/* * $Id: Awk.cpp,v 1.12 2007/05/14 08:40:13 bacon Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #include #endif class TestAwk: public ASE::StdAwk { public: TestAwk (): srcInName(ASE_NULL), srcOutName(ASE_NULL), numConInFiles(0), numConOutFiles(0) { } ~TestAwk () { close (); } int addConsoleInput (const char_t* file) { if (numConInFiles < ASE_COUNTOF(conInFile)) { conInFile[numConInFiles++] = file; return 0; } return -1; } int addConsoleOutput (const char_t* file) { if (numConOutFiles < ASE_COUNTOF(conOutFile)) { conOutFile[numConOutFiles++] = file; return 0; } return -1; } int parse (const char_t* in, const char_t* out) { srcInName = in; srcOutName = out; return StdAwk::parse (); } protected: void onRunStart (const Run& run) { wprintf (L"*** awk run started ***\n"); } void onRunEnd (const Run& run, int errnum) { wprintf (L"*** awk run ended ***\n"); } int openSource (Source& io) { Source::Mode mode = io.getMode(); FILE* fp = ASE_NULL; if (mode == Source::READ) { if (srcInName == ASE_NULL) { io.setHandle (stdin); return 0; } if (srcInName[0] == ASE_T('\0')) fp = stdin; else fp = ase_fopen (srcInName, ASE_T("r")); } else if (mode == Source::WRITE) { if (srcOutName == ASE_NULL) { io.setHandle (stdout); return 0; } if (srcOutName[0] == ASE_T('\0')) fp = stdout; else fp = ase_fopen (srcOutName, ASE_T("w")); } if (fp == ASE_NULL) return -1; io.setHandle (fp); return 1; } int closeSource (Source& io) { Source::Mode mode = io.getMode(); FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle(); if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout && fp != stderr) fclose (fp); io.setHandle (ASE_NULL); return 0; } ssize_t readSource (Source& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { if (len <= 0) return -1; // TOOD: read more characters... cint_t c = ase_fgetc ((FILE*)io.getHandle()); if (c == ASE_CHAR_EOF) return 0; buf[0] = (ase_char_t)c; return 1; } ssize_t writeSource (Source& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle(); size_t left = len; while (left > 0) { if (*buf == ASE_T('\0')) { if (ase_fputc (*buf, fp) == ASE_CHAR_EOF) return -1; left -= 1; buf += 1; } else { int n = ase_fprintf (fp, ASE_T("%.*s"), left, buf); if (n < 0) return -1; left -= n; buf += n; } } return len; } // pipe io handlers int openPipe (Pipe& io) { Awk::Pipe::Mode mode = io.getMode(); FILE* fp = NULL; switch (mode) { case Awk::Pipe::READ: fp = ase_popen (io.getName(), ASE_T("r")); break; case Awk::Pipe::WRITE: fp = ase_popen (io.getName(), ASE_T("w")); break; } if (fp == NULL) return -1; io.setHandle (fp); return 1; } int closePipe (Pipe& io) { fclose ((FILE*)io.getHandle()); return 0; } ssize_t readPipe (Pipe& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle(); if (ase_fgets (buf, len, fp) == ASE_NULL) { if (ferror(fp)) return -1; return 0; } return ase_strlen(buf); } ssize_t writePipe (Pipe& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle(); size_t left = len; while (left > 0) { if (*buf == ASE_T('\0')) { #if defined(ASE_CHAR_IS_WCHAR) && defined(__linux) if (fputc ('\0', fp) == EOF) #else if (ase_fputc (*buf, fp) == ASE_CHAR_EOF) #endif { return -1; } left -= 1; buf += 1; } else { #if defined(ASE_CHAR_IS_WCHAR) && defined(__linux) /* fwprintf seems to return an error with the file * pointer opened by popen, as of this writing. * anyway, hopefully the following replacement * will work all the way. */ int n = fprintf (fp, "%.*ls", left, buf); if (n >= 0) { size_t x; for (x = 0; x < left; x++) { if (buf[x] == ASE_T('\0')) break; } n = x; } #else int n = ase_fprintf (fp, ASE_T("%.*s"), left, buf); #endif if (n < 0 || n > left) return -1; left -= n; buf += n; } } return len; } int flushPipe (Pipe& io) { return ::fflush ((FILE*)io.getHandle()); } // file io handlers int openFile (File& io) { Awk::File::Mode mode = io.getMode(); FILE* fp = NULL; switch (mode) { case Awk::File::READ: fp = ase_fopen (io.getName(), ASE_T("r")); break; case Awk::File::WRITE: fp = ase_fopen (io.getName(), ASE_T("w")); break; case Awk::File::APPEND: fp = ase_fopen (io.getName(), ASE_T("a")); break; } if (fp == NULL) return -1; io.setHandle (fp); return 1; } int closeFile (File& io) { fclose ((FILE*)io.getHandle()); return 0; } ssize_t readFile (File& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle(); if (ase_fgets (buf, len, fp) == ASE_NULL) { if (ferror(fp)) return -1; return 0; } return ase_strlen(buf); } ssize_t writeFile (File& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle(); size_t left = len; while (left > 0) { if (*buf == ASE_T('\0')) { if (ase_fputc (*buf, fp) == ASE_CHAR_EOF) return -1; left -= 1; buf += 1; } else { int n = ase_fprintf (fp, ASE_T("%.