 * $Id: Awk.cpp,v 1.48 2007/11/09 08:09:29 bacon Exp $

#include <ase/awk/StdAwk.hpp>
#include <ase/cmn/str.h>
#include <ase/utl/stdio.h>
#include <ase/utl/main.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG)
#include <crtdbg.h>

#if defined(__linux) && defined(_DEBUG)
#include <mcheck.h>

static bool verbose = false;

class TestAwk: public ASE::StdAwk
	TestAwk (): srcInName(ASE_NULL), srcOutName(ASE_NULL), 
	            numConInFiles(0), numConOutFiles(0)
	#ifdef _WIN32
		heap = ASE_NULL;

	~TestAwk ()
		close ();

	int open ()
	#ifdef _WIN32
		ASE_ASSERT (heap == ASE_NULL);
		heap = ::HeapCreate (0, 1000000, 1000000);
		if (heap == ASE_NULL) return -1;

	#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
		int n = StdAwk::open ();
		int n = ASE::StdAwk::open ();
		if (n == -1)
	#ifdef _WIN32
			HeapDestroy (heap); 
			heap = ASE_NULL;
			return -1;

		idLastSleep = addGlobal (ASE_T("LAST_SLEEP"));
		if (idLastSleep == -1) goto failure;

		if (addFunction (ASE_T("sleep"), 1, 1,
		    	(FunctionHandler)&TestAwk::sleep) == -1) goto failure;

		if (addFunction (ASE_T("sumintarray"), 1, 1,
		    	(FunctionHandler)&TestAwk::sumintarray) == -1) goto failure;

		if (addFunction (ASE_T("arrayindices"), 1, 1,
		    	(FunctionHandler)&TestAwk::arrayindices) == -1) goto failure;
		return 0;

	#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
		StdAwk::close ();
		ASE::StdAwk::close ();

	#ifdef _WIN32
		HeapDestroy (heap); 
		heap = ASE_NULL;
		return -1;

	void close ()
	#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
		StdAwk::close ();
		ASE::StdAwk::close ();

		numConInFiles = 0;
		numConOutFiles = 0;

	#ifdef _WIN32
		if (heap != ASE_NULL)
			HeapDestroy (heap); 
			heap = ASE_NULL;

	int sleep (Run& run, Return& ret, const Argument* args, size_t nargs, 
		const char_t* name, size_t len)
		if (args[0].isIndexed()) 
			run.setError (ERR_INVAL);
			return -1;

		long_t x = args[0].toInt();

		/*Argument arg;
		if (run.getGlobal(idLastSleep, arg) == 0)
			ase_printf (ASE_T("GOOD: [%d]\n"), (int)arg.toInt());
		else { ase_printf (ASE_T("BAD:\n")); }

		if (run.setGlobal (idLastSleep, x) == -1) return -1;

	#ifdef _WIN32
		::Sleep ((DWORD)(x * 1000));
		return ret.set ((long_t)0);
		return ret.set ((long_t)::sleep (x));

	int sumintarray (Run& run, Return& ret, const Argument* args, size_t nargs, 
		const char_t* name, size_t len)
		long_t x = 0;

		if (args[0].isIndexed()) 
			Argument idx(run), val(run);

			int n = args[0].getFirstIndex (idx);
			while (n > 0)
				size_t len;
				const char_t* ptr = idx.toStr(&len);

				if (args[0].getIndexed(ptr, len, val) == -1) return -1;
				x += val.toInt ();

				n = args[0].getNextIndex (idx);
			if (n != 0) return -1;
		else x += args[0].toInt();

		return ret.set (x);

	int arrayindices (Run& run, Return& ret, const Argument* args, size_t nargs, 
		const char_t* name, size_t len)
		if (!args[0].isIndexed()) return 0;

