/* * $Id: Awk.hpp,v 1.40 2007/10/21 07:59:35 bacon Exp $ * * {License} */ #pragma once #include #include /////////////////////////////// ASE_BEGIN_NAMESPACE2(ASE,Net) /////////////////////////////// class MojoAwk; public ref class Awk abstract { public: typedef ASE::Awk::long_t long_t; typedef ASE::Awk::real_t real_t; typedef ASE::Awk::char_t char_t; typedef ASE::Awk::size_t size_t; typedef ASE::Awk::ssize_t ssize_t; typedef ASE::Awk::cint_t cint_t; typedef ASE::Awk::bool_t bool_t; [System::Flags] enum class OPTION: int { NONE = 0, IMPLICIT = ASE::Awk::OPT_IMPLICIT, EXPLICIT = ASE::Awk::OPT_EXPLICIT, UNIQUEFN = ASE::Awk::OPT_UNIQUEFN, SHADING = ASE::Awk::OPT_SHADING, SHIFT = ASE::Awk::OPT_SHIFT, IDIV = ASE::Awk::OPT_IDIV, STRCONCAT = ASE::Awk::OPT_STRCONCAT, EXTIO = ASE::Awk::OPT_EXTIO, COPROC = ASE::Awk::OPT_COPROC, BLOCKLESS = ASE::Awk::OPT_BLOCKLESS, BASEONE = ASE::Awk::OPT_BASEONE, STRIPSPACES = ASE::Awk::OPT_STRIPSPACES, NEXTOFILE = ASE::Awk::OPT_NEXTOFILE, CRLF = ASE::Awk::OPT_CRLF, ARGSTOMAIN = ASE::Awk::OPT_ARGSTOMAIN, RESET = ASE::Awk::OPT_RESET, MAPTOVAR = ASE::Awk::OPT_MAPTOVAR, PABLOCK = ASE::Awk::OPT_PABLOCK }; enum class DEPTH: int { BLOCK_PARSE = ASE::Awk::DEPTH_BLOCK_PARSE, BLOCK_RUN = ASE::Awk::DEPTH_BLOCK_RUN, EXPR_PARSE = ASE::Awk::DEPTH_EXPR_PARSE, EXPR_RUN = ASE::Awk::DEPTH_EXPR_RUN, REX_BUILD = ASE::Awk::DEPTH_REX_BUILD, REX_MATCH = ASE::Awk::DEPTH_REX_MATCH }; // generated by generrcode-net.awk enum class ERROR: int { NOERR = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOERR, CUSTOM = ASE::Awk::ERR_CUSTOM, INVAL = ASE::Awk::ERR_INVAL, NOMEM = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOMEM, NOSUP = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOSUP, NOPER = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOPER, NODEV = ASE::Awk::ERR_NODEV, NOSPC = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOSPC, MFILE = ASE::Awk::ERR_MFILE, MLINK = ASE::Awk::ERR_MLINK, AGAIN = ASE::Awk::ERR_AGAIN, NOENT = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOENT, EXIST = ASE::Awk::ERR_EXIST, FTBIG = ASE::Awk::ERR_FTBIG, TBUSY = ASE::Awk::ERR_TBUSY, ISDIR = ASE::Awk::ERR_ISDIR, IOERR = ASE::Awk::ERR_IOERR, OPEN = ASE::Awk::ERR_OPEN, READ = ASE::Awk::ERR_READ, WRITE = ASE::Awk::ERR_WRITE, CLOSE = ASE::Awk::ERR_CLOSE, INTERN = ASE::Awk::ERR_INTERN, RUNTIME = ASE::Awk::ERR_RUNTIME, BLKNST = ASE::Awk::ERR_BLKNST, EXPRNST = ASE::Awk::ERR_EXPRNST, SINOP = ASE::Awk::ERR_SINOP, SINCL = ASE::Awk::ERR_SINCL, SINRD = ASE::Awk::ERR_SINRD, SOUTOP = ASE::Awk::ERR_SOUTOP, SOUTCL = ASE::Awk::ERR_SOUTCL, SOUTWR = ASE::Awk::ERR_SOUTWR, LXCHR = ASE::Awk::ERR_LXCHR, LXDIG = ASE::Awk::ERR_LXDIG, LXUNG = ASE::Awk::ERR_LXUNG, ENDSRC = ASE::Awk::ERR_ENDSRC, ENDCMT = ASE::Awk::ERR_ENDCMT, ENDSTR = ASE::Awk::ERR_ENDSTR, ENDREX = ASE::Awk::ERR_ENDREX, LBRACE = ASE::Awk::ERR_LBRACE, LPAREN = ASE::Awk::ERR_LPAREN, RPAREN = ASE::Awk::ERR_RPAREN, RBRACK = ASE::Awk::ERR_RBRACK, COMMA = ASE::Awk::ERR_COMMA, SCOLON = ASE::Awk::ERR_SCOLON, COLON = ASE::Awk::ERR_COLON, STMEND = ASE::Awk::ERR_STMEND, IN = ASE::Awk::ERR_IN, NOTVAR = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOTVAR, EXPRES = ASE::Awk::ERR_EXPRES, FUNC = ASE::Awk::ERR_FUNC, WHILE = ASE::Awk::ERR_WHILE, ASSIGN = ASE::Awk::ERR_ASSIGN, IDENT = ASE::Awk::ERR_IDENT, FNNAME = ASE::Awk::ERR_FNNAME, BLKBEG = ASE::Awk::ERR_BLKBEG, BLKEND = ASE::Awk::ERR_BLKEND, DUPBEG = ASE::Awk::ERR_DUPBEG, DUPEND = ASE::Awk::ERR_DUPEND, BFNRED = ASE::Awk::ERR_BFNRED, AFNRED = ASE::Awk::ERR_AFNRED, GBLRED = ASE::Awk::ERR_GBLRED, PARRED = ASE::Awk::ERR_PARRED, DUPPAR = ASE::Awk::ERR_DUPPAR, DUPGBL = ASE::Awk::ERR_DUPGBL, DUPLCL = ASE::Awk::ERR_DUPLCL, BADPAR = ASE::Awk::ERR_BADPAR, BADVAR = ASE::Awk::ERR_BADVAR, UNDEF = ASE::Awk::ERR_UNDEF, LVALUE = ASE::Awk::ERR_LVALUE, GBLTM = ASE::Awk::ERR_GBLTM, LCLTM = ASE::Awk::ERR_LCLTM, PARTM = ASE::Awk::ERR_PARTM, DELETE = ASE::Awk::ERR_DELETE, BREAK = ASE::Awk::ERR_BREAK, CONTINUE = ASE::Awk::ERR_CONTINUE, NEXTBEG = ASE::Awk::ERR_NEXTBEG, NEXTEND = ASE::Awk::ERR_NEXTEND, NEXTFBEG = ASE::Awk::ERR_NEXTFBEG, NEXTFEND = ASE::Awk::ERR_NEXTFEND, PRINTFARG = ASE::Awk::ERR_PRINTFARG, PREPST = ASE::Awk::ERR_PREPST, GLNCPS = ASE::Awk::ERR_GLNCPS, DIVBY0 = ASE::Awk::ERR_DIVBY0, OPERAND = ASE::Awk::ERR_OPERAND, POSIDX = ASE::Awk::ERR_POSIDX, ARGTF = ASE::Awk::ERR_ARGTF, ARGTM = ASE::Awk::ERR_ARGTM, FNNONE = ASE::Awk::ERR_FNNONE, NOTIDX = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOTIDX, NOTDEL = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOTDEL, NOTMAP = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOTMAP, NOTMAPIN = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOTMAPIN, NOTMAPNILIN = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOTMAPNILIN, NOTREF = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOTREF, NOTASS = ASE::Awk::ERR_NOTASS, IDXVALASSMAP = ASE::Awk::ERR_IDXVALASSMAP, POSVALASSMAP = ASE::Awk::ERR_POSVALASSMAP, MAPTOSCALAR = ASE::Awk::ERR_MAPTOSCALAR, SCALARTOMAP = ASE::Awk::ERR_SCALARTOMAP, MAPNOTALLOWED = ASE::Awk::ERR_MAPNOTALLOWED, VALTYPE = ASE::Awk::ERR_VALTYPE, RDELETE = ASE::Awk::ERR_RDELETE, RNEXTBEG = ASE::Awk::ERR_RNEXTBEG, RNEXTEND = ASE::Awk::ERR_RNEXTEND, RNEXTFBEG = ASE::Awk::ERR_RNEXTFBEG, RNEXTFEND = ASE::Awk::ERR_RNEXTFEND, BFNUSER = ASE::Awk::ERR_BFNUSER, BFNIMPL = ASE::Awk::ERR_BFNIMPL, IOUSER = ASE::Awk::ERR_IOUSER, IONONE = ASE::Awk::ERR_IONONE, IOIMPL = ASE::Awk::ERR_IOIMPL, IONMEM = ASE::Awk::ERR_IONMEM, IONMNL = ASE::Awk::ERR_IONMNL, FMTARG = ASE::Awk::ERR_FMTARG, FMTCNV = ASE::Awk::ERR_FMTCNV, CONVFMTCHR = ASE::Awk::ERR_CONVFMTCHR, OFMTCHR = ASE::Awk::ERR_OFMTCHR, REXRECUR = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXRECUR, REXRPAREN = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXRPAREN, REXRBRACKET = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXRBRACKET, REXRBRACE = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXRBRACE, REXUNBALPAR = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXUNBALPAR, REXCOLON = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXCOLON, REXCRANGE = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXCRANGE, REXCCLASS = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXCCLASS, REXBRANGE = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXBRANGE, REXEND = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXEND, REXGARBAGE = ASE::Awk::ERR_REXGARBAGE }; // end of enum class ERROR ref class Context; ref class Argument { public: Argument (Context^ ctx) { arg = new((ASE::Awk::awk_t*)(ASE::Awk*)ctx->run) ASE::Awk::Argument (ctx->run); if (arg == ASE_NULL) { throw gcnew System::OutOfMemoryException ("cannot create an instance of ASE::Awk::Argument"); } arg_new = true; } public protected: Argument (Context^ ctx, const ASE::Awk::Argument& arg): ctx(ctx), arg((ASE::Awk::Argument*)&arg), arg_new (false) { } public: ~Argument () { if (arg_new && arg != ASE_NULL) { delete arg; arg = ASE_NULL; } } !Argument () { if (arg_new && arg != ASE_NULL) { delete arg; arg = ASE_NULL; } } public: property long_t LongValue { long_t get () { return arg->toInt(); } } property real_t RealValue { real_t get () { return arg->toReal(); } } property System::String^ StringValue { System::String^ get () { size_t len; const char_t* s = arg->toStr(&len); return gcnew System::String (s, 0, len); } } bool GetIndexed (System::String^ idx, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] Argument^% v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return