543 lines
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543 lines
12 KiB
#class Exception(Apex)
#dcl signalContext handlerContext handlerBlock messageText.
## To be extended below.
#class(#pointer) Context(Apex)
#dcl sender ip sp ntmprs ensure_block.
#method sender
#method isExceptionHandlerContext
#method ensureBlock
#class(#pointer) MethodContext(Context)
#dcl method receiver home origin.
#method pc
#method pcplus1
^self.ip + 1
#method goto: anInteger
<primitive: #_context_goto>
self primitiveFailed. ## TODO: need to make this a hard failure?
#method pc: anInteger
self.ip := anInteger.
#method sp
#method sp: anInteger
self.sp := anInteger.
#method pc: aPC sp: aSP
self.ip := aPC.
self.sp := aSP.
##sp := sp - 1.
#method method
#method isExceptionHandlerContext
^self.method preambleCode == 10.
#method findExceptionHandlerBlock: anExceptionClass
## find an exception handler block for a given exception class.
## for this to work, self must be an exception handler context.
## For a single on:do: call,
## self class specNumInstVars must return 8.
## basicAt: 8 must be the on: argument.
## basicAt: 9 must be the do: argument
(self isExceptionHandlerContext) ifTrue: [
| bound exc |
## NOTE: if on:do: has a temporary varible, bound must be adjusted to reflect it.
bound := self basicSize - 1.
## TODO: change 9 to a constant when stix is enhanced to support constant definition
## or calcuate the minimum size using the class information.
9 to: bound by: 2 do: [ :i |
exc := self basicAt: i.
((anExceptionClass == exc) or: [anExceptionClass inheritsFrom: exc]) ifTrue: [^self basicAt: (i + 1)].
#class(#pointer) BlockContext(Context)
#dcl nargs source home origin.
#method fork
"crate a new process in the runnable state"
^self newProcess resume.
#method newProcess
"create a new process in the suspended state"
<primitive: #_block_new_process>
self primitiveFailed.
#method newProcessWith: anArray
"create a new process in the suspended state passing the elements
of anArray as block arguments"
<primitive: #_block_new_process>
self primitiveFailed.
#method value
<primitive: #_block_value>
self primitiveFailed.
#method value: a
<primitive: #_block_value>
self primitiveFailed.
#method value: a value: b
<primitive: #_block_value>
self primitiveFailed.
#method value: a value: b value: c
<primitive: #_block_value>
self primitiveFailed.
#method value: a value: b value: c value: d
<primitive: #_block_value>
self primitiveFailed.
#method value: a value: b value: c value: d value: e
<primitive: #_block_value>
self primitiveFailed.
#method ifTrue: aBlock
^(self value) ifTrue: aBlock.
#method ifFalse: aBlock
^(self value) ifFalse: aBlock.
#method ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
^(self value) ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
#method whileTrue: aBlock
## --------------------------------------------------
## Naive implementation
## --------------------------------------------------
## (self value) ifFalse: [^nil].
## aBlock value.
## self whileTrue: aBlock.
## --------------------------------------------------
## --------------------------------------------------
## If VM is built without STIX_USE_PROCSTK
## --------------------------------------------------
## | pc sp |
## sp := thisContext sp.
## pc := thisContext pcplus1.
## self value ifFalse: [ ^nil "^self" ].
## aBlock value.
## thisContext pc: pc sp: sp.
## --------------------------------------------------
## --------------------------------------------------
## If VM is built with STIX_USE_PROCSTK
## --------------------------------------------------
| pc sp |
pc := thisContext pcplus1.
(self value) ifFalse: [ ^nil ].
aBlock value.
## the pc: method leaves thisContext and pc in the stack after
## having changes the instruction poointer.
## as a result, the stack keeps growing. the goto method
## clears thisContext and pc off the stack unlike normal methods.
##thisContext pc: pc.
thisContext goto: pc.
## --------------------------------------------------
#method whileTrue
## (self value) ifFalse: [^nil].
## self whileTrue.
## --------------------------------------------------
## If VM is built with STIX_USE_PROCSTK
## --------------------------------------------------
| pc |
pc := thisContext pcplus1.
(self value) ifFalse: [ ^nil ].
thisContext goto: pc.
## --------------------------------------------------
#method whileFalse: aBlock
## --------------------------------------------------
## Naive implementation
## --------------------------------------------------
## (self value) ifTrue: [^nil].
## aBlock value.
## self whileFalse: aBlock.
## --------------------------------------------------
## --------------------------------------------------
## If VM is built without STIX_USE_PROCSTK
## --------------------------------------------------
## | pc sp |
## sp := thisContext sp.
## pc := thisContext pcplus1.
## self value ifTrue: [ ^nil "^self" ].
## aBlock value.
## thisContext pc: pc sp: sp.
## --------------------------------------------------
## --------------------------------------------------
## If VM is built with STIX_USE_PROCSTK
## --------------------------------------------------
## The assignment to 'pc' uses the POP_INTO_TEMPVAR_1.
## It pops a value off the stack top, stores it to the second
## temporary variable(aBlock is the first temporary variable).
## It is a single byte instruction. 'pc' returned by
## 'thisContext pcplus1'' should point to the instruction after
## the POP_INTO_TEMPVAR_0 instruction.
## It would need the increment of 2 if the pair of
## This implementation is subject to the instructions chosen
## by the compiler.
| pc |
pc := thisContext pcplus1.
