887 lines
19 KiB
887 lines
19 KiB
#include "Moo.moo".
interface X11able
method(#dual) abc.
method(#dual,#liberal) def(x, y).
interface X11able2
method(#dual) abc2.
method(#dual) def.
interface X11able3
method(#dual) class.
class QQQ(Object)
extend QQQ [X11able]
method(#dual) abc { ^nil }
method(#dual,#liberal) def(x, z) { ^nil }
class X11(Object) [X11able,selfns.X11able3] from "x11"
// =====================================================================
// this part of the class must match the internal
// definition struct x11_t defined in _x11.h
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
var display_base := nil.
// =====================================================================
var shell_container := nil.
var window_registry. // all windows registered
var event_loop_sem, event_loop_proc.
var llevent_blocks.
var event_loop_exit_req := false.
method(#dual) abc { ^nil }
method(#dual,#liberal) def(x, z) { ^nil }
//#method(#dual) abc3 { ^nil }
interface X11able3
method(#dual) abc55.
class Exception(System.Exception)
class Point(Object)
var(#get,#set) x := 0, y := 0.
class Dimension(Object)
var(#get,#set) width := 0, height := 0.
class Rectangle(Object)
x := 0,
y := 0,
width := 0,
height := 0.
extend Point
method print
x dump.
y dump.
TODO: TODO: compiler enhancement
class X11(Object)
class Rectangl(Object)
class XRect(X11.X11.Rectangl) -> X11 in X11.Rectangl is not the inner X11. as long as a period is found, the search begins at top.
----> should i support soemthign like ::X11.Rectangle and X11.Rectangle? ::X11.Rectangle alwasy from the top???
-----> or .X11.Rectangle -> to start search from the current name space???
method(#primitive,#liberal) _open_display(name).
method(#primitive) _close_display.
method(#primitive) _get_fd.
method(#primitive) _get_llevent(llevent).
method(#primitive) _create_window(parent_window_handle, x, y, width, height, fgcolor, bgcolor).
method(#primitive) _destroy_window(window_handle).
method(#primitive) _create_gc (window_handle).
method(#primitive) _destroy_gc (gc). // note this one accepts a GC object.
method(#primitive) _apply_gc (gc). // note this one accepts a GC object, not a GC handle.
method(#primitive) _draw_rectangle(window_handle, gc_handle, x, y, width, height).
method(#primitive) _fill_rectangle(window_handle, gc_handle, x, y, width, height).
method(#primitive) _draw_string(gc, x, y, string).
method __create_window(parent_window_handle, x, y, width, height, fgcolor, bgcolor, owner)
| w |
w := self _create_window(parent_window_handle, x, y, width, height, fgcolor, bgcolor).
if (w notError) { self.window_registry at: w put: owner }.
method __destroy_window(window_handle)
| w |
//#('DESTROY ' & window_handle asString) dump.
w := self _destroy_window(window_handle).
if (w notError) { self.window_registry removeKey: window_handle }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pooldic X11.LLEventType
EXPOSE := 12,
SHELL_CLOSE := 65537
class X11.LLEvent(Object)
var(#get) type := 0, window := 0, x := 0, y := 0, width := 0, height := 0.
class X11.Event(Object)
class X11.KeyEvent(X11.Event)
pooldic X11.MouseButton
LEFT := 1,
MIDDLE := 2,
RIGHT := 3
class X11.MouseEvent(X11.Event)
x := 0,
y := 0,
button := 0. // X11.MouseButton
class X11.MouseWheelEvent(X11.Event)
x := 0,
y := 0,
amount := 0.
class X11.ExposeEvent(X11.Event)
x := 0,
y := 0,
width := 0,
height := 0.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// X11 Context
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
pooldic X11.GCLineStyle
SOLID := 0,
pooldic X11.GCFillStyle
SOLID := 0,
TILED := 1,
class X11.GC(Object)
// note these fields must match the x11_gc_t structure defined in _x11.h
var(#get) widget := nil, gcHandle := nil.
foreground := 0,
background := 1,
lineWidth := 1,
lineStyle := X11.GCLineStyle.SOLID,
fillStyle := X11.GCFillStyle.SOLID,
fontName := nil.
var fontPtr := nil.
var fontSet := nil.
method(#class) new
self messageProhibited: #new.
