167 lines
2.9 KiB
167 lines
2.9 KiB
#class Collection(Object)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#class(#pointer) Array(Collection)
#method size
^self basicSize.
#method ubound
^(self basicSize - 1).
#method at: anInteger
^self basicAt: anInteger.
#method at: anInteger put: aValue
^self basicAt: anInteger put: aValue.
#method first
^self at: 0.
#method last
^self at: (self ubound).
#method do: aBlock
0 to: (self ubound) do: [:i | aBlock value: (self at: i)].
#method copy: anArray
0 to: (anArray ubound) do: [:i | self at: i put: (anArray at: i) ].
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#class(#character) String(Array)
#method , aString
## concatenate two strings.
## TOOD: make this a primitive for performance.
| newsize newstr self_ubound |
newsize := self basicSize + aString basicSize.
##newstr := self class basicNew: newsize.
newstr := String basicNew: newsize. ## TODO: redefine , for symbol... it's a work arouind... symbols are not concatenated to a symbol at this moment.
self_ubound := self ubound.
0 to: self_ubound do: [:i | newstr at: i put: (self at: i) ].
0 to: (aString ubound) do: [:i | newstr at: (i + self_ubound + 1) put: (aString at: i) ].
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#class(#character) Symbol(String)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#class(#byte) ByteArray(Collection)
#method at: anInteger
^self basicAt: anInteger.
#method at: anInteger put: aValue
^self basicAt: anInteger put: aValue.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#class Set(Collection)
#dcl tally bucket.
#class SymbolSet(Set)
#class Dictionary(Set)
#pooldic Log
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## these items must follow defintions in stix.h
## -----------------------------------------------------------
#DEBUG := 1.
#INFO := 2.
#WARN := 4.
#ERROR := 8.
#FATAL := 16.
#class SystemDictionary(Dictionary)
## the following methods may not look suitable to be placed
## inside a system dictionary. but they are here for quick and dirty
## output production from the stix code.
#dcl(#pooldic) Log.
#method log: message level: level
<primitive: #_log>
## do nothing upon logging failure
#method logNl: message level: level
self log: message level: level.
self log: S'\n' level: level.
#method log: message
^self log: message level: Log.INFO.
#method logNl: message
^self logNl: message level: Log.INFO.
#class Namespace(Set)
#class PoolDictionary(Set)
#class MethodDictionary(Dictionary)