#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* TODO: remove this header file */ #include #if defined(_WIN32) # include # include # include # include #elif defined(__OS2__) # define INCL_DOSPROCESS # define INCL_DOSEXCEPTIONS # define INCL_ERRORS # include #elif defined(__DOS__) # include # include /* watt-32 */ #else # include # include # include #endif #if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_SSL_H) && defined(HAVE_SSL) # include # if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_ERR_H) # include # endif # if defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_ENGINE_H) # include # endif # define USE_SSL #endif #if defined(HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H) # include #endif #if defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H) # include #endif #if defined(HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H) # include #endif /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static qse_httpd_t* g_httpd = QSE_NULL; static const qse_char_t* g_cfgfile = QSE_NULL; static int g_daemon = 0; static int g_debug = 0; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ enum { SCFG_SSLCERTFILE, SCFG_SSLKEYFILE, SCFG_MAX }; enum { XCFG_ROOT, XCFG_REALM, XCFG_AUTH, XCFG_DIRHEAD, XCFG_DIRFOOT, XCFG_ERRHEAD, XCFG_ERRFOOT, XCFG_MAX }; struct cgi_t { enum { CGI_PREFIX, CGI_SUFFIX, CGI_NAME, CGI_MAX } type; qse_mchar_t* spec; int nph; qse_mchar_t* shebang; struct cgi_t* next; }; struct auth_rule_t { enum { AUTH_RULE_PREFIX, AUTH_RULE_SUFFIX, AUTH_RULE_NAME, AUTH_RULE_OTHER, AUTH_RULE_MAX } type; qse_mchar_t* spec; /* TODO: add individual realm and auth string */ int noauth; struct auth_rule_t* next; }; struct mime_t { enum { MIME_PREFIX, MIME_SUFFIX, MIME_NAME, MIME_OTHER, MIME_MAX } type; qse_mchar_t* spec; qse_mchar_t* value; struct mime_t* next; }; struct access_t { /* TODO: support more types like ACCESS_GLOB not-only the base name, find a way to use query path or xpath */ enum { ACCESS_PREFIX, ACCESS_SUFFIX, ACCESS_NAME, ACCESS_OTHER, ACCESS_MAX } type; qse_mchar_t* spec; int value; struct access_t* next; }; typedef struct loccfg_t loccfg_t; struct loccfg_t { qse_mcstr_t locname; qse_mchar_t* xcfg[XCFG_MAX]; enum { ROOT_TYPE_PATH = 0, ROOT_TYPE_NWAD, ROOT_TYPE_NWAD_SECURE, ROOT_TYPE_HOST, ROOT_TYPE_HOST_SECURE, ROOT_TYPE_RELOC, ROOT_TYPE_ERROR } root_type; union { qse_nwad_t nwad; const qse_mchar_t* host; int error_code; qse_httpd_rsrc_reloc_t reloc; } root; struct { qse_size_t count; qse_mchar_t* files; } index; struct { struct cgi_t* head; struct cgi_t* tail; } cgi[CGI_MAX]; struct { struct auth_rule_t* head; struct auth_rule_t* tail; } auth_rule[AUTH_RULE_MAX]; struct { struct mime_t* head; struct mime_t* tail; } mime[MIME_MAX]; struct { struct access_t* head; struct access_t* tail; } access[2][ACCESS_MAX]; struct { unsigned int allow_http: 1; unsigned int allow_https: 1; unsigned int allow_connect: 1; unsigned int allow_intercept: 2; /* 0: no, 1: proxy, 2: local */ unsigned int allow_upgrade: 1; unsigned int dns_enabled: 1; unsigned int urs_enabled: 1; unsigned int x_forwarded: 1; qse_nwad_t dns_nwad; /* TODO: multiple dns */ qse_nwad_t urs_nwad; /* TODO: multiple urs */ int dns_timeout; int dns_retries; int dns_queries; int urs_timeout; int urs_retries; qse_httpd_mod_t* dns_preresolve_mod; qse_httpd_mod_t* urs_prerewrite_mod; qse_mchar_t pseudonym[128]; /* TODO: good size? */ } proxy; loccfg_t* next; }; typedef struct server_hostcfg_t server_hostcfg_t; struct server_hostcfg_t { qse_mchar_t* hostname; loccfg_t* loccfg; server_hostcfg_t* next; }; typedef struct server_xtn_t server_xtn_t; struct server_xtn_t { int backlog_size; int nodir; /* no directory listing */ int num; /* the server number in the xli configuration */ qse_nwad_t bind; /* binding address */ int secure; /* ssl */ qse_mchar_t* scfg[SCFG_MAX]; qse_httpd_serverstd_makersrc_t orgmakersrc; qse_httpd_serverstd_freersrc_t orgfreersrc; qse_httpd_serverstd_query_t orgquery; qse_htb_t* cfgtab; /* key: host name, value: server_hostcfg_t */ }; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct httpd_xtn_t httpd_xtn_t; struct httpd_xtn_t { const qse_char_t* cfgfile; qse_xli_t* xli; qse_httpd_impede_t org_impede; int impede_code; qse_httpd_urs_prerewrite_t org_urs_prerewrite; loccfg_t dflcfg; }; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void sig_stop (int sig) { if (g_httpd) qse_httpd_stop (g_httpd); } static void sig_reconf (int sig) { if (g_httpd) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtn(g_httpd); httpd_xtn->impede_code = sig; qse_httpd_impede (g_httpd); } } static void setup_signal_handler (int signum, void(*handler)(int)) { #if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) struct sigaction act; qse_memset (&act, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(act)); act.sa_handler = handler; sigaction (signum, &act, QSE_NULL); #else signal (signum, handler); #endif } static void setup_signal_handlers () { #if defined(SIGINT) setup_signal_handler (SIGINT, sig_stop); #endif #if defined(SIGTERM) setup_signal_handler (SIGTERM, sig_stop); #endif #if defined(SIGHUP) setup_signal_handler (SIGHUP, sig_reconf); #endif #if defined(SIGUSR1) setup_signal_handler (SIGUSR1, sig_reconf); #endif #if defined(SIGPIPE) setup_signal_handler (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif } static void restore_signal_handlers () { #if defined(SIGINT) setup_signal_handler (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); #endif #if defined(SIGTERM) setup_signal_handler (SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); #endif #if defined(SIGHUP) setup_signal_handler (SIGHUP, SIG_DFL); #endif #if defined(SIGUSR1) setup_signal_handler (SIGUSR1, SIG_DFL); #endif #if defined(SIGPIPE) setup_signal_handler (SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); #endif } static int daemonize (int devnull) { #if defined(HAVE_FORK) switch (fork()) { case -1: return -1; case 0: break; /* child */ default: _exit (0); /* parent */ } if (setsid () <= -1) return -1; /*umask (0);*/ chdir ("/"); if (devnull) { /* redirect stdin/out/err to /dev/null */ int fd = open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if (fd >= 0) { dup2 (fd, 0); dup2 (fd, 1); dup2 (fd, 2); close (fd); } } return 0; #else return -1; #endif } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int xxxx (void* ctx, qse_env_char_t** envir) { /* NOTE: this is for experiment only */ #if 0 extern char** environ; char buf[1000]; char* cl; int cl_i = 0; environ = envir; printf ("Content-Type: text/html\n\n"); printf ("
	system ("ls -laF /tmp");
	printf ("--------------------\n");
	system ("printenv");
 cl = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
if (cl) cl_i = atoi(cl);
/*if (cl_i)
{  */
while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL)
printf ("%s", buf);
	system ("while read xxx; do echo $xxx; done; echo 123 456 789");*/
	printf ("
\n"); #endif printf ("Content-Type: text/html\n\n"); printf ("
	system ("ls -laF /tmp");
	printf ("
\n"); return 0; } static int make_resource ( qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_htre_t* req, qse_httpd_rsrc_t* rsrc) { server_xtn_t* server_xtn; server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtn(httpd, client->server); if (server_xtn->orgmakersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc) <= -1) return -1; if (server_xtn->nodir && rsrc->type == QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_DIR) { /* prohibit no directory listing */ server_xtn->orgfreersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc); rsrc->type = QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_ERROR; rsrc->u.error.code = 403; } return 0; } static void free_resource ( qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_htre_t* req, qse_httpd_rsrc_t* rsrc) { server_xtn_t* server_xtn; server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtn(httpd, client->server); server_xtn->orgfreersrc (httpd, client, req, rsrc); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static loccfg_t* find_loccfg ( qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_htb_t* cfgtab, const qse_mchar_t* host, qse_size_t hostlen, const qse_mchar_t* qpath) { qse_htb_pair_t* pair; server_hostcfg_t* hostcfg; loccfg_t* loccfg; pair = qse_htb_search (cfgtab, host, hostlen); if (pair) { hostcfg = (server_hostcfg_t*)QSE_HTB_VPTR(pair); /* the location names are inspected in the order as shown * in the configuration. */ for (loccfg = hostcfg->loccfg; loccfg; loccfg = loccfg->next) { QSE_ASSERT (loccfg->locname.len > 0); if (qse_mbsbeg (qpath, loccfg->locname.ptr) && (loccfg->locname.ptr[loccfg->locname.len - 1] == QSE_MT('/') || qpath[loccfg->locname.len] == QSE_MT('/') || qpath[loccfg->locname.len] == QSE_MT('\0'))) { return loccfg; } } } return QSE_NULL; } static int get_server_root ( qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server, loccfg_t* loccfg, const qse_httpd_serverstd_query_info_t* qinfo, qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t* root) { qse_http_method_t mth; qse_mchar_t* qpath; int proto_len; qse_memset (root, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*root)); mth = qse_htre_getqmethodtype (qinfo->req); qpath = qse_htre_getqpath(qinfo->req); qse_memset (root, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*root)); if (qinfo->client->status & QSE_HTTPD_CLIENT_INTERCEPTED) { /* transparent proxying */ if (loccfg->proxy.allow_intercept <= 0) { root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_ERROR; root->u.error.code = 403; /* forbidden */ return 0; } else if (loccfg->proxy.allow_intercept <= 1) { root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_PROXY; root->u.proxy.dst.nwad = qinfo->client->orgdst_addr; if (qse_nwadequal(&qinfo->client->orgdst_addr, &qinfo->client->local_addr)) { /* if the local address is the same as the original * destination and INTERCEPTED is set, it's probably * TPROXYed. if TPROXY is used, set the source to the * original source. */ root->u.proxy.src.nwad = qinfo->client->remote_addr; /* well, i don't keep the port number, though */ qse_setnwadport (&root->u.proxy.src.nwad, 0); } if (mth == QSE_HTTP_CONNECT) { root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_RAW; } else { if (loccfg->proxy.pseudonym[0]) root->u.proxy.pseudonym = loccfg->proxy.pseudonym; if (server->dope.flags & QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_SECURE) root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_DST_SECURE; } goto proxy_ok; } } if (mth == QSE_HTTP_CONNECT) { if (loccfg->proxy.allow_connect) { /* TODO: disallow connecting back to self */ /* TODO: Proxy-Authorization???? */ root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_PROXY; root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_RAW; /* no pseudonym for RAW proxying */ if (qse_mbstonwad(qpath, &root->u.proxy.dst.nwad) <= -1) { root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_DST_STR; root->u.proxy.dst.str = qpath; } else { /* make the source binding type the same as destination */ /* no default port for raw proxying */ root->u.proxy.src.nwad.type = root->u.proxy.dst.nwad.type; } goto proxy_ok; } else { root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_ERROR; root->u.error.code = 403; /* forbidden */ return 0; } } if ((loccfg->proxy.allow_http && qse_mbszcasecmp (qpath, QSE_MT("http://"), (proto_len = 7)) == 0) || (loccfg->proxy.allow_https && qse_mbszcasecmp (qpath, QSE_MT("https://"), (proto_len = 8)) == 0)) { qse_mchar_t* host, * slash; host = qpath + proto_len; slash = qse_mbschr (host, QSE_MT('/')); if (slash && slash - host > 0) { qse_size_t len_before_slash; qse_mchar_t* org_qpath = QSE_NULL; len_before_slash = slash - qpath; if (!