method(#class) new: widget
^(super new) __make_gc_on: widget
method __make_gc_on: widget
| gc |
widget displayServer dump.
widget windowHandle dump.
gc := widget displayServer _create_gc (widget windowHandle).
if (gc isError) { selfns.Exception signal: "Cannot create a graphics context" }.
self.gcHandle := gc.
self.widget := widget.
method drawRectangle(x, y, width, height)
^self.widget displayServer _draw_rectangle (self.widget windowHandle, self.gcHandle, x, y, width, height).
method fillRectangle(x, y, width, height)
^self.widget displayServer _fill_rectangle (self.widget windowHandle, self.gcHandle, x, y, width, height).
method drawString(x, y, string)
^self.widget displayServer _draw_string (self, x, y, string).
method dispose
if (self.gcHandle notNil)
self.widget displayServer _destroy_gc(self).
self.gcHandle := nil.
method apply
if (self.gcHandle notNil)
if (self.widget displayServer _apply_gc (self) isError)
X11.Exception signal: "Cannot apply GC settings"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// X11 Widgets
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class X11.Widget(Object)
var(#get) windowHandle := nil.
parent := nil,
x := 0,
y := 0,
width := 0,
height := 0,
fgcolor := 16r1188FF,
bgcolor := 0,
realized := false.
method displayServer
if (self.parent isNil) { ^nil }.
^self.parent displayServer.
method parentWindowHandle
if (self.parent isNil) { ^nil }.
^self.parent windowHandle.
method realize
| disp wind |
if (self.windowHandle notNil) { ^self }.
disp := self displayServer.
if (disp isNil)
X11.Exception signal: "Cannot realize a widget not added to a display server"
wind := disp __create_window(self parentWindowHandle, self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, self.fgcolor, self.bgcolor, self).
if (wind isError)
self.Exception signal: "Cannot create widget window".
self.windowHandle := wind.
method dispose
| disp |
'Widget dispose XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' dump.
disp := self displayServer.
if (disp notNil)
if (self.windowHandle notNil)
disp __destroy_window (self.windowHandle).
self.windowHandle := nil.
method onPaintEvent: paint_event
method onMouseButtonEvent: event
method onKeyEvent: event
method onCloseEvent
class X11.Label(X11.Widget)
var(#get) text := ''.
method text: text
self.text := text.
if (self windowHandle notNil) { self onPaintEvent: nil }
method realize
super realize.
method dispose
'Label dispose XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' dump.
super dispose.
method onPaintEvent: paint_event
| gc |
gc := selfns.GC new: self.
gc foreground: self.bgcolor;
fontName: '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-ko-18-120-100-100-c-180-iso10646-1';
gc fillRectangle (0, 0, self.width, self.height).
gc foreground: self.fgcolor; apply.
gc drawRectangle (0, 0, self.width - 1, self.height - 1).
gc drawString(10, 10, self.text).
] ensure: [ gc dispose ]
class X11.Button(X11.Label)
method onMouseButtonEvent: llevent
| type x |
type := llevent type.
if (type == X11.LLEventType.BUTTON_PRESS)
x := self.fgcolor.
self.fgcolor := self.bgcolor.
self.bgcolor := x.
self onPaintEvent: llevent.
elif (type == X11.LLEventType.BUTTON_RELEASE)
x := self.fgcolor.
self.fgcolor := self.bgcolor.
self.bgcolor := x.
self onPaintEvent: llevent.
class X11.Composite(X11.Widget)
var children.
method initialize
self.children := LinkedList new.
method add: widget
if (widget parent notNil)
selfns.Exception signal: "Cannot add an already added widget".
self.children addLast: widget.
widget parent: self.
method remove: widget
| link |
// see the dispose: function about the following condition checks
// commented out
//if (widget parent notNil)
// if (widget parent ~~ self)
// {
// selfns.Exception signal: "Cannot remove an unknown widget"
// }.
link := self.children findIdenticalLink: widget.
self.children removeLink: link.
widget parent: nil.
method childrenCount
^self.children size
method realize
super realize.
self.children do: [:child | child realize ].
] on: System.Exception do: [:ex |
self dispose.
ex pass
method dispose
self.children do: [:child |
child dispose.
// some children(e.g. Shell) may remove itself from the parent.
// after disposal, the parent is reset to nil. so make a check
// before calling the removal method.
