
426 lines
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class(#pointer,#final,#limited) Process(Object)
var(#get) initialContext, currentContext, id, state.
var sp.
var(#get) ps_prev, ps_next, sem_wait_prev, sem_wait_next.
var sem, perr, perrmsg.
var asyncsg.
method primError { ^self.perr }
method primErrorMessage { ^self.perrmsg }
method(#primitive) sp.
method(#primitive) resume.
method(#primitive) yield.
method(#primitive) suspend.
method(#primitive) _terminate.
method terminate
## search from the top context of the process down to intial_context and find ensure blocks and execute them.
## if a different process calls 'terminate' on a process,
## the ensureblock is not executed in the context of the
## process being terminated, but in the context of terminatig process.
## 1) process termianted by another process
## p := [
## [ 1 to: 10000 by: 1 do: [:ex | System logNl: i asString] ] ensure: [System logNl: 'ensured....']
## ] newProcess.
## p resume.
## p terminate.
## 2) process terminated by itself
## p := [
## [ thisProcess terminate. ] ensure: [System logNl: 'ensured....']
## ] newProcess.
## p resume.
## p terminate.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## the process must be frozen first. while unwinding is performed,
## the process must not be scheduled.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##if (Processor activeProcess ~~ self) { self suspend }.
if (thisProcess ~~ self) { self suspend }.
self.currentContext unwindTo: self.initialContext return: nil.
^self _terminate
method initAsync
if (self.asyncsg isNil) { self.asyncsg := SemaphoreGroup new }.
method addAsyncSemaphore: sem
^self.asyncsg addSemaphore: sem
method removeAsyncSemaphore: sem
^self.asyncsg removeSemaphore: sem
method handleAsyncEvent
^self.asyncsg wait.
class Semaphore(Object)
var waiting_head := nil,
waiting_tail := nil.
var count := 0. ## semaphore signal count
var subtype := nil. ## nil, io, timed
var heapIndex := nil, ## overlaps as ioIndex
fireTimeSec := nil, ## overlaps as ioHandle
fireTimeNsec := nil. ## overlaps as ioType
var(#get,#set) signalAction := nil.
var(#get,#set) _group := nil,
_grm_next := nil,
_grm_prev := nil.
## ==================================================================
method(#primitive) signal.
method(#primitive) _wait.
method wait
| k |
k := self _wait.
if (self.signalAction notNil) { self.signalAction value: self }.
## ==================================================================
method(#primitive) signalAfterSecs: secs.
method(#primitive) signalAfterSecs: secs nanosecs: nanosecs.
method(#primitive) signalOnInput: io_handle.
method(#primitive) signalOnOutput: io_handle.
method(#primitive) signalOnGCFin.
method(#primitive) unsignal.
## ==================================================================
method heapIndex: index
self.heapIndex := index.
method headpIndex
## ------------------------------------------
## TODO: either put fireTimeNsec into implementation of fireTime, and related methods.
## ------------------------------------------
method fireTime
method fireTime: anInteger
self.fireTimeSec := anInteger.
method youngerThan: aSemaphore
^self.fireTimeSec < (aSemaphore fireTime)
method notYoungerThan: aSemaphore
^self.fireTimeSec >= (aSemaphore fireTime)
class Mutex(Semaphore)
method(#class) new
| s |
s := super new.
s signal.
TODO: how to prohibit wait and signal???
method(#prohibited) wait.
method(#prohibited) signal.
method lock { ^super wait }
method unlock { ^super signal }
method critical: block
self wait.
^block ensure: [ self signal ]
class SemaphoreGroup(Object)
## the first two variables must match those of Semaphore.
var waiting_head := nil,
waiting_tail := nil.
var first_sem := nil,
last_sem := nil,
first_sigsem := nil,
last_sigsem := nil,
sem_io_count := 0,
sem_count := 0.
(* TODO: good idea to a shortcut way to prohibit a certain method in the heirarchy chain?
method(#class,#prohibited) new.
method(#class,#prohibited) new: size.
method(#class,#abstract) xxx. => method(#class) xxx { self subclassResponsibility: #xxxx }
method(#class) new { self messageProhibited: #new }
method(#class) new: size { self messageProhibited: #new: }
method(#primitive) addSemaphore: sem.
method(#primitive) removeSemaphore: sem.
method(#primitive) _wait.
method wait
| x |
x := self _wait.
if (x notError)
## TODO: is it better to check if x is an instance of Semaphore/SemaphoreGroup?
if (x signalAction notNil) { x signalAction value: x }.
method waitWithTimeout: seconds
| s r |
## create an internal semaphore for timeout notification.
s := Semaphore new.
self addSemaphore: s.
