/* * $Id: mini.c,v 1.4 2007/09/03 05:20:15 bacon Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct awk_src_io { const ase_char_t* file; FILE* handle; }; static const ase_char_t* data_file = ASE_NULL; #if defined(vms) || defined(__vms) /* it seems that the main function should be placed in the main object file * in OpenVMS. otherwise, the first function in the main object file seems * to become the main function resulting in program start-up failure. */ #include #endif #ifndef NDEBUG void ase_assert_abort (void) { abort (); } void ase_assert_printf (const ase_char_t* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); ase_vprintf (fmt, ap); va_end (ap); } #endif /* custom memory management function */ void* awk_malloc (void* custom, ase_size_t n) { return malloc (n); } void* awk_realloc (void* custom, void* ptr, ase_size_t n) { return realloc (ptr, n); } void awk_free (void* custom, void* ptr) { free (ptr); } /* custom character class functions */ ase_bool_t awk_isupper (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_isupper (c); } ase_bool_t awk_islower (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_islower (c); } ase_bool_t awk_isalpha (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_isalpha (c); } ase_bool_t awk_isdigit (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_isdigit (c); } ase_bool_t awk_isxdigit (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_isxdigit (c); } ase_bool_t awk_isalnum (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_isalnum (c); } ase_bool_t awk_isspace (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_isspace (c); } ase_bool_t awk_isprint (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_isprint (c); } ase_bool_t awk_isgraph (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_isgraph (c); } ase_bool_t awk_iscntrl (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_iscntrl (c); } ase_bool_t awk_ispunct (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_ispunct (c); } ase_cint_t awk_toupper (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_toupper (c); } ase_cint_t awk_tolower (void* custom, ase_cint_t c) { return ase_tolower (c); } /* custom miscellaneous functions */ ase_real_t awk_pow (void* custom, ase_real_t x, ase_real_t y) { return pow (x, y); } int awk_sprintf (void* custom, ase_char_t* buf, ase_size_t size, const ase_char_t* fmt, ...) { int n; va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); n = ase_vsprintf (buf, size, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); return n; } void awk_dprintf (void* custom, const ase_char_t* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, fmt); ase_vfprintf (stderr, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); } /* source input handler */ ase_ssize_t awk_srcio_in (int cmd, void* arg, ase_char_t* data, ase_size_t size) { struct awk_src_io* src_io = (struct awk_src_io*)arg; ase_cint_t c; if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_OPEN) { if (src_io->file == ASE_NULL) return 0; src_io->handle = ase_fopen (src_io->file, ASE_T("r")); if (src_io->handle == NULL) return -1; return 1; } else if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_CLOSE) { if (src_io->file == ASE_NULL) return 0; fclose ((FILE*)src_io->handle); return 0; } else if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_READ) { if (size <= 0) return -1; c = ase_fgetc ((FILE*)src_io->handle); if (c == ASE_CHAR_EOF) return 0; *data = (ase_char_t)c; return 1; } return -1; } /* external i/o handler for pipe */ ase_ssize_t awk_extio_pipe (int cmd, void* arg, ase_char_t* data, ase_size_t size) { ase_awk_extio_t* epa = (ase_awk_extio_t*)arg; switch (cmd) { case ASE_AWK_IO_OPEN: { FILE* handle; const ase_char_t* mode; if (epa->mode == ASE_AWK_EXTIO_PIPE_READ) mode = ASE_T("r"); else if (epa->mode == ASE_AWK_EXTIO_PIPE_WRITE) mode = ASE_T("w"); else return -1; handle = ase_popen (epa->name, mode); if (handle == NULL) return -1; epa->handle = (void*)handle; return 1; } case ASE_AWK_IO_CLOSE: { fclose ((FILE*)epa->handle); epa->handle = NULL; return 0; } case ASE_AWK_IO_READ: { if (ase_fgets (data, size, (FILE*)epa->handle) == ASE_NULL) { if (ferror((FILE*)epa->handle)) return -1; return 0; } return ase_strlen(data); } case ASE_AWK_IO_WRITE: { #if defined(ASE_CHAR_IS_WCHAR) && defined(__linux) /* fwprintf seems to return an error with the file * pointer opened by popen, as of this writing. * anyway, hopefully the following replacement * will work all the way. */ int n = fprintf ( (FILE*)epa->handle, "%.*ls", size, data); #else int n = ase_fprintf ( (FILE*)epa->handle, ASE_T("%.