(qinfo->req->flags & QSE_HTRE_QPATH_PERDEC) || qse_mbszcmp (qpath, (org_qpath = qse_htre_getorgqpath(qinfo->req)), len_before_slash) == 0) { /* this block ensures to proxy a request whose protocol and * host name part were not percent-encoded in the original * request */ /* e.g. proto://hostname/XXXX * slash should point to the slash before XXXX. * if hostname is empty, this 'if' block is skipped. */ root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_PROXY; if (loccfg->proxy.pseudonym[0]) root->u.proxy.pseudonym = loccfg->proxy.pseudonym; /* TODO: refrain from manipulating the request like this */ /* move the host name part backward by 1 byte to make a room for * terminating null. An orginal input of http://www.yahoo.com/ab/cd * becomes http:/www.yahoo.com\0ab/cd. host gets to point to * www.yahoo.com. qpath(qinfo->req.u.q.path) is updated to ab/cd. */ qse_memmove (host - 1, host, slash - host); slash[-1] = QSE_MT('\0'); host = host - 1; root->u.proxy.host = host; if (proto_len == 8) root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_DST_SECURE; if (qse_mbstonwad (host, &root->u.proxy.dst.nwad) <= -1) { root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_DST_STR; root->u.proxy.dst.str = host; } else { /* make the source binding type the same as destination */ if (qse_getnwadport(&root->u.proxy.dst.nwad) == 0) qse_setnwadport (&root->u.proxy.dst.nwad, qse_hton16(80)); root->u.proxy.src.nwad.type = root->u.proxy.dst.nwad.type; } /* TODO: refrain from manipulating the request like this */ qinfo->req->u.q.path.len -= len_before_slash; qinfo->req->u.q.path.ptr = slash; /* TODO: use setqpath or something... */ if (org_qpath) { qinfo->req->orgqpath.len -= len_before_slash; qinfo->req->orgqpath.ptr += len_before_slash; } goto proxy_ok; } } else { root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_ERROR; root->u.error.code = 403; /* forbidden */ return 0; } } switch (loccfg->root_type) { case ROOT_TYPE_NWAD_SECURE: root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_DST_SECURE; /* fall thru */ case ROOT_TYPE_NWAD: /* simple forwarding. it's not controlled by proxy.http, proxy.https or proxy.connect */ root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_PROXY; root->u.proxy.dst.nwad = loccfg->root.nwad; root->u.proxy.src.nwad.type = root->u.proxy.dst.nwad.type; if (loccfg->proxy.pseudonym[0]) root->u.proxy.pseudonym = loccfg->proxy.pseudonym; goto proxy_ok; case ROOT_TYPE_HOST_SECURE: root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_DST_SECURE; case ROOT_TYPE_HOST: root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_PROXY; root->u.proxy.dst.str = loccfg->root.host; root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_DST_STR; if (loccfg->proxy.pseudonym[0]) root->u.proxy.pseudonym = loccfg->proxy.pseudonym; goto proxy_ok; case ROOT_TYPE_RELOC: root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_RELOC; root->u.reloc.flags = loccfg->root.reloc.flags; root->u.reloc.target = qse_mbsdup (loccfg->root.reloc.target, qse_httpd_getmmgr(httpd)); if (root->u.reloc.target == QSE_NULL) { root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_ERROR; root->u.error.code = 500; /* internal server error */ } break; case ROOT_TYPE_ERROR: root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_ERROR; root->u.error.code = loccfg->root.error_code; break; default: /* local file system */ root->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_PATH; root->u.path.val = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_ROOT]; root->u.path.rpl = loccfg->locname.len; break; } return 0; proxy_ok: if (loccfg->proxy.dns_enabled) { root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_ENABLE_DNS | QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_DNS_SERVER; root->u.proxy.dns_server.nwad = loccfg->proxy.dns_nwad; root->u.proxy.dns_server.tmout.sec = loccfg->proxy.dns_timeout; root->u.proxy.dns_server.retries = loccfg->proxy.dns_retries; root->u.proxy.dns_server.flags = loccfg->proxy.dns_queries; root->u.proxy.dns_preresolve_mod = loccfg->proxy.dns_preresolve_mod; } if (loccfg->proxy.urs_enabled) { root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_ENABLE_URS | QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_URS_SERVER; root->u.proxy.urs_server.nwad = loccfg->proxy.urs_nwad; root->u.proxy.urs_server.tmout.sec = loccfg->proxy.urs_timeout; root->u.proxy.urs_server.retries = loccfg->proxy.urs_retries; root->u.proxy.urs_prerewrite_mod = loccfg->proxy.urs_prerewrite_mod; } if (loccfg->proxy.x_forwarded) { root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_X_FORWARDED; } if (loccfg->proxy.allow_upgrade) { root->u.proxy.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_PROXY_ALLOW_UPGRADE; } return 0; } static int query_server ( qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server, qse_httpd_serverstd_query_code_t code, qse_httpd_serverstd_query_info_t* qinfo, void* result) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; server_xtn_t* server_xtn; loccfg_t* loccfg = QSE_NULL; httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtn(httpd, server); if (code == QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_SSL) { /* SSL is a server-wide configuration item. * handle this without inspecting the host and the query path. */ qse_httpd_serverstd_ssl_t* ssl; ssl = (qse_httpd_serverstd_ssl_t*)result; ssl->certfile = server_xtn->scfg[SCFG_SSLCERTFILE]; ssl->keyfile = server_xtn->scfg[SCFG_SSLKEYFILE]; return 0; } if (server_xtn->cfgtab) { if (qinfo && qinfo->req && server_xtn->cfgtab) { const qse_mchar_t* host = QSE_NULL; const qse_mchar_t* qpath; qse_http_method_t mth; const qse_htre_hdrval_t* hosthdr; mth = qse_htre_getqmethodtype (qinfo->req); qpath = qse_htre_getqpath (qinfo->req); if (mth == QSE_HTTP_CONNECT) { qse_nwad_t nwad; /* the query path for CONNECT is not a path name, but * a host name. the path is adjusted to the root directory. */ host = qpath; qpath = QSE_MT("/"); if (qse_mbstonwad (host, &nwad) >= 0) { /* the host is a numeric. try he Host: header. * i expect the values of the host and qpath variables * are maintained if Host: is not found after goto. */ goto try_host; } } else { try_host: hosthdr = qse_htre_getheaderval (qinfo->req, QSE_MT("Host")); if (hosthdr) { /*while (hosthdr->next) hosthdr = hosthdr->next; */ host = hosthdr->ptr; } } if (host) { const qse_mchar_t* colon; qse_size_t hostlen; /* remove :port-number if the host name contains it */ colon = qse_mbsrchr(host, QSE_MT(':')); if (colon) hostlen = colon - host; else hostlen = qse_mbslen(host); /* Wild card search * * www.tango.com => * www.tango.com * tango.com * com <-- up to here * * * * tango.com => * tango.com * com <-- up to here * * */ while (hostlen > 0) { qse_mchar_t c; loccfg = find_loccfg (httpd, server_xtn->cfgtab, host, hostlen, qpath); if (loccfg) goto found; /* skip the current segment */ do { c = *host++; hostlen--; } while (c != QSE_MT('.') && hostlen > 0); } } if (loccfg == QSE_NULL) loccfg = find_loccfg (httpd, server_xtn->cfgtab, QSE_MT("*"), 1, qpath); } if (loccfg == QSE_NULL) loccfg = find_loccfg (httpd, server_xtn->cfgtab, QSE_MT("*"), 1, QSE_MT("/")); } if (loccfg == QSE_NULL) loccfg = &httpd_xtn->dflcfg; found: switch (code) { case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT: #if 0 if (qse_mbscmp (qse_htre_getqpath(qinfo->req), QSE_MT("/version")) == 0) { /* return static text without inspecting further */ /*((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->type = QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ROOT_TEXT; ((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->u.text.ptr = QSE_MT(QSE_PACKAGE_NAME " " QSE_PACKAGE_VERSION); ((qse_httpd_serverstd_root_t*)result)->u.text.mime = QSE_MT("text/plain");*/ else #endif return get_server_root (httpd, server, loccfg, qinfo, result); case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_REALM: { const qse_mchar_t* apath; qse_size_t i; ((qse_httpd_serverstd_realm_t*)result)->name = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_REALM]; /* qinfo->xpath is not available for the REALM query in the std implementation. * let me check if it's available in case the implementation changes */ apath = qinfo->xpath? qinfo->xpath: qse_htre_getqpath (qinfo->req); if (apath) { const qse_mchar_t* base; base = qse_mbsbasename (apath); for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->auth_rule); i++) { struct auth_rule_t* auth_rule; for (auth_rule = loccfg->auth_rule[i].head; auth_rule; auth_rule = auth_rule->next) { if ((auth_rule->type == AUTH_RULE_PREFIX && qse_mbsbeg (base, auth_rule->spec)) || (auth_rule->type == AUTH_RULE_SUFFIX && qse_mbsend (base, auth_rule->spec)) || (auth_rule->type == AUTH_RULE_NAME && qse_mbscmp (base, auth_rule->spec) == 0) || auth_rule->type == AUTH_RULE_OTHER) { if (auth_rule->noauth) { /* if noauth is set, authorization is not required */ ((qse_httpd_serverstd_realm_t*)result)->authreq = 0; return 0; } else { /* proceed to perform authorization */ break; } } } } } ((qse_httpd_serverstd_realm_t*)result)->authreq = (loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_REALM] != QSE_NULL); return 0; } case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_AUTH: { qse_httpd_serverstd_auth_t* auth; auth = (qse_httpd_serverstd_auth_t*)result; auth->authok = 0; if (loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_AUTH]) { if (qse_mbsxcmp (auth->key.ptr, auth->key.len, loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_AUTH]) == 0) { auth->authok = 1; } } return 0; } case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_DIRHEAD: *(const qse_mchar_t**)result = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_DIRHEAD]; return 0; case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_DIRFOOT: *(const qse_mchar_t**)result = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_DIRFOOT]; return 0; case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ERRHEAD: *(const qse_mchar_t**)result = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_ERRHEAD]; return 0; case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_ERRFOOT: *(const qse_mchar_t**)result = loccfg->xcfg[XCFG_ERRFOOT]; return 0; case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_INDEX: ((qse_httpd_serverstd_index_t*)result)->count = loccfg->index.count; ((qse_httpd_serverstd_index_t*)result)->files = loccfg->index.files; return 0; case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_CGI: { qse_size_t i; qse_httpd_serverstd_cgi_t* scgi; const qse_mchar_t* xpath_base; #if 0 qse_mchar_t* qpath; qpath = qse_htre_getqpath(qinfo->req); #endif scgi = (qse_httpd_serverstd_cgi_t*)result; qse_memset (scgi, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(*scgi)); #if 0 printf ("qinfo->xpath [%s] %d [%s]\n", qinfo->xpath, qinfo->xpath_nx, qpath); /*if (qse_mbscmp (qinfo->xpath, QSE_MT("/tmp/version.cgi")) == 0)*/ if (qse_mbscmp (qpath, QSE_MT("/local/version.cgi")) == 0) { scgi->cgi = 1; scgi->nph = 0; scgi->fncptr = xxxx; scgi->shebang = QSE_NULL; return 0; } #endif if (!qinfo->xpath_nx) { xpath_base = qse_mbsbasename (qinfo->xpath); for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->cgi); i++) { struct cgi_t* cgi; for (cgi = loccfg->cgi[i].head; cgi; cgi = cgi->next) { if ((cgi->type == CGI_PREFIX && qse_mbsbeg (xpath_base, cgi->spec)) || (cgi->type == CGI_SUFFIX && qse_mbsend (xpath_base, cgi->spec)) || (cgi->type == CGI_NAME && qse_mbscmp (xpath_base, cgi->spec) == 0)) { scgi->cgi = 1; scgi->nph = cgi->nph; scgi->shebang = cgi->shebang; return 0; } } } } return 0; } case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_MIME: { qse_size_t i; const qse_mchar_t* xpath_base; xpath_base = qse_mbsbasename (qinfo->xpath); *(const qse_mchar_t**)result = QSE_NULL; for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->mime); i++) { struct mime_t* mime; for (mime = loccfg->mime[i].head; mime; mime = mime->next) { if ((mime->type == MIME_PREFIX && qse_mbsbeg (xpath_base, mime->spec)) || (mime->type == MIME_SUFFIX && qse_mbsend (xpath_base, mime->spec)) || (mime->type == MIME_NAME && qse_mbscmp (xpath_base, mime->spec) == 0) || mime->type == MIME_OTHER) { *(const qse_mchar_t**)result = mime->value; return 0; } } } return 0; } case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_DIRACC: case QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_FILEACC: { switch (qse_htre_getqmethodtype(qinfo->req)) { case QSE_HTTP_OPTIONS: case QSE_HTTP_HEAD: case QSE_HTTP_GET: case QSE_HTTP_POST: case QSE_HTTP_PUT: case QSE_HTTP_DELETE: { qse_size_t i; const qse_mchar_t* xpath_base; int id; id = (code == QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_DIRACC)? 0: 1; xpath_base = qse_mbsbasename (qinfo->xpath); *(int*)result = 200; for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->access[id]); i++) { struct access_t* access; for (access = loccfg->access[id][i].head; access; access = access->next) { if ((access->type == ACCESS_PREFIX && qse_mbsbeg (xpath_base, access->spec)) || (access->type == ACCESS_SUFFIX && qse_mbsend (xpath_base, access->spec)) || (access->type == ACCESS_NAME && qse_mbscmp (xpath_base, access->spec) == 0) || access->type == ACCESS_OTHER) { *(int*)result = access->value; return 0; } } } break; } default: *(int*)result = 405; /* method not allowed */ break; } return 0; } } return server_xtn->orgquery (httpd, server, code, qinfo, result); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void free_loccfg_contents (qse_httpd_t* httpd, loccfg_t* loccfg) { qse_size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->xcfg); i++) { if (loccfg->xcfg[i]) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, loccfg->xcfg[i]); loccfg->xcfg[i] = QSE_NULL; } } if (loccfg->index.files) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, loccfg->index.files); loccfg->index.files = QSE_NULL; loccfg->index.count = 0; } for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->cgi); i++) { struct cgi_t* cgi = loccfg->cgi[i].head; while (cgi) { struct cgi_t* x = cgi; cgi = x->next; if (x->shebang) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->shebang); if (x->spec) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->spec); if (x) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x); } loccfg->cgi[i].head = QSE_NULL; loccfg->cgi[i].tail = QSE_NULL; } for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->auth_rule); i++) { struct auth_rule_t* auth_rule = loccfg->auth_rule[i].head; while (auth_rule) { struct auth_rule_t* x = auth_rule; auth_rule = x->next; if (x->spec) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->spec); if (x) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x); } loccfg->auth_rule[i].head = QSE_NULL; loccfg->auth_rule[i].tail = QSE_NULL; } for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->mime); i++) { struct mime_t* mime = loccfg->mime[i].head; while (mime) { struct mime_t* x = mime; mime = x->next; if (x->spec) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->spec); if (x->value) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->value); if (x) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x); } loccfg->mime[i].head = QSE_NULL; loccfg->mime[i].tail = QSE_NULL; } for (j = 0; j < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->access); j++) { for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loccfg->access[j]); i++) { struct access_t* access = loccfg->access[j][i].head; while (access) { struct access_t* x = access; access = x->next; if (x->spec) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x->spec); if (x) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, x); } loccfg->access[j][i].head = QSE_NULL; loccfg->access[j][i].tail = QSE_NULL; } } if (loccfg->locname.ptr) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, loccfg->locname.ptr); } static int get_boolean (const qse_xli_str_t* v) { return (qse_strxcasecmp (v->ptr, v->len, QSE_T("yes")) == 0 || qse_strxcasecmp (v->ptr, v->len, QSE_T("on")) == 0); } static int get_intercept (const qse_xli_str_t* v) { if (qse_strxcasecmp (v->ptr, v->len, QSE_T("local")) == 0) return 2; if (qse_strxcasecmp (v->ptr, v->len, QSE_T("proxy")) == 0 || qse_strxcasecmp (v->ptr, v->len, QSE_T("yes")) == 0 || qse_strxcasecmp (v->ptr, v->len, QSE_T("on")) == 0) return 1; return 0; } static int get_integer (const qse_xli_str_t* v) { /* TODO: be more strict */ return qse_strxtoi (v->ptr, v->len, 10, QSE_NULL); } static int parse_dns_query_types (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_xli_str_t* str) { int flags = 0; while (str) { if (qse_strxcasecmp (str->ptr, str->len, QSE_T("a")) == 0) flags |= QSE_HTTPD_DNS_SERVER_A; else if (qse_strxcasecmp (str->ptr, str->len, QSE_T("aaaa")) == 0) flags |= QSE_HTTPD_DNS_SERVER_AAAA; else { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: invalid dns query type for proxy dns - %s\n"), str->ptr); return -1; } str = str->next; } return flags; } static int load_loccfg_basic (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_t* xli, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg) { static struct { const qse_char_t* x; const qse_char_t* y; } loc_xcfg_items[] = { { QSE_T("root"), QSE_T("server-default.root") }, { QSE_T("realm"), QSE_T("server-default.realm") }, { QSE_T("auth"), QSE_T("server-default.auth") }, { QSE_T("dir-head"), QSE_T("server-default.dir-head") }, { QSE_T("dir-foot"), QSE_T("server-default.dir-foot") }, { QSE_T("error-head"), QSE_T("server-default.error-head") }, { QSE_T("error-foot"), QSE_T("server-default.error-foot") } }; int i; qse_xli_pair_t* pair; for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(loc_xcfg_items); i++) { pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, list, loc_xcfg_items[i].x); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, QSE_NULL, loc_xcfg_items[i].y); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR) { cfg->xcfg[i] = qse_httpd_strntombsdup (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len); if (cfg->xcfg[i] == QSE_NULL) { /*qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR in copying - %s\n"), qse_httpd_geterrmsg (httpd));*/ qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR in copying\n")); return -1; } } } return 0; } static int load_loccfg_index (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_t* xli, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg) { qse_xli_pair_t* pair; pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, list, QSE_T("index")); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("server-default.index")); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR) { qse_char_t* duptmp; qse_size_t count, duplen; duptmp = qse_xli_dupflatstr (xli, (qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val, &duplen, &count); if (duptmp == QSE_NULL) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying index\n")); return -1; } cfg->index.files = qse_httpd_strntombsdup (httpd, duptmp, duplen); qse_xli_freemem (xli, duptmp); if (cfg->index.files == QSE_NULL) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying index\n")); return -1; } cfg->index.count = count; } return 0; } static int load_loccfg_cgi (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_t* xli, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg) { qse_xli_pair_t* pair; qse_xli_atom_t* atom; pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, list, QSE_T("cgi")); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("server-default.cgi")); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST) { qse_xli_list_t* cgilist = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val; for (atom = cgilist->head; atom; atom = atom->next) { struct cgi_t* cgi; int type; if (atom->type != QSE_XLI_PAIR) continue; pair = (qse_xli_pair_t*)atom; if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("prefix")) == 0) type = CGI_PREFIX; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("suffix")) == 0) type = CGI_SUFFIX; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("name")) == 0) type = CGI_NAME; else continue; cgi = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*cgi)); if (cgi == QSE_NULL) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying cgi\n")); return -1; } cgi->type = type; cgi->spec = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, pair->alias); if (!cgi->spec) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, cgi); qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying cgi name\n")); return -1; } if (pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR) { qse_xli_str_t* str; qse_size_t count = 0; for (str = (qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val; str; str = str->next) { if (count == 0) { /* the first segment */ if (qse_strxcmp (str->ptr, str->len, QSE_T("nph")) == 0) cgi->nph = 1; } else if (count == 1) { /* second segment */ cgi->shebang = qse_httpd_strntombsdup (httpd, str->ptr, str->len); if (!cgi->shebang) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, cgi->spec); qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, cgi); qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying cgi shebang\n")); return -1; } } count++; /* TODO: more sanity check like the number of maximum segments or the value of the first segment...*/ } } if (cfg->cgi[type].tail) cfg->cgi[type].tail->next = cgi; else cfg->cgi[type].head = cgi; cfg->cgi[type].tail = cgi; } } return 0; } static int load_loccfg_authrule (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_t* xli, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg) { qse_xli_pair_t* pair; qse_xli_atom_t* atom; pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, list, QSE_T("auth-rule")); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("server-default.auth-rule")); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST) { qse_xli_list_t* auth_rule_list = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val; for (atom = auth_rule_list->head; atom; atom = atom->next) { struct auth_rule_t* auth_rule; int type; if (atom->type != QSE_XLI_PAIR) continue; pair = (qse_xli_pair_t*)atom; if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("prefix")) == 0) type = AUTH_RULE_PREFIX; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("suffix")) == 0) type = AUTH_RULE_SUFFIX; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("name")) == 0) type = AUTH_RULE_NAME; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("other")) == 0) type = AUTH_RULE_OTHER; else continue; auth_rule = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*auth_rule)); if (auth_rule == QSE_NULL) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying auth-rule\n")); return -1; } auth_rule->type = type; if (pair->alias) { auth_rule->spec = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, pair->alias); if (!auth_rule->spec) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, auth_rule); qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying auth-rule\n")); return -1; } } auth_rule->noauth = 0; if (qse_strxcmp (((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len, QSE_T("noauth")) == 0) auth_rule->noauth = 1; if (cfg->auth_rule[type].tail) cfg->auth_rule[type].tail->next = auth_rule; else cfg->auth_rule[type].head = auth_rule; cfg->auth_rule[type].tail = auth_rule; } } /* TODO: support multiple auth entries */ return 0; } static int load_loccfg_mime (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_t* xli, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg) { qse_xli_pair_t* pair; qse_xli_atom_t* atom; pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, list, QSE_T("mime")); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("server-default.mime")); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST) { qse_xli_list_t* mimelist = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val; for (atom = mimelist->head; atom; atom = atom->next) { struct mime_t* mime; int type; if (atom->type != QSE_XLI_PAIR) continue; pair = (qse_xli_pair_t*)atom; if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("prefix")) == 0) type = MIME_PREFIX; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("suffix")) == 0) type = MIME_SUFFIX; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("name")) == 0) type = MIME_NAME; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("other")) == 0) type = MIME_OTHER; else continue; mime = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*mime)); if (mime == QSE_NULL) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying mime\n")); return -1; } mime->type = type; mime->spec = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, pair->alias); if (!mime->spec) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, mime); qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying mime\n")); return -1; } mime->value = qse_httpd_strntombsdup (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len); if (!mime->value) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, mime->spec); qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, mime); qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying mime\n")); return -1; } if (cfg->mime[type].tail) cfg->mime[type].tail->next = mime; else cfg->mime[type].head = mime; cfg->mime[type].tail = mime; } } return 0; } static int load_loccfg_access (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_t* xli, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg) { /* local access items */ static struct { const qse_char_t* x; const qse_char_t* y; } loc_acc_items[] = { { QSE_T("dir-access"), QSE_T("server-default.dir-access") }, { QSE_T("file-access"), QSE_T("server-default.file-access") } }; int i; qse_xli_pair_t* pair; qse_xli_atom_t* atom; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, list, loc_acc_items[i].x); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, QSE_NULL, loc_acc_items[i].y); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST) { qse_xli_list_t* acclist = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val; for (atom = acclist->head; atom; atom = atom->next) { struct access_t* acc; const qse_char_t* tmp; qse_size_t len; int type, value; if (atom->type != QSE_XLI_PAIR) continue; pair = (qse_xli_pair_t*)atom; if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("prefix")) == 0) type = ACCESS_PREFIX; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("suffix")) == 0) type = ACCESS_SUFFIX; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("name")) == 0) type = ACCESS_NAME; else if (qse_strcmp (pair->key, QSE_T("other")) == 0) type = ACCESS_OTHER; else continue; tmp = ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr; len = ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len; if (qse_strxcmp (tmp, len, QSE_T("noent")) == 0) value = 404; else if (qse_strxcmp (tmp, len, QSE_T("forbid")) == 0) value = 403; else if (qse_strxcmp (tmp, len, QSE_T("ok")) == 0) value = 200; else continue; /* TODO: more sanity check */ acc = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*acc)); if (acc == QSE_NULL) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying acc\n")); return -1; } acc->type = type; if (pair->alias) { acc->spec = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, pair->alias); if (!acc->spec) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, acc); qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: memory failure in copying access\n")); return -1; } } acc->value = value; if (cfg->access[i][type].tail) cfg->access[i][type].tail->next = acc; else cfg->access[i][type].head = acc; cfg->access[i][type].tail = acc; } } } return 0; } static int load_loccfg_proxy (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_t* xli, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg) { qse_xli_pair_t* pair; qse_xli_list_t* proxy = QSE_NULL; qse_xli_list_t* default_proxy = QSE_NULL; pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, list, QSE_T("proxy")); if (pair) { QSE_ASSERT (pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST); proxy = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val; } pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("server-default.proxy")); if (pair) { QSE_ASSERT (pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST); default_proxy = (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val; } pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("http")); /* server.host[].location[].proxy.http */ if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("http")); /* server-default.proxy.http */ if (pair) cfg->proxy.allow_http = get_boolean ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("https")); /* server.host[].location[].proxy.https */ if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("https")); /* server-default.proxy.https */ if (pair) cfg->proxy.allow_https = get_boolean ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("connect")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("connect")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.allow_connect = get_boolean ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("intercept")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("intercept")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.allow_intercept = get_intercept ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("upgrade")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("upgrade")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.allow_upgrade = get_boolean ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("x-forwarded")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("x-forwarded")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.x_forwarded = get_boolean ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("pseudonym")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("pseudonym")); if (pair) { qse_xli_str_t* str = (qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val; #if defined(QSE_CHAR_IS_MCHAR) qse_mbsxcpy (cfg->proxy.pseudonym, QSE_COUNTOF(cfg->proxy.pseudonym), str->ptr); #else qse_size_t wcslen, mbslen = QSE_COUNTOF(cfg->proxy.pseudonym); if (qse_wcstombs (str->ptr, &wcslen, cfg->proxy.pseudonym, &mbslen) <= -1) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: invalid pseudonym for proxy - %s"), str->ptr); return -1; } #endif } pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("dns-enabled")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("dns-enabled")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.dns_enabled = get_boolean ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("dns-server")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("dns-server")); if (pair) { qse_xli_str_t* str = (qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val; if (qse_strtonwad (str->ptr, &cfg->proxy.dns_nwad) <= -1) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: invalid address for proxy dns - %s"), str->ptr); return -1; } } pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("dns-timeout")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("dns-timeout")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.dns_timeout = get_integer ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); else cfg->proxy.dns_timeout = -1; pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("dns-retries")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("dns-retries")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.dns_retries = get_integer ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); else cfg->proxy.dns_retries = -1; pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("dns-queries")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("dns-queries")); if (pair) { cfg->proxy.dns_queries = parse_dns_query_types (httpd, (qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); if (cfg->proxy.dns_queries <= -1) return -1; } else cfg->proxy.dns_queries = QSE_HTTPD_DNS_SERVER_A | QSE_HTTPD_DNS_SERVER_AAAA; pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("dns-preresolve-hook")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("dns-preresolve-hook")); if (pair) { cfg->proxy.dns_preresolve_mod = qse_httpd_findmod (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr); if (!cfg->proxy.dns_preresolve_mod) qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: dns-preresolve-hook not found - %s\n"), ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr); } pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("urs-enabled")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("urs-enabled")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.urs_enabled = get_boolean ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("urs-server")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("urs-server")); if (pair) { qse_xli_str_t* str = (qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val; if (qse_strtonwad (str->ptr, &cfg->proxy.urs_nwad) <= -1) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: invalid address for proxy urs - %s"), str->ptr); return -1; } } pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("urs-timeout")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("urs-timeout")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.urs_timeout = get_integer ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); else cfg->proxy.urs_timeout = -1; pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("urs-retries")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("urs-retries")); if (pair) cfg->proxy.urs_retries = get_integer ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val); else cfg->proxy.urs_retries = -1; pair = QSE_NULL; if (proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, proxy, QSE_T("urs-prerewrite-hook")); if (!pair && default_proxy) pair = qse_xli_findpair (xli, default_proxy, QSE_T("urs-prerewrite-hook")); if (pair) { cfg->proxy.urs_prerewrite_mod = qse_httpd_findmod (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr); if (!cfg->proxy.urs_prerewrite_mod) qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: urs-prerewrite-hook not found - %s\n"), ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr); } return 0; } static int load_loccfg (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_t* xli, qse_xli_list_t* list, loccfg_t* cfg) { /*httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd);*/ if (load_loccfg_basic (httpd, xli, list, cfg) <= -1 || load_loccfg_index (httpd, xli, list, cfg) <= -1 || load_loccfg_cgi (httpd, xli, list, cfg) <= -1 || load_loccfg_authrule (httpd, xli, list, cfg) <= -1 || load_loccfg_mime (httpd, xli, list, cfg) <= -1 || load_loccfg_access (httpd, xli, list, cfg) <= -1 || load_loccfg_proxy (httpd, xli, list, cfg) <= -1) return -1; #if 0 /* TODO: perform more sanity check */ if (qse_mbschr (cfg->xcfg[XCFG_AUTH], QSE_MT(':')) == QSE_NULL) { qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: no colon in the auth string - [%hs]\n"), cfg->xcfg[XCFG_AUTH]); } #endif cfg->root_type = ROOT_TYPE_PATH; /* default type */ if (cfg->xcfg[XCFG_ROOT]) { /* check if the root value is special */ const qse_mchar_t* root = cfg->xcfg[XCFG_ROOT]; int proto_len = 0; if (root[0] == QSE_MT('<') && QSE_ISMDIGIT(root[1])) { int code = 0; root++; while (QSE_ISMDIGIT(*root)) { code = code * 10 + (*root - QSE_MT('0')); root++; } if (code >= 400 && code <= 599 && root[0] == QSE_MT('>') && root[1] == QSE_MT('\0')) { cfg->root_type = ROOT_TYPE_ERROR; cfg->root.error_code = code; goto done; } if ((code == 301 || code == 302 || code == 303 || code == 307 || code == 308) && *root == QSE_MT('>')) { root++; if (QSE_ISMPRINT(*root)) { cfg->root_type = ROOT_TYPE_RELOC; cfg->root.reloc.flags = 0; switch (code) { case 308: cfg->root.reloc.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_RELOC_PERMANENT; /* fall thru */ case 307: cfg->root.reloc.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_RELOC_KEEPMETHOD; break; case 301: cfg->root.reloc.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_RSRC_RELOC_PERMANENT; break; } cfg->root.reloc.target = root; goto done; } } root = cfg->xcfg[XCFG_ROOT]; } else { if (qse_mbszcasecmp (root, QSE_MT("http://"), (proto_len = 7)) == 0 || qse_mbszcasecmp (root, QSE_MT("https://"), (proto_len = 8)) == 0) { root += proto_len; } else { proto_len = 0; } } if (qse_mbstonwad (root, &cfg->root.nwad) >= 0) { if (cfg->root.nwad.type != QSE_NWAD_IN4 && cfg->root.nwad.type != QSE_NWAD_IN6) { qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: invalid address for root - [%hs]\n"), cfg->xcfg[XCFG_ROOT]); return -1; } cfg->root_type = (proto_len == 8)? ROOT_TYPE_NWAD_SECURE: ROOT_TYPE_NWAD; goto done; } else if (proto_len > 0 && *root != QSE_MT('\0')) { /* it begins with http:// or https:// */ cfg->root_type = (proto_len == 8)? ROOT_TYPE_HOST_SECURE: ROOT_TYPE_HOST; cfg->root.host = root; goto done; } } done: return 0; } static void free_server_hostcfg (qse_httpd_t* httpd, server_hostcfg_t* hostcfg) { loccfg_t* lc, * cur; lc = hostcfg->loccfg; while (lc) { cur = lc; lc = lc->next; free_loccfg_contents (httpd, cur); qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, cur); } if (hostcfg->hostname) qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, hostcfg->hostname); qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, hostcfg); } static void free_cfgtab_value (qse_htb_t* htb, void* vptr, qse_size_t vlen) { qse_httpd_t* httpd; httpd = *(qse_httpd_t**) qse_htb_getxtn(htb); free_server_hostcfg (httpd, (server_hostcfg_t*)vptr); } static int load_server_config (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server, qse_xli_list_t* list) { qse_size_t i, j, host_count, loc_count; httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; server_xtn_t* server_xtn; server_hostcfg_t* hostcfg; loccfg_t* loccfg; static struct { const qse_char_t* x; const qse_char_t* y; } scfg_items[] = { { QSE_T("ssl-cert-file"), QSE_T("server-default.ssl-cert-file") }, { QSE_T("ssl-key-file"), QSE_T("server-default.ssl-key-file") } }; static qse_htb_style_t cfgtab_style = { { QSE_HTB_COPIER_DEFAULT, QSE_HTB_COPIER_DEFAULT }, { QSE_HTB_FREEER_DEFAULT, free_cfgtab_value }, QSE_HTB_COMPER_DEFAULT, QSE_HTB_KEEPER_DEFAULT, QSE_HTB_SIZER_DEFAULT, QSE_HTB_HASHER_DEFAULT }; httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtn(httpd, server); /* load the server-wide configuration not specific to host/location */ for (i = 0; i < SCFG_MAX; i++) { qse_xli_pair_t* pair; pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, list, scfg_items[i].x); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, scfg_items[i].y); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR) { server_xtn->scfg[i] = qse_httpd_strntombsdup (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len); if (server_xtn->scfg[i] == QSE_NULL) { /*qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR in copying - %s\n"), qse_httpd_geterrmsg (httpd));*/ qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR in copying\n")); return -1; } } } /* load host/location specific configuration */ host_count = qse_xli_countpairs (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("host")); if (host_count <= 0) return 0; /* nothing to load */ QSE_ASSERT (server_xtn->cfgtab == QSE_NULL); server_xtn->cfgtab = qse_htb_open ( qse_httpd_getmmgr (httpd), QSE_SIZEOF(httpd), host_count + (host_count / 3) + 1, 70, QSE_SIZEOF(qse_mchar_t), 0); if (server_xtn->cfgtab == QSE_NULL) { /* TOOD: print error */ return -1; } /* store the back reference into the configuration table */ *(qse_httpd_t**)qse_htb_getxtn (server_xtn->cfgtab) = httpd; qse_htb_setstyle (server_xtn->cfgtab, &cfgtab_style); for (i = 0; i < host_count; i++) { qse_xli_pair_t* host; qse_char_t buf[32]; qse_strxfmt (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("host[%d]"), i); host = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, list, buf); if (!host) break; if (host->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST && host->alias) { loc_count = qse_xli_countpairs (httpd_xtn->xli, (qse_xli_list_t*)host->val, QSE_T("location")); if (((hostcfg = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*hostcfg))) == QSE_NULL) || ((hostcfg->hostname = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, (host->alias[0] == QSE_T('\0')? QSE_T("*"):host->alias))) == QSE_NULL)) goto oops; for (j = loc_count; j > 0; ) { qse_xli_pair_t* loc; j--; qse_strxfmt (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("location[%d]"), j); loc = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, (qse_xli_list_t*)host->val, buf); if (!loc) break; if (loc->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST && loc->alias) { loccfg = qse_httpd_callocmem (httpd, QSE_SIZEOF(*loccfg)); if (loccfg == QSE_NULL) goto oops; /* just chain it before loading the actual data */ loccfg->next = hostcfg->loccfg; hostcfg->loccfg = loccfg; /* load the data now */ if (load_loccfg (httpd, httpd_xtn->xli, (qse_xli_list_t*)loc->val, loccfg) <= -1) goto oops; /* clone the location name */ loccfg->locname.ptr = qse_httpd_strtombsdup (httpd, (loc->alias[0] == QSE_T('\0')? QSE_T("/"): loc->alias)); if (loccfg->locname.ptr == QSE_NULL) goto oops; loccfg->locname.len = qse_mbslen (loccfg->locname.ptr); } } if (qse_htb_upsert (server_xtn->cfgtab, hostcfg->hostname, qse_mbslen(hostcfg->hostname), hostcfg, 0) == QSE_NULL) { /* TODO: print error */ goto oops; } } } return 0; oops: if (hostcfg) free_server_hostcfg (httpd, hostcfg); return -1; } static void free_server_config (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server) { server_xtn_t* server_xtn; qse_size_t i; server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtn(httpd, server); for (i = 0; i < SCFG_MAX; i++) { if (server_xtn->scfg[i]) { qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, server_xtn->scfg[i]); server_xtn->scfg[i] = QSE_NULL; } } if (server_xtn->cfgtab) { qse_htb_close (server_xtn->cfgtab); server_xtn->cfgtab = QSE_NULL; } } static qse_httpd_server_t* attach_server (qse_httpd_t* httpd, int num, qse_xli_list_t* list) { qse_httpd_server_dope_t dope; qse_httpd_server_t* xserver; httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; server_xtn_t* server_xtn; qse_xli_pair_t* pair; httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); qse_memset (&dope, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(dope)); pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("backlog-size")); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("server-default.backlog-size")); if (pair == QSE_NULL || pair->val->type != QSE_XLI_STR) { dope.backlog_size = 256; } else { unsigned int v; v = qse_strtoui (((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, 10, QSE_NULL); if (v <= 0) v = 256; dope.backlog_size = v; } pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("bind")); if (pair == QSE_NULL || pair->val->type != QSE_XLI_STR) { /* TOOD: logging */ qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: no value or invalid value specified for bind\n")); return QSE_NULL; } if (qse_strntonwad (((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len, &dope.nwad) <= -1) { /* TOOD: logging */ qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: invalid value for bind - %s\n"), ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr); return QSE_NULL; } pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, list, QSE_T("ssl")); if (!pair) pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("server-default.ssl")); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR && qse_strxcmp (((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len, QSE_T("yes")) == 0) dope.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_SECURE; dope.flags |= QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_TRANSPARENT; /* need this to support TPROXY when proxy.allow_intercept is enabled */ dope.detach = free_server_config; xserver = qse_httpd_attachserverstd (httpd, &dope, QSE_SIZEOF(server_xtn_t)); if (xserver == QSE_NULL) { /* TODO: logging */ qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: failed to attach server\n")); return QSE_NULL; } server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtn(httpd, xserver); /* remember original callbacks */ qse_httpd_getserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_QUERY, &server_xtn->orgquery); qse_httpd_getserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_MAKERSRC, &server_xtn->orgmakersrc); qse_httpd_getserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_FREERSRC, &server_xtn->orgfreersrc); /* set changeable callbacks */ qse_httpd_setserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_QUERY, query_server); qse_httpd_setserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_MAKERSRC, make_resource); qse_httpd_setserverstdopt (httpd, xserver, QSE_HTTPD_SERVERSTD_FREERSRC, free_resource); /* remember the binding address used */ server_xtn->num = num; server_xtn->bind = dope.nwad; server_xtn->secure = (dope.flags & QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_SECURE); return xserver; } static int load_hook_modules (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_xli_list_t* hook_list) { qse_char_t buf[32]; qse_xli_pair_t* file, * cfg, * mod; qse_httpd_mod_t* module; httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; int i; httpd_xtn = qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); for (i = 0; ; i++) { qse_strxfmt (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("module[%d]"), i); mod = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, hook_list, buf); if (mod == QSE_NULL) break; file = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, (qse_xli_list_t*)mod->val, QSE_T("file")); if (file == QSE_NULL) { /* TODO: log warning when file is not found in module */ } else { module = qse_httpd_loadmod (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)file->val)->ptr); if (!module) { /* TODO: better error handling and logging */ qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: failed to load module [%s]\n"), ((qse_xli_str_t*)file->val)->ptr); } else { cfg = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, (qse_xli_list_t*)mod->val, QSE_T("config")); if (cfg) { if (!module->config) { qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: unneeded configuration for [%s]. no configuration handler\n"), ((qse_xli_str_t*)file->val)->ptr); } else { const qse_xli_atom_t* atom; const qse_xli_pair_t* pair; int x; for (atom = ((qse_xli_list_t*)(cfg->val))->head; atom; atom = atom->next) { if (atom->type != QSE_XLI_PAIR) continue; pair = (qse_xli_pair_t*)atom; if (pair->val->type != QSE_XLI_STR) continue; x = qse_httpd_configmod (httpd, module, pair->key, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr); if (x <= -1) { qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: failed to set module configuration [%s] to [%s] for [%s]\n"), pair->key, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)file->val)->ptr); } else if (x == 0) { qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: invalid module configuration item [%s] for [%s]\n"), pair->key, ((qse_xli_str_t*)file->val)->ptr); } } } } } } } return i; } static int open_config_file (qse_httpd_t* httpd) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; qse_xli_iostd_t xli_in; int trait, i; static struct { const qse_char_t* name; qse_xli_scm_t scm; } defs[] = { { QSE_T("name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("max-nofile"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("max-nproc"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("hooks"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("hooks.module"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("hooks.module.file"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("hooks.module.config"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP | QSE_XLI_SCM_VALIFFY, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server-default"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.backlog-size"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.ssl-cert-file"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.ssl-key-file"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.root"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.realm"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.auth"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.index"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 0xFFFF } }, { QSE_T("server-default.auth-rule"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.auth-rule.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.auth-rule.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.auth-rule.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.auth-rule.other"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.cgi"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.cgi.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 2 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.cgi.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 2 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.cgi.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 2 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.mime"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.mime.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.mime.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.mime.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.mime.other"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.dir-access"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.dir-access.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.dir-access.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.dir-access.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.dir-access.other"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.file-access"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.file-access.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.file-access.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.file-access.