
388 lines
8.9 KiB

class Apex(nil)
class(#limited) Error(Apex)
pooldic Code
ENOERR := #\E0.
ENOIMPL := #\E2.
ESYSERR := #\E3.
EINTERN := #\E4.
ESYSMEM := #\E5.
EOOMEM := #\E6.
EINVAL := #\E7.
ENOENT := #\E8.
EPERM := #\E12.
ERANGE := #\E20.
ELIMIT := #\E9999.
## add more items...
pooldic Error.Code
ENOERR := #\E0.
ENOIMPL := #\E2.
ESYSERR := #\E3.
EINTERN := #\E4.
ESYSMEM := #\E5.
EOOMEM := #\E6.
EINVAL := #\E7.
ENOENT := #\E8.
EPERM := #\E12.
ERANGE := #\E20.
ELIMIT := #\E9999.
## add more items...
} *)
(*pooldic Error.Code2
>> CAN I SUPPORT this kind of redefnition? as of now, it's not accepted because
>> Error.Code2.EGENERIC is not a literal. Should i treate pooldic members as a constant
>> and treat it as if it's a literal like? then even if the defined value changes,
>> the definition here won't see the change... what is the best way to tackle this issue?
extend Apex
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#dual) dump
<primitive: #_dump>
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#dual) yourself { ^self }
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#class,#primitive,#lenient) _basicNew.
method(#class,#primitive,#lenient) _basicNew: size.
method(#class,#primitive) basicNew.
method(#class,#primitive) basicNew: size.
(* the following definition is almost equivalent to the simpler definition
* method(#class,#primitive) basicNew: size.
* found above.
* in the following defintion, the primitiveFailed method is executed
* from the basicNew: context. but in the simpler definition, it is executed
* in the context of the caller of the basicNew:. the context of the basicNew:
* method is not even created
method(#class) basicNew: size
<primitive: #Apex__basicNew:>
self primitiveFailed(thisContext method)
method(#class) new
| x |
x := self basicNew.
x initialize. ## TODO: assess if it's good to call 'initialize' from new
method(#class) new: anInteger
| x |
x := self basicNew: anInteger.
x initialize. ## TODO: assess if it's good to call 'initialize' from new.
method initialize
(* a subclass may override this method *)
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#dual,#primitive,#lenient) _shallowCopy.
method(#dual,#primitive) shallowCopy.
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#dual,#primitive,#lenient) _basicSize.
method(#dual,#primitive) basicSize.
method(#dual,#primitive) basicAt: index.
method(#dual,#primitive) basicAt: index put: value.
method(#dual,#primitive) basicFillFrom: sindex with: value count: count.
method(#dual,#primitive) basicShiftFrom: sindex to: dindex count: count.
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
method(#dual,#primitive) addToBeFinalized.
method(#dual,#primitive) removeToBeFinalized.
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
method(#dual,#primitive) hash.
method(#dual) hash
<primitive: #Apex_hash>
self subclassResponsibility: #hash
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
## check if the receiver is identical to anObject.
## this doesn't compare the contents
method(#dual, #primitive) == anObject.
method(#dual) ~~ anObject
<primitive: #'Apex_~~'>
^(self == anObject) not.
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
method(#dual) = anObject
<primitive: #'Apex_='>
self subclassResponsibility: #=
method(#dual) ~= anObject
<primitive: #'Apex_~='>
^(self = anObject) not.
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
method(#dual,#primitive) class.
method(#dual) isNil
## ^self == nil.
method(#dual) notNil
## ^(self == nil) not
## ^self ~= nil.
method(#dual) isError
method(#dual) notError
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#class) inheritsFrom: aClass
| c |
c := self superclass.
(* [c notNil] whileTrue: [
[ c == aClass ] ifTrue: [^true].
c := c superclass.
]. *)
while (c notNil)
if (c == aClass) { ^true }.
c := c superclass.
method(#class) isMemberOf: aClass
(* a class object is an instance of Class
* but Class inherits from Apex. On the other hand,
* most of ordinary classes are under Object again under Apex.
* special consideration is required here. *)
^aClass == Class
method isMemberOf: aClass
^self class == aClass
method(#dual) isKindOf: aClass
<primitive: #Apex_isKindOf:>
^(self isMemberOf: aClass) or: [self class inheritsFrom: aClass].
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#dual,#primitive) respondsTo: selector.
## -------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------
method(#dual,#variadic,#primitive) perform(selector).
method(#dual) perform: selector
<primitive: #Apex_perform>
self primitiveFailed
method(#dual) perform: selector with: arg1
<primitive: #Apex_perform>
self primitiveFailed
method(#dual) perform: selector with: arg1 with: arg2
<primitive: #Apex_perform>
self primitiveFailed
method(#dual) perform: selector with: arg1 with: arg2 with: arg3
<primitive: #Apex_perform>
self primitiveFailed
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
method(#dual) error: msgText
(* TODO: implement this
Error signal: msgText. *)
msgText dump.
class Object(Apex)
class UndefinedObject(Apex)
method isNil
method notNil
method handleException: exception
('### EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED #### ' & exception class name & ' - ' & exception messageText) dump.
## TODO: debug the current process???? "
## TODO: ensure to execute ensure blocks as well....
####Processor activeProcess terminate.
extend Error
(* ----------------------------
TODO: support nested pooldic/constant declaration...
NONE := #\e0.
GENERIC := #\e1.
-------------------------------- *)
method isError
method notError
method(#primitive) asCharacter.
method asError { ^self }
method(#primitive) asInteger.
method(#primitive) asString.
method signal
| exctx exblk retval actpos ctx |
exctx := (thisContext sender) findExceptionContext.
while (exctx notNil)
exblk := exctx findExceptionHandlerFor: (self class).
if (exblk notNil and: [actpos := exctx basicSize - 1. exctx basicAt: actpos])
exctx basicAt: actpos put: false.
[ retval := exblk value: self ] ensure: [ exctx basicAt: actpos put: true ].
thisContext unwindTo: (exctx sender) return: nil.
System return: retval to: (exctx sender).
exctx := (exctx sender) findExceptionContext.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## FATAL ERROR - no exception handler.
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##thisContext unwindTo: nil return: nil.
##thisContext unwindTo: (Processor activeProcess initialContext) return: nil.
System logNl: '== BACKTRACE =='.
ctx := thisContext.
while (ctx notNil)
if (ctx class == MethodContext) { System logNl: (' ' & ctx method owner name & '>>' & ctx method name) }.
## TODO: include blockcontext???
ctx := ctx sender.
System logNl: '== END OF BACKTRACE =='.
thisContext unwindTo: (thisProcess initialContext) return: nil.
('### ERROR NOT HANDLED #### ' & self class name & ' - ' & self asString) dump.
## TODO: debug the current process???? "
##Processor activeProcess terminate.
thisProcess terminate.