## arrange the processor to notify upon timeout.
s signalAfterSecs: seconds.
## wait on the semaphore group.
r := self wait.
## if the internal semaphore has been signaled,
## arrange to return nil to indicate timeout.
if (r == s) { r := nil } ## timed out
elsif (r signalAction notNil) { r signalAction value: r }. ## run the signal action block
] ensure: [
## System<<unsignal: doesn't thrown an exception even if the semaphore s is not
## register with System<<signal:afterXXX:. otherwise, i would do like this line
## commented out.
## [ s unsignal ] ensure: [ self removeSemaphore: s ].
s unsignal.
self removeSemaphore: s
class SemaphoreHeap(Object)
var arr, size.
method initialize
self.size := 0.
self.arr := Array new: 100.
method size
method at: anIndex
^self.arr at: anIndex.
method insert: aSemaphore
| index newarr newsize |
index := self.size.
if (index >= (self.arr size))
newsize := (self.arr size) * 2.
newarr := Array new: newsize.
newarr copy: self.arr.
self.arr := newarr.
self.arr at: index put: aSemaphore.
aSemaphore heapIndex: index.
self.size := self.size + 1.
^self siftUp: index
method popTop
| top |
top := self.arr at: 0.
self deleteAt: 0.
method updateAt: anIndex with: aSemaphore
| item |
item := self.arr at: anIndex.
item heapIndex: nil.
self.arr at: anIndex put: aSemaphore.
aSemaphore heapIndex: anIndex.
^if (aSemaphore youngerThan: item) { self siftUp: anIndex } else { self siftDown: anIndex }.
method deleteAt: anIndex
| item xitem |
item := self.arr at: anIndex.
item heapIndex: nil.
self.size := self.size - 1.
if (anIndex == self.size)
## the last item
self.arr at: self.size put: nil.
xitem := self.arr at: self.size.
self.arr at: anIndex put: xitem.
xitem heapIndex: anIndex.
self.arr at: self.size put: nil.
if (xitem youngerThan: item) { self siftUp: anIndex } else { self siftDown: anIndex }.
method parentIndex: anIndex
^(anIndex - 1) quo: 2
method leftChildIndex: anIndex
^(anIndex * 2) + 1.
method rightChildIndex: anIndex
^(anIndex * 2) + 2.
method siftUp: anIndex
| pindex cindex par item |
if (anIndex <= 0) { ^anIndex }.
pindex := anIndex.
item := self.arr at: anIndex.
while (true)
cindex := pindex.
if (pindex <= 0) { break }.
pindex := self parentIndex: cindex.
par := self.arr at: pindex.
if (item notYoungerThan: par) { break }.
## item is younger than the parent.
## move the parent down
self.arr at: cindex put: par.
par heapIndex: cindex.
## place the item as high as it can
self.arr at: cindex put: item.
item heapIndex: cindex.
method siftDown: anIndex
| base capa cindex item
left right younger xitem |
base := self.size quo: 2.
if (anIndex >= base) { ^anIndex }.
cindex := anIndex.
item := self.arr at: cindex.
while (cindex < base)
left := self leftChildIndex: cindex.
right := self rightChildIndex: cindex.
younger := if ((right < self.size) and: [(self.arr at: right) youngerThan: (self.arr at: left)]) { right } else { left }.
xitem := self.arr at: younger.
if (item youngerThan: xitem) { break }.
self.arr at: cindex put: xitem.
xitem heapIndex: cindex.
cindex := younger.
self.arr at: cindex put: item.
item heapIndex: cindex.
class(#final,#limited) ProcessScheduler(Object)
var(#get) active, should_exit := false, total_count := 0.
var(#get) runnable_count := 0.
var runnable_head, runnable_tail.
var(#get) suspended_count := 0.
var suspended_head, suspended_tail.
method activeProcess { ^ }
method resume: aProcess { ^aProcess resume }