (((__p0 in num_params) && (num_params[__p0] != (stack_ptr - frame_ptr)))) error(("Wrong number of arguments to " printname[cdr[__p0]])); if ((__p0 == CAR)) return car[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])]; if ((__p0 == CDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])]; if ((__p0 == CONS)) return cons(stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]); if ((__p0 == NULL)) return ((stack[frame_ptr] == NIL))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == EQ)) return ((stack[frame_ptr] == stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == ATOMP)) return (is_atom(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == ADD)) return (is(a_number,stack[frame_ptr]) + is(a_number,stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])); if ((__p0 == SUB)) return (is(a_number,stack[frame_ptr]) - is(a_number,stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])); if ((__p0 == MUL)) return make_number((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) * numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))); if ((__p0 == DIV)) return make_number(int((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) / numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])))); if ((__p0 == MOD)) return make_number((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) % numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))); if ((__p0 == LT)) return (((stack[frame_ptr] + 0) < (stack[(frame_ptr + 1)] + 0)))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == GET)) return (((stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]) in property))?property[stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]]:NIL; if ((__p0 == PUT)) return property[stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]] = stack[(frame_ptr + 2)]; if ((__p0 == CADR)) return car[is(a_pair,cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])])]; if ((__p0 == CDDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])])]; if ((__p0 == LIST)) return listify_args(); if ((__p0 == SYMBOLP)) return (is_symbol(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == PAIRP)) return (is_pair(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == NUMBERP)) return (is_number(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == SETCAR)) return car[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])] = stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]; if ((__p0 == SETCDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])] = stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]; if ((__p0 == APPLY)) return do_apply(stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]); if ((__p0 == EVAL)) return eval(stack[frame_ptr]); if ((__p0 == NREV)) return nreverse(stack[frame_ptr],NIL); if ((__p0 == WRITE)) { write_expr(stack[frame_ptr]); printf " "; return NIL; } if ((__p0 == NEWLINE)) { printf "\n"; return NIL; } if ((__p0 == READ)) return read(); if ((__p0 == RANDOM)) return make_number(int((rand() * numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr])))); if ((__p0 == GENSYM)) return string_to_symbol(("#G" ++(gensym_counter))); if ((__p0 == ERROR)) { printf "Error!\n"; print_expr(listify_args()); exit 1; } error("Unknown procedure type"); } function error (__p0) { print ("ERROR: " __p0) > "/dev/stderr"; exit 1; } function gc (__p0, __p1, __p2, __p3) { if (loud_gc) printf "\nGC..." > "/dev/stderr"; mark(__p0); mark(__p1); for (__p2 in protected) mark(protected[__p2]); for (__p2 in stack) mark(stack[__p2]); for (__p2 in value) mark(value[__p2]); for (__p2 in property) { __p3 = index(SUBSEP,__p2); mark(substr(__p2,1,(__p3 - 1))); mark(substr(__p2,(__p3 + 1))); mark(property[__p2]); } pair_ptr = a_pair; while ((pair_ptr in marks)) { delete marks[pair_ptr]; pair_ptr += 4; } if ((pair_ptr == pair_limit)) { if (loud_gc) printf "Expanding heap..." > "/dev/stderr"; pair_limit += (4 * heap_increment); } } function extend_env (__p0, __p1, __p2) { for (__p1 = frame_ptr; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { if ((__p1 == stack_ptr)) error("Too many arguments to procedure"); __p2 = value[car[__p0]]; value[car[__p0]] = stack[__p1]; stack[__p1] = __p2; ++(__p1); } if ((__p1 != stack_ptr)) error("Not enough arguments to procedure"); } function is_atom (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) != 1); } function is_pair (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 1); } function eval (__p0, __p1) { if (is_atom(__p0)) if (is_symbol(__p0)) { if ((!((__p0 in value)))) error(("Unbound variable: " printname[__p0])); return value[__p0]; } else return __p0; op = car[__p0]; if ((!((op in is_special)))) { __p1 = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = stack_ptr; eval_rands(cdr[__p0]); protect(proc = eval(car[__p0])); result = apply(proc); unprotect(); stack_ptr = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = __p1; return result; } if ((op == QUOTE)) return car[cdr[__p0]]; if ((op == LAMBDA)) return __p0; if ((op == IF)) return ((eval(car[cdr[__p0]]) != NIL))?eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]):eval(car[cdr[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]]); if ((op == PROGN)) return progn(cdr[__p0]); if ((op == SETQ)) { if ((!((car[cdr[__p0]] in value)))) error(("Unbound variable: " printname[car[cdr[__p0]]])); return value[car[cdr[__p0]]] = eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]); } if ((op == WHILE)) { while ((eval(car[cdr[__p0]]) != NIL)) progn(cdr[cdr[__p0]]); return NIL; } if ((op == DEFINE)) { value[car[cdr[__p0]]] = eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]); return car[cdr[__p0]]; } error("BUG: Unknown special form"); } function is (__p0, __p1) { if (((__p1 % 4) != __p0)) error(((("Expected a " type_name[__p0]) ", not a ") type_name[(__p1 % 4)])); return __p1; } function unwind_env (__p0, __p1) { for (__p1 = frame_ptr; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { if ((stack[__p1] == "")) delete value[car[__p0]]; else value[car[__p0]] = stack[__p1]; ++(__p1); } } function nreverse (__p0, __p1, __p2) { while (is_pair(__p0)) { __p2 = cdr[__p0]; cdr[__p0] = __p1; __p1 = __p0; __p0 = __p2; } if ((__p0 != NIL)) error("Not a proper list - reverse!"); return __p1; } function advance () { if ((token == eof)) return eof; if ((token == "")) { if (((getline line) <= 0)) { token = eof; return; } } if (((match(line,"^[()'.]") || match(line,"^[_A-Za-z0-9=!