
159 lines
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# Vitess
2023-10-18 16:52:57 +09:00
diagram login {
client [label = "Client"];
gw_sniproxy [label = "sniproxy"]
gw_nginx [label = "nginx"]
gw_redirect_pl [label = ""]
client -> gw_sniproxy -> gw_nginx;
gw_nginx ->gw_redirect_pl;
diagram get-page-uuid {
index [ label = "login/index.ant" ]
inc-main [ label = "modules/policy/inc-main.php" ]
sql [ label = "SELECT location.location_group_id, settings FROM ant_policies.location LEFT JOIN ant_policies.policy ON location.location_group_id = policy.location_group_id WHERE ppli =\"eth0\"" ]
index -> inc-main -> sql;
graph LR
A --- B
B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden]
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
printf ("hello, world\n");
return 0;
Long history
::icon(fa fa-book)
British popular psychology author Tony Buzan
On effectivness<br/>and features
On Automatic creation
Creative techniques
Strategic planning
Argument mapping
Pen and paper
#include <stdio.h>
// Function to add two numbers
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
// Function to subtract two numbers
int subtract(int a, int b) {
return a - b;
// Function that accepts a function pointer as a parameter
int calculate(int (*operation)(int, int), int a, int b) {
return operation(a, b);
int main() {
int x = 100, y = 200;
int sum = calculate(add, x, y);
int diff = calculate(subtract, x, y);
2023-10-18 16:52:57 +09:00
printf("Sum: %d\n", sum);
printf("Difference: %d\n", diff);
return 0;
(defattrs :bg-green {:fill "#a0ffa0"})
(defattrs :bg-yellow {:fill "#ffffa0"})
(defattrs :bg-pink {:fill "#ffb0a0"})
(defattrs :bg-cyan {:fill "#a0fafa"})
(defattrs :bg-purple {:fill "#e4b5f7"})
(defn draw-group-label-header
[span label]
(draw-box (text label [:math {:font-size 12}]) {:span span :borders #{} :height 14}))
(defn draw-remotedb-header
[kind args]
(draw-group-label-header 5 "start")
(draw-group-label-header 5 "TxID")
(draw-group-label-header 3 "type")
(draw-group-label-header 2 "args")
(draw-group-label-header 1 "tags")
(next-row 18)
(draw-box 0x11 :bg-green)
(draw-box 0x872349ae [{:span 4} :bg-green])
(draw-box 0x11 :bg-yellow)
(draw-box (text "TxID" :math) [{:span 4} :bg-yellow])
(draw-box 0x10 :bg-pink)
(draw-box (hex-text kind 4 :bold) [{:span 2} :bg-pink])
(draw-box 0x0f :bg-cyan)
(draw-box (hex-text args 2 :bold) :bg-cyan)
(draw-box 0x14 :bg-purple)
(draw-box (text "0000000c" :hex [[:plain {:font-weight "light" :font-size 16}] " (12)"]) [{:span 4} :bg-purple])
(draw-box (hex-text 6 2 :bold) [:box-first :bg-purple])
(doseq [val [6 6 3 6 6 6 6 3]]
(draw-box (hex-text val 2 :bold) [:box-related :bg-purple]))
(doseq [val [0 0]]
(draw-box val [:box-related :bg-purple]))
(draw-box 0 [:box-last :bg-purple]))
(draw-remotedb-header 0x4702 9)
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0x2104 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 1]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x14)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 1]) {:span 4})
(draw-gap "Cue and loop point bytes")
(draw-box nil :box-below)
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box 0x36 {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "num" [:math] [:sub "hot"]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "num" [:math] [:sub "cue"]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x11)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 2]) {:span 4})
(draw-box 0x14)
(draw-box (text "length" [:math] [:sub 2]) {:span 4})
(draw-gap "Unknown bytes" {:min-label-columns 6})