// if the check is made here, the remove: method doesn't need
// to check if the child is valid. see the lines commented out
// in the method.
if (child parent == self) { self remove: child }.
super dispose.
method onPaintEvent: event
super onPaintEvent: event.
self.children do: [:child |
// TODO: adjust event relative to each child...
child onPaintEvent: event.
class X11.Shell(X11.Composite)
var(#get) title := ''.
var(#get,#set) displayServer := nil.
method new: title
self.title := title.
//// TODO:
//// redefine x:, y:, width:, height: to return actual geometry values...
method title: title
self.title := title.
if (self.windowHandle notNil)
// set window title of this window.
method realize
super realize.
method dispose
'Shell dispose XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' dump.
super dispose.
self.displayServer removeShell: self.
method onCloseEvent
'ON CLOSE EVENT .............' dump.
self dispose.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// X11 server
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
extend X11
method(#class) new
^(super new) __connect_to: nil.
method __connect_to: name
if (self _open_display(name) isError)
self.Exception signal: 'cannot open display'
self.display_base dump.
method isConnected
^self.display_base notNil
method dispose
if (self.shell_container notNil)
self.shell_container dispose.
self.shell_container := nil.
if (self.display_base notNil)
self _close_display.
self.display_base := nil.
method initialize
super initialize.
self.shell_container := self.Composite new.
self.window_registry := System.Dictionary new: 100.
self.llevent_blocks := System.Dictionary new.
at: self.LLEventType.KEY_PRESS put: #__handle_key_event:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.KEY_RELEASE put: #__handle_key_event:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.BUTTON_PRESS put: #__handle_button_event:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.BUTTON_RELEASE put: #__handle_button_event:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.MOTION_NOTIFY put: #__handle_notify:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.ENTER_NOTIFY put: #__handle_notify:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.LEAVE_NOTIFY put: #__handle_notify:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.EXPOSE put: #__handle_expose:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.DESTROY_NOTIFY put: #__handle_destroy_notify:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.CONFIGURE_NOTIFY put: #__handle_configure_notify:on:;
at: self.LLEventType.CLIENT_MESSAGE put: #__handle_client_message:on:.
self.llevent_blocks := ##{
self.LLEventType.KEY_PRESS -> #__handle_key_event:on:,
self.LLEventType.KEY_RELEASE -> #__handle_key_event:on:,
self.LLEventType.BUTTON_PRESS -> #__handle_button_event:on:,
self.LLEventType.BUTTON_RELEASE -> #__handle_button_event:on:,
self.LLEventType.MOTION_NOTIFY -> #__handle_notify:on:,
self.LLEventType.ENTER_NOTIFY -> #__handle_notify:on:,
self.LLEventType.LEAVE_NOTIFY -> #__handle_notify:on:,
self.LLEventType.EXPOSE -> #__handle_expose:on:,
self.LLEventType.DESTROY_NOTIFY -> #__handle_destroy_notify:on:,
self.LLEventType.CONFIGURE_NOTIFY -> #__handle_configure_notify:on:,
self.LLEventType.CLIENT_MESSAGE -> #__handle_client_message:on:,
self.LLEventType.SHELL_CLOSE -> #__handle_shell_close:on:
method addShell: shell
if (shell displayServer isNil)
self.shell_container add: shell.
shell displayServer: self.
method removeShell: shell
if (shell displayServer notNil)
self.shell_container remove: shell.
shell displayServer: nil.
method enterEventLoop
if (self.event_loop_sem isNil)
self.event_loop_sem := Semaphore new.
self.event_loop_sem signalOnInput: (self _get_fd).
self.event_loop_proc := [
| llevtbuf llevent |
self.event_loop_exit_req := false.
llevtbuf := X11.LLEvent new.
while (self.shell_container childrenCount > 0)
'Waiting for X11 event...' dump.
if (self.event_loop_exit_req) { break }.
self.event_loop_sem wait.
if (self.event_loop_exit_req) { break }.
while ((llevent := self _get_llevent(llevtbuf)) notNil)
if (llevent isError)
//System logNl: ('Error while getting a event from server ' & self.cid asString).
self.event_loop_exit_req := true.
self __dispatch_llevent: llevent.
] ensure: [
//self.event_loop_sem signal. // in case the process is suspended in self.event_loop_sem wait.
self.event_loop_sem unsignal.
self.event_loop_sem := nil.
self.event_loop_proc := nil.