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.file-access.other"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.dir-head"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.dir-foot"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.error-head"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.error-foot"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.http"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.https"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.connect"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.intercept"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.upgrade"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.x-forwarded"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.pseudonym"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.dns-enabled"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.dns-server"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.dns-timeout"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.dns-retries"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.dns-queries"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0xFFFF } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.dns-preresolve-hook"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.urs-enabled"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.urs-server"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.urs-timeout"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.urs-retries"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server-default.proxy.urs-prerewrite-hook"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.backlog-size"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.bind"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.ssl"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.ssl-cert-file"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.ssl-key-file"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.root"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.realm"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.auth"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.index"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 0xFFFF } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.auth-rule"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.auth-rule.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.auth-rule.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.auth-rule.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.auth-rule.other"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.cgi"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.cgi.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 2 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.cgi.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 2 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.cgi.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 0, 2 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.mime"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.mime.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.mime.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.mime.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.mime.other"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.dir-access"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.dir-access.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.dir-access.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.dir-access.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.dir-access.other"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.file-access"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.file-access.prefix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.file-access.suffix"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.file-access.name"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYALIAS, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.file-access.other"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.dir-head"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.dir-foot"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.error-head"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.error-foot"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALLIST | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.http"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.https"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.connect"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.intercept"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.upgrade"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.x-forwarded"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.pseudonym"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.dns-enabled"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.dns-server"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.dns-timeout"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.dns-retries"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.dns-queries"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 0, 0xFFFF } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.dns-preresolve-hook"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.urs-enabled"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.urs-server"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.urs-timeout"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.urs-retries"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } }, { QSE_T("server.host.location.proxy.urs-prerewrite-hook"), { QSE_XLI_SCM_VALSTR | QSE_XLI_SCM_KEYNODUP, 1, 1 } } }; httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); QSE_ASSERT (httpd_xtn->xli == QSE_NULL); httpd_xtn->xli = qse_xli_openstd (0, 0, QSE_NULL); if (httpd_xtn->xli == QSE_NULL) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot open xli\n")); return -1; } qse_xli_getopt (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_XLI_TRAIT, &trait); trait |= QSE_XLI_MULSEGSTR | QSE_XLI_VALIDATE; qse_xli_setopt (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_XLI_TRAIT, &trait); for (i = 0; i < QSE_COUNTOF(defs); i++) { if (qse_xli_definepair (httpd_xtn->xli, defs[i].name, &defs[i].scm) <= -1) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot define %s - %s\n"), defs[i].name, qse_xli_geterrmsg(httpd_xtn->xli)); qse_xli_close (httpd_xtn->xli); httpd_xtn->xli = QSE_NULL; return -1; } } xli_in.type = QSE_XLI_IOSTD_FILE; xli_in.u.file.path = httpd_xtn->cfgfile; xli_in.u.file.cmgr = QSE_NULL; if (qse_xli_readstd (httpd_xtn->xli, &xli_in) <= -1) { const qse_xli_loc_t* errloc; errloc = qse_xli_geterrloc (httpd_xtn->xli); if (errloc->line > 0 || errloc->colm > 0) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot load %s at line %lu column %lu - %s\n"), xli_in.u.file.path, (unsigned long int)errloc->line, (unsigned long int)errloc->colm, qse_xli_geterrmsg(httpd_xtn->xli)); } else { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Cannot load %s - %s\n"), xli_in.u.file.path, qse_xli_geterrmsg(httpd_xtn->xli)); } qse_xli_close (httpd_xtn->xli); httpd_xtn->xli = QSE_NULL; return -1; } return 0; } static int close_config_file (qse_httpd_t* httpd) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); if (httpd_xtn->xli) { qse_xli_close (httpd_xtn->xli); httpd_xtn->xli = QSE_NULL; } return 0; } static void set_limit (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_char_t* name, int what) { qse_xli_pair_t* pair; httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, name); if (pair) { #if defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) && defined(HAVE_SETRLIMIT) struct rlimit lim; QSE_ASSERT (pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR); if (getrlimit (what, &lim) == 0) { const qse_char_t* str; qse_size_t len; str = ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr; len = ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len; if (qse_strxcmp (str, len, QSE_T("none")) != 0) { if (qse_strxcmp (str, len, QSE_T("unlimited")) == 0) lim.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; else lim.rlim_cur = qse_strtoui (((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, 10, QSE_NULL); if (setrlimit (what, &lim) <= -1) { /* TODO: warning */ } } } #endif } } static int load_config (qse_httpd_t* httpd) { qse_xli_pair_t* pair; httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; int i; httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); if (open_config_file (httpd) <= -1) goto oops; pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("name")); if (pair) { qse_mchar_t* tmp; QSE_ASSERT (pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_STR); tmp = qse_httpd_strntombsdup (httpd, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->ptr, ((qse_xli_str_t*)pair->val)->len); if (tmp) qse_httpd_setname (httpd, tmp); qse_httpd_freemem (httpd, tmp); } #if defined(RLIMIT_NOFILE) set_limit (httpd, QSE_T("max-nofile"), RLIMIT_NOFILE); #endif #if defined(RLIMIT_NPROC) set_limit (httpd, QSE_T("max-nproc"), RLIMIT_NPROC); #endif pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("hooks")); if (pair) load_hook_modules (httpd, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val); for (i = 0; ; i++) { qse_char_t buf[32]; qse_strxfmt (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("server[%d]"), i); pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, buf); if (pair == QSE_NULL) break; if (pair->val->type != QSE_XLI_LIST) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("WARNING: non-list value for server\n")); } else { qse_httpd_server_t* server; server = attach_server (httpd, i, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val); if (server) { if (load_server_config (httpd, server, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val) <= -1) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("failed to load configuration from %s\n"), httpd_xtn->cfgfile); goto oops; } } } } if (i == 0) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("No valid server specified in %s\n"), httpd_xtn->cfgfile); goto oops; } /* load the global default */ pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, QSE_T("server-default")); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST) { if (load_loccfg (httpd, httpd_xtn->xli, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val, &httpd_xtn->dflcfg) <= -1) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("failed to load configuration from %s\n"), httpd_xtn->cfgfile); goto oops; } } close_config_file (httpd); return 0; oops: close_config_file (httpd); return -1; } static void reconf_server (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_server_t* server) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); server_xtn_t* server_xtn; qse_xli_pair_t* pair; /* reconfigure the server when the server is impeded in sig_reconf(). */ server_xtn = qse_httpd_getserverxtn(httpd, server); if (httpd_xtn->xli) { qse_char_t buf[32]; qse_strxfmt (buf, QSE_COUNTOF(buf), QSE_T("server[%d]"), server_xtn->num); pair = qse_xli_findpair (httpd_xtn->xli, QSE_NULL, buf); if (pair && pair->val->type == QSE_XLI_LIST) { free_server_config (httpd, server); load_server_config (httpd, server, (qse_xli_list_t*)pair->val); } } } static void impede_httpd (qse_httpd_t* httpd) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); /* reconfigure the server when the server is impeded in sig_reconf(). */ if (httpd_xtn->impede_code == 9999) { qse_httpd_stop (httpd); } else { if (open_config_file (httpd) >= 0) { qse_httpd_server_t* server; server = qse_httpd_getfirstserver (httpd); while (server) { if (server->dope.flags & QSE_HTTPD_SERVER_ACTIVE) reconf_server (httpd, server); server = qse_httpd_getnextserver (httpd, server); } close_config_file (httpd); } } /* chain-call the orignal impedence function */ if (httpd_xtn->org_impede) httpd_xtn->org_impede (httpd); } static int prerewrite_url (qse_httpd_t* httpd, qse_httpd_client_t* client, qse_htre_t* req, const qse_mchar_t* host, qse_mchar_t** url) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); printf ("PREREWRITING.....................\n"); /* if (qse_htre_getqmethodtype(req) == QSE_HTTP_CONNECT) { *url = QSE_NULL; return 0; } */ /* TODO: override prerewrite url */ return httpd_xtn->org_urs_prerewrite (httpd, client, req, host, url); } static void logact_httpd (qse_httpd_t* httpd, const qse_httpd_act_t* act) { /*httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd);*/ qse_char_t tmp[128], tmp2[128], tmp3[128]; switch (act->code) { case QSE_HTTPD_CATCH_MERRMSG: qse_printf (QSE_T("ERROR: %hs\n"), act->u.merrmsg); break; case QSE_HTTPD_CATCH_MWARNMSG: qse_printf (QSE_T("WARNING: %hs\n"), act->u.mwarnmsg); break; case QSE_HTTPD_READERR_CLIENT: qse_nwadtostr (&act->u.client->remote_addr, tmp, QSE_COUNTOF(tmp), QSE_NWADTOSTR_ALL); qse_printf (QSE_T("failed to read client - %s\n"), tmp); break; } } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void print_version (void) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDOUT, QSE_T("QSEHTTPD %hs\n"), QSE_PACKAGE_VERSION); qse_fprintf (QSE_STDOUT, QSE_T("Copyright 2006-2014 Chung, Hyung-Hwan\n")); } static void print_usage (qse_sio_t* out, int argc, qse_char_t* argv[]) { const qse_char_t* b = qse_basename (argv[0]); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T("USAGE: %s [options] -c file\n"), b); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" %s [options] --config-file file\n"), b); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T("options as follows:\n")); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -h/--help show this message\n")); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" --version show version\n")); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -c/--config-file file specify a configuration file\n")); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -d/--daemon run in the background\n")); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -n string specify a process name if supported\n")); qse_fprintf (out, QSE_T(" -x output debugging messages\n")); } static int handle_args (int argc, qse_char_t* argv[]) { static qse_opt_lng_t lng[] = { { QSE_T(":config-file"), QSE_T('c') }, { QSE_T("daemon"), QSE_T('d') }, { QSE_T("help"), QSE_T('h') }, { QSE_T("version"), QSE_T('\0') }, { QSE_NULL, QSE_T('\0') } }; static qse_opt_t opt = { QSE_T("c:dhn:x"), lng }; qse_cint_t c; while ((c = qse_getopt (argc, argv, &opt)) != QSE_CHAR_EOF) { switch (c) { default: goto wrongusage; case QSE_T('?'): qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: bad option - %c\n"), opt.opt ); goto wrongusage; case QSE_T(':'): qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: bad parameter for %c\n"), opt.opt ); goto wrongusage; case QSE_T('c'): g_cfgfile = opt.arg; break; case QSE_T('d'): g_daemon = 1; break; case QSE_T('h'): print_usage (QSE_STDOUT, argc, argv); return 0; case QSE_T('n'): { /* i don't care about failure to set the name */ #if defined(HAVE_PRCTL) #if !defined(PR_SET_NAME) # define PR_SET_NAME 15 #endif #if defined(QSE_CHAR_IS_MCHAR) prctl (PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)opt.arg, 0, 0, 0); #else qse_mchar_t* mopt = qse_wcstombsdup (opt.arg, QSE_NULL, QSE_MMGR_GETDFL()); if (mopt) { prctl (PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)mopt, 0, 0, 0); QSE_MMGR_FREE (QSE_MMGR_GETDFL(), mopt); } #endif #endif break; } case QSE_T('x'): g_debug = 1; break; case QSE_T('\0'): { if (qse_strcmp(opt.lngopt, QSE_T("version")) == 0) { print_version (); return 0; } break; } } } if (opt.ind < argc || g_cfgfile == QSE_NULL) goto wrongusage; return 1; wrongusage: print_usage (QSE_STDERR, argc, argv); return -1; } static void free_httpd_xtn (qse_httpd_t* httpd) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); free_loccfg_contents (httpd, &httpd_xtn->dflcfg); } static int httpd_main (int argc, qse_char_t* argv[]) { qse_httpd_t* httpd = QSE_NULL; httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn; qse_ntime_t tmout; int trait, ret; qse_httpd_rcb_t rcb; qse_httpd_ecb_t ecb; qse_httpd_scb_t scb; ret = handle_args (argc, argv); if (ret <= -1) return -1; if (ret == 0) return 0; httpd = qse_httpd_openstd(QSE_SIZEOF(httpd_xtn_t), QSE_NULL); if (httpd == QSE_NULL) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: Cannot open httpd\n")); goto oops; } qse_memset (&ecb, 0, QSE_SIZEOF(ecb)); ecb.close = free_httpd_xtn; qse_httpd_pushecb (httpd, &ecb); httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(httpd); httpd_xtn->cfgfile = g_cfgfile; if (load_config (httpd) <= -1) goto oops; if (g_daemon) { if (daemonize (1) <= -1) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("ERROR: Cannot daemonize\n")); goto oops; } } g_httpd = httpd; setup_signal_handlers (); qse_httpd_getopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_TRAIT, &trait); trait |= QSE_HTTPD_CGIERRTONUL | QSE_HTTPD_LOGACT /*| QSE_HTTPD_PROXYNOVIA*/; qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_TRAIT, &trait); tmout.sec = 10; tmout.nsec = 0; qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_TMOUT, &tmout); tmout.sec = 30; tmout.nsec = 0; qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_IDLELIMIT, &tmout); qse_httpd_getopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_SCB, &scb); httpd_xtn->org_urs_prerewrite = scb.urs.prerewrite; scb.urs.prerewrite = prerewrite_url; qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_SCB, &scb); qse_httpd_getopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_RCB, &rcb); httpd_xtn->org_impede = rcb.impede; rcb.impede = impede_httpd; /* executed when qse_httpd_impede() is called */ if (g_debug) rcb.logact = logact_httpd; /* i don't remember old logging handler */ qse_httpd_setopt (httpd, QSE_HTTPD_RCB, &rcb); ret = qse_httpd_loopstd (httpd, QSE_NULL, QSE_NULL); restore_signal_handlers (); g_httpd = QSE_NULL; if (ret <= -1) qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Httpd error - %d\n"), qse_httpd_geterrnum (httpd)); oops: if (httpd) qse_httpd_close (httpd); return -1; } #if defined(__DOS__) static void interrupt (*old_keyboard_handler)() = QSE_NULL; static int impeded_for_keyboard = 0; static void interrupt new_keyboard_handler (void) { if (!impeded_for_keyboard && g_httpd) { httpd_xtn_t* httpd_xtn = (httpd_xtn_t*)qse_httpd_getxtn(g_httpd); int c; /* TODO: read a keystroke... etc */ httpd_xtn->impede_code = 9999; qse_httpd_impede (g_httpd); impeded_for_keyboard = 1; } if (old_keyboard_handler) old_keyboard_handler (); } #endif int qse_main (int argc, qse_achar_t* argv[]) { int ret; #if defined(_WIN32) char locale[100]; UINT codepage; WSADATA wsadata; #elif defined(__DOS__) extern BOOL _watt_do_exit; #else /* nothing */ #endif #if defined(_WIN32) codepage = GetConsoleOutputCP(); if (codepage == CP_UTF8) { /*SetConsoleOUtputCP (CP_UTF8);*/ qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_UTF8); } else { /* .codepage */ qse_fmtuintmaxtombs (locale, QSE_COUNTOF(locale), codepage, 10, -1, QSE_MT('\0'), QSE_MT(".")); setlocale (LC_ALL, locale); /*qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_SLMB);*/ } #else setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); /*qse_setdflcmgrbyid (QSE_CMGR_SLMB);*/ #endif qse_open_stdsios (); #if defined(__DOS__) old_keyboard_handler = _dos_getvect (0x09); _dos_setvect (0x09, new_keyboard_handler); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) if (WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsadata) != 0) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Failed to start up winsock\n")); ret = -1; goto oops; } #elif defined(__DOS__) _watt_do_exit = 0; /* prevent sock_init from exiting upon failure */ if (sock_init () != 0) { qse_fprintf (QSE_STDERR, QSE_T("Failed to initialize watt-32\n")); ret = -1; goto oops; } /*trace2com_init (1, 38400);*/ #endif #if defined(USE_SSL) SSL_load_error_strings (); SSL_library_init (); #endif ret = qse_run_main (argc, argv, httpd_main); #if defined(USE_SSL) /* ERR_remove_state() should be called for each thread if the application is thread */ ERR_remove_state (0); #if defined(HAVE_ENGINE_CLEANUP) ENGINE_cleanup (); #endif ERR_free_strings (); EVP_cleanup (); #if defined(HAVE_CRYPTO_CLEANUP_ALL_EX_DATA) CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data (); #endif #endif #if defined(_WIN32) WSACleanup (); #elif defined(__DOS__) sock_exit (); #endif oops: #if defined(__DOS__) if (old_keyboard_handler) _dos_setvect (0x09, old_keyboard_handler); #endif qse_close_stdsios (); return ret; }