/* * $Id$ * * {License} */ #include #include "mem.h" void* ase_sll_copyinline (ase_sll_t* sll, void* dptr, ase_size_t dlen) { /* this is a dummy copier */ return ASE_NULL; } ase_sll_t* ase_sll_open (ase_mmgr_t* mmgr) { return ase_sll_openx (mmgr, 0, ASE_NULL); } ase_sll_t* ase_sll_openx (ase_mmgr_t* mmgr, ase_size_t extension, ase_fuser_t fuser) { ase_sll_t* sll; sll = ASE_MALLOC (mmgr, ASE_SIZEOF(ase_sll_t) + extension); if (sll == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL; ASE_MEMSET (sll, 0, ASE_SIZEOF(ase_sll_t) + extension); if (fuser != ASE_NULL) mmgr = fuser (mmgr, sll + 1); sll->mmgr = mmgr; return sll; } void ase_sll_close (ase_sll_t* sll) { ase_sll_clear (sll); ASE_FREE (sll->mmgr, sll); } void ase_sll_clear (ase_sll_t* sll) { while (sll->head != ASE_NULL) ase_sll_delete (sll, sll->head); ASE_ASSERT (sll->tail == ASE_NULL); } void* ase_sll_getextension (ase_sll_t* sll) { return sll + 1; } ase_size_t ase_sll_getsize (ase_sll_t* sll) { return sll->size; } ase_sll_node_t* ase_sll_gethead (ase_sll_t* sll) { return sll->head; } ase_sll_node_t* ase_sll_gettail (ase_sll_t* sll) { return sll->tail; } ase_sll_copier_t ase_sll_getcopier (ase_sll_t* sll) { return sll->copier; } void ase_sll_setcopier (ase_sll_t* sll, ase_sll_copier_t copier) { sll->copier = copier; } ase_sll_freeer_t ase_sll_getfreeer (ase_sll_t* sll) { return sll->freeer; } void ase_sll_setfreeer (ase_sll_t* sll, ase_sll_freeer_t freeer) { sll->freeer = freeer; } static ase_sll_node_t* alloc_node (ase_sll_t* sll, void* dptr, ase_size_t dlen) { ase_sll_node_t* n; if (sll->copier == ASE_NULL) { n = ASE_MALLOC (sll->mmgr, ASE_SIZEOF(ase_sll_node_t)); if (n == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL; n->dptr = dptr; } else if (sll->copier == ASE_SLL_COPIER_INLINE) { n = ASE_MALLOC (sll->mmgr, ASE_SIZEOF(ase_sll_node_t) + dlen); if (n == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL; ASE_MEMCPY (n + 1, dptr, dlen); n->dptr = n + 1; } else { n = ASE_MALLOC (sll->mmgr, ASE_SIZEOF(ase_sll_node_t)); if (n == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL; n->dptr = sll->copier (sll, dptr, dlen); } n->dlen = dlen; n->next = ASE_NULL; return n; } ase_sll_node_t* ase_sll_insert ( ase_sll_t* sll, ase_sll_node_t* pos, void* dptr, ase_size_t dlen) { ase_sll_node_t* n = alloc_node (sll, dptr, dlen); if (n == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL; if (pos == ASE_NULL) { /* insert at the end */ if (sll->head == ASE_NULL) { ASE_ASSERT (sll->tail == ASE_NULL); sll->head = n; } else sll->tail->next = n; sll->tail = n; } else { /* insert in front of the positional node */ n->next = pos; if (pos == sll->head) sll->head = n; else { /* take note of performance penalty */ ase_sll_node_t* n2 = sll->head; while (n2->next != pos) n2 = n2->next; n2->next = n; } } sll->size++; return n; } ase_sll_node_t* ase_sll_pushhead (ase_sll_t* sll, void* data, ase_size_t size) { return ase_sll_insert (sll, sll->head, data, size); } ase_sll_node_t* ase_sll_pushtail (ase_sll_t* sll, void* data, ase_size_t size) { return ase_sll_insert (sll, ASE_NULL, data, size); } void ase_sll_delete (ase_sll_t* sll, ase_sll_node_t* pos) { if (pos == ASE_NULL) return; /* not a valid node */ if (pos == sll->head) { /* it is simple to delete the head node */ sll->head = pos->next; if (sll->head == ASE_NULL) sll->tail = ASE_NULL; } else { /* but deletion of other nodes has significant performance * penalty as it has look for the predecessor of the * target node */ ase_sll_node_t* n2 = sll->head; while (n2->next != pos) n2 = n2->next; n2->next = pos->next; /* update the tail node if necessary */ if (pos == sll->tail) sll->tail = n2; } if (sll->freeer != ASE_NULL) { /* free the actual data */ sll->freeer (sll, pos->dptr, pos->dlen); } /* free the node */ ASE_FREE (sll->mmgr, pos); /* decrement the number of elements */ sll->size--; } void ase_sll_pophead (ase_sll_t* sll) { ase_sll_delete (sll, sll->head); } void ase_sll_poptail (ase_sll_t* sll) { ase_sll_delete (sll, sll->tail); } void ase_sll_walk (ase_sll_t* sll, ase_sll_walker_t walker, void* arg) { ase_sll_node_t* n = sll->head; while (n != ASE_NULL) { if (walker(sll,n,arg) == ASE_SLL_WALK_STOP) return; n = n->next; } }