fixed wrong declaration of os/2 api functions

This commit is contained in:
hyung-hwan 2012-12-29 16:17:26 +00:00
parent 6a2dce50b8
commit 7f64932d19
2 changed files with 100 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -677,37 +677,89 @@ PEER: ?好!
Note that 你 has been converted to a question mark since the letter is
not supported by cp949.
## Built-in I/O ##
## Built-in Functions ##
QSEAWK comes with built-in I/O commands and functions in addition to the
implicit input streams for pattern-action blocks. The built-in I/O facility
is available only if QSEAWK is set with #QSE_AWK_RIO.
QSEAWK provides the following built-in functions.
### getline ###
The *getline* command has multiple forms of usage. It can be used with or
without a variable name and can also be associated with a pipe or a file
redirection. Basically, it reads a record from an input stream associated
and stores it.
*getline* without a following variable reads a record from an associated
input stream and updates $0 with the value. It also updates *NF*, *FNR*, *NR*.
The sample below reads records from the console and prints them.
while (getline > 0) print $0;
It is equivalent to
{ print $0 }
but performs the task in the *BEGIN* block.
*getline* with a variable reads a record from an associated input stream
and updates the variable with the value. It updates *FNR* and *NR*, too.
while (getline line > 0) print line;
*getline* is associated with the console by default. you can change it
to a file or a pipe by using |, ||, <.
The *getline* command acts like a function in that it returns a value: 1 on
success, 0 on EOF, -1 on error. But you can't place an empty parentheses
when no variable name is specified nor can you parenthesize the optional
variable name. For example, *getline(a)* is different from *getline a* and
means the concatenation of the return value of *getline* and the variable *a*.
### print ###
### printf ###
### setioattr (io-name, attr-name, attr-value) ###
It changes the I/O attribute of the name attr-name to the value attr-value
for an I/O stream identified by io-name. It returns 0 on success and -1 on
The *setioattr* function changes the I/O attribute of the name *attr-name* to
the value *attr-value* for a stream identified by *io-name*. It returns 0 on
success and -1 on failure.
- io-name is a source or target name used in getline, print, printf combined
with |, ||, >, <, >>.
- attr-name is one of codepage, ctimeout, atimeout, rtimeout, wtimeout.
- attr-value varies depending on attr-name.
-- codepage: cp949, cp950, utf8
-- ctimeout, atimeout, rtimeout, wtimeout: the number of seconds. applies to socket based stream only. you may use a floating-point number for lower resoluation than a second. a negative value turns off timeout.
- *io-name* is a source or target name used in *getline*, *print*, *printf*
combined with |, ||, >, <, >>.
- *attr-name* is one of *codepage*, *ctimeout*, *atimeout*, *rtimeout*,
- *attr-value* varies depending on *attr-name*.
+ codepage: *cp949*, *cp950*, *utf8*
+ ctimeout, atimeout, rtimeout, wtimeout: the number of seconds. effective
on socket based streams only. you may use a floating-point number for
lower resoluation than a second. a negative value turns off timeout.
# Convert a document encoded in cp949 to a current codepage
setioattr ("README.INS", "codepage", "cp949");
while ((getline x < "README.INS") > 0) print x;
See this sample that prints the contents of a document encoded in cp949.
setioattr ("README.TXT", "codepage", "cp949");
while ((getline x < "README.TXT") > 0) print x;
### getioattr (io-name, attr-name) ###
### getioattr (io-name, attr-name, attr-value) ###
It returns the current attribute value of the attribute named attr-name for
the stream identified by io-name. See setioattr for description on io-name and
attr-name. It returns the attribute value on success and -1 on failure.
The getioattr() function retrieves the current attribute value of the attribute
named *attr-name* for the stream identified by *io-name*. The value retrieved
is set to the variable referenced by *attr-value*. See *setioattr* for
description on *io-name* and *attr-name*. It returns 0 on success and -1 on
setioattr ("README.TXT", "codepage", "cp949");
if (getioattr ("README.TXT", "codepage", codepage) <= -1)
print "codepage unknown";
else print "codepage: " codepage;

View File

@ -59,31 +59,44 @@ enum
#include "syserr.h"
#if defined(__OS2__)
#if defined(_WIN32)
typedef APIRET (*DosOpenLType) (
PSZ pszFileName, PHFILE pHf, PULONG pulAction,
LONGLONG cbFile, ULONG ulAttribute,
ULONG fsOpenFlags, ULONG fsOpenMode,
typedef DWORD WINAPI (*getmappedfilename_t) (
HANDLE hProcess,
LPTSTR lpFilename,
#elif defined(__OS2__)
typedef APIRET APIENTRY (*dosopenl_t) (
PSZ pszFileName,
PULONG pulAction,
ULONG ulAttribute,
ULONG fsOpenFlags,
ULONG fsOpenMode,
PEAOP2 peaop2
typedef APIRET (*DosSetFilePtrLType) (
typedef APIRET APIENTRY (*dossetfileptrl_t) (
HFILE hFile,
ULONG method,
typedef APIRET (*DosSetFileSizeLType) (
typedef APIRET APIENTRY (*dossetfilesizel_t) (
HFILE hFile,
static int dos_set = 0;
static DosOpenLType dos_open_l = QSE_NULL;
static DosSetFilePtrLType dos_set_file_ptr_l = QSE_NULL;
static DosSetFileSizeLType dos_set_file_size_l = QSE_NULL;
static dosopenl_t dos_open_l = QSE_NULL;
static dossetfileptrl_t dos_set_file_ptr_l = QSE_NULL;
static dossetfilesizel_t dos_set_file_size_l = QSE_NULL;
@ -1309,13 +1322,6 @@ static int get_devname_from_handle (
void* mem = NULL;
DWORD olen;
typedef DWORD (WINAPI*getmappedfilename_t) (
HANDLE hProcess,
LPTSTR lpFilename,
getmappedfilename_t getmappedfilename;
/* try to load psapi.dll dynamially for