*s"), left, buf); if (n < 0 || n > left) return -1; left -= n; buf += n; } } return len; } int flushFile (File& io) { return ::fflush ((FILE*)io.getHandle()); } // console io handlers int openConsole (Console& io) { Awk::Console::Mode mode = io.getMode(); FILE* fp = ASE_NULL; const char_t* fn = ASE_NULL; switch (mode) { case Awk::Console::READ: if (numConInFiles == 0) fp = stdin; else { fn = conInFile[0]; fp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("r")); } break; case Awk::Console::WRITE: if (numConOutFiles == 0) fp = stdout; else { fn = conOutFile[0]; fp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("w")); } break; } if (fp == NULL) return -1; ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*) ase_awk_malloc (awk, ASE_SIZEOF(ConTrack)); if (t == ASE_NULL) { if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout) fclose (fp); return -1; } t->handle = fp; t->nextConIdx = 1; if (fn != ASE_NULL) { if (io.setFileName (fn) == -1) { if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout) fclose (fp); ase_awk_free (awk, t); return -1; } } io.setHandle (t); return 1; } int closeConsole (Console& io) { ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle(); FILE* fp = t->handle; if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout && fp != stderr) fclose (fp); ase_awk_free (awk, t); return 0; } ssize_t readConsole (Console& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle(); FILE* fp = t->handle; if (ase_fgets (buf, len, fp) == ASE_NULL) { if (ferror(fp)) return -1; return 0; } return ase_strlen(buf); } ssize_t writeConsole (Console& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) { ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle(); FILE* fp = t->handle; size_t left = len; while (left > 0) { if (*buf == ASE_T('\0')) { if (ase_fputc (*buf, fp) == ASE_CHAR_EOF) return -1; left -= 1; buf += 1; } else { int n = ase_fprintf (fp, ASE_T("%.*s"), left, buf); if (n < 0) return -1; left -= n; buf += n; } } return len; } int flushConsole (Console& io) { ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle(); FILE* fp = t->handle; return ::fflush (fp); } int nextConsole (Console& io) { Awk::Console::Mode mode = io.getMode(); ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle(); FILE* ofp = t->handle; FILE* nfp = ASE_NULL; const char_t* fn = ASE_NULL; switch (mode) { case Awk::Console::READ: if (t->nextConIdx >= numConInFiles) return 0; fn = conInFile[t->nextConIdx]; nfp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("r")); break; case Awk::Console::WRITE: if (t->nextConIdx >= numConOutFiles) return 0; fn = conOutFile[t->nextConIdx]; nfp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("w")); break; } if (nfp == ASE_NULL) return -1; if (fn != ASE_NULL) { if (io.setFileName (fn) == -1) { fclose (nfp); return -1; } } fclose (ofp); t->nextConIdx++; t->handle = nfp; return 1; } // primitive operations void* allocMem (size_t n) { return ::malloc (n); } void* reallocMem (void* ptr, size_t n) { return ::realloc (ptr, n); } void freeMem (void* ptr) { ::free (ptr); } bool_t isUpper (cint_t c) { return ase_isupper (c); } bool_t isLower (cint_t c) { return ase_islower (c); } bool_t isAlpha (cint_t c) { return ase_isalpha (c); } bool_t isDigit (cint_t c) { return ase_isdigit (c); } bool_t isXdigit (cint_t c) { return ase_isxdigit (c); } bool_t isAlnum (cint_t c) { return ase_isalnum (c); } bool_t isSpace (cint_t c) { return ase_isspace (c); } bool_t isPrint (cint_t c) { return ase_isprint (c); } bool_t isGraph (cint_t c) { return ase_isgraph (c); } bool_t isCntrl (cint_t c) { return ase_iscntrl (c); } bool_t isPunct (cint_t c) { return ase_ispunct (c); } cint_t toUpper (cint_t c) { return ase_toupper (c); } cint_t toLower (cint_t c) { return ase_tolower (c); } real_t pow (real_t x, real_t y) { return ::pow (x, y); } int vsprintf (char_t* buf, size_t size, const char_t* fmt, va_list arg) { return ase_vsprintf (buf, size, fmt, arg); } void vdprintf (const char_t* fmt, va_list arg) { ase_vfprintf (stderr, fmt, arg); } private: const char_t* srcInName; const char_t* srcOutName; struct ConTrack { FILE* handle; size_t nextConIdx; }; size_t numConInFiles; const char_t* conInFile[128]; size_t numConOutFiles; const char_t* conOutFile[128]; }; #ifndef NDEBUG void ase_assert_abort (void) { abort (); } void ase_assert_printf (const ase_char_t* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; #ifdef _WIN32 int n; ase_char_t buf[1024]; #endif va_start (ap, fmt); #if defined(_WIN32) n = _vsntprintf (buf, ASE_COUNTOF(buf), fmt, ap); if (n < 0) buf[ASE_COUNTOF(buf)-1] = ASE_T('\0'); #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400) MessageBox (NULL, buf, ASE_T("Assertion Failure"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); #else MessageBox (NULL, buf, ASE_T("\uB2DD\uAE30\uB9AC \uC870\uB610"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); #endif #else ase_vprintf (fmt, ap); #endif va_end (ap); } #endif static void print_error (const ase_char_t* msg) { ase_printf (ASE_T("Error: %s\n"), msg); } static void print_usage (const ase_char_t* argv0) { ase_printf (ASE_T("Usage: %s [-m main-function] [-si source-in-file] [-so source-out-file] [-ci console-in-file]* [-co console-out-file]* [-a argument]*\n"), argv0); } int awk_main (int argc, ase_char_t* argv[]) { TestAwk awk; int mode = 0; const ase_char_t* mainfn = NULL; const ase_char_t* srcin = ASE_T(""); const ase_char_t* srcout = NULL; const ase_char_t* args[256]; ase_size_t nargs = 0; ase_size_t nsrcins = 0; ase_size_t nsrcouts = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (mode == 0) { if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-si")) == 0) mode = 1; else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-so")) == 0) mode = 2; else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-ci")) == 0) mode = 3; else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-co")) == 0) mode = 4; else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-a")) == 0) mode = 5; else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-m")) == 0) mode = 6; else { print_usage (argv[0]); return -1; } } else { if (argv[i][0] == ASE_T('-')) { print_usage (argv[0]); return -1; } if (mode == 1) // source input { if (nsrcins != 0) { print_usage (argv[0]); return -1; } srcin = argv[i]; nsrcins++; mode = 0; } else if (mode == 2) // source output { if (nsrcouts != 0) { print_usage (argv[0]); return -1; } srcout = argv[i]; nsrcouts++; mode = 0; } else if (mode == 3) // console input { if (awk.addConsoleInput (argv[i]) == -1) { print_error (ASE_T("too many console inputs")); return -1; } mode = 0; } else if (mode == 4) // console output { if (awk.addConsoleOutput (argv[i]) == -1) { print_error (ASE_T("too many console outputs")); return -1; } mode = 0; } else if (mode == 5) // argument mode { if (nargs >= ASE_COUNTOF(args)) { print_usage (argv[0]); return -1; } args[nargs++] = argv[i]; mode = 0; } else if (mode == 6) { if (mainfn != NULL) { print_usage (argv[0]); return -1; } mainfn = argv[i]; mode = 0; } } } if (mode != 0) { print_usage (argv[0]); return -1; } if (awk.open() == -1) { ase_fprintf (stderr, ASE_T("cannot open awk\n")); return -1; } if (awk.parse (srcin, srcout) == -1) { ase_fprintf (stderr, ASE_T("cannot parse\n")); return -1; } if (awk.run (mainfn, args, nargs) == -1) { ase_fprintf (stderr, ASE_T("cannot run\n")); return -1; } return 0; } extern "C" int ase_main (int argc, ase_char_t* argv[]) { int n; #if defined(__linux) && defined(_DEBUG) mtrace (); #endif n = awk_main (argc, argv); #if defined(__linux) && defined(_DEBUG) muntrace (); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) #if defined(_MSC_VER) _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks (); #endif _tprintf (_T("Press ENTER to quit\n")); getchar (); #endif return n; }