229 lines
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229 lines
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#include 'Stix.st'.
## TODO: use #define to define a class or use #class to define a class.
## use #extend to extend a class
## using #class for both feels confusing.
extend Apex
extend SmallInteger
method getTrue: anInteger
^anInteger + 9999.
method inc
^self + 1.
class TestObject(Object)
dcl(#class) Q R.
dcl(#classinst) a1 a2.
class MyObject(TestObject)
method(#class) main2
| k q |
'BEGINNING OF main2' dump.
k := [ 'this is test-011' dump. q := Exception signal: 'main2 screwed...'. q dump. 8888 dump. ]
on: Exception do: [ :ex |
'Exception occurred' dump.
ex messageText dump.
'Getting back to....' dump.
"ex return: 9999."
ex pass.
'k=>>> ' dump.
k dump.
'END OF main2' dump.
method(#class) raise_exception
Exception signal: 'bad exceptinon'.
method(#class) test3
| k j g_ex |
j := 20.
k := [
'>>> TEST3 METHOD >>> ' dump.
j dump.
(j < 25) ifTrue: [ | t |
t := Exception signal: 'bad exceptinon'. ## when resumed, t should get Exception, the leftover in the stack...
t signal: 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'. ## so it should be ok to signal again..
##t := self raise_exception. ## when resumed, t should get 'self'
##g_ex retry. # You should not do these as the following 3 lines make things very complicated.
##g_ex signal.
##g_ex pass.
'RESUMED???' dump.
t dump.
j dump.
] on: Exception do: [ :ex | 'Exception occurred' dump. ex messageText dump. j := j + 1. g_ex := ex. ex resume. ].
k dump.
'END OF TEST3' dump.
method(#class) test4_1
| k j |
j := 20.
k := [
'>>> TEST4_1 METHOD >>> ' dump.
j dump.
(j < 25) ifTrue: [ | t |
##t := Exception signal: 'bad exceptinon'. ## when resume, t should get Exception.
t := self raise_exception. ## when resumed, t should get 'self'
'RESUMED???' dump.
t dump.
j dump.
] on: Exception do: [ :ex | 'Exception occurred' dump. ex messageText dump. j := j + 1. ex pass. ].
k dump.
'END OF TEST4_1' dump.
method(#class) test4
[ self test4_1 ] on: Exception do: [:ex | 'Excepton in test4_1' dump. ex messageText dump. ex resume].
'END OF TEST4' dump.
method(#class) test5
| k j |
j := 20.
k := [
'>>> TEST5 BLOCK >>> ' dump.
j dump.
(j < 25) ifTrue: [ | t |
##t := Exception signal: 'bad exceptinon'. ## when resume, t should get Exception.
t := self raise_exception. ## when resumed, t should get 'self'
] on: Exception do: [ :ex | 'Exception occurred' dump. ex messageText dump. j := j + 1. ex retry. ].
k dump.
'END OF TEST5' dump.
method(#class) test11
## exception is raised in a new process. it can't be captured
## by an exception handler of a calling process.
## exception handling must not cross the process boundary.
'BEGINNING OF test11' dump.
|p |
p := [ 'TEST11 IN NEW PROCESS' dump. Exception signal: 'Exception raised in a new process of test11'. ] newProcess.
p resume. ## resume the new process
] on: Exception do: [:ex | '---- EXCEPTION IN TEST11. THIS MUST NOT BE PRINTED----------' dump. ex messageText dump ].
'END OF test11' dump.
method(#class) test12
'BEGINNING OF test12' dump.
|p |
p := [
[ Exception signal: 'Exception in a new process of test12' ]
on: Exception do: [:ex |
('EXCEPTION CAUGHT...in test12 ==> ' & (ex messageText)) dump.
] newProcess.
p resume.
] on: Exception do: [:ex | 'EXCEPTION ----------' dump. ex messageText dump ].
'END OF test12' dump.
method(#class) main
'>>>>> BEGINNING OF MAIN' dump.
[ self main2 ] on: Exception do: [ :ex |
ex messageText dump.
##ex pass.
'Returning back to where the exception has signalled in main2...' dump.
##ex resume.
'##############################' dump.
## self test3.
## self test4.
## self test5.
self test11.
## self test12.
## 100 timesRepeat: ['>>>>> END OF MAIN' dump].
"(Exception isKindOf: Apex) dump.
(Exception isMemberOf: Apex) dump.
(Exception isMemberOf: Class) dump.
(1 isMemberOf: SmallInteger) dump.
(1 isKindOf: Integer) dump.
(1 isKindOf: Class) dump.
(1 isKindOf: Apex) dump.
(Exception isKindOf: Class) dump.
(Exception isKindOf: Apex) dump.
(Exception isKindOf: Object) dump.
(Exception isKindOf: (Apex new)) dump.
(Exception isKindOf: (Object new)) dump."
'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@' dump.
## the following line(return:to:) must cause primitive failure...
##[ Processor return: 10 to: 20. ] on: Exception do: [:ex | ex messageText dump].
##[ Processor return: 10 to: 20. ]
## on: PrimitiveFailureException do: [:ex | 'PRIMITIVE FAILURE CAUGHT HERE HERE HERE' dump]
## on: Exception do: [:ex | ex messageText dump].
'SLEEPING FOR 10 seconds ....' dump.
Processor sleepFor: 10.
'>>>>> END OF MAIN' dump.