@$%&*<>?+\\-*/:]+")) || match(line,"^[ \\t]+"))) { token = substr(line,RSTART,RLENGTH); line = substr(line,(RLENGTH + 1)); } else if (((line == "") || (substr(line,1,1) == ";"))) token = ""; else error(("Lexical error starting at " line)); } function do_apply (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p2 = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = stack_ptr; for (; is_pair(__p1); __p1 = cdr[__p1]) stack[(stack_ptr)++] = car[__p1]; if ((__p1 != NIL)) error("Bad argument to APPLY: not a proper list"); result = apply(__p0); stack_ptr = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = __p2; return result; } function unprotect () { --(protected_ptr); } BEGIN { a_number = 0; pair_ptr = a_pair = 1; symbol_ptr = a_symbol = 2; type_name[a_number] = "number"; type_name[a_pair] = "pair"; type_name[a_symbol] = "symbol"; } BEGIN { srand(); frame_ptr = stack_ptr = 0; if ((heap_increment == "")) heap_increment = 1500; pair_limit = (a_pair + (4 * heap_increment)); NIL = string_to_symbol("nil"); T = string_to_symbol("t"); value[NIL] = NIL; value[T] = T; car[NIL] = cdr[NIL] = NIL; THE_EOF_OBJECT = string_to_symbol("#eof"); value[string_to_symbol("the-eof-object")] = THE_EOF_OBJECT; eof = "(eof)"; QUOTE = string_to_symbol("quote"); is_special[QUOTE] = 1; LAMBDA = string_to_symbol("lambda"); is_special[LAMBDA] = 1; IF = string_to_symbol("if"); is_special[IF] = 1; SETQ = string_to_symbol("set!"); is_special[SETQ] = 1; DEFINE = string_to_symbol("define"); is_special[DEFINE] = 1; PROGN = string_to_symbol("begin"); is_special[PROGN] = 1; WHILE = string_to_symbol("while"); is_special[WHILE] = 1; EQ = def_prim("eq?",2); NULL = def_prim("null?",1); CAR = def_prim("car",1); CDR = def_prim("cdr",1); CADR = def_prim("cadr",1); CDDR = def_prim("cddr",1); CONS = def_prim("cons",2); LIST = def_prim("list"); EVAL = def_prim("eval",1); APPLY = def_prim("apply",2); READ = def_prim("read",0); WRITE = def_prim("write",1); NEWLINE = def_prim("newline",0); ADD = def_prim("+",2); SUB = def_prim("-",2); MUL = def_prim("*",2); DIV = def_prim("quotient",2); MOD = def_prim("remainder",2); LT = def_prim("<",2); GET = def_prim("get",2); PUT = def_prim("put",3); ATOMP = def_prim("atom?",1); PAIRP = def_prim("pair?",1); SYMBOLP = def_prim("symbol?",1); NUMBERP = def_prim("number?",1); SETCAR = def_prim("set-car!",2); SETCDR = def_prim("set-cdr!",2); NREV = def_prim("reverse!",1); GENSYM = def_prim("gensym",0); RANDOM = def_prim("random",1); ERROR = def_prim("error"); DRIVER = string_to_symbol("top-level-driver"); } BEGIN { for (; ; ) { if (((DRIVER in value) && (value[DRIVER] != NIL))) apply(value[DRIVER]); else { expr = read(); if ((expr == THE_EOF_OBJECT)) break; protect(expr); print_expr(eval(expr)); unprotect(); } } if (profiling) for (proc in call_count) { printf ("%5d ",call_count[proc]); print_expr(proc); } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -d- -f lisp/awklisp lisp/startup lisp/numbers lisp/numbers.dat &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function eval_rands (__p0) { for (; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) stack[(stack_ptr)++] = eval(car[__p0]); } function def_prim (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p2 = string_to_symbol(__p0); value[__p2] = string_to_symbol(sprintf("#",__p0)); if ((__p1 != "")) num_params[value[__p2]] = __p1; return value[__p2]; } function is_symbol (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 2); } function is_number (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 0); } function read (__p0, __p1) { skip_blanks(); if ((token == eof)) if (__p0) error("Unexpected EOF"); else return THE_EOF_OBJECT; if ((token == "(")) { advance(); __p1 = NIL; for (; ; ) { skip_blanks(); if ((token == ".")) { advance(); after_dot = read(1); skip_blanks(); if ((token != ")")) error("')' expected"); advance(); return nreverse(__p1,after_dot); } else if ((token == ")")) { advance(); return nreverse(__p1,NIL); } else { protect(__p1); __p1 = cons(read(1),__p1); unprotect(); } } } else if ((token == "'")) { advance(); return cons(QUOTE,cons(read(1),NIL)); } else if ((token ~ /^-?[0-9]+$/)) { __p1 = make_number(token); advance(); return __p1; } else { __p1 = string_to_symbol(token); advance(); return __p1; } } function protect (__p0) { protected[++(protected_ptr)] = __p0; } function mark (__p0) { while ((is_pair(__p0) && (!((__p0 in marks))))) { marks[__p0] = 1; mark(car[__p0]); __p0 = cdr[__p0]; } } function write_expr (__p0) { if (is_atom(__p0)) { if ((!(is_symbol(__p0)))) printf ("%d",numeric_value(__p0)); else { if ((!((__p0 in printname)))) error((("BUG: " __p0) " has no printname")); printf ("%s",printname[__p0]); } } else { printf "("; write_expr(car[__p0]); for (__p0 = cdr[__p0]; is_pair(__p0); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { printf " "; write_expr(car[__p0]); } if ((__p0 != NIL)) { printf " . "; write_expr(__p0); } printf ")"; } } function make_number (__p0) { return (__p0 * 4); } function print_expr (__p0) { write_expr(__p0); print ""; } function progn (__p0) { for (; (cdr[__p0] != