107 lines
1.8 KiB
107 lines
1.8 KiB
#include 'Stix.st'.
## TODO: use #define to define a class or use #class to define a class.
## use #extend to extend a class
## using #class for both feels confusing.
#extend Apex
#extend SmallInteger
#method getTrue: anInteger
^anInteger + 9999.
#method inc
^self + 1.
#class TestObject(Object)
#dcl(#class) Q R.
#dcl(#classinst) a1 a2.
#method test999
#class B.TestObject(Object)
#dcl(#class) Q R.
#dcl(#classinst) a1 a2.
#method test000
#pooldic ABC
#KKK := 20.
#class MyConsole(Console)
#method box: origin corner: corner
| tmp |
self setCursor: origin.
self write: '+'.
(corner x - origin x - 2) timesRepeat: [self write: '-'].
self write: '+'.
tmp := Point new.
(origin y + 1) to: (corner y - 1) by: 1 do: [ :i |
tmp x: origin x y: i.
self setCursor: tmp.
self write: '|'.
tmp x: corner x.
self setCursor: tmp.
self write: '|'.
tmp x: origin x y: corner y.
self setCursor: tmp.
self write: '+'.
(corner x - origin x - 2) timesRepeat: [self write: '-'].
self write: '+'.
#class MyObject(TestObject)
#method(#class) main
| v1 v2 |
System logNl: 'START OF MAIN'.
v1 := MyConsole output.
v1 clear.
v1 box: 0@0 corner: 80@20.
v1 write: S'hello, 월드 이거 좋지 않니\n'.
v1 write: S'하하하하하하하하 좋아좋아 可愛くってしょうがない(^o^) ほのかちゃん、しおりちゃん元気そうだね! 久しぶりに見た。しおりちゃんどうしたのかな?좋아 하라하하\n'.
v1 close.
System logNl: S'\0\0\0END OF MAIN\0AB\0\0\0C\0\0\0'.