/* * $Id: fio.c,v 1.23 2006/06/30 04:18:47 bacon Exp $ */ #include #include "mem.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #include #include #endif #if defined(ASE_USE_SYSCALL) && defined(HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H) #include #endif ase_fio_t* ase_fio_open ( ase_mmgr_t* mmgr, ase_size_t ext, const ase_char_t* path, int flags, int mode) { ase_fio_t* fio; if (mmgr == ASE_NULL) { mmgr = ASE_MMGR_GETDFL(); ASE_ASSERTX (mmgr != ASE_NULL, "Set the memory manager with ASE_MMGR_SETDFL()"); if (mmgr == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL; } fio = ASE_MMGR_ALLOC (mmgr, ASE_SIZEOF(ase_fio_t) + ext); if (fio == ASE_NULL) return ASE_NULL; if (ase_fio_init (fio, mmgr, path, flags, mode) == ASE_NULL) { ASE_MMGR_FREE (mmgr, fio); return ASE_NULL; } return fio; } void ase_fio_close (ase_fio_t* fio) { ase_fio_fini (fio); ASE_MMGR_FREE (fio->mmgr, fio); } ase_fio_t* ase_fio_init ( ase_fio_t* fio, ase_mmgr_t* mmgr, const ase_char_t* path, int flags, int mode) { ase_fio_hnd_t handle; ASE_MEMSET (fio, 0, ASE_SIZEOF(*fio)); fio->mmgr = mmgr; #ifdef _WIN32 if (flags & ASE_FIO_HANDLE) { handle = *(ase_fio_hnd_t*)path; } else { DWORD desired_access = 0; DWORD share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; DWORD creation_disposition = 0; DWORD attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; if (flags & ASE_FIO_READ) desired_access |= GENERIC_READ; if (flags & ASE_FIO_WRITE) desired_access |= GENERIC_WRITE; if (flags & ASE_FIO_APPEND) { /* this is not officialy documented for CreateFile. * ZwCreateFile (kernel) seems to document it */ desired_access |= FILE_APPEND_DATA; } if (flags & ASE_FIO_CREATE) { creation_disposition = (flags & ASE_FIO_EXCLUSIVE)? CREATE_NEW: (flags & ASE_FIO_TRUNCATE)? CREATE_ALWAYS: OPEN_ALWAYS; } else if (flags & ASE_FIO_TRUNCATE) { creation_disposition = TRUNCATE_EXISTING; } else creation_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING; if (flags & ASE_FIO_NOSHRD) share_mode &= ~FILE_SHARE_READ; if (flags & ASE_FIO_NOSHWR) share_mode &= ~FILE_SHARE_WRITE; if (flags & ASE_FIO_SYNC) attributes |= FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH; /* TODO: handle mode... set attribuets */ handle = CreateFile (path, desired_access, share_mode, ASE_NULL, creation_disposition, attributes, 0); } if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return ASE_NULL; { DWORD file_type = GetFileType(handle); if (file_type == FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { CloseHandle (handle); return ASE_NULL; } } /* TODO: a lot more */ #else if (flags & ASE_FIO_HANDLE) { handle = *(ase_fio_hnd_t*)path; } else { int desired_access = 0; #ifdef ASE_CHAR_IS_MCHAR const ase_mchar_t* path_mb = path; #else ase_mchar_t path_mb[PATH_MAX + 1]; if (ase_wcstombs_strict (path, path_mb, ASE_COUNTOF(path_mb)) == -1) return ASE_NULL; #endif if ((flags & ASE_FIO_READ) && (flags & ASE_FIO_WRITE)) desired_access |= O_RDWR; else if (flags & ASE_FIO_READ) desired_access |= O_RDONLY; else desired_access |= O_WRONLY; if (flags & ASE_FIO_APPEND) desired_access |= O_APPEND; if (flags & ASE_FIO_CREATE) desired_access |= O_CREAT; if (flags & ASE_FIO_TRUNCATE) desired_access |= O_TRUNC; if (flags & ASE_FIO_EXCLUSIVE) desired_access |= O_EXCL; if (flags & ASE_FIO_SYNC) desired_access |= O_SYNC; #if defined(O_LARGEFILE) desired_access |= O_LARGEFILE; #endif #ifdef SYS_open handle = syscall (SYS_open, path_mb, desired_access, mode); #else handle = open (path_mb, desired_access, mode); #endif } if (handle == -1) return ASE_NULL; #endif fio->handle = handle; return fio; } void ase_fio_fini (ase_fio_t* fio) { #ifdef _WIN32 CloseHandle (fio->handle); #else #if defined(SYS_close) syscall (SYS_close, fio->handle); #else close (fio->handle); #endif #endif } ase_fio_hnd_t ase_fio_gethandle (ase_fio_t* fio) { return fio->handle; } void ase_fio_sethandle (ase_fio_t* fio, ase_fio_hnd_t handle) { fio->handle = handle; } ase_fio_off_t ase_fio_seek ( ase_fio_t* fio, ase_fio_off_t offset, ase_fio_ori_t origin) { #ifdef _WIN32 static int seek_map[] = { FILE_BEGIN, FILE_CURRENT, FILE_END }; LARGE_INTEGER x, y; ASE_ASSERT (AES_SIZEOF(offset) <= AES_SIZEOF(x.QuadPart)); x.QuadPart = offset; if (SetFilePointerEx ( fio->handle, x, &y, seek_map[origin]) == FALSE) return -1; return (ase_fio_off_t)y.QuadPart; #else static int seek_map[] = { SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END }; #if !defined(_LP64) && defined(SYS__llseek) loff_t tmp; if (syscall (SYS__llseek, fio->handle, (unsigned long)(offset>>32), (unsigned long)(offset&0xFFFFFFFFlu), &tmp, seek_map[origin]) == -1) return -1; return (ase_fio_off_t)tmp; #elif defined(SYS_lseek) return syscall (SYS_lseek, fio->handle, offset, seek_map[origin]); #elif !defined(_LP64) && defined(HAVE_LSEEK64) return lseek64 (fio->handle, offset, seek_map[origin]); #else return lseek (fio->handle, offset, seek_map[origin]); #endif #endif } int ase_fio_truncate (ase_fio_t* fio, ase_fio_off_t size) { #ifdef _WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER x; x.QuadPart = size; if (SetFilePointerEx(fio->handle,x,NULL,FILE_BEGIN) == FALSE || SetEndOfFile(fio->handle) == FALSE) return -1; return 0; #else #if !defined(_LP64) && defined(SYS_ftruncate64) return syscall (SYS_ftruncate64, fio->handle, size); #elif defined(SYS_ftruncate) return syscall (SYS_ftruncate, fio->handle, size); #elif !defined(_LP64) && defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE64) return ftruncate64 (fio->handle, size); #else return ftruncate (fio->handle, size); #endif #endif } ase_ssize_t ase_fio_read (ase_fio_t* fio, void* buf, ase_size_t size) { #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD count; if (size > ASE_TYPE_MAX(DWORD)) size = ASE_TYPE_MAX(DWORD); if (ReadFile(fio->handle, buf, size, &count, ASE_NULL) == FALSE) return -1; return (ase_ssize_t)count; #else if (size > ASE_TYPE_MAX(size_t)) size = ASE_TYPE_MAX(size_t); #ifdef SYS_read return syscall (SYS_read, fio->handle, buf, size); #else return read (fio->handle, buf, size); #endif #endif } ase_ssize_t ase_fio_write (ase_fio_t* fio, const void* data, ase_size_t size) { #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD count; if (size > ASE_TYPE_MAX(DWORD)) size = ASE_TYPE_MAX(DWORD); if (WriteFile(fio->handle, data, size, &count, ASE_NULL) == FALSE) return -1; return (ase_ssize_t)count; #else if (size > ASE_TYPE_MAX(size_t)) size = ASE_TYPE_MAX(size_t); #ifdef SYS_write return syscall (SYS_write, fio->handle, data, size); #else return write (fio->handle, data, size); #endif #endif }