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) eval(car[__p0]); return eval(car[__p0]); } function string_to_symbol (__p0) { if ((__p0 in intern)) return intern[__p0]; symbol_ptr += 4; intern[__p0] = symbol_ptr; printname[symbol_ptr] = __p0; return symbol_ptr; } function cons (__p0, __p1) { while ((pair_ptr in marks)) { delete marks[pair_ptr]; pair_ptr += 4; } if ((pair_ptr == pair_limit)) gc(__p0,__p1); car[pair_ptr] = __p0; cdr[pair_ptr] = __p1; pair_ptr += 4; return (pair_ptr - 4); } function listify_args (__p0, __p1) { __p1 = NIL; for (__p0 = (stack_ptr - 1); (frame_ptr <= __p0); --(__p0)) __p1 = cons(stack[__p0],__p1); return __p1; } function numeric_value (__p0) { if (((__p0 % 4) != 0)) error("Not a number"); return (__p0 / 4); } function skip_blanks () { while ((token ~ /^[ ]*$/)) advance(); } function apply (__p0) { if (profiling) ++(call_count[__p0]); if ((car[__p0] == LAMBDA)) { extend_env(car[cdr[__p0]]); result = progn(cdr[cdr[__p0]]); unwind_env(car[cdr[__p0]]); return result; } if (((__p0 in num_params) && (num_params[__p0] != (stack_ptr - frame_ptr)))) error(("Wrong number of arguments to " printname[cdr[__p0]])); if ((__p0 == CAR)) return car[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])]; if ((__p0 == CDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])]; if ((__p0 == CONS)) return cons(stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]); if ((__p0 == NULL)) return ((stack[frame_ptr] == NIL))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == EQ)) return ((stack[frame_ptr] == stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == ATOMP)) return (is_atom(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == ADD)) return (is(a_number,stack[frame_ptr]) + is(a_number,stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])); if ((__p0 == SUB)) return (is(a_number,stack[frame_ptr]) - is(a_number,stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])); if ((__p0 == MUL)) return make_number((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) * numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))); if ((__p0 == DIV)) return make_number(int((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) / numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])))); if ((__p0 == MOD)) return make_number((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) % numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))); if ((__p0 == LT)) return (((stack[frame_ptr] + 0) < (stack[(frame_ptr + 1)] + 0)))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == GET)) return (((stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]) in property))?property[stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]]:NIL; if ((__p0 == PUT)) return property[stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]] = stack[(frame_ptr + 2)]; if ((__p0 == CADR)) return car[is(a_pair,cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])])]; if ((__p0 == CDDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])])]; if ((__p0 == LIST)) return listify_args(); if ((__p0 == SYMBOLP)) return (is_symbol(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == PAIRP)) return (is_pair(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == NUMBERP)) return (is_number(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == SETCAR)) return car[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])] = stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]; if ((__p0 == SETCDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])] = stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]; if ((__p0 == APPLY)) return do_apply(stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]); if ((__p0 == EVAL)) return eval(stack[frame_ptr]); if ((__p0 == NREV)) return nreverse(stack[frame_ptr],NIL); if ((__p0 == WRITE)) { write_expr(stack[frame_ptr]); printf " "; return NIL; } if ((__p0 == NEWLINE)) { printf "\n"; return NIL; } if ((__p0 == READ)) return read(); if ((__p0 == RANDOM)) return make_number(int((rand() * numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr])))); if ((__p0 == GENSYM)) return string_to_symbol(("#G" ++(gensym_counter))); if ((__p0 == ERROR)) { printf "Error!\n"; print_expr(listify_args()); exit 1; } error("Unknown procedure type"); } function error (__p0) { print ("ERROR: " __p0) > "/dev/stderr"; exit 1; } function gc (__p0, __p1, __p2, __p3) { if (loud_gc) printf "\nGC..." > "/dev/stderr"; mark(__p0); mark(__p1); for (__p2 in protected) mark(protected[__p2]); for (__p2 in stack) mark(stack[__p2]); for (__p2 in value) mark(value[__p2]); for (__p2 in property) { __p3 = index(SUBSEP,__p2); mark(substr(__p2,1,(__p3 - 1))); mark(substr(__p2,(__p3 + 1))); mark(property[__p2]); } pair_ptr = a_pair; while ((pair_ptr in marks)) { delete marks[pair_ptr]; pair_ptr += 4; } if ((pair_ptr == pair_limit)) { if (loud_gc) printf "Expanding heap..." > "/dev/stderr"; pair_limit += (4 * heap_increment); } } function extend_env (__p0, __p1, __p2) { for (__p1 = frame_ptr; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { if ((__p1 == stack_ptr)) error("Too many arguments to procedure"); __p2 = value[car[__p0]]; value[car[__p0]] = stack[__p1]; stack[__p1] = __p2; ++(__p1); } if ((__p1 != stack_ptr)) error("Not enough arguments to procedure"); } function is_atom (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) != 1); } function is_pair (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 1); } function eval (__p0, __p1) { if (is_atom(__p0)) if (is_symbol(__p0)) { if ((!((__p0 in value)))) error(("Unbound variable: " printname[__p0])); return value[__p0]; } else return __p0; op = car[__p0]; if ((!((op in is_special)))) { __p1 = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = stack_ptr; eval_rands(cdr[__p0]); protect(proc = eval(car[__p0])); result = apply(proc); unprotect(); stack_ptr = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = __p1; return result; } if ((op == QUOTE)) return car[cdr[__p0]]; if ((op == LAMBDA)) return __p0; if ((op == IF)) return ((eval(car[cdr[__p0]]) != NIL))?eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]):eval(car[cdr[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]]); if ((op == PROGN)) return progn(cdr[__p0]); if ((op == SETQ)) { if ((!