705 lines
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class Collection(Object)
method isEmpty
^self size <= 0
method notEmpty
^self size > 0
method size
(* Each subclass must override this method because
* it interates over the all elements for counting *)
| count |
count := 0.
self do: [ :el | count := count + 1 ].
method do: block
^self subclassResponsibility: #do
method detect: block
self do: [ :el | if (block value: el) { ^el } ].
method detect: block ifNone: exception_block
self do: [ :el | if (block value: el) { ^el } ].
^exception_block value.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class(#pointer) Array(Collection)
method size
^self basicSize
method at: anInteger
^self basicAt: anInteger.
method at: anInteger put: aValue
^self basicAt: anInteger put: aValue.
method first
^self at: 0.
method last
^self at: (self basicSize - 1).
method do: aBlock
0 priorTo: (self basicSize) do: [:i | aBlock value: (self at: i)].
method copy: anArray
0 priorTo: (anArray basicSize) do: [:i | self at: i put: (anArray at: i) ].
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class(#character) String(Array)
method & string
(* TOOD: make this a primitive for performance. *)
(* concatenate two strings. *)
| newsize newstr cursize appsize |
cursize := self basicSize.
appsize := string basicSize.
newsize := cursize + appsize.
(*newstr := self class basicNew: newsize.*)
newstr := String basicNew: newsize.
0 priorTo: cursize do: [:i | newstr at: i put: (self at: i) ].
0 priorTo: appsize do: [:i | newstr at: (i + cursize) put: (string at: i) ].
method asString
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class(#character) Symbol(String)
method asString
(* TODO: make this a primitive for performance *)
(* convert a symbol to a string *)
| size str i |
size := self basicSize.
str := String basicNew: size.
##0 priorTo: size do: [:i | str at: i put: (self at: i) ].
i := 0.
while (i < size)
str at: i put: (self at: i).
i := i + 1
method = anObject
(* for a symbol, equality check is the same as the identity check *)
<primitive: #_identical>
self primitiveFailed.
method ~= anObject
(* for a symbol, equality check is the same as the identity check *)
<primitive: #_not_identical>
^(self == anObject) not.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class(#byte) ByteArray(Collection)
method at: anInteger
^self basicAt: anInteger.
method at: anInteger put: aValue
^self basicAt: anInteger put: aValue.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Set(Collection)
dcl tally bucket.
method(#class) new: size
^self new initialize: size.
method initialize
^self initialize: 128. (* TODO: default initial size *)
method initialize: size
if (size <= 0) { size := 2 }.
self.tally := 0.
self.bucket := Array new: size.
method size
method __make_expanded_bucket: bs
| newbuc newsz ass index |
(* expand the bucket *)
newsz := bs + 128. (* TODO: keep this growth policy in sync with VM(dic.c) *)
newbuc := Array new: newsz.
0 priorTo: bs do: [:i |
ass := self.bucket at: i.
if (ass notNil)
index := (ass key hash) rem: newsz.
while ((newbuc at: index) notNil) { index := (index + 1) rem: newsz }.
newbuc at: index put: ass
method __find: key or_upsert: upsert with: value
| hv ass bs index ntally |
bs := self.bucket size.
hv := key hash.
index := hv rem: bs.
while ((ass := self.bucket at: index) notNil)
if (key = ass key)
(* found *)
if (upsert) { ass value: value }.
index := (index + 1) rem: bs.
##upsert ifFalse: [^ErrorCode.NOENT].
if (upsert) {} else { ^Error.Code.ENOENT }.
ntally := self.tally + 1.
if (ntally >= bs)
self.bucket := self __make_expanded_bucket: bs.
bs := self.bucket size.
index := hv rem: bs.
while ((self.bucket at: index) notNil) { index := (index + 1) rem: bs }.
ass := Association key: key value: value.
self.tally := ntally.
self.bucket at: index put: ass.
method at: key
| ass |
ass := self __find: key or_upsert: false with: nil.
if (ass isError) { ^ass }.
^ass value
method at: key ifAbsent: error_block
| ass |
ass := self __find: key or_upsert: false with: nil.
if (ass isError) { ^error_block value }.
^ass value
method associationAt: assoc
^self __find: (assoc key) or_upsert: false with: nil.
method associationAt: assoc ifAbsent: error_block
| ass |
ass := self __find: (assoc key) or_upsert: false with: nil.
if (ass isError) { ^error_block value }.
method at: key put: value
(* returns the affected/inserted association *)
^self __find: key or_upsert: true with: value.
method includesKey: key
| ass |
ass := self __find: key or_upsert: false with: nil.
^ass notError
method includesAssociation: assoc
| ass |
ass := self __find: (assoc key) or_upsert: false with: nil.
^ass = assoc.
method includesKey: key value: value
| ass |
ass := self __find: key or_upsert: false with: nil.
^ass key = key and: [ass value = value]
method __find_index: key
| bs ass index |
bs := self.bucket size.
index := (key hash) rem: bs.
while ((ass := self.bucket at: index) notNil)
if (key = ass key) { ^index }.
index := (index + 1) rem: bs.
method __remove_at: index
| bs x y i v ass z |
bs := self.bucket size.
v := self.bucket at: index.
x := index.
y := index.
i := 0.
while (i < self.tally)
y := (y + 1) rem: bs.
ass := self.bucket at: y.
if (ass isNil) { (* done. the slot at the current index is nil *) break }.
(* get the natural hash index *)
z := (ass key hash) rem: bs.