		Argument idx (run);
		long_t i;

		int n = args[0].getFirstIndex (idx);
		for (i = 0; n > 0; i++)
			size_t len;
			const char_t* ptr = idx.toStr(&len);
			n = args[0].getNextIndex (idx);
			if (ret.setIndexed (i, ptr, len) == -1) return -1;
		if (n != 0) return -1;
		return 0;
	int addConsoleInput (const char_t* file)
		if (numConInFiles < ASE_COUNTOF(conInFile))
			conInFile[numConInFiles++] = file;
			return 0;

		return -1;

	int addConsoleOutput (const char_t* file)
		if (numConOutFiles < ASE_COUNTOF(conOutFile))
			conOutFile[numConOutFiles++] = file;
			return 0;

		return -1;

	int parse (const char_t* in, const char_t* out)
		srcInName = in;
		srcOutName = out;
	#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
		return StdAwk::parse ();
		return ASE::StdAwk::parse ();


	void onRunStart (Run& run)
		if (verbose) ase_printf (ASE_T("*** awk run started ***\n"));

	void onRunEnd (Run& run)
		ErrorCode err = run.getErrorCode();

		if (err != ERR_NOERR)
			ase_fprintf (stderr, ASE_T("cannot run: LINE[%d] %s\n"), 
				run.getErrorLine(), run.getErrorMessage());

		if (verbose) ase_printf (ASE_T("*** awk run ended ***\n"));

	void onRunReturn (Run& run, const Argument& ret)
		if (verbose)
			size_t len;
			const char_t* ptr = ret.toStr (&len);
			ase_printf (ASE_T("*** return [%.*s] ***\n"), (int)len, ptr);

	int openSource (Source& io)
		Source::Mode mode = io.getMode();
		FILE* fp = ASE_NULL;

		if (mode == Source::READ)
			if (srcInName == ASE_NULL) 
				io.setHandle (stdin);
				return 0;

			if (srcInName[0] == ASE_T('\0')) fp = stdin;
			else fp = ase_fopen (srcInName, ASE_T("r"));
		else if (mode == Source::WRITE)
			if (srcOutName == ASE_NULL)
				io.setHandle (stdout);
				return 0;

			if (srcOutName[0] == ASE_T('\0')) fp = stdout;
			else fp = ase_fopen (srcOutName, ASE_T("w"));

		if (fp == ASE_NULL) return -1;
		io.setHandle (fp);
		return 1;

	int closeSource (Source& io)
		Source::Mode mode = io.getMode();
		FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle();
		if (fp == stdout || fp == stderr) fflush (fp);
		if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout && fp != stderr) fclose (fp);
		io.setHandle (ASE_NULL);
		return 0;

	ssize_t readSource (Source& io, char_t* buf, size_t len)
		FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle();
		ssize_t n = 0;

		while (n < (ssize_t)len)
			ase_cint_t c = ase_fgetc (fp);
			if (c == ASE_CHAR_EOF) 
				if (ase_ferror(fp)) n = -1;

			buf[n++] = c;
			if (c == ASE_T('\n')) break;

		return n;

	ssize_t writeSource (Source& io, char_t* buf, size_t len)
		FILE* fp = (FILE*)io.getHandle();
		size_t left = len;

		while (left > 0)
			if (*buf == ASE_T('\0')) 
				if (ase_fputc (*buf, fp) == ASE_CHAR_EOF) return -1;
				left -= 1; buf += 1;
				int chunk = (left > ASE_TYPE_MAX(int))? ASE_TYPE_MAX(int): (int)left;
				int n = ase_fprintf (fp, ASE_T("%.*s"), chunk, buf);
				if (n < 0 || n > chunk) return -1;
				left -= n; buf += n;

		return len;

	// console io handlers 
	int openConsole (Console& io) 
	#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
		StdAwk::Console::Mode mode = io.getMode();
		ASE::StdAwk::Console::Mode mode = io.getMode();
		FILE* fp = ASE_NULL;
		const char_t* fn = ASE_NULL;

		switch (mode)
		#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
			case StdAwk::Console::READ:
			case ASE::StdAwk::Console::READ:
				if (numConInFiles == 0) fp = stdin;
					fn = conInFile[0];
					fp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("r"));

		#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
			case StdAwk::Console::WRITE:
			case ASE::StdAwk::Console::WRITE:
				if (numConOutFiles == 0) fp = stdout;
					fn = conOutFile[0];
					fp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("w"));

		if (fp == NULL) return -1;

		ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*) 
			ase_awk_malloc (awk, ASE_SIZEOF(ConTrack));
		if (t == ASE_NULL)
			if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout) fclose (fp);
			return -1;

		t->handle = fp;
		t->nextConIdx = 1;

		if (fn != ASE_NULL) 
			if (io.setFileName(fn) == -1)
				if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout) fclose (fp);
				ase_awk_free (awk, t);
				return -1;

		io.setHandle (t);
		return 1;

	int closeConsole (Console& io) 
		ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle();
		FILE* fp = t->handle;

		if (fp == stdout || fp == stderr) fflush (fp);
		if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout && fp != stderr) fclose (fp);

		ase_awk_free (awk, t);
		return 0;

	ssize_t readConsole (Console& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) 
		ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle();
		FILE* fp = t->handle;
		ssize_t n = 0;

		while (n < (ssize_t)len)
			ase_cint_t c = ase_fgetc (fp);
			if (c == ASE_CHAR_EOF) 
				if (ase_ferror(fp)) return -1;
				if (t->nextConIdx >= numConInFiles) break;

				const char_t* fn = conInFile[t->nextConIdx];
				FILE* nfp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("r"));
				if (nfp == ASE_NULL) return -1;

				if (io.setFileName(fn) == -1 || io.setFNR(0) == -1)
					fclose (nfp);
					return -1;

				fclose (fp);
				fp = nfp;
				t->handle = fp;

				if (n == 0) continue;
				else break;

			buf[n++] = c;
			if (c == ASE_T('\n')) break;

		return n;

	ssize_t writeConsole (Console& io, char_t* buf, size_t len) 
		ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle();
		FILE* fp = t->handle;
		size_t left = len;

		while (left > 0)
			if (*buf == ASE_T('\0')) 
				if (ase_fputc (*buf, fp) == ASE_CHAR_EOF) return -1;
				left -= 1; buf += 1;
				int chunk = (left > ASE_TYPE_MAX(int))? ASE_TYPE_MAX(int): (int)left;
				int n = ase_fprintf (fp, ASE_T("%.*s"), chunk, buf);
				if (n < 0 || n > chunk) return -1;
				left -= n; buf += n;

		return len;

	int flushConsole (Console& io) 
		ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle();
		FILE* fp = t->handle;
		return ::fflush (fp);

	int nextConsole (Console& io) 
	#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
		StdAwk::Console::Mode mode = io.getMode();
		ASE::StdAwk::Console::Mode mode = io.getMode();
		ConTrack* t = (ConTrack*)io.getHandle();
		FILE* ofp = t->handle;
		FILE* nfp = ASE_NULL;
		const char_t* fn = ASE_NULL;

		switch (mode)
		#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
			case StdAwk::Console::READ:
			case ASE::StdAwk::Console::READ:
				if (t->nextConIdx >= numConInFiles) return 0;
				fn = conInFile[t->nextConIdx];
				nfp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("r"));

		#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
			case StdAwk::Console::WRITE:
			case ASE::StdAwk::Console::WRITE:
				if (t->nextConIdx >= numConOutFiles) return 0;
				fn = conOutFile[t->nextConIdx];
				nfp = ase_fopen (fn, ASE_T("w"));

		if (nfp == ASE_NULL) return -1;

		if (fn != ASE_NULL)
			if (io.setFileName (fn) == -1)
				fclose (nfp);
				return -1;

		fclose (ofp);

		t->handle = nfp;

		return 1;

	void* allocMem (size_t n) 
	#ifdef _WIN32
		return ::HeapAlloc (heap, 0, n);
		return ::malloc (n);

	void* reallocMem (void* ptr, size_t n) 
	#ifdef _WIN32
		if (ptr == NULL)
			return ::HeapAlloc (heap, 0, n);
			return ::HeapReAlloc (heap, 0, ptr, n);
		return ::realloc (ptr, n);

	void freeMem (void* ptr) 
	#ifdef _WIN32
		::HeapFree (heap, 0, ptr);
		::free (ptr);

	const char_t* srcInName;
	const char_t* srcOutName;
	struct ConTrack
		FILE* handle;
		size_t nextConIdx;

	size_t        numConInFiles;
	const char_t* conInFile[128];

	size_t        numConOutFiles;
	const char_t* conOutFile[128];

	int idLastSleep;