((car[cdr[__p0]] in value)))) error(("Unbound variable: " printname[car[cdr[__p0]]])); return value[car[cdr[__p0]]] = eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]); } if ((op == WHILE)) { while ((eval(car[cdr[__p0]]) != NIL)) progn(cdr[cdr[__p0]]); return NIL; } if ((op == DEFINE)) { value[car[cdr[__p0]]] = eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]); return car[cdr[__p0]]; } error("BUG: Unknown special form"); } function is (__p0, __p1) { if (((__p1 % 4) != __p0)) error(((("Expected a " type_name[__p0]) ", not a ") type_name[(__p1 % 4)])); return __p1; } function unwind_env (__p0, __p1) { for (__p1 = frame_ptr; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { if ((stack[__p1] == "")) delete value[car[__p0]]; else value[car[__p0]] = stack[__p1]; ++(__p1); } } function nreverse (__p0, __p1, __p2) { while (is_pair(__p0)) { __p2 = cdr[__p0]; cdr[__p0] = __p1; __p1 = __p0; __p0 = __p2; } if ((__p0 != NIL)) error("Not a proper list - reverse!"); return __p1; } function advance () { if ((token == eof)) return eof; if ((token == "")) { if (((getline line) <= 0)) { token = eof; return; } } if (((match(line,"^[()'.]") || match(line,"^[_A-Za-z0-9=!@$%&*<>?+\\-*/:]+")) || match(line,"^[ \\t]+"))) { token = substr(line,RSTART,RLENGTH); line = substr(line,(RLENGTH + 1)); } else if (((line == "") || (substr(line,1,1) == ";"))) token = ""; else error(("Lexical error starting at " line)); } function do_apply (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p2 = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = stack_ptr; for (; is_pair(__p1); __p1 = cdr[__p1]) stack[(stack_ptr)++] = car[__p1]; if ((__p1 != NIL)) error("Bad argument to APPLY: not a proper list"); result = apply(__p0); stack_ptr = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = __p2; return result; } function unprotect () { --(protected_ptr); } BEGIN { a_number = 0; pair_ptr = a_pair = 1; symbol_ptr = a_symbol = 2; type_name[a_number] = "number"; type_name[a_pair] = "pair"; type_name[a_symbol] = "symbol"; } BEGIN { srand(); frame_ptr = stack_ptr = 0; if ((heap_increment == "")) heap_increment = 1500; pair_limit = (a_pair + (4 * heap_increment)); NIL = string_to_symbol("nil"); T = string_to_symbol("t"); value[NIL] = NIL; value[T] = T; car[NIL] = cdr[NIL] = NIL; THE_EOF_OBJECT = string_to_symbol("#eof"); value[string_to_symbol("the-eof-object")] = THE_EOF_OBJECT; eof = "(eof)"; QUOTE = string_to_symbol("quote"); is_special[QUOTE] = 1; LAMBDA = string_to_symbol("lambda"); is_special[LAMBDA] = 1; IF = string_to_symbol("if"); is_special[IF] = 1; SETQ = string_to_symbol("set!"); is_special[SETQ] = 1; DEFINE = string_to_symbol("define"); is_special[DEFINE] = 1; PROGN = string_to_symbol("begin"); is_special[PROGN] = 1; WHILE = string_to_symbol("while"); is_special[WHILE] = 1; EQ = def_prim("eq?",2); NULL = def_prim("null?",1); CAR = def_prim("car",1); CDR = def_prim("cdr",1); CADR = def_prim("cadr",1); CDDR = def_prim("cddr",1); CONS = def_prim("cons",2); LIST = def_prim("list"); EVAL = def_prim("eval",1); APPLY = def_prim("apply",2); READ = def_prim("read",0); WRITE = def_prim("write",1); NEWLINE = def_prim("newline",0); ADD = def_prim("+",2); SUB = def_prim("-",2); MUL = def_prim("*",2); DIV = def_prim("quotient",2); MOD = def_prim("remainder",2); LT = def_prim("<",2); GET = def_prim("get",2); PUT = def_prim("put",3); ATOMP = def_prim("atom?",1); PAIRP = def_prim("pair?",1); SYMBOLP = def_prim("symbol?",1); NUMBERP = def_prim("number?",1); SETCAR = def_prim("set-car!",2); SETCDR = def_prim("set-cdr!",2); NREV = def_prim("reverse!",1); GENSYM = def_prim("gensym",0); RANDOM = def_prim("random",1); ERROR = def_prim("error"); DRIVER = string_to_symbol("top-level-driver"); } BEGIN { for (; ; ) { if (((DRIVER in value) && (value[DRIVER] != NIL))) apply(value[DRIVER]); else { expr = read(); if ((expr == THE_EOF_OBJECT)) break; protect(expr); print_expr(eval(expr)); unprotect(); } } if (profiling) for (proc in call_count) { printf ("%5d ",call_count[proc]); print_expr(proc); } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -d- -f lisp/awklisp lisp/startup lisp/scmhelp.lsp lisp/tail.lsp &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function eval_rands (__p0) { for (; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) stack[(stack_ptr)++] = eval(car[__p0]); } function def_prim (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p2 = string_to_symbol(__p0); value[__p2] = string_to_symbol(sprintf("#",__p0)); if ((__p1 != "")) num_params[value[__p2]] = __p1; return value[__p2]; } function is_symbol (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 2); } function is_number (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 0); } function read (__p0, __p1) { skip_blanks(); if ((token == eof)) if (__p0) error("Unexpected EOF"); else return THE_EOF_OBJECT; if ((token == "(")) { advance(); __p1 = NIL; for (; ; ) { skip_blanks(); if ((token == ".")) { advance(); after_dot = read(1); skip_blanks(); if ((token != ")")) error("')' expected"); advance(); return nreverse(__p1,after_dot); } else if ((token == ")")) { advance(); return nreverse(__p1,NIL); } else { protect(__p1); __p1 = cons(read(1),__p1); unprotect(); } } } else if ((token == "'")) { advance(); return cons(QUOTE,cons(read(1),NIL)); } else if ((token ~ /^-?[0-9]+$/)) { __p1 = make_number(token); advance(); return __p1; } else { __p1 = string_to_symbol(token); advance(); return __p1; } } function protect (__p0) { protected[++(protected_ptr)] = __p0; } function mark (__p0) { while ((is_pair(__p0) && (!