86 lines
1.4 KiB
86 lines
1.4 KiB
class(#byte) Stdio(Object) from 'stdio'
dcl(#class) in out err.
* The following methods are generated by the module.
* method(#class) _newInstSize { <primitive: #stdio._newInstSize> }
* method open: name for: mode { <primitive: #stdio.open> }
* method close { <primitive: #stdio.close> }
method(#class) new: size
## ignore the specified size
^(super new: (self _newInstSize))
method(#class) new
^(super new: (self _newInstSize))
method(#class) open: name for: mode
^(self new) open: name for: mode
(* ---------------------
method(#class) stdin
self.in isNil ifTrue: [ self.in := ^(super new) open: 0 for: 'r' ].
method(#class) stdout
self.out isNil ifTrue: [ self.out := ^(super new) open: 1 for: 'w' ].
method(#class) stderr
self.err isNil ifTrue: [ self.err := ^(super new) open: 2 for: 'w' ].
------------------------ *)
method format: fmt with: ...
method format (fmt)
| a b c |
fmt dump.
thisContext temporaryCount dump.
0 priorTo: (thisContext vargCount) do: [:k |
(thisContext vargAt: k) dump.
extend Stdio
method xxxx
self basicSize dump.
class(#byte) Stdio2(Stdio)
method(#class) new
##self prohibited
##raise exception. prohibited...
^(super new).