391 lines
5.2 KiB
391 lines
5.2 KiB
#class Stix(nil)
#dcl(#class) sysdic.
#method(#class) yourself
#method yourself
#method(#class) dump
<primitive: 0>
#method dump
<primitive: 0>
#method(#class) new
<primitive: 1>
#method(#class) new: anInteger
<primitive: 2>
#method basicSize
<primitive: 3>
#method basicAt: anInteger
<primitive: 4>
## self error: 'out of range'.
#method basicAt: anInteger put: anObject
<primitive: 5>
## self error: 'out of range'.
#method badReturnError
## TODO: implement this
#method mustBeBoolean
## TODO: implement this
#method doesNotUnderstand: aMessageSymbol
## TODO: implement this
#method error: anErrorString
anErrorString dump.
#class Object(Stix)
#class NilObject(Stix)
#class(#pointer) Class(Stix)
#dcl spec selfspec superclass subclasses name instvars classvars classinstvars instmthdic classmthdic.
#class Magnitude(Object)
#class Association(Magnitude)
#dcl key value.
#class Character(Magnitude)
#class Number(Magnitude)
#method add: aNumber
<primitive: 7>
#method + aNumber
<primitive: 7>
#method - aNumber
<primitive: 8>
#method * aNumber
<primitive: 8>
#method = aNumber
<primitive: 10>
#method < aNumber
<primitive: 11>
#method > aNumber
<primitive: 12>
#class SmallInteger(Number)
#class Boolean(Object)
#class True(Boolean)
#method ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
^trueBlock value.
#method ifTrue: trueBlock
^trueBlock value.
#method ifFalse: falseBlock
#class False(Boolean)
#method ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
^falseBlock value.
#method ifTrue: trueBlock
#method ifFalse: falseBlock
^falseBlock value.
#class Collection(Object)
#class(#byte) ByteArray(Collection)
#method at: anInteger
^self basicAt: anInteger.
#method at: anInteger put: aValue
^self basicAt: anInteger put: aValue.
#class(#pointer) Array(Collection)
#method at: anInteger
^self basicAt: anInteger.
#method at: anInteger put: aValue
^self basicAt: anInteger put: aValue.
#class(#character) String(Array)
#class(#character) Symbol(Array)
#class Set(Collection)
#dcl tally bucket.
#class SymbolSet(Set)
#class Dictionary(Set)
#class SystemDictionary(Dictionary)
#class MethodDictionary(Dictionary)
#class(#pointer) Context(Stix)
#class(#pointer) MethodContext(Context)
#dcl sender ip sp ntmprs method receiver home origin.
#method pc
#method pc: anInteger
ip := anInteger.
"sp := sp - 1." "whould this always work??? "
#method sp
#method sp: anInteger
sp := anInteger.
#method pc: aPC sp: aSP
ip := aPC.
sp := aSP.
##sp := sp - 1.
#class(#pointer) BlockContext(Context)
#dcl caller ip sp ntmprs nargs source home origin.
#method value
<primitive: 6>
#method value: a
<primitive: 6>
#method value: a value: b
<primitive: 6>
#method value: a value: b value: c
<primitive: 6>
#method whileTrue: aBlock
## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2500483/is-there-a-way-in-a-message-only-language-to-define-a-whiletrue-message-without
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ^(self value) ifTrue: [aBlock value. self whileTrue: aBlock].
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## less block context before whileTrue: is recursively sent.
## whileTrue: is sent in a method context.
## (self value) ifFalse: [^nil].
## aBlock value.
## self whileTrue: aBlock.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
| pc sp xsp |
sp := thisContext sp.
sp := sp - 1. "decrement sp by 1 becuase thisContext pushed above affects the sp method"
pc := thisContext pc.
self value ifFalse: [ ^nil "^self" ].
aBlock value.
##thisContext pc: pc - 3 sp: sp.
##thisContext pc: pc + 2 sp: sp.
thisContext pc: pc + 1 sp: sp.
## this +2 or - 3 above is dependent on the byte code instruction size used for 'store'
## +2 to skip STORE_INTO_TEMP(pc) and POP_STACKTOP.
## TODO: make it independent of the byte code size
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## #<label>:
## thisContext pc: #<label> sp: sp.
## | pc |
## pc := thisContext pc.
## ^self value ifTrue: [aBlock value. thisContext pc: pc]
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## self value ifTrue: [ aBlock value. thisContext restart. ].
#method pc
#method pc: anInteger
ip := anInteger.
#method sp
#method sp: anInteger
sp := anInteger.
#method restart
ip := source pc.
#class(#pointer) CompiledMethod(Object)
#dcl owner preamble ntmprs nargs code source.