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2005-06-23 04:59:00 +00:00
stx(1) xpkit
stx - xpkit embeddable smalltalk system
stx [-f imageFile] MainClass
The virtual machine executes "MainClass main" on start-up.
method 1.
push lookup_class(#MainClass) -> receiver.
send a unary(no argument) message with the selector #main.
return the returned value from main and exits.
method 2. - take a command parameter
push lookup_class(#MainClass) -> receiver.
push argc as an argument.
push argv as an argument.
send a double-argument message the the selector #main:withArgv:.
return the returned value from #main:withArgv and exits.
Chung, Hyung-Hwan (bacon@piowave.com) is the sole designer and implementer of stx.
Report bugs to bacon@piowave.com if you find any bugs. but make sure that it is really a bug before you report it.
Copyright(c) 2005 bacon@piowave.com
2005-06-23 04:55:44 +00:00
&unsupportedByte, //--- 00
&bytePushInstance, //--- 01
&bytePushArgument, //--- 02
&bytePushTemporary, //--- 03
&bytePushLiteral, //--- 04
&bytePushConstant, //--- 05
&byteAssignInstance, //--- 06
&byteAssignTemporary, //--- 07
&byteMarkArguments, //--- 08
&byteSendMessage, //--- 09
&byteSendUnary, //--- 10
&byteSendBinary, //--- 11
&unsupportedByte, //--- 12
&byteDoPrimitive, //--- 13
&unsupportedByte, //--- 14
&byteDoSpecial //--- 15
* Directly access by byte codes
> the receiver and arguments of the invoking message
> the values of the receiver's instance variables
> the values of any temporary variables required by the method
> seven special constants (true, false, nil, -1, 0, 1, and 2)
> 32 special message selectors
* contained in literal frame.
> shared variables (global, class, and pool)
> most literal constants (numbers, characters, strings, arrays, and symbols)
> most message selectors (those that are not special)
PushArgument -> normal arguments plus self/super(0)
PushConstant -> nil, true, false, etc....
PushLiteral -> global variables, literal constants... -> access literal frame
2005-07-08 11:32:50 +00:00
0x push instance variable x
1x store instance variable x
2x push local x
3x store local x
40..43 xx jump forward by xxx
44..47 xx jump backward by xxx
48..4F xx (reserved)
50..53 xx jump forward if true by xxx
54..57 xx jump backward if true by xxx
58..5B xx jump forward if false by xxx
5C..5F xx jump backward if false by xxx
60 xx fetch inst var xx of stack top
61 xx store stack top inst var xx of stack level 2
62..6F (reserved)
7x yyyy send self yyyy, x args
8x yyyy send yyyy, x args
9x yyyy send super yyyy, x args
Ax yy send self yy, x args
B0 xx push object xx
B1 xxxx push object xxxx
B2 xx get instvar xx of next outer receiver
B3 xx store instvar xx of next outer receiver
B4 xx get next outer local x
B5 xx store next outer local
B6 xx yy get (y th) outer local
B7 xx yy store (y th) outer local
B8 nonlocal block return, next outer context
B9 xx make full block
BA xx make hybrid block
BB xx yy get instvar xx of yyth outer receiver
BC xx yy store instvar xx of yyth outer receiver
BD xx nonlocal block return, distance xx
BE push next outer receiver
BF xx push xxth outer receiver
Cx send special selector:
0: <=
1: >=
2: <
3: >
4: ==
5: ~~
6: not
7: +
8: -
9: basicAt:
A: basicAt:put:
B: isNil
C: notNil
D: (reserved)
E: (reserved)
F: (reserved)
Dx yy send yy to stack top, xx args
E0 pop stack
E1 duplicate stacktop
E2 duplicate level 2
E3 return stack top
E4 return true
E5 return false
E6 return nil
E7 return self
E8 push false
E9 push true
EA push nil
EB push self
EC xx push negative integer
ED xx push positive integer
EE xxxx push negative integer
EF xxxx push positive integer
F0 xx push instvar xx
F1 xx store instvar xx
F2 xx push local xx
F3 xx store local xx
F4 xx push global xx
F5 xx store global xx
F6 xx push Character xx
F7 add 1
F8 subtract 1
F9 push thisContext
FA (reserved)
FE xx primitive xx
FF extended op
2005-07-05 11:38:01 +00:00