 * $Id: Awk.cs,v 1.4 2007/09/30 15:12:20 bacon Exp $

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

using COM = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;

namespace ase.com
	public class Awk : ASECOM.IAwkEvents
		private ASECOM.Awk awk;

		private int cookie = -1;
		private COM.IConnectionPoint icp;

		private Stream sourceInputStream = null;
		private Stream sourceOutputStream = null;
		private StreamReader sourceInputReader;
		private StreamWriter sourceOutputWriter;

		private Stream consoleInputStream = null;
		private Stream consoleOutputStream = null;
		private StreamReader consoleInputReader;
		private StreamWriter consoleOutputWriter;

		public delegate object FunctionHandler (object[] args);
		private System.Collections.Hashtable funcTable;

		char[] consoleInputBuffer = new char[1024];

		public Awk()
			this.funcTable = new System.Collections.Hashtable();

			this.awk = new ASECOM.Awk();
			this.awk.UseLongLong = true;
			//this.awk.UseCrlf = true;
			COM.IConnectionPointContainer icpc = 
			Guid g = typeof(ASECOM.IAwkEvents).GUID;

				icpc.FindConnectionPoint(ref g, out icp);
				icp.Advise(this, out this.cookie);
			catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException)
				this.cookie = -1;

			  if (cookie != -1 && icp != null)
						cookie = -1;
				   catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)

		public int ErrorCode
			get { return awk.ErrorCode; }

		public int ErrorLine
			get { return awk.ErrorLine; }

		public string ErrorMessage
			get { return awk.ErrorMessage; }

		public bool ImplicitVariable
			get { return awk.ImplicitVariable; }
			set { awk.ImplicitVariable = value; }

		public bool ExplicitVariable
			get { return awk.ExplicitVariable; }
			set { awk.ExplicitVariable = value; }

		public bool ShiftOperators
			get { return awk.ShiftOperators; }
			set { awk.ShiftOperators = value; }

		public bool IdivOperator
			get { return awk.IdivOperator; }
			set { awk.IdivOperator = value; }

		public bool ConcatString
			get { return awk.ConcatString; }
			set { awk.ConcatString = value; }

		public bool SupportExtio
			get { return awk.SupportExtio; }
			set { awk.SupportExtio = value; }

		public bool SupportBlockless
			get { return awk.SupportBlockless; }
			set { awk.SupportBlockless = value; }

		public bool BaseOne
			get { return awk.BaseOne; }
			set { awk.BaseOne = value; }

		public bool StripSpaces
			get { return awk.StripSpaces; }
			set { awk.StripSpaces = value; }

		public bool EnableNextofile
			get { return awk.EnableNextofile; }
			set { awk.EnableNextofile = value; }

		public bool Usecrlf
			get { return awk.UseCrlf; }
			set { awk.UseCrlf = value; }

		public bool EnableReset
			get { return awk.EnableReset; }
			set { awk.EnableReset = value; }

		public bool AllowMapToVar
			get { return awk.AllowMapToVar; }
			set { awk.AllowMapToVar = value; }

		public string EntryPoint
			get { return awk.EntryPoint; }
			set { awk.EntryPoint = value; }

		public bool ArgumentsToEntryPoint
			get { return awk.ArgumentsToEntryPoint; }
			set { awk.ArgumentsToEntryPoint = value; }

		public bool Debug
			get { return awk.Debug; }
			set { awk.Debug = value; }

		/* this property doesn't need to be available to the public
		 * as it can be always true in .NET environment. However, 
		 * it is kept private here for reference */
		private bool UseLongLong
			get { return awk.UseLongLong; }
			set { awk.UseLongLong = value; }

		public int MaxDepthForBlockParse
			get { return awk.MaxDepthForBlockParse; }
			set { awk.MaxDepthForBlockParse = value; }

		public int MaxDepthForBlockRun
			get { return awk.MaxDepthForBlockRun; }
			set { awk.MaxDepthForBlockRun = value; }

		public int MaxDepthForExprParse
			get { return awk.MaxDepthForExprParse; }
			set { awk.MaxDepthForExprParse = value; }

		public int MaxDepthForExprRun
			get { return awk.MaxDepthForExprRun; }
			set { awk.MaxDepthForExprRun = value; }

		public int MaxDepthForRexBuild
			get { return awk.MaxDepthForRexBuild; }
			set { awk.MaxDepthForRexBuild = value; }