((__p0 in marks))))) { marks[__p0] = 1; mark(car[__p0]); __p0 = cdr[__p0]; } } function write_expr (__p0) { if (is_atom(__p0)) { if ((!(is_symbol(__p0)))) printf ("%d",numeric_value(__p0)); else { if ((!((__p0 in printname)))) error((("BUG: " __p0) " has no printname")); printf ("%s",printname[__p0]); } } else { printf "("; write_expr(car[__p0]); for (__p0 = cdr[__p0]; is_pair(__p0); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { printf " "; write_expr(car[__p0]); } if ((__p0 != NIL)) { printf " . "; write_expr(__p0); } printf ")"; } } function make_number (__p0) { return (__p0 * 4); } function print_expr (__p0) { write_expr(__p0); print ""; } function progn (__p0) { for (; (cdr[__p0] != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) eval(car[__p0]); return eval(car[__p0]); } function string_to_symbol (__p0) { if ((__p0 in intern)) return intern[__p0]; symbol_ptr += 4; intern[__p0] = symbol_ptr; printname[symbol_ptr] = __p0; return symbol_ptr; } function cons (__p0, __p1) { while ((pair_ptr in marks)) { delete marks[pair_ptr]; pair_ptr += 4; } if ((pair_ptr == pair_limit)) gc(__p0,__p1); car[pair_ptr] = __p0; cdr[pair_ptr] = __p1; pair_ptr += 4; return (pair_ptr - 4); } function listify_args (__p0, __p1) { __p1 = NIL; for (__p0 = (stack_ptr - 1); (frame_ptr <= __p0); --(__p0)) __p1 = cons(stack[__p0],__p1); return __p1; } function numeric_value (__p0) { if (((__p0 % 4) != 0)) error("Not a number"); return (__p0 / 4); } function skip_blanks () { while ((token ~ /^[ ]*$/)) advance(); } function apply (__p0) { if (profiling) ++(call_count[__p0]); if ((car[__p0] == LAMBDA)) { extend_env(car[cdr[__p0]]); result = progn(cdr[cdr[__p0]]); unwind_env(car[cdr[__p0]]); return result; } if (((__p0 in num_params) && (num_params[__p0] != (stack_ptr - frame_ptr)))) error(("Wrong number of arguments to " printname[cdr[__p0]])); if ((__p0 == CAR)) return car[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])]; if ((__p0 == CDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])]; if ((__p0 == CONS)) return cons(stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]); if ((__p0 == NULL)) return ((stack[frame_ptr] == NIL))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == EQ)) return ((stack[frame_ptr] == stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == ATOMP)) return (is_atom(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == ADD)) return (is(a_number,stack[frame_ptr]) + is(a_number,stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])); if ((__p0 == SUB)) return (is(a_number,stack[frame_ptr]) - is(a_number,stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])); if ((__p0 == MUL)) return make_number((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) * numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))); if ((__p0 == DIV)) return make_number(int((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) / numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])))); if ((__p0 == MOD)) return make_number((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) % numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))); if ((__p0 == LT)) return (((stack[frame_ptr] + 0) < (stack[(frame_ptr + 1)] + 0)))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == GET)) return (((stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]) in property))?property[stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]]:NIL; if ((__p0 == PUT)) return property[stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]] = stack[(frame_ptr + 2)]; if ((__p0 == CADR)) return car[is(a_pair,cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])])]; if ((__p0 == CDDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])])]; if ((__p0 == LIST)) return listify_args(); if ((__p0 == SYMBOLP)) return (is_symbol(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == PAIRP)) return (is_pair(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == NUMBERP)) return (is_number(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == SETCAR)) return car[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])] = stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]; if ((__p0 == SETCDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])] = stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]; if ((__p0 == APPLY)) return do_apply(stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]); if ((__p0 == EVAL)) return eval(stack[frame_ptr]); if ((__p0 == NREV)) return nreverse(stack[frame_ptr],NIL); if ((__p0 == WRITE)) { write_expr(stack[frame_ptr]); printf " "; return NIL; } if ((__p0 == NEWLINE)) { printf "\n"; return NIL; } if ((__p0 == READ)) return read(); if ((__p0 == RANDOM)) return make_number(int((rand() * numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr])))); if ((__p0 == GENSYM)) return string_to_symbol(("#G" ++(gensym_counter))); if ((__p0 == ERROR)) { printf "Error!\n"; print_expr(listify_args()); exit 1; } error("Unknown procedure type"); } function error (__p0) { print ("ERROR: " __p0) > "/dev/stderr"; exit 1; } function gc (__p0, __p1, __p2, __p3) { if (loud_gc) printf "\nGC..." > "/dev/stderr"; mark(__p0); mark(__p1); for (__p2 in protected) mark(protected[__p2]); for (__p2 in stack) mark(stack[__p2]); for (__p2 in value) mark(value[__p2]); for (__p2 in property) { __p3 = index(SUBSEP,__p2); mark(substr(__p2,1,(__p3 - 1))); mark(substr(__p2,(__p3 + 1))); mark(property[__p2]); } pair_ptr = a_pair; while ((pair_ptr in marks)) { delete marks[pair_ptr]; pair_ptr += 4; } if ((pair_ptr == pair_limit)) { if (loud_gc) printf "Expanding heap..." > "/dev/stderr"; pair_limit += (4 * heap_increment); } } function extend_env (__p0, __p1, __p2) { for (__p1 = frame_ptr; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { if ((__p1 == stack_ptr)) error("Too many arguments to procedure"); __p2 = value[car[__p0]]; value[car[__p0]] = stack[__p1]; stack[__p1] = __p2; ++(__p1); } if ((__p1 != stack_ptr)) error("Not enough arguments to procedure"); } function is_atom (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) != 1); } function is_pair (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 1); } function eval (__p0, __p1) { if (is_atom(__p0)) if (is_symbol(__p0)) { if ((!