arg->getIndexed (ip, idx->Length, *v->arg) == 0; } public protected: Context^ ctx; ASE::Awk::Argument* arg; bool arg_new; }; ref class Return { public protected: Return (ASE::Awk::Return& ret): ret (ret) { } public: void Clear () { ret.clear (); } bool Set (System::String^ v) { cli::pin_ptr nptr = PtrToStringChars(v); return ret.set (nptr, v->Length) == 0; } bool Set (long_t v) { return ret.set (v) == 0; } bool Set (real_t v) { return ret.set (v) == 0; } bool Set (System::Single^ v) { return ret.set ((real_t)(float)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::Double^ v) { return ret.set ((real_t)(double)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::SByte^ v) { return ret.set ((long_t)(__int8)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::Int16^ v) { return ret.set ((long_t)(__int16)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::Int32^ v) { return ret.set ((long_t)(__int32)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::Int64^ v) { return ret.set ((long_t)(__int64)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::Byte^ v) { return ret.set ((long_t)(unsigned __int8)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::UInt16^ v) { return ret.set ((long_t)(unsigned __int16)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::UInt32^ v) { return ret.set ((long_t)(unsigned __int32)v) == 0; } bool Set (System::UInt64^ v) { return ret.set ((long_t)(unsigned __int64)v) == 0; } bool IsIndexed () { return ret.isIndexed (); } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::String^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); cli::pin_ptr vp = PtrToStringChars(v); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, vp, v->Length) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, long_t v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, real_t v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::Single^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (real_t)(float)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::Double^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (real_t)(double)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::SByte^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (long_t)(__int8)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::Int16^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (long_t)(__int16)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::Int32^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (long_t)(__int32)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::Int64^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (long_t)(__int64)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::Byte^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (long_t)(unsigned __int8)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::UInt16^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (long_t)(unsigned __int16)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::UInt32^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (long_t)(unsigned __int32)v) == 0; } bool SetIndexed (System::String^ idx, System::UInt64^ v) { cli::pin_ptr ip = PtrToStringChars(idx); return ret.setIndexed (ip, idx->Length, (long_t)(unsigned __int64)v) == 0; } public protected: ASE::Awk::Return& ret; }; ref class Context { public protected: Context (Awk^ owner, const ASE::Awk::Run& run): owner (owner), run ((ASE::Awk::Run&)run) { } public: property Awk^ Owner { Awk^ get () { return this->owner; } } void Stop () { run.stop (); } property bool isStop { bool get () { return run.isStop(); } } void SetError (ASE::Net::Awk::ERROR num) { return run.setError ((ASE::Awk::ErrorCode)num); } void SetError (ASE::Net::Awk::ERROR num, size_t