238 lines
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238 lines
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// TEST CASES for basic methods
#include "Moo.moo".
class MyObject(Object)
var(#classinst) t1, t2.
method(#class) xxxx
| g1 g2 |
t1 dump.
t2 := [ g1 := 50. g2 := 100. ^g1 + g2 ].
(t1 < 100) ifFalse: [ ^self ].
t1 := t1 + 1.
^self xxxx.
method(#class) test1
//// TODO: add this to the test case list.
| rec results |
//rec := [ :y :z | (108.0000000000000000000000 - (815.000000000000000000 - (1500.0000000000000000 div: z) div: y)) truncate: 18. ].
//rec := [ :y :z | (108.0000000000000000000000 - (815.000000000000000000 - (1500.0000000000000000 div: z) div: y)) truncate: 16. ].
//rec := [ :y :z | 108.0000000000000000000000 - (815.000000000000000000 - (1500.0000000000000000 div: z) div: y) ].
//rec := [ :y :z | (108.0 scale: 22) - ((815 scale: 18) - ((1500 scale: 16) div: z) div: y) ].
//rec := [ :y :z | 108.000000000000000000000000000000 - (815.00000000000000000000000000 - (1500.0000000000000000 div: z) div: y) ].
rec := [ :y :z | 22p108 - (18p815 - (16p1500 div: z) div: y) ].
// results := ##( 4.0, 425 div: 100.0 ) asOrderedCollection.
results := OrderedCollection new.
results add: 4.0; add: (425.00 div: 100.00).
3 to: 100 do: [ :i |
//(results at: i - 2) dump.
//(results at: i - 3) dump.
//"----------" dump.
results add: (rec value: (results at: i - 2) value: (results at: i - 3)).
results doWithIndex: [ :each :i |
System log: (i asString); log: "\t";
log: each; logNl: "".
method(#class) test_local_return_001
| a b c d|
a := 10.
c := 2.
d := 3.
b := ([
a := a + 3.
if (a > 10) { ^^77 } // ^^ must return to the calling method despite 2 blocks nested.
] value.
d := 99. // this is skipped because of ^^77 above.
] ensure: [ c := 88 ]). // however, the ensured block must be executed.
^a == 13 and b == 77 and c == 88 and d == 3.
method(#class) test_if_001
| a b c d e x |
x := if (false) { X02: a := 55. goto Z02 }
elif (false) { b := 66.}
elif (2 > 1) { c := 77. goto X02 }
elif (true) { d := 88 }
else { Z02: e := 99 }.
^c == 77 and a == 55 and e == 99 and b == nil and d == nil and x == 99.
method(#class) test_while_001
| a b i |
a := 0.
b := #(0 0 0 0 0) copy.
i := 0.
while (false)
a := a + 1.
b at: i put: 1.
i := i + 1.
goto X03.
goto X02.
until (false)
a := a + 2.
b at: i put: 2.
i := i + 1.
goto Y01.
a := a + 3.
b at: i put: 3.
i := i + 1.
goto X05.
while (true).
goto X04.
a := a + 4.
b at: i put: 4.
i := i + 1.
a := a + 5.
b at: i put: 5.
i := i + 1.
until (false).
^a == 15 and b = #(1 2 3 5 4).
method(#class) q
| v |
v := 0.
if (v > 100) { ^nil }.
v dump.
v := v + 1.
goto start.
method(#class) main
| tc limit |
tc := ##(
// 0 - 4
[(Object isKindOf: Class) == true],
[(Object isKindOf: Apex) == true],
[(Class isKindOf: Class) == true],
[(Class isKindOf: Apex) == true],
[(Class isKindOf: Object) == false],
// 5-9
[(Apex isKindOf: Class) == true],
[(Apex isKindOf: Apex) == true],
[(SmallInteger isKindOf: Integer) == false],
[(SmallInteger isKindOf: SmallInteger) == false],
[(Object isKindOf: SmallInteger) == false],
// 10-14
[(10 isKindOf: Integer) == true],
[(10 isKindOf: 20) == false],
[([] isKindOf: CompiledBlock) == true],
[([] isKindOf: CompiledMethod) == false],
[([] isKindOf: BlockContext) == false],
// 15-19
[([] isKindOf: MethodContext) == false],
[([] isKindOf: Context) == false],
[("string" isKindOf: String) == true],
[(#symbol isKindOf: String) == true],
[("string" isKindOf: Symbol) == false],
// 20-24
[(#symbol isKindOf: Symbol) == true],
[ [] value == nil ],
[ self test_local_return_001 ],
[ self test_if_001 ],
[ self test_while_001 ],
[ (if (1 > 2) { } else { }) == nil. ],
// 25-29
[ (if (1 < 2) { } else { }) == nil. ],
[ (if (1 > 2) { } else { goto A01. A01: nil }) == nil ],
[ (if (1 > 2) { } else { 9876. goto A02. A02: 9876. }) == 9876 ],
[ [ | a3 | a3:= 20. if (a3 == 21) { a3 := 4321. goto L03 } else { a3 := 1234. goto L03 }. a3 := 8888. L03: a3 ] value == 1234 ],
[ [ | a4 | a4:= 21. if (a4 == 21) { a4 := 4321. goto L04 } else { a4 := 1234. goto L04 }. a4 := 8888. L04: a4 ] value == 4321 ]
limit := tc size.
0 priorTo: limit by: 1 do: [ :idx |
| tb |
tb := tc at: idx.
System log(System.Log.INFO, idx asString, (if (tb value) { " PASS" } else { " FAIL" }), "\n").
// (if (true) { a: 10. b: 1p1000. c: 20000 }) dump.
// [goto B02. A01: 10. B02: 1000. ] value class dump.
self q.
//[ | a | a := 21. if (a = 21) { goto X02 }. X02: ] value dump. // this causes a stack depletion problem... TODO:
//[ a := 4. while (1) { X44: goto X33 }. X33: 1233 dump. if (a < 10) { a := a + 1. 'X44' dump. goto X44 } else { 'ELSE' dump. a := a * 10}. ] value dump.
this is horrible... the stack won't be cleared when goto is made...
System should never be popped out
(if (2 > 1) { 20. System log: (if (2 > 1) {goto X2}) }) dump.
a dump.
Exception signal: 'experiment with exception signalling'.
// TODO:
System logNl: String format("%s", " 나 는\\\"").
#"a b\nc" dump.