((__p0 in value)))) error(("Unbound variable: " printname[__p0])); return value[__p0]; } else return __p0; op = car[__p0]; if ((!((op in is_special)))) { __p1 = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = stack_ptr; eval_rands(cdr[__p0]); protect(proc = eval(car[__p0])); result = apply(proc); unprotect(); stack_ptr = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = __p1; return result; } if ((op == QUOTE)) return car[cdr[__p0]]; if ((op == LAMBDA)) return __p0; if ((op == IF)) return ((eval(car[cdr[__p0]]) != NIL))?eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]):eval(car[cdr[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]]); if ((op == PROGN)) return progn(cdr[__p0]); if ((op == SETQ)) { if ((!((car[cdr[__p0]] in value)))) error(("Unbound variable: " printname[car[cdr[__p0]]])); return value[car[cdr[__p0]]] = eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]); } if ((op == WHILE)) { while ((eval(car[cdr[__p0]]) != NIL)) progn(cdr[cdr[__p0]]); return NIL; } if ((op == DEFINE)) { value[car[cdr[__p0]]] = eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]); return car[cdr[__p0]]; } error("BUG: Unknown special form"); } function is (__p0, __p1) { if (((__p1 % 4) != __p0)) error(((("Expected a " type_name[__p0]) ", not a ") type_name[(__p1 % 4)])); return __p1; } function unwind_env (__p0, __p1) { for (__p1 = frame_ptr; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { if ((stack[__p1] == "")) delete value[car[__p0]]; else value[car[__p0]] = stack[__p1]; ++(__p1); } } function nreverse (__p0, __p1, __p2) { while (is_pair(__p0)) { __p2 = cdr[__p0]; cdr[__p0] = __p1; __p1 = __p0; __p0 = __p2; } if ((__p0 != NIL)) error("Not a proper list - reverse!"); return __p1; } function advance () { if ((token == eof)) return eof; if ((token == "")) { if (((getline line) <= 0)) { token = eof; return; } } if (((match(line,"^[()'.]") || match(line,"^[_A-Za-z0-9=!@$%&*<>?+\\-*/:]+")) || match(line,"^[ \\t]+"))) { token = substr(line,RSTART,RLENGTH); line = substr(line,(RLENGTH + 1)); } else if (((line == "") || (substr(line,1,1) == ";"))) token = ""; else error(("Lexical error starting at " line)); } function do_apply (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p2 = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = stack_ptr; for (; is_pair(__p1); __p1 = cdr[__p1]) stack[(stack_ptr)++] = car[__p1]; if ((__p1 != NIL)) error("Bad argument to APPLY: not a proper list"); result = apply(__p0); stack_ptr = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = __p2; return result; } function unprotect () { --(protected_ptr); } BEGIN { a_number = 0; pair_ptr = a_pair = 1; symbol_ptr = a_symbol = 2; type_name[a_number] = "number"; type_name[a_pair] = "pair"; type_name[a_symbol] = "symbol"; } BEGIN { srand(); frame_ptr = stack_ptr = 0; if ((heap_increment == "")) heap_increment = 1500; pair_limit = (a_pair + (4 * heap_increment)); NIL = string_to_symbol("nil"); T = string_to_symbol("t"); value[NIL] = NIL; value[T] = T; car[NIL] = cdr[NIL] = NIL; THE_EOF_OBJECT = string_to_symbol("#eof"); value[string_to_symbol("the-eof-object")] = THE_EOF_OBJECT; eof = "(eof)"; QUOTE = string_to_symbol("quote"); is_special[QUOTE] = 1; LAMBDA = string_to_symbol("lambda"); is_special[LAMBDA] = 1; IF = string_to_symbol("if"); is_special[IF] = 1; SETQ = string_to_symbol("set!"); is_special[SETQ] = 1; DEFINE = string_to_symbol("define"); is_special[DEFINE] = 1; PROGN = string_to_symbol("begin"); is_special[PROGN] = 1; WHILE = string_to_symbol("while"); is_special[WHILE] = 1; EQ = def_prim("eq?",2); NULL = def_prim("null?",1); CAR = def_prim("car",1); CDR = def_prim("cdr",1); CADR = def_prim("cadr",1); CDDR = def_prim("cddr",1); CONS = def_prim("cons",2); LIST = def_prim("list"); EVAL = def_prim("eval",1); APPLY = def_prim("apply",2); READ = def_prim("read",0); WRITE = def_prim("write",1); NEWLINE = def_prim("newline",0); ADD = def_prim("+",2); SUB = def_prim("-",2); MUL = def_prim("*",2); DIV = def_prim("quotient",2); MOD = def_prim("remainder",2); LT = def_prim("<",2); GET = def_prim("get",2); PUT = def_prim("put",3); ATOMP = def_prim("atom?",1); PAIRP = def_prim("pair?",1); SYMBOLP = def_prim("symbol?",1); NUMBERP = def_prim("number?",1); SETCAR = def_prim("set-car!",2); SETCDR = def_prim("set-cdr!",2); NREV = def_prim("reverse!",1); GENSYM = def_prim("gensym",0); RANDOM = def_prim("random",1); ERROR = def_prim("error"); DRIVER = string_to_symbol("top-level-driver"); } BEGIN { for (; ; ) { if (((DRIVER in value) && (value[DRIVER] != NIL))) apply(value[DRIVER]); else { expr = read(); if ((expr == THE_EOF_OBJECT)) break; protect(expr); print_expr(eval(expr)); unprotect(); } } if (profiling) for (proc in call_count) { printf ("%5d ",call_count[proc]); print_expr(proc); } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CMD] qseawk -d- -f lisp/awklisp lisp/startup lisp/scmhelp.lsp lisp/scheme.lsp &1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function eval_rands (__p0) { for (; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) stack[(stack_ptr)++] = eval(car[__p0]); } function def_prim (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p2 = string_to_symbol(__p0); value[__p2] = string_to_symbol(sprintf("#",__p0)); if ((__p1 != "")) num_params[value[__p2]] = __p1; return value[__p2]; } function is_symbol (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 2); } function is_number (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 0); } function read (__p0, __p1) { skip_blanks(); if ((token == eof)) if (__p0) error("Unexpected EOF"); else return THE_EOF_OBJECT; if ((token == "(")) { advance(); __p1 = NIL; for (; ; ) { skip_blanks(); if ((token == ".")) { advance(); after_dot = read(1); skip_blanks(); if ((token != ")")) error("')' expected"); advance(); return nreverse(__p1,after_dot); } else if ((token == ")")) { advance(); return nreverse(__p1,NIL); } else { protect(__p1); __p1 = cons(read(1),__p1); unprotect(); } } } else if ((token == "'")) { advance(); return cons(QUOTE,cons(read(1),NIL)); } else if ((token ~ /^-?