line) { return run.setError ((ASE::Awk::ErrorCode)num, line); } void SetError (ASE::Net::Awk::ERROR num, size_t line, System::String^ arg) { cli::pin_ptr p = PtrToStringChars(arg); return run.setError ( (ASE::Awk::ErrorCode)num, line, p, arg->Length); } void SetErrorWithMessage ( ASE::Net::Awk::ERROR num, size_t line, System::String^ msg) { cli::pin_ptr p = PtrToStringChars(msg); return run.setErrorWithMessage ( (ASE::Awk::ErrorCode)num, line, p); } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::String^ v) { cli::pin_ptr nptr = PtrToStringChars(v); return run.setGlobal (id, nptr, v->Length) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, long_t v) { return run.setGlobal (id, v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::SByte^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (long_t)(__int8)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::Int16^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (long_t)(__int16)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::Int32^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (long_t)(__int32)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::Int64^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (long_t)(__int64)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::Byte^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (long_t)(unsigned __int8)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::UInt16^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (long_t)(unsigned __int16)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::UInt32^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (long_t)(unsigned __int32)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::UInt64^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (long_t)(unsigned __int64)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, real_t v) { return run.setGlobal (id, v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::Single^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (real_t)(float)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, System::Double^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, (real_t)(double)v) == 0; } bool SetGlobal (int id, Return^ v) { return run.setGlobal (id, v->ret) == 0; } bool GetGlobal (int id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] Argument^% v) { return run.getGlobal (id, *v->arg) == 0; } public protected: Awk^ owner; ASE::Awk::Run& run; }; ref class Source { public: enum class MODE { READ = ASE::Awk::Source::READ, WRITE = ASE::Awk::Source::WRITE }; Source (MODE^ mode): handle (nullptr) { this->mode = mode; } property Object^ Handle { Object^ get () { return this->handle; } void set (Object^ handle) { this->handle = handle; } } property MODE^ Mode { MODE^ get () { return this->mode; } }; private: MODE^ mode; Object^ handle; }; ref class Extio { public: Extio (System::String^ name): handle (nullptr) { this->name = name; } property Object^ Handle { Object^ get () { return this->handle; } void set (Object^ handle) { this->handle = handle; } } property System::String^ Name { System::String^ get () { return this->name; } }; private: Object^ handle; System::String^ name; }; ref class Pipe: public Extio { public: enum class MODE { READ = ASE::Awk::Pipe::READ, WRITE = ASE::Awk::Pipe::WRITE }; property MODE^ Mode { MODE^ get () { return this->mode; } }; Pipe (System::String^ name, MODE^ mode): Extio (name) { this->mode = mode; } private: MODE^ mode; }; ref class File: public Extio { public: enum class MODE { READ = ASE::Awk::File::READ, WRITE = ASE::Awk::File::WRITE, APPEND = ASE::Awk::File::APPEND }; property MODE^ Mode { MODE^ get () { return this->mode; } }; File (System::String^ name, MODE^ mode): Extio (name) { this->mode = mode; } private: MODE^ mode; }; ref class Console: public Extio { public: enum class MODE { READ = ASE::Awk::Console::READ, WRITE = ASE::Awk::Console::WRITE }; property MODE^ Mode { MODE^ get () { return this->mode; } }; Console (System::String^ name, MODE^ mode): Extio (name) { this->mode = mode; } private: MODE^ mode; }; Awk (); !Awk (); virtual ~Awk (); virtual void Close (); virtual bool Parse (); virtual bool Run (); virtual bool Run (System::String^ entryPoint, cli::array^ args); virtual bool Stop (); delegate void RunStartHandler (Context^ ctx); delegate void RunEndHandler (Context^ ctx); delegate void RunReturnHandler (Context^ ctx); delegate void RunStatementHandler (Context^ ctx); /*event*/ RunStartHandler^ OnRunStart; /*event*/ RunEndHandler^ OnRunEnd; /*event*/ RunReturnHandler^ OnRunReturn; /*event*/ RunStatementHandler^ OnRunStatement; virtual bool AddGlobal ( System::String^ name, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int% id); virtual bool DeleteGlobal (System::String^ name); delegate bool FunctionHandler ( Context^ ctx, System::String^ name, cli::array^ args, Return^ ret); virtual bool AddFunction ( System::String^ name, int minArgs, int maxArgs, FunctionHandler^ handler); virtual bool DeleteFunction (System::String^ name); virtual bool SetWord (System::String^ ow, System::String^ nw); virtual bool UnsetWord (System::String^ ow); virtual bool UnsetAllWords (); virtual bool SetMaxDepth (DEPTH id, size_t depth); virtual bool GetMaxDepth (DEPTH id, size_t* depth); virtual bool SetErrorString (ERROR num, System::String^ str); property OPTION Option { OPTION get (); void set (OPTION opt); } property System::String^ ErrorMessage { System::String^ get () { return this->errMsg; } } property ERROR ErrorCode { ERROR get () { return this->errCode; } } property unsigned int ErrorLine { unsigned int get () { return this->errLine; } } protected: MojoAwk* awk; OPTION option; System::Collections::Hashtable^ funcs; public protected: // Source virtual int OpenSource (Source^ source) = 0; virtual int CloseSource (Source^ source) = 0; virtual int ReadSource ( Source^ source, cli::array^ buf, int len) = 0; virtual int WriteSource ( Source^ source, cli::array^ buf, int len) = 0; // File virtual int OpenFile (File^ file) = 0; virtual int CloseFile (File^ file) = 0; virtual int ReadFile ( File^ file, cli::array^ buf, int len) = 0; virtual int WriteFile ( File^ file, cli::array^ buf, int len) = 0; virtual int FlushFile (File^ file) = 0; // Pipe virtual int OpenPipe (Pipe^ pipe) = 0; virtual int ClosePipe (Pipe^ pipe) = 0; virtual int ReadPipe ( Pipe^ pipe, cli::array^ buf, int len) = 0; virtual int WritePipe ( Pipe^ pipe, cli::array^ buf, int len) = 0; virtual int FlushPipe (Pipe^ pipe) = 0; // Console virtual int OpenConsole (Console^ console) = 0; virtual int CloseConsole (Console^ console) = 0; virtual int ReadConsole ( Console^ console, cli::array^ buf, int len) = 0; virtual int WriteConsole ( Console^ console, cli::array^ buf, int len) = 0; virtual int FlushConsole (Console^ console) = 0; virtual int NextConsole (Console^ console) = 0; public protected: bool Awk::DispatchFunction ( Context^ ctx, ASE::Awk::Return& ret, const ASE::Awk::Argument* args, size_t nargs, const char_t* name, size_t len); public protected: System::String^ errMsg; unsigned int errLine; ERROR errCode; void SetError (ERROR num); void SetError (ERROR num, size_t line); void SetError (ERROR num, size_t line, System::String^ arg); void SetErrorWithMessage (ERROR num, size_t line, System::String^ msg); void RetrieveError (); bool runErrorReported; // only used if the run-callback is activated. }; ////////////////////////////// ASE_END_NAMESPACE2(Net,ASE) //////////////////////////////