#ifdef _WIN32
	void* heap;

#ifndef NDEBUG
void ase_assert_abort (void)
	abort ();

void ase_assert_printf (const ase_char_t* fmt, ...)
	va_list ap;
#ifdef _WIN32
	int n;
	ase_char_t buf[1024];

	va_start (ap, fmt);
#if defined(_WIN32)
	n = _vsntprintf (buf, ASE_COUNTOF(buf), fmt, ap);
	if (n < 0) buf[ASE_COUNTOF(buf)-1] = ASE_T('\0');

	#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER<1400)
	MessageBox (NULL, buf, 
		ASE_T("Assertion Failure"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
	MessageBox (NULL, buf, 
		ASE_T("\uB2DD\uAE30\uB9AC \uC870\uB610"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
	ase_vprintf (fmt, ap);
	va_end (ap);

static void print_error (const ase_char_t* msg)
	ase_printf (ASE_T("Error: %s\n"), msg);

static struct
	const ase_char_t* name;
	TestAwk::Option   opt;
} otab[] =
	{ ASE_T("implicit"),    TestAwk::OPT_IMPLICIT },
	{ ASE_T("explicit"),    TestAwk::OPT_EXPLICIT },
	{ ASE_T("shift"),       TestAwk::OPT_SHIFT },
	{ ASE_T("idiv"),        TestAwk::OPT_IDIV },
	{ ASE_T("strconcat"),   TestAwk::OPT_STRCONCAT },
	{ ASE_T("extio"),       TestAwk::OPT_EXTIO },
	{ ASE_T("blockless"),   TestAwk::OPT_BLOCKLESS },
	{ ASE_T("baseone"),     TestAwk::OPT_BASEONE },
	{ ASE_T("stripspaces"), TestAwk::OPT_STRIPSPACES },
	{ ASE_T("nextofile"),   TestAwk::OPT_NEXTOFILE },
	{ ASE_T("crlf"),        TestAwk::OPT_CRLF },
	{ ASE_T("argstomain"),  TestAwk::OPT_ARGSTOMAIN },
	{ ASE_T("reset"),       TestAwk::OPT_RESET },
	{ ASE_T("maptovar"),    TestAwk::OPT_MAPTOVAR },
	{ ASE_T("pablock"),     TestAwk::OPT_PABLOCK }

static void print_usage (const ase_char_t* argv0)
	const ase_char_t* base;
	int j;
	base = ase_strrchr(argv0, ASE_T('/'));
	if (base == ASE_NULL) base = ase_strrchr(argv0, ASE_T('\\'));
	if (base == ASE_NULL) base = argv0; else base++;

	ase_printf (ASE_T("Usage: %s [-m main] [-si file]? [-so file]? [-ci file]* [-co file]* [-a arg]* [-w o:n]* \n"), base);
	ase_printf (ASE_T("    -m  main  Specify the main function name\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("    -si file  Specify the input source file\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("              The source code is read from stdin when it is not specified\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("    -so file  Specify the output source file\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("              The deparsed code is not output when is it not specified\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("    -ci file  Specify the input console file\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("    -co file  Specify the output console file\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("    -a  str   Specify an argument\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("    -w  o:n   Specify an old and new word pair\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("              o - an original word\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("              n - the new word to replace the original\n"));
	ase_printf (ASE_T("    -v        Print extra messages\n"));

	ase_printf (ASE_T("\nYou may specify the following options to change the behavior of the interpreter.\n"));
	for (j = 0; j < ASE_COUNTOF(otab); j++)
		ase_printf (ASE_T("    -%-20s -no%-20s\n"), otab[j].name, otab[j].name);

int awk_main (int argc, ase_char_t* argv[])
	TestAwk awk;
	int mode = 0;
	const ase_char_t* mainfn = NULL;
	const ase_char_t* srcin = ASE_T("");
	const ase_char_t* srcout = NULL;
	const ase_char_t* args[256];
	ase_size_t nargs = 0;
	ase_size_t nsrcins = 0;
	ase_size_t nsrcouts = 0;