		public int MaxDepthForRexMatch
			get { return awk.MaxDepthForRexMatch; }
			set { awk.MaxDepthForRexMatch = value; }

		public virtual bool AddFunction(string name, int minArgs, int maxArgs, FunctionHandler handler)
			if (funcTable.ContainsKey(name)) return false;
			funcTable.Add(name, handler);
			if (!awk.AddFunction(name, minArgs, maxArgs))
				return false;

			return true;

		public virtual bool DeleteFunction(string name)
			if (!funcTable.ContainsKey(name)) return false;

			if (awk.DeleteFunction(name))
				return true;

			return false;

		public virtual bool Parse()
			return awk.Parse();

		public virtual bool Run ()
			return awk.Run(null);

		public virtual bool Run(string[] args)
			return awk.Run(args);

		public Stream SourceInputStream
			get { return this.sourceInputStream; }
			set { this.sourceInputStream = value; }

		public Stream SourceOutputStream
			get { return this.sourceOutputStream; }
			set { this.sourceOutputStream = value; }

		public Stream ConsoleInputStream
			get { return this.consoleInputStream; }
			set { this.consoleInputStream = value; }

		public Stream ConsoleOutputStream
			get { return this.consoleOutputStream; }
			set { this.consoleOutputStream = value; }
		public virtual int OpenSource(ASECOM.AwkSourceMode mode)
			if (mode == ASECOM.AwkSourceMode.AWK_SOURCE_READ)
				if (this.sourceInputStream == null) return 0;
				this.sourceInputReader = new StreamReader (this.sourceInputStream);
				return 1;
			else if (mode == ASECOM.AwkSourceMode.AWK_SOURCE_WRITE)
				if (this.sourceOutputStream == null) return 0;
				this.sourceOutputWriter = new StreamWriter (this.sourceOutputStream);
				return 1;

			return -1;

		public virtual int CloseSource(ASECOM.AwkSourceMode mode)
			if (mode == ASECOM.AwkSourceMode.AWK_SOURCE_READ)
				this.sourceInputReader.Close ();
				return 0;
			else if (mode == ASECOM.AwkSourceMode.AWK_SOURCE_WRITE)
				this.sourceOutputWriter.Close ();
				return 0;

			return -1;

		public virtual int ReadSource(ASECOM.Buffer buf)
			buf.Value = this.sourceInputReader.ReadLine();
			if (buf.Value == null) return 0;
			return buf.Value.Length;

		public virtual int WriteSource(ASECOM.Buffer buf)
			return buf.Value.Length;

		public virtual int OpenExtio(ASECOM.AwkExtio extio)
			if (extio.Mode == ASECOM.AwkExtioMode.AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE_READ)
				if (this.consoleInputStream == null) return 0;
				this.consoleInputReader = new StreamReader(this.consoleInputStream);
				return 1;
			else if (extio.Mode == ASECOM.AwkExtioMode.AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE_WRITE)
				if (this.consoleOutputStream == null) return 0;
				this.consoleOutputWriter = new StreamWriter(this.consoleOutputStream);
				return 1;

			return -1;

		public virtual int CloseExtio(ASECOM.AwkExtio extio)
			if (extio.Mode == ASECOM.AwkExtioMode.AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE_READ)
				return 0;
			else if (extio.Mode == ASECOM.AwkExtioMode.AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE_WRITE)
				return 0;

			return -1;

		public virtual int ReadExtio(ASECOM.AwkExtio extio, ASECOM.Buffer buf)
			if (extio.Mode == ASECOM.AwkExtioMode.AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE_READ)
				int n = this.consoleInputReader.Read(consoleInputBuffer, 0, consoleInputBuffer.Length);
				if (n == 0) return 0;
				buf.Value = new string(consoleInputBuffer, 0, n);
				return buf.Value.Length;

			return -1;

		public virtual int WriteExtio(ASECOM.AwkExtio extio, ASECOM.Buffer buf)
			if (extio.Mode == ASECOM.AwkExtioMode.AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE_WRITE)
				return buf.Value.Length;

			return -1;

		public virtual int FlushExtio(ASECOM.AwkExtio extio)
			return -1;

		public virtual int NextExtio(ASECOM.AwkExtio extio)
			return 1;
		public virtual object HandleFunction(string name, object argarray)
			FunctionHandler handler = (FunctionHandler)funcTable[name];
			return handler((object[])argarray);