[ self dispose ] on: Exception do: [:ex | ("WARNING: dispose failure...." & ex messageText) dump ].
] newProcess.
self.event_loop_proc resume.
// TOOD: exitEventLoop to terminate the whole process by force or
// requestToExit to signal process after having set a flag?
// what is better?
method exitEventLoop
if (self.event_loop_sem notNil)
// TODO: handle race-condition with the part maked 'LOOK HERE FOR RACE CONDITION'
self.event_loop_proc terminate.
self.event_loop_proc := nil.
self.event_loop_sem := nil.
method requestToExit
self.event_loop_exit_req := true.
if (self.event_loop_sem notNil) { self.event_loop_sem signal }.
method __dispatch_llevent: llevent
| widget mthname |
widget := self.window_registry at: llevent window ifAbsent: [
System logNl: 'Event on unknown widget - ' & (llevent window asString).
mthname := self.llevent_blocks at: llevent type ifAbsent: [
System logNl: 'Unknown event type ' & (llevent type asString).
^self perform(mthname, llevent, widget).
method __handle_notify: llevent on: widget
method __handle_expose: llevent on: widget
widget onPaintEvent: llevent
method __handle_button_event: llevent on: widget
widget onMouseButtonEvent: llevent
method __handle_destroy_notify: event on: widget
method __handle_configure_notify: event on: widget
widget onPaintEvent: event.
method __handle_client_message: event on: widget
widget close: event.
method __handle_key_event: llevent on: widget
widget onKeyEvent: llevent
method __handle_shell_close: llevent on: widget
widget onCloseEvent.
class Fx(Object)
var(#class) X := 20.
var x.
method initialize
self.X := self.X + 1.
self.x := self.X.
self addToBeFinalized.
method finalize
System logNl: ('Greate... FX instance finalized' & self.x asString).
class MyObject(Object)
var disp1, disp2, shell1, shell2, shell3.
var on_sig.
method initialize
self.on_sig := [:sig |
self.disp1 requestToExit.
self.disp2 requestToExit.
method main1
| comp1 |
self.disp1 := X11 new.
self.disp2 := X11 new.
shell1 := (X11.Shell new title: 'Shell 1').
shell2 := (X11.Shell new title: 'Shell 2').
shell3 := (X11.Shell new title: 'Shell 3').
shell1 x: 10; y: 20; width: 500; height: 500.
shell2 x: 200; y: 200; width: 200; height: 200.
shell3 x: 500; y: 200; width: 200; height: 200.
self.disp1 addShell: shell1.
self.disp1 addShell: shell2.
self.disp2 addShell: shell3.
comp1 := X11.Composite new x: 10; y: 10; width: 400; height: 500.
self.shell1 add: comp1.
comp1 add: (X11.Label new text: '간다'; width: 100; height: 100).
//comp1 add: (X11.Label new text: 'Going'; width: 100; height: 100).
comp1 add: (X11.Label new text: 'crayon'; x: 90; y: 90; width: 100; height: 100).
// self.shell1 add: (X11.Label new text: 'xxxxxxxx'; width: 100; height: 100).
self.shell1 add: (X11.Button new text: '크레용crayon'; x: 90; y: 90; width: 100; height: 100).
//self.shell1 add: (X11.Button new text: 'CRAYON crayon'; x: 90; y: 90; width: 100; height: 100).
self.shell2 add: (X11.Button new text: 'crayon'; x: 90; y: 90; width: 100; height: 100).
self.shell3 add: (X11.Button new text: 'crayon'; x: 90; y: 90; width: 100; height: 100).
self.shell1 realize.
self.shell2 realize.
self.shell3 realize.
System installSignalHandler: self.on_sig.
self.disp1 enterEventLoop. // this is not a blocking call. it spawns another process.
self.disp2 enterEventLoop.
comp1 := Fx new.
Fx new.
comp1 := Fx new.
Fx new.
while (self.disp1 isConnected or self.disp2 isConnected) { System sleepForSecs: 1 }.
method exitEventLoops
if (self.disp2 notNil) { self.disp2 exitEventLoop }.
if (self.disp1 notNil) { self.disp1 exitEventLoop }.
method(#class) main
// this method returns immediately while having forked two processes with X11 event loops.
^self new main1