	if (awk.open() == -1)
		ase_fprintf (stderr, ASE_T("cannot open awk\n"));
		return -1;

	for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
		if (mode == 0)
			if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-si")) == 0) mode = 1;
			else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-so")) == 0) mode = 2;
			else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-ci")) == 0) mode = 3;
			else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-co")) == 0) mode = 4;
			else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-a")) == 0) mode = 5;
			else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-m")) == 0) mode = 6;
			else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-w")) == 0) mode = 7;
			else if (ase_strcmp(argv[i], ASE_T("-v")) == 0)
				verbose = true;
				if (argv[i][0] == ASE_T('-'))
					int j;

					if (argv[i][1] == ASE_T('n') && argv[i][2] == ASE_T('o'))
						for (j = 0; j < ASE_COUNTOF(otab); j++)
							if (ase_strcmp(&argv[i][3], otab[j].name) == 0)
								awk.setOption (awk.getOption() & ~otab[j].opt);
								goto ok_valid;
						for (j = 0; j < ASE_COUNTOF(otab); j++)
							if (ase_strcmp(&argv[i][1], otab[j].name) == 0)
								awk.setOption (awk.getOption() | otab[j].opt);
								goto ok_valid;

				print_usage (argv[0]);
				return -1;

			if (argv[i][0] == ASE_T('-'))
				print_usage (argv[0]);
				return -1;

			if (mode == 1) // source input 
				if (nsrcins != 0) 
					print_usage (argv[0]);
					return -1;
				srcin = argv[i];
				mode = 0;
			else if (mode == 2) // source output 
				if (nsrcouts != 0) 
					print_usage (argv[0]);
					return -1;
				srcout = argv[i];
				mode = 0;
			else if (mode == 3) // console input
				if (awk.addConsoleInput (argv[i]) == -1)
					print_error (ASE_T("too many console inputs"));
					return -1;

				mode = 0;
			else if (mode == 4) // console output
				if (awk.addConsoleOutput (argv[i]) == -1)
					print_error (ASE_T("too many console outputs"));
					return -1;

				mode = 0;
			else if (mode == 5) // argument mode
				if (nargs >= ASE_COUNTOF(args))
					print_usage (argv[0]);
					return -1;

				args[nargs++] = argv[i];
				mode = 0;
			else if (mode == 6) // entry point
				if (mainfn != NULL) 
					print_usage (argv[0]);
					return -1;

				mainfn = argv[i];
				mode = 0;
			else if (mode == 7) // word replacement
				const ase_char_t* p;
				ase_size_t l;

				p = ase_strchr(argv[i], ASE_T(':'));
				if (p == ASE_NULL)
					print_usage (argv[0]);
					return -1;

				l = ase_strlen (argv[i]);

				awk.setWord (
					argv[i], p - argv[i], 
					p + 1, l - (p - argv[i] + 1));

				mode = 0;

	if (mode != 0)
		print_usage (argv[0]);
		awk.close ();
		return -1;

	if (awk.parse (srcin, srcout) == -1)
		ase_fprintf (stderr, ASE_T("cannot parse: LINE[%d] %s\n"), 
			awk.getErrorLine(), awk.getErrorMessage());
		awk.close ();
		return -1;

	awk.enableRunCallback ();

	if (awk.run (mainfn, args, nargs) == -1)
		ase_fprintf (stderr, ASE_T("cannot run: LINE[%d] %s\n"), 
			awk.getErrorLine(), awk.getErrorMessage());
		awk.close ();
		return -1;

	awk.close ();
	return 0;

extern "C" int ase_main (int argc, ase_achar_t* argv[])

	int n;

#if defined(__linux) && defined(_DEBUG)
	mtrace ();
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)

	n = ase_runmain (argc,argv,awk_main);

#if defined(__linux) && defined(_DEBUG)
	muntrace ();
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG)
	/* #if defined(_MSC_VER)
	_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks ();
	#endif */
	_tprintf (_T("Press ENTER to quit\n"));
	getchar ();

	return n;