(* move an element if necessary *)
if ((y > x and: [(z <= x) or: [z > y]]) or: [(y < x) and: [(z <= x) and: [z > y]]])
self.bucket at: x put: (self.bucket at: y).
x := y.
i := i + 1.
self.bucket at: x put: nil.
self.tally := self.tally - 1.
(* return the affected association *)
method removeKey: key
| index |
index := self __find_index: key.
if (index isError) { ^index }.
^self __remove_at: index.
method removeKey: key ifAbsent: error_block
| index |
index := self __find_index: key.
if (index isError) { ^error_block value }.
^self __remove_at: index.
method removeAllKeys
(* remove all items from a dictionary *)
| bs |
bs := self.bucket size.
0 priorTo: bs do: [:i | self.bucket at: i put: nil ].
self.tally := 0
(* TODO: ... keys is an array of keys.
method removeAllKeys: keys
self notImplemented: #removeAllKeys:
method remove: assoc
^self removeKey: (assoc key)
method remove: assoc ifAbsent: error_block
^self removeKey: (assoc key) ifAbsent: error_block
method do: block
| bs |
bs := self.bucket size.
0 priorTo: bs by: 1 do: [:i |
| ass |
if ((ass := self.bucket at: i) notNil) { block value: ass value }.
method keysDo: block
| bs |
bs := self.bucket size.
0 priorTo: bs by: 1 do: [:i |
| ass |
if ((ass := self.bucket at: i) notNil) { block value: ass key }.
method keysAndValuesDo: block
| bs |
bs := self.bucket size.
0 priorTo: bs by: 1 do: [:i |
| ass |
if ((ass := self.bucket at: i) notNil) { block value: ass key value: ass value }.
class SymbolSet(Set)
class Dictionary(Set)
(* [NOTE]
* VM require Dictionary to implement new: and __put_assoc
* for the dictionary expression notation - :{ }
## TODO: implement Dictionary as a Hashed List/Table or Red-Black Tree
## Do not inherit Set upon reimplementation
method(#class) new: size
^super new: (size + 10).
(* put_assoc: is called internally by VM to add an association
* to a dictionary with the dictionary/association expression notation
* like this:
* :{ 1 -> 20, #moo -> 999 }
* it must return self for the way VM works.
method put_assoc: assoc
| hv ass bs index ntally key |
key := assoc key.
bs := self.bucket size.
hv := key hash.
index := hv rem: bs.
(* as long as 'assoc' supports the message 'key' and 'value'
* this dictionary should work. there is no explicit check
* on this protocol of key and value. *)
while ((ass := self.bucket at: index) notNil)
if (key = ass key)
(* found *)
self.bucket at: index put: assoc.
^self. ## it must return self for the instructions generated by the compiler.
index := (index + 1) rem: bs.
(* not found *)
ntally := self.tally + 1.
if (ntally >= bs)
self.bucket := self __make_expanded_bucket: bs.
bs := self.bucket size.
index := hv rem: bs.
while ((self.bucket at: index) notNil) { index := (index + 1) rem: bs }.
self.tally := ntally.
self.bucket at: index put: assoc.
(* it must return self for the instructions generated by the compiler.
* otherwise, VM will break. *)
class SystemDictionary(Set)
method at: key
if (key class ~= Symbol) { InvalidArgumentException signal: 'key is not a symbol' }.
^super at: key.
method at: key put: value
if (key class ~= Symbol) { InvalidArgumentException signal: 'key is not a symbol' }.
^super at: key put: value
class Namespace(Set)
class PoolDictionary(Set)
class MethodDictionary(Dictionary)
extend Apex
## -------------------------------------------------------
## Association has been defined now. let's add association
## creating methods
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#class) -> object
^Association new key: self value: object
method -> object
^Association new key: self value: object
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Link(Object)
dcl prev next value.
method(#class) new: value
| x |
x := self new.
x value: value.
method prev { ^self.prev }
method next { ^self.next }
method value { ^self.value }
method prev: link { self.prev := link }
method next: link { self.next := link }
method value: value { self.value := value }
class LinkedList(Collection)
dcl first last tally.
method initialize
self.tally := 0.
method size
method first
method last
method insertLink: link at: pos
if (pos isNil)
(* add link at the back *)
if (self.tally == 0)
self.first := link.
self.last := link.
link prev: nil.
link prev: self.last.
self.last next: link.
self.last := link.
link next: nil.
(* insert the link before pos *)
link next: pos.
link prev: pos prev.
if (pos prev notNil) { pos prev next: link }
else { self.first := link }.
pos prev: link
self.tally := self.tally + 1.
method insert: value at: pos
^self insertLink: (Link new: value) at: pos
method addFirst: value
^self insert: value at: self.first
method addLast: value
^self insert: value at: nil
method addFirstLink: link
^self insertLink: link at: self.first
method addLastLink: link
^self insertLink: link at: nil
method removeLink: link
if (link next notNil) { link next prev: link prev }
else { self.last := link prev }.
if (link prev notNil) { link prev next: link next }
else { self.first := link next }.
self.tally := self.tally - 1.
method removeFirstLink
^self removeLink: self.first
method removeLastLink
^self removeLink: self.last
method do: block
| link next |
link := self.first.
while (link notNil)
next := link next.
block value: link value.
link := next.
method doOverLink: block
| link next |
link := self.first.
while (link notNil)
next := link next.
block value: link.
link := next.
method findLink: value
self doOverLink: [:el | if (el value = value) { ^el }].