*s"), size, data); #endif if (n < 0) return -1; return size; } case ASE_AWK_IO_FLUSH: { if (epa->mode == ASE_AWK_EXTIO_PIPE_READ) return -1; else return 0; } case ASE_AWK_IO_NEXT: { return -1; } } return -1; } /* external i/o handler for file */ ase_ssize_t awk_extio_file (int cmd, void* arg, ase_char_t* data, ase_size_t size) { ase_awk_extio_t* epa = (ase_awk_extio_t*)arg; switch (cmd) { case ASE_AWK_IO_OPEN: { FILE* handle; const ase_char_t* mode; if (epa->mode == ASE_AWK_EXTIO_FILE_READ) mode = ASE_T("r"); else if (epa->mode == ASE_AWK_EXTIO_FILE_WRITE) mode = ASE_T("w"); else if (epa->mode == ASE_AWK_EXTIO_FILE_APPEND) mode = ASE_T("a"); else return -1; handle = ase_fopen (epa->name, mode); if (handle == NULL) return -1; epa->handle = (void*)handle; return 1; } case ASE_AWK_IO_CLOSE: { fclose ((FILE*)epa->handle); epa->handle = NULL; return 0; } case ASE_AWK_IO_READ: { if (ase_fgets (data, size, (FILE*)epa->handle) == ASE_NULL) { if (ferror((FILE*)epa->handle)) return -1; return 0; } return ase_strlen(data); } case ASE_AWK_IO_WRITE: { int n = ase_fprintf ( (FILE*)epa->handle, ASE_T("%.*s"), size, data); if (n < 0) return -1; return size; } case ASE_AWK_IO_FLUSH: { if (fflush ((FILE*)epa->handle) == EOF) return -1; return 0; } case ASE_AWK_IO_NEXT: { return -1; } } return -1; } /* external i/o handler for console */ ase_ssize_t awk_extio_console (int cmd, void* arg, ase_char_t* data, ase_size_t size) { ase_awk_extio_t* epa = (ase_awk_extio_t*)arg; if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_OPEN) { if (epa->mode == ASE_AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE_READ) { FILE* fp = ase_fopen (data_file, ASE_T("r")); if (fp == ASE_NULL) return -1; if (ase_awk_setfilename ( epa->run, data_file, ase_strlen(data_file)) == -1) { fclose (fp); return -1; } epa->handle = fp; return 1; } else if (epa->mode == ASE_AWK_EXTIO_CONSOLE_WRITE) { epa->handle = stdout; return 1; } return -1; } else if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_CLOSE) { fclose ((FILE*)epa->handle); epa->handle = NULL; return 0; } else if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_READ) { while (ase_fgets (data, size, (FILE*)epa->handle) == ASE_NULL) { if (ferror((FILE*)epa->handle)) return -1; return 0; } return ase_strlen(data); } else if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_WRITE) { int n = ase_fprintf ((FILE*)epa->handle, ASE_T("%.*s"), size, data); if (n < 0) return -1; return size; } else if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_FLUSH) { if (fflush ((FILE*)epa->handle) == EOF) return -1; return 0; } else if (cmd == ASE_AWK_IO_NEXT) { return -1; } return -1; } int ase_main (int argc, ase_char_t* argv[]) { ase_awk_t* awk; ase_awk_prmfns_t prmfns; ase_awk_srcios_t srcios; ase_awk_runios_t runios; struct awk_src_io src_io = { NULL, NULL }; if (argc != 3) { ase_printf (ASE_T("Usage: %s source-file data-file\n"), argv[0]); return -1; } src_io.file = argv[1]; data_file = argv[2]; ase_memset (&prmfns, 0, ASE_SIZEOF(prmfns)); prmfns.mmgr.malloc = awk_malloc; prmfns.mmgr.realloc = awk_realloc; prmfns.mmgr.free = awk_free; prmfns.mmgr.custom_data = ASE_NULL; prmfns.ccls.is_upper = awk_isupper; prmfns.ccls.is_lower = awk_islower; prmfns.ccls.is_alpha = awk_isalpha; prmfns.ccls.is_digit = awk_isdigit; prmfns.ccls.is_xdigit = awk_isxdigit; prmfns.ccls.is_alnum = awk_isalnum; prmfns.ccls.is_space = awk_isspace; prmfns.ccls.is_print = awk_isprint; prmfns.ccls.is_graph = awk_isgraph; prmfns.ccls.is_cntrl = awk_iscntrl; prmfns.ccls.is_punct = awk_ispunct; prmfns.ccls.to_upper = awk_toupper; prmfns.ccls.to_lower = awk_tolower; prmfns.ccls.custom_data = ASE_NULL; prmfns.misc.pow = awk_pow; prmfns.misc.sprintf = awk_sprintf; prmfns.misc.dprintf = awk_dprintf; prmfns.misc.custom_data = ASE_NULL; if ((awk = ase_awk_open(&prmfns, ASE_NULL)) == ASE_NULL) { ase_printf (ASE_T("ERROR: cannot open awk\n")); return -1; } ase_awk_setoption (awk, ASE_AWK_IMPLICIT | ASE_AWK_EXPLICIT | ASE_AWK_UNIQUEFN | ASE_AWK_IDIV | ASE_AWK_SHADING | ASE_AWK_SHIFT | ASE_AWK_EXTIO | ASE_AWK_BLOCKLESS | ASE_AWK_BASEONE | ASE_AWK_STRIPSPACES | ASE_AWK_NEXTOFILE); srcios.in = awk_srcio_in; srcios.out = ASE_NULL; srcios.custom_data = &src_io; if (ase_awk_parse (awk, &srcios) == -1) { ase_printf ( ASE_T("PARSE ERROR: CODE [%d] LINE [%u] %s\n"), ase_awk_geterrnum(awk), (unsigned int)ase_awk_geterrlin(awk), ase_awk_geterrmsg(awk)); ase_awk_close (awk); return -1; } runios.pipe = awk_extio_pipe; runios.file = awk_extio_file; runios.console = awk_extio_console; runios.custom_data = ASE_NULL; if (ase_awk_run (awk, ASE_NULL, &runios, ASE_NULL, ASE_NULL, ASE_NULL) == -1) { ase_printf ( ASE_T("RUN ERROR: CODE [%d] LINE [%u] %s\n"), ase_awk_geterrnum(awk), (unsigned int)ase_awk_geterrlin(awk), ase_awk_geterrmsg(awk)); ase_awk_close (awk); return -1; } ase_awk_close (awk); return 0; }