(self value) ifTrue: [ ^nil "^self" ].
aBlock value.
thisContext goto: pc.
## --------------------------------------------------
#method whileFalse
## (self value) ifTrue: [^nil].
## self whileFalse.
## --------------------------------------------------
## If VM is built with STIX_USE_PROCSTK
## --------------------------------------------------
| pc |
pc := thisContext pcplus1.
(self value) ifTrue: [ ^nil "^self" ].
thisContext goto: pc.
## --------------------------------------------------
#method pc
#method pc: anInteger
self.ip := anInteger.
#method sp
#method sp: anInteger
self.sp := anInteger.
#method restart
ip := source pc.
#method on: anException do: anExceptionBlock
" | handlerActive |"
" handlerActive := true.
thisContext isExceptionHandlerContext dump.
(thisContext basicSize) dump.
(thisContext basicAt: 8) dump. ## this should be anException
(thisContext basicAt: 9) dump. ## this should be anExceptionBlock
(thisContext basicAt: 10) dump. ## this should be handlerActive
^self value.
#method on: exc1 do: blk1 on: exc2 do: blk2
^self value.
#method ensure: aBlock
## TODO: ensure that the ensured block is executed after exception handler...
| v |
self.ensure_block := aBlock.
v := self on: Exception do: [:ex |
aBlock value.
ex pass
aBlock value.
#method ifCurtailed: aBlock
^self on: Exception do: [:ex | aBlock value. ex pass ]
#method unwindTo: aContext return: anObject
## private: called by VM upon unwinding
| ctx eb |
ctx := self.
[ctx ~~ aContext] whileTrue: [
eb := ctx ensureBlock.
(eb notNil) ifTrue: [eb value].
ctx := ctx sender.
eb := ctx ensureBlock.
(eb notNil) ifTrue: [eb value].
## TODO: is it better to inherit from Object???
## or treat Exception specially like UndefinedObject or Class???
#extend Exception
#method(#class) signal
self new signal
#method(#class) signal: text
self new signal: text
#method messageText
#method signal
self.signalContext := thisContext.
self findHandlerContextStartingFrom: self.signalContext.
self handleException.
#method signal: text
self.messageText := text.
self signal.
#method pass
## pass the exception to the outer context
self.signalContext notNil
ifTrue: [ ## it's signaled earlier
## TODO: Should i change the signalContex to thisContext???
self findHandlerContextStartingFrom: (self.handlerContext sender).
self handleException.
#method return: value
self.handlerContext notNil ifTrue: [
Processor return: value to: (self.handlerContext sender)
#method retry
## TODO: verify if return:to: causes unnecessary stack growth.
self.handlerContext notNil
ifTrue: [
## TODO: should i reset self.handlerContext and self.signalContext to nil?
self.handlerContext pc: 0.
Processor return: self to: self.handlerContext.
##Processor forceContext: self.handlerContext.
#method resume
## TODO: verify if return:to: causes unnecessary stack growth.
## is this correct???
self.signalContext notNil
ifTrue: [
## TODO: should i reset self.handlerContext and self.signalContext to nil?
Processor return: self to: (self.signalContext sender).
## #################################################################### ## ####################################################################
#method handleException
self.handlerContext notNil
ifTrue: [
##'RETURNING TO....' dump.
##self.handlerContext dump.
##self.handlerContext sender dump.
##' ............' dump.
## arrange to execute the hander block after having returned
## to the sender of the exception handler context.
## if handler block is evaluated before returning, an
## exception raised in the handler block causes a kind of
## a recursive call to here.
##Processor return: (self.handlerBlock value: self) to: (self.handlerContext sender)
## so use a different primitive method that evaluate the block
## after having returned to the given context.
Processor returnTo: (self.handlerContext sender) andEval: (self.handlerBlock) with: self.
ifFalse: [
('### EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED #### ', self class name, ' - ', self messageText) dump.
## TODO: debug the current process???? "
Processor activeProcess terminate.
#method findHandlerContextStartingFrom: aContext
## Find exception handling context starting from a given context
| ctx |
ctx := aContext.
[ ctx notNil ] whileTrue: [
##ctx dump.
##(ctx handles: self) ifTrue: [ ^ ctx ].
(ctx isExceptionHandlerContext) ifTrue: [
| blk |
blk := ctx findExceptionHandlerBlock: (self class).
(blk notNil) ifTrue: [
self.handlerBlock := blk.
self.handlerContext := ctx.
##'-------------' dump.
ctx := ctx sender
##'-------------' dump.
## no handler is found
self.handlerBlock := nil.
self.handlerContext := nil.
#class NoSuchMessageException(Exception)
#class PrimitiveFailureException(Exception)
#extend Apex
#method(#class) primitiveFailed
## TODO: implement this
## experimental backtrace...
| ctx |
ctx := thisContext.
[ctx notNil] whileTrue: [
(ctx class == MethodContext)
ifTrue: [ (ctx method owner name, '>>', ctx method name) dump ].
## TODO: include blockcontext???
ctx := ctx sender.
'------ END OF BACKTRACE -----------' dump.
PrimitiveFailureException signal: 'PRIMITIVE FAILED'.
#method(#class) cannotInstantiate
Exception signal: 'Cannot instantiate'.
#method(#class) doesNotUnderstand: messageSymbol
## TODO: implement this properly
NoSuchMessageException signal: (messageSymbol, ' not understood by ', (self name)).