[0-9]+$/)) { __p1 = make_number(token); advance(); return __p1; } else { __p1 = string_to_symbol(token); advance(); return __p1; } } function protect (__p0) { protected[++(protected_ptr)] = __p0; } function mark (__p0) { while ((is_pair(__p0) && (!((__p0 in marks))))) { marks[__p0] = 1; mark(car[__p0]); __p0 = cdr[__p0]; } } function write_expr (__p0) { if (is_atom(__p0)) { if ((!(is_symbol(__p0)))) printf ("%d",numeric_value(__p0)); else { if ((!((__p0 in printname)))) error((("BUG: " __p0) " has no printname")); printf ("%s",printname[__p0]); } } else { printf "("; write_expr(car[__p0]); for (__p0 = cdr[__p0]; is_pair(__p0); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { printf " "; write_expr(car[__p0]); } if ((__p0 != NIL)) { printf " . "; write_expr(__p0); } printf ")"; } } function make_number (__p0) { return (__p0 * 4); } function print_expr (__p0) { write_expr(__p0); print ""; } function progn (__p0) { for (; (cdr[__p0] != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) eval(car[__p0]); return eval(car[__p0]); } function string_to_symbol (__p0) { if ((__p0 in intern)) return intern[__p0]; symbol_ptr += 4; intern[__p0] = symbol_ptr; printname[symbol_ptr] = __p0; return symbol_ptr; } function cons (__p0, __p1) { while ((pair_ptr in marks)) { delete marks[pair_ptr]; pair_ptr += 4; } if ((pair_ptr == pair_limit)) gc(__p0,__p1); car[pair_ptr] = __p0; cdr[pair_ptr] = __p1; pair_ptr += 4; return (pair_ptr - 4); } function listify_args (__p0, __p1) { __p1 = NIL; for (__p0 = (stack_ptr - 1); (frame_ptr <= __p0); --(__p0)) __p1 = cons(stack[__p0],__p1); return __p1; } function numeric_value (__p0) { if (((__p0 % 4) != 0)) error("Not a number"); return (__p0 / 4); } function skip_blanks () { while ((token ~ /^[ ]*$/)) advance(); } function apply (__p0) { if (profiling) ++(call_count[__p0]); if ((car[__p0] == LAMBDA)) { extend_env(car[cdr[__p0]]); result = progn(cdr[cdr[__p0]]); unwind_env(car[cdr[__p0]]); return result; } if (((__p0 in num_params) && (num_params[__p0] != (stack_ptr - frame_ptr)))) error(("Wrong number of arguments to " printname[cdr[__p0]])); if ((__p0 == CAR)) return car[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])]; if ((__p0 == CDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])]; if ((__p0 == CONS)) return cons(stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]); if ((__p0 == NULL)) return ((stack[frame_ptr] == NIL))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == EQ)) return ((stack[frame_ptr] == stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == ATOMP)) return (is_atom(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == ADD)) return (is(a_number,stack[frame_ptr]) + is(a_number,stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])); if ((__p0 == SUB)) return (is(a_number,stack[frame_ptr]) - is(a_number,stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])); if ((__p0 == MUL)) return make_number((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) * numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))); if ((__p0 == DIV)) return make_number(int((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) / numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)])))); if ((__p0 == MOD)) return make_number((numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr]) % numeric_value(stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]))); if ((__p0 == LT)) return (((stack[frame_ptr] + 0) < (stack[(frame_ptr + 1)] + 0)))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == GET)) return (((stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]) in property))?property[stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]]:NIL; if ((__p0 == PUT)) return property[stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]] = stack[(frame_ptr + 2)]; if ((__p0 == CADR)) return car[is(a_pair,cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])])]; if ((__p0 == CDDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])])]; if ((__p0 == LIST)) return listify_args(); if ((__p0 == SYMBOLP)) return (is_symbol(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == PAIRP)) return (is_pair(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == NUMBERP)) return (is_number(stack[frame_ptr]))?T:NIL; if ((__p0 == SETCAR)) return car[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])] = stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]; if ((__p0 == SETCDR)) return cdr[is(a_pair,stack[frame_ptr])] = stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]; if ((__p0 == APPLY)) return do_apply(stack[frame_ptr],stack[(frame_ptr + 1)]); if ((__p0 == EVAL)) return eval(stack[frame_ptr]); if ((__p0 == NREV)) return nreverse(stack[frame_ptr],NIL); if ((__p0 == WRITE)) { write_expr(stack[frame_ptr]); printf " "; return NIL; } if ((__p0 == NEWLINE)) { printf "\n"; return NIL; } if ((__p0 == READ)) return read(); if ((__p0 == RANDOM)) return make_number(int((rand() * numeric_value(stack[frame_ptr])))); if ((__p0 == GENSYM)) return string_to_symbol(("#G" ++(gensym_counter))); if ((__p0 == ERROR)) { printf "Error!\n"; print_expr(listify_args()); exit 1; } error("Unknown procedure type"); } function error (__p0) { print ("ERROR: " __p0) > "/dev/stderr"; exit 1; } function gc (__p0, __p1, __p2, __p3) { if (loud_gc) printf "\nGC..." > "/dev/stderr"; mark(__p0); mark(__p1); for (__p2 in protected) mark(protected[__p2]); for (__p2 in stack) mark(stack[__p2]); for (__p2 in value) mark(value[__p2]); for (__p2 in property) { __p3 = index(SUBSEP,__p2); mark(substr(__p2,1,(__p3 - 1))); mark(substr(__p2,(__p3 + 1))); mark(property[__p2]); } pair_ptr = a_pair; while ((pair_ptr in marks)) { delete marks[pair_ptr]; pair_ptr += 4; } if ((pair_ptr == pair_limit)) { if (loud_gc) printf "Expanding heap..." > "/dev/stderr"; pair_limit += (4 * heap_increment); } } function extend_env (__p0, __p1, __p2) { for (__p1 = frame_ptr; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { if ((__p1 == stack_ptr)) error("Too many arguments to procedure"); __p2 = value[car[__p0]]; value[car[__p0]] = stack[__p1]; stack[__p1] = __p2; ++(__p1); } if ((__p1 != stack_ptr)) error("Not enough arguments to procedure"); } function is_atom (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) != 1); } function is_pair (__p0) { return ((__p0 % 4) == 1); } function eval (__p0, __p1) { if (is_atom(__p0)) if (is_symbol(__p0)) { if ((!((__p0 in value)))) error(("Unbound variable: " printname[__p0])); return value[__p0]; } else return __p0; op = car[__p0]; if ((!((op in is_special)))) { __p1 = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = stack_ptr; eval_rands(cdr[__p0]); protect(proc = eval(car[__p0])); result = apply(proc); unprotect(); stack_ptr = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = __p1; return result; } if ((op == QUOTE)) return car[cdr[__p0]]; if ((op == LAMBDA)) return __p0; if ((op == IF)) return ((eval(car[cdr[__p0]]) != NIL))?eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]):eval(car[cdr[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]]); if ((op == PROGN)) return progn(cdr[__p0]); if ((op == SETQ)) { if ((!((car[cdr[__p0]] in value)))) error(("Unbound variable: " printname[car[cdr[__p0]]])); return value[car[cdr[__p0]]] = eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]); } if ((op == WHILE)) { while ((eval(car[cdr[__p0]]) != NIL)) progn(cdr[cdr[__p0]]); return NIL; } if ((op == DEFINE)) { value[car[cdr[__p0]]] = eval(car[cdr[cdr[__p0]]]); return car[cdr[__p0]]; } error("BUG: Unknown special form"); } function is (__p0, __p1) { if (((__p1 % 4) != __p0)) error(((("Expected a " type_name[__p0]) ", not a ") type_name[(__p1 % 4)])); return __p1; } function unwind_env (__p0, __p1) { for (__p1 = frame_ptr; (__p0 != NIL); __p0 = cdr[__p0]) { if ((stack[__p1] == "")) delete value[car[__p0]]; else value[car[__p0]] = stack[__p1]; ++(__p1); } } function nreverse (__p0, __p1, __p2) { while (is_pair(__p0)) { __p2 = cdr[__p0]; cdr[__p0] = __p1; __p1 = __p0; __p0 = __p2; } if ((__p0 != NIL)) error("Not a proper list - reverse!"); return __p1; } function advance () { if ((token == eof)) return eof; if ((token == "")) { if (((getline line) <= 0)) { token = eof; return; } } if (((match(line,"^[()'.]") || match(line,"^[_A-Za-z0-9=!@$%&*<>?+\\-*/:]+")) || match(line,"^[ \\t]+"))) { token = substr(line,RSTART,RLENGTH); line = substr(line,(RLENGTH + 1)); } else if (((line == "") || (substr(line,1,1) == ";"))) token = ""; else error(("Lexical error starting at " line)); } function do_apply (__p0, __p1, __p2) { __p2 = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = stack_ptr; for (; is_pair(__p1); __p1 = cdr[__p1]) stack[(stack_ptr)++] = car[__p1]; if ((__p1 != NIL)) error("Bad argument to APPLY: not a proper list"); result = apply(__p0); stack_ptr = frame_ptr; frame_ptr = __p2; return result; } function unprotect () { --(protected_ptr); } BEGIN { a_number = 0; pair_ptr = a_pair = 1; symbol_ptr = a_symbol = 2; type_name[a_number] = "number"; type_name[a_pair] = "pair"; type_name[a_symbol] = "symbol"; } BEGIN { srand(); frame_ptr = stack_ptr = 0; if ((heap_increment == "")) heap_increment = 1500; pair_limit = (a_pair + (4 * heap_increment)); NIL = string_to_symbol("nil"); T = string_to_symbol("t"); value[NIL] = NIL; value[T] = T; car[NIL] = cdr[NIL] = NIL; THE_EOF_OBJECT = string_to_symbol("#eof"); value[string_to_symbol("the-eof-object")] = THE_EOF_OBJECT; eof = "(eof)"; QUOTE = string_to_symbol("quote"); is_special[QUOTE] = 1; LAMBDA = string_to_symbol("lambda"); is_special[LAMBDA] = 1; IF = string_to_symbol("if"); is_special[IF] = 1; SETQ = string_to_symbol("set!"); is_special[SETQ] = 1; DEFINE = string_to_symbol("define"); is_special[DEFINE] = 1; PROGN = string_to_symbol("begin"); is_special[PROGN] = 1; WHILE = string_to_symbol("while"); is_special[WHILE] = 1; EQ = def_prim("eq?",2); NULL = def_prim("null?",1); CAR = def_prim("car",1); CDR = def_prim("cdr",1); CADR = def_prim("cadr",1); CDDR = def_prim("cddr",1); CONS = def_prim("cons",2); LIST = def_prim("list"); EVAL = def_prim("eval",1); APPLY = def_prim("apply",2); READ = def_prim("read",0); WRITE = def_prim("write",1); NEWLINE = def_prim("newline",0); ADD = def_prim("+",2); SUB = def_prim("-",2); MUL = def_prim("*",2); DIV = def_prim("quotient",2); MOD = def_prim("remainder",2); LT = def_prim("<",2); GET = def_prim("get",2); PUT = def_prim("put",3); ATOMP = def_prim("atom?",1); PAIRP = def_prim("pair?",1); SYMBOLP = def_prim("symbol?",1); NUMBERP = def_prim("number?",1); SETCAR = def_prim("set-car!",2); SETCDR = def_prim("set-cdr!",2); NREV = def_prim("reverse!",1); GENSYM = def_prim("gensym",0); RANDOM = def_prim("random",1); ERROR = def_prim("error"); DRIVER = string_to_symbol("top-level-driver"); } BEGIN { for (; ; ) { if (((DRIVER in value) && (value[DRIVER] != NIL))) apply(value[DRIVER]); else { expr = read(); if ((expr == THE_EOF_OBJECT)) break; protect(expr); print_expr(eval(expr)); unprotect(); } } if (profiling) for (proc in call_count) { printf ("%5d ",call_count[proc]); print_expr(proc); } }